This is a garden zoo, the dog bites the cat, the cat bites the mouse, and the sheep kicks the goat. All these habits in our garden zoo. All are dirtier than the others.
This short poem entitled “ Garden Zoo” published in 2005, at the International Library of Poetry http://, Washington D.C., and nominated as the poem of the Year by the International Society of Poets. BIOGRAPHY OF SIR PROPHET TAWFIK SAEED Ph.D · Canadian poet, the member of Conservative Party of Canada, Tawfik Saeed, SIR PROPHET AL-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik Ph. D is of Canadian, British and Arabian background. His first ascendants were from The Arabian Desert Called Al-Jahrah. Recently, he lives in Ottawa, Ontario. His hobbies are playing soccer, table tennis, swimming and writing. · He works as a consultant, genealogist and researcher for the Canadian Federal Government in the National and International Strategic Affairs for Her Majesty; Queen Elizabeth II. · Founder of new trend of arts entitled “Canadian Rooster and Hoopoe”, and the creator of new image of the Devil and cloning spirit. · Owner of Scientific idea in the NORTEL COMPANY. · Advocate for the Human Rights, Amnesty International and Green Peace, Children’s Rights, Equality of Feminism and Equality of Men, Animal Rights and Environment. · Activist to stop the Yemeni Civil War of 1994, via the UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO, League of Arab State and President of Yemen. · A prompter for the authority of Yemen to solve the boarder problems between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Yemen Governments. · Worked in the scientific field and participate in many international conferences and symposia. · Writer for many fictional and scientific short articles in Arabic Language, which will be published as a cooperation work between the Canadian Federal Government and the State of Kuwait. · Wrote 17 articles entitled “From the Inspiration of Rooster” were resources for the two American Fictional and Scientific Films entitled the RAT, and the Devil, and the other 22, entitled Modern Worships, Rooster’s Tradition and Habit, Rooster’s Affairs, Rooster’s and contemplation are in progress. · Author of the genealogy study of the Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri family tree groups. · Recently, he is writing the testimony abbreviation of his prophecy, and cheering many others groups the latest stage of writing and publishing it, working with the Canadian Federal Government on the final stage to recognize his new Canadian Political and Humanitarian trend of art. Unsolicited Comments from Poets like yourself! After years of fighting and searching for press that evaluate the thought and encourage the skills, it is for my both an achievement and honour that the Selection Committee has chosen to publish “Garden Zoo”. SIR PROPHET TAWFIK SAEED Ph.D Artist’s ProfileSIR PROPHET Tawfik Saeed “Garden Zoo” Having mission of renovation that is a gift of the Lord, and the security code of my pre-birth, I start fighting for humane being equality, which is still a dilemma in most of the Third World, as well as the intensive contemplation of studies in Canada that gives my inspiration to continue my fights for human being against the Devil’s power to strength the truth and to return for the Lord his True Image. I faced many obstacles one of them being my mother, the martyr Al-Sourorri Nooria Owai’s killed, for the purpose of the evil powers to involve my to whatchamacallit local or illusionary systems in order to cover their damaging for most of the families heritage and history background, and nationalizing their rights and wealth and directed my mission for their inhumane purposes. Additionally, I inherited from my grand father mother and father and the other relatives, the fourth and sixth generation of Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri family groups, which they are the ascendants of the Arabian Desert, and the British history and heritage the seriousness, open minded, wisdom, living with others and integrated peacefully and fighting for transferring the civilization. Finally, I have explored from one place to another before I came to Canada in September, 2000 as a gift of the Lord and by the inspiration of my genetics code to start my working for Canadian Federal Government as a consultant for National and International Strategic Affairs. Garden Zoo describes the story of the confrontation among the powers of the Devil and their random integration and complicity to save the code of the devil, work against the truth, and it ended by the fact that those powers are dirtier than the others, and the truth is the winner.