After that I decided to visit our minister in his home, and I saw him riding on his horse, which is made from iron and wood from the Island of Abu Lahab.Our leader wanders around the city streets and old alleys. He adds to the earth more pollution , which leads to various abscesses. After which, he goes home to balance his soul, thought and body. He also thinks about the creator, the universe and humanity while listening to the golden tunes of Alatrsh , Abdel Wahab and Abdul Halim Hafiz. He becomes more humble when he watches an Arabian film of a belly dancer such as Carioca. Then he rejoices when remembering the events of the dramatic era, and he recites from his book " I am your new leader. I am from Eidead tribes. I am the one who comes once a year wearing my jewellery and my new clothes. I cook the food and I pray over it using the name of the arrogant and tyrant criminal , and I add to it flavour to be appropriate for my new neighbour and to let him bring me veal, makbous and haneed. He then eats the meal with his guests after whom he thanks his God saying " Grant me a princess with a slim waist, tanned and with legs like that of an ostrich and who owns camels and horses". God answered his prayers by giving him children, money, an iron horse and a tiger. He liked what he got except the tiger. He started to fight with it until he himself became a tiger. He complained and then asked God for his forgiveness. He chanted, " God is great" then started to think deeply.