المتحذلق اليماني

حدثتني خالتي عن فاطمة وقالت:فاطمة تهدر هدير السيل أثناء المطر، تروي القصص العامة وقصصها الذاتية.

تعجب الناس دهشة وقالوا لله درك يا فاطمة! إلا القلة الذين كانوا يعتقدون بأنها تتفاخر بمجدها "القديم والجديد".

صرخ أحدهم قائلا بأن فاطمة هي احمد شوربان [ شخصية بطولية وأسطورية وهزلية].

ذات يوم وفي المقيل عندما كان المجتمعون يمضغون أفيون القات ( نبات مخدر من الدرجة الرابعة) فجأة إذا بصديقي يضغط على زر

الريموت كونترول فأذا بفاطمة تهل وتقبل ، يا لها من "ساحره وفاتنة"

لكنها قردية ومتلعثمة .

فجأة تصرح بأن لها خبراء من الجن والأنس. أرسلت بعضهم إلى ألمانيا وطلب الغرب البقية.

الخبراء يجتمعون ويحطمون حائط برلين ، بسرعة الجن تتوحد ألمانيا وتندمج كل المؤسسات .

قال أحدهم هدمنا الجدار وبعناه قطعة قطعة من أجل الاقتصاد ولكي نطمس معالم الماضي الأليم وسنبني بديلا له ملعبا رياضيا للأجيال.القادمة .

وإذا بآخر يقول مقهقها: الحكمة يمانية والبلد ألمانية، ماذا عن عدن وصنعا؟.

أُجيب بأنهم أرسلوا إلى بلدان الغير لإصلاح شئونهم مع ضربة ريح بعد تخزينة قات صوطي .[ نوع من أنواع أفيون القات].

يصر خبراء فاطمة على مواصلة العمل، فيشقون الطرق لتتسع أكثر المباني والمصانع تُشَيّد والمزارع تُزرع والأرض تخضر ويزيد الإنتاج ويسعداألإنسان.

ناس العالم اندهشوا قائلين: إن خبراء فاطمة هم جن سليمان يا لها من معجزة!

أقبلت حفصاء حاملة المنكوب ( وعاء من القش) على رأسها ذاهبة إلى الحقل قبل موعد الذري، تسأل الرعيان عن:
المهاجر والمغترب... أجابوها:
بأنهم ماتوا في الصحراء عطشا.

المراعي والحقول:
تزداد يبسا وتصحرا.

على الهاوية.

.يقتلون ويشردون ويعذبون ويسرّحون ومنهم ما بين المطرقة والسندان ومنهم مناأستسلموا.

لا أمن ولا أمان ولا نزاهة لهم، وحدث ولا حرج.

العدل :
بعين وعين زجاجية.

عطور الروضة وروائحها العفنة التي تقزز المشاعر و"الغزل والنسيج" وعمنا هائل.

مياه تعز وقصر الشعب من الخارج ومشاريع وهمية أخرى .

مستشفيات وشوارع مليئة بالسل والأوبئة الأخرى.

مليئة بالقمامة والحفر والمطبات والحواجز ألعسكرية.

لا تربية ولا تعليم الهدف منها تجهيل منظم وغير معلن من الإمام الجديد.

الضمان الاجتماعي :
عسكري وامني عالى المستوى

الحرية والديمقراطية والاخاء والمساواة:
كلام معسول وقبلية من النوع الرديء وتكنوقراط عسكري يعملان بعشوائية وفوضوية منظمة وتكتيك خداعي اجرامي فاق المستوى الوحشي لطمس الهوية الإنسانية وابادة الشعب وإرثه الإنساني.

السعادة والرخاء والازدهار:
ترى وتلاحظ في أعين وجبين أهل بلدي وفي وجوههم ذات العظام الناكعة والمرتاحين أكثر من هذا وذاك الخبراء الأمنيون الذين ازداد عددهم أيام الجمهوـ ملكية عن أيام الملكية بما يقارب المليون في المائة.

البترول والمعادن:
عملية حسابيه خمسين في خمسين .

الدين والثقافة والأخلاق والقانون الإنساني الأخلاقي:
حُرفت ودنست واستبدلت بمبادىء مسيلمة الكذاب والمسيح الدجال ودستور الأرض المحروقة.

سراب في سراب.

ترى من أرسل الخبراء والبلد بأمس الحاجة إليهم ؟ عين العدل الزجاجية فمن وراء الزجاج يا سادة ؟ ولله الحمد.

للعزة والمجد يقول الديك للملأ: قفوا وسبحوا وهللوا لمملكة الديك والهدهد . قفوا واثقين في معبد الشمس معبدكم. الشمس التي لم تكن يوما لكم وستكون لكم عما قريب.

Title: The Yemenite Pedant

Genre: Satire
Format: Screenplay
Satire: Politics
Alongline: She stated and declared that she possesses experts from humans and genies
by Mohamed Tawfik Al-Mansouri

My aunt told me about Fatima that she talks like a roaring torrent during the rain and also narrates her own stories as well as the stories of others. People exclaimed and said God gendarmerie Mrs. Fatima, except some, who consider and think that Fatima is only proud of her old and new pride. One of them shouted saying that Fatima is Ahmad Curban (heroic, mysterious, legendary and a comic character).
One day, when I was in the Board at Conference of Chewing the Opium Khat (a drug plant of class IV), unexpectedly my friend pressed a button on the remote control; then, Fatima appeared on the T.V. a Screen. What a magical and amazing person she is! but in fact she is a stuttering and stammering character.
Suddenly, she stated and declared that she possesses experts from humans and genies, and she expedited them to Germany to unionize the German land as well as people, and also the West asked of the rest.
The experts assembled and with the speed of genies they broke the Berlin Wall. Germany became one country, the institutions and establishments etc. integrated and merged.
One of the experts said we destroyed the Berlin Wall and sold it piece by piece for better economic conditions, erasing features and legacies of the painful past of Germany's separation and to build a replacement sports stadium for new and future generations.
Another one of the experts chucklingly said that the wisdom is Yemenite and yet the country is German, and added " what about Aden's and Sanaa's unity?
He was answered by another expert saying that they were sent with the wind to foreign countries to reform their affairs and this decision was made after showing the opium khat Souti (type of the opium khat).
Fatima's experts insisted continue the work so, they dug and constructed the roads to widen them more, the buildings, they built factories build, and cultivated farms and they plant the crops. Hence, the production in increasing and the nation is in prosperity.
People of the World are surprised and they said oh Lord it is true that Fatima's experts are genies of Solomon really, it is a miracle.
Before the time of sowing, Hafsa came carrying a straw basket and on her way to the field, the shepherds asked her about immigrants and emigrants. She replied , " They died of thirst in the desert".

Afterwards, they asked her about the pastures and fields.
She answered , " They are in sustained and continuous drought and desertification".
After that they asked about the country. She replied, " It is in the abyss".
Then, Hafsa was questioned about the rebels.
She responded , " They were killed, displaced, tortured and demobilized by the regime, between the hammer and anvil, and some of them have surrendered and have given up for different reasons."
The shepherds continued asking her about security.
Hafsa quickly answered " There is no security nor safety, and it is an embarrassing situation".
After that they asked her about justice.
She told them " It is with one eye and the one is vitreous, it means that justice is blind.
At that time, she was asked about the factories.
She replied " The perfumes of Raoda, which horrified and upset people's feelings. The old textile and weaving, factories, and the private sector of Uncle Hail.
Soon after, they asked about the projects.
She answered " Taiz's water project, the people's palace from the outside, and other imaginary projects and plans.
After all, the shepherds asked Hafsa about the achievements in the country.
She said, "The hospitals and streets are full of people with tuberculosis and other epidemic diseases".
Then they asked her about roads.
She told them, " They are full of garbage, gaps, potholes, chuckholes, pitfalls and military and security checkpoints".
Thereafter, they asked her about schools.
She told them " There are neither enlightening nor educational systems. The goal of the New Imam is to make the nation illiterate without declaration".
Later on, they asked her about the Social Security, Insurance and Aids.
She responded " It is in high level just only for military and security leaders.
Finally, they asked her about the freedom, democracy, brotherhood and equality.
She replied " Sweet and nice talk and word, bad ethnical and tribal regime of the state, and military technocrats, who work randomly, deceptively, illusionary and criminally. The tactic exceeded the level of brutalism aiming by that to havoc, to devastate and to obscure the nation's identity and to exterminate people and their humanitarian heritage.
At the end, they asked her about the future.
She answered, " It is a mirage in the hallucination".
Do you know who sent the experts out when the country desperately needed them? Is the sender the virtuous eyes of Justice? and who is behind the hidden glass. Lord is thankful and Hallelujah.
For pride and glory the rooster said to the public " Stand up, glory and acclaim for the Kingdom of Rooster and Hoopoe, stand up with confidence in the Temple of the Sun, which belongs to you. The sun that was never yours and will soon be yours".
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