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A Message From Ralph Nader

A Message From Ralph Nader :)These Actions, on, the url :)"...Sav(ing) Us" :) and think about "...Sav(ing) Us" :)"Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!" :)"Mr. Nader has produced a wonderful piece of fiction that I'd love to see become non-fiction." —Tom Peters Dear friends, I think you'll be interested in my first work of fiction, "Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!" The book tells the story of a top-down, bottom-up collision with the powers that be. It takes civic and political action to a new level of realism. Remember, the title is in quotes. You could say it's my answer to Ayn Rand. Enjoy, and let me know what you think, Ralph Nader"As inspirited a work of the political imagination as Tom Paine's Common Sense. . . The book is a joy to read." —Lewis Lapham "A high spirited visionary romp melding the wisdom, humor and imagination of Ralph Nader. May it inspire action." —Patti Smith "Nader shows us that for those with appropriate courage, 'with great wealth comes great power', and that power can, and should, be harnessed for good. "Only the Super-Rich can Save Us!" is THE book for our times." —Nomi Prins, former Goldman Sachs managing director and author of It Takes a Pillage Buy "Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!" today:Indiebound | | Seven Stories Read the Associated Press review of "Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!" here:"Ralph Nader, the consumer activist and corporate scourge, is saying nice things about the kind of folks you'd expect him to despise."See Ralph Nader on the "Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!" tour, beginning on September 22nd in Philadelphia. An updated list of tour dates can be found here. more information on "Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!", please visit the book's website here.Show the power of the American consumer — buy "Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!" today. copies for your family and friends, and get an extra copy to donate to your local public library.Thank you for your interest in Ralph Nader. To learn more about Ralph Nader's publisher, Seven Stories Press, or if you'd like to sign up for their newsletter, please visit the Seven Stories home page Stories Press • 140 Watts St • New York, NY 10013Subscribe
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Here's a few twigs of the poetree, c'est moi, pour vous

Good Poetree month to all, Write on. For all you do and don't, here's a few twigs of the poetree, c'est moi, pour vous :)a longest dayOn World Refugee Day we heard, saw, read, said, studies, events, reports testifying to the facts that since '03 the # is up 21 %, mostly in Afghanistan (was the # 3 largest narco-state before the war, under usa supervision it's become # 1), Iraq, countries we've war torn to shreds, Somalia, which we occasionally bomb, attack, and Sudan; millions premeditatedly mass-murdered by the corporate structure's determining all global to national systems are based on scarcity, instead of abundance. This while, sadly, 5-07, was the deadliest month for usa troops, yet. A dozen Iraqis die from the war an hour. "We're loosing a battalion a month", reports a top General. Out of every 5 killed by coalition forces, 1 is a civilian; when they figure this war, if it ends in 2 years, will cost us 2 trillion, they're not figuring in war reparations, a minimum for the genocide we've caused. Meanwhile, the autocrats who rule almost all Middle Eastern countries, many of whom bought the usa military as their personal mercenary force to mass-murder their middle to lower class people into submission in the future, from the Bushes, are getting skittish because it seems the republican conspiracy can't engineer the Iraq war into an unending one successfully, let alone the global unending supposed Christian crusading war they hoped for. Although, Bush did say, "the war in Iraq may last over 50 years, like in Korea", the other day. You must already know what they're pre-imperial election continual refrains will be, "we're turning the corner", "victory is at hand", "don't be a defeatocrat", "the end's 'round the bend", "we're winning", "6 months more to success", "victory is around the corner", "just 1 more surge", etc.; being that you've heard it all before, for the last 4 years. They think they legitimize the remocrat conspiracy, as they have the corporate structure's convolution, while that organized conglomeration of enumerable crime families and conspiracies, not only devolves all, it determines extermination of humanity and dictates the extinction of large mammals and human beings, but, they can't; they just confess to being fascist collaborators, without whom fascists couldn't do all they do, and don't all they don't. As well, if they think the false legitimization of unending, unnecessary war in Iraq, will legitimize, and be successfully engineered into, unnecessary global uber unending supposed Christian crusading war, just because the Bushes contracted that it would with the Middle Eastern countries autocrats, you've got another thing coming; namely, presidential and congressional elections. They say cliche, take back the night, when we never had the day; each one teach one, when we had to be real to reach one, first; closing the economic gap, when that chasm is demanded by scarcity being the basis for systems, undoing nature's abundance, et al. Why, 'cause the knew catch word is real, so they sound it, mimic it, pretend to be, when all they're doing is fashioning the next phase in what they project to be their realism show, schism in reality. While most supposed Christians are more like Satan worshippers than Christians, in their religious practices, actually, so too, all supposed are anti: scientists, artists, politicians (without dempublicans collaboration remocrats wouldn't rule; without socialists collaboration totalitarians wouldn't rule the left; independents, more republican conspiratorial than most in their pushing bipartisanship like a drug), academes, and most other religious practitioners. Why are republican conspiracies' pitbulls, like Coulter, who just suggested "Edwards should be attacked by terrorists", turning rabid, chanting their mantra, "white water", like it's the best rapids and they're extreme sports fanatics, while the only white foam we're seeing is from their mouths, 'cause, here and now, they see a 'tunity, with this impending imperial election, to destroy any remnant of democracy in the united suck of assassins. The duopoly devolving into the duopolar axi of republican and totalitarian conspiracies, continually; whose powers increasingly dictate the extinction of human beings, large mammals, through the extermination of humanity. This day, at sun's height, still, Happy Rhodes lyric, "There's a beacon in the sky meant to catch your eye", a point to uplift our visions, and solar energy, aren't. So, nihlistic narcissism, vampirism, cannibalism as sociological process; machinelike rote, sociological programmed memory, regurgitation as education; non-spiritual conformity to process, empty rites as religious study, life; organized conspiratorial crime as business, medicine, healthcare, science, art, which has determined people devolve into extremist automatons, addicted to much, yet, at least, to consumerism, loyal parts in "la machine", conspirators on a scale between corporate agent to assassin for the empire, almost all corporate agents, and, increasingly, supposed Christian assassins; unsustainable earth murder (the largest tool for supposedly garnering increasing delusional profits and pleasures in, increasingly, cyclical, centralizing patterns); extinction of species at a rate not seen since the last ice age ensued (including bees, butterflies, without which nothing is pollinated, nor grows); unending, they hope, unnecessary war (the second largest tool...) in Iraq, which will lead to, they hope, unnecessary global uber unending supposed Christian crusading war (a necessitated precursor to the militarization of the world to enforce the extinction processes and murder all people who, finally, stand against the extermination of humanity by destruction of ecosystems permanently altering weather cycles, which exponentially increases the number and severity of all supposedly natural disasters, and war) and the end of all democratic processes, everywhere. Delusional profits and pleasures, for, the destroying of eco-systems stops their creation of our food, water, oxygen, which will cost humanity astronomically more to produce, in the future, than the limited short term profits their destruction seems to garner, now. Still, "we, the people..." suffer the GOP's criminal insanity, thousands dying from unnatural disasters, our forests going up in smoke, a battalion being lost a month; trillions to unnecessary war, no more for the poor, elderly, kids, college students, handicapped, homeless, homeowners, disabled, ill, small and organic farmers, small business owners, etc.; no amnesty for 12 million of our best (before borders bolstered), no national conversations on racial and religious profiling, national healthcare, teaching as opposed to preaching vacuous lies, global warming, the evolution, life; as their direction is devolutionary and death. Meanwhile, supposedly, Jesus, in most hearts, everyone's friend, walks again. What would he say about the millions murdered in his name, his preacher in chief, Bush, purposely not preventing the attacks on 9-11, this supposed Christian gov't purposely: not preventing unnatural disasters like New Orleans levees, which broke under the pressure of no repairs; reporting studies showing "acts of terrorism down", before the '04 elections, and after the election, they "made an oopsy, it's actually up"; reporting studies showing "poverty is down", before the '06 elections, and after it, "it's up, they were off by 40 %"; foreclosures, homelessness, poverty up, to highest level since before the '29 crash? About the corporate structure's war against the middle class to poor, the riches' ravaging of humanity and earth, while unabashedly giving themselves an "unending tax breaks" during "unending war"? Many crusades, and 100,000's of Islamic men, women and children savaged, later, the supposed Christian, crusaders assassinating with their crosses, knew nothing of Isa until he, the most merciful, Muhammed, forgave them the unforgivable, and they fled the Holy land, to crusade no more; 'til now. Not as then, the crosses they bore to behead children, bear them now, they pray and say they're martyred as they did then, grace bandied about like crusaders give out candy, knowing nothing of Isa, or him. They will leave or die 'til they do, today, as it was a millennium ago, Islam is gathering, as well. For, the intellect can't lead, as the life doesn't follow, so too, clarity is a sword that cuts all ways, without, as there is no cutting, and a pointless point. The Sword of Islam, always, and in all ways, knows. Will "we,..." go the way of the dodo bird, just another species we devolved to extinction, unlike ants and roaches, being evolutionarily superior to us, as they can't choose to be extinct like we did; or, will we rise to take back the day?normalI don't suffer, or, suffer from,Eurocentrism, northern malaise,Nor, academia; a blood disease.C'est La UnvieA million monarchs lie dead, though,No less sociological programming ofUpper-middle to rich classes withDecadence, affluence, inclusion, is.No less societal determination ofMiddle to lower, being excluded byDivision and conquering, privation.Yet, they, on wing no more, still flyIn our spirit's eye, heal humanities'Heart. While their silent cry echoesThe 33,000 species extinct each year,A rate not seen since the last ice ageEnsued; does it move you?Does your curiosity ask why?Will you, on this 33rd Earth Day, allowA tear for all life's fallen? ConsiderThe losses economic apartheid incurs,Mirrored by the divide human-centricityHas levied? Our underlying duplicitousDisregard for life, greed and oil fueled,Won't abate for our existence, will you?( For the beautiful butterflies )WingedWalking through this valley grayed,Whence mountains have been laidLow, I follow not, nor lead,Being unleveled, unknown.Though, still I'm one, and theFootprints I do not leave,Trace none. Yet,For every eagle feather glided thisWay, I stand. It may be ourSister's and brother's last hand,That's if they be the family ofMan, and men be man.It's said, one who will raise theDead will come, and, as well, leadAll on. I raised but a few sightsFurther, so I doubt that one willWalk this way. Though, the LifeIs indivisible, there's only you,Here and now!ToneLife's signs and meaningsPerceived by all our senses andBeing's foci of attention, canDivine from within and without.That's if our inner-eyeIsn't clouded by false-ego,Self-conscious self, or doubt.InjusticesAddressing, not addressing themhave costs, the former is individual,the latter is global, as well.ends or meansNeither do I embrace.Rather, the struggle well run,Which uplifts us uncrowned,Every moment humans race!ResponsibilityIf you don't exercise it,Its Siamese twin sister, freedom,Will wither, like a muscle, as well.A Weaver Of LifeHappy BirthdayTo a student of Christ's and Ghandi's.One who had a dream that somedayWe'd live in the promised land andTook us by the hand.Yet, we won't get thereIf you don't break your chains,Refusing to be a pawn in their games.We can't turn our back to thoseUnchosen, on the outside or in,Simply 'cause they can't afford.We can bring them with us, if we,Resisting, everyday, their commonDelusions, not be a link in that chain.The chains that keep our humanitiesGrowth arrested, our potentialsUnexplored; our thoughts,Feelings, and deeds flawed.If you don't refuseTo be the chains that bind you,We'll never break the chain.The chain that murders.The chain of delusions.The chain of death.YOU CANTalk the talk, walk the walk, and evenBe the be, but, if you don't vote the vote,You'll never be livin' in a democracy!"Love Is Not All"They ask what they know. For, if I'm, but,the shadow of a man, then, my life proceedsme, no? As their psychic abominationbreathes my life, again they refrain, "she rideson your back", I Beren be, on paths untold,On Elbereth, of old. They mock, and harkingboast, as they've already drunk many a toastto what is man's, woman's death, entombed,in-crested by their seal, their ghastly host.False-ego, the answer to their opening joke,their precious just a parlance for,what you grasp possesses you. "Though,if there's no possession, how could this betrue?" The body, phenomena too, ofelements and to elements goes. Like attractslike, the earth beckons, as well, to her womb.Yet, as Longfellow's "Psalm of Life", retorts,"dust thou art, to dust returnest, wasn'tspoken of the soul." Nor, of spirit, the whole.Grimace, they fear undermining life's fabric,the evolution, will be more arduous thanundoing a thread. I liken their mask to EricFromm's admonition, "people tend to escapefrom freedom to familiar forms of authority."What of the fullest reach of life, beingourselves to be? There, they fade, "FromWhence..., To Wither", they go, shadow.For, now Socrates entreats them with, "theunexamined life's not worth living". Defyingthe tacit assumptions of their convolution,like, winner, loser, predator, prey, sides,the most fit instead of those that fit mostto reality. Why, you ask, do they substituteslogans for being? 'Cause, "the introspectivelife takes more courage than soldiering." Stillossifying, the corporate machine continues toshape the world in its own adolescent,patriarchal, oligarchic image, as it has God.Here, hear, off in the distance, hearts tattoo,Cornel West's "Socratic, prophetic, broughttogether blues." For, it's old news that "we'vehardly any rights, and liberties left. Justsounding brass, tinkling cymbals." Reigningon humanities' parade. You see, we've notexercised our responsibility, so, its Siamesesister, freedom, has withered as well. AsEmily Dickinson's poem's refrain refrains,"Not In Vain", now, will we be this day,what it is to be this day?GleanWaves spraying our faces, for, we don't walk the walk.The beaches edge, which ever changes, is where we,Sky, earth, moon and sea meet.Breezing through the strong breeze, theFuller our lungs the lighter we'd run,It was to be, with ease.As reality, she and I stalked ourselvesIn those shells silences, like whenWe leaped from a slip on a rock to the next, well.Then sitting still, we glistened, the sun splashingThrough us, as the ocean's and our salt were one.Her thoughts and mine flowed,Our feelings were its ebb and flow.Nature, true, would not be unsung.That blue gray cloudy day found us in the end.Finding it by moons ray, our ears to waves did lend.It was as our footprints,Truly there, 'til waves did gently lift.For, if it were that we held it,Like sand grasped, it wouldn't be a gift.A Flute Echoes UsA light within that has always been withoutAs well, grows, while life's vultures ever circle,Below. Why has it always been that human beingsWho be more so, have had to be exiles inTheir own lands? This time, more than any otherBefore, beckons all life to be most vividly that.As long as I can, walking the road in the world,Which is the unwinding path within,Will enlighten; as it does.Listening to a song sung and un, without words andNature's sing me, I'm naught, but, it's echo andThe mountain which does not rise as that eagle'sTalon leaves a rock perched in its eyre, I,At the top. Singing, this voiceless rock that isn't,Resounds a universe's song, which leaving asA talon did, is felt sky bound, for, it ever plays on.Now, a galactic wind weaves me through thatStormless storm, on this unspeck of dust, to here.Being filled with this songs silences,I'm reminded of where our mundane life andThe unseen are one. Walking that balance we gleanThat living is the grist of our individual mills, andDiscover that inner unfolding is unending.As well, life is the grist of realities' mill.So, we've come to pass and learn, as well as teach,Through life on that wheel, what it is to be,From within and without.Ergo, ourselves are the question we always ask,And the answer we never find. For, whenYou put your finger on it, it's no longer there.The Rainbow's GiftBlood, forever pouringFor all life, notOne drop spilt, andTruth, never yellowing,Though, ever changing,Create orange, you see;On the palette of to be!MusingsIn between words and lines,Poetry's music fathomsThe depths of our heart,The heights of our intellectAnd imagination,Breadth of our spirit,Well of our soul,Alluding to the unknown;Saliently. For, the museBut whispers, silently;Moving in mysterious ways.Painting's music?Inexpressible and felt,Unknowable and experienced;Of echoing images and silences.Even the shadowSpeaks of the light!Shadow and LightGrowing, expression, experience,Movement, uplifting of mind,Then heart of dance, "To leap andContend", choreographed by selfUnfolding, is art incarnate;Gestured. ...As in language symbolsLetter poets words throughTheir languid dance on leaf,Thus evoked lifelines areFreer and freed.As well, a non-chiseled beautyExpresses humanity in children's...,Only the non-sculpted can unsculpt.Dances soul, our viscosity shadowsIts expressions breadth, realizedIn depth through compassion,Is being universally accessibleOnly from inside one's self .Spirit, quintessential experience ofFluidity in movements enlivening;Muse, soma, piety, gaiety.Earth and sky, we, as aguaUncontainably articulated, dance!silent sirenAs embryo brought to not know,With ancient forests gone,Obsolescence of rights,Liberty's torch scorched, bell cracked,Knell snatched, how could she go on.Yet, borne in arms drawnFrom beyond man's loss,Though, bearing that cross,We, midwived through the body of blue, go!For, we hear the call resounding from earth,As the sun illumines and springs burst,Gaia's silence implores, humanityBe not my stillbirth!AmadouYour living was a gift.Your life taken shows usAll how we're not being.Taking our own lives,In effect, by not doingAll we can.You may be dead, yet,Still, you give us insight,That we're not fully alive.May your memory beA constant reminder ofWhat we lose whenWe fail to be;That being everything.(For Amadou Diallo, who was assassinated by NYPD with 41 bullets (as a message to Africans, et al), when he complied with their request “to show them id”, by reaching into his back pocket for his wallet.)Carry On'We will never stop'Til we get our freedom.'The song sings, while them that kill it,Greed driven, avarice ridden, neverFilling their enlarging hole inside, for,They can't be, nor hideTheir poverty or deathly stride,Murder to die.These murderers of lifeFor delusional profits and pleasures,Why aren't they tried?Delusions are sweet,Illusions sweeter.So, what do we do?Their choosing is losing their potentialTo grow, and personal power in theMoment so, we show the growth, andWalk towards the dream,We're realizing for both.While life, here and now, is the pointMade with art, in our hearts,Our beings are the heart of the point.So, it is I stand and say,The murder stops here.Turning our back to the convolution,We walk, evolution's way."The Mouse That Clicked"They say, "where's your passion,That's why your dead."It's not delusional pleasuresWhich brings the dew to eye,Mind, to ask why, a bird to fly.The life, what, is it?...Is more to be then it is;In potentia, evolving.They say, "Caesar hasn'tGotten his due."Reality, silently echoes,Extinction's on your way.They say, "everything'sLa machine"; theConvolution's devolution,Bragging. I say,"We", still beingThe life, will!LeafA raindrop formsIn love's eye.Joy, sadness, let go.IllumineFire in the skyAnd your art,Entering my eye,Going Sane, Or In?The F.B.I. knew, but, didn't tell. The military,No response until an hour after initial attack.No air force jets scrambled, to shoot theCommandeered ones down. Soon, the Central LackOf Intelligence Agency will dictate, it wasn't known.According to the Emperor, in his new threads, heWill be "victorious in this Christian Crusade againstAll terrorists and their supporters", to the 4 corners.This while the British empire couldn't take the I.R.A.,Even on their best day. Yes, he really meant,Non-Christian, non-whites, especially the ones who'veBeen pounded for hundreds of years by war with theBrits, Russians, et al; and eventually, all who disagree.For, we can't forget his edict to the world,"Either you're on our side, or you're terrorists".As if this weren't criminal enough, they're talkingAbout using nuclear weapons. So, we've W.W.IIIAgainst one of the poorest countries, already in rubble,Getting famine relief, who practice the fastest growingReligion, Islam, to kill them and cut OPEC's edge onUS oil; while making radioactive dust?Then, a chorus of supposed feminists chime in,"They've oppressed women and children for years.War is good, as long as women are in leadership after."Have we forgotten, destruction and murder areOf no value, they just reinforce the effects of cyclicalDeprivation? There are no "sides", that is a delusion?How could "we" be so lost, or let them lead us astray?rahimIs man deserted in the Middle East?Does it bleed him as we bleed the earth,The fouling of one sky always following?How could the sons of Isaac and Ishmael,So, not remember their way? ThinkingThey're choosing peacing and warring onEach other for delusional profits, pleasures,While sanguine sands mark their real lossOf life, humanities' loss of time.Wasn't it written, God is watching andWe are returning, as the home of heartIn a child beckons the man that becomes?Isn't it so, our souls call to us in silences?Yet, the military machine rolls. What is,Or could be, heard by any above this?A woman martyr, 18, imploded by the liesTaught to her from U.S. written, donatedTextbooks, explodes, taking hers andOthers lives from us. Same as the shiningSun seems to divine famine.Here, clouds relent, watering soil,Cleansing spiritually, some mind's eyes.While the media's constant chides of,"You're not the earth, reality isn't yourWomb, rather, a tomb divined",Though, only smoke and mirrors, divide.Yet, the life, indivisible, defies, a flowerBlossoms, Michaelangelo's... roll by,An avian's trill still rings true.So, what of me and you.Will we allow individual injustices to goUnchallenged, devolving into global ones?Our freedoms to wither, for, we didn'tExercise our responsibilities? DeathsDirge to purge our evolutionary calling?Manifest destinies rag to drag us throughTheir mud, determining the unactuationOf life, our and large mammals extinction?Or, will birdsong be sungOf what we've done?Let not the only tear to eye be theirDestined flood. Let our sojourns longingRedefine the sublime in morningsAwakening. Let life at humanities' hearthGrow, our being veracity and loving sow.Exigency Or Humanity?CIA, KGB, tell us, routine illegal acts of premeditatedMass-murder guarantee the people's liberty; a higherMorality. The life knows criminal insanity guards notHumanity, or anything else. Rather, it devolves it toNon-existence. For, morality isn't its contradiction.Being humane, alive, isn't an exercise in theoreticalPhilosophy, where tautologically, anything can "be".Because the inmates have been running the asylumFor too long, "we" can't afford to be mesmerized byTheir mechanistic play; they fabricate as life.No matter how much their smoke and mirrors,Song and dance, forcibly fill our populaces eyes,We can still teach destruction and murder are of noReal value; and the delusion of sides doesn't exist!Though, they insist, "those disagreeing are terrorists,If you're not premeditatedly mass-murdering them,You are them and should be murdered". What willCome of their exigency that society meet the needsOf their extreme religions: supposed science, greed,Militarism, organized religions, and materialism?What will be the price society paid in advance, for,Not effectively separating them all from the state?As Reich relates, supported by Adler, that descent onJacob's ladder is to fascism, individually, communallyImposed hell; easy to sell to the devolved.Is it any wonder, this perdition will be realized byThe make believe "Christian" crusade, following inThe Roman Catholic Empire's missteps? How couldWe separate it from the state, when we failed to do soWith supposed science, materialism, militarism, etc.?Where will the emperor in his new threads lead us?When he states, "terrorists must be smoked out,Made to run, and killed", he reminds me of Bacon,Who dictated that, "nature must be hounded intoWandering, bound into service, made a slave".As his forbearer, and a make believe Christian too,He equates humans to animals, denigrating himselfWith fascism; while dangerously projecting it to all.Yes, the Twin Towers, temples of doom, were felled.Yet, multiplying our past mistaken cycles of war, willOnly reap future destruction, not prevent it.For decades now, the Non-American, non-Christian,Non-white world has suffered the unnatural disasters,Caused by the technological worlds permanentlyAltering weather cycles. Their blood also oilingThe US war machine. Millions of tragic deathsTo advance "America's way of life", et al; also, a rateOf species extinction not seen since before the lastIce age ensued, and eco-systems destruction realizingOur future extinction, now. When it'll be, unknown.Those same imperatives of extremist greed, etc.,Dictate we use non-renewable energy sources,Determining humanities fall on the horizon. AllWhile our countries crisis of perception is projectedAs superfluous and supercilious, and the forcesDividing us from within are given carte blanche.How could we forget Blake's admonition, "you'veGot to keep from the single vision of Newton'sSleep", detailing our need to think independently.For, survival can't replace evolution's nexus, alival.Or, Thoreau's, that "the only necessity for evil toRule a land, is for good men to remain silent".How could the extremist unending war againstTerrorisms exigency be anything more than theEfficient and automatic societal transference fromNihilistic-narcissism to fascisms raison d'etre,To not be humane. Have we allowed the exigency ofThe Cartesian based definition of time to determine usTo be automatons? Why allow Isaac's and Ishmael'sPeacing and warring on each other to determine theNecessity of the extremism of war; and the muting ofShakespeare's "relations make music of the spheres"?Can't we, as Illich relates, "de-school society",Before avarice determines it's too late?Do we just fall behind in trying times, or allowPotentia space to realize growth by struggling,Relating, thinking, emoting, more, not less? WillHumanity evoke, or exigency revoke all rights,In reality? Though Liberty's torch is scorched,Bell cracked, knell snatched, will we rise toFraternity's call? As Blake relates, "if the doorsOf perception were cleansed, everything wouldAppear as it is, infinite", in all its possibilities.A Sign Of The TimeThe emperor says, you're either with WWIII, or again'Us, proving, "from the mouth of babes comes wisdom.";Just not theirs. Soothes say, here's where it all has toHappen, seems so; for, if not us, who, here, where,Now, when, or possibly never? Following la machine'sFearless lead, Tim Robbins chimes out, "Let us war onViolence". With enemies like these, the republican'sConvolution's direction of devolution doesn't needFriends, sure why not be a waron, instead of a moron;The resemblance, striking, literally. Yet, like PBS,It's the best we have, and unlike hbo, it's not b.o. AChorus, unchiming, that having's an illusion, drownedOut by their show, is still. 'Cause, isn't the delusionBuilt on it, possession, it 9/10 ths of the law, a corner-Stone of that most vacuum up economic tool of mollock,War? They hark, what about take away game theory.This, while the U.S. sucks up 80% of earth's riches,Being only 5% of its population, causing permanentlyAltered weather cycles, determining unnatural disastersThat kill millions, and will billions. C'est la unvie,They must die so the autocracy ever-concentrates at theTop, unnatural selection, user, used, predator, prey,They say. Yet, using is illusion, evolutionary agree-Ment, reality. Though, the suck: lack of investment inInnercities, unschools programming memory skills, thePrison industrial complexes defacto-slavery, the injust-Ice systems premeditated massmurdering death penalty,Make believe Christianities antilife unchoices, splittingOf atom, earth-murder causing extinction, could be theStart of an eventual blackhole; after they trash GaiaAnd flee the collapsing solar system, a losing race toEscape their ignoring, if responsibility isn't exor-Cised, its Siamese sister, freedom, will wither, as well.Now, the Oracle of Tevi illumines, Bishop DesmondTutu's "co-creation" is beautiful. But, won't the lastGuy be watching the best show the corporates couldProduce before he dies and humanity is nevermore;'Cause it chose it wasn't by ignoring destruction is ofNo value, murder is suicide stretched over ones future?Ring UnbrokenThe way open,Beyond time and bone of space,In front of nose, original face.SoulAs my breath is the one, prana,And the life's pulse, pala,Reaching angelic source, sura,So is this mind, manas, aFlowering unfoldment,Unendingly touchingThe eye that would it see;Unbeckoning unto thee.As well, this Bodhi, a temple,Of the four and fifth, nur,So entered by atma, a ray of thy sun,Thus being winged, andAs such with wind;Flying only in dharma's dance,Is returning to, Brahma, you.For, there yet, by thy grace, go I.PremaTimeless, sublime, tonal,Melodious sojourn into life, self.River banks, as petal and thornRoll, filled by agua's flow;Entwining on her bed,Know, love is. Mauna,Silence, echoes its song;Which no words could trace.Thus ananda, bliss, intimatesThe eternal, and detailsLiving shantih, peace.IfOne lived as prayer,Their light addingTo the well of light,Their every step in grace,They left no footprints;That will echo always.(With Mother Theresa in mind)graceFeeling with your spirits hands,See with the eye of your heart,Hear with the ear of your soul,And know with the bodyOf life's knowledge,We can be prayer;Being forever answered.ThanxWhile feeling sacred onThis All Hallow's Day,I also feel pangs of theHungry, so wrought byThe profane; for the foodWasted by us could feedAll the world's.... Yet,Betwixt, in the mundaneIt's only hurled.claritySword that cuts all ways,Without, for, there's no cutting;And a pointless point.SoYou, a joyous lake.Me, the mountain, underground,Which, you fill,That holds you always.Within and without us,Is this love.HeartLike the wind moves,Not love, nor hate,Only everything and nothingAt all; at once.DepartedThe depth of one's sorrowIs the well's fathom,Of meanings and momentsShared with them.virtueWere it a cause thatOpened those tiny arms,Alighting brilliance, a smile,As I hugged him back, then,It could not be known.For, this child towardsThe divine leads goes.Would it be that we say,It is not the life;Rather, we know?whyAs acid rain from your closed eye,An acre of rainforest falls eachSecond, earth's tears bleeding;For, all you see is grey.V.E. DayDenatured, this first,Still, inside life's waters riseTo Spring's tides. We feel,Below emotions ebbs and flows,"...Go On"'s vernalRaison d'etre, to not know!gloryWill of life's wind howlsThere is no fear.Being all the way live, 'til.IfTree's leaves found,Though, they empty be,May utter profound, andImage immeasurably.MannersIn which doings and not doingsAre done or aren't,Brings life and light to them,Or it doesn't.grayThose more attached toLiving or dying,Are more closely death.Another Mournful DayTuesday, 28th of May, 2002, they saythe last girder to survive 9-11-01, at thebase of the World Trade Center, wasbeing removed. Solemn ceremony inhonor of the many deceased, as well asrelief workers, and volunteers took place.The faces of the fallen were present andthey were remembered. The New YorkCity worker's silence, as that steels,echoing America's doubts, unansweredquestions, born of grief, hardship and loss,reflect what's still missing in our nation'spsyche, answers, as to why.Not just those directed to God, reality,derived from existential angst, also, those"we", as a people, silently ask our souls.Did they not prevent them purposely?Stanzas of Longfellow's "Psalm of Life":"In the world's broad field of battle,In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb, driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife!Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant!Let the dead Past bury its dead!Act, - act in the living Present!Heart within, and God o'erhead!"While still girded by cries for justice,will "we", at least, stand on the landof our birth and demand truth frompower, seizing the hour of our countriesneed? Or, stand aside and watch ashumanities' slide into the abyss of historyfollows those 3000 lives lost, and theTwin Towers. Will this ever again be, theland of the free, home of the brave? Orwill Liberties' torch be scorched forever?ThornedThey say, aRose by any other...,Would still be...Truly, yet, aDirection symbolizedBy a word, rose,Fills the eye of mind,Touches spirit,Fathoms heart,Aurally uplifts.Life, taller in theSaddle, richer inIts roots, salutes.TheeHer quill beckoning,We, blossoming, hear, feel, beWorship, bliss, love of...claritySword that cuts all ways,Without, for, there's no cutting;And a pointless point.One's Mental CellBuilt of walls of delusions,Made with bricks of illusions,Is one's hell.Eden?Splitting of atom,Cloning of adam, hubris;Leads to extinction.CityscapeHustled and bustled,Still, hands only put to heart,Beings, only art.WhenA sea of souls, one echoing all.Clouds exclaim on the run,Who is rolling by.Watered thus and sunflowered,Bringing forth abundance,Earth's richness furthers.OyateWhen every moment isStruggling with everyFiber to inspire, expireBreath, feeling is aDream deferred;Unrealizable, they say.Yet, to feel builds emotions,Power innate; the threadInterweaving the fabric of life.Though, proscience projectsThought is power, sensing,Just informing, to be processedBy our computer, brain, forExigent programming.Yet, conscience intuits thatThoughts are emoting, voiced....That fear is naught, but,Shadows of past's unintegratedExperiences, cast over ourPresence and future. While both,Integral to realizing insight,Growth, balance and movement,Are necessary to humanity."La Machine", uses them to roteUs into unbeing an efficacious partAnd parcel of it, an automaton.More, better mechanistic survival,The reason for human being;In societies' eye. Who dares toDisagree, all in for a penny, inFor a pound; mostly, decay bound.Sides, delusions, clouding their eyes.Though, feelings hibernatingEmerge with strength, throughDiscipline, which Castaneda relatesAs, "the art of feeling awe", theyCan be concentrated. Focusing,Realizing reality on wing,Imbued co-creation in flight.As well, what of our soma's foci ofAttention, solutioning all life,Through myriad interrelations?What of the breadth of ourPerceptions, the depth of every-Ones earthen interconnections?...Of the intimacy, hearts fathoms,Touch's immediacy, aural artistry?Mammon says, "what of it", beingDoesn't make money, take control,Projections do. "We" say, they'reLe raison d'etre, potentia evolving,Humane being; alival. I would beJust for a day, as a mayfly, if I wereMore me, rather, than as long asAn eagle flies, selling out, killing.ArtistTheir innerselves, stretched canvassesOn that frameless frame, the world.They being painted by life itself,With reality as the brush.The painting ever evolving,The frame continually changing,Their beingness as gleaned meaningsFor all to share; seen through,If they were there.InjusticesAddressing, not addressing themHave costs, former is individual,The latter is global, as well.BridgeAn artist isn't one who creates art,For, all living beings do.Palate, as you'd have it, sparce orAbundantly, an expression of self.The mystery of the suns grace,Perceived by us within our eye asAn ethereal rainbow in kaleidoscope,Always unfolding, is dabbed from andGiven to form; with reality,The brush, holding us.Betwixt those two we, being life, art,Fill, and are fuller, still.Not grasp or let go, it's all we know,Feeling's reeling in living art."Take Me There"Not separated from the state, mammon directs mollock to ride ripshod over life,Replacing business with warocide, humaneness with premeditated murder.Packaged and marketed in everything and one, it's the extinction incarnate,Alival undone. While the gov't's depts. of not knowing determine no one will,Millenias of folk wisdom sociologically muted, will soon be genetically engineered out.How, through la machines scientisms use of emotional de-constructivism, numbing all.To undermine the evolution, all real feeling, relation, striving, fidelity, fraternity and love.Arthur Miller knew, "when guns go boom arts die". What do Goya's 82, on war, do forYou? This while, "art is a lie that tells the truth", according to Picasso. Yet, scientism,This secular societies religion of choice, is so popular that neither its lies, nor itsUnmentioned truth, are allowed to be known; "we", must just swallow it whole.Though, while its an accepted medium of defraction, realities light refracted through it,Still details what's so, without. The cost of our co-dependence on, denial of it?They used to say, "war's good business, invest your son", now, the price is your species.What won't societies whorism, vampirism, economic cannibalism destroy, onlyThe life, for, it's indivisible. Viva la evolution! How about the institutionsThat are meant to protect? "Naught, but, rags on the back of our country", Mark Twain.What can we do? Know all gov't scientists are political ones first. question supposedProfessionalism and one of its roots, Cartesian defined time; devolution in a package.That gov't panacea for dehumanization is old. Do you remember Rousseau said,"Where are the citizens, I only see businessmen". Question unnatural selection.Know, as Howard Zinn, "media, artists are determining people get in line around thePerimeter of gov't power, yet, it's their job to transcend that". Remember I.F. Stone'sTwo words, "gov'ts lie". Think out of the ass. As artists, how else can we address theElements of war, by the struggling with supposed paradoxes as actuating artistic process,Individuation, through creation of art. The artist transcends mundane and worldlySociety, by envisioning perspectives, subjects, mediums, styles, outside their framework,Allows a looking glass in which the world, individual, and reality are reflected.The devolutionary mantra, "you've got to be professional", is the most repetitive of theirCodes. That's all it takes for people to justify, self censor, limit, not question, allowing allOther, their piece of the rock too; everyone in for a penny, in for a pound, decay bound.Yet, it's necessary for artists to inspire paradigms in which others can struggle withSocieties mechanistic mold of professional; worn like a mask, whatever, is done behind it.Thereby, facilitating feeling, views, discernments and questioning of exigencies, et al.Keep in mind Mark Twain's, "patriotism is loyalty to country, not its institutions",Emma Goldman's, "... is love of country, not gov't", and Arthur Miller's, "... isIndifferently bestowing custody of their country to state depts.". Dumbing down most.One of wars elements is one of the corporation's convolution's roots, greed. It has alwaysFueled their use of the gov't as a bat against the middle class and lower, indigenous, etc.Whereas, "we", struggling to be, wouldn't even bat an eye in the direction of destruction.As ever, souls simmering in humanities hearth, spirits arising, can mean enough for all.The war machines oiling itself with non, white, Christian, U.S. blood escalates, Proving absolute power corrupts absolutely and what Joseph Heller said, "war corrupts allWho engage in it". Leonard Peltier reminds us that "the innocent pay the highest price forInjustice", and "the corrupt hate them". What else can we all do, not be a link in the chainOf murder, actuate potential, own responsibilities, including civic, and teach anyone.If you don't exercise responsibility, its siamese twinsister, freedom, will wither, as well.Berrigan wrote, "cause is the heart's beat, the children born, the risen bread".Peltier, "we're all related, all one". As Bob Marley sung, "could you be..., then be...".Shoulders UnbentHumanities' call,Being unburdening; aPath less travailed.Search And RescueTerrorism, thwarting passenger jets into missilesOf war, while horrifying, testing sinew, tryingSoul, is a wake up call for all life.Yet, not the destruction of thousands of livesTaken, for, they'll live on in our hearts and minds.Not, the destruction of the Twin Towers andPentagon, for, they'll be rebuilt, not, questioningOf our humanity and freedom; rather, a challengeTo them that Americans will rise to meet.As the sun will rise again!"We", volunteers in cities, rising to each othersSides, finding the fallen, hand to hand; some alive!Rescuers, eyes haunted by devastation's effects,Reply, " it's like apocalypse now". Words,Embedded in their countrymen's spirits,With the silent question, why.No words to relate the concussive effects on thePsyches of the living, who could've died.Though, between their lines of, "luck, chance",Uttered solemnly, shock's echoing silence nowHears shouts of, "acts of war". Where will theImploring, or could they, lead?This calculated mass destruction, its goals,Loss of life, liberty, humanity, reason,Its aim, implosion of societal symbols of power,They think they realized, may be lightning in theWorlds eyes, yet, soon will follow the thunder!For, destruction and murder are delusion,Not power!Then, will we find the strength to remember,The void realized by their delusional profits andPleasures, doesn't have to be filled by overReaction? Which would mirror their acts andReinforce cycles of war; a result their twistedWills wished for. Can we not be dehumanized,As desired, adding fuel to their hysteria's fire?Searching for our essence, can we rescue ourInnocence; eventually, waging peace to dispelThe cloud of sides? It filling eyes, lungs,Thoughts and emotions, as those white flumesOf ash, smoke, and fire; still rising.Will we value life, again, as humanity?Find the hand extended, that isn't yet, andLend ours to it?A passenger's subdued, determined, cell call,"We know, goodbye, we'll try and do what weHave to." They brought the jet down in theWoods, short of the populated, intended target;Saving untold lives.Will we do what we have to, now?DauntWhen they tell you to, ...When it is, they want you to say, ...When anything catches your eye, ...When you've a feeling and don't know why, ...When the words ... fit, ...When living and dying are one, ...... seeing doesn't relay, ...... being hasn't meaning, it does, ...... what's filling your eye, isn't, ...... you feel nothing, feel it, ...... worrying gets in the way, ......, not breathing or thinking, ...."...Of..., By..., For...?"Pondering the nature ofSome peoples characterHas led me to conclude,Their despicable actions,Though masked byPurported concern, therapeuticIntervention, are what's so.Stories about the one leggedBaseball player, orThe man without a face,While inspiringIn and of themselves,Are poor masks forThe premeditated malpracticeThat takes place within these walls.A woman raped in the veryCorridor she must walkUp and down; day in day out!A man-child grew up hereStories to tell, they, supposedly,Allow to curse, intimidate andDominate others. Giving himAll the rope he wants, thenSnapping the noose;Strapping down, drugging,Seclusion. Without boundariesWhat client wouldn't becomeOut of hand; where's the care?Their fabrications told over andOver, manufacturing psych.Histories, means to ends,Political, social, religious toDiscriminate for delusional profitsAnd pleasures; remove competition.Their best, counter-transference,The opposite of mental health!A heart can be killed, yet,Heart never murdered!Did they ever know theFirst tenet of all helpingProfessions, "do no harm"?YOU CANTalk the talk, walk the walk, and evenBe the be, but, if you don't vote the vote,You won't ever be livin' in a democracy!MusicLife's songAccompanyingThe Abundance ofJoy's Spring!YouYou share yourselfWith us, evokingWords so true.It does our hearts goodTo be with you, being you!i remember fourteen someEssene, essence of a wayLived, there, in his day.Spirit enlightened soul speakThrough silences; mind reach.Of love, walking a pathHeart blazened, compassion seasonedStudying teaches, in between reasonsDoes sun shine, wind fly,Water float, earth rise,Fire spark the selfBefore your birth?Do you glimpse, within mirth,You unearthed?Finding loss, holding the cost,Seeing so, and, still,Knowing you don't know?What if baby jesus was murderedBy the premeditated programOf the day, would it be night?We, must uncover it today,Or, there'll be no light!Between lines, betwixt words,Under the voweling,Below the consonance,Before "In the beginning thereWas...", un or heard,Leaves of a tree gathered,Blotched with His blood,Bound by God; foundLost, found, againIn the living human!EmanationsWorthily wrapped,Rain-bow unbroken, a giftTo the beholden.BeauteousMacroscopia allows a view,Verdant brilliance, a star's birth.Yet, our microscopicness ignores,The atom should not be split.400 years of supposed "science"Has stolen the earth's richness,Michaelangelos from the sky;Is killing life as fast asBefore last ice age ensued.Biophilia or necrophilia, choose!Vie's evolving song is as silent asA stone's ballad for being's loss.Yet, manifest destiny rag drags on,Turtle Island's shell won't cover,Approaching abyss on the horizon.Vitae's wail echoes crimson,As acid rain from your closed eyeFalls, earth's tears bleeding;For, all you see is grey.WhatOne hundred thousand milesOf red rivers flow,In nature's rythm, we follow.That tattoo of the heartBrings us throughoutOur inner ways, felt full.The unbeat, rhyme,Eternal pulse of life,Leads us from without,Perceived by our mind's eye,On our paths of heart;From within. For,We are the blood of life, soArtquakeSoul, freely bringingAbundance, spirit seed sown,Heart full, fruit borne!multumultumAs machinations ofTravailing winds,Miraging, veil and mirrorNarcissistic nihlisticFalse-ego, as self,We evince to be!To The SettingStill, unknown to all,I'll let the feet fall forward;Well meet by earth, first!FeltEternally danced, I,A whirl unendingWithin, am!UnrantStill, they say, "We've all come tolook for America", maybe, in that day.Stark, "we", see a child, Iraqi, mangled,blood escaping her, to sand; by our hand.Insides, out, life, soul, returning to....A war on the insides, yours, mine, hers,they no good where they are, pulsing life,surging breath, uplifting spirit; not serving death.When will we be as ancestors, needing to say," end all war"; what consumer of defacementlurks in your soma, to rise before? The remocrats,dempublicans, corporate agents one, all, don'tmind sleekly packaged, sci-fi winged, efficacious,low body count war; just the next stepping stonesfor ever increasingly centralized and cyclicalsupposed garnering of delusional profits andpleasures; realizing exponentially more realdeficits, deaths of eco-systems, species, babieswhose birthrights were ripped from them beforethey were a twinkle in.... La machine's lust,unquenchingly oiled by non-American, non-white,non-Christian blood, bringer of flood, enthronedmollock, war, as none will..., or have before.Mesopotamia, birthed civilization, a depleteduranium dirge forever unsounding, devouringunseen flame, the life interred in sullen eyes,seeing, not again, know, darkness looms every...;the half-life being longer than theirs. A heart willhave no solace, until defilement of civilizationno longer bay.Heading HomeWhile Joan Baez's rebel yell still resonates offAustin City Limits' walls, everywhere echoesits vibe. Yet, 'la machine's' daymare mass-murders and rapes on, causing extinction. AsElton John sings, "it's funny how one insect candamage so much grain", you ask how humanity,a nexus of 35 billion years of the evolution, wasundone: with 400 years of supposed: science,religion, which are naught, but, denominationsof their lowest common denominator cult:greed, war: mammon and mollock, their maritalbed, Gaia's half dead hide, raped by divide,conquered with survive; and lies.Corporate conspiracies' convolution's socio-logically programmed determinism defined by:destruction and murder are power; there's notruth nor reality, only: winners, losers; prey,predators; users, used; professionals are tools;feelings are for fools; humanities' extinction isinevitable and racing towards it will keep itsmanagement fueling the oligarchies' rule, evenwhile billions are murdered, by not allowinghumanity enough time to defend; etc.; are thedelusional mental cells, made up of delusionalconstructs like: materialism, built withdelusional bricks like: possession, using,which they live in and want you to; don't exist.This pen's unending point, though pointless, ablade of grass uncut and uncutting, realities'rapier, allows those projected hells whilebreaking them up with Happy Rhodes' lyrics,"there's a beacon in the sky meant to catch youreye", and "words weren't meant for cowards";so, "we" can begin again, learning: feelings arepower and the basis of all thought and action;survival unwinds alival; exigency dispenses withhumanity; their scarcity based economic systembuilt on non-renewable fuels and earth-murder,they mean to undo abundance with, will; oilslavery must be abolished; all the unnaturaldeath and disasters they've planned for theirdelusional profit and pleasure can be stopped.The nuclear age they want to raise fromthe dead to fuel their supposed Christianblitzkrieg doesn't have to be borne again;their "unending war" only manufacturesmore terrorists, rogue states, necessitatingitself. "We" can stand and stop them, onlyif you be the life and again embark on your"road to find out", Cat Stevens' refrain! Asheart's tattoo is heard off in the distance,Ruby Dee's twig of poetree recited on Def'sPoetry Jam awakens, "we" feel her words,"...'naries fight with rats for cheese...", anduplift all threads in the fabric of life, on themove in mending the whole of it, as it ever wasand ever will be; for, "we" can't allow them totear it asunder. "We" can turn 360 degreesaround, back to the evolution and the future,before it's too late; viva la evolution! (9-11-04)"It Will Always Be This Way"They dictate, "Write the ArticlesOf the Evolution". I alreadyWrote its co-founding document,Coalescing of E, in '95. Besides,There are none, it's self-evidentAnd perceivable by all. TheyWant them to attack them, I feel.Also, no writings can confer onOne what they refuse to be, free.They deride, "freedom is yourPrison", well, let me tell you,This nonexistent cells floor, wallsCeiling couldn't vaster be. I'm inConstant relation with trillions,Like you and me. An expandingUniverse, possibly, one of anInfinite number of verses; andOnly a gleaning of our inner-verse-Indivisible, immutable, illimitableSoma, in potentia, evolving, onlyPart of the immensity of "We,…".Sole SilencesAn echoing inward, within,Unbeckoning one, unheard,Unfelt, unknowable, unsung,Through which only one and aUniverse can unsing co-creationBeing, awakening, without, without.Lark'sHunger strike against Iraqi War fundingGoing strong, with Medea and Codepink."No more funds for war and occupation,"We..." need healthcare and education"."12 billion wasted on this war a month,That's $5000. every second"; trillionsYour grandkids will pay higher taxes forTheir whole lives! Supplemental warBill will be voted on in a few days,Bush wants another 184 million for it,An unnecessary one, they hope to make"Unending", Kofi Annan called "illegal";McCain says, "it may last a 100 years"-Don't let remocrats rob you, your kids,Grandkids of their livlihoods, stop warFunding, stop the war, now, bring ourTroops home; if you support them. LizYelled across the street, "time to go",Then cops arrested her, we were goingHome, it didn't matter, more policeCrime against free speech. Unlike theCries of 10 year old boys not let out ofFallujah with their families so the next2 generations of Iraqi men can be killedNow, "We,...", will not be silenced.They can't silence the global thunderingCry for justice, "We, the people...",Won't let them; tell Congress we wantOur families home. Stop the war, now!normalI don't suffer, or, suffer from,Eurocentrism, northern malaise;Nor, academia, a blood disease.unkaliedescopiceye needled, rich can'tgo through to heaven.there, surrounded,life, at ease, sees me.i see, feel unneedles eye asks why?KeysFathomless, oceansMurk, unrevealed, and my water,Know, our day is done.ArmageddiupA 60 th: birth of Israel, and Al Nakba, mournfulRemembrance of atrocities in Palestine; you and I.Two sides of the same coin? Spoils of war, what'sLeft for.., after all has been..? Coin of the realm,The destruction, murder that made it, and sides.At 16 I said USSR and USA were these sides, racingTowards each other, the closer they got, the moreAlike…, exigency replacing humanity, globally;They're them in the Middle East, a mix of laMachine, beast, et al; extinction incarnate.Why there won't be anything but their peacing onEach other, til they can war, waring pays 10 timesMore and they broke the sky; as everybody knows?!They just have to keep the convolutions show goingLong enough, deluding enough, so, you don't beChange evolution needs; to stop the exterminationOf humanity they dictate. When 100 million areDying annually from unnatural disasters, insteadOf 10, when war over food, water, is more common,And only military rules everywhere; peace will beA notion, like love conquering all, dwindling momsTell kids, only when dads aren't around. Then,Humanity will be dead, after that, human species,Large mammals extinct. Why, `cause you believedTheir cons now, like sides existing, to destroy,Kill, is profit, pleasure, etc.. If they wantedPeace there would be. Why do the convolutions liesFly, `cause you let them. The life is indivisible,Divide and conquer only works on the divided. Be.DC WA$HAssbackwards, just the way the terrible twos,Bipolar axi, remocrat/totalitarian conspiracyLike it. The gloves, their collaborators,Dempublicans, socialists, making humanitiesExtermination now, extinction later, reality.Supposedly, they're diametrically opposed,While they collaborate in genocide, etc.. WarOn every nonremocrat male, from middle-classTo poor, you must be one side, or the other;Not them, you're the enemy. In capitalistSociety, totalitarians play a supporting role,As money plays in totalitarian ones; the ol'Cold war fix still in. Their rabid militaristJaws locked on, humanity can't exist untilThey're gone. Pedocide programs, remocratsPride and joy, one, where military sexuallyAbuse kids with potential, who they deemWon't grow up to be remocrat; target group,White boys- destroy their competition beforeThey become it, and adults. All conspiraciesCollaborate with them to varying degrees,Manufacturing rule by most nazi conspiracy;And nazism as way of life. We, the people,Shouldn't grind up the seeds. How did thisHappen, by almost all embracing theirDevolutionary direction, the corporateStructures, la machines, convolution. OnlyWay to change that, is to change everything,Uplifting all life, devaluing conspiracy inEveryway, every moment, everyday; feeling.Thinking through their bricks of illusions,That make their walls of delusions, in theirMental cells, their personal hell; human,Being alival, not, la machines survival- now.No Winners or losersWinning is losing without the benefits.Also, there is no how you're playingThe gaming, for, if you're playingThe gaming, the gaming is playing you.usThey think with spooned nose,Speak with forked tongue,Will, "we...", be undone?five easy piecesTo thine ownself be who, andWhile you're being what you are,Remember this, to follow your pathOf heart: how, where, when, and,Sometimes, why; forever unanswered.heroesIf you’re paying for them by the dollar,They’re not worth a dime.potentialIf.original sinNot.ArtquakeSoul, freely bringingAbundance, spirit seeding,Sown, heart fruit baring.To The Setting...Still, unknown to all,I'll let the feet fall forward;Well meet by earth- first.FeltEternally dance,And danced, I, a whirl notEnding, within, am.heartIs like the wind moves,Not love, nor hate, only allAnd nothing; at once.grayThose more attachedTo living or dying, areSo more closely's mental cellDelusional walls,Built with illusional bricks;One's personal hell.MusicAccompanyingLife's song, the abundance ofJoy's Spring, flowering!Shoulders UnbentHumanities’ call,Being unburdening; aPath less travailed.CityscapeHustled and bustled,Still, hands only put to heart,Beings, only art.Eden?Splitting of atom,Cloning of adam, hubris;Leads to extinction.TheeHer quill beckoning,We, blossoming, hear, feel, beWorship, bliss, love of…gloryWill of life's wind howlsThere is no fear. being allThe way live, until....DepartedMeanings and momentsWith them, heart well's fathom, andDepth of one's sorrow.Ring UnbrokenWay open, beyondTime, bone of space, in front ofNose, original face.leafA raindrop formingIn love's eye, joy, sadness, falls.Abundance, let go.IllumineFire in the sky, spirit,Life, abundant, and your art,Entering my eye,Rainbow's Orange GiftBlood, forever pours,No drop spilt, truth, yellowing,Not, palette of be!InjusticesAddress, not address,Costs, the former is one's, theLatter is global.ResponsibilityNot exercised,Its Siamese twin sister,Freedom, withers, too.YOU CANTalk, talk, walk the walk,But, if you don't vote the vote,no democracy.ends or meansEmbrace neither, do,Struggle well run, uplifts, un-Crowned, when humans race.claritySword that cuts all ways,Without, for, there’s no cutting;And a pointless point.toneLife's signs and meaningsPerceived by foci ofAttention, divine.usThey think with spoonedNose, speak with forked tongue,Will, "we...", be undone?normalDon't suffer, or, ... from,Eurocentrism, academia,Nor, northern malaise.five easy piecesTo thine ownself beWho, your heart path: how, where, when,Why, unanswered.winning is, losing, without benefitsIf you pay for themBy the dollar, those heroesAren't worth a dime.winning is losing, without the benefitsThere's no how you're play-Ing the gaming, for, gam-Ing is playing you.stand for somethingNot all those deludedBy sides are squares, glean, grace can'tBe sought, it seeks you.daunt (a quadruplet of haiku)When they tell you to, ...,When they want you to say, ..., WhenAnything catches your eye, ....When not feeling, breath-Ing or thinking, ..., when worry-Ing gets in the way, ....... seeing doesn't relay?, ...,... what's filling your eye, isn't?, ...,... you feel nothing, feel it, ....When being hasn'tMeaning, it does, ..., when livingAnd dying are one, ....amadou diallo, assassinated, by nypd's 41 bulletsYour life gift, shows howWe're not. Taking our own lives,By not doing all....Sharing Yourself With UsEvoking words, true,It does our hearts good to beWith you, being you.Machinations Of Travailing Winds MiragingVeil, mirror, as self.Narcissism, nihlism, ego."We,...", evince to be.they being painted by life itself (couplet of haiku)Artists, wield the brush,Reality, on a framelessFrame, the world, paintingEvolving, being,Gleaned meanings for all to share,Seen, if they were there.being, painted by life, itselfArtists, wield the brush,Reality, on a framelessFrame, the world, paintingEvolving, being,Gleaned meanings for all to share,Seen, if they were there.The nexus, more than yourlove's summit, andLess than the fathom of your heart.When (a couplet of haiku)A sea of souls, oneEchoing all, clouds exclaimOn wing, Whose flying by.Watered thus andSunflowered, bringing forthAbundance, furthers.silenced siren (a pentuplet of haiku)As soul, brought to notKnow, with Obsolescence ofRights, forests gone, MsLiberty's torch scorched,Bell cracked, knell snatched, howCould she go on, yet,Borne in arms drawn fromBeyond man's loss, bearing thatCross, we, midwivedThrough the body ofBlue, go, for, we hear the callResounding from earth,As sun burns, springs burst,Gaia's silence implores,Be not my stillbirth!What's Love Got To Do With It..."They say, a rose by any other...,Would still be as sweet....Every 9 seconds a woman is rapedBy someone who says he loves her.Give a real gift to sisters,And brothers, all, reach one,And teach one, to not be aLink in that patriarchal chain,Not adding to that number ofHumanities bane, not a statisticin la machine's game, ever;From this Valentine Day on.eagleAbove..., and beyond..., they fly,Betwixt earth and sky,Feathers fully feeling the wind,Reality, on high, at once message, messenger,As betwixt the profane and sacred,In the mundane, realism, we walk.Some musings, as well :) Not all those deluded by sides are squares; Grace can't be sought, it seeks you, if you...; Winning is losing without the benefits; There is also no how you're playing the gaming, if you're playing the gaming, the gaming is playing you; If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything; If you don't "turn on" politics, politics will turn on you (Nader); Music is life's song accompanying the abundance of joy's Spring. Viva la evolution, viva green party! Write on! "Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen." ~ Leonardo da Vinci. For those interested :) "of or pertaining to the morning, day :) relating to or happening in the morning or in the early part of the day ( formal ), (Mid-16th century, from late Latin matutinalis, from Matuta, goddess of the dawn.)". As always, feel free to copy and share, as well. Enjoy an estival eve' as you can. Ciao, for now.Matutinally Yours,james m nordlund reality (aja) :)
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Uncommon sense :) from pithe to folk wisdom

For, if, for no other reason, the beauteous writing, prosaic or poetic, of many of our most revered and cherished works are at once literary gems and wisdom, of mundane to mystical, is it not this truth they all have in common; and, therefore, all of humanity shares in common? Where to start, Rumi, Milarepa, Thomas Merton's translations, especially of Chuang-Tzu, the Sermon on the Mount, et al, are so inspiring and lyrical, that we could surely believe they weren't penned by mortal hand. Here's a few less commonly cited :)"If there was something in the airIf there was something in the windIf there was something in the trees or bushesThat could be pronounced and once was overheard by animals,Let this Sacred Knowledge be returned to us again.Artharvaveda (VII, 66) as quoted in Entering the Circle""Discipline is the art of feeling awe.Carlos Castenenda""Do not rush to answers, let the questions be questions until the answers are revealed.Martha Graham""To walk in seasons is to question,A flower is opening.Basho"And, if I may be so bold, one of mine:claritySword that cuts all ways,Without, for, there's no cutting;And a pointless point.jmn"Then a cloud passed, and the pool was empty....Go, go, go, said the bird, human kindCannot bear very much reality.And yet there is that other dimension altogetherin the very fact of consciousness itself:To be conscious is not to be in time.... Except for the point, the still point,There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.I can only say, there we have been: but I cannot say where,And I cannot say, how long, for that is to place it in time.I will say to my soul, Be still, and let the dark come upon you,Which shall be the darkness of God.The inner freedom from the practical desire,The release from action and suffering, release from the innerAnd outer compulsion, yet surroundedBy a grace of sense, a white light still and moving ...And what the dead had no speech for, when living,They can tell you, being dead: the communicationOf the dead is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living.T.S. Eliot's poetic opus, the cycle called "Four Quartets""The Native Mind tends to view wisdom and environmental ethics asdiscernible in the very structure and organization of the naturalworld rather than as the lofty product of human reason far removedfrom nature. The Native Mind tends to view the universe as thedynamic interplay of elusive and ever-changing natural forces, not asa vast array of static physical objects. It tends to see the entirenatural world as somehow alive and animated by a single, unifyinglife force, whatever its local Native name. It does not reduce theuniverse to progressively smaller conceptual bits and pieces. Ittends to view time as circular (or as a coil-like fusion of circleand line), as characterized by natural cycles that sustain all life,and as facing humankind with recurrent moral crises-rather than as anunwavering linear escalator of "human progress". It tends to acceptwithout undue anxiety the probability that nature will always possessunfathomable mysteries. It does not presume that the cosmos iscompletely decipherable to the rational human mind. It tends to viewhuman thought, feelings, and communication as inextricablyintertwined with events and processes in the universe rather than asapart from them. Indeed, words themselves are considered spirituallypotent, generative, and somehow engaged in thecontinuum of the cosmos, not neutral and disengaged from it. Thevocabulary of Native knowledge is inherently gentle and accommodatingtoward nature rather than aggressive and manipulative. The NativeMind tends to emphasize celebration of and participation in theorderly designs of nature instead of rationally "dissecting" theworld. It tends to honor as its most esteemed elders thoseindividuals who have experienced a profound andcompassionate reconciliation of outer- and inner-directed knowledge,rather than virtually anyone who has made material achievement orsimply survived to chronological old age. It tends to reveal aprofound sense of empathy and kinship with other forms of life,rather than a sense of separateness from them or superiority overthem. Each species is seen as richly endowed with its own singulararray of gifts and powers, rather than as somehowpathetically limited compared with human beings. Finally, it tends toview the proper human relationship with nature as a continuousdialogue (that is, a two-way,horizontal communication between Homo sapiens and other elements ofthe cosmos) rather than as a monologue (a one-way, verticalimperative).David Suzuki"“The basis of all relations, including with self, and all studies, including activism and advocacy, are also environmental, spiritual…” jmn"Believe nothing on the faith of traditions, even though they have been held in honor for many generations and in diverse places. Do not believe what you yourself have imagined persuading yourself a god inspires you. Believe nothing on the authority of your masters or priests. After examination believe that which you yourself have tested and found to bereasonable and conform your conduct thereto." ~ The Buddha"With sincerity and earnestness one can realize God through all religions. The Vaishnavas will realize God, and so will the Saktas, the Vedantists, and the Brahmos. The Mussalmans and Christians will realize Him to. All will certainly realize God if they are earnest and sincere." ~ Ramakrishna, `The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna'"In my humble opinion, non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.", “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. ~ Mahatma Gandhi"What is life? It is a flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." ~ Crowfoot"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds." ~ A KNOT, by R.D. Laing"Take care of everyone and abandon no one. Take care of everything and abandon nothing." ~ Lao Tzu~ E F Schumacher says." Wisdom demands a new orientation of science and technology towards the organic, the gentle, the non-violent, the elegant and beautiful"."What can be explained is not poetry." ~ WB YEATS"We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, effects all indirectly." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr."Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission, to be of service to them whenever they require it."~ St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals."Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." ~ Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)"If you rejoice in victory, then you delight in killing. If you delight in killing, you cannot fulfill yourself." ~ Lao Tzu"Peace is the only battle worth waging." ~ Albert Camus"There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people."~ Howard Zinn"How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look like wrong, and wrong like right."~ From Black Hawk (Makataimeshekiakiak) (1767-1838) Sauk war chief"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."~ Ralph Waldo Emerson"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition; ifyou want to know your future, look into your present action." ~ Padmisambha"Yesterday is a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makesevery yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.Look well, therefore to this day." ~ Sanskrit Proverb"Don't ask the Lord to guide your footsteps unless you are willing to moveyour feet." ~ Christian proverb\\"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."~ Confucius"People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." ~ Lao Tzu"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." ~ Seneca"For the sake of the rose the thorn is watered too." ~ Africa"As a great fish swims between the banks of a river as it likes, so does the shining Self move between the states of dreaming and waking." ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad"When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion."~ Ethiopian Proverb, Courtesy of Strider, via Inez Matus"To find yourself, think for yourself." ~ Socrates"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." ~ Aristotle"Skill to do comes of doing." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson"Water always finds a way out." ~ Cameroon"Leap, and the net will appear." ~ Julie Cameron~ Lao-Tzu, "A journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step.""Know thyself." ~ Socrates"Few men have enough virtue to withstand the highest bidder." ~ George Washington"You can't dismantle the man's house with the man's tools." ~ Audre Lourde"If a thousand [people] were not to pay their tax bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them and enable the state to commit violence and shed innocent blood." ~ Henry David Thoreau~ Jean Baptiste Dubos (1670-1742) :) "The principal aim of painting is to touch us. A work that touches us deeply must be excellent on the whole. For the same reason, the work that touches us not at all and that does not engage us is worthless; and if a critical examination finds nothing that breaks the rules to reprove, the reason is that a workcan be bad without breaking the rules as work that breaks the rules in many ways can be excellent.""If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything; If you don't ‘turn on’ politics, politics will turn on you." ~ Ralph Nader"To walk in seasons is to question. A flower is opening. ~ Basho""Abhaya, fearlessness, is most important for an individual and a country."~ Mahatma Gandhi"Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen." ~ Leonardo da Vinci"It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness" ~ Emily Dickinson"Nature is an instructive and impartial teacher, spreading no crude opinions, and flattering none; she will be neither radical nor conservative." ~ Henry David Thoreau"What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Emerson"All it takes for evil to rule a land is for good men to remain silent." ~ Daniel Webster"The seeing is not reflecting on an object as if the seer had nothing to do with it. The seeing, on the contrary, brings the seer and the object seen together, not in mere identification but the becoming conscious of itself, or rather its working. The seeing is an active deed, involving the dynamic concept of self-being; that is of the Mind." ~ Suzuki~ Thomas Merton's Journals :)"..the creative power of our liberty is perhaps.. A non-destructiveness. If we can accept creation we concur in creating because we have the 'power' to destroy. Our power to create is a power to consent in creation....Our power to destroy seems more ours (and it is so) and more of a power. What is happening now is that we concentrate more and more on the power that is a rejection. Yet paradoxically, to have the power to destroy and not destroy is to 'make'.........The problem is for people to see that the power to nurture and the only true power, and does not appear as power. Whereas what appears as power, the power to destroy, is not power but self-defeat. Strangely, this power is regarded as the one great reality in our world....""The price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.""Those who surrender Liberty, to get temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin"O Beloved of hearts, I beseech only You. Have pity this day on those who turn to You. My Hope, my Rest, my Delight, this heart can love none other but You."~ Rabi'a, "Rabi'a the Mystic""Our peace of mind increases in spite of suffering; we become braver and more enterprising; we understand more clearly the difference between what is everlasting and what is not; we learn how to distinguish between what is our duty and what is not. Our pride melts away and we become humble. Our worldly attachments diminish and, likewise, the evil within us diminishes from day to day." ~ Mahatma Gandhi"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr."You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt"When we are ignorant we live in His prison; when we become prudent we live in His palace; when we fall asleep we become intoxicated; when we are awakened we are in His hands." ~ Rumi, "Mathnawi""The fairest graciousness, they say, is a kindly look. Wherever it thrives, the whole world flourishes." ~ Tirukkural 58:571"Let a smile be your ambassador." ~ anon."Compassion is the willingness to play in the field of dreams even though you are awake." ~ Matthew Flickstein, "Swallowing the River Ganges""If we divide into two camps--even into violent and the nonviolent--and stand in one camp while attacking the other, the world will never have peace. We will always blame and condemn those we feel are responsible for wars and social injustice, without recognizing the degree of violence within ourselves. We must work on ourselves and also withthose we condemn if we want to have a real impact."~ Ayya Khema, "Be An Island""We never know the worth of water till the well is dry." ~ France"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards"~ Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard"Compassion is the chief law of human existence." ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky"As for those who seek the transcendental Reality, without name, without form, contemplating the Unmanifested, beyond the reach of thought and of feeling, with their senses subdued and mind serene and striving for the good of all beings, they too will verily come unto me." ~ Bhagavad Gita, 12:3-4"It is the theory that decides what we can observe." ~ Albert Einstein"We who lived in concentration camps can remember the people who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set ofcircumstances, to choose one's own way." ~ Viktor Frankl (1905-1997)"When we have chosen the vocation in which burdens cannot overwhelm, then we experience no meagre limited egotistic joy, but our deeds go on forever and when we die the tears of noble men will fall on our ashes." ~ Karl Marx"The Master said, "A man who is not humane, what can he have to dowith ritual?"" ~ Confucianism, Analects 3.3."There was undoubtedly much in primitive Christianity to appeal to the Indians, and Jesus' hard sayings to the rich, and about the rich were entirely comprehensible to us. Yet, the religion that we heard preached in churches and saw practiced by congregations, with its element of display and self-aggrandizement, its active proselytism, and its open contempt of all religions but its own, was for a long time extremely repellent."~ Ohiyesa, Charles Alexander Eastman, `The Soul Of An Indian'.“All people, as all life, are threads in the whole of the fabric of life, which will always need mending; yet, "we" can't allow it to be torn asunder". ~ james m nordlundThurgood Marshall ~ "By recognizing the humanity in our fellow human being, we pay ourself the highest tribute"."Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage." ~ Lao-Tzu"Never borrow for what you don't need. Never think you need what you have to borrow for. ~ Irish Proverb""We're not human beings having a spiritual experience, we're spiritual beings having a human experience." - Wayne Dyer (supposedly)Well, thanx, for a great read. "Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen." ~ Leonardo da Vinci. Enjoy a festive eve' as you can. Lest "we" forget, if you don't exercise responsibility, its Siamese twin sister, freedom, will wither, like a muscle, as well. Sadly, now, it first needs to be exorcized before its exercised. Viva la evolution!Matutinally Yours,james m nordlund reality (aja)Music is life's song accompanying the abundance of joy's Spring. For those interested: "of or pertaining to the morning, day: relating to or happening in the morning or in the early part of the day (formal), (Mid-16th century, from late Latin matutinalis, from Matuta, goddess of the dawn.)". I look forward to hearing from you. Copy, share, as you will. Au revoir.
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)