His Honorable, the Prime Minster,

I am M.T. Al-Mansouri, Ph.D. A member of Conservative Party of Canada , an activist for Human Rights Issues, reporter for RCMP and the owner of the Ottawa International Poets and Writers For Human Rights (OIPWHR) Blog, http://www.poetsofottawa.ning.com. Due to the dishonest workers of members of police and networks of pro-terrorist and criminal groups I was arrested by the police by the accusation of some members of the networks that hide crimes nationally and internationally. The network chooses three members to represent themselves and hidden groups of illegal transactions, espionages, terrorism and violence. I attached the materials in pdf file. The three members names are mentioned in the reports and they are the following. Mr. Faruk Amman, Dr. Qais Ghanem, Dr. Al-Mohtadi Abdul Wahab . Recently I can not active the media to publish neither news nor advertise for our members for elections. My lawyer is Mr. Blair Crew of 17 Copernicus Ottawa, K1N 6N5 Ontario, and his e-mail address and thelephon nembers are below.

(613) 562-5600 Ext. 3120
(613) 562-5602

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely Yours,

Mohamed Tawfik Al-Mansouri, Ph.D.

901-415 MacLaren Street

K2P 2C8, Ontario, Ottawa

Tel:. (613)421-5733


Enemies of Human Rights Issues

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)