A Yemenite terrorist and criminal organization that works under the legends of nationalism, Socialism and Islamism . It acts and hides its action in the Islamic Establishments and the diplomatic lines of Yemen ,Turkey , Lebanon and Syria. Some of the activists are the following:

Mr. Albdul Wahab Al-Mohtadi who works for the Algonquin College, and

Mr. Jamil who moved to London- England.

This groups road is Ottawa, London, Vancouver, the United State of America, and the United Kingdom). Another group of this diplomatic line works from Gladstone Restaurant (Yemeni Restaurant) and deals with Islamic and Socialistic groups. It corroborates with Qatari and Syrian diplomatic lines and organizations in the States of the Arabian Gulf. Ottawa, Gatineau, Yemen , Syria and Southern-East Asia are some of their road).

The second group works from the University of Ottawa e.g. the Department of Arts. It is an orthodox and pro-terrorism organization. It works dishonest for Canadian governments, and it spreads hate and discrimination. It secretes its crimes by using methods and facilities that are given for them from Canadian governments. It does not respect the constitutional issues . It also organizes youth, activist as well leaders by duplicating them to corrupt Canada. ( e.g. Islamic radical groups of Jordan, Nationalistic groups of pro-Islamic Republic of Iran, Syria and Lebanon).

The third group works from the restaurants of Downtown Ottawa and it spreads the terrorism and violence of the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf states. The diplomatic lines of United Arab Emirates, Poland , Palestine and Israel, as well as the former activists of Iraq regime are the supports of this group. Rideau street is one of the places that they act from (e.g. Mingle Woods Restaurant which is located at Waller street). One of the names that they use to hide their activities is Rami.

The fourth group works with the corroboration of Diplomatic lines of Lebanon and Iran and the act from the Shawarma Restaurant of Dollhouse street.

The filth group works form Jack Purcell Community Center and it corroborates with terrorist and criminal organizations that act from the United State as well as from the diplomatic lines of Kuwait, Israel and Poland. It spreads the hate, violence and crimes.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

All these groups do not aware of the constitution. Their advisors and images are the teachers and activists of international integrated security systems, who act from Catholic and Non-Catholic educational establishments such as Catholic School Boars, University of Ottawa and Algonquin College, Bars, Restaurants and Houses etc. They hide their crimes and they work illusionary for national and international security system.

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Three https://poetsofottawa.ning.com/profiles/blogs/rcmp-canadas-image-and-2

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Four


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Five


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fiveteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Six

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