All Posts (1972)

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Saada’s bloody farmer gained his knowledge and experience from the arms market in Saada.

He claims to be from the House of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad, but in fact he was from the House of Lat and Hubbul (i.e., the multiple goddesses that was worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia).He is the messenger of death, ruin and destruction.

Six internal wars consummated their conquest and later stamped out their regime with a coup against constitutional legitimacy of their reign.

The Saada’s bloody farmer lost his compass of jihad and went to Taiz to plant mines and booby traps that ended in misery. It meant that the devil got a gun that shot from distances faraway eluding the traps when targets were destroyed without walking through the booby traps or land mine fields and so what was the wonder all about?

So his legends of his mapped landscape was meant for killing, stealing, sniping and looting.

And there was no hope for freedom, justice, brotherhood and equality.

Oh the revolution of the eleventh of February comes back again, and with your great courage, I seek the good and the glorious days. What was the fuss all about? It was the ignorance that religiosity was the common agenda for ascendancy. It was all in vanity and hypocrisy. Today the descendants of Saad live their identities, as hypocrites and liars. They say, “If you don’t lie, then you don’t qualify, as a descendant” because self-identity is hypocrisy. The Jihadist must be a pathological liar and a murderer.

Now, many people from the Middle East blame America and all the white race for their problems, but in reality, their prospectors are those who try to exercise religiosity by brain washing their innocent citizens into believing that the best religions are the Shiats or Sunnis or the Wahabis. All these are propaganda for hiding their true hatred for their own people. The slogan for the Huthist is: “Death for America, Death for Israel, Curse for the Jews and Victory for Islam”. All these are for brainwashing the jobless citizens. The leaders of these Jihadists make money from their sponsors at the expense of the blood of the innocent children of the poor populations. 


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فلاح صعدة الدموي

فلاح صعدة الدموي أكتسب علمه وخبرته من سوق السلاح بصعدة.
يدعي أنه من ال-بيت رسول الله محمد ولكنه في الحقيقة من ال-بيت اللات وهبل.
أنه رسول الموت والخراب والدمار.
ست حروب داخلية وختمها بأنقلاب على الشرعية الدستورية.
فلاح صعدة الدموي فقد بوصلة الجهاد فذهب الى تعز ليزرع الالغام والبؤس والشقاء, فالشيطان أمتلك بندقية وياللعجب.
فصرخته نعم للقتل والسرقات ونعم للقنص والنهب.
لاللحرية والعدل ولا للاخاء والمساوة.
فياثورة الحادي عشر من فبراير عودي من جديد وببأسك الشديد أزرعي الخير والمجد التليد.

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The black hole


We passed through our problems and our dangers.

We passed the black hole that was waiting.

Whether in the north or southward direction.

The sky then rained profusely.

Then the free soldiers raised with the sign of victory that shown on their faces and around them.

Then the cockroaches and fleas came out of the palace bitterly ravaging being on their ways.

And there were no longer lives among the beings forever.

Then the fields were filled with joy for the peasants, the agricultural machinery and the harvest were in their bountiful. And the sky was glowing with the sun, the stars and the moon illuminating the dark skies of the nights. What was the black hole all about? It was to test the faiths of the soldiers. Are you a soldier who fights to the last man? You now know how to get out of any black holes in your life.


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الثقب الاسود

9270309088?profile=originalعدينا المشاكل وعدينا الخطر.
عدينا الثقب الاسود الذي كان منتظر.
أكان في أتجاه الشمال أو في أتجاه الجنوب.
أمطرت السماء بعدها بغزارة.
ثم بعث الجندي الحر رافعاً علامة النصر المبين.
ثم خرجت الصراصير والبراغيث من القصر بمرارة.
ولم تعد تعيش بيننا الى الابد.
حينها أصفرت الحقول فرحاً بالفلاح والالآت الزراعية والحصاد.
وازرقت السماء ترحيباَ بالشمس والنجوم والقمر.

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Hair loss usually begins and noticed when you will several strands of hair in the hairbrush every. Then, later on, this means visible patches that may look that really need to be covered develop a sun hat. This is the time that you going to need some the growth of hair supplements. That you do not always be worry about having an excessive amount of of these supplements when your body will get gone the excess by removal.

The cancer level goes up, but the stroke and heart attack levels go down, say other researches. Check your family times gone by. Which choice do weight are not healthy to allow?

The foremost consideration when having a pet dog could be the careful spread of veterinarian. Your canine's vet in order to be trustworthy and likable. Much like your children who are scared of dentists, your pooch may feel estranged and intimated by his health care doctor. While still a puppy, bring your pet to a vet. Also, it helps if you retain the same veterinarian during his lifespan. Your dog develops an associated with familiarity together with vet and staying but now same doctor makes him feel comfortable at every visit.

Some people think that since these eating a well-balanced diet, there will not be need to think about taking buy vg caps at every single. That may or may not be true and we will need to address and discuss this issue later. However for now, ought to know what dietary supplements are in the first place.

But now it could possibly be wise to warn . Remember that best health products function by putting chemicals inside your body. These chemical exist mainly to manage stress and fatigue.

Your weight loss program should be balanced and contain wide range of nutrients. Do not exclude a specific nutrient in your daily diet plan completely that requires uses all the nutrients as carbohydrates, lipids, etc. so that you can function as it should be. Always remember that no eating habits are much healthier than a comprehensive diet.

One of probably the most surprising successes may really do the case of Holly Preston, a woman diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis. Medical professionals desired to accomplish a hysterectomy but she refused and attempted after the guidance for your author furthermore the e-book "Pregnancy Miraculous." She grew to become pregnant with twin boys.

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Lightning and rain


Lightning suddenly came down and the rain fell.

Then all the trees and flowers sprouted with joy. They grew leaves and fruits.

 The lightning followed two seconds later and it touched me in my determination with my entity.

Then the sky again rained wheat and grapes.                        So that girl went to that boy bosom without documented or a mention of an appointment.

Finally, the sun shone, disasters disappeared and danger was lost.

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There is a yellow scorpion in the house of God.

If you approach it, it flees.

And if you pointed to it, it turns and changes its color to black.

It is a scorpion that claims to be blue blood.

But in politics it is an ignorant, poisonous and foolish creature.

Finally, the sun of freedom shone and the scorpion's tail burned with the rest of its body to its death. 

That is how Satan rebelled against God. 

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صواعق ومطر


أقبلت الصواعق فجاه فهطل المطر.
فأرتوت كل الأزهار والشجر.
ونمت السنابل والثمار.
لمع البرق بعدها بثواني.
 فأصباني في عزيمتي  وكياني.
حينها أمطرت السماء مرة أخرى سنابل قمح وعناقيد عنب.
فذهبت تلك الفتاة الى ذلك الولد.
من غير ميعاد يوثق أو يذكر.
فأشرقت الشمس فزالت الكوارث وزال الخطر.

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The remains of the leader Abdel Fattah Ismail


Similar to Christ’s story of migrating to Egypt during King Herod’s reign, Abdel Fattah Ismail’s feet were stirred for refuge when he migrated from Hephan to Aden. He fled from oppression of the North Yemen regime, and due to the effects of wars during the struggle for independence. His soul finally rested in heaven on January 13th, 1986, but nobody knows where his body’s final resting place. The second coming of Jesus Christ has the best connections to his fate. May his soul rest in peace.

In the history of mankind, his biography for redemption was punctuated by the birth of Christ. When God raised him to Heaven, the upper and lower classes of mankind became a new generation of equality. Abdel-Fattah Ismail knew the truth, but his poetry was written in his local accent, we who flounder today in conveying messages from the dark parts of this world, are the writers and thinkers of the world who now can reveal the local ideas from those parts of the world that were not exposed. He is from Al-Ajabra, a region very close to Aden, which has the highest educated population and where the educated elite are residents. He is the one who liberated Yemen, as one of the pioneers of the foundations of the state, which is feared by his nation, and equally the whole Yemen.

Abdel Fattah Ismail - born in the Al-Hojariia, is one of the militants of the revolution of September 26th, 1962 to October 14, 1963, and founder of the Yemeni Socialist Party. And the third president that governs the southern part of Yemen.

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عقرب في بيت الله

9270307274?profile=originalعقرب في بيت الله
هناك في بيت الله يوجد عقرب لونه أصفر.
اذا اقتربت منه هرب.
واذا اشرت اليه انقلب وغير لونه الى اللون الأسود.
أنه عقرب سادي سفاح يدعي أنه من ذوي الدم الأزرق.
لكنه في السياسة جاهل واحمق.
في الاخير أشرقت شمس الحرية فاحرقت ذيل العقرب وبقية جسده في ذمة الله.

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A window on the long street there where are the princess and prince. And the river bursts its banks with beautiful roses.

Songs of the Revolution and the stubborn fighter are being sang.

The Window is wide open facing the streets. A river of blood, tears and imagination keeps flowing unstoppably.

The form of clouds keep swirling and whirling in the sky and over the mountains.

Return of the beloved and hopes are assured.

Bees and the story of flowers relate to the honey.

A peep through the window on the political street is misery. A river of blood and tears is on constant flow. Fighting on all fronts. And a multiplicity of doctrines or ideologies trend along.

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Engraving in the fields of memories such as sculpture was a hard rock.

Imagination and images of the reality of appearance and shape are shattered.

In the fields of memories are the past, present and the future sighs.

In those fields is my scientific and my life experiences.

 In the fields of memories are: soldiers, tigers, slaves and the free.

Yes, we have the promise of harvest. Let us all stand against slavery, injustice, poverty and ignorance.


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My heart and my mind fly in the distant space like a wounded bird.

That when it goes higher the sun and the moon approach to it.

My heart, my wounded mind, I hear your voice as the horses' neigh during the race.

I live in the fields of memories.

As a train in the great plains of Canada and America.

My heart and my mind are like fishes in the depths of the ocean, on a journey to find a princess or companion


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The Ottawa Spot Light wishes all people around the world a happy, peaceful and joyous Eid-El-Fitr. Let us join together in prayers and good deeds to heal the world.

Question: How is Eid al-Fitr Celebrated?
During the month of Ramadan, Muslims observe a strict fast and participate in pious activities such as charitable giving and peace-making. It is a time of intense spiritual renewal for those who observe it. At the end of Ramadan, Muslims throughout the world observe a joyous three-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr (the Festival of Fast-Breaking).

Answer: Eid al-Fitr falls on the first day of Shawwal, the month which follows Ramadan in the Islamic calendar. It is a time to give in charity to those in need, and celebrate with family and friends the completion of a month of blessings and joy.
Before the day of Eid, during the last few days of Ramadan, each Muslim family gives a determined amount as a donation to the poor. This donation is of actual food -- rice, barley, dates, rice, etc. -- to ensure that the needy can have a holiday meal and participate in the celebration. This donation is known as sadaqah al-fitr (charity of fast-breaking).

On the day of Eid, Muslims gather early in the morning in outdoor locations or mosques to perform the Eid prayer. This consists of a sermon followed by a short congregational prayer.

After the Eid prayer, Muslims usually scatter to visit various family and friends, give gifts (especially to children), and make phone calls to distant relatives to give well-wishes for the holiday. These activities traditionally continue for three days. In most Muslim countries, the entire 3-day period is an official government/school holiday.






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9270305674?profile=originalنافذة على الشارع السياسي
نافذة على الشارع الطويل هناك حيث الاميرة والامير.
والنهر وعلى ضفافه الورد الجميل.
أغنية الثورة والمقاتل العنيد.
نافذة على الشارع العريض.
نهر من الدماء والدموع والخيال.
شكل السحب في السماء وفوق الجبال.
عودة الحبيب والامل.
النحل وحكاية الازهار والعسل.
نافذة على الشارع السياسي.
نهر من الدماء والدموع.
قتال في كل الجبهات.
وتعدد في المذاهب والاتجاهات.

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Mix your soil by using a high quality, organic fertilizer. With compost, your soil becomes a different quality, gaining structure, texture, and even aeration. Additionally, you will find that the water capacity increases, could be going to produce stronger plants with bigger and healthier blooms, and much healthier root systems.

Where I deviate because of the "organic" party line has been soil efficiencies. The local desert dirt (it doesn't should be called soil) is alkaline, reduced available iron, and good for clay and even the water is mineral-laden and alkaline. Vegetables don't grow well in it, even with plenty of compost. I'm not really going to waste time making compost tea, and I'm not really going down the sink money on various organic supposed remedies like bacterial infusions, Mycorrhyza inoculants, volcanic sands, and the like. The dirt needs an encouraging pH and also the most economical way to obtain it usually mix liberal quantities of soil sulfur into the situation. I also find a small number of ammonium sulfate to your bunk beds about mid-summer to these a nitrogen boost.

Daddy: Son we may have nice temperature there, a calming temperature, n between the associated with 5- 10 degree celsius. We will have here some sort of surface without ice cover and will probably have regarding vegetations. Give also have, unpolluted air, unpolluted water, unpolluted soil and Organic Food to eat food. The increase in temperature gives enormous change at this place ensuring evolution of an altogether new climate fit for our life!

The other bit of good news is usually that few website owners focus on building trust in the minds of their visitors. If you do it well, it turn into a real and sustainable competitive advantages.

Apparently, one technique to get lot of hair beauty items that publicize their alleged purely natural components. Do not be instantly lured to their boasts. When you see their seemingly natural ingredients, do not believe at one time. This is an advertising strategy; claiming they are all-natural to influence people to acquire them. You can find truly important to triple check what presentation say training routine. If you chance upon unfamiliar ingredients, research about it if place. This will enable you to find the right and safe hair bath and body goods.

While the ground is all tilled for fall, regarding adding eco-friendly fertilizer? Fall is the best in order to take this task. I recommend using Organic Farming in the Denver vegetable garden. This addition will save time as most certainly. Just till it right in the garden terrain. Now you are ready for that final step of fall preparation to organize the garden for beach season.

How would it be bad 1 could order their groceries online rather than walking for the supermarket or maybe the supermarket is some distance away, wasting gas getting out car? It is wrong to believe that secure password manager grocery shopping may viewed as boon if you are physically challenged and a curse for all the others.

Clearly in order to not required to completely eliminate your along with poisons, and also you do dont you have to exist within a bubble to help keep alive. No less than is amazingly resilient, nevertheless it's our job to help it to as up to we will probably.

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النقش في حقول الذكريات كالنحت في الصخر الصلد.
خيال وصور حقيقة المظهر والشكل.
في حقول الذكريات أهات وتنهدات الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل.
في تلك الحقول كلى علمي وخبرتي في الحياة.
 في حقول الذكريات كذلك جنود وطغات وعبيد واحرار.
نعم فلقد  محان وعد الحصاد فلنصطف جميعاَ ضد العبودية والظلم والفقر والجهل.

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The Ottawa Spotlight wishing you a very blessed and prosperous Happy Ramadan. May God bring happiness, peace, reward, and joy to all of you and your families and to all of humanity. We hope that this sacred month is a source of blessing and happiness and that all good works are accepted.

يتقدم موقع اضوا اوتاوا بأحر التهاني لكل الإنسانية بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك شهر نزول الرحمه الالهيه وربيع القرآن الكريم.
فكل عام وانتم بخير وجعله الله عام خير وبركه ويمن وسلام.

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The recommendation of the rooster and the Sea, presents a collection of fables and poetries. Through anthological literatures, author Dr. M.T. Al-Mansouri communicates his opinions on a wide variety of worldly affairs and issues. The book designed to instill deeper understanding of the nature of issues ranging from politics, economics, social and spirituality. The recommendation of the rooster and the sea offers an intellectual thought provoking approaches to depict hidden caricatures of the repressive regimes in unstable countries of the world, their ideologies, political dogmas, myths, and the limited immunity powers. This collection also addresses an eclectic array of topics of interest in the world today: political proclivities, terrorism, prejudice, injustice, multiculturism, war and peace, nationalization, marriage and family, and love and beauty.

Through commentaries, musings, and writings in the recommendation of the rooster and the sea, Al-Mansouri seeks to uncover the truth in order to achieve freedom, justice, and peace where they are merited due.


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قلبي وعقلي

قلبي وعقلي يحلقان في الفضاء البعيد كطير َ جريح.
كلما أرتفع عالياً تدنو له الشمس ويدنو له القمر.
قلبي ايها الجريح أني اسمع صوتك كصهيل الخيول أثناء السباق.
أني اهيم في حقول الذكريات.
كقطار في سهول كندا وامريكا الكبري.
قلبي وعقلي كالاسماك في أعماق المحيطات , في رحلة للبحث عن اميرة أو رفيق.

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)