During my returning from the banks of the Nile, the bees, ants, fleas and the humans talked about the rooster, who escaped from the barn to the castle saying " He touched the princess's waist, kissed her and grabbed her shoulder and hair.
After that he whispered to her about the ten commandments and what the era did to them, and that the rooster he called the residents of the castle and the people at the cemetery to wake up and worship the God truly in secret and in open", and they repeated after him " Openly openly against the tyranny and oppression, openly openly we can take more, openly openly no to poverty".
It was before noon when, the rooster started the march against the vice, so the people could enjoy the food and peace, then virtue and good settled upon them.
When the sun set, the hens started picking and the foxes started scratching the body and the soul of the rooster. Then the rooster came out proclaiming the torture of the day before going to the grave, and the day after.
The voices rose up saying " Openly openly against tyranny and oppression, no to the slavery of the past and the present".
Yes for the future, yes for green fields, which we eat from their florescences and trees the fruits, breads and dates, yes for rivers and dams, which we drink from to satisfy our thirst and love forever. "Down with poverty, tyranny and oppression".