لوعة الغياب والشوق والعتاب.
أيام الخوف والعذاب.
الصداقات القديمة والسراب.
ليالي الغناء والطرب.
الله والشمس والرياح والسحب.
أفيون القات والماء والتراب.
النبيذ وأوراق العنب.
لوعة الغياب والمطر الغزير.
سيدنا عيسى والعشاء الأخير.
موسم الحج وعيد الغدير.
لوعة الغياب, أشتياق وأبتعاد.
الحياة والممات وصوت الرعد.
القضاء والقدر وضياع الوعد.
All Posts (1973)
WHO rides there so late through the night dark and drear?
The father it is, with his infant so dear;
He holdeth the boy tightly clasp'd in his arm,
He holdeth him safely, he keepeth him warm.
"My son, wherefore seek'st thou thy face thus to hide?"
"Look, father, the Erl-King is close by our side!
Dost see not the Erl-King, with crown and with train?"
"My son, 'tis the mist rising over the plain."
"Oh, come, thou dear infant! oh come thou with me!
Full many a game I will play there with thee;
On my strand, lovely flowers their blossoms unfold,
My mother shall grace thee with garments of gold."
"My father, my father, and dost thou not hear
The words that the Erl-King now breathes in mine ear?"
"Be calm, dearest child, 'tis thy fancy deceives;
'Tis the sad wind that sighs through the withering leaves."
"Wilt go, then, dear infant, wilt go with me there?
My daughters shall tend thee with sisterly care
My daughters by night their glad festival keep,
They'll dance thee, and rock thee, and sing thee to sleep."
"My father, my father, and dost thou not see,
How the Erl-King his daughters has brought here for me?"
"My darling, my darling, I see it aright,
'Tis the aged grey willows deceiving thy sight."
"I love thee, I'm charm'd by thy beauty, dear boy!
And if thou'rt unwilling, then force I'll employ."
"My father, my father, he seizes me fast,
Full sorely the Erl-King has hurt me at last."
The father now gallops, with terror half wild,
He grasps in his arms the poor shuddering child;
He reaches his courtyard with toil and with dread,--
The child in his arms finds he motionless, dead.
Melody of fulfillment and melody of immortality
The soft rock, the revolution of stones and grievances.
Leaves and branches of migratory olives.
Keys of life, honesty of poetry.
Swallows and visitors of dawn.
Gypsy songs and poetry.
The sun, the stars and the moon.
The snow of spring and the remains of
Physics and chemistry of the body.
Pharaoh, filled with magic and envy.
Sweet days and insomnia of nights.
Time and days of bitter bile.
Reader of cups and backgammon player.
Sports; stadiums for the rights of Bengal and Hindi people.
Melody of fulfillment and melody of immortality.
الصخر الناعم وثورة الحجارة والمظالم.
أوراق وأغصان الزيتون المهاجرة.
مفاتيح الحياة والامانة والشعر.
طائر السنونو وزوار الفجر.
أغاني وشعر الغجر.
الشمس والنجوم والقمر.
الربيع وبقايا الثلج المندثر.
فيزياء وكيمياء الجسد.
الفرعون والسحر والحسد.
ألايام الحلوة وليالى السهاد.
الزمن المر وأيام النكد,
قارئة الفنجان ولاعب النرد.
الملاعب الرياضية وحقوق البنغال والهنود.
لحن الوفاء ولحن الخلود.
The Sea waves seem to emulate a body, which melts under the sand of the beaches.
It comes ashore and sails away, it’s like a rhythm that plays in the emotions of new lovers.
And, as though loved ones are travelling away.
They come from all directions towards the boats and crashing on them as though there was a crash-on someone, an on-looker of a desperate lover watching and admiring from a distant approaching opposite sex.
The waves of the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea call from their regions, but connecting through Suez Canal. Suez Canal has been the scene of controversy. All eyes must watch it because it's where Eurasia is connected to Africa. The other side of the nearby middle east-neighbourhood of the children of cousins. Cousin brothers and sisters of Israel and Palestine. These are the sons and daughters of Abraham, but Abraham left them without blessing both equally. Why should these cousins live in anger cultivated by one father. Abraham, the father of children of the books. Who set aside his portion of blessings from where the Almighty God commanded him. Where is Haggar? Where is Sarah?
Should they come back to life, they could suffer the remorse of their doings. Children became banished, Children became land grabbers, Children became obsessed with land ownership....Why should they be left without answers?
The wave of violence replaces the waves of love at one time or another.
Where have these children of the land sailed to? Why have they lived in agony and everlasting enemies? They should come one day and declare, no more curses of death and declare love for one another. Those who thirst for revenge, let them say, we are no longer willing to engage in your politics of hate.
Towards Jaffa, Haifa, Eilat and should be declared Safe. No more terrorism, No more culture of hate for Israel and Palestine because he who declares hate, declares war on the children of Abraham.
Towards Marjayoun and Al-Anad Base, they should declare no more Katusha rockets, because when barrage of Katusha rockets send waves of death, death declares and claims lives of children of Abraham.
The waves from the two seas, Mediterranean and Red sea whose tides are calmer than the land of Palestine.
Radios from the land of Palestine should play Songs of love, joy and peace. Radio Newsreels from Mornings, afternoons, evenings and nights should be of good tidings and the order of the days.
Palestine, the Holy Land remains forever.
Global view should become knowledgeable of the existence of the land, history and children of one father, but different mothers. All are from the same root. Therefore, they should coexist with knowledge of they history, for history cannot be changed or rewritten because history wrote itself.
Who will discard the truth? Weigh the truth with truth.
This is the wisdom of our times.
أمواج البحر كالجسد يتوارى تحت التراب.
أنهم يبحرون بعيداً في زمن الحب والاحباب.
ويتاهفتون نحو القوارب البعيدة والاقتراب.
أمواج البحر الأبيض والأحمر تناديني للابحار البعيد والأبعد.
نحو يافا وحيفا وايلات وصفد.
نحو مرجعيون وقاعدة العند.
أمواج البحر والمد والجزر, أذاعة وأغاني ماقبل الظهيرة والعصر.
فلسطين, الأرض المقدسة باقية مدئ الدهر.
رغم الأستكبار العالمي وطغاة العصر.
Dreams in sleep arranges the orders of the day with a single file of flying doves.
The doves calls me for peace and sometimes warns me of war.
Times for love and times to admire.
Dreams in sleep are a million language of thoughts. who was that talking to me? Did I understand what they are saying?
Above all, I only remember vividly their smile, which I sought to capture. Yes, yes, I captured the smiles very well. And I still vividly remember, I can't shake them off my mind. So, I narrated the story to my friend. How I saw this beautiful girl.
On her cheeks was a magnificent smile, only the judge of love could give it a distinction. A love symbol only for open hearts that are ready to receive love.
At the time of revolution, there is excitement and jubilation, but all are short-lived.
In the dreams of the thickest sleep are birds, flowers and light breeze.
Yeah, the breeze bombarding the face with fragrance of the sea, fishiness. Though at the horizon yonder, an approaching thunder was a warning of the ensuing gentle rain.
A tales a funny Nasreddin Juha, was his dream of eating good food.
Dreams of eating delicious food were basketful of food served for kind hearted hostess. Nasreddin wanted to eat the food without being reminded of the sad days because he would chock at the sad news. Don't spoil delicious food with bad news. The food will lose its delicacy.
Another reminder was that of a beautiful river with beautiful beaches. This was a blissful dream...Surely you don't want to spoil delicious food with sad news.
There was a morning breeze, which was enjoyed by man and nature. The nature enjoy this breeze by waves of tree branches and flowers gave their fragrance gracefully without complains.
Dream of gardens and beautiful people are vividly remembered. There are also dreams of nasty creatures that are vividly remembered because they are scary.
He who has had a good dream will perform his duty with good energy.
He who has had nasty dream will start the day with gloom. What did you dream last night?
احلام المنام, تجمعني باسراب الحمام.
داعية تارة للحرب وتارة للسلام.
أوقات الحب والغرام.
احلام المنام , مليون وردة وابتسامة.
على خدود قاضي الحب والعلامة.
في زمن الثورة والاثارة.
احلام المنام الكثيف, عصافير وزهور وهواء خفيف.
قصف ورعد ومطر لطيف.
حكاية جحا الظريف.
احلام المنام, سلة طعام وغفران.
أنهار وحدائق ذات الوان.
نسيم الصباح والافنان.
احلام المنام, في الساحة والبستان.
قناديل البحر والسرطان.
المصانع وأعمدة الدخان.
Echo of voices confuses me and assembles me with your love.
In your life is fame and glitter.
You are a voice in the valleys and the dreams in my nights.
Your voice reminds me of those hidden songs.
You, darling, are my fantasy and my fanciful.
You are in the desert: my sand, my dust and my destiny.
In the rain you are my heart and madness.
Echo of voices scares me in a dream and wakes me up.
In life you are my sensory, mind and flower.
In resurrection you are my destiny and good conclusion.
صدى الأصوات يحيرني وبحبكِ يجمعني.
لكِ في الحياة شهرة ومعانٍ.
في الوديان أنتِ صوتي واحلام الليالي.
صوتك الخفي يذكرني بتلك الأغاني.
ياَمَنْ أنت حبيبي ومهجتي وخيالي.
أنتِ في الصحراء رملي وترابي وقدري.
وفي المطر أنتِ غيمتي وجنوني.
صدى الأصوات يفزعني وفي المنام يقظني.
أنتِ في الدنياء حسي وذهني وزهوري.
وفي القيامة أنتِ قدري وحسن الختامِ.
Forests of grief and forests of joy, they transfer me from one stage to another.
Groans of beautiful nights.
The sky, the rain and the rainbow.
Happiness and weddings.
Grief and wounds.
Forests of counterpart grief, it is medicine, water, food and virtue.
Policies of foolishness and danger.
From the Lord of the factory and the barn.
Forests of grief term.
Continents, spaces and guides.
It is a friend and a comrade.
It is a patterned inherent shape.
The sun, the moon and the beautiful weather.
Forests of sadness and joy.
Glories, thrills and lights.
Forests of lot of grief and joy.
Theatres, forests, gardens, arts and myths.