Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Thirteen

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

The Integrated International Security Systems with Catholic School Board and Catholic Immigration are resource of dishonest work: Corruptions: Double agents with different masks ( Since 2001-2010)

· Polish illegal activities in Canada

The illegal activities of Gulf University about their illegal activities

(Fights among Polish an Iranian people) and about the acceptance for new employers from different countries.

· Elgin Medical Clinic is a link to polish and international security systems ,who are trying to abuse the law of Canada (dishonest job, crimes).

· Para disco Coffee, Elgin street is a link to abuse the law (They are looking for believers and activist for their dirty work).

· Ottawa University of Civil Engineering Professor Andre Skaffe is a link of dishonest international work ( Fighting with Islamic Union was a bribe to achieve a job at Ottawa University, specialization was not needed in my case to get a job).

Te:. (613): 562-5800 ext: 6140

· Yemenite –Polish Masks

Yemenite Informational Center in Ottawa. Agent for former regime of Iraq and, a taxi driver )

· Name: Fathi Al-Qataa

Tel:. (613): 421-57-33

· B. Yemeni Embassy (distribution of illegal drugs with its informants, prostitutions)

· NVC 7 an agent for former Iraqi regime

Name: Sami Saeed

Tel:. (613) 86-9111

· Jawad Al-Iraki, an agent of former Iraqi regime cooperation with Sami Saeed

Tel:. 613: 2980-337

· Kalid’s Mothers a former informant regime of Iraq (crimes activities nationally and internationally)

Tel:. (613) 8222288 illegal ( Crimes Internationally cooperation work with NVN 7 Tel:. (613): 81-69111 locations (a former resident of Gatineau).

· Socialist illegal activities in Canada, Yemenite and Iraqis immigrants or citizens as well as Syrian and Lebanese people (crimes, terrorism, dishonest work , double agents cooperate with Embassy of Syria with former Soviet Union

· Mohamed Al-Qahri

Quebec City

Tel:. 418-661-2285

· Samir Al-Wan Al-Sakaf

Tel:. 613.8848582

· Riad Al-Akbari, the former Ambassador of Yemen in Iraq (socialist)

Tel:. (613): 843-9939

· Abdul Naseer Ateef, Yemeni Community Center ( Crimes, Illegal distribution drugs and links for socialist countries)

Tel:.(613) 8626147 or (613) 262-6147

· Jamal Al-Salimi

Tel:. (613): 2555173 or (613): 2629624

· Fouad Al-Akhali

Tel:. (613) 2760-945

· Khair Allah Said

Tel:. (819) 561-6095 or (613) 789-4333

· Mohamed Al-Badawi

Tel:. (613) 657-4719 or (613) 260-8491

· Hazim Shukri

Tel:. (613) 263-2352

· Carlos, A Syrian informant with a group of Iranian, Yemeni informants (Mr. Ismail, from Yemen, and Iranian informant/s/)

Tel:. (613) 230-7923 (Covering crimes of leaders).

· Jehan Fakili

Cell phone:. 647-882-3323

· Mohamed Abu Hassan Al- Bairm, a Palestinian-Syrian-Canadian (Crimes of leaders of south Yemen)

Tel:. (613)842-0363

Cell Phone:. (613) 261-7633

· Embassy of Yemen, (Crimes, Prostitution , Illegal drugs, terrorism, corruption

· Mr. Abdul Latiff Al-Shargbi

Tel:.(613) 261-1553 or (613)729-6627

· Nassir Al-Sakaff

Tel:. (613) 986-1818 or (613) 866-8585

· Banks of Scotia renovate their former methods of exploration into a new electronic ones.

· New moral and economic aspects should be taken under attention due to the marriage in order to secure our society.

· Owner of an idea to help disable people. It was taken by the soldiers of William Booth at Salvation Army, 2003.

· Owner of a moral idea to advertise seniors problems and together them internationally. It was taken at the Salvation army, and directed to be a gift for Palestinian seniors, the victims of the wars, 2003.

· The Health Care Systems in Canada needs a renovation due to the masks use in the integrated economic sectors (Public and Private).

· Islamic individual requirements in health care and in different organizations need a correction due to their strict needs. Responsible people of these groups in one hand ,create obstacles to the same groups and distancing with other groups of our society, on the other hand their behaviors and requirements are used by the internal system as a mask for corruption and fights.

· Monday, 25th, 2010 at 7. 10 p.m. Since 2001 up to present time there are fights among the integrated security systems of our country about the future wealth of SIR M.T. Al-Mansouri, Ph.D. and its distribution.

· Abdul Wahab Zabiba a masks of Yemeni Embassies (Canada, America), recently, he is a refugee in Canada, Ottawa.

· Abdul Majeed Najah, a Canadian-Moroccan citizen a link to Muslims brotherhood, a distributor of economic corruptions. 415-901 MacLaren St, K2P 2C8, Ottawa.

· Catholic Integrated Security Systems of Poland with participation of Jews are full of crimes, hate and discrimination. They extend their empires by using illusionary methods. Mariosz Tel:. (613) 567-7200.

· Ali Al-Awlaqi a Canadian Yemeni citizen (branch Saudi Kingdom and United Kingdom),+ Embassy of Yemen in Ottawa and NVN7 (Canada and America) dishonest work and corruption

· Mr. Ali Al-Awlaqi

Tel: 523-7084.

· Jim Farewell and Donald Throop YMCA, a dishonest integrated national and international Security Systems

Tel:. (613) 237-1320/ Ext: 2483 & 2538.

· Monday 25th, 2010 at 4.20 p.m. a telepathy of criminals of Iraqi former regime were used by the Basmati Cousin address Somerset W. Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1K0, Tel:. (613) 233-0303.

· The OPL(S ): Multiculturalism in general and bilingualism in particular are subjects of conflicts, which result in corruption in administration and culture. Public Libraries face a stick competition of private sectors. In addition, they are places use by international integrated security systems.

· Ottawa-Carleton DSB Night School, School Council Chair Principal +Mr. Rogers+ Mrs. Marlene Comeau, the teacher of Canadian and World Politics: double agents, dishonest work, discrimination (Masks of hard and sensitive groups, protected and non protected) hate. They use students for their fights. Address Gladstone at Rochester st.

· Ottawa-Carleton DSB Day School, School Council Chair Principal at 440 Albert St., Ottawa, Ontario, Teachers of ESL dishonest work for Canadian Government by International Integrated Security Systems likewise the integrated International Security Systems Night School.

· Chin Radio Ottawa FM 97.9, dishonest work (masks of integrations of diversities groups and selfishness)

Dr. Qais Ghanem

Tel:. (613) 265-4654.

· Ottawa’s Mothers of Peace are hypercritic believers . they damage the true peace in national and international areas.

· The National Council on Canada-Arab Relations (NCCAR ): dishonest work, chaos, corruption and violence at home and abroad. 63 Spark st,, Suite 301, Ottawa, Ontario. Tel:. (613) 238-3795.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Fourteen

Fights Against Crimes, Terrorism, hate and discrimination in National and International Area

· Media of Armies of Liberation is a conception and resource that invests only in crimes. It does not care about the United States of America’s Internal and external affairs.

· Diplomatic lines of Yemen give facilities for former Iraqi’s Regime to renovate their activities in fighting against the world’s security.

· The Yemeni-American Institute of fighting against the Terrorism, is a resource of delusions. Likewise the American-Yemeni journalists, the residents in United States of America.

· Security Unit of Somerset at Bank Street, Building No. 395 is a resource of crimes, terrorism and dishonest work.

· The Security Unit of MacLaren Street at Bank, Building No. 415 is a resource of crimes, terrorism and dishonest work e.g. apartments No.904, 905, 907, 912, and 1110.

International Integrated Security Systems: Crimes, dishonest works, terrorism, illegal drugs, illegal transactions and prostitution

A. Yemenite Link working with Syrian integrated security System

1. Mohamed Al-Qahri

Quebec City

Tel: 418-661-2285


Link with U.S.A. Tel: 1-313-842-0795

2. Azil Al-Jawi

Tel:. 1-418-455-7817

Tel:. (812) 330-0858

3. Samir Al-Wan Al-Sakaff

Tel:. (613)-884-8582

4.Jamil Al-Homakani

Tel:. (613)232-6598

5. Raid Al-Akbari, the former Ambassador of Yemen in Iraq

Tel:. (613) 843-9939

6. Abdul Nasser Atif

Tel:. (613)-8626147 or (613) 262-6147

7. Jamal Al-Salimi

Tel:. (613) 255-5173 or 613-262-9624

8. Fouad Al-Akhali

Tel:.(613) 2760-945

9. Khair Allah Saeed, Iraqi Socialist (Russia)-Yemen South

Tel:. ( 819) 561-6095

(613) 789-43-38

(613) 327-01-30

(613) 236-7351

10. Hadi Al-Daliy

Tel:.(613) 2555-677

11. Sami Saeed, NVN7

Tel:. (613) 816-9111

12. Al-Awadani

Tel: (613)2633-239

13. Al-Shabri Mohamed

Tel:. (613) 2629624

14. Fathi Al-Qata, Ataxi driver and Yemenite Information Center, Iraq

Tel:. (613) 2629624 or (613):. 216-7017

15. Al-Sadi M.

Tel: (613)698-6980 or (613) 698-440

16. Nasser Al-Sakaff

Tel:. (613)986-1818 or (613)866-8585

17. Arif Al-Massani, Yemeni, who works for Muslim brotherhood organizations


18.Carlos, A Syrian links with Southern Yemenite

Tel:. (613) 230-7923

19. Murad Dager, Iraqi who works with Samir Al-wan

Tel:. (613) 2944-141

20. Abdul Halim Bin Shairi, Algerian with his friend Mohamed (A Link to Muslim brotherhood, a Qatar ).

21. Mohamed Al-Dailami ( Abu Abdulla)

Tel:. (613)-88019 or (613) 421-5733

22. Lynn, a head Dreaser, Bank street, a Link for Syrian integrated security system

23. Shawarma City is a link to Security groups, Syrian, Lebanese and Eastern Europe

24. Shara Grocery store and Internet Bank Street/ Lisgar

25. Super Man, A head dresser : Gladstone, A link for socialist and nationalist parties (Samir and Jahwad)

26. Mohamed Al-Babli, Egyptian link to Embassy of Kuwait

Tel:. (613) 263-2444 former tel:.(613) 3405653 or (613) 377718

27. Al-Fadli Salih , A taxi driver

Tel:. (613) 850-2016

28. A Syrian Mr. Khalid (Syrian : Shawarma City and Shara grocery Store: Bank Street at Lisgar

29. Ottawa University Professor Andree Skaff Link with dishonest job and crimes, a former owner of Maple leaf, fight with Muslim Union is part of Ottawa University requirements.

30. University of Gulf Link of dishonest jobs ( Polish-Iranian fight and crimes)

31. Persian Restaurant Laurie at Bank ( A link for dishonest work and crimes)

32. Fruska Ira Grocery store Gladstone Street

33. Jawad Al-Iraqi

Tel:. (613) 2980-337

34. Mohamed Mohamed Abu Hoseein (NVN7+ Embassy of Kuwait+ Double Agents)

Tel:. (613) 282-4556 or (613) 8229933

35. Ahmed Eid Murad

Tel:. (613)737-4425

36. Said Salim, Iraqi double agent


37. Abdulla Abrahim, Moroccan Citizen, Muslim brother

Tel:. (613)232-6599

38. Ali Al-Awlaki

Tel:. (613) 523-7084

39. Mohamed Al-Awlaki

Tel:. (613) 5582420

Faruk Amman, Dr. Qais Qhanem, and Luqman Ghassan, a british dishonest and self-interest

40. Faruk Aman

Tel:. (613) 723-0999

41. Dr. Qais Ghanem

Tel:. (613) 265-4654

42. Amin Shamssan, American Mosque : dishonest work

Tel:. 15105736666

43. Omar Al-Dabiani ( America)

Tel:. 120- 54471143

44. Mohamed Al-Badawi,, A Yemenite taxi driver

Tel:. (613)260-848491

45. Ahmed Sadik Abdulrahim

Tel:. (613) 223-4018 or 613-223-4018

46. Salim Hussin Al-Badani (illegal drugs)

Tel:. (819)328-18-1874

47. Jehan Fakili ( dishonest work)

Tel:. (613) 647-88233-23

48. Nabil Hazim Shukri ( illegal drugs)

Tel:. (613)263-2352

49. Sabri Thabet Alberta, BC


50. Laguna Restaurant Bank street (dishonest work)

51. Paradisco Restaurant Bank street (dishonest work)

52. ACUGA (Arab-Canadian Universities Graduated Association (dishonest work)

53.The Ambassadors of Yemen and how the regime of Yemeni declare them to be acceptable in the honor State e.g. the last one.

54. the Link of Religious Establishment groups and their dishonest work

55. The disability of Ottawa and how the accept people to be involved into the system as well as the Department of psychology of Ottawa U.

56. Houses and Homes that cooperate with international security systems (Spies)

57. Gatineau is a local of dishonest work (Resource of terrorism with masks)

58. Dr. Kamal Deeb + the Yemeni Taxi driver and the owner of the Yemenite Information (Informants)

Tel:. (819) 2430791

59. Recently, NVN 7 the Car’s Dealer

Tel:. (613) 8169111

60. Jehovah’s Witnesses of Gatineau (dishonest work)

61. Al-Badil Electronic Newspaper owned by Al-Badani Omar

Tel:. (120) 54471143

62. The medical Clink Link of Elgin street ( with Eastern Europe) as well as the Clinic of O’Connor st. (Blood test)

63. Eid Awdah , Kuwaiti Immigrants of without citizens (dishonest work, Banks, Lawyers and Carleton University educational systems: Tel:. (613) 680-1196

64. Rahal Saba, the Canadian-Yemenite mediator for immigration and transactions: dishonest work, illegal transactions and corruptions.

65. Ottawa International Animation Festival: Dishonest work, likewise the Tower Point Company, 203 Bell St.

66. George AbdulAhad, Jahova’s Witnesses Tel:. (613) 263-2839 or (613) 255-206

67. Hadi, Yemenite Community Tel:. (613) 225-9211

70. Abdulla Abrahim, Islamic Center, Tel:. (613) 232-6599

71. Al-Shibri Mohmed, Jamil Saif, Yemnite community, Tel:. (613) 216-7015

72. Rafat Mohamed Mohamed, Tel:. (613) 878-5523 or (613) 2760-945

73. Abdul-Rabow Al-Dahbol, Yemenite Community, Socialist groups,

Tel:. (613) 867-9325

74. Abu Ali Talib, former owner of the Shawarma city, Tel:. (613) 594-3434 or (613) 737-7722

75. Al-Moflihi’s family, Libyan’s and multi-agents, Tel:.(613) 565-1449

76. Hamid Samaha, Lebanese-Syrian Agents, Tel:. (613) 85-30805

78. Assad Al-Shamari, and Faisal Shihab, without citizens, Kuwait agents, Tel:. (613) 265-6254

79. Faiad Al-Shamari, without citizens, Kuwait agent, Tel:. (613) 565-6254

80. Alam Abu-Saleh, Syrian Agent, Tel:. (613) 523-2228

81. Walid Abu Kamil, Abu-Dabahi, Palestinian Agent, Tel:. (613) 820-5839

82. Saleh Al-Yazidi, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 79-91161

83. Michael, Polish agent, Tel:. (613) 787-9935 or (613) 265-160

84. Al-Awadany, Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 263-3239

85. Hafiz Al-Sudani, Tel:. (613) 882-6466

86. Miwa Mitani, Japanese red army agent, Yemen-Japan,

Tel:. (613) 81-90103306446 , Professor Amin Al-Maktari Tel:. 01-967-733702020 or +1-967-1-258531and Kalil Al-Mouashit, Tel:. Yemen, Sanaa, 01-967-777547782

87. Ewa Zebrowska-Rosak , Polish agent and a resource for hates, discriminations, and illegal transactions , Ostroleka, Ul- Lelewela 9

88. Mathio, Polish agent , Tel:. 1866-5181038 Ext: 288

89. Professor Jamal Aldin Abdulla, Shargah University, U.A.E. , Canadian facilities, multi-agent for several countries, he is under stress.

90. Polish Scientists.

91. The Pope of Rome His Holiness, the Benedict XVI, is not recognized by Catholic Canadian organizations and Establishments.

92. Yasir Mohamed Kalifa, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 225-9211

93. Abu-Ahmed, Minority Business, the former owner of Macs , Metcalfe street at Elgin Street 161 , Tel:. (613) 230-3947, the former agent of Iraqi regime with corporations of Yemenite agents of Libya , NVN7 and former Yugoslavia’s regime

94. Abdulla Abrahim, Islamic Center, Tel:. (613) 232-6599

95. Al-Shibri Mohmed, Jamil Saif, Yemenite community, Tel:. (613) 216-7015

96. Rafat Mohamed Ahmed, Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 878-5523 or (613) 2760-945

97. Abdul-Rabow Al-Dahbol, Yemenite Community, Socialist groups,

Tel:. (613) 867-9325

98. Abu Ali Talib, former owner of the Shawarma city, Tel:. (613) 594-3434 or (613) 737-7722

99. Al-Moflihi’s family, Libyan’s and multi-agents Agents, Tel:.(613) 565-1449

100. Hamid Samaha, Lebanese-Syrian Agents, Tel:. (613) 85-30805

101. Assad Al-Shamari, and Faisal Shihab, without citizens, Kuwait agents, Tel:. (613) 265-6254

102. Faiad Al-Shamari, without citizens, Kuwait agent, Tel:. (613) 565-6254

104. Chuad, Chinese agent, Tel:. (613) 736-907

105. Alam Abu-Saleh, Syrian Agent, Tel:. (613) 523-2228

106. Walid Abu Kamil, Abu-Dabahi, Palestinian Agent, Tel:. (613) 820-5839

107. Saleh Al-Yazidi and Salim Housin Al-Baidani, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 79-91161 and (819) 328-1874

108. Michael, and Polish agent, Tel:. (613) 787-9935 or (613) 265-160

109. Al-Awadany , Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 263-3239

110. Hafiz Al-Sudani, Tel:. (613) 882-6466

111. Miwa Mitani, Japanese red army agent, Yemen-Japan,

Tel:. (613) 81-90103306446 , Professor Amin Al-Maktari Tel:. 01-967-733702020 or +1-967-1-258531and Kalil Al-Mouashit, Tel:. Yemen, Sanaa, 01-967-777547782

112. Yasir Mohamed Kalifa, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 225-9211

113. Abu-Ahmed, Minority Business, the former owner of Macs , Metcalfe street at Elgin Street 161 , Tel:. (613) 230-3947, the former agent of Iraqi regime with corporations of Yemenite agents of Libya , NVN7 and former Yugoslavia’s regime.

114. Abdulla Abrahim, Islamic Center, Tel:. (613) 232-6599

115. Al-Shibri Mohmed, Jamil Saif, Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 216-7015

116. Rafat Mohamed Ahmed, Tel:. (613) 878-5523 or (613) 2760-945

117. Abdul-Rabow Al-Dahbol, Yemenite Community, Socialist groups,

Tel:. (613) 867-9325

118. Abu Ali Talib, former owner of the Shawarma city, Tel:. (613) 594-3434 or (613) 737-7722

119. Al-Moflihi’s family, Libyan’s and multi-agents Agents, Tel:.(613) 565-1449

120. Hamid Samaha, Lebanese-Syrian Agents, Tel:. (613) 85-30805

121. Assad Al-Shamari, and Faisal Shihab, without citizens, Kuwait agents, Tel:. (613) 265-6254

122. Faiad Al-Shamari, without citizens, Kuwait agent, Tel:. (613) 565-6254

123. Chuad, Chinese agent, Tel:. (613) 736-907

124. Alam Abu-Saleh, Syrian Agent, Tel:. (613) 523-2228

125. Walid Abu Kamil, Abu-Dabahi, Palestinian Agent, Tel:. (613) 820-5839

126. Saleh Al-Yazidi and Salim Housin Al-Baidani, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 79-91161 and (819) 328-1874

127. Michael, Polish agent , Tel:. (613) 787-9935 or (613) 265-160

128. Al-Awadany , Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 263-3239

129. Hafiz Al-Sudani, Tel:. (613) 882-6466

130. Miwa Mitani, Japanese red army agent, Yemen-Japan,

Tel:. (613) 81-90103306446 , Professor Amin Al-Maktari Tel:. 01-967-733702020 or +1-967-1-258531and Kalil Al-Mouashit, Tel:. Yemen, Sanaa, 01-967-777547782

131. Gabbar Al-Yassri, agent of the former Iraqi Regime, Poland.

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