The political teacher thrashed the hen with a stake until she killed it.
She never asks about this or that character.
The students debated and questioned each other in the classrooms, corridors, and even outside of the school on this dilemma.
However, they repeated unconsciously what the media broadcasted, and what the organization told them.
Oh my Lord, what is happened to the hen truly;
who is that teacher,
what is the matter,
what does the media and the organization talk about, and
what is that organization?
The pupils were confused about this great fabrication; hence, they became unable to differentiate between the science of art, of politics, or of engineering.
They did not know anything except debts and loans, which did chase and stress them each morning and night.
They worked at Jack’s groceries or gas stations or at the Shawarma restaurants owned by Abu Hassan or Abu Ali in order to repay the debts.
That is the reality of mind dancing and the song of shoes,
The students did not know any thing except debts and the interest rate system.
Burdens made their organs full of ulcers.
The teacher neither knows that the twenty-one nor the twenty-two are collaborators of other nations in extracting olive trees, killing children, seniors and women.
The teacher pretends to be stupid thinking the public consciousness has not known the dilemma yet,
can not discriminate between the hyena, owl or Antra’s tribes,
and does not believe in the Day of Judgment, transparency, responsibility and accountability.
It sees the cars only moving backward.
Is there anyone to tell us truly about the impasse?
They said a man
They said a woman
They said the school of morality.
They said the School of wickedness.
The students became angry, and,
they went frequently to Fukuoka River to spend their vacation time.
They perceived the country’s monuments, however, it was a great disaster.
CIDA went to Kabul, Mogadishu, Kandahar and Rwanda and left the newcommers, beggars, Canadian homeless people, and orphans in the bottom of their Land.
CIDA moved there to rebulid what America and its daughter named Al-Qaeda's wars devasted.
Yes, it is true that not only the doves of the gentlemen George, Samir ,Ahmed and Hussam flew but also the dove of the priest and scholar Tawfik flew and without return nor visit.
The dove left a short message. On its envelope was written “bye bye” no sorrows and see you in the day of judgement with tears and smiles and without the cup of the religious and scholar man. The contest of the letter was shorter and says,
“The goat does not belong any more to the zoo,
the red cow became true,
and the schools, teachers and authors are double agents.
The truth become killed by them, and owing to them the dilemma become more complicated,
and what will make you comprehend what the terrible calamity is?
Pressure groups and lobbies are the cause of all disputes and conflicts and ,
all empires collapse due to their conspiracy and selfishness.
What did history geography and the codes of International Court of Kangaroo tell us, and also no immortal hegemony to any powers.
CIDA stands for Canadian International Development Agency
Perhaps it is the killing of our innocence, this hen. Anyway, the debt is our burden too, the slavery, where education and intelligence cannot remedy the situation. Good work, M.T.
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)