I don't know from where to start my story about the lover of thighs of beautiful ladies during times of hardships and ordeals with which the French president Nicolas Sarkozy dealt with issues of controlling his personality or character behind the scenes of his love affairs. Having thrown all the principles of French Revolution with all its moral values that is represented by freedom, justice and equality for all; fraternity and respect for rule of law; the weakness of character polluted his administration. A similar comparison to the Monika Lewinsky’s affairs with former President Bill Clinton, the Macarena between President Nicolas Sarkozy and the beautiful thighs to the summit of extramarital affairs engulfed his family and got his family destroyed. The ripple effect of this weakest link has besieged the presidential demeanor and polluted its new Mediterranean union with the economic bloc, the European Union in which the tidal effects he too shares with his counterparts in the west has kept him afloat over those remains that resulted from his misdemeanor. However, does this misdemeanor cause an injured or insult? Can we label it as the new Presidential disease of greatness or Presidential cancer of over indulgence or schizophrenia or political libels?
The Presidential misdemeanor has cost Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy a great deal in his administration because of being negligent of his migrant origins, and exercising the height of attitude of discrimination against immigrants who came to France after World War II, and who participated in building France. This further shows how he neglects the economic and political rights of migrants’ contributions. Also, the multicultural heritage with its defects and its faults are becoming apparent. However, this multicultural heritage has alliance with what can be termed as the new Middle Eastern confederation in aspects of enhancing political relationship.
We see that the veil of this bilateral political relationship between France and the Middle East ignores the most important issues of our age such as bad moral accounts, ignorance of what other religious teachings that are based on Allah of truth, justice, the freedom for the welfare of the humanity in this life and afterlife.
The eternal welfare and immortality are an outcome of total concepts of divinity. The reversals for special and general human understanding and this understanding is affected, which are transformed into other non-divine forms that crystallizes in several forms, pictures or trends of events according to the interests of the political regimes and their love for the money; the authority, if the mind and the body were happy, so the soul with its fate; the happiness and the immortality will exist spontaneously!
France forgets its offsprings’ rights and the rights of the migrant citizens. The most important of those rights is the cancellation of racial discrimination and rejection of violence. the non- exercise of human rights, the rising violence in European cities due to migrant workers within European countries, migrant workers from African countries, the coloured from around the world and finding solutions for the unemployment; will demonstrate some reform in attitudes of the European Union. There have been several demonstrations of workers and farmers in some European countries including the French government, which is evidence of an impending policy failure.
The arrogance of France she exercises against the Third World peoples and its crimes in Africa for example, in Algeria, Rwanda, Burundi, Ivory Cost, Chad, etc., demonstrates imperialism or neocolonialism. In addition to that, its participation in immoral works such as kidnapping, killing of scientists, intellectuals and revolutionaries; corrupts France’s reputation. This is also mixed with its archer and therefore France shows no more caring manners of being a civilized country. Furthermore, France doesn’t show concerns over human rights issues, but only her interests in some areas of mobilizing and exploiting human efforts in former colonies, economic interests, propagating her ideology to some French former colonies or other Third World leaders such as Iran (e.g., in promoting nuclear reactors in Iran).
France killed and helped in assassination of some Arab country leaders such as the Moroccan dissident that was opposed to the Moroccan king, the murder of the Yemeni President late Ibrahim Al Hamdi with his brother and two French young ladies in safiat Sana'a on eleventh of October 1977. If these killings were meant to maintain the clearness of Sana'a, the killings would symbolize the end game of the evils of the times, but what happened when clearness operations were exercised on the lost souls of Sana'a, the Buddhist, Islamic and also those in Paris and those in the African continent?
France has sacrificed externally two ladies so that she reaps a wealth, but she lost her dignity, the honor and honesty. Also, it lost the security over numerous wealth, the oil battleships and the perfumes markets. Also she reaped the harvest of kidnapping and the crimes of organizations and organized gangs that killed the martyr Al Hamdi and his brother and also the same situation has happened with Saudi Arabia, with America and Iraq. According to the popular proverb that says: ‘‘treason comes from those who we trust… for them and those who cherish trust don't have the moral specifications and from the hypocrites to the highest organizations”.
This is what has happened to America, Kuwait, France and Saudi Arabia from their limited support for Iraqi tyrant Saddam and therefore, this is what is happening now with the unfair regime of Sana’a and what will happen from any kind of war that will take premise in the Middle East between America and the coalition powers of the West. The war against Israel by Middle Eastern countries because of heightened conspiracy against her by her neighbors and the fear of military technology transferred to the foes that will be used for their destruction. The agenda is for its conflicts acquiring lands that are termed occupied by use of force with other groups who are fighting losing battle. The treason and the cunning don't produce just a ruin, but destruction to their actors.
All audiovisual media in Yemen and France didn’t release to the public information about the two French young ladies who were murdered. Moreover, the public don't know this story, but only a few have heard of the rumors. Also, some of who participated or witnessed the horror have only fabricated the events.
They confirmed to the public that the two French young ladies were Shthra and Olaom Alsoriatan. Qadas people were scared when the news came to them, but they wondered because the government and the security forces or intelligence didn’t show concern. The government didn't arrest on both farmers’ ladies, and most people believed that the two French ladies were citizens from either Algeria or Tunisia; Morocco or Mauritania.
After few years, the unfair Yemen government arrested one of the sons of Qadas, Eissa Al-Nasiri and a big group of Al Hourion-Ansar Allah. As a honorary sacrifice, the Yemen government killed and buried them according to the news in Paris. Other rumour mongers say that: they were kidnapped from one of the Bermuda Triangle tribes and where the body of Nasseri is hidden to our present time.
The world has become incapable of investigating crimes of the nature because the fourth authority wants to globalize crime and plays on the minds of humankind. The inability of breaking the rights to support victims and the incrimination of criminals to confirm the military authority in protecting citizens’ rights is similar to saying: let the good deeds be special and the worse deed is generally unaccounted for unless or otherwise policing is needed at all levels of social stratification.
From the wonders of September eleven of 2001 AD, an appointment for two ladies: Mrs. Shathra and Al Srouritan Oloam on the appointees lists top from the Yemen government in fighting terrorism that was coordination with The United States of America.
When I read the news concerning this appointment, I was amazed and I asked myself, is there a secret from the government’s choice of two defendants in connection with the killings of other two martyrs; Al Hamdi and Eissa Al-Nasseri or their accomplices in this position.
Of course it was just more to do with deception and the tricks for the sake of creating more cover up in order to hide the regime’s crimes and for the continuation of the same way represented in the other killings. Terrorism has caused exhaustion of homeland resources by false means and the stress of armed forces with all organized security forces in their legendary urge exercised for the protection of the president is alarming. Officials who exercised the killings, looting public wealth through corruption all amount to sin from which the country suffers the brunt of its curse upon the masses.
The fabrication of the events has remained tempest in the minds of those who are gripped by fear of uttering anything in connections with the atrocities. The tribes went out singing famous ballad: “ fights and fights ,Olawam and Shathra Al- Srourtains, they struggle the terrorism. Oh Allah the gentle. Yes, to the rooster for pledging to rule countries and slaves and we share with it the loaf.” The rooster refused the temptations because during the pledging for human sacrifice was torment to the mind that most of the tribes showed their contempt for this ugly religion, insisted that coexistence and respect for life is honorable. Life, as they confirmed, is worth living, as opposed to getting the privileges and rewards in form of foreign aid without any effort exerted upon the poor who are to pay for aid with their blood. Then, they added to him by saying: '' those who commit crime enjoy it for a short time, but the livelihood end up in pursuit of the booties”.
At that time the rooster wiggles its tail and spread its wings in a stretch and yawns. The carnality comes in the light; this rooster turns to a falcon that flies as high as it could, as though those that fly high in the skies of the virtue of thought. Killings can ignite fights, calling the creator to take action in order to clean her people in life before the hereafter.
The song of Sarkozy and mine
Sarkozy! Wow – wow- wow! From Madagascar to Rwanda and Sana'a, the Khat opium and killing the dove.
Sarkozy! Wow – wow- wow! From Madagascar to Rwanda and Sana'a, the kingdom unjust to the people in the mountains, hills, plains and Tihama coasts.
Sarkozy in Al-safia Sana'a the worms ate him after his participation with the Sheikh, the killer of all sincere, thinkers and a scientist.
But the government prevented deployment of news media or probe into investigating the assassination incident and we even didn't hear or watch any news issued by human rights organizations or from the resonant French broadcasting corporation that would have condemned the government about the kidnapping, but all was insult and bigotry.
O a neighbor! O a neighbor! What is the secret of the presence of soldiers by the campus and beside each empty minaret of a religious monument!
They said that Sarkozy kick out a cow from Warrda Al Nhata's farm, Qrada’s donkeys saw the commotion from the neighboring farm and Al Shrama bull reacted by running away fearing being slaughtered for beef. But he plays and sings and he dances the dance of death with the hyenas that are camped in nearby bushes. Flying curious pigeons and other birds throw their refuse from high and their crap falls on the fleeing bull. Sarkozy trades in the responsibilities and studies the Semitic sheikh’s methods of terrorism, such as those exercised by Osama bin Laden. He studied their genius, their scholarly philosophies and their expertise in wrong perception of the works of the prophet.
Sarkozy left drinking French cognac and his grandfather’s favorite wine that became sips for those who are playing into their psyche of the masses. They watched the skulls of their victims while eating berries and apples during their leisure time. And some chew Khat opium with every Yemen tyrant that kills innocent victims.
Sarkozy wraps the tube, the Al Madaa tube of its new average and extends it to the plains of the Tihama passing through all regions, have suffered the tragedies and leaking their wounds.
I swore by who was splitting the chest and who broke the spine of his majesty. I swore by the lightning, the thunder and each cloud that may cause a tempest rain. But these tempests of storms are from the political arena, which candidates fear to come in agreement with. Also, I swore by the rooster, my spiritual and personal character, my ambition is causing my entire tragedy attitude to injure my inner healed wounds that both Sarkozy and Cousin are at the grip of my elderly wisdom that are soft, but blinded by the famous Satiha Al Mansouri ghastly soliloquy that translated to whispering into ears of the innocent.
The nightingale enjoys singing upon fig trees [the Atin in Arabic] and the carob trees of the meadows, in the wildernesses that are defined by my grandfather’s fields in the deserts. In Othman’s fields, some fig trees are living whereas others are dead. What has withered of the remains of the leaves faded away by desert storms and from them what became dry in the aftermath are living.
Haliasa, Waheeb and Mohammed! Saeed's mother screamed suddenly and said: "oh Allah of the Oxen, donkeys, axe and the paper. Yes, they have destroyed everything, even trees and the fields of lentils”.
My son, Waheeb in his youth became bald, as he learns of the truth that surrounded him. Also, the happiest ones of the youth became crazy. Moreover, Mohamed traded in gas so that he could burn his sons and then live in poverty. And the Senate lived in glamour, indulged in bribery and on stretching out beds of crime in order to nourish their own crimes.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Halisa has told us honestly, the story of her children and also the story of Ibn Sharefa who infiltrated into the fields of his father incognito, disguised in a white dress and stole the fruits, and then rode off to the Persians. Is Sarkozy well? Leave alone Susie and Causey who are held hostages in the house of al-Ansi or the red Almalovi! But will he remain silent and won't request for investigation into the killings of two French women who got an illegitimate marriage from Ibn Alahmar and Ibn Alashram who are coming from the neighborhood of Zizi's kingdom !( North African countries)
Or witness and pray for the kingdom of Dawoud and the Kingdom of Osama’s influence. The owner of the money and power! Yes, Khoury Ghianum the descendant of the King of goats and cattle. Ghianum’s withered fields that are located in the central areas and perches. After all, there are herds of livestock shepherd by owners with money and the spoils. And destroyed by the floods and volcanoes, which raped her off every sinful and criminals either was coming from Siberia or Belgium or Poland or the plains of Althaim. In spite of all these facts and that their fields did not yield or grow any crops not in Mecca, Rome or in France, the country of banquets the truth has always reminded them of their faults.
And when Alfranja wanted to teach them lessons of useful and modern science such as Lee- Soleil lessons, the sun, science and Technology; and civilization. The descendants of inventors; the pottery refused to learn or apply the sciences and they didn't understand or learn, but no - Cuesy so it became the latter, which was a slogan and a mask and a means of defense for them as well. So their nation remained in the era of conquests of Alkozy and Al Sarkozy. After the passage of days, Derham Al Majeadi, the French investigator attended and he had many false and sins files from the Yemeni and the Semitic Waq - Alwaq state.
Then, he investigated and examined for Kozy and Bozy. So his disturbed mind was full of lying, fraud and buffoonery in the Kingdom of the High Commissioner Allowaq. So, he lost his mind and broke his nerves; he cut his finger and then silently disappeared. This was his punishment because he was stupid and did not understand the issue or did not believe in the issues. It has established and has shared its crimes, but they did not and will not desist from the dilemma.
It celebrating with the original Semitic who accused Sarkozy and Lucy and Bossi; the rooster yelled and told Sarkozy and lovers of crime and Causey: "oh the caller of glory. Who said that you freed slaves, you, O Lord, and a slave to your desires and you are the stubborn goat." In order to wake up from the situation , illusion, take Ms. Chadra Bant Owis Alsrowery’s amulet on it, is written " he and I , the star, the rain, the rainbow,Nqil Jawajp and Al Sharaf send you the hidden forces of Morjana and Mongraf. So, our amulet have no doors and it will be returned to your fields, to return back what Ali-Yafa's rain sweeps before the slope as well as to breaking up the crimes of yourself and your mind or your pervert souls.
The hostages detained by the antiques leader orders the martyrs buried in their senior house are the Mzdlf. At the end, we have the right to wonder and ask why do the two young ladies qualify to be called martyrs? They were to be Ibn Al Ahmar and the owner of sugar cane farm. As Norwegian yearn for pleasure, the ornaments, the reaction of spitting and expressions that are damaging are things to watch for. Then two preys were added to the antiques museum, lord's institutions make their Whiteman become sphincters. Also, they kill slaves in the South so that the orphans remain captivate to their boys and come to freedom in the light of Doomsday.
It has made the world go swirling! The resurrection and the emergencies are two identical parties and also two parallels that complete with each other to achieve the biggest amount of crime and engaging in treason for the exploitation of humans. Despite the magic spiritual mediators’ tricks, the use of psychological tricks and its achievements all have failed in building charters of honor or an achievement of any moral or scientific progress. What is beginning with mistakes ends with mistakes, and for the Lord, freemen are those who have got salvation and their success depends upon Salvation.