Arabian Triad in War and Peace: Weapon, armament and arming deals are the most important things, which control and command all the other images of most nations. That is because its meaning and importance in strategy and legality sides, and also the militarism, sociability and political sides.
The aim of weapon and armament is not for just protecting national sovereignty such as countries fortune but is also for controlling wealth and strategic places for interest of the biggest force, its solvent helpers and the workers with this force.
Weapon, armament and its production are important things, which are controlled by secret and public strategies. These strategies are crystallized by fraud, aggression; exploiting mind‘s differences and the different clashes either inherited or acquired. Plus encouraging and feeding these clashes to grow up and convert to huge continuous fights. These conditions serve the local and international investors' interests in order to increase marketing and profits plus guarantee continuity of fights and wars.
Contrast of weapon and armament are differing between our area and others. In our Arab world we see the circles, which are controlling on money, decisions, fortune and fate. These circles gave up the principle of sovereignty, national and religious protection. They have fallen, made many mistakes and monopolized so that they abandoned, destroyed earth, human heritage because their aim is just for protecting themselves and continue even if to be in a funny, depressed, disgraceful, silly case, who are contemptible, the humiliation will be easy for him. The weapon and armament deals are full of corruption and all kinds of evil.
Arabs are buying corrupt, old, and new weapons, and using them against the citizens and neighbors. Their aim is to stop the developing process, giving rights to people and also protecting the Arab lands (such as Palestine and other districts) from violated enemies. These weapons are sold and according to the plan because the seller wants to develop his production, earn money, and stop the progression process of other societies; he wants to be happy for his evil so the other has got the death game. Arabs are the first people who destroyed themselves by weapon abuse. So that the remaining weapon in stores has expired, it caused environment pollution. Arab lands became fields and samples for others experiments.
The first dimension of national safety meaning is acting the bad inheritance in law, justice, freedoms absent, so it is reflected by its harming on high national benefits. Although the past years we couldn’t give up this bad inheritance because we didn’t learn from the others nations in north and south who woke up, developed and got civilized.
The second dimension of war and peace in the Arab meaning is the most dangerous curve as it embodies the aggressive behavior in action and speech. This behavior was imposed as a principle lonely, and eternal choice for the nation’s future, but the bad habits such as weapon lifting weapon or owning it for personal use; or grooming as a popular tradition. In spite of the weapons, it is not a local production. Who hasn’t a manufacture, shouldn’t have a tradition in this field. That is explaining how this ideology has succeeded to publish this idea in a national and universal plan, so weapon became a fellow, adored and permanence slogan. The truth is this law made the nations unaccountable for practicing the great sins.
The publishers of these destructive ideas like to control the fortune. They also want to open markets for buying from different weapon stores. This appearing in weapon deals which are sold in the national and world levels. This inheritance has created local and international disasters because it was covered by traditions and customs of religion. The behaviors and thoughts of Arab leader circles are explaining their concept for safety, defense, war and peace matters. It explained the politics and fateful decisions too.
The two dimensions are ineffective and destroyer. I described Arabs in the zoo saying:" This is our zoo, Dog bites cat. Cat bites rat. Ewe kicks goat. All those are happening in our amazing garden. No one is clear".
The third dimension of war and peace meaning is describing the fight between human and earth like the fight of free people and Arab thinkers for beauty woman, their aims for establishing weal, love, manners, freedom and development principles in spite of rats and monkeys leading which corrupted the weapon in stores, polluted environment then killed people. They prettified themselves and slept on silky bedcovers beside pretty women.
Let's read the weapon scene of Abdul and Olga, and their thoughts, resolutions and customs, then the beauty and rats of military monkeys. Let's check its vesicle to understand the negative and destroyer inheritance, then applying them in national benefit. This will help us to create and deduce solutions which are based on new tactics and strategies in order to setup a complete development and justice, in addition to benefit from all kinds of fortune, and direct our weapons against the real enemy. Do Arabs really realize that they are killing themselves, their brothers, sons, neighbors, land and future?
The Arabian triad of war and peace doesn’t only embody the tragedy of Arabs, but also the third world.Arabian Triad in War and Peace:1.Contemplation and Intention
Olga came from beside the Volga River to request mister to come, and she said to him “do you want to drink red wine or vodka?”
He replied to her "our common factor is that in your home country there is red wine, but in my home country there is red blood, let me my dear drink the vodka until I become drunk, and my vision becomes impaired.”
Then Olga becomes frightened and she said in a panicked voice:” you are tribal Bedouin, were your people without blood?”
He replied to her: “the price of the litre of red wine in her home country is more expensive than the litre of blood in the Happy Blind Land”.
Then, Olga replied:' May the great God honour and bless you without another meeting”.
From there, the comrades went in different directions, one of them is Olga, who went to areas behind the Volga’s river to plant, harvest and meditate on her nature.
But Abdul returned to his formal tribe to revenge himself and his folk from the others tribes, and to practice his enmity against his neighbours aiming for another life to acquire the honour and blessing in the highest heavens.
2. The Customs and the Traditions
He flew to see the grandsons of Nikita Kharashchev to buy tanks, kalashnikovs and mortars, and to pass in sleep over them, and also to put some of them on his extended abdomen, or to threaten his neighbors and kill his brother Abdul- Raouff.
Are SIR eager and occupied with the kalashnikov in the home country of bombarding and was being bombarded, the kidnappers and kidnapped. In this country: hunting turtle dove, which is glorifying and roaming, you can not estimate the destiny or circumstances, moreover, the nation, which is beating by the shoes and once again with sandals.
Do you SIR, still eagerly love them? and you slaughter the hostage and eat sheep and goats? Do you not have enough Biological Weapons, which warp the streets? He replied concisely “ I am not convinced and not being preached, I am still a member of Abdul-Raouffs' tribe, who has a curved abdomen, I love Kalashnikov, I will be either kidnapping or kidnapped, I do believe in what Jarjooves believes, and I am roaming around the kaaba in a camouflaging and deceiving state”.
3. The Belle and the Military Monkeys' Rodents
Oh my lovers! The insomnia filled the eyeball, and in the mind your love, her love and the love of hungers.
Oh People! Do not pain? They said that the storages are full of weapons.
I answered them “ the arrow of her eye was clear, and I am waiting for the morning when the sun shines and wakes them up from the roves and cemetery to stand up for their rights, and scream“ Is their any place among the monkeys?”
The rodents came from the storages after they dilapidated the weapons and ate all the food. They swelled and became fat and full of wounds.
But the specialist operated on them to make them beautiful like a dove, nicer than a belle and more handsome than any man. When the morning came the rodents laughed at their new form, and when the smile appeared in its' ratty and wounded teeth, and they started again with their usual activities without mercy and sorrow.