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Posted by Elias Farhud Harb on August 9, 2010 at 6:00am View Elias Farhud Harb's blog

Since the people’s of the Jewish nation cried out to Pontius Pilot, “Crucify Him and let his blood be upon our heads and the heads of our children.” From 70 AD until this very hour they ceased to being recognized as a legitimate nation and were scattered upon the four corners of the earth as they found themselves a washed in a sea of blood. Wherein about the year 1900, through Cyrus I. Scofield and the Scofield Reference Bible, this disenfranchised group purchased
for themselves a place in Christian theology and introduced deception and lies concerning their global place in these contemporary times. As the seeds of
Christian Zionism, found the fertile heart of a misguided American and English faith community.

Following came the official policy of the British government formally declaring their sympathies with Jewish Zionist aspirations, “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours
to facilitate the achievement of this object”…Balfour Declaration of 1917. United States President Harry Truman is hoodwinked and betrayed after recognizing Israel as a nation and trusting them to honor the contractual obligations required for them to be accepted into the United Nations. Afterwards comes an avalanche of Israeli and Zionist supported sponsorship of trips to Israel as the US Congress is in effect bought off by 1972.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part Two-B by M.T. Al-Mansouri,Ph.D.


Rationale abandons truth’s reality and standings upon the stage of degenerate justifications for the genocide of a nation of peace loving peoples by a government having no legitimacy before heaven or earth.Though evolving from different histories and historical context, Gaza and Soweto South Africa, nonetheless share a commonality transcending false geopolitical barriers. Vibrant as the beating of a new born’s heart the great power of freedom beats like unrelenting waves against a totalitarian leadership armed to the teeth in savage civil war upon the
unarmed majority populations. Bringing forth the question born during another Apartheid supported by the ruling classes and American government, “What do we do to correct this imbalance of forces?” Franz Fanon, Soweto & American Black Thought by Lou Turner and John Alan.

Insight into the nature of this imbalance can be pictured as we look upon contemporary warfare embodied in World War II having morphed under the guise of a “Global War on Terrorism.” Pentagon’s global military design, which is one of World conquest, employs a carefully coordinated global military design controlled under the doctrinal framework “The World Commanders’ Areas of Responsibility” whose tenant involves the combined armed forces of more than forty countries. This global multinational military deployment is by far the largest display of advanced weapons systems in World history.

Since 2005, the US and its allies, including America’s NATO partners and Israel, have been involved in the extensive deployment and stockpiling of advanced weapons systems. The air defense systems of the US, NATO member countries and Israel are fully integrated with planning for a global war theater being made contingent upon the militarization of outer space. Were a war directed against Iran to be launched, it would not only use nuclear weapons, the entire gamut of new advanced weapons systems, including electrometric weapons and environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) are also envisioned to be employed. The
present context is characterized by a global military build-up controlled by one World superpower, which is using its numerous allies to trigger regional wars and the strategic subjugation of the Nation of Palestine with its calculated destabilizing and collateral impacts upon the Middle East. (Militaristic excerpts from
Michael Chossudovsky’s Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran Part I: Global Warfare).

General Sun Tzu writes that all war is deception. Where the CIA bankrolls Hollywood movies in order to perpetuate propaganda and desensitizes us to their culture of murder and proposed justifiable abandonment of the rules of domestic and international law. Zionist control of mainstream media and information control of global news within the US and abroad opposes the general public from easily formulating informed decisions and evaluation of governmental policies.

Psychological warfare introduced as balanced news reporting therein diverting passion and moral outrage subsequently diffused into intellectual uncertainty and inaction. All these are punctuated by the very real world murder of intellectual freedom, opinion makers and
leadership contrary to neo-colonialism; thereby creating an atmosphere of despair and hopelessness for the Palestinians and those who might rally to their causes.

Here the writer proposes that knowledge of the truth will set our minds free from the deception waged against the collective consciousness. Balance of the visible realms reconciled with the
realities of the invisible dynamics of our global humanity allows our achieving proper assessments of the world stage and its actors. Moral law then becomes the driving force whereby we fear not for what it is they may take from us or the price we are willing to pay for
self-determination. What we now spy and appreciate is a message proclaiming that there is hope even in waging initiatives against a people who call themselves god and stand in the shadow of the paper tiger.

Financial Times quotes Guan Jianzhong, chairman of Dagong Global Credit Rating, the head of China’s biggest credit rating agency as saying, “America is insolvent and that U.S. credit ratings are a joke. The western rating agencies are politicised and highly ideological and they do not adhere to objective standards. The US is declared to be insolvent and faces bankruptcy as a pure debtor nation and – in the real world – America should have been downgraded to junk.”

Indeed, Guan is even disusing America’s military prowess: “Actually, the huge military expenditure of the US is not created by themselves but comes from borrowed money, which is not sustainable.” And U.S. military and intelligence leaders say that the economic crisis is the biggest national security threat to the United States. [I]t is ironic that America’s huge military spending is what made us an empire … but our huge military is what is bankrupting us … thus destroying our status as an empire … In any event, American cannot remain a hyper power if it is broke.”

Political fighting over reserve currency issues had begun in April 2009 when the G20 leaders Communiqué declared at Point 19 support for IMF to create money and the global easing of the US dollar glut. China’s government has floated a variant of this idea, suggesting an international currency unit named “Bancor” based on the value of 30 commodities along the lines proposed by John Maynard Keynes in 1944. As China’s central banker said, the goal would be to create a reserve currency “that is disconnected from individual nations and is able to remain stable in the long run, thus removing the inherent deficiencies caused by using credit-based national currencies.”

Government is the appendage of the ruling class and if the basis of their monetary wealth as a ruling class is rendered useless or non-existent the horn of their power and agenda is eroded
contemporaneously and directly. Providing for us the wisdom to understand there are real and pragmatic basis for the Palestinians and people of the Middle East to embrace the power of their hope and intuitive knowledge that these things will pass away. We then fully realizing the quaintness found in the saying ‘… life is what happens while we’re sitting around making plans’ and the US-Israeli alliance reaps what it is they have sown.

We conclude this address and take upon our hearts the words of Archbishop Theodosios (Atallah) Hanna, Archbishop of Sebaste, “I say to all the Palestinian refugees they should still not give up their right of return. It is a right that could not be canceled by time. It is a human right because every Palestinian refugee should return to his/her home. Do not lose hope because our cause is a just one and the person who was wronged in a way or another should not be desperate, but we should still claim our rights where we hope that one day and it will be soon “Enshaala” – <Arabic> (God Willing) that every Palestinian
could return to his/her home.”
Exclusive Intifada Interview with Archbishop Theodosios (Atallah) H...
Elias Harb.

Bishop Donald R. Corder is the spiritual leader of the Spirit of Life International Believers Fellowship and Senior Pastor for the Pillar of Truth Ministries. Mr. Corder is a published author, grassroots organizer and community activist, in addition to his work in urban and international development as a business consultant and entrepreneur. Email: DonCorder@gmail.com

Source: Intifada-Palestine.com

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By Bishop Donald R. Corder

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, August 19, 2010


Caught in an illusion spun by pride the pinnacle of arrogance was displayed on 14 May 1948 when Israel crowned itself a nation. Historic record discloses these people who cried out that the blood of their Messiah be upon their own heads and that of their children. Bring forth a declaration that these same persons would fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until such a time that God would restore them. Herein rests a question posit beyond the arguments of comparative religions, theology or right and wrong. Rather, we raise the question asserted by Pontus Pilot in 33 A.D., “What is truth?”

Philosophical giants throughout the ages, those who have dedicated their lives to a study of the constructs of reason and mystics have all attempted to apprehend correct discourse and embrace of this illusive notion. Wherein, truthfulness in reporting can be seen to demonstrate spin issuing forth torrent rivers of opinion employed to drive reason from our minds and realization of the truthfulness of former George W. Bush White House personality Karl Rove, wherein he stated that he crafted reality while the rest of us looked on. Let us therefore choose to agree upon this single premise, “That Truth is truth and it can stand by itself without being dressed up. Because when you dress up the truth you have turned it into something else.”

Harmony expressed in writing expresses interaction with nature, other men and provides sensibility in the experiences of life where it’s functionally requires that truth be its own immutable reality. Truth being conceptualized in aforementioned context by necessity is then conformed to experience, facts and actual existence whether it be visible, invisible or beyond the grasps of our humanity. Herein, begging the question “Can a nation stand that was born through the womb of lies, suckled by the blood of both martyrs and the innocent while shaped in the political iniquities of their own moral corruptions?” ‘Is this Truth?’ being the object of our current soul searching.

Setting aside entrée into the supernatural, prophecy and exegesis of the holy writings let us rather propose we delve into historical precedent and the dielectric of simplistic ordering of thought in our deliberation of Truth. Drawing from “Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing by Richard K. Neumann, Jr. to derive our structure, strategy and style to assets the political aspiration framing the policy espoused by Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, “Our race is the Master Race, we are divine gods on this planet, as different from the inferior races as they are from insects, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races, our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Whereby we conclude and submit herein such proposal as espoused by the deceased Prime Minister Begin constitutes a nation built upon fallacy and suppositions not conforming to the merits and qualities of Truth as aforementioned and therefore cannot stand or have permanency as a world kingdom.

First: Factual predicate of the Nation of Israel being born through the womb of lies finds historical precedent sited with the beginning of Israeli land grabs of Palestine and the Middle East during the period of the Ottoman Empire (ca.1300–1918). Prophetic and programmatic writing developing Zionist intent was submitted by the likes of Moses Hess, Judah Alkalai, Zvi Hirsch Kalischer and Theodore Herzl. Jews dedicated to rebuilding a national home for the Jewish people likewise were migrating from Russia to Ottoman-ruled Palestine in the 1880’s. But, emerging from deep secrecy a document draft of the minutes recorded of the proceedings attended by the Learned Elders of Zion was brought to light in the late 19th Century France and later translated by Victor E. Marsden.

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion disclosed the 24 Protocols for ‘World Conquest through World Jewish Government’ providing the substance of addresses delivered to the innermost circle of the Rulers of Zion. They reveal the converted plan of action of the Jewish Nation developed through the ages and edited by the Elders themselves up to date. From The Protocols: “Only force and cunning conquers in political affairs. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit, and treachery for the attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the rule of others if by it we secure submission and sovereignty.” Factual support of allegations of Israeli lies employed to further their global aspiration is affirmed when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells of having deceived the former US president Bill Clinton, into believing he was helping implement the Oslo accords while actually entrenching the occupation, thereby destroying the Oslo process.

Second: Factual predicate of Israeli and Zionist sucking the blood of both martyrs and the innocent is best understood when reading the Jewish Talmud where it states, “The modern Jew is the product of the Talmud…” “Babylonian Talmud”, published by the Boston Talmud Society, p. XII. Where we are provided the privilege to learn, “The decisions of the Talmud are words of the living God. Jehovah himself asks the opinions of earthly rabbis when there are difficult affairs in heaven.” –Rabbi Menachen, Comments for the Fifth Book. “We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”-Israel Koenig, “The Koenig Memorandum.”

Factual support of allegations of Israeli bloodsucking and murder are affirmed in late December 2008 after some 1,400 Palestinians (mainly civilians) and 13 Israelis (mainly soldiers) were killed during a 22-day Israeli military offensive into Gaza. Justice Goldstone in his Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (document A/64/L.11) called them Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. Of particular note is the current and totally disruptive behavior demonstrated as Israel threatens to pull out of the UN’s Gaza flotilla probe as orchestrated in Tel Aviv to stop UN panel from grilling Israeli troops over deadly raid of the flotilla where nine Turkish nationals were murdered in an act of piracy by Israeli Defense Forces in international waters.

Third: “Shaped in the political iniquities of their own moral corruptions,” is set forth herein as a factual tenant directly impacting the permanency of a nation not conformed to Truth. When possible, empires used a common religion or culture to strengthen the political structure and we look again to the writings of the Jewish Talmud in order to better understand the dynamics giving rise to the behavior identified with and supporting our conclusions of argument. “To communicate anything to a Goy (non-Jews) about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.” –Libbre David 37 Furthermore, “A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.” –Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17.

There are currently more than 11,000 Palestinians jailed in Israel, including at least 85 women and children, and 11 seriously ill people, according to the Palestinian Authority; average incomes have dropped by more than a third and a quarter of the workforce is unemployed, a massive 47 percent of the Palestinian population in the occupied territories live below the official poverty line, on barely two dollars a day. “More than 600,000 people – 16 percent of the population – cannot afford even the basic necessities for subsistence as the number of Palestinians working in Israel has plummeted.” Israel Urged to Rescue Palestinian Economy By Sophie Claudet – JERUSALEM

In 1923, radical Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky– spiritual father of not only of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin but of Brooklyn Rabbi Meir Kahane– wrote that the “sole way” for Jews to deal with Arabs in Palestine was through “total avoidance of all attempts to arrive at a settlement”-which Jabotinsky euphemistically termed the “iron wall” approach. Hence, we do now rise and vigorously conclude there is no moral conscience or Zionist design from whence a defense against the factual elements and crimes against humanity cited herein can be prevailed against.

During a sermon preceding the 2001 Passover holiday, the influential Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yosef exclaimed: “May the Holy Name visit retribution on the Arab heads, and cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them.” He added: “It is forbidden to have pity on them. We must give them missiles with relish, annihilate them. Evil ones, damnable ones.” Source: Ha’aretz April 12, 2001. Therein after we read “Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.” –Zohar, Shemoth.

In Conclusion: Let us therefore choose to agree upon this single premise, “That Truth is truth and it can stand by itself without being dressed up. Because when you dress up the truth you have turned it into something else.” Let us therefore assert emphatically and without exception that herein is described a nation who has been deceived and prepares for themselves the divine seeds of their own destruction.

See Also

by Bishop Donald R. Corder

Gaza, Soweto and African American Thought –  Part 1  – Message of Hope

Gaza, Soweto and African American Thought -  Part 2 A Message of Enlightenment

Special Thanks to Bishop Donald R. Corder

Bishop Donald R. Corder is the spiritual leader of the Spirit of Life International Believers Fellowship and Senior Pastor for the Pillar of Truth Ministries. Mr. Corder is a published author, grassroots organizer and community activist, in addition to his work in urban and international development as a business consultant and entrepreneur.  Email: DonCorder@gmail.com.

150 Irish Artists Pledge to Boycott Israel

Dr. Bouthaina Shabaan: Supporting the Wrong Side
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We present challenging, contemporary, politically-charged Canadian theatre for a young, educated, urban audience. We are exclusively dedicated to the creation and presentation of new work, specializing in works by Ottawa artists.

The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks. M.T. Al-Mansouri

June 3-12, 2010
Irving Greenberg Theatre Centre – Studio Theatre

Gruppo Rubato’s newest production takes off June 3, 2010

Airport Security, the newest play by award-winning artist Patrick Gauthier, marks Gruppo Rubato’s return to the Ottawa stage. Presented at the Irving Greenberg Theatre Centre-Studio Theatre, 1233 Wellington St. West (at Holland Ave), the performance runs June 4-12, 2010, with a special preview performance on June 3rd. Can’t wait that long? Visit our website, www.rubato.ca , to catch the latest installment of our 4-part short film, Airport Security, before we open!

Airport Security exposes our fears and foibles of airport protocol in Rubato’s characteristic witty and political style. Playing on our insecurities and overconfidence in a system destined to both convolute and demystify air travel, from shuttles to baggage carousels, departures to arrivals, Airport Security scans Canada’s growing obsession with “security.”

Written and directed by Patrick Gauthier (2010 winner of the Council for the Arts in Ottawa’s RBC Emerging Artist Award, Rideau Award-Emerging Artist nominee and director of the multiple award-winning production Countries Shaped Like Stars), the production features talented local actors Simon Bradshaw, Kris Joseph, Catriona Leger, Tania Levy and Kate Smith. Sarah Waghorn designs Costume and Props (having previously designed for Rubato’s productions of Listening and The Churchill Protocol). First time design collaborators are: John Doucet (Set), Pierre Ducharme (Lighting) and Original music by Ottawa newcomer, Ann Walton. Emily Pearlman (co-creator of Countries Shaped Like Stars by ¡Mi Casa! Theatre) is production Dramaturg.

Tickets are on sale now through the Great Canadian Theatre Company Box Office, in person or by phone (613-236-5196). Show times are 7:30 p.m. with a Pay-What-You-Can Matinee on June 6 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 ($20 for students). For more information, visit our website at www.rubato.ca.

Gruppo Rubato was founded in 2002 by Patrick Gauthier and Tania Levy, and includes core members Kris Joseph and Gavriella Silverstone. Rubato presents challenging, contemporary, politically-charged Canadian theatre for a young, educated, urban audience. We are exclusively dedicated to the creation and presentation of new work, specializing in works by Ottawa artists.

Gruppo Rubato is dedicated to creating challenging, contemporary theatre for a young, educated, urban audience. The core members of Gruppo Rubato are passionate about political theatre: work that challenges audiences to reflect on their ethical and moral standpoints; work that calls for action on issues that are important to Canadians. We are exclusively dedicated to the creation and presentation of new work, and we are committed to encouraging the fertility of the local arts scene by focusing on plays written by Ottawa artists. Gruppo Rubato seeks to increase the visibility of the Ottawa theatre community’s creativity by sharing its work through touring its productions, and by inviting artists from other communities to take part in our creative process.

Since its founding in 2002 by Patrick Gauthier and Tania Levy, Gruppo Rubato has produced seven original plays, four of which were presented at Fringe festivals in six major Canadian cities. This track record of new creation is unique among Ottawa-based theatre companies. The company currently consists of four core members – Patrick Gauthier, Kris Joseph, Tania Levy, and Gavriella Silverstone – and has become known for its dark humour, biting satire, and stylized performance. Rubato shows are always highly anticipated, regularly playing to packed houses and critical acclaim.

In 2003, Gruppo Rubato was invited by Ottawa’s Great Canadian Theatre Company to produce a show for their Great Canadian Late Night Series, while from 2004-2007 the company toured nationally on the Fringe Festival circuit (winning multiple awards and praise in the process). In 2007 Rubato’s The Churchill Protocol was invited to participate in the Magnetic North Theatre Festival’s Industry Series Pitch Session for delegates from across the country, the continent, and the world. Most recently, Ottawa’s Rideau Awards recognized the company’s production of The Churchill Protocol, naming the play Ottawa’s “Best New Creation” of 2007, while the Great Canadian Theatre Company has invited Rubato to participate in the GCTC’s highly sought after Production Mentorship program.

Now six years old, Rubato’s work has been called “dark and provocative” (Ottawa Citizen), “pure delirium” (CBC Ottawa), “relevant and poignant” (CBC Toronto), and “funny, furious, and smart” (Edmonton Journal). In 2004, Denis Armstrong of the Ottawa Sun said: “Some companies are just plain talented. Gruppo Rubato is one of those companies.”

Company BIOS

PATRICK GAUTHIER (Artistic Director)


Patrick Gauthier is a multiple award winning Ottawa-based theatre creator. Playwriting credits include Tourist Things (Theatre la Catapulte/Magnetic North Theatre Festival), 8 Words That Ruined My Relationship (Gruppo Rubato), The Churchill Protocol (w/ Kris Joseph; Gruppo Rubato), The Man Who Went to Work One Day and Got Eaten by a Bear (Gruppo Rubato). As a director, Pat’s recent credits include Criminals in Love (Encore! Theatre), Conservatives in Love (Leave the Pants at Home Equity co-op), The Learned Ladies, The Maids, and Agatha(all at Theatre UBC) and Edward Albee’s Listening (Gruppo Rubato).

In 2007, Pat’s production of The Churchill Protocol was named “Best New Creation” at Ottawa’s Rideau Awards; and in 2005 his short play Dawn of the Dad won the Magnetic North Theatre Festival’s “Magnetic Words” playwriting contest. Pat is a founding member and Artistic Director of Ottawa creation-company Gruppo Rubato, and is a member of GCTC’s 2008/09 Playmaker’s Society. He holds a BA in Theatre from the University of Ottawa and an MFA in Directing for the Theatre from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.



Kris Joseph is an Ottawa-based artist with more than 15 years of performance experience. He is the co-founder and artistic director of Zucchini Grotto Theatre Company, which produces a mix of musical theatre and cabaret events, and has been a core member of Gruppo Rubato since he appeared with the company in a Fringe production in 2003. Some of his favorite, most recent performance work includes The Changeling (National Arts Centre English Theatre), How The Other Half Loves and Doubt (Gladstone Productions), A Midwinter’s Dream Tale (Company of Fools), Zadie’s Shoes (Great Canadian Theatre Company), The Ark 2008 and Macbeth (NAC English Theatre). He was nominated for a Rideau Award for his work in SevenThirty Productions’ The Good Father, and shares a Rideau with Patrick Gauthier for their collaboration on Gruppo Rubato’s The Churchill Protocol. Kris has a deep love of Shakespeare and dreams of eventually performing every play in the canon; in addition to Macbeth he has also appeared Merchant of Venice, As You LIke It, Measure for Measure, and The Taming of the Shrew. This fall, Kris is thrilled to be joining National Arts Centre’s 40th Anniversary Resident Acting Company, where he will be appearing in A Christmas Carol and Mother Courage and Her Children.



Tania Levy is a bilngual theatre creator/performer born, raised and working in Ottawa. Tania has created with many local companies in English and French. She has performed as an actor, improviser and site animator. She was a member of the inaugural season of Third Wall Theatre’s Shakespeare Ensemble in the fall of 2008. Her recent performance credits include Top Girls, Henry V (Third Wall Theatre), Turcaret, the Financier (in a staged reading with Odyssey Theatre). Most recently, she performed in Trash/Rebut as part of the Rideau Project/Projet Rideau (Théâtre la Catapulte) featured at the Magnetic North Theatre Festival and returns to this production at Festival Zones Théâtrales in the fall. She has performed in virtually all of Gruppo Rubato’s productions to date.

She directed Patrick Gauthier’s 8 Words That Ruined My Relationship as part of the Meta Schmeta event (mutatis mutandis). She was an Intern in Directing on Théâtre la Catapulte’s highly successful production, Safari de banlieue. Tania wrote and directed Rubato’s inaugural production …and what she found there. She has written and performed two solo shows The Jewish Princess Diaries and The Opposite of Infinity, touring the Canadian Fringe Festival circuit from Ottawa to Vancouver. She holds a BA in Theatre from the University of Ottawa.



Originally from Montreal, Quebec, Gavriella Silverstone moved to Ottawa, Ontario in 2001 to attend the University of Ottawa, where she completed her BA in Theatre. Some of Gav’s other training includes six years of Israeli Folkdancing, Acting for the Camera (SIFT) with Michael Riley and Improvisation workshops and performances at The iNSTiTUTiON with Ken Godmere. She is a core member of Ottawa theatre company Gruppo Rubato, and has toured across the country on the Fringe Festival circuit. Other stage credits include: The Vagina Monologues, Jean McCormack in Plaza Suite (Vision Theatre), Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream directed by Tibor Egevari and Jabberwocky directed by Eric Paul Parent (U of 0), as well as The Wife in The Jewish Wife and She in Edward Albee’s Counting the Ways, both directed by Patrick Gauthier. Gavriella has appeared in Odyssey Theatre’s In The Works festival, and was most recently seen at the Meta Schmeta festival in Patrick Gauthier’s 8 Words That Ruined My Relationship. Gavriella now holds an MA from Concordia University and is proud to be able to call herself a Dramatherapist. She is currently working with immigrant and refugee families in Israel.

“Some companies are just plain talented. Gruppo Rubato is one of those companies.”

– Denis Armstrong, Ottawa Sun

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في بيانها الذي اصدرته الهيئة الوطنية لابناء الجنوب في بريطانيا أمس " عزت فيه أسر ضحايا المجزرة البشعة التي اقدم عليها نظام صنعاء ضد اهلنا من ابناء الجنوب في منطقة المعجلة بالمحفد في محافظة أبين وراح ضحيتها اكثر من 60 شهيداُ " . " كما دعت الهيئة كل ابناء الجنوب في الداخل والخارج الى التوحد ورص الصفوف وتجنب الخلافات السياسية وان نسخر جهودنا وامكانياتنا ووقتنا نحو العدو المشترك . وناشدت الهيئة الوطنية المجتمع الدولي والمنظمات الانسانية ان تضطلع بدورها القانوني والسياسي والانساني ازاء ماتقوم به سلطة الاحتلال من جرائم ضد ابناء الجنوب. نص البيان بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أن الهيئة الوطنية لابناء الجنوب في بريطانيا في الوقت الذي تعزي فيه أسر ضحايا المجزرة البشعة التي اقدم عليها نظام صنعاء ضد اهلنا من ابناء الجنوب في منطقة المعجلة بالمحفد في محافظة أبين الجنوبية سائلين المولى عز وجل أن يتغمدهم بواسع رحمتة وان يلهم ذويهم الصبر والسلوان , أن الهيئة الوطنية تستنكر وتدين هذا العمل الجبان والبربري ضد أبناء الجنوب في المعجلة في المحفد الذي راح ضحيتة أكثر من 60 شهيداً من النساء والاطفال والشيوخ المدنيين العزل كما خلف الكثير من الجرحى والمصابين مستخدماً لاول مرة الطائرات الحربية متذرعاً في ملاحقة عناصر القاعدة في محافظات الجنوب بالرغم من معرفته بعناصرهم واماكن تواجدهم كونة يعتبر الراعي و الحاضن والممول لهم واستخدامهم مبرراً لقمع وقتل الحراك الجنوبي السلمي الذي اثبت النظام فشلة وعدم قدرتة في الوقوف أمام طوفان الحراك الجنوبي السلمي وجرة الى المواجهة العسكرية . وتجدها الهيئة الوطنية فرصة مناسبة في تكرار دعوتها لابناء الجنوب قاطبة في الداخل والخارج الى التوحد ورص الصفوف وتجنب المناكفات السياسية والمكايدات الشخصية التي تضر بقضيتنا الجنوبية حيث ان هدفنا الاساسي هو في الخلاص من عدونا الاوحد الا وهو المستعمر الجاثم على ارضنا الجنوب وان اي خلافات لاتخدم سوى المحتل الذي يسعى بشتى السبل ليل ونهار في شق اللحمة و الصف الجنوبي وأخماد الثورة الجنوبية السلمية . فعلينا ان نسخر جهودنا وامكانياتنا ووقتنا نحو العدو المشترك الذي لن يرحمنا جميعاً طالما جميعنا نحمل الهوية الجنوبية ونناضل من أجل أستعادة كرامتنا وعزتنا . كما أننا في هذه المناسبة ووفاءً لدماء الضحايا واشلاء الاطفال والنساء والشيوخ الذي مزقتهم الالة الحربية لنظام صنعاء هذا اليوم وكل يوم ندعو كافة الدول العربية والاسلامية ممثلة بمجلس التعاون الخليجي وجامعة الدول العربية ورابطة الدول الاسلامية وكذا المجتمع الدولي والمنظمات الانسانية ان تضطلع بدورها القانوني والسياسي والانساني في حماية أبناء الجنوب من بطش نظام صنعاء الهمجي الذي لايراعي القوانين والاعراف الدولية والكتب السماوية الذي حرمت قتل النفس البشرية . كما انه على المجتمع الدولي تحري الدقة في المعلومات المقدمة اليهم من نظام صنعاء و ان لاتصدق ادعاءاته واكاذيبة وخداعه الذي ادمن على ممارستها حتى لاتصبح دماء الابرياء الجنوبيين في اعناقهم لسكوتهم على جرائمة وافعالة المشينة التي يندي لها الجبين صادر عن الهيئة الوطنية لابناء الجنوب – بريطانيا
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)