Poem (5)


Recollection is an eagerness to check the melody of times, times of struggles that define truth, equality, justice, loyalty and faith. 

Reminiscences are for whom that establishes the fundamentals of equality and constitutions of friendships.

Oh my friend! How many acquaintances are there who believe in truth, knowledge and civilization; of the loyal, noble, honourable and experts?  Do you have any of these qualities?

And how many teachers and kings, who desire to dig out and construct the path of truth, civilization and friendship?

For not only you may love; have the heart for civilization, but also for teachers, who teach either loyalists or non-loyalists the principles of truth, equality, justice and the good path of behaviours.

However, some of them betray the secret, justice and the constitutions of their dearest friends.  For the Lord and Her Majesty the Queen, the royals pride, dignity and honour.

Those who believe in the narrowest path with its thorns and it narrowness have a reason to believe in no trespassing.

In Montgomery's eyes is drawn the truth, struggles and road maps.

They are reflections of His, Her and their pride; the glory of friends and comrades.


Oh Montgomery! The teachers and leaders who teach princes and princesses knowledge keep the banners burning. This is called faith and discovering the seas or oceans, skies or the discovery of space, mines and gems.

Montgomery Legion is struggling with life, nature and space. The mirrors of existence are reflected in minds and sentiments of usual and unusual creatures are felt.

They appear as magic by faith; they look colourful, reflected, or attractive humans.  For males and females; and creatures of the universe have directions.

Some of them seem as friends, brothers or comrades. However, they are enemies.

Montgomery's Legion is a reflection of faith, sounds of machines, arms of workers and soldiers as well as the power of nature or human wish.

Montgomery's Legions are either a reflection of real teachers, fathers or friends or leaders of truth and justice.

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The grasses here and there are found in the plains or in the valleys or in the forests.

Toxic grasses to the heart are sacred grasses and there is only one grass type, which is a cure for nerves. 

 Sacred grasses are identified by their whisky smell and the chrome fruits during rainfall they spread as fog.


The Sword of Robin Hood and his arrows are found in the planes that fly in the air and his adventure in the plains. The meadows are between forests and receive forest breezes.  


A tragedy of love for Amirao Al-Qays and Laila correlates that of Romeo and Juliet and the love that evaporates like fog is not the love meant to be. Paradise is lost because the beliefs system ignored death, but also what death brings, but magic never exists beyond the clouds. Death is the magic of disobedience and magic does not last long because magic stills from God’s providence. Providence is everlasting and magic is death.


My country’s heavens are in the seas and the oceans, but the heights or depths are revealed by difficulties.

O my friend! Don’t wonder if I chose to love, the affection, the death of my old habits are the hands of the art of conflicts. The happiness, the love and death are things from inheritances from water of life and land contains the flames of life.                                                              ***

The sacred grasses and the Christian Trinity are the extensiveness of Mohamed's religion, the nephew of Alhmza's and Abu Lahab; the owners of religiosity, but not spirituality. The sacred grasses are also the survivorship of dinosaurs, the political universe and lovers of natural phenomenon.

The sacred grasses, the sacred valleys, the sacred blood and the carob fruits tree consecrates wine that comes from grapes and the one which distorts is whisky.


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At the longing of the sky, it rains and white ice or snow fall. It   symbolizes the loyalty, the fulfillment of what nature needs and the scattered coldness of nature that are gathered by supernatural forces.


The tree of life whose leaves fall in autumn, and which grows in spring. However, the leaves grow young in the summer and grow old in winter, but by the end of December all is gone. This is the legend of life- Life in the natural and life in the supernatural. God's spiritual sounds are the sounds of the: flute, piano, trumpets, trombones, clarinet, violin and the guitars. These are the sounds of many centuries, but after the eleventh of September, there are sounds that oppose God’s spiritual sound. They are terrorism, corruption, dishonesty, profanity and all other evil forces that have become fashionable to mankind. For those who indulge in those wicked ways will eat the fruits thereof.


The God's spiritual sounds, the body chemistry and the moon physics.  

 The God's spiritual sounds and the chemistry of scientists and other human categories.

The God's spiritual sounds and mental map for the sacred ignorance the origin of the sins and the danger.


The God's spiritual sounds for redemption are the Christmas bells and signs are after the hurricane.

O heart, O mind calm down, the knights is coming from overseas, a passenger the waves of the might of God's spiritual works for its never old and never diminishes, but grows old to its concerns. It grieves in the absence of human obedience and the arrival of the human disobedience. God's spiritual voices talk to me about the clouds, the rain, and happiness and about the boredom.


  It says: There is victory after the toil and distress thereafter. There is victory after sunset and the disappearance of planets with their moons.

Thunder, winds, storms and rains pour by destiny or by the fate. It accompanies me since before my birth and my childhood .It says: That there is the victory and there also danger.


 No promises from oppressors from Eve’s days to terrorism days of the sheikhs, the Osama Bin Ladins and the Mullah Omars. No promises from the oppressors from Adam's days to Antar's days. God's spiritual sounds are the longing and belonging to Him through His everlasting love. However, torture and conflicts are never sweet or salty, but are bitter enemies of love. God's spiritual sounds waves with the certainty of victory and the urge or patience are the characters of God’s Spirit that is instilled in us since birth and until physical death. 



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قصيدة غزة للشاعر الكندي بيرد ماكنيل: ترجمة دكتور إم.تي المنصوري 





فشل جديد....حماقة محزنة
ربما كذلك قد فقدوا الشهادة
نكران الذات
طيور الكراكي*... طيور الكراكي

مجموعة كبيرة من الأناشيدالريفية الملحمية والقصيرة والهزيلة
حلوة الشمائل لعصر ماقبل التاريخ
خشنون ومرتدين القلنسوات
حادة المناقر
ترفرف أجنحتها بالتبادل
تُشوّهُ مشاريع الكون وعناصره
القوة... القوة...القوة
طيور الكراكي تحلق فوقي
صراخ...عاقد العزم وبرعاية الرب
مشاهدة إبتكاراته ووسائله الغريبة
زيارة تفقدية...التحقق من الإحداثيات
لقد ولوا وولت طيور الكراكي
ومازال صوت الطائرات هوالقائد
وكذلك جواهر الأشياء تقاد بالمذهب الاّلي
هزيل, نفق تلسكوبي طائر, لاتلتصق به الأشياء والأفعال
أمرد وبه نظام (الجي بي أس)** المحمول والخاص بي
لقد ثبتت خطوط تصويب الهدف بدقة
طائر الكركي يحلق فوق المجلس الإستشاري المُصدّئ


 يطوف خارج وفوق مسلك الجسر الأفقي
مبتهج ,بلا ريب وكذلك بغير يقين
سوف تسقط علينا جميعا

البيضة ذات الشكل البيضوي للحياة الجديدة وضعت في الوميض الظلامي للتفسخ
حتي غرفة نومي هدمت
أنه الفشل لقد سقط من جديد
نكران الذات

بيرد ماكنيل:أحد شعراء العاصمة الفيدرالية الكندية, يقراء قصائده بانتظام في مجلس وإجتماعات قراءة النصوص الأدبية المتعاقبة في مدينة أوتاوا

الكراكي*: نوع من أنواع الطيور الكبيرة توجد في مختلف بقاع العالم وتعيش معظمها في إفريقيا , وآسيا , وأوروبا ،ولكن هناك نوعان فقط يعيشان في أمريكا الشمالية .، يتميز طائرالكركي بجسمه المستطيل المنتصب ، وبساقيه الطويلتين ، وعنقه الممشوق ، ومنقاره الطويل المستقيم.

الجي بي أس**

Global Postioning System: نظام التموضع العالمي


failed again, dreary ineptness

might as well have lost the ticket


the cranes, the cranes, a flock

slender idyls

graceful prehistory

jagged, capped heads, razor bills

swapping wings

bruising the universe's drafts and elements

power, power, power

the cranes are over me

a squawking , earnestly-caring God

watching over his strange contrivances

surveying, checking coordinates

they're gone, the cranes are gone

the leader remains - a drone

nature led by mechanism

a slender, flying telescopic tube, teflon smooth

and it has my GPS

the cross-hairs steadying

the crane towers over

the rusted cabinet floating out and over

horizontal on the gantry track

buoyant, sure, unsure

it will fall on all of us

the ovate egg of new life lays in a blinding flash


even my bedroom is gone

failure, failed again


Baird Mc Neil is about of Ottawa. He is a regular reader at the tree reading series.




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I want to celebrate Saint Paddy's Day with the Irish.

Not only by the three-leaf clover, that is a garnish,

but also by drinking Guinness beer and eating fish and radish.

I am a poet, who hates publishing skirmish,

especially, when the topic is about His Excellency the Mayor of the city, the Irish

and the cousin of both British and Scottish.

I want my criticism to pay attention to the need of poor people to replenish,

not to tarnish or punish or banish.

The long-term solutions of transportation make us perish.

It is a mockery and carelessness of parish , tradition and church's cherish.

Irish you should have solidarity with Saint Patrick by means of impoverish,

lavish and refurbish,

not by your countless of ravish.

Our protest was organized by greenish machine in the States, and will widen to Greenwich,

to solidarity with Palestinian, Kurdish and Spanish,

in order to squish the devil and to throw it to the rubbish,

and to abolish the laws of injustice and to finsh it, not to blemish.

Democratic representation , accountability and transparency are like a varnish.

We are proud not only of the one leaf of clover that is represented usually by trifoliate and rarely in fifth or seventh foliate greenish,

from the Arabian desert to the Canadian Thousands Islands , where the famers care about their nourish,

during presowing treatment and flourish.

But also of our maple leaf as it is greenish, yellowish and wheatish,

Raising or painting in the same soils or hearts in Saskatoon or Gaza or Reddish.

Heleluja that I am speaking English, Arabic and Polish.

Did you have a little of vigorish?,

to understand me and to let me accomplish.

Please, write the conditions of publishing and let the readers demonish or astonish, and do not be childish,

to tell us the proverb " like a stingy Jewish",

that inherited from ancestors, and said not only by Danish, Spanish , German, Negirian and Polish.

They should differ between true believers and illegal immigrants from Rusia, Poland and Marrakesh,

who goes to the Holy Land to kill Palestinian kids not only by phosphorious weapons , the whitish.

Let us not only protest to stop crimes by march and in March, yet, to punish.

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)