TUESDAY, August 11 - 7:00 pm to 8:45pm - The Tea Party, 119 York St.
Stories & Tea Series - "Stories of Science-Fiction and Fantasy"
Robert Collins and Marie Bilodueau
Presented by Ottawa Storytellers and The Tea Party
For more information about the Tea Series call 613-731-1047 or visit www.ottawastorytellers.ca
TUESDAY, August 25 - 7:00 pm to 8:45pm - The Tea Party, 119 York St.
Stories & Tea Series - "Stories for the Young at Heart"
Sheryl-Elaine Brazeau and Aileen Mani
THURSDAY, August 6, 7:00 - 9:30pm - Library and Archives
The next "Story Swap"
FRIDAY’S in AUGUST 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Billings Estate National Historic Site, 2100 Cabot St
“Bonfire Stories” every Friday evening
An interactive evening of stories designed for families:
historical stories of the Billings family;
stories of old Bytown/Ottawa and area;
stories that have a national focus with a local tie-in, such as the Great Depression, women’s suffrage,
the lumber business, etc.
Cost: $10, includes roasting stick, marshmallows, and wieners