Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Twenty Two
The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria , Lebanon , Israel , Egypt ,Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar, Libya, Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. The use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.
Groups that belong to the diplomatic line of Republic of Yemen and its informational Centers
These groups are involved in terrorism and crimes, illegal transactions and they invest in these fields. Members of these networks are relatives and sons of Yemeni criminal leaders, who belong to Islamic, Socialistic and Nationalistic groups. They work from the Universities, hidden no-hidden Islamic and nationalistic centers. They continue their activities despite the Western countries and the world warning them to departure their lands.
Group (a) belongs to the consultant leader of the dictator of Republic of Yemen Mr. Abdul Aziz Abdul –Ghani and his brothers in North America, who strongly stand to hide the crimes of Mr. Farouk Abdul Haq, the killer of the Nierogeain student in London in 2008.
Some names of this groups are Mr. Abdul Malik and his son Hisham Abdul Mailk and other relatives and agents in Canada and America. This group work together with the diplomatic line of Syria, Sudan, Egypt and Israel.
Members of this network are anti human rights and animal issues. They use magic to give power to their ill state, utilize the international aid only to hide their crimes. They are involved in illegal drug trade transactions and they work under the influence of them.
They attract Jewish, Syrian and Lebanese states, and agents of Somali and some African immigrants by promised them getting wealth , powers and government’s facilities to envelop their illegal activities.
Some of this group activists names are:
Abdul Karim the former worker of the diplomatic line in Ottawa,
Mr. Olfi Tai (NVN 7 – Multi-agent – Islamic religious establishments) ,
Mr. Sharhan (Multi-agent – Islamic religious establishments) ,
Mr. Ghasan Luqman (Multi-agent – Islamic religious establishments , Arabic and worldwide centers ) ,
Mr. Al-Awadani ( Islamic centers),
Al-Shbri Mohamed ( Islamic Institutions), and
most members of Yemeni Community in Ottawa.
Logistically and financially are supported by the green Party member Mr. Qais Ghanem and the diplomatic lines of most Islamic and Arabic countries. They work anti Canadian system. They fight against the tolerance of the Churches and other religious groups and races.
Group (b) belongs to the former Pre-Minister Abdul Karim Al-Ariani, who is one of the criminal leaders of the Yemeni state and the involver in inhuman activities like civil wars, assassinations, trafficking human organs and prostitutions in Yemen, Arabian Gulf and the world . This set corroborates these features with the head of the state and representative of group (a).
To this group belong also many criminals like :
the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abu-Bakr –Al-Karbi and his relatives , who act from Canada and Egypt with the terrorist groups that belong to the former Iraqi leader,
the Former Minister of Electricity Mr. Mustafa Bahran, ( Sanaa’a University),
Dr. Al-Zaimy Abdul Baki (University of Sana’a),
Ali Almiry (University of Sana’a), and
other activists from Iraq and Sudan named in the previous reports. Map of their activities is Yemen , the Arabian Gulf, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, America, Canada, Germany, London , Australia and New Zealand.
Financially, they are supported by unlimited gifts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, facilities of Yemenite ministries and aid that mostly given by the Western countries. Agent of this group in Canada is Mr. Taha Al-Karbi and Shaik Issa’s family and Abdul Wahab Saeed (NvN7), and Mr. Ghafar (resident of Windsor-Ontario).
Group ©. works to Iraqi former regime supporters who act from Yemen. The representatives and the ideological advisors of this group work with the late tribal leader Mr. Mojahid Abo-Shawarb and his relatives.
Mrs. Aiman immigrant from Iraq is the mother and the logistic leader of this network in Ottawa. Mr. Al-Awami, and other international hidden students in the diplomatic line of Yemen and at Canadian Universities also belon to this network.
They want to invest in crimes and terrorism with approximately one million dollars.
(d) Some artists who act from Ottawa like Abdul- Rahman or Rahmanof (Ottawa)
Murad Dager (Ottawa) , and Masoud ( immigrant and talented painter, who immigrated from Iraq via Jordan with a plan to invest in terrorism and crimes).
Group (e). Members of this group belong to former criminal leader of South Yemen and works with corporation of Nationalistic and Islamic ideological institutions of Yemeni-Syrian Centers for Strategic Studies, which are located in the United Arab Emirates, Syria and Yemen., as well as with Iranian groups . Members of this group use the Canadian official documents to ease their illegal activities and movements.
One of the activists of this network is Mr. Al-Maissari ( Yemenite Community),
Mr. Ahmed Sadik Abdul-Rahim and his groups mentioned in group (a).
Group (f) . members of this group are Mr. Mohamed Mohamed the business man who works from Islamic Centers of Ottawa, and trades with China,
Al-Awalki’s logistic groups who live in Ottawa and trades with NVN7 and China too. The trade roads of this group also the Arabian Gulf and America.
Group (g) Hussian Al-Agbari (Windsor-Canada, and Cairo-Egypt. He uses Canadian facilities of traveling etc, a member of network that act and hide some illegal actions. (NVN7 and Mr. Jafiar in Windsor-Ontario)
(h). Al-Hadad’s family group , this group that works under the influences of the Yemenite official regime and the Islamic radical establishments to hide their crimes and crimes of their leaders. It road map of activities is America, United Arab Emirates, the Arabian Gulf states, Canada, Yemen (Taiz,- Sana’a- Aden).
To this network belong many radical activities who work for Islamic centers in the United States of America e.g. Islamic religious establishments at New Mexico and Texas .
On of the activists is Mr. Khalid Mohamed Khasim Al-Qadasi, the resident of New Mexico (University –Worker), and one of the ideologists of terrorism, who networks with Hindi and Pakistani Islamic radical movements and encourages for intolerance, terrorism and illegal transactions.
The represented of Al-Hadad’s family in Texas is Mr. Abdul Hakim Naji Abdulla Al-Hadad, and in Canada Mr. Al-Harwi , who works for Islamic Centers of Ottawa as well as for radical Islamic movements of the Saudi Arabia a round the world.
(f). Amman’s Family is a group that act from Canada (Kanata- Ontario). It is represented by Mr. Farouk Amman and his wife, who works for Canadian Ministry of Defense. This group characterized by racism, dishonest work, discrimination, and gaps in Canadian national and international systems due to their acceptance to hide the crime of Yemenite regime (Islamic and non-Islamic). It harms the opinion and the reputations of Canada. Link not only to Islamic movements but for nationalistic leaders e.g. Iraqi former leader and his lovers.
(g). Sabri Tabet, a Canadian-Yemenite and an engineer, who works for Arabian Gulf company in Alberta and the user of Canadian facilities. His network uses not only the Yemenite criminal regime power and culture to spread hate, discrimination and violence , yet it uses the facilities of ministries of interior, foreign affairs and defense.
Groups that belong to the diplomatic lines of United Arab Emirates and the Arabian Gulf States
Group(h). is looking for Canadian human rights support and the intervention of Canadian Federal government. Because its new generations are captive and abused by the radical and nationalistic movements of regimes.
Mr. Sharmawi (Canada-Nova Scotia-Doha-Lebanon) is a professor who not only works for Doha University , yet for the head of Qatari state and for the radical Islamic worldwide movement, that leads by Mr. Qaradawi. He case is an example of several people who are suffering from the same problems, and not contact the Canadian High Commissions regularly.
Group (i). This group is a combination of Iraq, Yemen, Lebanese , Syrian, former eastern European activists. One of the characteristics of this group to hide crimes ,espionage and illegal transactions is the prostitution.
They act with the facilities of the diplomatic lines of mentioned countries. Some names of the representative of this network is Mr. Iskander Al-Junabi, ( Abu-Dhabi - United Arab Emirates ),
Abdul-Wahab Saeed (NVN7- Ottawa),
Abdul Majed (Iraqi former professor of U.A. E. University-NVN-7),
Abdul-Latif Al-Shargabi (Yemenite-diplomatic Line),
Their space of work is most Western countries, former Eastern European countries, America, Canada and the Arabian Gulf,
Young women from former European countries, Yemen and Morocco etc. are one of the victims and prisoners of this group due to the rules of the regimes mentioned above , and their fights with socialist espionage, radical Islamic groups activists, and illegal and legal business men actions.