David Gladstone has the last Word: Take on Centretown
The Centeretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC),, Ottawa’s largest provider of non-for-profit housing, is holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 25, starting at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall. Detailed reports on the CCOC’s activities will be presented to members, tenants and interested members, tenants, and interested members of the community(who are welcome to join). Councillor Diane Holmes is the long-serving chair of the CCOC’s AGM. COC started in started in Centretown and our community’s leading provider of rental housing.
Jack Purcell designed the eponymous sneaker shown here.
The following Tuesday, May 25, anther stalwart of the Centreretown community, the Jack Purcell Recreation Association (JPRA) is holding its, the Jack Purcell Community Centre . Who was Jack Purcell, you ask? Well, I answered the question in a piece in the BUZZ back in the ‘ 90s: Jack Purcell was a World War I veteran who, while working in the post office on Sparks Street and raising a family on Park Avenue, ran a community hockey rink located where St Luke’s Park tennis courts are now. The grown-ups he had helped when they were kids asked that then new community center be named after him.
READ MORE: The Centertowne BUZZ,