Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Twenty Four
The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar, Libya, Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.
Groups that belong to Qatari and Arabian Gulf States, Terrorism, Crimes, Slavery, Conspiracy, and human organs trafficking with support of the diplomatic lines of France, Israel, Syria, Iraq, China, Yemen, North African Countries, United States of America, and Germany
(a). Some of criminal groups that belong to Qatari regime or worked with it. Members of these groups work with the support of Kuwait diplomatic line in Ottawa, which hides human rights issues of physical workers that is causes by the representative of the leaders regime of the heads of State mentioned states to this network belongs most educational staff of Qatar University.
Some names of the criminals and pro-terrorist groups Mr. Hilal, who moved to Kuwait (A holder of Australian citizenship), (Conspiracy and illegal transactions, Islamic Movement)
Al-Any (A representative of Al-Bath’s Party, Criminal logistic member of networks, terrorism),
Dr. Jamal who moved to United Arab Emirates and works for Sharjah University, Yemenite centers for illegal transactions (Conspiracy, illegal transactions and multi-agent),
Sheik Al-Qaradawi, Islamic Department (Terrorism, Crimes, Slavery, Conspiracy, and human organs trafficking involvers),
Some of this set workers work from Yemenite tribal community and diplomatic line in Ottawa e.g. His Excellency, the Ambassador of Yemenite regime in Ottawa,
Al-Sadi, (Pro-Syrian too)
Al-Ajazidy, (pro-Syrian too)
Al-Yahri , (pro-Syrian too)
Aisam (Lebanese: Ottawa: Rideau Center, Alberta, America, B.C., England)
Jamil Abdo Saif (Yemenit diplomatic line: Ottawa and England: Islamic Insitutions),
Suzanne (Canadian-French, resident of Ottawa 415 MacLaren St. Floor No. 15 is one of the logistic worker for pro- French movements and separation of Quebec; Syria-Lebanon logistic supporter, she acts from United Churches too: Iraqi former regime cells in Canada)
This group uses the Canadian Id and facilities and substantiates with pro-Syrian espionage cells, And with another members it acts from Islamic religious terrorist and peace organizations and institutions representative by the officials of most mentioned diplomatic lines above.
To the Qatari head of states officials who belong to this network ministers and consultants that belong to radical movement like Aisia Turkey Abdullah Al-Soubai, minister of Energy Al-Atia as well as Mr. Zohair Abasi (Syrian professor and logistic supporters for several agents),
A taxi driver and former worker of the Shawarma city acts with hidden members, from Ottawa, and
Mr. Jamal a former resident of Salvation Army (Lebanese-Syrian).