قلبي وعقلي يحلقان في الفضاء البعيد كطير َ جريح.
كلما أرتفع عالياً تدنو له الشمس ويدنو له القمر.
قلبي ايها الجريح أني اسمع صوتك كصهيل الخيول أثناء السباق.
أني اهيم في حقول الذكريات.
كقطار في سهول كندا وامريكا الكبري.
قلبي وعقلي كالاسماك في أعماق المحيطات , في رحلة للبحث عن اميرة أو رفيق.
All Posts (1973)
Republic of Red Monkeys
In the Republic of the Red Monkeys, one Monkey builds houses, roads, hospitals and schools, but thousands are willing to destroy the whole constructions.
From the days of our father, Adam up to the modern days after the nights of Scheherazade; all the Monkeys are fighting for gold, onyx, and emeralds.
The hoopoe fed the situation and migrated away with the other migratory birds.
It flew to the direction of the blue of the sky and the sea.
He arrived at his new field and slept next to flowers.
Finally, the hoopoe wakes up flapping its wings and singing melodies of melancholy of songs of wars and anguish.
في جمهورية القرود الحمر واحد يبني والف تهدم وتهد.
من أيام أبونا أدم الى أيام مابعد ليالي شهرزاد.
والكل يتصارعون من أجل الذهب والعقيق والزمرد.
مل الهدهد من الوضع فهاجر بعيداً مع الطيور المهاجرة.
ابحر بعبداً في أتجاه زرقة السماء والبحر.
وصل الهدهد الى حقله الجديد ونام بعدها بجوار الزهور والورود.
وأستيقظ على أجنحة الغناء والنغم لطلع البدر علينا.
Glory to Yemen
Every hour, every minute and every second I dream about you oh Yemen.
All kinds of flowers and all the roses belongs to you.
I dream about you when I'm between fields, over and above the branches of trees and over all florescence flowers.
Every hour, every minute and every second pass sweetly in my life. I dream about you between the lines of my writing.
You are the dew and the rainbow after the rain.
You are my Spring of life oh you my flower.
Every hour and, every minute and every second uniquely are yours.
You my Spring flowers, I offer to you my mind to be filled by your fragrance.
You replenish my thoughts.
I was running around to meet with glory.
Glory is everywhere, Glory is an intricate bliss.
Glory is a gradient of victory to you, Yemen.
المجد لليمن
كل ساعة وكل دقيقة وكل ثانية بتخيلك يايمن.
كل الزهور وكل الورد ملكً لك.
بتخيلك بين الحقول, فوق الغصون وفوق السبول.
كل ساعة وكل دقيقة وكل ثانية حلوة في حياتي, بتخيلك بين سطور كتاباتي.
انت الندى وقوس قزح بعد المطر.
ياربيع عمري ويازهور خيالي.
كل ساعة وكل دقيقة وكل ثانية لك انت وحدك.
يازهرة في ربيع عمري فداك.
انت الشمس والقمر والنجوم.
أني اطوف للقاء مجدك.
مجدك والعيون الساهرات.
فالمجد والنصر لك يايمن.
He appears in his military uniform like a zebra.
However he is more stupid than a normal donkey.
The country and people are confused by his speech .
His political rhetoric is dull in the past decade.
His money distribution stretches from Sanaa to the world and even to southern Lebanon.
Most of his time is spent in the pits and tunnels compared to living next to a sewage.
And his end will come in comparison to the end of Dhu Nuwas Humairi.
يظهر في بزته العسكرية كالحمار الوحشي.
لكنه أشد غباءً من الحمار العادي.
لقد ضيع البلاد والعباد في الكلام الفاضي.
وخطابه السياسي بليد وفي الزمن الماضي.
خارطة امواله تمتد من صنعاء الى العالم وحتى الجنوب اللبناني.
يعيش معظم وقته في الحفر والانفاق بجوار المجاري.
ونهايته ستكون كنهاية ذو نواس الحميري.
Wolves and angels in the road
Lightning flashed and the intense cold on the way to the Kingdom of the proud was chilly.
On the way were wolves and other wild beasts, attacking children of humankind.
The chest is broken and the body bulged due to the frequent violence and injuries caused by the treacherous journey of turbulence.
Then came the angels in human forms, and in their presence, they ordered the wheat to grew on the rocks. The high mountains, valleys and coastal plains all responded in growing wheat.
لمع البرق واشتد البرد في الطريق الى مملكة الثلج الابية.
في الطربق كانت هناك ذئاب ووحوش اخرى برية , تهاجم أبناء البشرية.
فانشق الصدر وانتفخ الجسد من كثرة العنف والاذية.
بعدها اتت الملائكة في صور بشرية, فنبت القمح على الصخور وفي اعالي الجبال والوديان والسهول الساحلية
The thief of cheese and grapes
He stole cheese and attempted to escape the coming torment.
His dream became a mirage after all.
He stole cheese and quickly entered the tunnel; to live forever in the dark.
He stole the cheese and lit a fire in the forest to decoy his pursuers before he vanished into the woods, his escape couldn't prevail.
He stole the cheese and fled into a garden of grapes.
He stole the cheese and burned all the wooden fences of grape garden.
He stole the cheese and destroyed the country grape farms.
Finally he is a thief who is remembered in the history of stealing eras.
سرق الجبن وهرب, عله ينجو من المحاسبة والعذاب.
حلمه صار كالسراب.
سرق الجبن ودخل سريعاً النفق, ليعيش ابد الدهر في الغسق.
سرق الجبن وأشعل النيران في الغابات والشجر, لعل أمره يستتب.
سرق الجبن وهرب الفضة والذهب.
سرق الجبن واحرق سور حديقة العنب.
سرق الجبن ودمر البلد.
فهو لص عبر السنيين والحقب.
Red wine and Emotions
Red wine symbolic of blood.
White canvas symbolic of roses and roses for love and love for acceptance and acceptance for tolerance.
Human altitude above the ground is a hang on and a hangover.
Red wine flavors with sugar are reconciled to make the wonders of ferments.
Beautiful girls are your kind of wine to drink to get drunk and be merry. Some you just take a look at them... window shopping...no strings attached.
A melody sounds in your heart to see beauty and grow closer in space.
Red wine fights several battles of the body and raises good attitudes.
Paradise is never on fire... the blissful feelings are abound and Red wine is the ingredient and solicitor of hidden emotions.
Red wine is the hidden love kit for Arabia where hypocrites will drink it in hiding and where no light can reach.
Red wine warms up the heart of the sorrowful, the delighted, the hopeful and all sorts of emotions.
Angels and rain
In white clothes they came down and blessings rained on earth.
It was a spectrum of angelic parading in the garden of Eden where there are many verities of trees that bore fruits of all times.
That was confirmation of heaven's glory. And on their heads were golden crowns of shekinah hanging above their heads.
On their necks were golden linings glittering like lightning during rain or warning for eminent rainfall.
Lightning flashed from the sky and striking the surface of the earth. Nothing compared to the sun and the moon that are often eclipsed on either dualities.
The grief of martyrs on the memorable date of fifteenth of October 1978, was the kind of altruism of sadness common among the broken hearted.
It has been for the rebels when two anecdotes couldn't reconcile dualities of the sun and the moon because both have different paths
and different destinies.
All these stories about martyrdom and angelic interventions are reasons why revolutions come and revolutions go.
نبيذ احمر بلون الدم.
قماش أبيض بلون الورد.
علو الانسان فوق سطح الارض.
نبيذ احمر بطعم السكر.
فتاة جميلة بشعرها الاشقر.
لحن حزين ومطر.
نبيذ احمر, معارك القضاء والقدر.
طريق الجنة وطريق النار.
نبيذ احمر, عشق اليماني لعشب أفيون القات الأخضر.
نبيذ احمر, طريق الحياة مع الرفيق الأحمر.
The Ship of faith and dreams
There was a hope and there was a safety assurance from the impending dreams.
And then the hopes and dreams crashed. The ship of faith and dreams was interrupted by waves of tides of sorrows.
Then the wicked waves that distributed tides accentuated and transcended.
Some of the folks concluded that hell had broken loose and some of them digging their own graves with their own hands so that when time came for their departure, there wouldn't be anyone to bother.
Others blew themselves up in terrorist suicide bombing.
The ship of faith and religious dreams deceived many fanatics into the promise of twelve virgins in the after life in heaven.
Who said that ISIS is not in the fire?
Believers that opt out into choosing the option do it yourself murder are deceived by many insecure billionaires in the oil rich Arabian countries of the middle east.
Paradise is lost by choosing the option of settling problems using violence. Give hope by doing things through faith in action and keep the dreams alive.
Sheikh Hamoud Al- Mikhlafi will liberate Taiz and he is going to take souvenir pictures.
The judgement and loyalty to Hadi lead to the man of brown eyes who had hidden treasure.
And Salih is deposed in favour of the International Criminal Tribunal Court for the sins he committed against humanity.
In addition, Huthi is going to return to his barbaric behaviour.
Finally, long live to the homeland and let us live without stem or sectarianism.
في ثيابهم البيضاء نزلوا وسقط المطر.
ومن أطيافهم الملائكي ارتوت كل المزارع والشجر.
وعلى رؤوسهم تيجان تعانق السماء وصولاً للقمر.
وفي أعناقهم سلاسل تلمع كالبرق وقت المطر.
لمع البرق فكسفت الشمس وخسف القمر, حزناً على شهداء الخامس عشر من اكتوبرعام ١٩٧٨م, شهداء الايثار.
فلقد كان للثوار حكايتان حكاية في الشمس وحكاية في القمر.
حينها تذكرت قبر أمي وموعدها مع القدر.
فسلاماً على أمي والشهداء والثوار الاحرار.
سفينة الأيمان والأحلام
كانت هناك أماني وكان هناك أمان.
فتحطمت سفينة الأيمان والأحلام.
فمكر الماكرون وتوزعت بين الممثلين الادوار.
منهم من قال الى صقر ومنهم من حفر قبره بيده واستقر.
واما الاخر ففجر نفسه وانتحر.
سفينة الأيمان والأحلام خدع دينية مغلفة بأدوات الأستعمار.
من قال أن داعش ليست في النار؟
أنه خيار المؤمنيين وخيار الأغيار والأطهار.
أنه خيار الجنة وخيار النار.