Sand bags and the acts of war are everywhere from the Middle East to Africa.
Where is the International Communities' support and a thousand questions to be answered?
Malice, greed and geopolitics have gotten them all in antagonism. When the oil fields spew not much oil, when oil prices face downturn, when the dollar is surging in its strength, when the poor are trapped in their homes waiting for the next day and where to find their next meals. The big storm is real! Real! Real! Eh! Why all these dilemma? Whether moral or moral equivalence... No body knows of all the ills.
Why the Arab Spring, but not Spring season flowers? Where are they lost? Perhaps all secrets are concealed by a large number of fraudstres...Why? What do they gain at the expense of the common people? Who is a democrat and a tyrant among the common people? Why all this big storm sweeping across a region known for only poverty?
Sickness and diseases are their common wars. Look here my friend! The common people are only qualified to fight and eliminate coughs and Ebolara viruses.
The Empty Quarter of desert is only good for the camels to roam about with their masters.
Horse racing and fantasy is only for the rich Arab or Persian families who know how to fight unjust wars. They train the poor into Hutheen just to spread Shia faith, but the rest of the common people don't see these agents of the big storm that causes desert dust. but not water drops.