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سكون الليل



سكون الليل
سكون الليل وفنون القتال والحيل.
الصحراء والريح والرمل والدليل.
الفارس وسباق الهجن والخيل.
سكون الليل ونسمات الهواء العليل.
الكفاح ومسافات القتال الطويل.
زهور البنفسج في حقول البن الجميل.
فالنصر قادم لكِ ياغزة فلسطين في الوادي والصخراء وكذلك في الجليل.
والتحرير والاستقلال والانعتاق من المحتل ثمنه الدم الغالي والنبيل.
فليس هناك بديل الا الكفاح والقتال.





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The camel of Prophet Saleh in the fields of vineyards and citrus fruits.
Arts of war were the strategies of the leader of Sun Tzu, the great warrior.
The ancient Greeks exercised great wisdom, philosophy and the critical approaches to war.
The events of the Red Sea, the Mediterranean lingered with the bitter and salty goals.
The killing of children in war times, crimes and scandals of diplomatic corps.
Palestinian resistance focuses on victories and steadfastness.
It's the fires of war that sound the bullet noise.
It is the victory of the hardworking and successful students.
So take wisdom from birds and raptors.
Yet, the mighty animal of the desert is the camel of the prophet Saleh.
















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ناقة النبي صالح




ناقة النبي صالح
ناقة النبي صالح وحقول الكروم والموالح.
فنون الحرب والقائد سون تيزو المحارب الصالح.
قدماء الاغريق والحكمة والفلسفة والنهج الجارح.
أحداث البحر الاحمر والمتوسط والهدف المر والمالح.
قتل الاطفال في الحروب والجرائم والسلك الدبلوماسي الفاضح.
المقاومة الفلسطنية والصمود المظفر والفالح.
انها نيران الحرب وصوت القوارح.
أنه فوز الطالب المجتهد والناجح.
فخذوا الحكمة من الطيور والجوارح.


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The talk of the land, the time of shopping, demands and supplies.
The chemistry of acids, health and diseases.
The difference in laws between natural birth and abortion.
And between cosmic laws and divine orders.
The earth talks brings about irritations of feelings and consciences.
Stealing land and selling homelands is criminal offense.
Touching humans with wickedness is similar to being agents of Satan.
There is nothing more beautiful than the sound of the rooster at dawn, and nothing more wonderful than the sound of the call to prayer.
What are your prayers for?





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حديث الارض


حديث الارض
حديث الارض وزمن التسوق والطلب والعرض.
الكيمياء والاحماض والصحة والمرض.
الفرق في القوانيين مابين الولادة الطبيعية والاجهاض.
ومابين النوامس الكونية والاستعراض.
حديث الارض وتهيج المشاعر والوجدان.
سرقة الارض وبيع الاوطان.
مس البشر ومس الشيطان.
فما هناك اجمل من صوت الديك في الفجر وما اروع من صوت الاذان.


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Finding gold and silver are like finding loved ones.
Extended sea beaches speaks the unspoken under the seas.
From the coast of the Red Sea to the coast of Europe lies great history of civilization.
Where wealth and trade routes brought two sides of the world closer.
Church monks, mosque imams, and humanity have been explored in these great routes of civilization.
The story of Adam and Eve originate from within the spheres of these two worlds united by the Red Sea.
Let humans enjoy the wealth of the earth and the blessings of heaven, including rain, oil, gold, and silver.






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ذهب وفضة



ذهب وفضة
ذهب وفضة ولقاء الاحبة.
شواطئ البحار الممتدة.
من سواحل البحر الاحمر الى سواحل أوروبا.
أغاني الريف والموسيقى العالمية.
رهبان الكنائيس وائمة المساجد والمشاكل البشرية.
قصة أدم وحواء والمسائل الانسانية.
فلينعم البشر بثروات الارض ونعم السماء ومنها المطر والبترول والذهب والفضة.





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The eternal river quenches the thirst. The believer and the unbeliever, the sick and the traveler, the absent and the present all are familiar with eternity.
Eternal River, a beautiful view and defined by pure water.
Birds, pigeons and beautiful scenery interact with blissful eternal beauty.
Crocodiles, fish and aquatic animals enjoy eternity’s beauty on earth.
Fresh air and tender feelings define eternal bliss.
The eternal river, the blessings of God Almighty and Conqueror of forces of darkness.
Glory be to God, the Creator and light of all.

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Like a dog panting when walking.
Loyalty to the point that he almost visited the owner to his washroom.
In winter and in summer the counterpart keeps watching of his activities.
The precious things of the universe reveal dangerous evidence set by desire for acquisition by competitors.
It is the will of the universe keep the sky loyal and when the pants heavy rains drop from the sky.
It is victory and its evidence coming from the depths of the bitter sea.
It is a fulfillment on earth and on the shining surface of the moon.
It is life defined by its sweet and bitter tastes.
It is loyalty among white, red, black and yellow dogs.

















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النهر الخالد



النهر الخالد
النهر الخالد يروي العطشان : المؤمن والكافر, المريض والمسافر, الغائب والحاضر.
النهر الخالد: منظر جميل وماءً طاهر.
طيور وحمام وجمال المناظر.
تماسيح وأسماك ومخاطر.
هواء عليل ورقة المشاعر.
النهر الخالد, نعم الله العظيم والقاهر.
فسبحان الله الخالق والمصور.








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وفاء الكلاب


وفاء الكلاب
كالكلب يلهث عند المسير.
وفاءً حتى كاد أن يطير.
في الشتاء وحتى في الصيف النظير.
نفائيس الكون والدليل الخطير.
انها ارادة الكون والمطر الغزير.
أنه النصر ودليله القادم من اعماق البحر المرير.
انه الوفاء في الارض وفي سطح القمرالمنير.
انها الحياة ومذاقها الحلو والمر.
أنه الوفاء عند الكلاب البيض والحمر والسود والصفر.








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I want to celebrate Saint Paddy's Day with the Irish.

Not only by the three-leaf clover, that is a garnish,

but also by drinking Guinness beer and eating fish and radish.

I am a poet, who hates publishing skirmish,

especially, when the topic is about His Excellency the Mayor of the city, the Irish

and the cousin of both British and Scottish.

I want my criticism to pay attention to the need of poor people to replenish,

not to tarnish or punish or banish.

The long-term solutions of transportation make us perish.

It is a mockery and carelessness of parish , tradition and church's cherish.

Irish you should have solidarity with Saint Patrick by means of impoverish,

lavish and refurbish,

not by your countless of ravish.

Our protest was organized by greenish machine in the States, and will widen to Greenwich,

to solidarity with Palestinian, Kurdish and Spanish,

in order to squish the devil and to throw it to the rubbish,

and to abolish the laws of injustice and to finsh it, not to blemish.

Democratic representation , accountability and transparency are like a varnish.

We are proud not only of the one leaf of clover that is represented usually by trifoliate and rarely in fifth or seventh foliate greenish,

from the Arabian desert to the Canadian Thousands Islands , where the famers care about their nourish,

during presowing treatment and flourish.

But also of our maple leaf as it is greenish, yellowish and wheatish,

Raising or painting in the same soils or hearts in Saskatoon or Gaza or Reddish.

Heleluja that I am speaking English, Arabic and Polish.

Did you have a little of vigorish?,

to understand me and to let me accomplish.

Please, write the conditions of publishing and let the readers demonish or astonish, and do not be childish,

to tell us the proverb " like a stingy Jewish",

that inherited from ancestors, and said not only by Danish, Spanish , German, Negirian and Polish.

They should differ between true believers and illegal immigrants from Rusia, Poland and Marrakesh,

who goes to the Holy Land to kill Palestinian kids not only by phosphorious weapons , the whitish.

Let us not only protest to stop crimes by march and in March, yet, to punish.




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Pure metal as compared to Guardianship of the Jurist.
Freedom, socialism, and unity are the pride slogans of Arabism.
Sun rituals, religious rituals, and the slanderous entities confide in the supernatural.
Sun Temple and Moon Light Temples are enigmatic by their antagonism.
Horse racing, camel racing and the visual world have parallax in common.
Pope John Paul II and formal time is revelation of sanctity.
Hypotheses of bitter reality is tested by synchronicity of time.
Faith and prayer belong to God, the Most High Lord.








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A cave music emanating from the dark night.
Total darkness in the universe that cannot compare to the one on ceilings.
Celestial secrets are hidden in this vast universe.
Internal feelings of guilt and longing for attornment.
Self-determination is found in extended time, but patience is required.
Alexander the Great and the Matrix Victory are exemplified in the waiting.
The truth is told no matter the circumstances.


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المعدن النقي



المعدن النقي
المعدن النقي وولاية الفقي.
حرية اشتراكية وحدة شعار العروبة الابي.
طقوس الشمس وطقوس الدين والكيان المفتري.
معبد الشمس ومعبد القمر الضوئي.
سباق الخيل وسباق الهجن والعالم المرئي.
البابا يوجنا بولس الثاني والزمن الصوري.
فرضيات الواقع المر والزمن المخملي.
فالايمان والصلاة لله الرب العلي.

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موسيقى الكهوف



موسيقى الكهوف
موسيقى الكهوف والليل المعكوف.
ظلام دامس في الكون وحتى بالسقوف.
الشعور الداخلي بالذنب والمدى الملفوف.
تقرير المصير والزمن المعطوف.
الاسكندر العظيم والانتصار المصفوف.
فالحق يقال مهما كانت الظروف.










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The magnificent gardens of the universe.
The universe, a vast endless span of space in history and geography.
The nobility of the masses and the eternal kings are royalty living.
Witches, magic, and hazel eyes are spiritual wickedness.
Beauty and elegance of the gazelle are expressly the creator’s manifestation of his glory.
Emancipation from the occupier is the will of the people. Who occupies the wondrous gardens of the universe?
The gift to glory and height are the issues of the industrial revolution.









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Fate and destiny are in the hands of God, not in the hands of humans.
They will either live long or short.
They both carry good or evil.
Good is like rain and evil is like fire of destruction.
Laugh at the world, it needs patience.
Stay away from evil no matter how long it lasts.
Jesus was great and died with a crown of thorns on a tree with branches on his head.
He was a martyr and his blood was like a red wine.
His body is like a piece of white and yellow bread.
Life and death are created by God, not by humans.
God gave eternal life, but the evil chose death.
Death in spirit is living in darkness and darkness, the place of torment.


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حدائق الكون البهية
حدائق الكون البهية, فضاءً واسع في التاريخ والجغرافية.
نبل الجماهير والملوك الازلية.
السحره والسحر والعيون العسلية .
الجمال والرشاقة الغزالية.
الانعتاق من المحتل ارادة شعب جماهيرية.
فالهبة الى المجد والعلو مسئلة الثورة الصناعية.



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القضاء والقدر


القضاء والقدر
القضاء والقدر هما بيدالله وليس بأيدي البشر.
وهما قادمان سوى طال العمر أم قصر.
فكلاهما يحملان الخير أوالشر.
فالخير كالمطر والشر كالاندثار.
فضحك للدنياء فهي محتاجة لصبر.
وابعد عن الشر مهما استمر.
فايسوع كان عظيماً ومات وعلى راسه تاج من اشواك واغصان الشجر.
فكان شهيداً ودمه كالنبيذ الاحمر.
وجسده كاكسرة خبز ابيض واصفر.
فالحياة والموت من صنع الله وليس من صنع البشر.








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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)