Mankind is divided to a numerous of ethnicities that possess different values and cultures. These cultures are inherited and dedicated from one generation to another. Moreover, they are dependable upon the beliefs, history, geography and psychology. They are faithful upon individual and communal perception. Hence, we have not only diversity in cultures, but also a plentiful of paradoxes present on one hand with friendships, the other with enmities.
There are many articles written about the political socialization, political science and global citizenship and they discuss the integrity among nations. Most of them draw a map of optimistic road, others are vice versa.
Axworthy, the Canadian Former Minister of Foreign Affairs wrote the book entitled “ Navigating the World” mentioning about the international issues that impact the human beings security and he draw his solutions for solution most of them.
These problems are the following: alleviating poverty, management of resources, among them water, environmental issues, such as global warming, smuggling, child soldiers, health care, human security, wars. Moreover, the economic solidarity represented by free market trade and globalization. All of these ideas influence every one of us in positive or in negative way.
Axworthy L. has solutions to the problems due to his scientific background as well as his skills and experience in different fields. He emphasizes the human approach, which results in global citizenship. He practiced that during his debates with international experts, and he observed these phenomena during his visits to many countries. Sometimes, he advised using soft power tools in order to achieve aims in correcting the world. So, ideas of Axworthy are an ideal equipment to develop the approach among nations, yet putting them into reality is very hard.
My opinion is based on an optimistic point of view, so I am beside the Global Citizenship, which will eliminate the economic, political, a social and psychological boarder. However, the circumstances sometimes make me distrust this theory.
Reasons of my uncertainty in solutions are the wars, violence, terrorism as well as poverty and other environmental and economic issues. Wars, usually are the most dangerous thing they damage every thing so, I am involved in human rights issues to support getting a real peace for all people.
In conclusion, instead of wars and crimes committed against humanity, we desire to live in true peace.
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون . مشكور يادكتور سيف. لقد نشرت الخبر يومها بالعربية والبولندية
جمعية خريجي الجامعات البولندية وشعراء وكــتـّاب أوتــاوا المهـتمين بحقوق الإنسـان يعزون أسرة الفقيد الدكتور كمال عبدالصمد القدسي.
Śmiertelny wypadek samochodowy : KONDOLENCJE DLA RODZINY I PRZYJACIÓŁ Doktora Kamala Al-Kadasigo.
الدكتور / توفيق محمد المحترم
ابلغكم بهذا النباء المؤسف .. وهو أنه الدكتور كمال القدسي قد توفى في بولندا الاسبوع الماضي.. وأنقل لكم خالص التعازي والسلام
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون . مشكور يادكتور سيف. لقد نشرت الخبر يومها بالعربية والبولنديةجمعية خريجي الجامعات البولندية وشعراء وكــتـّاب أوتــاوا المهـتمين بحقوق الإنسـان يعزون أسرة الفقيد الدكتور كمال عبدالصمد القدسي.
Śmiertelny wypadek samochodowy : KONDOLENCJE DLA RODZINY I PRZYJACIÓŁ Doktora Kamala Al-Kadasigo.
ابلغكم بهذا النباء المؤسف .. وهو أنه الدكتور كمال القدسي قد توفى في بولندا الاسبوع الماضي.. وأنقل لكم خالص التعازي والسلام
د/ سيف القباطي