Goethe-Institut Ottawa invites you to the viewing of the last movie in our programme 'German Movies at Saint Paul University' in 2010 before the summer break.
Dear Friends,
Goethe-Institut Ottawa invites you to the viewing of the last movie in our programme 'German Movies at Saint Paul University' in 2010 before the summer break.
On Friday, June 11th at 7:30 pm, we are sété howing " Emma's Glück " (Emma's Bliss).
Please note that the movie will be shown in the Amphitheatre (1124), Saint Paul University
German with English subtitles
Admission free
A movie synopsis follows this e-mail.
We look forward to seeing you!
Note that our new series of movie nights will start on September 10th, 2010 with the film " Summer in Berlin " .
Chers Amis,
The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks. M.T. Al-Mansouri
Goethe-Institut Ottawa vous invite au dernier film de notre programme 'Cinéma Allemand l'Université Saint-Paul pour l' été 2010.
Vendredi, le 11 juin, 19h30, on vous présentera le film " Emma's Glück " (Le bonheur d'Emma).
SVP notez que le film sera montre dans l'Amphithéatre (1124) de l' U niversité Saint Paul
Entrée gratuite. En allemand avec sous-titres anglais.
Une déscription du contenu du film suit à ce message.
Au plaisir de vous y voir !
Veuillez noter que notre nouvelle série de films commencera le 10 septembre 2010 avec le film " Un été à Berlin " .
Emma's Bliss
With Jördis Treibl und Jürgen Vogel
Director: Sven Taddicken, 103 mins., 2006
Max does not have long to live. He wants to spend his last few days far away from his every day routine . When he winds up on the farm of the headstrong pig breeder Emma after an accident, he learns that real happiness is closer than he thought.
"Emmas Glück" is a cinema fairytale, familiar, spellbinding, gruesome. And how does it end, this film version of Claudia Schreiber's bestselling what-a-way-to-go novel? With a jab. And it goes straight to the viewer's heart." (Stuttgarter Zeitung)
Le Bonheur d'Emma
Réalisateur: Sven Taddicken, couleur, 103 mn., 2006
Max n'a plus très longtemps à vivre. Il veut partir au bout du monde pour passer les derniers jours qui lui restent. Mais lorsqu'il se retrouve après un accident dans la ferme d'Emma, une l éleveuse de cochons tetue, il se rend compte que le véritable bonheur se trouve juste devant sa porte.
" Le bonheur d'Emma est un conte : un conte de fées cinématographique, intime, ensorcelé et effrayant. (.) Et comment se finit ce conte inspiré du roman à succès de Claudia Schreiber et qui parle d'une mort douce ? Par un choc. Un choc qui ira droit au cour des spectateurs." (Stuttgarter Zeitung)
Emma’s Bliss
Friday, June 11, 2010 at 7:30pm
Amphitheater (1124), Saint Paul University
German with English subtitles
Admission free

Emma's Bliss (Emmas Glueck)

After getting the bad news that he is soon to die of cancer, Max wants to escape to the most beautiful place in the world – Mexico. When he accidentally lands at Emma’s pig farm, he realizes that true happiness waits just around the corner ...
Emma is a pig-breeder at a shabby and indebted farm. She slaughters the pigs in her own way: she treats them lovingly till the last day; the lethal cut shows something like tenderness and in Emma’s strong arms the dying animals cease bleeding, calmly and submittingly. But Emma is lonely. The missing man in her life is replaced by her motor-bike. But the loneliness stays. Until one night when a Jaguar crashes on her farm. Inside the wrecked car lies an unconscious man and a bag full of money. Emma’s luck seems to be perfect: fate has thrown money – and a man, Max – into her lap. Suspecting that he has stolen the money, Emma hides the man in her bed and the money under her bed. But soon Hans, Max’s best friend and employer, turns up and wants his money back.
In an attempt to reconciliate, Hans brings Max to a nearby hospital. Emma overcomes her shyness and finally brings him back home to the farm. Their last days together are sweetened by happiness, but Max’s days are numbered. Finally, he takes an example from the pigs and surrenders to Emma’s tender nature.
Category Feature Film Cinema
Year of Production 2006
Director Sven Taddicken
Screenplay Claudia Schreiber, Ruth Toma
Director of Photography Daniela Knapp
Editor Andreas Wodraschke
Music by Christoph Blaser, Steffen Kahles
Production Design Peter Menne
Producers Ralph Schwingel, Stefan Schubert, Hejo Emons
Production Companies Wueste Film/Hamburg, Wueste Film West/Cologne, in co-production with SWR/Baden-Baden
Principal Cast Joerdis Triebel, Juergen Vogel, Hinnerk Schoenemann, Nina Petri, Martin Feifel
Casting Simone Baer
Length 99 min, 2,818 m
Format 35 mm, color, cs
Original Version German
Subtitled Versions English
Sound Technology Dolby Digital, Dolby Surround EX
Festival Screenings Munich 2006, San Sebastian 2006 (Zabaltegi), Hamptons 2006 (In Competition), Seville 2006, Palm Springs 2007, Berlin 2007 (German Cinema), San Fracisco 2007, Seattle 2007, Shanghai 2007, Havana 2007
Awards German Film Promotion Award Munich 2006 (Best Actress Joerdis Triebel), Golden Starfish (Best Narrative Feature) & Zicherman Family Award (Best Screenwriter) Hamptons 2006, Audience Award Seville 2006, Bavarian Film Award 2006 (Best Actor Juergen Vogel)
With backing from German Federal Film Board (FFA), BKM, FilmFoerderung Hamburg, Filmstiftung NRW
German Distributor Pandora Film Verleih/Cologne
World Sales
The Match Factory GmbH
Michael Weber
Balthasarstrasse 79-81
50670 Cologne/Germany
phone +49-2 21-5 39 70 90
fax +49-2 21-5 39 70 910
email: info@matchfactory.de