1. A Yemenite pro-Syrian group that works with corroboration of Iranian diplomatic line.
Carlos is the Nike-Name of one of their activists (Ottawa)
Mr. Khasim Ismail is the second one ( Immigrant of Djibouti, Ottawa).
Ahmed Sadik Abdulrahim ( Yemenite Community), pro-Syrian regime and a socialistic who corroborates with former Eastern block. Toastmaster at Argyle street is one of their residence as well as the Yemenite -Canadian Community. They have lots of apartments that they act ideologically and logistically against Western systems. Some of their agents work with support of the Yemenite and Saudi’s regimes and their diplomatic lines.
The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.
2. Former Iraqi regime with support of criminals ( Islamic, Nationalistic, Socialistic groups, they have some business centers like barbers salons, restaurants , medical centers, from them they use and transfer their ideological , criminal and terrorist system. North African anti-Western countries ,Syrians ,Palestinians , Lebanese and Jordanians are some of their agents and supporters. Salons of Cooper street and Gladstone as well as unhygienic places of smoking are few of their places. Some of the organizers names are mentioned in the previous reports.
In addition, to the previous names is Mr. Samir (Super Man Salon at Gladstone – Ottawa, the immigrant from Iraq who moved from Yemen and Russia. He is one of the militant of the former regime of Iraq.
Yemenite regime with Islamic and Nationalistic groups are the supporters of them, as well as the pro-socialistic activists of Soviet Union.
Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North
America and Europe
Western Churches e.g. the United Churches of downtown Ottawa Aylmer street at Ban , Sunnyside , and the United Church of Argyle Avenue and theirs Food Banks are some of stages of their acts.
The aid that are given for needy , homeless and disable people are one of the propaganda that national and international security systems are used to hide their crimes locally and globally. Groups of the hidden system embodies discriminations, hates and crimes, and some of the methods that are used to disorder and disrespect people , the United Church and Canada’s administrational and functional systems.
This group also is represented by the Islamic and Catholic of former regime of Poland, socialistic countries Yemen, Syria, Poland, and Lebanon. It is supported by Mr. Daniel the resident of McLeod street.
Egyptian , Syrian and Lebanese, Polish Christian and non-Christian are some of the workers who hide hate for Canada and Western security systems.
3. Lebanese, Syrian , Jordanian and Palestinian pro and anti Syrian regimes are building illegal political parties and organizations. Some names of these organizations are the Christian Military Parties like the Liberal Parties and the Militant Parties , and Islamic Parties like Hezbollah, and Hams Movements. Ideologically they compete with the Jewish pro and anti peace process organizations. All of them are disloyal for Canada due to their act against local Canadian cultural, social, political and economic systems.
4. Local Media of most Canadian communities and centers are not dealing with the harmony of the Canadian systems (educationally, linguistically, politically, economically, Culturally and psychologically) despite the support that are given by the Ministries of Heritage and Multiculturalism to provide the unity and the security of the Canadian nation.
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Three https://poetsofottawa.ning.com/profiles/blogs/rcmp-canadas-image-and-2
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Four
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Five
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five
RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fiveteen
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Six
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Seven
Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Eight