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الصنم الكبير


13453013465?profile=RESIZE_710xالصنم الكبير
الصنم الكبير هو أرث من العيار الثقيل.
خرائط العالم في تغيير مع الزمن القصير والمدى الطويل.
والسياسة في رحاب اليمن اللانبيل.
والحق الفلسطيني يمتد من النهر والى البحر ومن ثم الخليل.
والقدس فيها روائح الايمان وشكل المستطيل.
وحق العودة والبقاء على الارض ليس بالامر المستحيل.
الصنم الكبير خوازيق العم سام وفقدان البوصلة والدليل.
فالعالم المتعددالاقطاب قادم, وهذا خير وعد من الله العزيز الجليل.

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The kingdom of bees and flowers. A life from within the forests, but without roses is boring.
The bees need the flowers and the flowers need the bees to continue reproduction.
Where pollination defines continuity of lives for the bees and plants.
The kingdom has allies to help in reproduction. The wind, an ally of the bee helps the wheat pollinate itself in the entire field.
Battles of land, sky and seas are defined by differential energies. These energies are scientifically called the pressures.
Even humans have demonstrated alliances. Even Solomon's soldiers allied with the ants.
The bees and flowers neither have dictators, nor oppressors.
Unlike darkness, which is dictated by absence of light.
Even rebels riding on horses interact harmoniously.
The straight paths and undulating roads have something in common.
They have two lanes for pedestrians.
The sun, wind, and fire are forms of energy that work in different wavelengths.
The kingdom of bees, swarms of cooperative creatures at work on earth.
The kingdom of bees and the miracles of flowers result in honey, as a sweet reward.

wers neither have dictators, nor oppressors.
Unlike darkness, which is dictated by absence of light.
Even rebels riding on horses interact harmoniously.
The straight paths and undulating roads have something in common.
They have two lanes for pedestrians.
The sun, wind, and fire are forms of energy that work in different wavelengths.
The kingdom of bees, swarms of cooperative creatures at work on earth.
The kingdom of bees and the miracles of flowers result in honey, as a sweet reward.

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مملكة النحل


مملكة النحل
مملكة النحل والحياة وسط الغابات والورود والنخل.
انكسار وانحلال القمح وسط الحقل.
معارك الارض والسماء والبحر.
جنود سليمان وحكاية النمل.
الديكتاتور وزمن القهروظلام الليل.
الثوار وركوب الخيل.
الطريق المستقيم وتحديات الدهر.
الشمس والريح والنار وعذاب ماقبل الاخرة والقبر.
مملكة النحل اسراب العمل التعاوني في السماء ولارض.
مملكة النحل ومعجزات الزهور وجمع العسل.







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A Kingdom Valley:


A Kingdom Valley: An Anthology of Poetry Ambigrams and Political Oratories Paperback – 9 December 2024

A Kingdom Valley In the Valley of Religion, where souls meet bodies. And where the true king waved good and bad with indoctrinated vows. Then the crescent twisted and the cross outstretched pens were broken. There is also the secret of creation and the prophets with the legacies of their ancestors. There is a biography of the Prophet Mohamed and stories of the owners of the grooves. Here is the true king, always confused with the ideas of continuing to build dams. And here, in the Valley of the sovereignty where there are pastures, where wheat grown and harvested in the fields, and what is in it.













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بطاقة تعارف الدكتور محمد توفيق المنصوري
مؤلف كتاب الارهاب المصدر والاصل: ابيغرامات شعرية والخطاب السياسي
Terrorism, the Origin and the Sources: An Anthology of Poetry Ambigrams and Political Oratories
صادر عن مؤسسة ترافورد الامريكية للطباعة والنشر ومتوفر في الشبتر وعلى الامازون دوت كم.
الكتاب الثاني بعنوان الطاقة و البئية الزراعية
Energy and Agricultural Environment
صادر عن بيكو الكندية للطباعة والنشر. الكتابان باللغة الانجليزية
الكتاب الثالث وصايا الديك والبحر
The Recommendations of the Rooster and the sea
صادر عن استراتون الامريكية للطباعة والنشر
د .محمد توفيق المنصوري : مدون موقع أضواء أوتاوا و كاتب الهايد بارك

( Hyde Park ) لصحيفة عرب تيمز الأمريكية
د. محمد توفيق المنصوري: كاتب وأكاديمي وباحث كندي من أصل عربي (اليمن ) حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في مجال الاقتصاد والعلوم الزراعية.

له أبحاث عديدة متخصصة في مجاله وكذلك في مجال الفكر والأدب نشرت في مجلات عربية وعالمية باللغة العربية والانجليزية والبولندية.
حاصل على جوائز عديدة أخرها "جائزة الوشاح التقديرية للشعراء ذائعي الصيت لعام 2008م من المكتبة العالمية الأمريكية للشعر
ديوانه قبل الاخير زهرة في المنفى A flower in exile صادر عن استراتون الامريكية للطباعة والنشر.
ديوانه الاخير- وادي الملك

A Kingdom Valley عن ترافورد الامريكية للطباعة والنشر.





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هذا غلاف ديواني الجديد والكتاب الخامس (وادي الملك). عن ترافورد الامريكية للطباعة والنشر. الكتاب باللغة الانجليزية ويحتوي على مئة قصيدة في الادب السياسي العالمي. قريباً في المكتبات وفي امزون اونلاين.



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Biography of M.T. Al-Mansouri, Ph.D.



M.T. Al-Mansouri is a Canadian Arab poet and writer, born in Yemen on June 10th,1963.

He attended Elementary  and Secondary Schools in Yemen and in Egypt. He served in the Yemeni Army for one year. After high school he furthered his education by obtaining a scholarship for Agricultural studies in Poland.

In Poland he achieved bachelor, master and Ph.D. degrees, which were recognised by the universities in Canada.  

He worked for the University of Qatar in Doha for three years.

He has a Ph.D. in the field of agricultural economics. He has many specialized researches in his field, which he taught at Qatar University. He wrote and published scientific journals in international magazines in several languages including Arabic, English, and Polish.

He is a Hyde Park writer for the Arab Times newspaper.

He is an author of five books: "Terrorism the Origin and the Sources",  "The Recommendations of the Rooster and the Sea"," Energy and Agricultural Environment”, " A Flower in Exile” and "  A Kingdom Valley”.

He is the recipient of numerous awards, the most recent of which is the 2008, Appreciation Award for Bestselling Poets from the American International Library of Poetry.

He is a Co-Founder of Afnan (Paris- Jerusalem) Magazine, which is available in six languages -Arabic, English, German, Spanish, French and Hebrew- and he was its Executive Editorial Secretary.

His canals are Arts Humanities, Computers Software, Creative Writing, Politics and Religions.

He did  Exceptional Contemplated Studies under Spiritual, Magical, Traumatic and Social Power Conditions at Canada’s Institutions and Establishments.

After that he Immigrated to Canada in 2000.

Before his immigration to Canada he explored 25 countries of the World, most of them in Europe.

In Canada he did ESL (English as Second Language) at Algonquin College.

He also completed 10 courses in computer software at Catholic School Board.

He furthermore completed more than 40 courses at Discovery University in the field of Philosophy,  Sociology, Psychology, Social Science, Politics and Music.

He volunteers with Fringe Festival, Ottawa International Animation Festival, Ottawa International Writing Festival, Tulip Festival, City of Ottawa, and Experimental Farm, and he achieved a Merit Certificate from the City of Ottawa.

In Canada he was welcomed by religious establishments such as Mosque, Church, Synagogue and Temple, and under the observation of  RCMP and CSIS, he did his Family Genealogy Study.

He  studied the Bible with Jehovah Witnesses, and the Book of Mormon with the Mormon’s Elders, as well as the Holy Quran with the Mosque Staffs.

He is a member of Amnesty International.

He worked for Elections Canada ten times.

He performs his poetry at Creative Coffee at Bronson Community Center , which is organized by SALUS.

He participates in many national and international conferences.

He is a blogger with Ottawa Spotlight (











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The sea and the desert are both vast and distant spaces.
The sea has waves, but the desert is barren with swirls of devil sand dust.
And fish contrast with camels between wet and dry environments.
Migration is an inevitable fate when the corrupt land become harsh.
Killing children and the elderly is a terrible and criminal.
Summer, spring, fall, and harvest are seasonal changes with its bounties.
Destiny is metaphysical, inevitable and unpredictable.












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A trip in the jungle contemplating life and the most gruesome death.
Sweet dreams and the closest struggles for survival.
The stillness of the night, the calm waves, and the light of the soft moon keep their natural beauties.
Gypsy play music and dancing like snakes or scorpion.
Arab lifestyles of dancing and singing are to calm the stressful weather patterns.
Martyrs are convoys of faith and who die without sin, but with reason.
Praise be to God in every situation, and prayer is something that is answered.


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When the sunrises, the wind blows from the southern suburbs of Beirut.
Passing through Qana, Marjayoun and all the house estates.
Dressed in white and decorated with agate, the rubies glitter with many colours.
There is no sound louder than the sound of cannons and planes.
This is where the martyrs return after the journey of life and death.
It is a new breach of the wall of tranquility and sound.
She is the lady of the world and the cedar of Beirut.














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البحر والصحراء



البحر والصحراء
البحر والصحراء كلاهما مسافات وساحات واسعة وبعيدة.
فالبحر فيه الامواج أما الصحراء فهي قاحلة.
والاسماك والنوق يعبرون ارض الله الواسعة.
فالهجرة مصير حتمي عندما تضيق بك الارض الفاسدة.
فقتل الاطفال وكبار السن جريمة فضيعة وعالية.
ولصيف والربيع والخريف والحصاد مسئلة تاريخية.
والقضاء والقدر مسئلة فيزيقية وحتمية ونسبية.


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رحلة في الادغال



رحلة في الادغال
رحلة في الادغال تاملً في الحياة وفي الموت الاصعب.
أحلام السعيدة والنضال الاقرب.
سكون الليل والموج الهادي وضؤ القمر الازغب.
موسيقى الغجر والرقص كالثعبان والعقرب.
حياة العرب مابين الرقص والطرب.
والشهداء قوافل ويموتون من غير ذنب أو سبب.
فالحمد لله على كل حال والدعاء شيئ مستجاب.













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رحلة في الادغال



رحلة في الادغال
رحلة في الادغال تاملً في الحياة وفي الموت الاصعب.
أحلام السعيدة والنضال الاقرب.
سكون الليل والموج الهادي وضؤ القمر الازغب.
موسيقى الغجر والرقص كالثعبان والعقرب.
حياة العرب مابين الرقص والطرب.
والشهداء قوافل ويموتون من غير ذنب أو سبب.
فالحمد لله على كل حال والدعاء شيئ مستجاب.













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ريح الشروق


ريح الشروق
ريح الشروق تهب من الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت.
مروراً بقانا ومرجعيون وكل البيوت.
مرتدية الملابس البيضاء ومزينة بالعقيق والياقوت.
هناك حيث لاصوت يعلو فوق صوت المدافع والطائرات.
هناك حيث الشهداء عائدون من بعد رحلة الحياة والموت.
أنه خرق جديد لجدار السكينة والصوت .
وانها سيدة العالم والارز تدعى بيروت.



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12996773499?profile=RESIZE_584xThe night fell, and the rocks broke, gloom dimed the flowers.
Goodness and martyrdom are the masters of heroes and heroines.
Cosmic clouds in space swirl and rotate to ventilate creations of new heavenly beings.
And the organisms in the forests are not happy.
And birds in the sky searching for seeds and insects.
Resistance and martyrdom are victories of conquest.
They are the gift of the Mighty and Forgiving Lord.
Victory will come throughout the ages and on a platter of flowers.







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The moon of times, searching for the voyages of Columbus and Magellan.
Age, eloquence, and the treachery of times are revealed by seasons.
Rhymes and human endeavors are frequencies of the cosmos.
Medicine, and diseases are the invisible warfares.
The forests and Tarzan related by interactions.
The sea, and ships work in harmony.
Legends and miracles are revelations of the Prophets, and the kings or Pharaoh.
It is a world full of joys and sorrows.















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سكون الليل وأنكسار الضخور
سكن الليل فانكسرت الصخور كمداََ على الزهور.
فالحسن والشهادة هما السيد والشهيد حسن نصر الله عاطر الذكر.
فالسحب الكونية في الفضاء تحوم وتدور.
والكائنات الحية في الغابات تبدي عدم السرور.
والطيور في السماء تبحث عن البذور.
فالمقاومة والشهادة هما النصر والمنصور.
وهماهبة الرب العزيز والغفور.
والنصر قادم على مر العصور وعلى طبق من الزهور.





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قمر الزمن


قمر الزمن
قمر الزمن باحثاََ عن رحلات كولمبوس وماجلان.
العمر وفصاحة اللسان وغدر الزمن.
القوافي ومساعي الانسان.
الطب ومرض العيون ووجع الاسنان.
الغابات وبطولة طرازان.
البحر واالسفن والامان.
اساطير ومعجزات النبي موسى وفرعون وهامان.
انه العالم الملئ بالافراح والاحزان.







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An echo in the valley echoes in my soul and my heart.
There are valleys, pastures and streams in the spiritual realms.
Where cats and dogs live in harmony including other beasts.
In eternity, when good deeds overcome sins the kingdom awards her blessings.
When the poet weighs his poem and rhymes all cross paths.
The lion roars in the forests and pastures are devoured by the herbivores.
Then the will of God Almighty is glorified.





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The evening bird flies in the sky despite the dark at setting at the horizon.
As for the soul and mind, they are regressing backwards.
Thoughts of the Gaza sounds the alarm, international silence dissipate her agony.
The mind's focus is in chaos with the loss of sight cascaded with blindness.
Uncle Sam's elections and the promotion of annihilation is self evident.
It is the rule of God of justice will prevail.
















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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)