بروتوكول رقم 1. الأمن ووزارة الداخلية

ياغساسنة ويا آل نعمان: لا تخطفوا الصينيين والألمان.
دعوهم وذلك الشعب يعيشون بسلام وأمان .
ففلسطين لن تعود بخناجركم الحادة أو أغاني الفنان أو بخطب المتدينين الداعين لقتل الإخوة البشرية والجيران بعد كل آذان،
أو باستغفارهم لربهم حين يرون اثنين يتقاتلان .
أو حتى بالمظاهرات أمام مقرات كوفي عنان والتي تنظم بأوامر من ظل السلطان من أجل حراسة قصره والبستان.
فالديك ينادي قبائلكم بترك الثأر وسيرة القطط والفئران وأن تعلنوا يوم غفران لتنجوا بأنفسكم من عذاب الرحمان وبالوطن من الطوفان. ولتتركوا ليالي زمان وكان ويا ما كان لكي تنتقلوا إلى عصر الإنسان.

بروتوكول رقم 2. السلك الدبلوماسي ووزارة الخارجية

يا أهل السفارة غلط ما أكثر الشكوى. من مات مات وانتم تشربون القهوه .
بموتنا تظهرون فوارس المغوى. وليلكم كله طرب وهزة اللوحة. ومخبروكم يقصون نوادر جحا وحيل الافعى.
ودستوركم غلط فلا زاد فيه ولا مأوى. فهبر وغش واخدع شعار أمن الدولة.

بروتوكول رقم 3. وزارة الزراعة والثروة السمكية

صاحب السعادة الوزير-السفير أو الغفير أعرف ان لك بغالا وجحوشا وحمير.
لكني هواء اصفر صفير. .أدخل من فمك والمناخير واسهل لك عملية الشهيق والزفير .
ولولاه ما كنت اليوم تسير.
أنا الهواء الخانق قبلما أمد يدي أو أعانق عدو الشعب من مرتزق و منافق .
أنا المد و الجزر.
أنا اداة حاده لقتل المرتشي و المزور و الفاسد و السارق .

بروتوكول رقم 4. وزارة الصحة والقضاء

من وخشـك (حطم أو هشم) وجهك وجسدك؟ يا لطيف.
ومن شوه وجهك الظريف ؟
واعطاك المصاريف ؟ وامرك بمهاجمة كل الاصـدقاء والمعاريف؟ اليس ذلك الرجل السخيف والضعيف ؟
اجاب بنعم وقال نعم ذلك الرجل الضعيف ابن الضعيف .
حينها قطعت عنه الموز لانه تاب ثم قطعت المصاريف ثم رميت به وسلخته مع المساليخ.

بروتوكول رقم .5 . وزارة الثقافة والفنون

القرش يلعب بحمر العيون وطني ما أتعس أبناؤك أولئك الذين يعتقدون بأن كل شيء يمكن شراؤه بالمال .
وما أرحم أولئك الذين باعوا أنفسهم وكيانهم مقابل إغراءات رخيصة وما أكثر أولادك متعددو الألوان في الصبح قومي وفي الظهر اشتراكي وفي العصر بعثي وفي المغرب حزب اسلامي وفي العشاء مؤتمري . ما أتعس أولادك الجبناء الذين يرون الباطل ويتعاملون معه بالسكوت على أولئك الذين يحاولون شراء ضمير الأمة بالمال والجاه والبحث وراء نقط ضعف الإنسان والتهديد والوعيد، والوقوف حجر عثرة في طريق الشرفاء .
نداء الى الثعالب الزرق والحربات الملونه والعقارب الخبيثه أن الفجر آت وسوف تسطع شمس الحرية.

The Protocols of the Yuppies of Darkness

1. The Protocol of the Ministry of Interior and Security

Wake up the people of the embassy and listen to the complaints. People are dying and you are drinking coffee. You are not only celebrating our deaths by singing and belly dancing, but also you becoming the knights of temptation. Your informants are telling the jokes of Jaha and the tricks of the snakes. And your constitution is wrong with no food or shelter in it, yet they only cheat and use the pretext of the state security to refuse to listen. Adulteration, deceivableness, plundering, loot, stealing, robbery, theft and corruption are their slogans and logos.

2. The Protocol of the Ministry of culture and Arts

Money tempts those who have red eyes!
My home, how sad and miserable are your sons, who believe that everything can be bought by money, ,and how poor are those, who sell themselves, their souls, self-conscience and every thing they own for cheap temptations. How many of your children are multicolour, who are nationalistic in the morning, socialistic at noon, baathist in the afternoon.
islamists at the evening and who belong to the congress party at the night.
How sad are your coward sons, who they see the wronghood and falsehood
and they deal with them with silence.
I warn those, who try to sell the nation's conscience by money and privileges
or by seeking after the weak points of humans or by putting obstacles on the
honest people's path.
I preach the blue snakes, colourful chameleons, toxic and vicious cobras and malicious scorpions that the dawn soon is coming and the sun of freedom will appear, rise and shine.

3. The Porotocol of the Diplomatic Corps and Mnistry of Foregin Affairs

Oh Gassiness and Al-Numan don't kidnap the Chains' and Germans.
Leave them to live with our nation in peace and security.
Palestine will not return with yours sharp daggers and the songs of singers.
Or with the lectures of clergies, who proclaim after each prayer to kill the human
beings brotherhood and neighbours, or with their forgiveness to their God, when
they see the two are fighting, or with the protestations beside Kofi Annan's places, which are organized by the order of Sultan's shadow to protect his palace and garden.
Hence, the rooster proclaims your tribes to leave, ignore and avoid the retaliation,
and the behaviour and attitude of mice and cats.
To declare a day of forgiveness to save yourselves from the torture and dooms
of the Lord and to protect the homeland from the flood.
In addition, to leave the affairs of an earlier age and time in order to move forward
and t transfer to the era of humankind.

4. The Protocol of Ministry of Health and Justice

Oh my goodness! Who has beaten you harmfully? Shattered your amusing face? Given you money and aid?
And ordered you to attack all your friends and acquaintances?
Is that not for the weak and silly man?
He answered and said " Yes, that man, the weak and the son of the weak".
They stopped giving him bananas because he repented, and then they cut off the expenses, money and aids from him.
Ultimately, they threw him out, stripped the skin off his body and put him with other skinned people.

5. The Protocol of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

Your Excellency the ambassador or the guard, I know that you have mules, bulls and donkeys.
But I by the yellow air can enter your nose and nostrils facilitating the inhalation and exhalation and without that you are unable to walk.
I am the choked air before stretching my arm or hugging people's hypocrtic and mercenary and enemy of people.
I am the ebb and the flow.
I am the sharp tool to kill the corrupt, briber, fraudulent and the thief.

6. The Protocol of Women’s Rights

How many times I complain when your abundance hurt me.
When you went beyond the seas and left me alone in the house.
Expressing my concerns and worries to the sky, working as a housewife,
inviting your sons and grandsons and frying the eggplants.
SIR, you have made my cheeks stores for the memories.
After you whispered to me of promises.
My SIR, who is carrying heavy concerns and worries.
My concerns become heavy and your concerns become estrangement and insanity.
When the miller and the owner of the mill become the directors of the arts,
and employ the illiterate minister of affairs in the state of fleas,
plagues and antisocial behaviours.
Also they broke all the laws, which were replaced by the plates,
and in spite of their illiteracies they claimed that they are the Disciples of
Christ, Socrates and Plato.
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