Sounds of ships, aircraft and the sound of the old cannon.

The prophecy of Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar are coming.
The chairs of authority  and the rights to confiscate property at will from unsuspecting citizens.Potiphar's wife was a symbol of moral decadence of Egypt that led to imprisonment of Joseph, the handsome man with whom Portiphar's wife lusted him into their royal bed.  
The fate of  Antaonius Marcus and Cleopatra were defined by ancient glories.
The Kurdish child  Ilan and the  migration over the deadly seas marks the end of the chapter of the Arab spring that spewed into civil wars in Syria, Iraq and later to other Arab countries that are not immune to war.
That is the end of life in the bars and pubs whose commanders were the friends of thieves.
It is drowning in the sea or on land of perdition after the premonition of the death spirits arrived in the deserts of the Middle East. Those spirits are called the Dash! or ISIS! Their names are truncated because they are not for peace, but for evil.
Thus, says comrades and friends, let us use the American weapons in advancing our course. Americans are with the Dash! and ISIS! They are hiding behind the Dash! and ISIS!
In their time, the vagina will come along after they finish raping all innocent girls, women and old women.


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