Photo by Scott Rowed








An updated flyer for the 2nd Banff Conference on Plant Metabolism is attached. Please note the complete list of invited plenary speakers, and that the Scientific Organizing Committee will be selecting an additional 36 speakers to deliver short talks based on contributed abstracts.


The deadline for submission of abstracts is April 25, 2010.


The generosity of several external sponsors has recently created the opportunity to support the participation of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the meeting. The conference organizers are please to make available 15 travel bursaries each valued at $500 (CDN). Those interested in applying for a travel award should submit their request to


The town of Banff is located in the heart of the spectacular Canadian Rocky Mountains and, as such, offers unparalleled panoramic views and an opportunity to enjoy a wide range of outdoor recreational activities. Conference participants can share their room at the Banff Centre with guests (spouses and children) free-of-change. Guests need only to purchase meal vouchers. Attendees should also note that they have the option to stay at the Banff Centre before and after the conference at preferred rates. Please see the conference registration link at or contact for more information.

You can also read the attached file.






















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  • thank you PhD Mohd AL-Mansouri
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)