All Posts (1983)

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At the longing of the sky, it rains and white ice or snow fall. It   symbolizes the loyalty, the fulfillment of what nature needs and the scattered coldness of nature that are gathered by supernatural forces.


The tree of life whose leaves fall in autumn, and which grows in spring. However, the leaves grow young in the summer and grow old in winter, but by the end of December all is gone. This is the legend of life- Life in the natural and life in the supernatural. God's spiritual sounds are the sounds of the: flute, piano, trumpets, trombones, clarinet, violin and the guitars. These are the sounds of many centuries, but after the eleventh of September, there are sounds that oppose God’s spiritual sound. They are terrorism, corruption, dishonesty, profanity and all other evil forces that have become fashionable to mankind. For those who indulge in those wicked ways will eat the fruits thereof.


The God's spiritual sounds, the body chemistry and the moon physics.  

 The God's spiritual sounds and the chemistry of scientists and other human categories.

The God's spiritual sounds and mental map for the sacred ignorance the origin of the sins and the danger.


The God's spiritual sounds for redemption are the Christmas bells and signs are after the hurricane.

O heart, O mind calm down, the knights is coming from overseas, a passenger the waves of the might of God's spiritual works for its never old and never diminishes, but grows old to its concerns. It grieves in the absence of human obedience and the arrival of the human disobedience. God's spiritual voices talk to me about the clouds, the rain, and happiness and about the boredom.


  It says: There is victory after the toil and distress thereafter. There is victory after sunset and the disappearance of planets with their moons.

Thunder, winds, storms and rains pour by destiny or by the fate. It accompanies me since before my birth and my childhood .It says: That there is the victory and there also danger.


 No promises from oppressors from Eve’s days to terrorism days of the sheikhs, the Osama Bin Ladins and the Mullah Omars. No promises from the oppressors from Adam's days to Antar's days. God's spiritual sounds are the longing and belonging to Him through His everlasting love. However, torture and conflicts are never sweet or salty, but are bitter enemies of love. God's spiritual sounds waves with the certainty of victory and the urge or patience are the characters of God’s Spirit that is instilled in us since birth and until physical death. 



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تفاصيل مقتل المخرج الإذاعي عبد الرحمن عبسي وابنه محمد وابنته صفاء
الثلاثاء 11 يناير-كانون الثاني 2011 الساعة 07 مساءً / مارب برس - الغد- أحمد القمري

كيف قتل حسام شقيقته الصغرى صفاء ثم شقيقه الأكبر محمد وألحق بهما والده.. وكيف أبلغ عن الجريمة.. وكيف نجت أمه من المذبحة بأعجوبة.. وكيف تصرف القاتل أمام المحققين واعترف بقتل أقرب الناس إليه دون أن يذرف دمعة واحدة؟؟


 ما بين الساعة السادسة والتاسعة مساء يوم الأربعاء الماضي، تحول منزل الإعلامي اليمني والمخرج الإذاعي المعروف عبد الرحمن عبسي إلى بركة دم، سفكها ابن عاق أقدم على قتل والده وشقيقه الأكبر وشقيقته الصغرى ابنة الـ14 ربيعاً بدم بارد وضمير ميت ودوافع غامضة ما زالت حبيسة نفسه الإجرامية.

قتل المخرج الإذاعي عبد الرحمن عبسي بيد نجله (حسام) وقتل حسام شقيقه الأكبر محمد (23 عاماً)، ثم قتل شقيقته (صفاء) ابنة الـ14 ربيعاً ذبحاً بخنجر مسنون، واحداً تلو الآخر دون رحمة ولا شفقة، ولا وازع من أخلاق أو ضمير أو رادع من أوصر القربى وصلة الدم، ودون اكتراث بحق الأب على ابنه وحق الشقيق على أشقائه.. قتلهم غيلة وغدراً وحقداً، مستلاً خنجره ليذبح الأب والشقيق والشقيقة، حيث لم يكتف الابن القاتل بالذبح حين دفعه حقده الإجرامي إلى تأكيد جريمته ومجزرته المفزعة بعدة طعنات غرزها في أجساد أقرب الناس إليه وأعظمهم قربى وصلة دم ورحم.

هي جريمة ولا كل الجرائم في أول الخلق أقدم قابيل على قتل أخيه هابيل، كان الغراب أول مستنكر لجريمة قتل الشقيق لشقيقه، فأراه –بأمر الخالق عز وجل- كيف يواري سوأة أخيه تحت التراب، غير أن قابيل حين استيقظ من غفلته وأدرك بشاعة فعلته أصابه الجزع ومات بحسرته على أخيه، مسجلاً أول جريمة قتل في تاريخ البشرية.

وهنا نسأل: ما الذي فعله الابن القاتل (حسام) بأبيه وبشقيقيه مع سدول ظلام ليلة الأربعاء الماضي؟؟ وربما يكون السؤال هنا أكثر وجاهة حين نسأل الابن القاتل: ما الذي فعله أبوك لتمد إليه يدك وتقتله وتهرق دمه ذبحاً وطعناً بخنجر أسكنته شيطان جرمك؟ وما الذي ارتكبه شقيقك الأكبر ليلقى على يديك مصير أبيكما؟ وبأي ذنب قتلت بخنجرك شقيقتك صفاء؟.. أسئلة مهما كانت وأياً كانت الإجابات عنها فهي إنما تزيدنا ذهولاً وتجسم لنا بشاعة القتل وبشاعة ما ارتكبه ابن بحق أبيه وشقيقه، بل وبحق الإنسانية جمعاء.

ليتك يا حسام قتلت نفسك انتقاماً لسوادها وأفرغت غضب الشيطان من خنجرك على جسدك الأجوف الفارغ من عاطفة الابن وشفقة الشقيق وضمير الإنسان السوي.. ليتك استبدلت فعلتك التي فعلتها بأبيك وشقيقيك بقتل شيطان سكن نفسك وألهمها الفجور والعصيان والعدوان.. إنما سولت لك نفسك ارتكاب ما حرم الله ودفعت بك إلى خزي في الدنيا وعذاب أليم في الآخرة.

نسي حسام أمر الخالق عز وجل في محكم كتابه العزيز (ولا تقل لهما أف ولا تنهرهما وقل لهما قولاً كريماً، واخفض لهما جناح الذل من الرحمة، وقل ربي ارحمهما كما ربياني صغيراً).. الآية.

نسي حسام ابن الـ22 عاماً أوامر الخالق سبحانه لعباده بالعدل والإحسان، وإيتاء ذي القربي، والنهي عن الفحشاء والمنكر والبغي، فخالفها جميع، فقد قتل الأب والأخ والأخت وأحزن الأم حين رمّلها على حين غرة، وأثكلها حين قتل -وهو ابنها- فلذتي كبدها غدراً وحقداً وكفراً.. حسام فعل كل ما أمكنه الفعل القبيح بأبيه وشقيقيه الفاحشة والمنكر والبغي، فبأي وجه يلقى ربه، وبأي قلب سفك دماء الأقربين له رحماً وصلة دم، وبأي جريمة سيمثل أمام عدالة القضاء على الأرض، وإنها لكبيرة وأم الكبائر.

رحم الله الإعلامي القدير والمخرج الإذاعي المخضرم عبد الرحمن عبسي، ورحم الله ابنه محمد وابنته الطفلة صفاء، وأسكنهم جميعاً فسيح جناته، وألهم أهلهم وذويهم والناس جميعاً الصبر والسلوان، ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله، وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.

وإلى تفاصيل أبشع جرائم العصر:

الأخ الأصغر للأب المقتول يروي تفاصيل الجريمة

يروي الأخ الأصغر والوحيد للمخرج المقتول تفاصيل الجريمة البشعة.. يقول عبد السلام عبسي أنه بعد أن عاد محمد الأخ الأكبر لحسام من الجامعة وأخته صفاء من المدرسة، ذهبوا إلى الأم لتناول طعام الغداء في منزل أسرتها الذي تسكنه بعد خلافها مع أخو عبد الرحمن، والذي يقع على مقربة من بيت أبيهم، بعد ذلك أخذ محمد أخته ورجع إلى بيتهم، لكنه تأخر مع أصدقائه أمام المنزل بينما سبقته صفاء، وبمجرد دخولها باشرها حسام بضربة بحديدة في وجهها فأصاب أنفها وطعنها أربع طعنات متفرقة في جسمها، وبعد أن قتلها سحبها إلى المطبخ.. وما هي إلا لحظات حتى دخل أخوه الأكبر محمد بينما كان حسام (القاتل) مختبئاً وراء الباب، وحين دخول محمد باشره بأربع طعنات، ثم سحب جثته إلى جوار جثة أخته في المطبخ، بعدها قام بالاتصال بأبيه الذي كان عند أحد زملائه المهندسين في الحصبة، وقال له أن الكمبيوتر الذي كان ضائعاً وجده في البيت، فعاد الأب إلى المنزل، وبمجرد وصوله باشره حسام بسبع طعنات متفرقة في جسده.

الأم تنجو بأعجوبة

بعد ذلك خرج حسام يستدعي أمه لتأتي إلى البيت، فقد كانت نيته سوداء حتى تجاه أمه، غير أن الأم رفضت المجيء إلى البيت فُكتب لها عمر جديد.

تصرفات حسام بعد ارتكابه الجريمة

وأوضح عبد السلام أن حسام بعد أن ارتكب جريمته قام بتغيير ثيابه وخبأ الخنجرين والحديدة (أدوات الجريمة) في مكان خلف المنزل، وذهب إلى صاحب البقالة وأخبره بأن والده وأخاه وأخته مذبوحون داخل البيت، ثم قام بالتبليغ عن نفسه.

وأضاف عبد السلام بأن التحقيق لم يأخذ وقتاً، لأن حسام اعترف في بدايته، فلم يجادل أو ينكر فعلته، بل أعطى التفاصيل كاملة لمحققي البحث الجنائي، وأخبرهم بمكان أدوات الجريمة دون أن يبدي ندماً أو اكتراثاً بما فعل.

القاتل لم يكن يتعاطى المخدرات

ونفى عبد السلام أن يكون حسام يتعاطى المخدرات أو الخمر أو غيرهما، حتى أن أباه قام بتسجيله مؤخراً في نادي ضباط الشرطة ليمارس رياضة كمال الأجسام.. مشيراً إلى أن حسام كان يتعاطى القات، وأن والده أودع لدى أحد أصدقائه يوم الحادثة مبلغاً من المال ليعطيها لولديه محمد، وحسام كما يفعل دائماً، على الرغم من أن الأب لا يتعاطى القات (لا يخزن) مطلقاً.. مضيفاً: لا أدري كيف تجرأ حسام على قتل أبيه الذي يكد ويتعب طوال عمره من أجله وإخوانه!!

كان القاتل في حالة نفسية طبيعية

ووصف شقيق المجني عليه "عبد السلام" الوضع النفسي لحسام بالطبيعي، وبأنه ليس منطوياً، بل كان بشوشاً يضحك مع الجميع.. وقال بان بعض المشاكل كانت تحدث بينه وبين والده فيترك البيت هارباً عند أصدقائه لأسبوع أو أسبوعين، لافتاً إلى أن أكثر خلافات حسام كانت مع والدته.

فادي (29 عاماً) الابن الأكبر للمخرج عبد الرحمن عبسي من زوجته الأولى -التي أنجبت له ولداً وبنتاً- والأخ غير الشقيق لحسام قال: لم أفق بعد من هول الصدمة المفجعة، ولا أستطيع أن أتحدث بأي معلومات جديدة أكثر مما قاله عمي "عبد السلام".. أما بالنسبة لعلاقة والدي بإخواني فلا أعرف طبيعتها، لأني أسكن في تعز، ولم أزرهم سوى مرة أو مرتين، حتى أني لم أجلس معهم في المنزل.. كما أن علاقتي بحسام منعدمة تماماً.

وأشار فادي إلى أنه لا يعرف عن وضع أخيه حسام النفسي شيئاً، وإن كان هناك من خلل في نفسيته أو تغيير ما كنا عرفناه.. وقال: "أنا أبحث عن تفسيرات أو دوافع لفعلة حسام ولم أجد أي تفسير أو مبرر".. مضيفاً: "والدي كان أباً بكل ما تعنيه الكلمة، فلم يكن يفضل محمد على حسام، فكل أبنائه سواسية، حتى أن والدي رحمه الله من النوع الهادئ، لم يكن يمد يده أو يرفع صوته على أحد من أولاده، وكان يحسن إلى الكل كما هو الحال مع حسام، لكن لا أدري كيف طاوعته (حسام) نفسه لارتكاب جريمته!!

الشيخ يحيى الحباري –عضو مجلس الشورى وأحد أصدقاء الفقيد- يؤكد أنه شاهد جثة صديقه عبد الرحمن في ثلاجة الموتى وإحدى يديه معطوفة إلى مقابل وجهه، ما يوحي أنه كان مربوطاً.. مستبعداً أن يكون حسام قام بالجريمة منفرداً، بل لا بد له من شريك ساعده في ربط والده وتكتيفه من الخلف، وإلا لكانت يده ممدوة إلى جنبه.

وقال الحباري: جاءتني غيبوبة حينما رأيت الجثث، فلساني يعجز عن وصف ما رأيت، وما يسيطر على تفكيري هو كم عدد الذين اشتركوا في هذه الجريمة الشنعاء، لأنه من المستحيل أن يكون حسام بمفرده من ارتكب الجريمة.. وأضاف: طعنات القتلى كانت في نفس الأماكن وبذات الطريقة، وكلها في أماكن حساسة كما هي في الأب عبد الرحمن، ففيه طعنتان في أوردة الرقبة، وطعنة في القلب، وأخرى سطحية في الجبهة، وطعنة في البطن أخرجت أحشاءه.. مؤكداً بأن القاتل شخص متخصص أخذ "كورس" في معهد للقتل والذباحة.. فالطعنات دقيقة وفي نفس الأماكن، حتى أنها ذات العمق بحسب ما أكد لي الطبيب الشرعي.

كان أباً رائعاً

جمال الرميم –أحد زملاء المجني عليه الأب عبد الرحمن عبسي- يقول: كنا نلاحظ على زميلنا عبد الرحمن الحنية التي يتعامل بها مع أبنائه عند زيارتهم له في الإذاعة، خصوصاً مع حسام، كان ينظر إليه وكأنه طفل لا يزال يحبو على الأرض يريد احتضانه، إذ أن حسام كان يبدي شيئاً من الفكاهة، فكان يضحك له بارتياح ويحس بأن ابنه اللطيف أصبح رجلاً مكتملاً.. إضافة إلى أن الحنية كانت روح تعامله، في نظراته وطباعه وفي كل شيء.. كان عبد الرحمن يتفانى في إكرام أبنائه، يشتري لهم الغداء من المطعم ويذهب به إلى البيت عندما لا يكون فيه من يطبخ لهم، ولم يكن يترك شيئاً من حقوق أولاده إلا وأعطاهم، سواء المعنوية أو المادية، والمادة بالذات.. كان رجلاً رائعاً.

وأشار الرميم إلى أن البيوت أسرار، لكن مهما بلغت المشاكل الأسرية، ومهما كانت المبررات فهذا لا يعطي الدافع لحسام قتل أبيه وإخوانه.. وهذه الجريمة لا تأتي إلا من وحشية سكنت النفس أو خروج عن الإدراك في اعتقادي الخاص.

القاتل اعترف ولم يذرف دمعة!!

من جانبه أكد العميد الركن رزق الجوخي –مدير مباحث أمانة العاصمة- أن الجاني حسام لم يحاول الهرب، بل كان متخفياً نوعاً ما بأسلوب هادئ، معتقداً انه لن يتعرف عليه أحد. وقال: أخذته ودخلنا معاً لنتعرف على الجثث، إلا أنه لم يحاول مجرد محاولة أن ينزل دمعة واحدة من عينه، وإن كان الآن نادماً بعد أن تم التحقيق معه وسلمت القضية بشكل نهائي إلى النيابة العامة.

دوافع حسام غير مقنعة

بحسب ما صرح به حسام لقناة السعيدة في برنامج صدى الأسبوع فقد قال: "من حين ما أعرف نفسي وتعاملهم في البيت معي وكأني بلا أسرة".. مشيراً إلى أن ظلم أسرته من دفعه إلى قتل والده وأخيه وأخته.. ناصحاً الشباب أن يواجهوا آباءهم بمشاكلهم، وحثهم على التمسك بالصلاة وعدم تركها.

القاتل في سطور

حسام الابن الرابع للمخرج عبد الرحمن عبسي.. قبله فادي وأمل من زوجته الأولى، ومحمد وصفاء من زوجته الثانية الإعلامية المعروفة زهور ناصر.

يصفه أحد زملائه بالفاشل دراسياً، حتى أن بعض أقرانه وصلوا إلى الجامعة وهو لم يتعد المرحلة الإعدادية إلا بصعوبة بعد سنوات من الإعادة.. مضيفاً أن والده كان يلومه كثيراً على رسوبه في الدراسة وعلى مرافقته لأصدقاء السوء بعد أن انتقلوا من حي الصافية إلى بيتهم الجديد في منطقة دارس، وحاول أبوه أن يمنعه من هذه الصدقات السيئة لكن دون جدوى.

وبحسب مصادر مقربة من سكنهم الأول أنه كان كثير الشكوى من تعنيف والده وأخيه محمد له، خصوصاً فيما يتعلق بالدراسة والمذاكرة، وأنه كان مولعاً باقتناء الخناجر إلى درجة أنه يستطيع التفريق بين الجيد من الرديء.. كما يحرص على اقتناء أحسن ماركة، منها الخنجر الفرنسي وآخر معروف بـ"المسمم"- بحسب وصف أحد أصدقائه.

ظاهرة قتل الأقارب

برزت في الآونة الأخيرة ظاهرة قتل الأقارب في اليمن، بعد حدوث أكثر من جريمة، لتشكل ظاهرة تستدعي الوقوف أمامها ودراسة الأسباب والمشاكل التي أدت إلى هذا التحول الخطير:- في ذمار أب يبلغ من العمر 67 عاماً، أقدم على قتل ابنه (30 عاماً) بإطلاق عدة أعيره نارية أردته قتيلاً إثر خلافات أسرية.- في إب شاب يبلغ من العمر 25 عاماً قتل شقيقه البالغ (16 عاماً) حين قام المجني عليه بتحذير أخيه الجاني من تهديد والدتهما بالسلاح، فباشره بطلقتين في رأسه أدت إلى وفاته.- وفي ذمار أيضاً أقدم شاب في العشرين من عمره على قتل والده (45 عاماً) على خلفية مشاكل أسرية، بعد عودته بأيام من الغربة في المملكة العربية السعودية.. إلا أنه تم العفو عنه من قبل أولياء دم الأب.

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الاثنين, 03 يناير 2011 07:44

صورة المسجد الأقصى المبارك بمدينة القدس الشريف

صورة المسجد الأقصى المبارك  بمدينة القدس الشريف المحتلة

ضمن البرامج الثقافية والمنبرية  للنادي الأدبي بمنطقة الجوف ،  و تواصلا مع رسالة وزارة الثقافة والإعلام ،  في تنشيط الحراك الثقافي بالمنطقة ،   يقيم النادي  محاضرة بعنوان " صورة القدس في الشعر العربي الحديث " يلقيها الدكتور محمود العزازمة   أستاذ اللغة والأدب بجامعة حائل  ، وذلك في مقر النادي بمدينة سكاكا يوم الأربعاء 8/2/1432 هـ الموافق 12/1/2011 م  .

وتأتي المحاضرة لتسليط الضوء على الصور المختلفة لمدينة القدس الشريف في الشعر العربي الحديث ،  إيمانا من النادي بأهمية  الاحتفاء بالقدس ، وتذكرها في كل وقت  وحين ، فهي أمانة في أعناقنا وأعناق كل العرب والمسلمين  حيث ابرزت المملكة العربية السعودية اهتمامها بقضية القدس  والعمل على استعادتها منذ احتلالها من قبل العدو الصهيوني ، حيث أولى جلالة الملك عبدالعزيز قضية فلسطين جل اهتمامه، وواصل أبناؤه ملوك المملكة من بعده مسيرته حتى عهد خادم الحرين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز الذي وظف سياسة المملكة العربية السعودية الخارجية لخدمة قضية القدس  وقضية فلسطين العادلة لتخليصها من القوة الصهيونية الغاشمة .

ذكر ذلك رئيس النادي الأستاذ / إبراهيم الحميد .

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January 07 2011 06:53


عرب تايمز - خاص

اسمه تيد ويليم ... شحاد ومتشرد امريكي يعيش في خيمة حقيرة في اوهايو ... يقف على الشارع العام للاستجداء ... ميزته الوحيدة صوته  الاذاعي الجميل ... احد المارة اعطاه دولارا وسجل له عبارة بصوته الاذاعي الجميل ... المشهد ظهر على يوتوب ودخله اكثر من 12 مليون مشاهد ... فجأة  وخلال 24 ساعة فقط تحول تيد وليم الى نجم تلفزيوني تركض وراءه محطات التلفزة وتكتب حوله كبريات الصحف الامريكية ... تيد الشحاد المشرد المدمن على المخدرات والمسجون بتهم السرقة والتشرد تلقى خلال 24 ساعة عشرات العروض للعمل ... انقر هنا وشاهد اللقطة التي قلبت كيان هذا الرجل ... واشغلت الشعب الامريكي ومحطات التلفزة خلال ال 24 ساعة الماضية

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The grasses here and there are found in the plains or in the valleys or in the forests.

Toxic grasses to the heart are sacred grasses and there is only one grass type, which is a cure for nerves. 

 Sacred grasses are identified by their whisky smell and the chrome fruits during rainfall they spread as fog.


The Sword of Robin Hood and his arrows are found in the planes that fly in the air and his adventure in the plains. The meadows are between forests and receive forest breezes.  


A tragedy of love for Amirao Al-Qays and Laila correlates that of Romeo and Juliet and the love that evaporates like fog is not the love meant to be. Paradise is lost because the beliefs system ignored death, but also what death brings, but magic never exists beyond the clouds. Death is the magic of disobedience and magic does not last long because magic stills from God’s providence. Providence is everlasting and magic is death.


My country’s heavens are in the seas and the oceans, but the heights or depths are revealed by difficulties.

O my friend! Don’t wonder if I chose to love, the affection, the death of my old habits are the hands of the art of conflicts. The happiness, the love and death are things from inheritances from water of life and land contains the flames of life.                                                              ***

The sacred grasses and the Christian Trinity are the extensiveness of Mohamed's religion, the nephew of Alhmza's and Abu Lahab; the owners of religiosity, but not spirituality. The sacred grasses are also the survivorship of dinosaurs, the political universe and lovers of natural phenomenon.

The sacred grasses, the sacred valleys, the sacred blood and the carob fruits tree consecrates wine that comes from grapes and the one which distorts is whisky.


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Why Atrocities Everywhere?


It is quite evident that the world today teems with all types of atrocities, hostilities and despotisms.  It is rather cofusing to see that the most advanced and sophisticated inventions and artefacts ar being used for human discomfort, misery and pain. Many people are killed coldbloodedly, many innocent children are kidnapped, women are raped or abducted.  Let us look back in human history; and ask ourselves "when in the history of mankind the world was pested with such voluminous collection of crimes, sins, felonies, etc. ?


I suppose the whole world was shocked by the news of the church blast in Alexandria, Egypt. Although I am Muslim, I was dismayed by the news.  According to my religion, if you kill one pereson on no retaliation basis, you are judged as the murderer of the entire mankind. Apart from that, why should innocent and peaceful Coptic worshippers be murdered, injured or tortured?  This also means, nobody is secure.  No religion anywhere or at any time would require its worshippers to attack or kill other faith believers.

May the souls of the blast victims rest in peace, and the souls of their killers be tortured and scourged in life and cast forever in hell after life.  Here is a poem in which I tried to voice my exasperation:

What a pity, there is too little compassion in our world

There’re few friends to turn to when calamity’s unfurled

Poets see the bright face of fate,  but fail to depict misery

Their romanticism is no sin, yet they often slip into reverie

How come too many men have  turned into fearful hounds

Spreading pounding  pain,  as man’s blood floods grounds

Why do  brothers kill one another,  sons of Adam and Eve

God has created  our hearts so as to  love and not to grieve

If most men were romantic poets, we all would live in peace

All people would be friends, and all hostilities would  cease.


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Recollection is an eagerness to check the melody of times, times of struggles that define truth, equality, justice, loyalty and faith. 

Reminiscences are for whom that establishes the fundamentals of equality and constitutions of friendships.

Oh my friend! How many acquaintances are there who believe in truth, knowledge and civilization; of the loyal, noble, honourable and experts?  Do you have any of these qualities?

And how many teachers and kings, who desire to dig out and construct the path of truth, civilization and friendship?

For not only you may love; have the heart for civilization, but also for teachers, who teach either loyalists or non-loyalists the principles of truth, equality, justice and the good path of behaviours.

However, some of them betray the secret, justice and the constitutions of their dearest friends.  For the Lord and Her Majesty the Queen, the royals pride, dignity and honour.

Those who believe in the narrowest path with its thorns and it narrowness have a reason to believe in no trespassing.

In Montgomery's eyes is drawn the truth, struggles and road maps.

They are reflections of His, Her and their pride; the glory of friends and comrades.


Oh Montgomery! The teachers and leaders who teach princes and princesses knowledge keep the banners burning. This is called faith and discovering the seas or oceans, skies or the discovery of space, mines and gems.

Montgomery Legion is struggling with life, nature and space. The mirrors of existence are reflected in minds and sentiments of usual and unusual creatures are felt.

They appear as magic by faith; they look colourful, reflected, or attractive humans.  For males and females; and creatures of the universe have directions.

Some of them seem as friends, brothers or comrades. However, they are enemies.

Montgomery's Legion is a reflection of faith, sounds of machines, arms of workers and soldiers as well as the power of nature or human wish.

Montgomery's Legions are either a reflection of real teachers, fathers or friends or leaders of truth and justice.

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My mother’s tree; my mother’s field and inflorescence are unique.

My mother’s field is located near our old house, which includes green pasture with their thorny shrubs with colourful flowers.

My mother’s field is both a nice and a sad melody. Its music reflects on the rainbow and  the resemblance of Jupiter’s rings.

My mother’s field is an inflorescence of mosaic flowers drawn in the Romans and Greek Catholics basilica and cathedrals, and situated near the blarney stone in the Irish Cathedrals.

My mother’s field  is a poem of paganism era .

My mother’s field is a Palestinian poem that the memory could not omit. It’s drawn on the leaves of both olives and lemon trees.

My mother fields are a Sinbad and Pinocchio adventuress, and the myth of aborigines of America.

My mother’s field is a bamboo tree, which is baptized by both points of dews and the rains.

My mother’s field is full of rosebuds, flowers, sorghum and ray.

The rosebuds in my mother’s field are the sun x- rays and the lights of moon and stars.

The rosebuds in my mother’s field are the period of thoughts and madness.





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I don't know from where to start my story about the lover of thighs of beautiful ladies during times of hardships and ordeals with which the French president Nicolas Sarkozy dealt with issues of controlling his personality or character behind the scenes of his love affairs.  Having thrown all the principles of French Revolution with all its moral values that is represented by freedom, justice and equality for all; fraternity and respect for rule of law; the weakness of character polluted his administration. A similar comparison to the Monika Lewinsky’s affairs with former President Bill Clinton, the Macarena between President Nicolas Sarkozy and the beautiful thighs to the summit of extramarital affairs engulfed his family and got his family destroyed. The ripple effect of this weakest link has besieged the presidential demeanor and polluted its new Mediterranean union with the economic bloc, the European Union in which the tidal effects he too shares with his counterparts in the west has kept him afloat over those remains that resulted from his misdemeanor. However, does this misdemeanor cause an injured or insult? Can we label it as the new Presidential disease of greatness or Presidential cancer of over indulgence or schizophrenia or political libels?

 The Presidential misdemeanor has cost Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy a great deal in his administration because of being negligent of his migrant origins, and exercising the height of attitude of discrimination against immigrants who came to France after World War II, and who participated in building France. This further shows how he neglects the economic and political rights of migrants’ contributions.  Also, the multicultural heritage with its defects and its faults are becoming apparent. However, this multicultural heritage has alliance with what can be termed as the new Middle Eastern confederation in aspects of enhancing political relationship. 

  We see that the veil of this bilateral political relationship between France and the Middle East ignores the most important issues of our age such as bad moral accounts, ignorance of what other religious teachings that are based on Allah of truth, justice, the freedom for the welfare of the humanity in this life and afterlife.

The eternal welfare and immortality are an outcome of total concepts of divinity. The reversals for  special and  general human understanding and this understanding  is affected, which are transformed into  other non-divine forms that crystallizes in several forms, pictures or trends of events according to  the interests of the political regimes and their love for the money;  the authority, if the mind and the body were happy, so the soul with its fate; the happiness and the immortality will exist spontaneously!                                                                                                                                          

France forgets its offsprings’ rights and the rights of the migrant citizens. The most important of those rights is the cancellation of racial discrimination and rejection of violence.  the non-  exercise of human rights, the rising violence in European cities due to migrant workers within European countries, migrant workers from African countries, the coloured from around the world and finding solutions for the unemployment; will demonstrate some reform in attitudes of  the European Union. There have been several demonstrations of workers and farmers in some European countries including the French government, which is evidence of an impending policy failure. 

The arrogance of France she exercises against the Third World peoples and its crimes in Africa for example, in Algeria, Rwanda, Burundi, Ivory Cost, Chad, etc., demonstrates imperialism or neocolonialism.  In addition to that, its participation in immoral works such as kidnapping, killing of scientists, intellectuals and revolutionaries; corrupts France’s reputation. This is also mixed with its archer and therefore France shows no more caring manners of being a civilized country. Furthermore, France doesn’t show concerns over human rights issues, but only her interests in some areas of mobilizing and exploiting human efforts in former colonies, economic interests, propagating her ideology to some French former colonies or other Third World leaders such as Iran (e.g., in promoting nuclear reactors in Iran).

 France killed and helped in assassination of some Arab country leaders such as the Moroccan dissident that was opposed to the Moroccan king, the murder of the Yemeni President late Ibrahim Al Hamdi with his brother and two French young ladies in safiat Sana'a on eleventh of October 1977. If these killings were meant to maintain the clearness of Sana'a, the killings would symbolize the end game of the evils of the times, but what happened when clearness operations were exercised on the lost souls of Sana'a, the Buddhist, Islamic and also those in Paris and those in the African continent?                                                                                                                                                                              

France has sacrificed externally two ladies so that she reaps a wealth, but she lost her dignity, the honor and honesty. Also, it lost the security over numerous wealth, the oil battleships and the perfumes markets. Also she reaped the harvest of kidnapping and the crimes of organizations and organized gangs that killed the martyr Al Hamdi and his brother and also the same situation has happened with Saudi Arabia, with America and Iraq. According to the popular proverb that says: ‘‘treason comes from those who we trust… for them and those who cherish trust don't have the moral specifications and from the hypocrites to the highest organizations”.

This is what has happened to America, Kuwait, France and Saudi Arabia from their limited support for Iraqi tyrant Saddam and therefore, this is what is happening now with the unfair regime of Sana’a and what will happen from any kind of war that will take premise in the Middle East between America and the coalition powers of the West. The war against Israel by Middle Eastern countries because of heightened conspiracy against her by her neighbors and the fear of military technology transferred to the foes that will be used for their destruction. The agenda is for its conflicts   acquiring lands that are termed occupied by use of force with other groups who are fighting losing battle. The treason and the cunning don't produce just a ruin, but destruction to their actors.                                                                                                                            

All audiovisual media in Yemen and France didn’t release to the public information about the two French young ladies who were murdered. Moreover, the public don't know this story, but only a few have heard of the rumors. Also, some of who participated or witnessed the horror have only fabricated the events.

They confirmed to the public that the two French young ladies were Shthra and Olaom Alsoriatan. Qadas people were scared when the news came to them, but they wondered because the government and the security forces or intelligence didn’t show concern. The government didn't arrest on both farmers’ ladies, and most people believed that the two French ladies were citizens from either Algeria or Tunisia; Morocco or Mauritania. 

  After few years, the unfair Yemen government arrested one of the sons of Qadas, Eissa Al-Nasiri and a big group of Al Hourion-Ansar Allah. As a honorary sacrifice, the Yemen government killed and buried them according to the news in Paris. Other rumour mongers say that: they were kidnapped from one of the Bermuda Triangle tribes and where the body of Nasseri is hidden to our present time.

The world has become incapable of investigating crimes of the nature because the fourth authority wants to globalize crime and plays on the minds of humankind. The inability of breaking the rights to support victims and the incrimination of criminals to confirm the military authority in protecting citizens’ rights is similar to saying: let the good deeds be special and the worse deed is generally unaccounted for unless or otherwise policing is needed at all levels of social stratification.                                                                                                           

From the wonders of September eleven of 2001 AD, an appointment for two ladies: Mrs. Shathra and Al Srouritan Oloam on the appointees lists top from the Yemen government in fighting terrorism that was coordination with The United States of America.  

 When I read the news concerning this appointment, I was amazed and I asked myself, is there a secret from the government’s choice of two defendants in connection with the killings of other two martyrs; Al Hamdi and Eissa Al-Nasseri or their accomplices in this position.

Of course it was just more to do with deception and the tricks for the sake of creating more cover up in order to hide the regime’s crimes and for the continuation of the same way represented in the other killings.  Terrorism has caused exhaustion of homeland resources by false means and the stress of armed forces with all organized security forces in their legendary urge exercised for the protection of the president is alarming. Officials who exercised the killings, looting public wealth through corruption all amount to sin from which the country suffers the brunt of its curse upon the masses.

 The fabrication of the events has remained tempest in the minds of those who are gripped by fear of uttering anything in connections with the atrocities. The tribes went out singing famous ballad: “ fights and fights ,Olawam  and Shathra Al- Srourtains, they struggle the terrorism. Oh Allah the gentle. Yes, to the rooster for pledging to rule countries and slaves and we share with it the loaf.”                           The rooster refused the temptations because during the pledging for human sacrifice was torment to the mind that most of the tribes showed their contempt for this ugly religion, insisted that coexistence and respect for life is honorable.  Life, as they confirmed, is worth living, as opposed to getting the privileges and rewards in form of foreign aid without any effort exerted upon the poor who are to pay for aid with their blood. Then, they added to him by saying: '' those who commit crime enjoy it for a short time, but the livelihood end up in pursuit of the booties”.

At that time the rooster wiggles its tail and spread its wings in a stretch and yawns. The carnality comes in the light; this rooster turns to a falcon that flies as high as it could, as though those that fly high in the skies of the virtue of thought.  Killings can ignite fights, calling the creator to take action in order to clean her people in life before the hereafter.

                                                     The song of   Sarkozy and mine

Sarkozy! Wow – wow- wow! From Madagascar to Rwanda and Sana'a, the Khat opium and killing the  dove.

Sarkozy! Wow – wow- wow! From Madagascar to Rwanda and Sana'a, the kingdom unjust to the people in the mountains, hills, plains and Tihama coasts.

Sarkozy in   Al-safia Sana'a the worms ate him after his participation with the Sheikh, the killer of all sincere, thinkers and a scientist.

But the government prevented deployment of news media or probe into investigating the assassination incident and we even didn't hear or watch any news issued by human rights organizations or from the resonant French broadcasting corporation that would have condemned the government about the kidnapping, but all was insult and bigotry.


O a neighbor! O a neighbor! What is the secret of the presence of soldiers by the campus and beside each empty minaret of a religious monument!

They said  that Sarkozy kick out  a cow from Warrda Al Nhata's farm, Qrada’s donkeys saw the commotion from the neighboring farm and Al Shrama bull reacted by running away fearing being slaughtered for beef. But he plays and sings and he dances the dance of death with the hyenas that are camped in nearby bushes. Flying curious pigeons and other birds throw their refuse from high and their crap falls on the fleeing bull. Sarkozy trades in the responsibilities and studies the Semitic sheikh’s methods of terrorism, such as those exercised by Osama bin Laden.  He studied their genius, their scholarly philosophies and their expertise in wrong perception of the works of the prophet.


Sarkozy left drinking French cognac and his grandfather’s favorite wine that became sips for those who are playing into their psyche of the masses. They watched the skulls of their victims while eating berries and apples during their leisure time. And some chew Khat opium with every Yemen tyrant that kills innocent victims.

Sarkozy wraps the tube, the Al Madaa tube of its new average   and extends it to the plains of the Tihama passing through all regions, have suffered the tragedies and leaking their wounds.

I swore by who was splitting the chest and who broke the spine of his majesty. I swore by the lightning, the thunder and each cloud that may cause a tempest rain.  But these tempests of storms are from the political arena, which candidates fear to come in agreement with. Also, I swore by the rooster, my spiritual and personal character, my ambition is causing my entire tragedy attitude to injure my inner healed wounds that both Sarkozy and Cousin are at the grip of my elderly wisdom that are soft, but blinded by the famous Satiha Al Mansouri ghastly soliloquy that translated to whispering into ears of the innocent.

The nightingale enjoys singing upon fig trees [the Atin in Arabic] and the carob trees of the meadows, in the wildernesses that are defined by my grandfather’s fields in the deserts.  In Othman’s fields, some fig trees are living whereas others are dead. What has withered of the remains of the leaves faded away by desert storms and from them what became dry in the aftermath are living.


Haliasa, Waheeb and Mohammed! Saeed's mother screamed suddenly and said: "oh Allah of the Oxen, donkeys, axe and the paper. Yes, they have destroyed everything, even trees and the fields of lentils”.

My son, Waheeb in his youth became bald, as he learns of the truth that surrounded him. Also, the happiest ones of the youth became crazy. Moreover, Mohamed traded in gas so that he could burn his sons and then live in poverty. And the Senate lived in glamour, indulged in bribery and on   stretching out beds of crime in order to nourish their own crimes.  

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Halisa has told us honestly, the story of her children and also the story of  Ibn Sharefa  who infiltrated into the fields of his father incognito, disguised in  a white dress and stole the  fruits, and  then rode off to the Persians. Is Sarkozy well? Leave alone Susie and Causey who are held hostages in the house of al-Ansi or the red Almalovi!  But will he remain silent and won't request for investigation into the killings of two French women who got an illegitimate   marriage from Ibn Alahmar and Ibn Alashram who are coming from the neighborhood of Zizi's kingdom !( North African countries)


Or witness and pray for the kingdom of Dawoud and the Kingdom of Osama’s influence. The owner of the money and power! Yes, Khoury Ghianum the descendant of the King of goats and cattle.    Ghianum’s withered fields that are located in the central areas and perches.  After all, there are herds of livestock shepherd by owners with money and the spoils. And destroyed by the floods and volcanoes, which raped her off every sinful and criminals either was coming from Siberia or Belgium or Poland or the plains of Althaim.  In spite of all these facts and that their fields did not yield or grow any crops not in Mecca, Rome or in France, the country of   banquets the truth has always reminded them of their faults.




And when Alfranja wanted to teach them lessons of useful and modern science such as Lee- Soleil lessons, the sun, science and Technology; and civilization. The descendants of inventors; the   pottery refused to learn or apply the sciences and they didn't understand or learn, but no - Cuesy so it became the latter, which was a slogan and a mask and a means of defense for them as well. So their nation remained in the era  of conquests of Alkozy and Al Sarkozy. After the passage of days,  Derham Al Majeadi, the French  investigator  attended and he had  many false and sins files from   the Yemeni  and the  Semitic  Waq - Alwaq state.


Then, he investigated and examined for Kozy and Bozy. So his disturbed mind was full of lying, fraud and buffoonery in the Kingdom of the High Commissioner Allowaq. So, he lost his  mind and broke his nerves; he cut his finger and then silently disappeared. This was his punishment because he was stupid and did not understand the issue or did not believe in the issues. It has established and has shared its crimes, but they did not and will not desist from the dilemma.


 It celebrating with the original Semitic who accused Sarkozy and Lucy and Bossi;  the rooster yelled and  told Sarkozy and lovers of crime and Causey: "oh  the caller of glory. Who said that you freed slaves, you, O Lord, and a slave to your desires   and you are the stubborn goat." In order to wake up from the situation , illusion,  take  Ms. Chadra Bant Owis Alsrowery’s  amulet on it,  is written " he and I , the star, the rain, the rainbow,Nqil  Jawajp and Al Sharaf send you the hidden forces of Morjana  and Mongraf.  So, our amulet have no doors  and it will be returned to your fields, to return back  what Ali-Yafa's rain sweeps before the slope as well as  to breaking up the crimes of yourself and your mind or your pervert souls.


The hostages detained by the antiques leader orders the martyrs buried in their senior house are the Mzdlf. At  the end, we have the right  to wonder and ask why do the two young ladies qualify to be called martyrs? They were to be Ibn Al Ahmar and the owner of sugar cane farm. As Norwegian yearn for pleasure, the ornaments, the reaction of spitting and expressions that are damaging are things to watch for. Then two preys were added to the antiques museum, lord's institutions make their Whiteman become sphincters. Also, they kill slaves in the South so that the orphans remain captivate to their boys and come to freedom in the light of Doomsday.


It has made the world go swirling! The resurrection and the emergencies are two identical parties and also two parallels that complete with each other to achieve the biggest amount of crime and engaging in treason for the exploitation of humans. Despite the magic spiritual mediators’ tricks, the use of psychological tricks and its achievements all have failed in building charters of honor or an achievement of any moral or scientific progress. What is beginning with mistakes ends with mistakes, and for the Lord, freemen are those who have got salvation and their success depends upon Salvation.




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براعم الورد في حقل أُميّ

شجرة أميّ  وحقل أميّ  والسبول
حقل أميّ  بجانب منزلنا القديم بجوارالمراعي بأشواكها والورود.
حقل أميّ لحنً لطِفٍ ولحن حزين وموسيقى تنعكس على الوان قوس قزح وكوكب المشترئ.
حقل أميّ زهرةُ وردٍ مبرقشةٍ على ايقونان معابد الرومان والاغريق
الكاثوليكية وبجوار حجر السعادة في المعابد  الإِيرلندية.
حقل أميّ  قصيدةً معلقة جاهلية الزمن.
حقل أميّ معلقة فلسطينيةَ لن تخونها الذاكرة, مرسومةً  هي ومكتوبةً على أوراق الزيتون والليمون.
حقل أميّ  مغامرة سندباد و بينوكيو واساطير الهنود الحُمَر.
حقل أميّ اشجارَ الخيزران المعمدة بقطرات الندى وماء المطر.
حقل أميّ ملئ ٍ بالبراعم والورود  والذرة والشيلم.
براعم الورد في حقل أميّ و أشعة الشمس واضواء القمر والنجوم
براعم الورد في حقل أميّ ومراحل الفكر والجنون.

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الأعشاب المقدسة

عشب هناء وعشب هناك في السهول أو في الوديان أو في الغاب

عشب سام للقلب وعشب مقدس وعشب علاج للاعصاب

اعشاب مقدسة برائحة الوسكي وثمار الكروم اثناء هطول المطر وأنتشار الضباب

سيف ( روبين هود) ونباله الطائرة في الهواء ومغامراته في السهول والمراعي  وبين فنن الغاب والالعاب

تراجيديا حب أمرو القيس وليلى وروميو وجوليت وعشق مابعد الضباب

عقائد مابعد الموت بين السحر وماوراء السحاب

سموات بلادي تتماراء في البحار والمحيطات وفي الشاهقات الصعاب

فلاعجب ياصديقي أن اخترت الحب والعشق والموت وفنون القتال الرحاب

فالسعادة والحب والموت اشياءَ من موروثات الماء والارض واللهب

الأعشاب المقدسة واقنومات الثالوث المسيحي أو شمولية دين محمد ابن اخوالحمزة وابو لهب, والاصحاب

الأعشاب المقدسة وديناصورات الكون السياسي والاحباب
الأعشاب المقدسة والوديان المقدسة والدماء المقدسة وثمار الخروب ووسكي العنب 

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I do not only believe, but I am sure that the Yemenite government is like the common cuckoo, who does not consider the care of its young, and puts his eggs in the nest of another bird. It leaves it to hatch by the other sponsors, or to be attacked by other aggressive birds etc.

Letter to Canadian Human Rights Commission
Ottawa, Canada on May 13th, 2002

Dear Sir/Madam

I am Tawfik Abdulhamid Salam Saeed, a native of Republic of Yemen, and recently I became a resident of Canada since December 2000. I finished my Ph.D degree in 1995, and since that time, I have become persona non grata with Yemeni regime. This was because of my participation and activities to stop the Home War of 1994 via the many UN organizations of the World e.g. UNICEF, UNESCO, Arab League, WHO as well as via the President of Yemen and the Secretary-General of the United Nations. However, Yemeni government took me as an enemy of their corrupted regime. The fact of the attendance of that Yemeni authority official delegate, who was sent to investigate the case of my activities against-the war of 1994 etc. The started to cut out my scholarship, postponed sending my returned airplane ticket, threatened me as well as provided a psychological war against me. That was in Poland and the regime did that under the cover of cooperation job with some group of Polish political wings, who works against the human low and belong to the Semitic group.

Yemen authority decided to harm my progress as well as my family and took actions such as, dispersing my family in Yemen and in Canada, intendment postponement in my native country in 1996, damaging our business in Sana'a, Hantoosh Auto Spare Parts Store in 1997, as well as the Al-Kamal Pharmacy, murdering my mother and robbing our house in Al-Hojaria- Qadas on March 12, 1999. In addition, they followed me by their spies as well as by the former Iraqi regime spies. That hard damage happened outside Canada. Recently, the diplomatic line of the regime are interfering in my life here in CANADA, and using Canada as a place for unusual activities.

For the above reason, I apply to you with consistency of the Human Rights Declaration including the following:
Free and equal in dignity and rights according to items (2-5, 9-11),
Liberty and security of person according to items (18-20, 23, 27),
Free from discrimination according to items (1, 7, 10, 18),
Fair wages and safe working conditions according to items (16, 17, 21, 24, 25),
Religious aspect according to items (2, 13, 20),
Education and adequate health care according to items (26, 27),

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Cordially yours,

The Canadian Human Rights Commission response on May 22nd, 2002 and the answer was in the next form:

Dear Dr. Saeed:
Thank you for your letter of May 13th , 2002 addressed to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
A copy of your letter has been forwarded to one of our Intake Officer for review. If appropriate, the Intake Officer will communicate with you in the near future.
Thank you for your interested.

Yours sincerely,
The Canadian Human Rights Commission

On May 28th , 2002 I received the next answer:

Dear Sir:

Thank you for your letter concerning the difficulties you have encountered in different incidents, which seem to have occurred in your native country of Yemen.
I have carefully reviewed your correspondence and must advise you that the Canadian Human Rights Commission investigates allegations of discrimination in employment and in the provision of goods, services and accommodation in federal areas.
As a result, we do not have jurisdiction on incidents, which occurred outside of Canada.
Consequently, I would like suggest that you contact a lawyer. She/he may be in a better position to deal with the issues you raise.
I wish you success in resolving your concerns and I thank you for bringing them to our attention.

Yours sincerely,
Annick Lger
Intake Analyst

The same letter was sent in the same date with documents attached to Amnesty International.

On May 21st, 2002, I received from the Amnesty International the next letter:

Dear Dr. Saeed:

We are a worldwide activist human rights organization, with headquarters in London, England. We take action to free prisoners of conscience, protect refugees, abolish the death penalty, and to end political killings, "disappearances", torture, and other grave human rights abuses. These are the only categories in which we may take on individual cases.
If your situation lies within any of these categories, you should send all particulars to our International Secretariat at 1 Easton Street, London WC1X 0Dw, England. They will decide whether it is possible for them to help you. Such decisions are always made in London, not here.
I am returning your documents to you, in case you should need them.

With kindest regards,

Dirk Partridge
Administrative Assistant
Encl: documents returned

Few weeks later, I sent my letter with attached documents to Amnesty International in London, England.

Furthermore, on the middle of May 2002, I wrote two letters in literary style to the previous President of South Yemen, who has been lived in Syria.
Because the system in Yemen explains to people, that former president is an absent to solve the problems of nationalization. It is part of recent regime strategies to escape from solutions. The two letters published in Arabic Language in Al-Moustakbal Canadian-Lebanese Weekly Newspaper.

His Excellency Mr. President I remembered and recalled you, when you cut the tape in our narrow lane in my region area, and around you your trusted companion and comrades. They were swaying back and forth, applauding, and praising to you cheerfully. But now the torrent is overflowing, submerged and destroyed our regions' area and the narrow lane. It merely to be left on it is outlaw highwayman and poor citizens. They are suffering from sharp pain, distress, affliction, and shortages in flour. They are also divided into masters and slaves. The children are crying and lamentation, because of collapsing from hunger.
His Excellency the president is this your old dream, and succession of images? I know that Damascus is putting you away from anger and disturbance, it's odour and scent open your inspire, yet, I will remind you about Yemenite unique flowers and the Yemenite original music melodies. I am asking you about rights in the old past? Let our unity studies' project, firstly, the unity of Toor ALbahha, and Zaraniggh tribes, What Ahmed and his father are doing with agates? What about scheme, murder and khat opium and soup bowl? Moreover, what about the Imam who praised by his preaches speech the supreme creator, who has the salary, position and career? By this we will be together as an excellent lover and true friends, I am Dr. Tawfik writing to you these lines from Canada from Johns and Shaffigu's restaurant. Finally, my regards and the regards of the rooster to you, who calls you and says Cook-a-doodle-doo, Cook-a-doodle-doo, Cook-a-doodle-doo.

Second Letter:

His Excellency the president you were being created as a president by the supreme Creators' heightened stimulation .You were calling for the nations' affair, being evoking and summoning for the citizens concern, and you exerted forth many efforts to contend and eliminate all distinctions and all disparities. Moreover, your pictures were being hanged in all streets' wall, all regions' corners and containers. But now you are named and identified by the Previous Yemenite President. They wanted by you to proceed further and acquire a triumphed victory for Palestine, and pass by you the Strait of Gibraltar, and you sir, have not enough vessels or marine ships. You are just eating Shawarma in Damascus and sausages in Aleppo.
They made from you a young gentleman, merely hugging and embracing in an affectionate way, they made also your companions and comrades in your association, as well as your relatives and friends all were being executed suspension and sadly hanged. They became misguided and lost toward evils tunnels and trenches. They were being next to a brutal viles, robbers, and highways' bandits

His Excellency the president you left away Yemen with its all tribes, lineages and factions, And the thunderclaps crashes against Yemeni people once it leave them away, and once it hugging them. Their bodies were being filled and stuffed with harmful infections and disease, afflictions and calamities, and with plagues and guns. Now, you go back to your homes and regions, and leave off talking about the insane cracker and the hypocratic person. And then sell all your wealth riche and all your esteemed prestigious, and go back to live next to the Al-Syssaban and Alawalegg aiming to build up the home of Dhi Yazin, Um Shaffale and Tarig, so as to annul the laws of nationalization, and to make the rights goes back to its real owners, and to be safe from the punishment of the supreme creator in his Judgment Day

Letter to of introduction to Mrs. Bette E. Shifman, the Principal Legal Counsel at the Permanent Court of Arbitration of the United Nation at Peace Palage, Carnegieplein 2, 2517KJ, the Hague, Netherlands

Ottawa, Canada, December 30th, 2002

Dear Sir:

Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Doctor Tawfik Saeed. Can you give particulars in this matter, and refer to somebody, in your organization, to advise me on this problem.

Cordially yours,



The foul play of the Yemenite government with citizens as well as with the international organizations has not finished yet.

In spite of these obstacles and other catastrophies, I still remember the numbers and the details of our claims and properties among them;

The forbidding me from my civil rights.
The Commercial Registration Card for Hantoosh Auto Spare Parts Store: No. 6851, the Al-Kamal Pharmacy registration No. 19/1996 A.
Our property, which consist of one house located in section F, street No. (10) at crater under the ownership No. (1671), and three houses at section b, Street No. (6) at Al-Sheikh Osman, under the ownership No. (5191), (5192) and (5195) and the piece of land No. (663) at Dar Saa'd (previously Dar Al-Amir), under the owner No. (H-762). More over, the date of the killing my mother and robbing the house on March 12, 1999.

It is true that the Yemenite Court punished the murders of my mother after we paid all the expenses, which equals around $100.000 American Dollars. This amount paid for security members, judges and soldiers as well as for the recent minister of interior affairs, who was on that time a chief of the security of Taiz region. They punished the killers also after the great effort of my father, relatives and the local as well as mine and international the organizations and establishments intervention.

The regime killed the murder of course to cover its crimes.

I am still paying money and I am making an enormous effort to enforce the government to cancel the law of nationalization in order to benefit all the owners of properties in the city of Aden as well as to stop the aggressive attack of the Yemenite government against its citizens.

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Sex exists among human beings and the invisible world, the angels guide, but corrupted by the devils. These evidences occur in natural dreams, as well as in their synthetic dreams either were spiritual or religious. They may be created by psychiatrists, psychologists with their teams and co-workers or magic or socio-traditional activists or owners of potential energies and powers. Those spiritualists who may have the ability to call sprits and send them either over airwaves or by telepathy to their targeted subjects through their dreams may have some forms of revelations.

These methods in one hand are used in the Catholic churches as well as in Buddhist temples to vent the sexuality of the religious staff of both institutions and to transfer them into the world of purity and serenity. On the other hand these techniques and methods are used by intelligence officers as well as psychologists to find evidence of difficult crimes or in investigations with prisoners to extract confessions or as a means to intimidate and cajole in the acts of espionage. In addition, these methods are used in scientific research to benefit human beings or abuse victims.

Sex with the invisible world, which is among the jinn [s] and the jinns [Islamic Mythology about unclean spirits], the jinns and their angels, the angels and the angels, the jinns and the human beings and angels and humans is difficult to distinguish between them in terms of quality or quantity, they are a subject matter of many social, psychological and political factors and are depending on the theory of probability, assumptions and the presence of metaphysics.

In order to play a positive role in life, to breed and continue those kingdoms, Sex deprived the monks and nuns commit numerous crimes in many countries in the past to the present. So, I believe that the abolition on prohibition of sex imposed on Christian clergy, Buddhist is nothing, but devilish acts that have not any relationship with the teachings of God. The Lord and Creator have not advocated denial to human propagation and the grace of sex for human reproduction. The gift of motherhood and childhood has not resulted in this denial, but those who have been denied by their choice commit numerous crimes and sins.

The Semitic and Gentiles have questioned the subject of sex in particular; the Semitic group recognize that every human race, prophets and angels have the dualities of male and female, but only male -like being that expresses the existence of the Semitic cluster.

They should not have hated in contempt of animals; for example swine, donkeys and cows; never be the cause of constant conflicts. Cows are considered as a sacred being and symbol for Hinduism. Groups that have been mentioned here must also respect the rights of the dead, and cemeteries. Respect for the dead should not lead to monopoly of cemeteries by owners; business people who have power and money, but also those not chosen by God to perform scared duties for laying the dead to rest should not confuse people of the world.

The clergy of all religions should return to the scriptures. Absorb their explanations and interpretations in order for the Holy Books to retain their truths. The unnecessary biographies and stories have polluted the truths and caused distorted interests of the hypocrites with their referees with their desires or tendencies in advocating in-human philosophies.

Governments, politicians and religious staff who adopt proverbial languages with collective marriages have invested in politically induced acceptance of social welfare. These languages are induced socially for the purposes of not serving human beings, but for destroying the moral values of mankind that aims to destroy or exploit its victims.

Finally, Governments have to work had by reviewing their policies and visiting religious institutions in order to rehabilitate the misdemeanors of those institutions instead of investing in all acts of organized crime. For example, terrorism, drug trafficking, in human organs trafficking, kidnapping and murder. The religious institutions must use their administrative structures and teaching staff or civilians in such subtle informative occurrences.

Therefore, I recommend political parties not to nominate representatives during elections from junior ranks to the ranks of the prime minister, but make it possible for those who have achieved title of SIR to preserve the integrity of politics and politicians or independence of political parties.

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Reminded of neither danger here nor there.

I listen and I see either things or people not only by the broadcasting media, but also by the microscope of schizophrenia. Furthermore by the broadcasting media and microscope of multiphrenia.

Shapes of green uniforms, the colourful duality shapes of nature and yellow colours, and multiplicity of shapes and pink and red colours.

I see them after the rain, with the microscope of multi-media, as well as before the sunrise or the moonset.

Reminded of neither danger here nor there.

I read all the Holy Scriptures and the codes of both devils and humans as well as those in the blue and green books.

Oh heart! Rest and fly like the whitish dove or like the white butterfly during the heaviest rain.

The voices and sounds of self-suggestion and self-revelation; and the air.

The voices and sounds of eagerness and mankind.

The voices and sounds of self-suggestion and self-revelation; and the rain.

The voices and sounds of self-suggestion and self-revelation; and the insomnia.

Oh Sirs! I have already declared the greatest trinity.

Neither escalation nor plummeting, neither magic nor madness nor left nor recollected.


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الثالوث الأكبر

من قلم : د. محمد توفيق المنصوري

.ليس هنا أو هناك أي خطر يذكر

أني أرئ وأسمع الأشياء والأشخاص ليس فقط باذاعةِ وميكروسكوب الشيزوفرينيا الأصغر

بل أسمعها وارأها كذلك باذاعةِ ومجهرِ الملتيفرينيا الأكبر

أشكالً أحاديةِ اللون من ذوات اللّون الأخضر

أشكالً ثنائيةِ ومتعددةِ من ذوات الألون الطبيعية الأخرئ أو من ذوات اللون الأصفر أو من ذوات اللون البنفسجي والازرق والأحمر

أني ارأها بمجهر التعدية بعد المطر

قبل طلوع الشمس وغياب القمر

فليس هناك أو هنا أي خطر يذكرأني قراءتُ كل الكتبِ المقدسةِ وطلاسم الجن والبشر , وكذلك الكتاب " الأزرقى والاخضر"

فاّرْتح ياقلب ! وطير كالحمامةِ القمحيةِ أو كالفراشةِ البيضاء وقت المطر: المطر الغزير والأغزر

أصواتّ الذاتِ الأئمائيةِ وصوت الهواء وأصوات الحنيين وأصوات البشر

أصواتّ الذاتِ البوحية وصوت المطر أصواتّ الذاتِ وأصوات السهر

.أني ياسادتي! أعلن الثالوث الأكبر

.فلا كر أو فر أو سحر أو جنون يذكر أو يؤثر

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The Editorial Executive Secretary's Open Letter to the Media Censorship and Intelligence Departments at the Republic of Tunisia

Canada, France and the world, January 17, 2009
Subject: The Prosecution of Criminals, who Flee From Justice Sirs, We know all things about your capability of doing things in your green homeland such as violating freedoms or the trade sale of receivables. For instance, the transaction of police cars in exchange for the assassination of the Palestinian military leader Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir, known by the famous organizational name "Abu Jihad".
Otherwise what might be done in the overseas employment opportunities for the not spot intelligence services in exchange for dirty money and wealth. Moreover, we would like to have you remember the case of the fugitive of his Excellency, the president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, from the Republic of Poland, when he was an ambassador not only because of his charges of violating the national security of Poland, but also owing to his unethical practices!

Your unfriendly behaviours and attitudes, which were expressed by the censoring of our Newspaper from the mass media and public of Abu Zayd Ibn Rizq Al-Hilali is a shameful act and reflects the lack of maturity, as well as the abuse of freedoms and democracy that your system has caused to.

We would like to inform you that the editorial board of Afnan Electronic Newspaper and all its shades and supporters generally in the World, and particularly in Canada and France that criminalize you of the barbaric actions, and we will try hard to have you face justice.

Furthermore, we will appeal to the International press and media to withhold and to punish the Tunisian official media, which mislead the great Tunisian people as a whole.

In addition, you must note that we in the West have access to everything from technologies to the Internet, which are products of our creativity, yet you are only the consumers and bad users of these products.

We also welcome articles, studies and reports of the Tunisian dusty regime crimes against its citizens, falsification of democracy and the abuse of public and private freedoms.

In conclusion, best regards and wishes to all sincere Tunisians.

Cordially yours,

On behalf of Afnan editorial board, the Editorial Executive Secretary and the member of conservative party of Canada
Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik Ph.D.
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This night I have eaten a carrotThe carrot was so deliciousCarrot is not human food****Last night I ate sweet potatoSweet potetos are bitter****In the past my ancestor said :The poverty is a manI' ll kill himNow I say :The poverty is a leaderI'll kill him
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August 18, 2010: Lunenburg, Nouvelle-Écosse: Prime Minister Stephen Harper marked the beginning of vital restoration work on the Bluenose II - one of Canada's most recognizable symbols. He was joined at the event by Gerald Keddy, Member of Parliament for South Shore-St. Margaret's.

"The Bluenose II is an important and lasting part of Canada's proud maritime heritage," said Prime Minister Harper. "The restoration efforts now underway will ensure that this important cultural icon remains part of the Canadian landscape for years to come."

This phase of the restoration work will replace the wood hull, frames and planking of the ship with improved laminated wood frames and conventional planking materials. The work will generate short-term local construction employment and ensure long-term tourism jobs.

Financial support for this project comes from the Government of Canada's Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, which provides funding to provincial, territorial, municipal and community construction-ready infrastructure projects that can be completed by March 31, 2011. Part of Canada's Economic Action Plan to tackle the global economic recession, the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund has resulted in close to 4,000 infrastructure projects across the country.

Thanks to the Economic Action Plan, the governments of Canada and Nova Scotia have announced joint funding for more than 100 infrastructure projects across the province to stimulate the economy and create jobs.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications

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August 18, 2010: Ottawa, Ontario: Public events for Prime Minister Stephen Harper for Thursday, August 19th are:

Miramichi, New Brunswick

11:00 a.m. - Prime Minister Stephen Harper will make an announcement. He will be joined by Rona Ambrose, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women; Keith Ashfield, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway; and Tilly O'Neill-Gordon, Member of Parliament for Miramichi.

Rodd Miramichi River Inn
1809 Water Street
Miramichi, New Brunswick

* Open to media


Media are required to present proper identification for accreditation.

Frederiction, New Brunswick

3:00 p.m. - Prime Minister Stephen Harper will tour Kings Landing. He will be joined by Keith Ashfield, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway.

Kings Landing
5804 Route 102
Fredericton, New Brunswick

* Photo opportunity only ( photographers and camera only )


Media are required to present proper identification for accreditation.
Media needs to arrive at the Visitor Reception Centre of Kings Landing no later than 2:45p.m.

New Maryland, New Brunswick

5:00 p.m. - Prime Minister Stephen Harper will make brief remarks at the New Brunswick Members' BBQ Event.

New Maryland Centre
754 New Maryland Highway
New Maryland, New Brunswick
E3C 1K1

*Open to media.


Media are required to present proper identification for accreditation.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications

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August 15, 2010: Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper released the following statement today to mark the 65th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in the Far East:

"On this day 65 years ago, Japan surrendered to allied forces and Victory in the Far East (VJ-Day) was declared.

"Today we remember the courage and sacrifice of our brave veterans who served with such distinction in the Far East Campaign - the longest campaign of WWII.

"Over 10,000 Canadians fought against Japanese troops in this campaign in such far away places as Hong Kong and Burma. They fought to defend the values that all Canadians cherish: freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Many made the ultimate sacrifice.

"In that same spirit and tradition we also remember the current generation of brave men and women in uniform who continue to defend the very same time-honoured Canadian values around the world, including in Afghanistan, Haiti and Sudan.

"On this important anniversary, I encourage all Canadians to reflect on the invaluable contributions made by our courageous fellow citizens who have taken up arms in Canada's service.

"Lest we forget."

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)