Hello. Hello. Hello.
She replied "Who is the speaker?"
He answered her "May God extend your lifespan".
He added that he is an honest citizen.
In addition, he asked her if the ambassador is in his office?
She replied to him that she is his sister.
Then, he responded to her saying "welcome sister, who is neither from maternity nor paternity".
Then the line went dead.
He repeated the call.
Hello. Hello. Hello.
She replied to him saying affirmative.
He asked her if the ambassador is in his office?
She replied to him that the ambassador is a political agent, useless, exploitational
and lacking in competence.
That is true my dears, the ambassador is borrowed person.
She asked him, "May I connect you with garrulous ambassador?"
Yes, nothing does remain, except garrulous ambassador, and a blonde secretary, who's her hair, was twistly braided.
She is gorgeous although, she hates the date palm trees as well as camels.
Their legend and logo are making mockery of issuing passports, ordering the payment of fees in advance, and also making a comedy of taking finger prints.
هلو... هلو... هلو...
أجابت وقالت مين؟
قال لها أطال الله عمرك. أنا المواطن أمين.
هل السفير موجود؟
أجابت لا.
وقالت أنا الأخت.
رد عليها وقال أهلا بالتي هي لا من الأمومة أخت ولا من الأبوه أخت.
حينها انقطع الخط.
أعاد الاتصال. هلو... هلو... هلو...
أجابت نعم.
فسألها من جديد
هل السفير موجود؟
أجابته بأن السفير مأجور.
نعم أعزائي فالسفير مأجور.
ثم قالت له هل أعطيك الصفير؟
نعم لم يبق إلا الصفير.
وسكرتيرته شقراء شعرها المضفور ضافر ضفير.
حسناء هي
لكنها تكره شجر النخل وكذلك البعير.
وشعارها من شعارهم جدد جوازك
وادفع الرسوم مقدما
وابصم بالخمس وبالسادس من اليد
الإصبع الأخير.