This frist Letter: His Excellency the president you were being created as a president by the supreme Creators' heightened stimulation .You were calling for the nations' affair, being evoking and summoning for the citizens concern, and you exerted forth many efforts to contend and eliminate all distinctions and all disparities. Moreover, your pictures were being hanged in all streets' wall, all regions' corners and containers. But now you are named and identified by the Previous Yemenite President. They wanted by you to proceed further and acquire a triumphed victory for Palestine, and pass by you the Strait of Gibraltar, and you sir, have not enough vessels or marine ships. You are just eating Shawarma in Damascus and sausages in Aleppo.
They made from you a young gentleman, merely hugging and embracing in an affectionate way, they made also your companions and comrades in your association, as well as your relatives and friends all were being executed suspension and sadly hanged. They became misguided and lost toward evils tunnels and trenches. They were being next to a brutal viles, robbers, and highways' bandits.
His Excellency the president you left away Yemen with its all tribes, lineages and factions, And the thunderclaps crash against Yemeni people once they leave them away, and once it hugging them. Their bodies were being filled and stuffed with harmful infections and disease, afflictions and calamities, and with plagues and guns.
Now, you go back to your homes and regions, and leave off talking about the insane cracker and the hypocritical person. And then sell all your wealth riche and all your esteemed prestigious, and go back to live next to the Al-Syssaban and Alawalegg aiming to build up the home of Dhi Yazin, Um Shaffale and Tarig, so as to annul the laws of nationalization, and to make the rights goes back to its real owners, and to be safe from the punishment of the supreme creator in his Judgment Day.
The Second Letter: His Excellency Mr. President I remembered and recalled you, when you cut the tape in our narrow lane in my region area, and around you your trusted companion and comrades. They were swaying back and forth, applauding, and praising to you cheerfully.
But now the torrent is overflowing, submerged and destroyed our regions' area and the narrow lane. It merely to be left on it is outlaw highwayman and poor citizens. They are suffering from sharp pain, distress, affliction, and shortages in flour. They are also divided into masters and slaves. The children are crying and lamentation, because of collapsing from hunger.
His Excellency the president is this your old dream, and succession of images? I know that Damascus is putting you away from anger and disturbance, it's odour and scent open your inspire, yet, I will remind you about Yemenite unique flowers and the Yemenite original music melodies.
I am asking you about rights in the old past? Let our unity studies' project, firstly, the unity of Toor ALbahha, and Zaraniggh tribes, What Ahmed and his father are doing with agates? What about scheme, murder and khat opium and soup bowl? moreover, what about the Imam who praised by his preaches speech the supreme creator, who has the salary, position and career? By this we will be together as an excellent lover and true friends, I am Dr. Tawfik writing to you this lines from Canada from Johns and Shaffigu's restaurant. Finally, my regards, And the regards of the rooster to you, who calls you and says Cook-a-doodle-doo, Cook-a-doodle-doo, Cook-a-doodle-doo.