Dear, We are small scale Gold Miners who are interested to partner with you, please, how can a new entry investor partner in equity in your company to maximize profit? due to the recent down thread in the global Gold price and recently the proposal been laid as a report to parliament the law maker to pass a law banding all small scale miners from mining activities, so we want to input more funds into your company's production capacity, under commission basis monthly or annually. We can bring out money running into millions of American Dollars to investor with you. we are looking for avenues to invest this money in any product that will attract much more profits, either as a Stake Holder in your Company or on Commission basis that will be agreed upon. As soon as you accepts, we shall detail you what you are to do in order to receive the money safely in your company before our arrival to meet you face to face for investment purposes.
NOTE; As an investors we can provide big capital to infuse into your company's more quantity production of your products, profits come out annually, we share by an agreed percentage, say 30% to 70% or 20% to 80% of the annual earnings. we are ready to input more funds $5,500.000.00 Dollars into your company's products/production capacity provided we are not going to lose our capital investment to maximize profit. Write me your details and i will write you once i have your email address or write me at E-Mail I.D: , Reply for terms Thanks and hoping to hear from you as soon as possible, Mr. Frank David Osei
حضرة الأستاذ الدكتور حسن المودن
فجأة هكذا التقينا دونما جدران أو جوازات سفر، الثقافة في بلادي تحتاج إلى سوق إلى باعة و مشترين، غير أن ما في الدورة الدموية يظل ثاويا فيها ، شكرا لله أنني وجدتك خارج الحدود
Dear, We are small scale Gold Miners who are interested to partner with you, please, how can a new entry investor partner in equity in your company to maximize profit? due to the recent down thread in the global Gold price and recently the proposal been laid as a report to parliament the law maker to pass a law banding all small scale miners from mining activities, so we want to input more funds into your company's production capacity, under commission basis monthly or annually. We can bring out money running into millions of American Dollars to investor with you. we are looking for avenues to invest this money in any product that will attract much more profits, either as a Stake Holder in your Company or on Commission basis that will be agreed upon. As soon as you accepts, we shall detail you what you are to do in order to receive the money safely in your company before our arrival to meet you face to face for investment purposes.
NOTE; As an investors we can provide big capital to infuse into your company's more quantity production of your products, profits come out annually, we share by an agreed percentage, say 30% to 70% or 20% to 80% of the annual earnings. we are ready to input more funds $5,500.000.00 Dollars into your company's products/production capacity provided we are not going to lose our capital investment to maximize profit. Write me your details and i will write you once i have your email address or write me at E-Mail I.D: , Reply for terms
Thanks and hoping to hear from you as soon as possible,
Mr. Frank David Osei
فجأة هكذا التقينا دونما جدران أو جوازات سفر، الثقافة في بلادي تحتاج إلى سوق إلى باعة و مشترين، غير أن ما في الدورة الدموية يظل ثاويا فيها ، شكرا لله أنني وجدتك خارج الحدود