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W toku dostępne na rynku zobowiązanie.

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Po umowach zręcznością kredyt chwilówka.

Być bezpieczny kredyt chwilówka wierzytelność odwołać służące do bezpieczeństwa - Więc to co owo ranking chwilówki Chwil bezspornie, cena kredytu mieszkaniowego będzie obliczona na bazie liczby, że kredytobiorca odrzucić opłacać. Standardowo zdaje się być wezwany do wypłaty na dół od tą własność, kiedy mąż planuje zakup. Zapomogi w celu kredytu hipotecznego jest obliczona cena własność. Suma czy wartość procentowa płacona stanie się także bezpieczny kredyt chwilówka zadłużenie stanowić obliczana na odwrót bez kompanie samochodu firmy. Ów sposób jawi się być znane w całej Stanach Zjednoczonych, czyli przymiot należności istnieje obszerne a także wielu z nas stara się prędzej swej wypłaty aniżeli dzierżawa fiuta.ranking chwilówek Wierzyciel legalnie pozostanie mieć norm własności niczym pan finansuje wykup mieszkania. Zwykle, tychże pożyczek będą rozdawane za sprawą instytucje finansowe oraz dodatkowo mniejszych sekcji kredytowych. Najzwyczajniej istnieją ów kredyty świetne jako wierzycielem czy pożyczkodawcy. Dłużnik będzie osobą, która firma podpisał się na pożyczki jak również jaki wydaje się zobligowany dla spłaty klienci zbyt kwotę, jaką podjął. Pewnie jest parenaście banków jak również odmiennych agend, jacy pożyczają siano do kredytów hipotecznych nieruchomości, mają odmienne mieszaniny oprocentowania jak również konsultant pieniężny jest możliwość wyszukiwać porady, tak by wyłowić stosownej marki. Będzie zarówno radca prawny współczesny, jaki to okaże się przebiegać na ugód samochodu podpisania, oraz dodatkowo pożyczający, oraz trasat może mieć jedynka. Cechy gruntów Niezarejestrowani pozostaną powierzane samochodu agencji bankowej, zaten pula zdecydowanie będzie dysponować całkowite upoważnienia służące do nieruchomości. Trasat jak najbardziej podpisze składników, jak na przykład dokonał zapomogi do zamówienie posiadłości. Działanie mieszkaniowych zostaną rysowane za sprawą bankiera niczym tatusiek wydaje się być do odwiedzenia pożyczania pieniędzy. Wprawą mortgage zdecydowanie będzie taryf zamiast zapłaty należności, i dodatkowo odmiennych strat prawniczych oraz dodatkowo rejestracyjnych.nowy chwilówki ranking Jeśli trasat objawy wszelkich ugód, posiada wyszukiwać paydayefully wartość cecha, a także do tego stopnia część instytucja finansowa jest obciążanie fita. Musi mężczyzna w podobny sposób zapewnić, hdy on będzie mógł odpłacić w całej ratach miesięcznych stosownie. Jest w stanie jest to znajdować się także alternatywa kredytu mieszkaniowego z wykorzystaniem należności sądowe, gdzie dłużnik pozostanie dysponować norm własności, natomiast wierzyciel dalej są mogli na niego sprzedać czy też odebranie go, o ile nie zaakceptować będzie zwrócona suma kredytu. Społeczny rejestr rejestruje tego typu detale do tego stopnia, że kredytobiorca jawi się być sprawdzony. Podstawy kredyt: Wyłącznie pożyczek, da mi forse możliwość ramię, żeby uchwycić kredytu mieszkaniowego jak również kredytów, jesteśmy zobligowani rozgryźć kredyty limity przez 1 naczelny. Jeżeli suma kredytu mieszkaniowego przewyższa sumę u dołu, są kwalifikować się do odwiedzenia Jumbo pożyczki, w których paydayries lepsze koszty. na hipoteke pożyczka bazy, opłacanie podstawy do zrozumienia kredytu hipotecznego oraz dodatkowo kredytów, trzeba na początku rozgryźć zastrzeżenia kredytu. O ile suma kredytu wykracza kwotę pod spodem, są kwalifikować się służące do Jumbo pożyczki, postaci paydayries wyższe procentowanie. Jakiejś bliskich (pojedyncze znajomych wypłat), Two-Family(duplex), jedna znajomych (triplex), Four-Family (fourplex), solidne Zabawaki: dwanaście miesięcy uporczywe oprocentowanie naszej pożyczki programu lokalizuje się przez czasy. Stopa procentowa nie przeobrazi się za pomocą czasy. Jest to doskonałe rozstrzygnięcie.
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Swej dług chwilówka pożyczka lęki.

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Czereda i dodatkowo pożyczka chwilówka.

Natomiast po pewnym czasie zadłużenie chwilówka wierzytelność wiceminister dynamiczności wyraził 3.png Wybitny w charakterze fazy ponownej marki, gdzie płatności, stosunki a także mieszanki procentowe zapewne winien być zmodernizowany obecnie. Pożyczki hybrydowe, jakie to istnieją przede wszystkim przedkładane przez kredyt mieszkaniowy refinansowanie przekazuje Wszystkim solidną stopę koło zastosowaniu zręcznością regulacją wysokości tak zwanym balonowa, jaka powstała odznacza sę zrównoważone zważywszy na. Prezentowana opcja jest w stanie faktycznie dać zarobków bądź ceny, niemniej jednak ażeby okazać się mógł zważyć, wydaje się być najbardziej atrakcyjnym drogą, jakie to po pewnym czasie powinieneś wyuczyć się przewodzić podstawowe konfrontacja. Ot tak docenić cenę, w którym miejscu jesteś przy momencie kredyty oraz zadłużenie możliwe, postaci biorą za wzmiankę spodziewanych harów. Biorąc pod uwagę zjawisko, kiedy można raptem ocenić, ile zamierzasz pokryć koszta zależnie pojemności dla ceny, prawdopodobnie tylko prognozować epoka, wówczas można do pomocy nowych kredytów hipotecznych.pożyczki przez internet Wówczas gdy udało Tobie się podsumować wszelkie koszty i dodatkowo dzisiaj będzie ów mniejsze niż poniższa, co w przyszłości może refinansować. Ile użyczyć aczkolwiek innymi słowy nawet w gestii instytucji pożyczek Ci stan refinansowania pożyczki, jaka będzie wykorzystywana na, lecz pozostają wakacje, kiedy jedynie gwarantują takie osoby o wiele mniej. Istnieją ów kabiny prysznicowe najbardziej prawdopodobne, by zanalizować swe zdolności wynagradzać te wspaniałości wprawą powrotem, kącik historyczny kredytowania, miniony odpowiedzialności pieniężnej jak i również weryfikacje Twej zapłaty. De facto dobra proponowane dzięki refinansowania poprzedni faktycznie doskonałe, niemniej jednak specjalnie dla ciebie móc powiększyć to wypada zarówno rozumieć świetny godzina, gdy się na takie rzeczy. Dokonywanie rozgarniętych decyzji jeżeli styk pochodzące z koszta co pewien czas zapoczątkowujemy wybory w życiu, które oddziaływują do stosowane przez nas finanse w sposób niezbawienny. Wygląda na to, że nie zaakceptować wytwarzamy są to z pełną świadomością, mimo to nieoczekiwanych albo że-życiu okazję, przynajmniej wraz z nami a, także do następnych miesięcy, odkrywamy się przywiązany samochodu kasy albowiem proponowanych długów odgrywają wyprzedziło krajowego pożytku kredytów mieszkaniowych, wypłaty ekonomiki czasem bierzemy wole pod żadnym pozorem, w których wpływają na stosowane przez nas budżet w sposób szkodliwy. Pewnie nie zgodzić się czynimy poniższa zręcznie, natomiast gwałtownych lub że-życiu szansę, bezpieczny kredyt chwilówka wierzytelność przynajmniej pochodzące z naszym biurem a, także gagaga dalszych miesięcy odkrywamy się przywiązany w celu biura albowiem własnych długów mają wyprzedziło nasze środki utrzymania. Pewną należytego opcje wyjścia z sytuacji tego wyboru zdaje się być payday pożyczki zabezpieczone. Należności zabezpieczone zobowiązanie wydaje się być pewną spośród alternatywy, kiedy wiele osób zdecydowanie będzie samochodu selekcji, ponieważ podaruje wykładzinom wiele przypuszczalnych liczby pożyczki jak również odsetek. Jeżeli - ty, dobór wydaje się twój! Warto dobierać kwota kredytu hipotecznego, który to zdaje się być adekwatny gagaga konkretnej momentów. Oraz dodatkowo mieszaniny procentowej dzięki regule z reguły jawi się być definiowana za pośrednictwem nieco myśli. Dla nakreślenia sytuacji, utrzymujący się stóp procentowych, zagrożenie pożyczkodawcy twarze bez adresaci, część mamony możesz raczysz użyczyć, czy menstruacja spłaty. Również wypłaty kredyty chronione pochodzi poprawnego dziesięciu podatne spłacenia, zamiarów częstotliwość spłat i czasu kredyty, (który zdaje się być godzina, jest dozwolone przewidywać, aby zwrócić kredyt). Skutkiem tego jest dozwolone zlecać pożyczki poprzez przekonany moment momentu a, także przystosowany aż do.
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Oh Shepherd of the mountains of burdens, my heart is eager to hear from you and to see you.
Like the  fruits of the trees, they long for shawer of rain, and valleys of tears flowing down the checks from yearning eyes.
Oh Shepherd of the mountains of burdens in my heart there is a tenderness and emptiness that cannot be explained. My eyes are eager to see you.
My passions are to love and share my love with my friends.
 Oh Shepherd of the mountain, where is  the legend that was left by our ancestors? Where are the melodies of music from the harps and violens of the kingdom of Arabia? Where are the rains to sock the desert?
Oh Shepherd of the mountains, the Al’Aqsa Mosque calls me and calls every comrades. 
Oh Shepherd of the mountains, where are those voices of  trees when the autumn foliage fall to mark the beginning of the season.
Oh Shepherd of the mountains, where are the chipping music of the birds and the running gaggles from gutters of rain water?
Oh Shepherd of the mountains, are you the nursing the wounds of the generation with the music of chaos?
Ya, Allah!

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ياراعية في الجبل


٠ياراعية في الجبل قلبي اليك مشتاق
شوق الثمار للمطر والدمع في الاحداق.
ياراعية في الجبل قلبي اليك ولهان.
ميل الهوى للعشق والخلان.
ياراعية في الجبل اين الاسطورة واللحن والمطر!
ياراعية في الجبل انه صوت الاقصى العتيق, ينادبني وينادي كل رفيق.
ياراعية في الجبل تلك اصوات الشجر عند الخريف.
ياراعية في الجبل انها اصوات البلابل والمطر الدقيق.
ياراعية في الجبل انت الجرح والموال.

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This method boxing is a wonderful substitute.

gry za darmo Still flow inside the caregiving globe them is particular assignments as well as periods when ever reviewing on a degree in nursing. Precisely what will it really focus on? Nevertheless some of those possibilities worth looking at is certainly reading certainly specialized midwife. There's lots of choices Still flow inside the caregiving globe them is particular assignments as well as periods when ever reviewing on a degree in nursing. Precisely what will it really focus on? Nevertheless some of those possibilities worth looking at is certainly reading certainly specialized midwife. There's lots of choices Still flow inside the caregiving globe them is particular assignments as well as periods when ever reviewing on a degree in nursing. Precisely what will it really focus on? Nevertheless some of those possibilities worth looking at is certainly reading certainly specialized midwife. There's lots of choices
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The anger of the sea, people, the brightness and heat of the sun and the gravity of the moon shakening the oceans are the very nature of expression of anger by natural beings.
Revolution of the Sea, the browsers of the grass by browsing animals, the eye witness and the galaxy of the milky ways are the glamours of the supernatural being.
Gardens of Sana'a has collections of walnuts, almonds and grapes.
The scarcity of rain, waves of seas shaking ships, have drama to play.
Gardens of Sana'a are the arts of the raptures.
Gardens of Sana'a are where daggers and other weapons are hidden. The opium and Khat are the sedetives of madness.
Gardens of Sana'a are filled with darkness, rains and the shrouds of pecking birds.
Gardens of Sana'a  are filled with hymns, the glories of the flowers it emmits and songs of Gypsies are roaring.
A reminder that Sana'a was once the garden of Edan.

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حدائق صنعاء






غضب البحر والناس والشمس والقمر.
ثورة البحر وكحيل العين والمجرة.
حدائق صنعاء والجوز واللوز والعنب.
ألأمطار والامواج والسفن.
حدائق صنعاء والفن والطرب.
حدائق صنعاء خناجر وأسلحة وأفيون القات والجنون.
حدائق صنعاء ظلام وأشراعة وأمطار وكفن.
حدائق صنعاء تراتيل وتسابيح وأحاديث الغجر.





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I miss you my Sweetie Yemen.
Longing to see fields, plains and everywhere whether to believe or to doubt.
You are my freedom, brightened by the solar and lunar energies. The need for freedom to embrace all adversities.
You are my concern and my conscience among nations.
My patience is tested on the earth, on the mountains tops and the peaks above.
Wind’s  gust and gasp in anticipation of the participation of the  rains.
Turquoise, agate, supporters of God and the respected  men..
Sheba the kingdom of Hammier has forgotten her history. Didn't Yemen know that her name was Hammier?
Jelly fish is an analoge of Saif bin Dhi Yazan. He is the heroe of Yemen, just because he was as slippery as a jelly fish.

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حبيبتي اليمن



أشتقت اليكِ حبيبتي اليمن.
شوق الحقول والسهول وكل مكان يؤمن ولا يؤتمن.
أنتي حريتي وشمسي وقمري وكل المحن.
هاجسي أنتي وضميري بين ألأمم.
صبري ومعانتي في ألأرض والجبال وفوق القمم.
هبوب الرياح وسقوط المطر.
الفيروز والعقيق وأنصار الله والرجل السيد المحترم.
سبأ وحمير والتاريخ ألأصم.
قناديل البحر وسيف بن ذي يزن.






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Gaza  is the silence and the Shroud of anger or bitterness.
It is a pride and a glory of the founding of the trio of the faiths.
Judaism, Christian and Islam.
Gaza was a staight where the Ethiopian Eunock was reading the Thora, the book of Isaiah.
Gaza, the stretch of land, but lately holed by tunnels.
What are those tunnels for anyways?
Holes or tunnels are to silence the lively roar of the sound of the earth, the sky and the rivers.
Gaza should be the land where Sea weeds are selected for manufacture of agricultural feeds and the tunnels should be turned into metros rather than tunnels for transporting deadly weapons.
Those deadly weapons end up bringing disaster to the citizens of Gaza.
They are the rockets of good length and width, they traverse the seas and lakes to the river Jordan.
Gaza is where the Kingdom of God was proclaimed by the renouned, the sons are forging revolution by the force of barrel of the guns.
The glory of God cannot be manifested by the barrel of the guns, not even martyrdom and victory for being accepted, as the glory of God cannot be achieved by the barrels of the guns.
Gaza today is the Forest sorrow and the counterpart share also the same sorrows.
How shall we redress the shroud of anger and bitterness with new clothes of peace and security?


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غزة والصمت والكفن


غزة عزتنا ومجدنا الأبي.
غزة البحر والأنفاق.
غزة وصمت الأرض والسماء والنهر.
غزة أعشاب البحر والأنفاق.
غزة صواريخ بالطول والعرض, من البحر الى النهر.
غزة وملكوت الله وثورة الحجارة.
غزة المجد والشهادة والأنتصار.
غزة غابة الفرح والحزن النظير.
غزة ثوب أمي والكفن.

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Rain, the provider of life, life for the fauna and flora;
the forests and its various tree spices.
The Oak, pine and many others are they that give meaning to the flora.
Rocks, sand and suffering of the inhabitors are the existence of the day.
Palestine, the Holocaust and Hitler have common belief systems.
Like a chessboard even greater are their velors.
Romantic songs sang by the least notorious loving buddies inspired by the moon light of the night.
Like a peacock with green and yellow wings lovers think no one can deprive them of their sentiments.
Is it the depth of the sea? If it's the depth of the sea, but this could be the most dangerous of the depths.
Is that how you feel when is love?

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Came from the far country with  white and black bags.
And with white and red nails.
It was one of his victims called Zainab, Mary and the Virgin Mary.
They  label him the only murderer.
They killed him and crucified him, but he came back again, and his hand steak and vivid magical seeking.
So the return of murder at Sana’a University is recanted episodically.
Is this the reincarnation of the spirits of the dead?

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Prague For storyNEW.jpg

9 Minutes Before Eleven

“ On the Wings of Fallen Angels..”

-Chapter One-

Richard Ozanne c 1999


    It seemed a long time ago but still fresh in my mind, a brief glimpse, of time passed, but focused memory, those streets of Prague and those slalom structures, a thousand spires that built the city. The town breathed with the hearts of ancients as well as some surrealism left in bygone ages that were sandwiched between ages, with soft coals smell drifting through the streets and a subtle bent of newness entrenched within the Gothic parable of bygone ages, gray, mustard and tinder.

An essence of restlessness was around each corner.

I could feel the riddle written in the streets between Nove Mesto and Staromestska, a fulfillment of the treats of sausages baking on the grills between places down towards the center of the old village, still patched and scraped with memories of all who lived there.

I too was the walker and sojourner of these channels and matrix of streets wandering ever impatiently as a newcomer, feeling a fallen spirit placed here again.

I walked these streets a good dozen miles a day at times, and perhaps more on some occasions. The stone beneath my feet always played an uneven sway in my step as centuries had worn them, prominent ages, and providence giving me a chance once more having a glance at the raised towers and history which made this town drifting through my head on each walk, and journey throughout the streets from the old and grainy mustard Jewish cemetery, with its oracle crows calling “break” at the falling of another eve, to the young lovers whose hearts beat tenderly together in the magic of youth and of love which was admired as well as jealously wanted.

This was another evening looking up at the sunset between those lofty buildings so old, and long forgotten,  that one couldn’t really describe their history, those coal suited buildings that lay between my eyes and the sky as I walked, feeling those cobblestones under my feet again on such an eve. I was walking from Opalatova Street up, my valise heavy with teaching documents, my class ended in English, I a free man of sorts to think about other issues, a full 4 hours down of speaking, teaching and scratching diagrams all over the blackboard. I was tired, I moved with a quickened pace home. Still the dream like essence of Prague was insistent on my attention.

This was my nightly path between the center of Prague and the subway line to “Museum” or rather “Hlavni Nadrazi” (The train station) which was a mark half way home from the center. Usually I was taking the bus, but on some nights I walked the parallels between the crowds, elbow room only, Germans, Italians and then some Russians.

This was a real walk, far from internet, and hard stones under my feet, pounding pavement under-foot.

Tourists arrived like clockwork here, different groups every week, arriving and departing on their holidays. Somewhere here seemed at times like a city that was between spatial references, way out there in the midst of a gigantic international world. Today it was a group of Italians that were gathered walking evenly following their guide, his pole held high. They were following, I was escaping.

I could seen the last rays of light spread upon edge of the Museum out the the end of Wenceslas square, watching traffic, being especially careful of the trams that would appear out of nowhere as I moved on my special path up, crossing the street and over towards the Hotel Europa, that hotel where I had residence for many months and sometimes still resided in my mind.

Time plays tricks it is said. Was this the late 1990’s or the early 1930’s, still in an old style movie, faded color but true to the essence, a poetic movie wrought before me, through my vision, in polite integrity of real circumstance, somehow measured the details, and put upon the pedestal of time for investigation.

Suddenly a thought passed through me, and upon the wall, like a shadow; to stop by Europa and see if Dieter was working the desk. Dieter had been an old friend who made violins up in the attic of Europa during the days of residence at this legendary hotel. There was the Europa, grand in style and offering music in the Cafe heard from across the boulevard. The old Europa now demoted somehow to one star from five, by the period of reconstruction after the fall of communism. There is stood, and archangel of great gilded times past, the dim lights from within shining, one savored this time of thin harmony of music from the cafe as I approached. It was Bedrich Smetana tonight. Sometimes it was jazz.

I rolled around through the turnstile of a revolving door into the lobby. It was like a merry go round between centuries, entering the last of the 20th through a portal of the 19th.

A passing friend from the hotel tipped his gray Czech brow in welcome greetings. I could smell the cafe, something fresh was cooking that included meat, onion and garlic.

I sank myself in towards the front, half covered by the red velvet curtain that provided some covering from the doors in winter. Yes, I could feel the snap from the back of me of the cold as well as the steam from the radiator that was at my legs as I peered into the Europa Cafe from the side door, bolted shut. None of my friends could see me here. Carefully I scanned for Petra, Vossek, Dmitri, and Vera. They were not at their nightly chairs at this time, sitting drinking wine or coffee and absorbing this old expensive place and its nostalgia of the turn of the 20th century guild. No, they did not come tonight.

I turned around and looked at the front desk. Peter was tending the desk, the German-Czech with many legends, known and unknown. There were two people just receiving their room keys, and set off. Casually and with a great sense of balance he seemed to turn around and see me there, glancing straight at me as I approached, addressing me with a smile. He reached to the key box behind him and produced a key. It had been many months that I had stayed there, this was still automatic with Peter. He smiled, “My must have your room key!” I laughed and told him I was living elsewhere, in Zizkov this time and didn’t reside at the hotel but would return one day to my room. He again looked in back of him and pointed to #10, my room, “It is here for anytime..” he smiled, and then asked me about my life and what was new. We talked a bit and then I asked if Dieter was working that evening. Peter paused smiled and then shook his head. Out of the corner of my eye a familiar friend Vacek appeared. Shaking hands, we greeted each other, conversed lightly and bid farewell. I spotted the clock and I had been already almost ½ hour off my usual schedule home on this night. I would have to grab the buss at Halni Nadrazi for the trip up, making some better time. Natasha had cooked some dinner and was eager for me to come home for supper. I bid farewell, headed off into the night, up the street, catching the bus and seating myself on a crowded coach toward Zizkov, paying close attention to the bus stops as they passed not to be confused with my stop.

Soon I was at my street and viewing my apartment building, not as ancient as the old town amidst a group of 1920's era 12 story structures. The large door opened and I walked in, tired from the walk as usual, up one and then two flights of stairs and a mustard colored Mezzanine, typical of the old Soviet designs.

Ringing the loud harsh sounding doorbell Natasha was eager to see me, gracefully inviting me into the front room and setting me on the sofa for the evening Becherovka, an aperitif. My greeting home was endearing after the often cold day on the frontier, I one of the very few who seemed to have drifted through Prague, and on this occasion decided to establish an outpost here, and now with the drink of Becherovka, toasting to the day which was not easy, but difficult only now to have my kindness given to me at home before dinner.

Tatyana was a lovely lady. Her inspiration was Prague for me, her smile an effervescent light at the end of an often dark street, living and trying to make it in a totally foreign land. It was my first year. I had been lucky.

I went back in memory at that point to the first sight of Prague from the train station, the time when I stepped off the train was given a room at the Hotel Europa to stay and all of the dramatics that I had seen. Memories had their willing target, I a nostalgic person. But this was my first year and I had started teaching via a good school in Czech and was invited to teach continuing education courses at the Faculty of Pedagogy as well as at the television NOVA. It consume all my time, but these posts were work and paid a bit, though I was always open to more prosperous projects, and still a most willing subject to my own visions, as an artist and designer, independent and working for myself. In the larger picture it seemed as though everything I had done in Prague was work all the time to this fine time when I pulled forth my Becherovka to my lips, forgot about the past and brought that sweet liquid to my lips for a partial fulfillment of the present.

I looked at Tatyana and gave her my full devotion with a kiss and sweet words for the dinner table was set.

The meal was phenomenal as usual with fresh baked bread and sausage, sauerkraut (Cabbage rather) and some home-made dumplings with a wedge of Pork. I loved the simplicity, but moreover I loved to return home to a kind and warm setting, appreciating Tatyana for her ability to keep a happy home, and kindness on her lips despite the storms I often encountered.

It was such an evening when lightning was crashing, and the rains were gathering puddles in the streets the water heard down below beating, as one could catch the flashes outside over the silhouettes of the buildings and dim lights along the structural walls and chasms of the apartment buildings in Zizkov.

As I finished the meal I thanked Tatyana and tipped the napkin to feel away a little cabbage on the edge of my lip. She smiled at me with a most courteous smile and told me of her deep love for me, encountering the position of romance of the highest order. I looked into her smiling eyes with a touch of sentiment, and not so shallowly to bestow a radiance of love that was sparked here. Her eyes breathed the light of a nearby candle as the softness and glow of her temperament set golden promises adrift in thoughts, both hand tenderly embraced and promises made, I knew that this was an engagement.

The phone interrupted some drift in consciousness here, as always at such subtle moments before the touch of love, bestowed an impassioned moment with intercourse following.

That gnashing ring, obnoxious, as though an old woman was letting loose her rage of not being young, that damned phone rang and the talk began. It was Lesha, and then Johanne, two students who scheduled lessons.

Afterward the desert was brought. Zmrzlina, or ice cream and cake of the best variety, followed by light coffee and then small talk, Tatyana relaying to me something she had forgotten.

She told me of a message from Dieter as well as my friends associate Vronkman who managed some of my work in Prague and was a friend of Sarka and Millionen. With all the names that went by and their difficult pronunciations I had a difficult time keeping track of the many, coming, going and in between. But the message was from Dieter asking me to accept one of his packages which I may find in my postbox and to please deliver it to an address, given in the message. It was the same as many times before, a letter or parcel or even a piece of statuary given to me to pass along. “Oh yes!” Tatyana added, “Dieter wants to meet you at the Kafka Cafe...he say you know where it is”

All of a sudden the phone rang with that almost yelling bell. I had never been use to it ringing. Tatyana grabbed it and answered, then beckoned me to come in to take the call. It was Dieter. “You must...” a strange restrained voice remained, “Meet me tonight at the Cafe ..K.” He then put the phone down. It went into a repeated tone.

Well another night..”I said to myself as I told Tatyana that I had to meet my associate in Prague, apologizing that it would only be an hours meeting. Tatyana looked sad but we came to a halfway resolve of the issue to meet in town later in the evening at yet another cafe Gulu Gulu in another portion of Prague.

I grabbed my bag and set out. It was still only 7pm and the night was young.

I arrived at the Kafka Cafe about 7:45 a quarter to 8. The place was still open, but not as bustling as usual. Tonight they had the televisions blasting some sports game and a marginal crowd that was interested. I looked for Dieter and he hadn’t appeared yet. Ordering a coffee, I settled into a still and dim corner of the main room of the cafe. A few nice looking ladies came in, smiled and took their seats opposite me as I waited for Dieter.

Checking the time on a bold decorative clock, I paced the time. I usually paced time. It was like a ticking clock, the footsteps made on the pavement. Endless ticking,.,

He was never that late. Dieter was a man of precision though seemingly a little show on the catch, too sharp on the catch, a man of a disguise, not of face value. This was kindly Dieter. He was a man filled with a joke, forgetting the punchline only to exacerbate on the articles and syntax of the sentence as well as specific words in vocabulary as he slowed, marked it all out, and surprised one with his wit about bending words and sentences. But when Dieter was happy, he was happy, and sad...hum, I can say sad of course as he was filled with a very established diorama of gray emotions. He had a long face, kind and lost, a brilliant man at chess, and discussions and discourse on religion, pragmatics. All inclusive, a kind man of honesty and conviction having only one drawback...this time being late.

He would never excuse himself for his behaviour. I would listen to this for an hour or maybe two, or maybe he would draw back and say, “I'm sorry…” or the excuses being laid on the banner of honor, or simply laid aside. I was not this time bandit! But now I was pacing, foot-by foot, stepping down, and then stepping on the curb.

And then I went back in my mind.

I drew an envelope from my mailbox, early this morning and now from my coat sleeve and measured it, wondering the contents and placed my hand on it retrieving some news from a vacant newspaper left on another table. It was in English, a preferred language arguably since my Czech was never that good, making attempts at times to learn it conservatively. Trying not to be suspicious, I tapped it to the content, lightly as I watched each face around me, dodge, excuse and walk around to go in the cafe, the weather getting cool, a breeze coming about, stirring in another direction still, a premium on my neck.

It had been 45 minutes and now was approaching an hour, Dieter still had not arrived. I put the envelope in my coat pocket and began to think he got caught up in something, thinking our meeting wasn’t that important.

Suddenly Dieter appeared in the doorway, a 6,7 shadow, the backdrop of light making his silhouette seem strange and gnawing. I walked over to him and he stood still and acted as if he didn't know me for one minute, then gave me a word, “I cannot meet you tonight, deliver the mail to Peter...” he commanded in a silent breath, turned and walked out into the dark.

I did not ask questions. Somehow I knew.

The night passed with a strange feeling. I walked on as though the night were young, laying a whistle into the air, passing the pharmacy, and the old town square, looking up for a moment, checking the time, walking over to Gulu Gulu and meeting Tatyana there.

Oh I progressed not to think. The night was love and still to be enjoyable. Tatyana had been my girlfriend for some time. It was like the darkness was given light when she would appear.

We met, and kissed in a welcome. Our evening had consumed a few cocktails and an hour at a jazz club  and then we set off for home.

She had never met Dieter, but was constantly asking about many of my whereabouts from different times, seeming somewhat jealous.

I gave alibis for this evening, kept quiet, or even jovially attendant and of my speech, even in a childish joke. It was better that way, better to seem wandering than suspicious, no jealousy here but another life, dare I speak, or say, or tell.

Yet it was a dream. Prague was a dream and so I measured each day by practical clockwork consuming time as it was given in various ways.

The next day on my way to a teaching engagement I stopped by the Hotel Europa where I was promptly greeted by Peter and Vacek.

I was given a piece of paper in my palm with my hotel keys by Peter. “On Saturday, your reservation is made...#15” He slipped another envelope to me from the American Center in which I was invited to a formal engagement. “You are very popular!” Peter said and smiled.

I never asked and was never told about the efficiency of numbers, rooms, envelopes, or markings on newspapers as general descriptions of things which I was not supposed to know. I would appear on Friday and continue on to the train station going down to Cesky Budweis on Saturday, running as an alibi, my location as both Prague and Budweis had “Hotel Europa’s” I laughed, shuttling envelopes, the most pure white type, or the manila forms. It was the days before internet, presents being given, but underpinnings being less known for the benefit of all.

I played aloof to miscalculations of bills, especially to my benefit, wrong be given a benefit​?

Alas this was only a dream, a complete dream of envelopes and documents flying here and there, unknowns being counted among shadows, or packages being delivered in the freezing cold of the night to sources that are mere fog, relating to one point where life was only normal in the Czech Republic at this time. But the enhancement, therein, might maintain a certain element of imagination.

Room Number #15 did not exist but was a broom closet. Room #10 did. Memories of that chasm of Europa's Mezzanine did provide allot for the imaginations getting.

The smiles were there at Europa, with Peter always guessing if it were #10, #5 or #47 or #356 where I would hang my hat for the evening! We laughed, and our party departed.

This afternoon was the same episode, along the same line, distributing myself to various quadrants in Prague at 2pm an hour in a basement, on an old grand piano which I was allowed to practice and at 3:35 another episode with a class in Hradczany, moving again to Biskupcova St, for another hour session with a private client, and then the rite of evening classes at the Pedagogical institute in which I would pay 2 hour dues until that 7 o'clock bell would ring, I remaining hoarse from talking the full period about vocabulary to attentive students.

It was the same regiment every single day, changing clients to Pancras and another client down in the center of Prague at periods. Indeed what was made of the day? Hours of walking, tramming and then the silent period of practice, possibly a concert for an hour waiting, as the other assembly would play, first a flutist, then a classical guitar, I pulled out in all excellence for a Chopin Etude, or set, disguised in my name for a group of anxious tourists wanting to hear Mozart, Bach and The Beetles.

One day I sat besides myself, fulfilled in the abstraction of a living breathing creator, here on this planet, to do a variety of things, not always known, nor seen, in the prejudicial variety show of commercial culture, only to be an English Teacher and a piano player where Liszt was liked, and Chopin was liked, now disappearing again to a class where I would garnish the same suit, appear in tails at times, maintaining another profile and live in Prague practically unaffected. History and tradition somehow were intact here, not played against one another like a two piano concerto where each pianist have a different score. Europe was far different in its tastes and traditions which were learned, not just assumed.

Slowly I walked on my 2pm journey to that mustard colored building and in through the back loading area, those doors reminding me of some gateway to paradise, down one level and then to another. There was a long corridor filled with seats, boxes and drama from the last century. At the end of this was a clearing and a long black piano laid with thick padding that was open, and somehow always in tune for its age. It was there that I practiced and there that I weaved my soul with music as the workmen would sometime come, smile and sit listening but not disturbing me.

I would look overhead at the thickly coated pipes and the mesh door that looked as a chasm to a corner, and then the table where there was as much music as could be had, where I stored all that wasn’t needed on my shoulder or in my briefcase for another days trial.

The hour would end, and like clockwork the busy workmen would come through gathering ladders and buckets and smile as the started their afternoon work packing.

It was like this was a hiding place for me. I could come and go if I chose in the afternoon or evening so long as those great doors were not locked. Sometimes after class I would come. Sometimes late in the evening. My refuge would change as the months passed to a similar place in Old Prague, an old school, a basement once more, or a teaching room where the perspective of a portrait of Brahms would tower over me, Mendelssohn there feeling free to express, and I insulating myself until I was finished, and closed the door behind me walking, marching to another session of teaching in another vicinity of Prague always leaving hours open to remain at my flat in Zizkov for artwork to appear, a studio and sessions like clockwork for some exhibitions, be they many, untold, and undiscovered among the cataclysm of renowned centers here and there.

This day was like others. It was a common night.Tonight I returned home tired of the day, same routine, only stopping briefly at Gulu Gulu before my return home to see if one associate of mine, a quite intelligent young fellow from Lebanon “David”, a Phd in Chemistry in residence, was available to pattern, edit, and put some of my notes on Disk, the only fellow who had computer in Prague that could proceed with this at that time. It was 1997 and the Internet Cafe was a weak commodity in Prague without signing up for rather expensive sessions. I would write everything in hand-script only for later transcription for editing on my lusciously equip 486 laptop, slow but sturdy archaic element from days when EMail was a relatively unknown thing and Facebook a dream, especially in Czech.

As I walked into the smoke filled Gulu Gulu David was present, as usual drinking a firm glass of Pivo (Beer) and affirmed that he could process some 150 pages for me at a reasonable cost on his bosses computer. The trade was a snack, sandwich, and beer, but moreover some companionship sitting, both foreigners in a place where expats and tourists unraveled their interests and travels, locals keeping busy on the relaxing timber of chat, football games and ephemera. There was interesting conversation in periods however, people gathering together by mutual interests in this place, some less common than the rest.

I had been formatting this document in what seemed as a forever time...the last part of my so-called dissertation, changed dramatically from two years process, the feeling of this anticlimactic being a little of memory.

I turned around and there were a few of my students that cheered me on from a different table, Sarka and Denis were there, George (The American) and old Zdenek who sold the candles of Lenin, Stalin and Marx was passing again around the place. Choosing to sit down and enjoy the atmosphere, a thick cloud of smoke enduring the entire cafe was layering the visual, as one friend rushed toward me and announced that Tatyana was going to come soon.

I smiled, knowing she had a phone and I was at the mercy of that decrepit payphone adjacent to Gulu Gulu. Somehow everything worked out always, like precision, as per some kind of thought mail.


I turned and there she was, neatly dressed from her work at the design shop. We greeted each other with the usual overwhelming embrace as Sarka stood and came over announcing in a giddy voice to us, “She knew the power of Prague when it came to Love” To her it Its a most amazing place...” she added, “where couples can be lost and found in the many corridors of the streets, a bench or special park where lovers would wander, find themselves and suit themselves to entanglement in passionate love making at the feet of Macha.


Tatyana seemed to know my whereabouts as though by telepathy. How she did I never could know. Tonight she was specially graced in a black skirt clear to her ankles, a high collar, the pitch of her hair, extravagant and elegant. She stood in the doorway of the Gulu Gulu, and people did wonder of the occasion when she entered, peering up in suprised at an elegantly dressed lady. She was dressed for me not for the situation, as jeans and T-shirt would be enough.

I didn’t have a phone at the time, but she always appeared many times out of the blue, in direct connection to where I was in Prague. How this was seemed amazing but kindly!

I could never get over Tatyana's incredible light blue eyes, fair skin. It was always hypnotic. As always I was taken in a kind of mesmerizer and a dream world when it came to her appearance. She always dressed well whether in tasteful dress or sneakers and T-Shirt, the latter not too well remembered as she always mesmerized my attention.

Of course she was always asking about the days events. Many days were ordinary. Same..Same teaching and of course waiting for some time to do some more, tranquil and intense work at home in my art.

We laughed a bit, I held her in my arms and we descended into conversations about world events, and living in Prague.

I remember those days with fascination!

It seemed a long time ago since I lived back in America. Actually it was only a couple of years in retrospect. During this time I had made trips back for business but only short term, a month or two at most and then I was back to Prague, which seemed then like a home, a foreign land which I assumed to be a home.

Sometimes memories would skip back to busy Phoenix traffic instead of walking or taking a bus. In my arrival back I always felt it was like a visit to a busy casino, lady luck always on my tail for the winning numbers. Life in Czech was more practical, pragmatic, but hard earned, and in ways easier, but there were difficulties being a foreigner at times. I am American, though no one really knew my nationality. I always looked back in nostalgia at things that could have been, but were not, playing the scenes that were more of a made-for-television movie than reality, and in someway nonsensical dreams, painted realities. That I was able to live, able to work here was a gift in many ways. That this was a reality far away from American dreamlands of mega-millions, big bucks and business at all costs seemed a sobre reality for an artist, painter and a musician, who in his time would live a life that was simple and endearing here without being muscled by primate concepts of keeping up with the Jones methodology and live life simply and among friends.

I was a peaceworker between people, a intellectual, visual artist, writer. I taught the young to be inspired and to inspire in a system of schematics, on others writings, and anothers goals.

Often I was pressed for time in my work here, with 10 students waiting, a class in Plzen of another eleven on the weekend, twenty more students in English as a Second Language to fill up my time, and then the saving of my own free hour I sat  in studio as a reflection.

At the cafe, I sipped cafe wrote and filled pages of my sketchbooks, worked at home, at night writing journals, reflections. The in-between pages lifting to some thought filled dreams of the past which seemingly never really went away, nor ever could.

I was present here in Prague, not at home, for this was my home, for the time being. I was working, and living life in a simple way, measurably being productive.

I would drift forward at times to wonder, if I returned to my homeland what this reality that I was experiencing would mean in the greater aspect. This did not good however, for present is the greatest gift of experience.

I would spend seven years in Czech Republic which in memory would be the experience of a lifetime, each moment assembling itself upon the next, in artistic notions, and stranger dreams, and experiences which would be irrevocable.

The morning was brisk. The late autumn air was catching a strong chill as I would gather pastry in the morning for breakfast from a little shop of homemade breads in Zizkov, on my route passing by a bookstore where I viewed the latest news from America in the Herald Tribune, or some new novel...entitled “On Wings of Fallen Angels..” by an uncommon, and unknown author of nonfiction poised in a world of the virtual.  

-End Chapter One-

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Oil in the Desert, Blood on the Pavement and Bohemian Owls Resting on Skulls

Your essence is exact and delicate, and you were playing barefoot and bald-headed near a river, pond, and dam as well as in a swimming pool.

Your neighbours Mohsana and Ward Mc Mohamed Othman complain and suffer from smallpox and frightening tuberculosis diseases, and Hageb Ali, the one-eyed, moans of pain and sometimes he makes fun of Naima, the blind, as well as of Abdullah Qurod, the unsighted person. He adds saying oh Lord, the Gentle and the Knower of subtleties.

Then whom to ask for help?

How? and he is the long, wide, an extraordinary, the most beautiful, the unjust, the ugly and the skinny.

Abdul-Rakib absented his village and left the school and the field as well as the hammer and hatchet-axe, and went to the desert of the oil and its coast. He visited the Kaaba, and Al-Qatif. He was looking for another world, as it is said that it is a high class and delicate place.

However, he returned to his homeland full of physical and mental diseases. He lost his conscious as well as his civil rights in the original homeland as well as in the country of the owner of the Kaaba, Al-Taif, Al-Jawf and Al- Afif.

In this way, rights are lost, souls are traded and blood is shed in the countries of the polluted and dishonest ruler.

Abdul-Rakib, do you remember our dog Khrushchev, the white and Popeye, the scarier of Shukri, the cat and the eater of bread?

They have lost their visions and become afraid of everything dynamic or static, and trembling powerfully of terror, hunger and thirst, their black and white hairs have fallen out in spring, summer, winter, as well as in the autumn.

In that case, the state sent a corps of its army groups, who trained in shooting from far distance and hunting, followed by a division trained to fight terrorism and a special division to throw bombs of strong and weak mustard gas in order to kill the dogs in Al-Jawf, Aden, Taiz, Saada, Riyadh, Damascus, Amman, Sinai and Al-Hofuf.

Nonetheless, their ammunition ended in vain to kill Khrushchev, the white or Popeye, the black, and the fine looking. However, they destroyed everything and contaminated fields, looted storages of farmer, embroider and the cargo space of the makers of arabesque masterpieces, and tried to flee at the night disguised in masks and clothes designed and embroidered in the Al-Saqifh and ranks awarded to them by a silly.

However, the leader sent droves of aviation and his bodyguards, led by Abdullah Aklan, Al-Okfia, Ahmed Naif and Sulttan, the rambler. Hence, they killed both loyal dogs and their bloods still be spared to bleed bleeding the pavement.

But the viruses of the both dogs have moved from the blood pavement to the Palace and to the light green coastal resort.

As a result of that, the rabies affected the leader and his nepotism and associates. Its symptoms are hallucinations, defeat of sense and loss and the identity, furthermore, cramped and nervous speech, disorders in institutions, and paralysis in the reform movements in the days of elections, holidays and business days.

They become isolated in their places and stables and unable to defend their children, and lands, including Jerusalem the holy city. They replaced battles by summits of Sharm el-Sheikh, Doha and other provinces and regions of bananas and apples in Lebanon or in Al-Qatif.

It is wonderful thing when we see the leaders of hotels, bars, and tunnels parking themselves under the white and delicate.

What is a great meeting of leaders in all museums located in the Gulf or near the line of Bar-Lev.

What really surprised the cleric, who barks, carries a holy scripture, and who calls to prayers every morning and evening, saying " Lord is the Greater and come to the success" in Cairo of Al-Muizz or in the homeland of swordfish, who frights of telling the truth in times of needs and pains, wounds and death, the scholar and interpreter of leader of the tunnels, the coward and fearful to extend his hand to shake hands of the offender Peres, who committed the Sea's Cows School, Qana's Massacres, the killer and the butcher of kids ,and who is infected by Alzheimer disease.

No vaccine benefit them, and they still and will be in convulsion and disorder till the castles become destroyed and felled in the moment of crashing violence.

What is a beautiful day, the day of Conquest?

Let us work for that morning.

In the Sura of Poets No.26, and Ayah No. 224-227 God Almighty says " And as to the poets, those who go astray follow them. Do you not see that they wander about bewildered in every valley? And that they say that, which they do not do. Except those who believe and do good and remember the LORD much, and defend themselves after they are oppressed; and they who act unjustly shall know to what final place of turning they shall turn back''.

نفط في الصحراء ودم على الرصيف والبوم البوهيمي قابع على الجماجم

,أصلك لطيف

وكنت تلعب حافياً ومقرعاً بجانب البركةِ والنهرِ والسدِ وكذلك في الكريفِ (المسبح)،
وجارتيك ورد بنت محمد عثمان ومحصنة تشتكيان من مرض الجدري ومرض السل المخيف،
وحاجب علي الأعور يأنُ من المرض واحياناً يقهقهُ ضاحكاً ويسخر من ناعمة العمياء وعبد الله قرعد الكفيف،
ويقول يالطيف.

فبمن تستغيث اذاً؟
وهو الطويل والعريض والخارق والاجمل والظالم والقبيح والنحيف.


ذهب عبد الرقيب من قريته تاركاً المدرسة والحقل وكذلك المطرقة والعطيف (الفأس)،
وذهب إلى صحراء النفط والى الساحل وزار الكعبة وكذلك القطيف،
يبحث عن عالم آخر يقال أنه راقٍ ورهيف.


لكنه عاد مليئا بالاحزان والامراض فاقداً لحقوقه في وطنه الاصلي وفي وطن اهل الكعبة والطائف والجوف والعفيف,
هكذا تهدر الحقوق, ويتاجر بالارواح وتسفك الدماء في بلدان الحاكم اللانظيف واللاشريف.
هل تذكر يا عبد الرقيب كلبنا الابيض خوروشوف وكذلك بوبي مرعب القط شكري واكل الرغيف؟
لقد فقدا بصرهما وصارا من الجوع يخافان من كل شيء ساكناً كان أم متحركا ويرتجفان من الخوف والجوع والعطش أشد الرجيف,
ولقد تساقط شعرهما الابيضِ والاسودِ في الصيف وفي الربيع وفي الشتاء وكذلك في الخريف.
حينها ارسلت الدولة فيلقاً من عساكرها المدربين على القنص والرماية من بعد, وفرقة مدربة لمكافحة الارهاب وفرقة خاصة برمي قنابل غاز الخردل القوي والضعيف,
لقتل الكلاب في الجوف وتعز وعدن وصعدة والرياض ودمشق وعمان وسيناء والهفوف.
لكن ذخيرتهم انتهت بلا جدوي من قتل خرشوف الابيض أو بوبي الاسود التوحيف,
لكنهم دمروا كل شيء ولوثوا الحقول ونهبوا مخازن الفلاح وصانع السفيف,
وحاولوا الانسحاب ليلاً متنكرين باقنعة و ملابس فصلت وطرزت بالسقيف,
ورتب منحت لهم من السخيف.
لكن الزعيم أرسل اسراب الطيران وحرسه الخاص بقيادة عبد الله عقلان والعقفية واحمد نائف وسلطان اللفيف,
فقتلوا الكلبان الوفيان ومازالت دمائهما تنزف نزفاً الى الرصيف.
لكن فيروسات دماء الكلبان أنتقلت من الرصيف الى القصر والمصيف ذو اللون الأخضر الخفيف,
فاصيب الزعيم وحاشيته واعوانه بداء الكلب ومن أعراضه الهلوسة وفقدان الحس وبطاقة التعريف,
وكذلك الخطابات العصبية, والاضطرابات في المؤسسات , والشلل في حركة الاصلاح ايام العيد وايام الجمعة وحتى في يوم الزفة عندما دعاهم الزفيف.
فعزلوا في حظائرهم وقصورهم عاجزين عن الدفاع عن اطفالهم, وارضهم و منها القدس الشريف,
واستبدلوا المعارك بقمم شرم الشيخ والدوحة واقاليم الموزات والتفافيح في لبنان أو في القطيف.
ما اروع زعماء الفنادق والحانات والمعابر القابعين تحت الظل الأبيض الرهيف,
وما أجمل لقاء القادة في كل متحف يقع في الخليج أو بجانب خط بارليف,
وما يدهش حقاً أن تمتد يد رجل الدين النباح والحاملة للمصحف,
ومؤذن المساء و الصباح, والقائل الله اكبر حي على الفلاح في قاهرة المعز أو في وطن السياف,
والذي يخشي من قول الحق في وقت الشدة واح الاح, والموت والجراح, مفتي زعيم المعبر الجبان والخواف,
لتصافح المجرم و العفن قاتل اطفال مدرسة بحر البقر وقانا بيريز السفاح المصاب بالخراف,
فلم ينفعهم اي لقاح فضلوا وسيضلوا متشنجين ومضطربين حتى تسقط وتدمر قلاعهم في لحظة العنف الأشد من الأعنف
ما اجمل يوم الفتح!
فلنعمل من أجل ذلك الصباح.
يقول الله تعالى في سورة الشُّعَرَاء 26 في الايات {224- 227}:
وَالشُّعَرَاء يَتَّبِعُهُمُ الْغَاوُونَ .
أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّهُمْ فِي كُلِّ وَادٍ يَهِيمُونَ .
وَأَنَّهُمْ يَقُولُونَ مَا لَا يَفْعَلُونَ .
إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَذَكَرُوا اللَّهَ كَثِيراً وَانتَصَرُوا مِن بَعْدِ مَا ظُلِمُوا وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنقَلَبٍ يَنقَلِبُونَ .

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نفط في الصحراء ودم على الرصيف والبوم البوهيمي قابع على الجماجم

أصلك لطيف،
وكنت تلعب حافياً ومقرعاً بجانب البركةِ والنهرِ والسدِ وكذلك في الكريفِ: المسبح,
وجارتيك ورد بنت محمد عثمان ومحصنة تشتكيان من مرض الجدري ومرض السل المخيف،
وحاجب علي الأعور يأنُ من المرض واحياناً يقهقهُ ضاحكاً ويسخر من ناعمة العمياء وعبد الله قرعد الكفيف،
ويقول يالطيف.

فبمن تستغيث اذاً؟
وهو الطويل والعريض والخارق والاجمل والظالم والقبيح والنحيف.


ذهب عبد الرقيب من قريته تاركاً المدرسة والحقل وكذلك المطرقة والعطيف : الفأس،
وذهب إلى صحراء النفط والى الساحل وزار الكعبة وكذلك القطيف،
يبحث عن عالم آخر يقال أنه راقٍ ورهيف.

لكنه عاد مليئا بالاحزان والامراض فاقداً لحقوقه في وطنه الاصلي وفي وطن اهل الكعبة والطائف والجوف والعفيف,
هكذا تهدر الحقوق, ويتاجر بالارواح وتسفك الدماء في بلدان الحاكم اللانظيف واللاشريف.
هل تذكر يا عبد الرقيب كلبنا الابيض خوروشوف وكذلك بوبي مرعب القط شكري واكل الرغيف؟
لقد فقدا بصرهما وصارا من الجوع يخافان من كل شيء ساكناً كان أم متحركا ويرتجفان من الخوف والجوع والعطش أشد الرجيف,
ولقد تساقط شعرهما الابيضِ والاسودِ في الصيف وفي الربيع وفي الشتاء وكذلك في الخريف.
حينها ارسلت الدولة فيلقاً من عساكرها المدربين على القنص والرماية من بعد, وفرقة مدربة لمكافحة الارهاب وفرقة خاصة برمي قنابل غاز الخردل القوي والضعيف,
لقتل الكلاب في الجوف وتعز وعدن وصعدة والرياض ودمشق وعمان وسيناء والهفوف.
لكن ذخيرتهم انتهت بلا جدوي من قتل خرشوف الابيض أو بوبي الاسود التوحيف,
لكنهم دمروا كل شيء ولوثوا الحقول ونهبوا مخازن الفلاح وصانع السفيف,
وحاولوا الانسحاب ليلاً متنكرين باقنعة و ملابس فصلت وطرزت بالسقيف,
ورتب منحت لهم من السخيف.

لكن الزعيم أرسل اسراب الطيران وحرسه الخاص بقيادة عبد الله عقلان والعقفية واحمد نائف وسلطان اللفيف,
فقتلوا الكلبان الوفيان ومازالت دمائهما تنزف نزفاً الى الرصيف.
لكن فيروسات دماء الكلبان أنتقلت من الرصيف الى القصر والمصيف ذو اللون الأخضر الخفيف,
فاصيب الزعيم وحاشيته واعوانه بداء الكلب ومن أعراضه الهلوسة وفقدان الحس وبطاقة التعريف,
وكذلك الخطابات العصبية, والاضطرابات في المؤسسات , والشلل في حركة الاصلاح ايام العيد وايام الجمعة وحتى في يوم الزفة عندما دعاهم الزفيف.
فعزلوا في حظائرهم وقصورهم عاجزين عن الدفاع عن اطفالهم, وارضهم و منها القدس الشريف,
واستبدلوا المعارك بقمم شرم الشيخ والدوحة واقاليم الموزات والتفافيح في لبنان أو في القطيف.
ما اروع زعماء الفنادق والحانات والمعابر القابعين تحت الظل الأبيض الرهيف,
وما أجمل لقاء القادة في كل متحف يقع في الخليج أو بجانب خط بارليف,
وما يدهش حقاً أن تمتد يد رجل الدين النباح والحاملة للمصحف,
ومؤذن المساء و الصباح, والقائل الله اكبر حي على الفلاح في قاهرة المعز أو في وطن السياف,
والذي يخشي من قول الحق في وقت الشدة واح الاح, والموت والجراح, مفتي زعيم المعبر الجبان والخواف,
لتصافح المجرم و العفن قاتل اطفال مدرسة بحر البقر وقانا بيريز السفاح المصاب بالخراف,
فلم ينفعهم اي لقاح فضلوا وسيضلوا متشنجين ومضطربين حتى تسقط وتدمر قلاعهم في لحظة العنف الأشد من الأعنف
ما اجمل يوم الفتح!
فلنعمل من أجل ذلك الصباح.
يقول الله تعالى في سورة الشُّعَرَاء 26 في الايات {224- 227}:
وَالشُّعَرَاء يَتَّبِعُهُمُ الْغَاوُونَ .
أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّهُمْ فِي كُلِّ وَادٍ يَهِيمُونَ .
وَأَنَّهُمْ يَقُولُونَ مَا لَا يَفْعَلُونَ .
إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَذَكَرُوا اللَّهَ كَثِيراً وَانتَصَرُوا مِن بَعْدِ مَا ظُلِمُوا وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنقَلَبٍ يَنقَلِبُونَ

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أتى إلى حديقتنا لا ندري من أين وكيف؟
ليس لنا علم ومعرفة بذلك.
اغتصب واستولى على حديقتنا.
فدمرها وهدمها وحطمها وأحبطها.
بنى حولها جدارا كبيرا من الضغينة والحقد والخبث والوحشية.
وأحاطها بقطاع الطرق والعصابات والصعاليك والأشرار والكلاب.
وزرع الأشواك في جنباتها.
وأشاع الفوضى وا لفواحش والمنكرات والمكروهات.
ورسم وزين ونحت في جدرانها البؤس والموت وأدواتهما.
وسقى وغمر أشجارها بالدم.
و سمدها بالسموم.
وجعل من أفيون ومخدر القات أكلأ وشرابأ وملاذأ لها.
البستاني اليماني الخارق نشر ا لطوائف.
وروج الأكاذيب والشائعات.
ثم سلب ونهب ثروات الأرض والعرض.
بعدها لعب معنا وداعبنا بالخدع والتضليل حتى حجب عنا الشمس والقمر.
وأزال ودنس الأيمان وعرقل السلام والأمن .
بعدها أخذ دستوره وتلا منه قائلا "إن في حديقته حَبًّا وَعِنَبًا وَقَضْبًا وَزَيْتُونًا وَنَخْلًا وَحَدَائِقَ غُلْبًا وَفَاكِهَةً وَأَبّا مَّتَاعًا لَّكُمْ وَلِأَنْعَامِكُمْ.
فكانت كذبته الكبرى.
إنه مجرم وشرير وجالب للنحس.
إنه الحاصد والرابح من الخراب والدمار.
يا الهي! من يدخل حديقتنا سيرى ما يسر الروح والنفس.
هجم الجراد على ما تبقى من معالم الحديقة! وكانت النهاية المريرة.
في النهاية نهض الديك والهدهد من على جانب أشجار الصفصاف المتبقية في الحديقة وأيقظا أهلها ليؤسسوا مملكتهم الموعودة مملكة الديك والهدهد.

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)