There are active and sleeper cells of espionages which work and organize for terrorism and crimes as well as for illegal transactions . These groups hide their actions by using the religious and social issues: Same of the organizers names are the following:
Mr. Al-Hrowi who is supported financially and logistically by the Saudi’s Kingdom, and Mr. Wahib, a multi-agent for socialistic and pro-Iranian Islamic State who works for Nortel Company.
The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.
Some of their places are the Islamic Centers, Yemenite illegal and legal informational Centers of the diplomatic lines, and Restaurants at downtown Ottawa ( e.g. Persian Cousin). They work together with the diplomatic lines of Islamic, Arabic and Socialistic countries like Kuwait, Iran, Yemen, Syria ,Lebanon and former Soviet Union , Poland, United Arab Emirates and Yugoslavia . Below are some names of the activist :
Mrs. Tania (KGB agent) ,
Abdulwahab Salam, (pro-KGB and anti-American State),
Mohamed Mohamed (Kuwait-Iranian Branch : NvN7),
Mr. Ahmed Murad (Syrian-pro-Iranian and anti-American State),
Mr. Abdulkarim ( Formmer Yemenite diplomatic worker and KGB),
Mr. Salih Al-Fadli ( Kuwaiti-Islamic Branch : Capital-Taxi drivers) ,
Mr. Ghassan Liquman the agent who works under the American and pro Capitalism systems. ( American Insurance Company) , and
Mr. Rodney who lives in Nepean ( former business man of NVN-7 and anti-American and white people).
Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North
America and Europe
Recently, they use some of the Restaurants of Downtown Ottawa to hide their crimes by using the masks of Black and Latin American activists. (America, Syria, Latin America, Egypt and Spain, Montreal, Gatineau, the Arabian Gulf States, Qatar, Iraq and Poland are their map's Road).
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Three
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Four
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Five
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five