Colonel By Day - Monday August 2, 2010 - Ottawa Event Listings ...
Join us for Colonel By Day, a Civic holiday celebration of Ottawa's founding brought about by the construction of the Rideau Canal under the direction of Lt. Colonel By. ...More tourist information on Ottawa Area, Hotels in Ottawa
Rideau Canal Festival, Daily Program
11am - 4pm, Colonel By Day Civc Holiday Celebrations, Bytown Museum/ Ottawa Locks. 11:30am, Buy Local BBQ Challenge, Confederation Park. 12pm - 5pm, World Heritage Plaza ...Ottawa Area, Hotels in Ottawa
Seventh annual Riverside Jam to have all the 'Wright' stuff
EMC Almonte/Carleton Place - Tara Gesner -
Michelle Wright is one of Canada's most widely known and awarded country ... of country entertainment takes place Civic Holiday weekend (July 30 to Aug. 1). ...
HST, competing festival challenge Riverside Jam - Your Ottawa Region

Caribana: North America's largest Caribbean Festival. The Scotiabank Caribana Festival is an exciting three-week cultural explosion of Caribbean music, costumes, cuisine, revelry as well as visual and performing arts. Toronto Hotels
Historicist: Opening the Cinesphere
Torontoist - Jamie Bradburn - 5 days ago
When Ontario Place recently announced intentions to revitalize the ... of dreams to improve Toronto's shoreline since the days of John Graves Simcoe). ...
Simcoe Day at Gibson House Museum
Monday, August 2, Gibson House Noon to 5 p.m. (last entry 4:30 p.m.). Come back to the past and relax in our country-in-the-city setting. Costumed guides will welcome you to the 1851 farm home of David and Eliza Gibson and their family where you can enjoy tastes of home-made ice cream, children’s activities, and samples of nineteenth-century cookery in the historic kitchen. Admission is FREE!
Location: Gibson House, 5172 Yonge Street, Toronto
Fort York Celebrates Simcoe Day
August 2, 2010 John Graves Simcoe founded the Town of York (Toronto) in 1793 and was the first lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada. Come learn about the birthplace of Toronto and thrill to the sounds of musketry, cannon and the fife and drum. Tours, cooking demonstrations and kids activities all add to this colourful event. The Fort George Guard joins us for this great day. Fort York National Historic Site
The Weekender: July 31-August 3 |
Forget the cottage. Here's eight reasons to stay in Toronto this long weekend, including Saturday's Caribana parade By Stacy Lee Kong. One of the weekend's ...
White-Tailed Deer Guided Walk - August 2
From antler tip to tail, learn the tricks that deer use to stay alive through the seasons at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Come head out on a evening hike and try to witness deer in their natural habitat. 8:00pm Campground Amphitheatre. Earn a Park Ranger Stamp. Family Program.
South of Toronto
The Hamilton Spectator
Hamilton Spectator - Steven Page - 2 days ago
Municipalities in Ontario are free to call the first Monday in August whatever they like. Toronto, for instance, long ago declared it Simcoe Day. ...
Ice Cream Simcoe Day Long Weekend(August 1 & 2)
Westfield Heritage Village Ice Cream Festival, Rockton
Next Sunday and Monday experience the fun and nostalgia of ice cream at the 6th annual Ice Cream Festival! There's something for everyone, including live music, horse and wagon rides, magic shows and lots of tasty ice cream!
North of Toronto

Barrie Kempenfest: A Top 100 Festival for Arts & Crafts, Kids Midway, Antique Hunters. Barrie Ontario Accommodation Information. Discover Lake Simcoe Barrie Area Beaches
Blue Mountain: Village Beach Party, The Village at Blue Mountain July 30th to August 2nd, 2010The Summer’s Hottest Party for all ages ~ Reggae & Calypso music, Fire Dancers, Professional Beach Volleyball, Movies Under The Stars, hiking, scavenger hunts and Fire Dancing. Collingwood Information and Accomodation
Huntsville Festival of the Arts: Continues over the long weekend July 31, August 1 Music in the Park Jazz Festival More information and accommodation in Huntsville area resorts, inns, lodges, hotels
Sault Ste. Marie Fin Grand Fest: July 28-August 1Blue and White Festival To celebrate and promote all things Finnish, including but not limited to Finnish culture, Finnish language, Finnish history, Finnish education, Finnish entertainment and Finnish sporting events. More tourist information and hotel accommodation in Sault Ste. Marie.
Lacrosse, lacrosse and more lacrosse - Brian McNair - 8 hours ago Lacrosse Festival starts Civic Day August Long Weekend. July 30-August 8, 2010
The field players also won't have to travel far should they be looking for inspiration. On Saturday at Civic Fields in Oshawa, there will be a test match ...
Unionville Simcoe Day Festival
Unionville Simcoe Day Festival - Monday August 2. Festive Music all weekend long. Enjoy the holiday with entertainment and a sidewalk sale. Take a ride on our double decker bus. August 2, 2010. Rumour has it that John Graves Simcoe himself may appear along with Elvis. Main Street Unionville
A Brush with the Highlands - Ontario's Premier Plein-Air Painting Festival
August 1-2 2010
Come and enjoy the breathtaking and unique work of over 40 of Ontario's finest Plein-Air Painters as they paint the stunning and rugged Highlands East. Onsite visitors are encouraged on Saturday and Sunday where you may see the creative painting process as it unfolds. Join us Monday August 2 at the Lloyd Watson Center in Wilberforce for a large one day Show and Sale of works from the talented artists participating. This is the only event of this kind in Canada so mark it on your Calendar. You don't want to miss it!
Selected locations Haliburton County. More info on Haliburton, Wilberforce.
Contact: Tracey Lee Green Tel: (705) 448-9785
Good, old-fashioned family fun weekend in Lucknow
Lucknow Sentinel - Sara Bender - Near Lake Huron
The Civic Holiday weekend will be full of good, old-fashioned family fun in Lucknow. ... and both have a long list of other awards attached to their names. ...
The 45th annual Georgian Bay Steam Show July 30 to Aug. 1.
Cookstown Ontario: 4635 Victoria Street West, in Cookstown and this event is always a fun time for the family. The featured tractor this year is Allis Chalmers. The show is filled with parades, tractor pulls, wagon rides, demonstrations, vendor booths, singing and dancing performances and more. The talent contest will be held on Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. for adults, and Sunday evening for juniors. Admission for adults is $6 per day and children aged 12 and under enter for free. Parking is free and a shuttle service is available from the Cookstown Outlet Mall. For further information, visit Get overnight Accommodation in Alliston or Barrie
Celebrate Lake Simcoe Festival July 31
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Come celebrate Lake Simcoe at Innisfil Beach Park! The LSRCA is pleased to be hosting a table at this event. We’ll have activities for the kids and a groundwater model that’s a big hit with kids and adults alike. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Single Day Event Lake Simcoe Region Conservation
Aquapalooza 2010 Sunday August 1st , 2010
(Peterborough's own the Cadillacs)
Open to all boaters and boating guests , need to register at
Aquapalooza 2010 events website
AquaPalooza is the name given to a series of on-water celebrations held during the last two weekends in July at more than 100 locations around the world. Created by Sea Ray Boats, AquaPalooza is free and open to all boaters and non-boaters. Each gathering features fun activities for family and friends of all ages, such as live entertainment, games, giveaways and much more.
Manitoulin Region Georgian Bay Ontario
Wikwemikong Cultural Festival celebrates 50 years - 13 Jul 2010
“The government of Canada is proud to support the Wikwemikong Heritage ... Hosted during the Civic Holiday long weekend, this annual event features Native American dance, traditional foods, historical displays, a pow-wow and a variety of community activities.
Waterloo Ontario

Cambridge farmer's market Civic Holiday Weekend
Waterloo Record - Kevin Swayze - 5 Jul 2010
The annual Mill Race Folk festival takes over downtown on Civic Holiday weekend, so Bayley plans August as an arts-themed month at the market. ...