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غبار أمريكي وعيون يمانبة.
حينها هبت الرباح فانكسرت المزهريه في صعدة وعدن اليمنية.
والشيخ حمود المخلافي سيحرر تعز وسيأخذ صور تذكارية.
فالحكم والولاء لهادي الكنز الخفي ذو العيون العسلية.
اما المخلوع صالح فالى الجنائية الدولية لذنوب أرتكبها ضد الأنسانية.
والحوثي سيعود الى غابته البربرية.
فليحيا الوطن ونعيش من غير سلالية أو مذهبية.

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Grape leaves and the cool of the north could be defined by north wind, as it blows

Prayer Times and love times cannot be commanded by the north wind.

Lent cannot be compare to the  rule of oblivion of the northern wind.

Wilting roses are longing for the rain impatient of the north Wind.

Fertile land is in doom except for the grace of oblivion of the Wind.

Hawks reveal the art of flying when the northern wind blows under their wings

Bees and honey reveal how industrious individuals could make life, as sweet as honey.

And so is the wind that blows to the North direction, a change in season.

The angry youth march against a bad military rules like the north wind bringing a change.

Their emotions are constantly sailing against the current.

It is against the direction of gravity, as the north wind blows to the north pole.

The north wind defines the beginnings of seasons in the north pole and then defines the south wind.

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The Ottawa Spotlight takes this opportunity on the occasion of the Christmas and New Year holidays, to provide you with the felicitations of the season, congratulations and applause. We pray to the Almighty Lord to bring back the holidays with joy and goodness as well as peace.

Al- Mansouri M.T, Ph.D.
The founder, editor-in-chief and publisher

What is Eid al-Adha

At the end of the Hajj (annual pilgrimage to Mecca), Muslims throughout the world celebrate the holiday of Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice). In 2009, Eid al-Adha will begin on approximately November 27th, and will last for three days.

What does Eid al-Adha commemorate?

During the Hajj, Muslims remember and commemorate the trials and triumphs of the Prophet Abraham. The Qur'an describes Abraham as follows:

"Surely Abraham was an example, obedient to Allah, by nature upright, and he was not of the polytheists. He was grateful for Our bounties. We chose him and guided him unto a right path. We gave him good in this world, and in the next he will most surely be among the righteous." (Qur'an 16:120-121).

One of Abraham's main trials was to face the command of Allah to kill his only son. Upon hearing this command, he prepared to submit to Allah's will. When he was all prepared to do it, Allah revealed to him that his "sacrifice" had already been fulfilled. He had shown that his love for his Lord superceded all others, that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dear to him in order to submit to God.

Why do Muslims sacrifice an animal on this day?

During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, Muslims commemorate and remember Abraham's trials, by themselves slaughtering an animal such as a sheep, camel, or goat. This action is very often misunderstood by those outside the faith.

Allah has given us power over animals and allowed us to eat meat, but only if we pronounce His name at the solemn act of taking life. Muslims slaughter animals in the same way throughout the year. By saying the name of Allah at the time of slaughter, we are reminded that life is sacred.

The meat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others. One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, one-third is given away to friends, and one-third is donated to the poor. The act symbolizes our willingness to give up things that are of benefit to us or close to our hearts, in order to follow Allah's commands. It also symbolizes our willingness to give up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need. We recognize that all blessings come from Allah, and we should open our hearts and share with others.

It is very important to understand that the sacrifice itself, as practiced by Muslims, has nothing to do with atoning for our sins or using the blood to wash ourselves from sin. This is a misunderstanding by those of previous generations: "It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches Him." (Qur'an 22:37)

The symbolism is in the attitude - a willingness to make sacrifices in our lives in order to stay on the Straight Path. Each of us makes small sacrifices, giving up things that are fun or important to us. A true Muslim, one who submits his or herself completely to the Lord, is willing to follow Allah's commands completely and obediently. It is this strength of heart, purity in faith, and willing obedience that our Lord desires from us.

What else do Muslims do to celebrate the holiday?

On the first morning of Eid al-Adha, Muslims around the world attend morning prayers at their local mosques. Prayers are followed by visits with family and friends, and the exchange of greetings and gifts. At some point, members of the family will visit a local farm or otherwise will make arrangements for the slaughter of an animal. The meat is distributed during the days of the holiday or shortly thereafter.

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Sounds of the sea and cooing of pigeons are different melancholic’s and phlegmatic matches.

Their ppersonality compatibility are defined by how these two different, or the same, temperaments and personalities will get along together within an environmental loving relationship. Being in a relationship, regardless of whether these entities have the same personality type or not, doesn’t mean you have to think, feel and act the same way as their natural origins.

The era of light is similar to the era of darkness because darkness defines light and light defines darkness. All are antagonistic.

Quraish and only idols do persevere within the different environmental personalities.

Here the speech of finishing is similar to the beginning of the story of the pains, joy and worries that comes alongside.

Pain of Palestine is similar to that of Yemen.

Baghdad is Burning and Damascus in the mirage .

The inevitability of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and the inevitability of salvation and emancipation.

Sound of the sea and the inevitability of the fates are the personalities of temperaments of enduring with the pains of times.

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ثورة الشباب, ثورة الحادي عشر من فبراير من عام 20011م هي كخيوط الشمس التى تنساب بين أوراق الشجر لترسم أجمل الزخارف على معاطف الثوار الاحرار.
هي كذلك الثورة التى قامت ضد النظام الجائر وعلى علي عبدالله صالح الثعلب الماكر.
هي الثورة التى مرت في السهول والجبال والوديان لتروي الأرض والسماء بالدم الأحمر.
هي ثورة خضراء تخطو كنسر محلق من العالي الى الاعلى.
ثورة الحادي عشر من فبراير هي كنز ثمين يجب البحث والتدقيق عنه كى تتجداد , وهي كريح تحفر في الصخر وكموج البحر المستمر.
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أوراق الكروم وهبوب ريح الشمال.
أوقات الصلاة وأوقات الغرام.
الصوم وحكم النسيان.
ذبول الورد والشوق للمطر.
الأرض الخصبة ونعمة النسيان.
الصقور وفن الطيران.
النحل وصناعة العسل.
ثورة الشباب وحكم العسكر.
أنه الأبحار ضد التيار.
أنه الأتجاه ضد الجاذبية.
أنها طريق الجنة وطريق النار

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صوت البحر وهديل الحمام.
عصر النور وعصر الظلام.
قريش والأ صنام.
هنا أنتهي الكلام وأبتدأت حكاية الألم.
ألم على فلسطين وأسف على اليمن.
بغداد تحترق ودمشق في السراب.
حتمية قيامة يسوع الناصري وحتمية الخلاص والأنعتاق
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It was the Iranian carpet and other worries

Like Iranian expensive carpet, it was the mustard bomb used for wiping out sons and daughters of Iraq.

Or like the plant grows in the rock, but the pollen produces allergies.

Or like the deviation of sea that pours out water with tones of fishes left out to die in the beaches after the great tsunami. Or  like the thunder during the rain time that rambles with storms accompanied by violent winds.

The Masters do not give  yet  any thing  new except the siege of cities and killing humans.

It like the mistake committed by Chemical Ali, who carelessly murdered the Kurds using the mustard bomb. Is there any doubt in miracles and the wrath of the day or the night?

Here and there, falling shells and vultures of the skies filled with anger; they are ordered by angry presidents to fly and defecate on innocent citizens. 

The war has shown ruthlessness of extermination of the people of the two countries. Persia and Babylon, the lands divided by the two rivers of Tigris and Euphrates. Where is the history of the land?

So why Balkis and Arwa suffer from the  dreams of self destruction of Saif bin Dhi Yazan , and others that bring worries to the region? Who is the super power of the region? Is it the oil money that make them egoistic? 

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كسجاد أيراني غالي الثمن.
أو كنبته تنمو في الصخر.
كانشقاق البحر أو كرعد وقت المطر.
فالسيد لم يأت بشئ جديد بعد.
غير حصار المدن وقتل البشر.
فهل من شك في المعجزات وغضب الليل والنهار.
هنا وهناك تسقط القذائف وهناك غضب الفيل وغضب الأسد.
فالحرب قائمة ولم تبد بعد, فهي أبادة لشعب مخزن بافيون القات وحافي القدمين.
فلماذا تتألم بلقيس واروى على حلم سيف بن ذي يزن, فالوطن همً اخر.

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Poisons of  the body, did you them?
They are the ousted leaders that cause problems.
But Thirty three of them are the top of the list: murder , ignorance and corruption.
The public is categorized, as cheap and fake without envy  when these public diseases poison the minds of the populace.
The poison of the body are toxic to the mind that is left carelessly.
It is a game, a game of the mind when political protagonists stage their plans for poisoning the minds of many.
Their influence are like waves of the sea and aura of fire from hell.
Summer is hot, but winter is cold, their devises cannot be affected by the poison that come from their political platforms.
Commonly the destiny of their lies and craftiness will die like Dhi Nawas Humairi and the Pharaoh of Egypt at the sea.
It was time to leave, and the hotheens who have burned every beautiful thing inYemen must know that they cannot build a nation with their models of confusing the masses with Islamic values.
It is the dance and song of the recent deaths in Yemen. These are the poisons of the bodies used by crooked politicians in the middle east.
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سموم الجسد

سموم الجسد ولغة الجسد.
الزعيم المخلوع والنكد.
ثلاثة وثلاثون سنة من القتل والجهل والفساد.
الجمهور الرخيص والمزور وبلا حسد.
أنها لعبة الشطرنج ولعبة النرد.
أمواج البحر وكتل الرمل والثلج.
الصيف والشمس والشتاء والبرد.
المصير المشترك لذو نواس الحميري وفرعون مصر والبحر.
فقد حان الوقت للرحيل, أوليس هو القائل أحرقوا كل شيئ جميل في اليمن.
أنها رقصة وأغنية الموت الاخيرة.

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The mosaic Tree of palm trees snuggle their laves all night long.
Is that how peace should have been and shared among mankind?
What did slave trade do? And what did trade in silk do for mankind?
Varieties of fruits have been the events of Ghadir Khumm harvest demonstrations.
Storms of wind sep across the barren desert dunes in the Arabian kingdoms, but heavy snow and blizzards overcome landmarks in the northern hemisphere.
Poverty and industrialization are myths of impossibilities in poor countries.
They only know the industrialization of wars and hatred.
What kinds of mosaics dynamics do they have in the poor countries?
The mosaic of palm trees are promises and memories of the good times.
The splendor of the Old and New Testament.
Sleep and dreams are ways of thanking the creator for his peace. Or His glories?
The mosaic of palm trees and queens of bees are foundations of fates of males in a kingdom.
The mosaic of palm trees are  symbols of refreshments of free oxygen.
The mosaic of palm trees are similar to the police or sportsmen in a troop race of horses.

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برقشة النخيل

برقشة النخيل والليل الطويل.
تجارة العبيد وتجارة الحرير.
أصناف الفاكهة وعيد الغدير.
عواصف الريح والثلج الكثيف.
الفقر وصناعة المستحيل.
برقشة النخيل وعود وذكريات الزمن الجميل٠
محكمة العهد القديم والجديد.
النوم والاحلام والشكر الجزيل.
برقشة النخيل ومملكة النحل ومصير الذكور.
برقشة النخيل والهواء العليل.
برقشة النخيل وسباق الخيول.

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Summer and the lunar are in your eyes.

And the Spring soaks the face of the solar by the clouds of rainfall .

Oh! here comes the glory of the rainforests .

And oh! to the eagerness and affection of the changes in weather.

Littered with love letters my table became the imagination of a rainforest.

But where is the plethora of Love? Do rainforests also fall in Love?

Yes, all musicians singing and dancing under the shades of trees can tell the story of that plethora.

Rain , thunder, lightning and growling flood of water is the dialogue of nature.

Then  the Hoop! Poop! Poop!Poop! Wag! Wag! Wag!  flapping its wings, flies away the eagle that is the champion dancer of the sky. He is an escapee of all kinds of danger, but despite the rains, it enjoys shelter in the woods of the rainforest

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في عيونك صيفي وقمري.
وفي وجنتك ربيعي وشمسي.
اه من تلك الغابات المطيرة.
واه من الشوق والحنيين.
تتناثر أحرف الحب في مخيلتي وتكاد تقتلني.
لكنها تشكل قصيدة عصماء في حبك الأبي.
الحان وغناء  ورقص تحت أغصان الشجر.
مطر ورعد وبرق وحوار في أهات البشر.
حينها رقص الهدهد والنسر رغم الخطر ورغم المطر.

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In the noise of the city I flew high in the sky to  nearing other the planets and stars .

Then I fell to the bottom of the sea where the jewels the creator paced them in hidden places.

There were some rain drops on the living and the dead people in cemeteries .

They were touching things and escape from the land of wars.

Then I relaxed in the pub in the view of a Balkan bird with a long beak.

There was a dance where magnetic field and the singing nightingale.

Then  the inspiration of Iron Surat  was  revealed to His  great servant the owner of  glorious Creations.

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السقوط الى قاع البحر

 في ضوضاء المدينة حلقت عالياً في السماء الى قرب الكواكب والنجوم.
بعدها سقطت الى قاع البحر حيث الجواهر والاعلام.
هناك أسئلة يطرحها الاحداث عن الأرض والسماء.
هناك المطر يسقط على الأحياء والموتى في المقابر....
هناك ملامسة الأشياء والهروب من الأرض والحروب.
حينها استرخيت في حانة الخمر على منظر لطائر البلقان ذو المنقار الطويل.
هناك حيث رقصة الحقل المغناطيسي وغناء العندليب.
بعدها نزلت سورة الحديد على عبده المجيد ذو المجد التليد.

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The Longing mountains

The Longing mountains have cool nights, hot and humid days throughout the seasons of the year.

In satisfaction, the invocation of all flora and fauna are the glories of these Longing mountains.

In disbelief, all the flora and fauna act in moderation.

The Longing mountains quench soreness of the seasons by the snow and sand dunes that occur at the foot of their ranges.

Rivers of longing and valleys are the vulgarities of this natural phenomena.

When tragedy strikes, its  all about creating the awareness of  Madaya, Zabadani , Taiz and the summits  of the mountains.

The water running from these Longing mountains wage wars by their turbulence.

When cows and bulls become crazy, their craziness may turn into madness of people. So, does any Longing mountain contain all the emotions of all living creatures? What's the Longing mountains of your life?

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شوق الجبال

شوق الجبال ليالٍ وأيام طوال.
في الرضاء والأبتهال.
وفي الكفر والأعتدال.
شوق الجبال ووجع الثلج والرمال.
أنهار الشوق والأبتذال.
مأساة مضايا والزبداني وتعز وقمم الجبال.
حروب المياه وفنون القتال.
جنون البقر وجنون البشر.
شوق الجبال وتحرير فلسطين يأتى بالعمل وليس بالاقوال.

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Battles of Darkness
Battles in the dark  and battles at dawn.
Then cowards ended their speech through committing suicide. Why do they terrorise themselves? Is the god they are protecting a weak god?
No voice is louder than the sound of guns, and hearts of cowards is loaded with bullets, which when released have the speed of the hurricane.
And then the peace is ended.
Battles are like the curses that rain from the sky, clouds, sun and the moon .
It is the sin of Adam and Eve .
Battles are hidden like the sugar beets hidden under the ground until harvest time.
Then  the attempts to quell the battles are as great as the end of a dream.
Who is that who can resist battles, as Taiz  and Marib  exhaust their  older dams of ammunition.
I was disappointed about the  Houthi and the ousted president because all their political games ended in dark projects.
But the inevitable doom that affected all these battles were the  will come  out victorious and peace to prevail on earth. 
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)