All Posts (1973)

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Window on the road is for every friend and comrade.
It is steadfast and proud like an agate.
Window on the road crosses towards the Gulf and the Strait.
It calls me to support   the truth whatever the leader is lieutenant general or field marshal.
Window on the road is the end of racism and the slave trade.
Window on the road is full of cars and thousands pathways and corridors.
Palestine is revolution and fire.
Window on the road has trees, stones, roses and forms of creation.
Window on the road has storms, stones, thunders, rains and lightning.
Window on the road has a sorrow and tears in the stares.
Window on the road is for every lover of dawn and twilight.
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غابة حزن وغابة فرح

غابة حزن وغابة فرح, تنقلني من مسرح لمسرح.
أهات الليالي الملاح .
السماء والمطر وقوس قزح.
السعادة والافراح.
الحزن والجراح.
غابة الحزن النظير, دواًء وزاداَ وماءً وفضيلةَ.
سياسات حمقاء وخطيرة.
من رب المصنع والحظيرة.
غابة الحزن الطويل.
قارات ومسافات ودليل.
فيها الرفيق والخليل.
منقوشة الشكل الاصيل.
الشمس والقمر والطقس الجميل.
غابة الحزن والفرح الطويل.
أمجاد وإثارات وقناديل.
 غابة الحزن والفرح الكثير.
مسرح وغابات وحدائق وفنون وأساطير.

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نافذة على الطريق


نافذة على الطريق للعبور لكل صديق ورفيق.
صامدة ومفخرة كالعقيق.
نافذة على الطريق للعبور نحو الخليج والمضيق.
تناديني لنصرة الحق مهما كان القائد مشيرأو فريق.
نافذة على الطريق نهاية العنصرية وبيع الرقيق.
نافذة على الطريق سيارات والف ممر وطريق.
فلسطين الثورة والحريق.
نافذة على الطريق أشجار وأحجار وورود وأشكال الخلائق.
نافذة على الطريق عواصف ورعد ومطر وبرق.
نافذة على الطريق حزن ودموع في الاحداق.
نافذة على الطريق لكل عاشق مشتاق للفجر والشفق.

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Olive trees are food, guidance and light to the eyes.
Olive trees are evergreen and steadfast in the face of Zion.
Moses, the protector of the garden and the Pharaoh.
Palaces of kings, prairie wolves and the universe.
Olive trees are the fall and the spring of ages and the compassionate voice of deer.
Olive trees are the solar and lunar eclipses and the arts.
Olive trees are bitter struggle through the years.
Olive trees are Christmas holidaies and branches of trees.
Olive trees are twitters of bulbuls and goldfinches.
Olive trees and Mandela; who is the icon of peace and human right

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أشجار ألزيتون


أشجار ألزيتون غذاء وهدى ونور للعيون.
أشجار ألزيتون دائمة الخضرة وصامدة في وجه صهيون.
كليم ألله موسى وحارس البستان والفرعون.
قصور الملوك وذئاب البراري والكون.
أشجار ألزيتون خريف وربيع العمر وصوت المهاء الحنون.
أشجار ألزيتون كسوف الشمس وخسوف القمر والفنون.
أشجار ألزيتون والكفاح المرير طوال السنون.
أشجار ألزيتون وأعياد الميلاد بأشجارها والغصون.
أشجار ألزيتون تغريد البلابل والحسون.
أشجار ألزيتون ومانديلا, ايقونة السلام وحقوق الأنسان.

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Birds of Paradise and Birds of Hell


Snow, wind and rain not only worry me, but also make me even more  happy.
It is the love of the land, sky, heaven and hell.
Yes to love, despite the risks and dangers.
Apple trees and  yellow orange.
In our  large  and small cities and villages.
In the Quran, Bible, Psalms and the Green Book.
The high mountains and below the red line.
 Sea  sides ,waves and tides.
Gypsy song and dance under the moonlight.
Music of  revenge and the rebels.
Birds of  paradise and birds of hell.

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ثلج ورياح ومطر تقلقني وكذلك تسعدني بل أكثر.
أنه الحب للأرض والسماء والجنة والنار.
نعم للحب رغم المخاطر والأخطار.
شجر التفاح والبرتقال ألأصفر.
في قرانا ومدننا الكبيرة وألأصغر.
في القران وألأنجيل والتوراة والكتاب ألأخضر.
في الجبال الرواسى الشامخات وتحت ألخط ألأحمر.
موج البحر وشوطئه والمد والجزر.
أغنية ورقص غجري تحت نور ألقمر.
موسيقى الثار والثوار.
طيور الجنة وطيور النار.

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Aden is a beautiful tone recovery in life and in death.

Aden is the song of an era repeated with groans.

For you, all the memories.

Aden October and November, and victories.

Aden is a breath  of fresh air.

The future belongs to you without doubt.

Aden is a jasmine, rose and basil.

Aden is neighing horses near the orbits.

Aden is a lions roar in the squares.

Aden is the eternal Sira Fortress and the Cisterns of Tawiula.

Aden is the proud summit of Shamssan mouuntain and the Radfan hills.

Aden is a free zone despite the fact of enemies and attack.

Aden is the maker of glory and melodies.

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عدن يانغمة جميلة ترداد في الحياة وفي الممات.
ياأغنية الدهر المردادة بالاهات.
لكِ كل الذكريات.
عدن أكتوبر ونوفمبر وألأنتصارات.
عدن يانسمة الهواء العليل.
فالمستقبل لكِ لامستحيل.
عدن يافل وياورد وياريحان.
عدن صهيل الخيول قرب المدارات.
عدن زئير الأسود في الميادين والساحات.
عدن قلعة صيرة وصهاريج الطويلة الأزلية.
عدن قمة جبل شمسان وردفان الأبية.
عدن مدينة حرة رغم الأعداء والأعتداءت.
عدن صانعة الامجاد وألألحان.





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Wind and hurricanes in our large planet.

Approaching in  the distant skies and they talked about our almighty love.

Ears of wheat and a huge harvest.

Analogue laws of the universe.

Freemasonry eyes, heart and dangerous love.

Mermaid heart and short night.

Wheat ears in the field of Mom and Dad and a bumper harvest.

Sabra and Shatila , Sarajevo and genocide of humans.

Sad symphony under the light of the sun and the moon.

Region of Apple Green, resistance and the winner of victory.

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سنابل القمح والحصاد


رياح وأعاصير في كوكبنا الكبير.
تدنو في سمائنا البعيد وتحدثنا عن حبنا القدير.
سنابل القمح والحصاد الكثير.
نواميس الكون النظير.
ماسونية العينين والقلب والهوى الخطير.
حورية الفواد والليل القصير.
سنابل القمح في حقل أمي وأبي والحصاد الغزير.
صبرا وشاتيلا وسراييفو والأبادة الجماعية للبشر.
سمفونية حزينة تحت ضوء الشمس والقمر.
أقليم التفاح ألأخضر ومقاومتة والنصر الظافر.

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Clouds, smoke and Anemone Coronaria.

Neighing horses and orange fields.

The breeze of far nights.

Torment colors.

Deserts like a mirage.

The patience of Job and clouds icon.

Children in shelters and other forms of suffering.

Red Indians and Cowboys.

The roar of water and the rain.

Singing birds over the branches of  trees.

The inscription in the clouds and the lights of the moon.

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النقش على السحب



سحب ودخان وشقائق النعمان.
صهيل الخيول وحقول البرتقال.
نسمات الليالي البعاد.
ألوان العذاب.
صحارى كالسراب.
صبر أيوب وأيقونات السحب.
أطفال الملاجئ وأشكال العذاب.
الهنود الحمر ورعاة البقر.
هدير المياه والمطر.
زقزقة العصافير فوق أفنان الشجر.
النقش على السحب واضواء القمر.



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รับทำ SEOในสมัยนี้มีการขายของหลากหลายทางออนไลน์กันเป็นปริมาณมาก มีทั้งเว็บไซต์ เว็บเพจ หรือแม้กระทั้ง
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Tone and smile share my love from now to the day of resurrection.
Corrosive lighting of the night and talismans' view of their safety.
A sad melody of flute and guitar.
Colourful pictures with reference.
Bloody events of September and June above the lighthouse.
Peace is neither an olive branch nor a dove of peace.
But it is a merchant of Venice and a Trojan horse.  
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نغمة وابتسامة

نغمة وابتسامة. تشاطرني حبي من اليوم ليوم القيامة.
أهات الليل والانارة. وطلاسم الايات والسلامة.
لحن حزين بالناى والقيثارة.
صور ملونة ملأى بالاشارة.
احداث ايلول وحزيران الدموية فوق المنارة.
فالسلام ليس غصن زيتون أو حمامة سلامة.
بل هو تاجر البندقية وحصان طروادة.


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Darling, how I love you !
In the morning, noon and night.
When the trees, flowers and stars become a witness of our love.
And the birds sing merrily in  the fields of glory.
Creatures pray to God in the  mountain tops , plains and valleys and fluttering around us.
There in the peaks, in the mountain peaks in honey bees  are seen anchoring our love.
Jerusalem is our glory, our goal and our choice.
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What Are Property Finance Loan Charges.

) Right before you refinance, can you consider out a Home Equity Line of Credit history? Most HELOC's do not have a prepayment penalty. Get just one out to maintenance the credit rating and pay out off debts and then refinance. About time a borrower will preserve far more then the expenditures of the HELOC because their mortgage desire rates are lower. 40 to 100 factors in your rating can make a ton of distinction to your price.

One more advantage of employing a house loan broker as a substitute of applying for a home finance loan loan at a local bank is the simple fact that many house loan brokers are in a position to set up a wide range of unique payment selections. Even though local banking companies may well have specific payment alternatives that they use, your mortgage loan broker could be ready to find a mortgage that suits your distinct payment wants. With pretty much any loan provider you can make payments working with automated withdrawal, by building deposits into a specified account, by sending in a verify or revenue order each individual thirty day period, or other payment alternatives that your broker can specify for you.

The issue for Housing Current market Will Carry on, Maximize in the remarkable v Savings given by the financial institutions foreclosed on the houses. With Underwater Mortgages and Foreclosures nevertheless current round the corner, the Housing Market place, however possesses a major danger. Even nevertheless the chase mortgage rates today are down, revenue for the Housing Industry, did not choose up noticeably and nhng Who Had been Inclined to Devote in new residences created currently did towards the Govt introduced khi property consumers tax credit score. Considering that the tax credits finished in April, Odds of Financial commitment in new properties do not appear quite promising.

Compose out the hardship affidavit, compose a hardship letter, document your cash flow, completed a monetary worksheet, contain lender statements and submit the package to your property finance loan holder!

There are various motives such as site(the Nations Capitol), quality of daily life, steady authorities. Also the benefit of the US greenback is relative to many other key currencies. The prices of real estate in the DC Metro Location have fallen from 20%-forty% from all time highs in 2005. In addition the home loan curiosity rates are historic minimal, there is huge worldwide government existence(Embassies, Consulates) and substantial international corporation presence(Earth Bank, IMF), as nicely as global college student housing demand.

As considerably as stories from Wall Avenue are anxious, the Housing Market is revived a bit, nhng the resources say that the recession is not still more than for the Housing Market. Some of the registered residence builders in the 3rd quarter mt earnings this calendar year and the product sales improved, nhng chng khi so snh to rule remained very low ging quarter final results from last yr. Irrespective of this slight Growth in the demand, the Upcoming Is not that promising as it really should have been.

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By comparison, it is very well comprehended that a mortgage loan banker is primarily a vendor looking to market a property finance loan at a value that is both competitive and successful. Buyers look at home finance loan bankers' costs between both equally home finance loan bankers and house loan brokers.

"Just in excess of 50 percent of the respondents acknowledged that their every month home finance loan repayments were being far more than thirty for every cent of their gross residence earnings," the yearly Australian house loan report from financial advisory business Deloitte said."Of that team, more than 50 for every cent were stretched or at their maximum reimbursement restrict," the report mentioned."This has enhanced only marginally from the 2007 study.
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Trace Back Again A Phone Number

Even though a caller ID services can help you determine a variety, the Reverse Phone Detective can provide you info about that amount. All you need to do is sort in the mysterious amount in the services and the phone detective will attract out facts about that range. You will get the caller's identify, tackle, site (together with the town and condition), the caller's carrier, home customers, deal with history and the form of phone line the caller makes use of, regardless of whether it really is a cellular phone or a wireless headset for landline phone.

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)