This year registration can be performed on-line (see below) using a credit card over a secure connection or by mail using the registration form |
Please follow this link for On-line Registration |
BIFHSGO’s online registration for the 2010 Fall Conference. You can pay your Conference registration fees, pre-conference seminars, lunches and BIFHSGO membership with VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, VISA/Mastercard Debit Card or PayPal account using the secure PayPal payment system. Please note that your credit card information is NOT retained by BIFHSGO. When a valid BIFHSGO membership number / surname combination has been entered or you are applying for a half-year 2010 membership, you will automatically be presented with the member rates for the Conference and the pre-conference seminars. When you have completed entering your conference options, you will be advised of the total amount for your credit card transaction and asked to “Pay Now”. Selecting the "Pay Now" option will transfer you to PayPal where you can arrange for payment of your selected options. Press the "Pay Now" button only once, otherwise you may incur additional charges to your credit card. You do not have to be a PayPal subscriber to use this facility. You will receive an email from BIFHSGO confirming your conference registration choices and from PayPal confirming your credit card charge. Please note that should you decide later to cancel your registration or change your registration (for instance add or cancel a lunch or workshop) you must mail the Conference Registrar with the details of your request. All refunds or additional fees will be paid by cheque. No refunds to your credit card are available at this time. Cheques for additional conference options should be made out in Canadian funds to “BIFHSGO Conference” and mailed to BIFHSGO Conference 2010, 3947 Autumnwood Street, Gloucester, Ontario, K1T 1V6 Download a list of accommodations close to the venue (LAC). A $25 fee is applied to all cancellations and there are no refunds after September 1st. Please direct all queries regarding the conference to the Conference Registrar. All enquires regarding your credit card payment must be directed to PayPal. |
Please follow this link for On-line Registration |
BIFHSGO Fall Conference Registration (2010)