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بيروت: حرب وسلم

حطمت الضربات الأولى للجنود العرب خلال حرب رمضان إلى الأبد أسطورة الجيش الإسرائيلي الذي لا يقهر، وبدّل تقدم الجيش المصري في سيناء والجيش السوري على هضاب الجولان جذريا توقعات مخرج للحرب، فقد كان يمكن هزيمة إسرائيل وتحرير فلسطين. ونظرا لهذا الأمل الشعبي، أخذت المزايدة "الثورية" لياسر عرفات في موضوع استرداد فلسطين بعدًا آخر تمامًا، كان يريد خوض "حربه" في ميدانين، سياسي وعسكري: في الميدان العسكري كان يصدّر، بشكل من الأشكال، بضاعته الثورية إلى "السوق" الداخلية مبديًا أنه كان قادرا هو أيضا على هزيمة إسرائيل، وفي الميدان السياسي كان يدفع جبهة نايف حواتمة المعروفة بأفكارها "الجسورة" و"النادرة" بالمطالبة بإقامة دولة فلسطينية "ديمقراطية" تتعايش فيها الأديان الثلاثة، الإسلام والمسيحية واليهودية.

وبالطبع، لم يُترك المشروع الأساسي الهادف إلى وضع بيادق إسرائيل على رقعة الشطرنج السياسية العربية وإنما أُجّل، لأن شبح الحرب الأهلية اللبنانية كان يزداد تهديدا أكثر فأكثر، وتقسيم الأحزاب المدعوة وطنية كان يزداد بروزا أكثر فأكثر، أما الكتائب، فقد بقوا على مواقفهم أكثر من أي وقت آخر.

كانت نتيجة حرب أكتوبر تعميم فكرة "اعمل الحرب على إسرائيل ولكن اعمل السلام مع الشعب الإسرائيلي"، فكانت الدولة الديمقراطية المقترحة تعتمد حقا على سابقة لا يمكن تفاديها لفلسطين محررة، ولكن تُحفظ فيها الهوية اليهودية، مما يعني وجود إسرائيل تحت شكل دَوْلي (من دولة) آخر. لم ينخدع أحد بفحوى هذا المشروع غير القابل للتحقق. وفي كل الأحوال، كانت أغلبية الفلسطينيين لا تعتقد بمثل تلك دولة، وقد رفضتها فتح "حركة عرفات" سلفًا.

كل هذا كان يلعب في صالح إسرائيل: الحل الوحيد الذي بقي كان قبول وجودها مع فرض حل لاحق للوضع، مما كان يعني موديلَ عربيا مشابها للدولة العبرية، وباختصار حل الدولة المسيحية المقترحة من طرف الكتائب، وبمصطلحات أخرى الحرب اللبنانية، حتى إن الكلام كان يدور عن "اعتراف عربي" دون تحديد أن صفة "عربي" لن تغطي إلا دول النفط التي كانت الدولة المسيحية تعني لها قبل كل شيء أن توضع تحت تصرفها غير بعيد عنها كباريهات ومواخير سويسرا العرب، وتنطوي على اعتراف ضمني بدولة أخرى قائمة على الدين: إسرائيل.

تقديم يد العون لعرفات كان كبيرا! إلا أن الأسد، بطل الوحدوية والعروبية، قد عارض ذلك معارضة شديدة، فقد كانت لسوريا أطماع في لبنان منذ كان لبنان، "لبنانها"، كل لبنان، لبنان سوريا الكبرى. وسيزوده ياسر عرفات فيما بعد، هو، بطل الوحدوية والعروبية، بفرصة لتحقيق هذا الحلم. ولكن في الوقت الحاضر، كان عليه الانشغال "بحلمه"، كان عليه أن يكون حاضرا على كافة الجبهات ووراء كل الحكام العرب المشانين ليدعمهم هم وأنظمتهم الدموية، لأن هؤلاء الحكام أنفسهم سيدعمونه في المستقبل حينما يحين ذلك، وسيقوون نظامه، نظام دكتاتوري كأنظمتهم.

سيتساءل القارئ حتما، ولكن أين ذهبت الديمقراطية التي كان عرفات يتغنى بها؟... ديمقراطية هذا الشخص لم تكن ولن تكون إلا واجهة، فترينة في شارع التعهر الفلسطيني. كان يطبق "الديمقراطية" عندما يريد تمرير "قراراته" بواسطة أزلامه. وعلى التأكيد: كانت الأغلبية لأزلامه في كل المؤسسات والسلطات. عندما لم يكن يمكن لأزلامه ابتلاع كل ما يريد، عندما كان لا يمكن للمنطق ولا للامنطق قبول ذلك، كان شعاره هو التالي: "قولوا ما شئتم أفعل ما أشاء!". أذكر عند أحد انتخابات اتحاد الكتاب والصحافيين الفلسطينيين، أتى مئات الصحفيين والكتاب الأدعياء ليصوتوا من أجل فوز بيادق عرفات، فتساءل الكل إذا ما كانوا كتابًا أم قراءً، وليكتشف الكل في آخر الحساب أنهم كانوا سائقي ومستخدمي ياسر عرفات، وقد زودهم ببطاقات مزيفة.

كان عرفات غشاشا وخداعا، كان يدعي أنه انتخب ديمقراطيا، وكان يدعي أن تمثيله كان شرعيا، ولكنه ككل حاكم جائر كانت ديمقراطيته تباع في دكاكين التنزيلات، وكان تمثيله ملفقا. مبارك أيضا يقول عن نفسه ديمقراطيا، هذا اللامؤهل لشيء الذي يعاد "انتخابه" منذ عشرات السنين! بن علي أيضا، هذا النصاب العابد له الغرب! وعندما يعترض أحد على وضعه، كان عرفات يدفع لمن فقدوا عقلهم كي يدوروا في الشوارع وهم يلوحون بصورته المبروزة - يا سلام عليك يا فخامة الرئيس! - وكانوا يصرخون: "يحيا زاباطا!" كانت طريقته ليقول للغربيين إنه شعبي، وإنه هنا لخدمتهم، أكثر من بن علي ومركباته السياحية، أكثر من مبارك وكباريهاته في شارع قصر النيل. عرفات وأزلامه، مغتصبو السلطة والحياة هؤلاء، يدّعون أنهم ممثلو الشعب الفلسطيني، ولكنهم في الواقع لا يمثلون إلا أنفسهم، ولا يعملون إلا لمصالحهم. يختبئون وراء فلسطين، ورق توتهم، كالحكام العرب ذات يوم، ليخبئوا قذارتهم، ويخفوا جشعهم، ولكن على الخصوص ليحتفظوا بالسلطة أكبر وقت ممكن.

في ثوب "الديمقراطي" هذا أراد عرفات المدمى أن يكون حاضرا في المشهدين العربي والدُّوَلي، وسأتكلم عن هذا في اللحظة المناسبة. لهذا السبب جعل من نفسه صديقا للقذافي وللملك السعودي، وكان المفضل لدى السادات والنظام الماركسوي في جنوب اليمن. كان يلعب دوره كعميل للموساد وللسي آي إيه على أكمل وجه: قائد سياسي دون أي لون! مع السعوديين كان سعوديا أكثر من السعوديين، ومع البعثيين كان بعثيا أكثر من البعثيين. كان بن علي ينهل من نفس الحيل، عندما يجد نفسه منعزلا في المشهدين العربي والدولي بصفته عميلا مزدوجا للكي جي بي والسي آي إيه كان يعلن نفسه كوريث لبورقيبة في استمرارية دموية "تونسية"، فيتم قبول ذلك في عيون الكل! ويجد الغربيون وخاصة الفرنسيين أن لا بأس في ذلك لتبرير دعمهم لنظام الحداثة - لأن بورقيبة يبقى لهم حديثا طالما تعددت المركبات السياحية حتى بعد مائة سنة بعد موته - ولإبراز صداقتهم التقليدية مع تونس وتقوية الروابط التاريخية الجامعة للبلدين! عرفات، هو، كان يجرؤ على القول عن نفسه بورقيبي، شيوعي، وخمينيي! ولم لا في يوم ما صهيوني؟ لهذا السبب يبدي رؤساؤه في واشنطن وتل أبيب رضاءهم التام عنه.

بهذه الطريقة نجح عرفات في بناء صورته ليصل إلى وضع يكون فيه رئيس دولة حقيقيا، هلوسته، دوخانه، كابوسه، تعذيبه. ومن أجل هذا، كل الوسائل كانت ممكنة: ديمقراطية في دكاكين التنزيلات، انتخابات مزورة، تمثيل خاطئ، وخاصة دون أية بطاقة أيديولوجية. كان رئيسا كالمفتاح الذي يفتح كل الأبواب، والذي يمرر كل شيء: "رغبة" السادات في الذهاب إلى القدس ليصلي، أو "طموح" الأسد إلى احتلال لبنان. في اللحظة التي كان السادات فيها يعلن للعالم أجمع بداية سلسلة من الاستسلامات لا سابق لها في تاريخ الإنسانية، كان عرفات يجلس على مقعد منعزل هناك في مجلس الشعب، كان قد حضر ومعه ضمانه لخطوة السادات المشؤومة حتى إنه كان يتمنى الذهاب معه ليسلم على موشيه دايان وجولدا مائير، لكن الوقت لم يكن بعد قد حان لتحقيق أمنية كهذه، لأنه لم يتخل بعد تماما عن فكرة تحرير فلسطين. بعد أن صلى السادات تحت بساطير الإسرائيليين، استعاد سيناء، ثم لا شيء. وعندما أخذ يطالب بالباقي، بالمن الموعود، بمليارات الدولارات، بالثروة التي وعد بها شعبه، قتلته السي آي إيه باتفاق مع مبارك. أذكر هذا السيناريو الجهنمي في كتابي "أربعون يوما بانتظار الرئيس".

أما الأسد، فقد كان بحاجة إلى انفجار الحرب الأهلية في لبنان. كانت الثورة الفلسطينية تقوى يوما عن يوم، وكان يلزمها واحد أقوى منها كي يقطع لها ليس الأصابع كما فعل الملك حسين ولكن الرأس. وكانت مهمة عرفات بلا نزاع إشعال فتيلة الحرب وتسهيل الأمر لإقامة دولة مارونية (الفعل الكتائبي الإجرامي الذي ارتكب في حق فلسطينيي الباص المعروفة قصته سيناريو متقن لإلقاء تبعة الحرب على غير الثعلب "المكوفف" صاحب الكوفية) كانت عائلة الجميل قد شكلت أرمادا كبرى بفضل العون العسكري الإسرائيلي: وبشكل من الأشكال كانت إسرائيل هي التي تقاتل في بيروت لتحقيق أهدافها الخاصة بها. عاند مقاتلو المخيمات وعلى رأسهم مخيم تل الزعتر الكل، وخاضوا معركة ضارية، وسجلوا بعض النقاط. فماذا فعلت الحرباء؟ ماذا فعل عرفات؟ بدلا من البحث عن تحرير لبنان ثم فلسطين، جر الأسد إلى نجدة الكتائب بعد أن تكبدوا خسائر فادحة. وقد كان الأمر سهلا للسوريين، كانوا هناك إلى جانب "العدو"، العدو ذاته الذي كان يقسم بحرق دمشق إذا ما تجرأ الأسد ووضع قدمه في زحلة! وفي نهاية الأمر، لم يضع الأسد قدمه في زحلة فحسب بل وفي كل بلد الأرز... لقد حقق بطل الوحدوية والعروبية بفضل عناد مقاتلي عرفات حلمه في ضم الأراضي اللبنانية. كان ذلك ما يعود عليه بشكل من الأشكال "مقابل" تخليه عن الجولان للإسرائيليين. هذا ما كان يسميه عرفات أن يكون حاضرا على كل الجبهات: أن يعرض خدماته على الأنطمة الإستبدادية. أضعف الأسد كالملك حسين من قبله الفدائيين بفضل تواطؤ عرفات. "ليس أنا! كان يقول محتجا أمام كاميرات العالم وهو يذرف دموع التماسيح. أنا، ما أنا سوى ضحية! الشعب الفلسطيني وما أدراك ما الشعب الفلسطيني، الثورة الفلسطينية وما أدراك ما الثورة الفلسطينية، قضيتي المقدسة، القضية العادلة لشعبي... الخ!".

لقد تقدم مشروع المخابرات الأمريكية والإسرائيلية تقدما ملموسا: من الآن فصاعدا إسرائيل توجد كهوية دَوْلية دونما حاجة إلى موديل آخر مشابه في قلب المنطقة. لقد زودها التدخل السوري في لبنان بالذريعة التي بموجبها ستتدخل بدورها هي أيضا في الحرب دون وساطة الكتائب، فدخلت أخيرا بصفتها دولة بأتم معنى الكلمة من باب المنطقة الواسع. في 1982، أتم جنرالات الجيش الإسرائيلي "الشغل" الذي بدأه الأسد بإنهاء حركة المقاومة، وبإلقاء فكرة تحرير فلسطين بالسلاح في وهاد النسيان.


ترجمة الدكتورة بريجيت بوردو - مونتريال

أفنان القاسم: دفاعا عن الشعب الفلسطيني، كيف ولماذا تمت فبركة ياسر عرفات؟، دار لارماطان، باريس 2004، ص ص 31 - 36.

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Occident : 22

Mère, pourquoi tu fermes la porte de l'enfer devant moi ?

Moi, j'adule le feu, le grenat et les éclats

J'admire les prophètes qui y fuient le paradis

J'apprécie les débats qu'ils font sur la philologie

Mère, pourquoi tu ne me laisses pas être choisi comme tu as été choisie ?

Moi, je serais le gardien de l'animosité et de la mélancolie

Je libérerais les damnés de leurs chimères

Je séparerais les proies de leurs statues de pierre

Mère, pourquoi tu cries contre moi pour faire la prière ?

Moi, je préfère ne pas prier pour conquérir l'enfer

Je prêche l'incroyance pour redoubler les fautes

Je sème la non espérance pour récolter les émeraudes

Mère, pourquoi tu es contente de moi quand je fredonne tes notes ?

Moi, j'aime vibrer à la cadence de pas qui rôdent

J'exige regarder les spectacles hallucinants à l'harmonie romaine

J'adore vivre la noire géhenne de l'aventure humaine

Mère, dis bonjour de ma part à toutes les théologiennes

Moi, je suis leur angoisse et leur passion félonne

Je reste là debout à l'extérieur de ta bulle de cristal

Je reste là debout à l'ordre de ton dieu qui met tous ses préférés près de lui au bal de flammes.

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22 July 2010 : AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Amnesty International has called on Somali authorities and armed opposition groups in the country to respect freedom of expression amid a growing government crackdown on independent journalism.

A campaign of harassment and intimidation has seen a spate of arrests and interrogations of journalists since June. Media workers already face serious threats from armed groups, with 10 reporters killed in the last 18 months.

Amnesty International's new briefing paper, Hard News: Journalists' lives in danger in Somalia, launched on Somali Human Rights Day (22 July), documents the targeting of journalists in the country.

"Somali journalists are being prevented from informing the local population about daily violence that affects their lives - a service that is particularly vital in a conflict too dangerous for consistent international media reporting," said Michelle Kagari, Amnesty International's Africa deputy director.

"Somalia's authorities must investigate the attacks and harassment of journalists, both by armed groups and members of their own government, and ensure that freedom of expression is respected."

Somalia's internationally backed Transitional Federal Government (TFG) controls only a small part of the capital Mogadishu, while the rest of southern and central Somalia is under the control of armed groups.

The two largest are al-Shabab and Hizbul Islam, which are allied against the TFG but have also engaged in fighting against each other.

While the armed groups are the most deadly threat to journalists in the country, media workers have come under increased pressure from the TFG in a recent clampdown on independent journalism.

On 26 June, New York Times correspondent Mohammed Ibrahim fled Somalia after threats from government security forces, following the publication of an article alleging that government forces included child soldiers.

On 29 June, several journalists were wounded when missiles were fired on a press conference being held by Al-Shabab in Mogadishu. Local journalists at the scene believe they were indirectly targeted by the TFG, who did not want the press conference to go ahead.

On 1 July, police detained journalist Mustafa Haji Abdinur and freelance cameraman Yusuf Jama Abdullahi for taking pictures of their colleague, photojournalist Farah Abdi Warsame, who had been hit in the crossfire during fighting in Mogadishu.

The journalists were interrogated and forced to delete their photographs. Warsame was only able to get medical treatment after being interrogated.

"Rather than protecting journalists from feared armed groups such as al-Shabab, the Somali authorities are increasing the problems for media workers by adding to the harassment they face," said Michelle Kagari.

Armed groups opposed to the Somali government now control many towns in the country. They have killed, harassed and intimidated journalists, shut down radio stations, restricted what local media can report on and frequently prevent journalists from publishing information which they believe is unfavourable towards them. This makes it almost impossible to disseminate vital information on the situation in Somalia.

On 5 May - the most recent journalist killing - three gunmen shot dead broadcast journalist Sheik Nur Mohamed Abkey as he was returning home from the state-run Radio Mogadishu.

He was abducted by the gunmen near his home in southern Mogadishu and then shot repeatedly in the head. Members of al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the killing.

In 2009, nine journalists were killed, the highest total in any one year since 1991, when armed conflict broke out after the collapse of ex-President Siad Barre’s government.

In the first five months of 2010, in addition to the killing of one journalist, many more were abducted and harassed by armed groups.

The TFG was backed militarily by Ethiopian troops who remained in Somalia until early 2009. TFG officials and institutions are now protected by the African Union Mission in Somalia, AMISOM.

The TFG is opposed by a number of armed Islamist groups. Groups on both sides of the conflict often overlap, forge or shift alliances, or divide into separate groups.

Read the report:
Hard News: Journalists' lives in danger in Somalia


For further information, please contact:
John Tackaberry, Media Relations
613-744-7667, ext. 236

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Workers collect an oiled absorbent boom in Bay Jimmy on the coast of Louisiana on Saturday. (Associated Press/Patrick Semansky)

August 3, 2010 : By CBC News: CBC News BP has begun the "static kill" procedure at its damaged oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, a manoeuvre aimed at plugging the well for good.

BP has begun the long-awaited "static kill" procedure at its damaged oil well in the Gulf of Mexico - a manoeuvre that's aimed at plugging the well for good.

The static kill process followed an earlier "injectivity" test, which saw the well's defective blowout preventer being injected with an oil-like liquid to determine if it could handle the static kill process.

Positive results from that test led BP to go ahead with the static kill at 3 p.m. CT.

"The aim of these procedures is to assist with the strategy to kill and isolate the well, and will complement the upcoming relief well operation," a BP statement said.

The static kill manoeuvre involves pumping heavy mud and eventually cement down the well in an effort to push the oil back down. The whole process could take up to 61 hours, officials said.

Retired U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen said Tuesday that even if the static kill is successful, the relief wells that BP has been drilling are still vital to plugging the well.

"This thing won't truly be sealed until those relief wells are done," Allen said.

BP said drilling for one of the two relief wells will resume Thursday. It could be finished later this month.

4.9 million barrels flowed out of BP well

Oiled marsh grass is seen in Barataria Bay on the coast of Louisiana on Saturday. (Patrick Semansky/Associated Press)

Meanwhile, U.S. officials said Monday that the latest estimates suggest roughly 4.9 million barrels, or 780 million litres, of oil poured out of the well before a temporary cap stemmed the flow on July 15.

"Not all of this oil and gas flowed into the ocean; containment activities conducted by BP under the administration's direction captured approximately 800,000 barrels of oil prior to the capping of the well," U.S. officials said in a statement.

Local and state politicians, including Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, are warning BP that its responsibilities won't end when the well is plugged.

"Their work is only done when all of the oil is gone from the coast and our water, their work is only done when our wetlands and our coastline are restored to their pre-spill status, so we can go back to our way of life," Jindal said.

BP and federal officials have managed to contain large parts of the spill through skimmers, oil-absorbent booms and chemical dispersants meant to break up the oil.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which has been monitoring the environmental impact of the spill, conducted tests on the toxicity of chemical dispersants.

The agency released results Monday indicating that the "dispersant-oil mixtures are generally no more toxic to the aquatic test species than oil alone."

The EPA tested eight dispersants, and the tests confirmed that Corexit 9500A, the dispersant used in the Gulf of Mexico, is "generally no more or less toxic than the other available alternatives."

More than 30,000 people are currently involved in efforts to protect the shoreline and wildlife, U.S. officials said.

The spill began after an offshore drilling rig exploded off the coast of Louisiana on April 20, killing 11 workers. It is by far the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history.

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Pakistan floods leave thousands stranded

A Pakistani woman carries a small bicycle Monday outside her shack, which is submerged by heavy flood waters in the Punjab province of Pakistan. (Shiekh Saleem Raza/Associated Press)

August 3, 2010. By CBC News: Rescue crews and relief teams are struggling to deliver aid to thousands of people who were affected by devastating floods in northern Pakistan.

The flooding has left at least 1,500 people dead and thousands stranded, local media reported.

How you can help

To donate to Pakistan flood relief efforts, visit:

Several countries and charities have promised to send aid, and the Pakistani army is using helicopters to deliver food, aid supplies and tents. Relief work has been hampered because of washed-out bridges, flooded roads and downed communication lines.

Canada pledged Tuesday to provide $2 million in humanitarian assistance to Pakistan, including $1.25 million for emergency food assistance through the World Food Program.

International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda said the contribution will go to help more than 150,000 families affected by the floods.

The funds will be distributed through the Canadian International Development Agency, with $750,000 also going to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Oda said in a release.

UNICEF said roughly three million people were affected by the floods, which knocked down homes and wiped out crops.

David Morley, the CEO of Save the Children Canada, said relief workers and health teams are struggling to reach remote communities that have been hit by floods.

"We have health teams that need to get rafts that are attached to pulleys, just to get across some of the swollen rivers to be able to reach the clinics [and] the villages," Morley said.

He worries that the situation could worsen in the coming days as more rain falls and floodwaters move south.

Waterborne disease a risk

As flood waters wash away communities and contaminate water supplies, officials are expressing concern about possible outbreaks of waterborne diseases.

"There are crucial needs for food and safe drinking water," UNICEF representative in Pakistan Martin Mogwanja said in a statement. "Potential disease outbreaks among survivors are a major concern."

International medical relief organization Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) is distributing clean water in Swat and has set up two cholera treatment centres in case there is an outbreak.

Cholera is intestinal infection transmitted through food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the World Health Organization says. Most people infected with cholera don't get sick, but it can cause vomiting, watery diarrhea and dehydration.

The flooding has destroyed at least 39 health facilities and many hospitals are short on supplies, the WHO says.

"What they need is money," said Sallah Hamdani, the executive director of Islamic Relief Canada. "They need money in order to buy supplies on the ground."

Emilia Casella, a spokeswoman for the UN's World Food Program, said the agency had delivered food to 40,000 people and is aiming to reach 250,000 people by the end of the week.

But "access is really remaining a major challenge," she said.

New flood warnings

Officials issued new flood warnings Tuesday as more rains fell and rising water levels threatened to overwhelm the Warsak Dam, one of the country's biggest dams.

The rising water levels prompted disaster officials to ask residents in the northern outskirts of Peshawar city to leave their homes.

"If needed, forced evacuation will be started," said Adnan Khan, a spokesman for the Disaster Management Authority of Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa province.

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Crime statistics not accurate, Day suggests

Treasury Board President Stockwell Day speaks during a news conference at the National Press Theatre in Ottawa on Tuesday. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

August 3, 2010 ; CBC NEWS: Treasury Board President Stockwell Day says the government will go ahead with its plan to spend billions for new prisons, suggesting statistics that show crime is declining in Canada are not accurate.

During a news conference on Tuesday in Ottawa, Day said the government has received indications that more and more people are not reporting crimes committed against them.

"It shows we can't take a Liberal view to crime which is, some would suggest, that it is barely happening at all," Day said. "Still, there are too many situations of criminal activity that are alarming to our citizens, and we intend to deal with that."

When questioned by perplexed reporters, Day did not elaborate on what information source he was basing his claims, but said he would provide figures to them later.


Have you ever been the victim of a crime you didn't report to authorities? Take our poll. []

Speaking shortly after Day, Liberal MP Mark Holland said his comments show Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government "doesn't have any respect for facts."

"You don't make up statistics to try to scare people and use crime as a wedge issue," Holland told reporters in Ottawa.

In a statement to CBC News on Tuesday afternoon, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson's office cited Statistics Canada's report of its last general social survey conducted in 2004, which found an estimated 34 per cent of Canadians who are victims of crime still aren't reporting the crime to police.

The statement said Day was "correct in his assertion that many crimes go unreported in Canada" and "[t]he amount of unreported victimization can be substantial."

According to the Statistics Canada survey, conducted every five years, an estimated 88 per cent of sexual assaults go unreported, as well as an estimated 69 per cent of household thefts, the minister's office said.

The information gathered from the 2009 survey on unreported crimes has yet to be released.

Freezes, census changes staying

In the meantime, the federal government will not ease off on plans for fiscal restraint in other departments, despite indications Canada could eliminate its deficit a year earlier than predicted, Day said.

Last week, the Conference Board of Canada said the federal government should be able to eliminate the annual budget deficit by 2015. The business think-tank said in a report it depends on the government sticking to its promises to constrain spending.

Day said that while the global economic recovery is still "somewhat fragile," the government will continue with its freezes on spending, as well as departmental reviews to look for savings.

"We will be sticking to our fiscal plan," Day said.

In its February budget, the federal government projected a budgetary shortfall of $54 billion in 2010 but said annual deficits should be eliminated through spending cuts by 2016.

The Treasury Board president also was adamant that the Conservative government will stick with its controversial plan to scrap the mandatory long-form census.

The government has faced a month of turmoil ever since it announced in late June it would end the mandatory survey and replace it with a voluntary form. Opposition parties, statisticians' groups, provinces, municipalities and social agencies have condemned the move, saying it would lower the quality of data gathered by Statistics Canada and used by a wide array of policy makers.

The government has maintained Canadians should not be coerced through threat of jail time or fines to fill out information they don't want to disclose.

When questioned by reporters over the opposition parties' suggestions to amend the Statistics Act to remove the threat of jail time for those who refuse to fill out long-form census, Day said the government is "open to discussion" on any move to stop "criminalizing Canadians" who don't want to answer "intrusive" questions.

Day maintained the mandatory long-form survey will be abandoned in the spring 2011 census, but said the short-form census will remain compulsory because the government requires "some basic data."

He also questioned the value of information gathered by the census, suggesting data older than a year is "untenable in today's information age."

Day also acknowledged he has only heard directly from three people on the census issue in his constituency.

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Thirty






The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.




To the previous members of terrorisms, hates, discriminations, espionages and illegal transactions belong the next members:




1. Al-Qadasi Khalid Mohamed Khasim who shares illegal activities and hides crimes for radical movements in national and international area by spreading the culture of hates, discriminations, prostitutions and illusionary works. He is an active member of radical movements, who works against civil rights of people in national and international area of the World.


He works with some family’s members of the criminal officials of interior ministry of Yemen and his relatives in the department of National Security of the interior ministry , as well as with some friends of illegal transactions and groups of Sana’a University and private companies. To this network belong Mr. Sadik Nowman Al-Nabhani, who works with the criminals of the ministry of interior and acts with criminal moved from Africa e.g. Sudan, Ethiopia etc.


To mentioned members above, there are hidden members who belong to the officials of ministry of Gas and Petroleum and diplomatic members of Yemenite Embassy in both Ottawa and Washington DC. This network fabricates documents and circumstances nationally and internationally to hide crimes and activities of criminals of the World e.g. the case of the Ambassadors of Yemen in Ottawa , India and U.S.A. etc. Or for members of Jihad’s movements around the World.




The former Ambassador of Yemen Dr. Abdullah Abdul Wali, who acts in the past against human rights issues and involved with Yemenite regimes in committing crime. His Excellency, recently lives in Ottawa to continue covering crimes of his organizers.

To the same network belong Al-Jazidy’s family group that acts from States of Qatar , Yemenite diplomatic lines and informational Centers. Branch of the family in Ottawa’s acts with Lebanese business men, communities representatives, lawyers, NVN7 Auto Cars Company.


2. Abdul Karim, the former consultant of the diplomatic line of Yemen, who lives in Ottawa, the KGB agent who advertise for illegal marriage transactions with the relatives of the diplomatic lines of Yemen and one of the challenger of the groups that work and act from houses, business, informational centers and embassy.



3. A group that acts from apartments , embassies and casinos that works under the umbrella of the present of the Head’s of Yemenite Regime’s Council Mr. Abdul Aziz Abdul Ghani and his family groups.


To this group belong Al-Moflihy’s family, this family offers their family relatives for marriages or prostitutions to hide crimes of leaders or to achieve its target ( Nassr Al-Moflhi’s, who worked for statistic Canada, and moved to Saudi Arabia is the logistic and the organizer and the multi-agent), the former Ambassador of Yemen Mr. Moustafa Al-Nowman , who recently committees crimes in India against the human rights, Abdul Wahab Saeed (NVN7: Ottawa) , Mr. Ahmed Murad (Syrian Community and the diplomatic line of Syria), Nagi Shawish (Egyptian diplomatic line: Egyptian Community), and Abdul Latif Al-Shargabi ( Yemenite diplomatic line: Yemenite Community and Canadian Citizen). This group hides its crimes via the prostitutions and acts with several agents from religious and business centers with corroborations of African groups.

The groups of Ahmed Murad calls the spider and corroborates with Tunisian and Libyan agents.


Agents who work with Mr. Abdul Wahab Saeed and the former Iraqi’s regime calls the Cobra, this set it works with the Foreign, interior and defense Ministries of Yemen .


4. Yemenite Libyan Islamic and nationalistic movement group represented by Mr. Amen Shamsan who acts and advertises against the international security systems. He acts from Mosques and Islamic Institutions of America (California), and Yemenite media that acts for the same purposes and represented by radical , tribal and supporters of crimes and distributing illegal drugs and transactions or doing illusionary jobs in fighting against terrorism. Al-Kahri, Al-Muthil, Al-Mawari, Al-Dabiani Omar and members of centers are an examples.


5. Another group that takes place and acts from Islamic centers, houses and hidden offices is the Islamic collection that participates illusionary in development national and international peace process. To this assemblage belong the owner of Islamic center Mr. Solemn, and another business men who act for Saudi Arabia to spread the culture of terrorism, hate and discrimination.


To this group be in the right place some psychiatrics and psychologists who work for Canadian Mental Health Association like Rina, the assistant of Dr. Luahi, and groups that act in their names against the freedom and civil rights, they only act to cover crimes of Islamic movements nationally and internationally. Roxanne is the name of an agent that is used by the integrated security system to hide names of the criminal activists.



This network fights with Hindi radical movements in Canada and overseas. One of the representatives of Hindi movements is Mr. Bridge and his informational agency in Ottawa, which works dishonestly for Canadian government.




6. Another group of Iraqi, Pakistani, Hindi , Somali, and Iranian that abuses the law and replaces the family members and their names to build illusionary empire and to hide crimes of their movements. This group acts with logistic help of Shiite, and Sunni Islamic establishments, and Kuwaiti diplomatic line.


Roger’s the assistant of Ottawa- Carleton School Board is one of the sinner and innocent of this group likewise Rogers Company and Star Bucks Coffee. This group is supported by Lebanese and Tunisian business men who advertise for minorities programs or local business. They fight also with Israeli’s agents who takes Ottawa’s as a place to spread hate, crimes and illegal transactions.






Read more…

Ontario celebrates the long weekend in August as a Civic Holiday where various destinations pay tribute to Canadian Heroes in Toronto it is John Graves Simcoe and in Ottawa it is Colonal By. The rest of Ontario just celebrates the long weekend a time to make the most out of the summer long weekend which this year overlaps both July and August.

Canada Food Day July 31, Civic Holiday Weekend

Food Day is a national celebration of restaurateurs, suppliers, growers, farmers and citizens. Join us on July 31st, 2010 for the 8th annual coast-to-coast-to-coast event, heralding our regional diversity, culinary creativity and world-renowned reputation for throwing an amazing party! See Restaurant Events, Community Events, News Events.


Heritage Day - August Long Weekend Alberta - Monday, August 02, 2010
Heritage Day is celebrated the first Monday in August in Alberta. Monday, August 2, 2010 In Alberta, Heritage Day is an "optional" civil holiday, having


Avro Lancaster returns to Winnipeg
‎Global Winnipeg -
The Mynarski Memorial Avro Lancaster MK10 bomber will be put on display at the Western Canadian Aviation Museum over the August long weekend. ...More about
Manitoba, Book Manitoba Hotels

Nova Scotia

River Hebert and Area News‎
Amherst Citizen - 1 day ago
Monday is also Civic Day in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, Ontario (Civic Day, Simcoe Day or Colonel By Day) and in Manitoba. Darlene's Old-Time Photos ...



Colonel By Day - Monday August 2, 2010 - Ottawa Event Listings ...
Join us for Colonel By Day, a Civic holiday celebration of Ottawa's founding brought about by the construction of the Rideau Canal under the direction of Lt. Colonel By. ...More tourist information on Ottawa Area, Hotels in Ottawa

Rideau Canal Festival, Daily Program
11am - 4pm, Colonel By Day Civc Holiday Celebrations, Bytown Museum/ Ottawa Locks. 11:30am, Buy Local BBQ Challenge, Confederation Park. 12pm - 5pm, World Heritage Plaza ...Ottawa Area, Hotels in Ottawa

Seventh annual Riverside Jam to have all the 'Wright' stuff
‎ EMC Almonte/Carleton Place - Tara Gesner -
Michelle Wright is one of Canada's most widely known and awarded country ... of country entertainment takes place Civic Holiday weekend (July 30 to Aug. 1). ...
HST, competing festival challenge Riverside Jam‎ - Your Ottawa Region


Caribana: North America's largest Caribbean Festival. The Scotiabank Caribana Festival is an exciting three-week cultural explosion of Caribbean music, costumes, cuisine, revelry as well as visual and performing arts. Toronto Hotels

Historicist: Opening the Cinesphere
‎Torontoist - Jamie Bradburn - 5 days ago
When Ontario Place recently announced intentions to revitalize the ... of dreams to improve Toronto's shoreline since the days of John Graves Simcoe). ...

Simcoe Day at Gibson House Museum
Monday, August 2,
Gibson House Noon to 5 p.m. (last entry 4:30 p.m.). Come back to the past and relax in our country-in-the-city setting. Costumed guides will welcome you to the 1851 farm home of David and Eliza Gibson and their family where you can enjoy tastes of home-made ice cream, children’s activities, and samples of nineteenth-century cookery in the historic kitchen. Admission is FREE!
Location: Gibson House, 5172 Yonge Street, Toronto

Fort York Celebrates Simcoe Day
August 2, 2010 John Graves Simcoe founded the Town of York (Toronto) in 1793 and was the first lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada. Come learn about the birthplace of Toronto and thrill to the sounds of musketry, cannon and the fife and drum. Tours, cooking demonstrations and kids activities all add to this colourful event. The Fort George Guard joins us for this great day.
Fort York National Historic Site

The Weekender: July 31-August 3 |
Forget the cottage. Here's eight reasons to stay in Toronto this long weekend, including Saturday's Caribana parade By Stacy Lee Kong. One of the weekend's ...

White-Tailed Deer Guided Walk - August 2
From antler tip to tail, learn the tricks that deer use to stay alive through the seasons at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Come head out on a evening hike and try to witness deer in their natural habitat. 8:00pm Campground Amphitheatre. Earn a Park Ranger Stamp. Family Program.

South of Toronto

The Hamilton Spectator
‎ Hamilton Spectator - Steven Page - 2 days ago
Municipalities in Ontario are free to call the first Monday in August whatever they like. Toronto, for instance, long ago declared it Simcoe Day. ...

Ice Cream Simcoe Day Long Weekend(August 1 & 2)
Westfield Heritage Village Ice Cream Festival, Rockton
Next Sunday and Monday experience the fun and nostalgia of ice cream at the 6th annual Ice Cream Festival! There's something for everyone, including live music, horse and wagon rides, magic shows and lots of tasty ice cream!

North of Toronto

Barrie Kempenfest: A Top 100 Festival for Arts & Crafts, Kids Midway, Antique Hunters. Barrie Ontario Accommodation Information. Discover Lake Simcoe Barrie Area Beaches

Blue Mountain: Village Beach Party, The Village at Blue Mountain July 30th to August 2nd, 2010The Summer’s Hottest Party for all ages ~ Reggae & Calypso music, Fire Dancers, Professional Beach Volleyball, Movies Under The Stars, hiking, scavenger hunts and Fire Dancing. Collingwood Information and Accomodation

Huntsville Festival of the Arts: Continues over the long weekend July 31, August 1 Music in the Park Jazz Festival More information and accommodation in Huntsville area resorts, inns, lodges, hotels

Sault Ste. Marie Fin Grand Fest: July 28-August 1Blue and White Festival To celebrate and promote all things Finnish, including but not limited to Finnish culture, Finnish language, Finnish history, Finnish education, Finnish entertainment and Finnish sporting events. More tourist information and hotel accommodation in Sault Ste. Marie.

Lacrosse, lacrosse and more lacrosse
‎ - Brian McNair - 8 hours ago Lacrosse Festival starts Civic Day August Long Weekend. July 30-August 8, 2010
The field players also won't have to travel far should they be looking for inspiration. On Saturday at Civic Fields in Oshawa, there will be a test match ...

Unionville Simcoe Day Festival
Unionville Simcoe Day Festival - Monday August 2. Festive Music all weekend long. Enjoy the holiday with entertainment and a sidewalk sale. Take a ride on our double decker bus. August 2, 2010. Rumour has it that John Graves Simcoe himself may appear along with Elvis. Main Street Unionville

A Brush with the Highlands - Ontario's Premier Plein-Air Painting Festival
August 1-2 2010

Come and enjoy the breathtaking and unique work of over 40 of Ontario's finest Plein-Air Painters as they paint the stunning and rugged Highlands East. Onsite visitors are encouraged on Saturday and Sunday where you may see the creative painting process as it unfolds. Join us Monday August 2 at the Lloyd Watson Center in Wilberforce for a large one day Show and Sale of works from the talented artists participating. This is the only event of this kind in Canada so mark it on your Calendar. You don't want to miss it!

Selected locations Haliburton County. More info on Haliburton, Wilberforce.
Contact: Tracey Lee Green Tel: (705) 448-9785

Good, old-fashioned family fun weekend in Lucknow
Lucknow Sentinel - Sara Bender - Near Lake Huron
The Civic Holiday weekend will be full of good, old-fashioned family fun in Lucknow. ... and both have a long list of other awards attached to their names. ...

The 45th annual Georgian Bay Steam Show July 30 to Aug. 1.
Cookstown Ontario: 4635 Victoria Street West, in Cookstown and this event is always a fun time for the family. The featured tractor this year is Allis Chalmers. The show is filled with parades, tractor pulls, wagon rides, demonstrations, vendor booths, singing and dancing performances and more. The talent contest will be held on Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. for adults, and Sunday evening for juniors. Admission for adults is $6 per day and children aged 12 and under enter for free. Parking is free and a shuttle service is available from the Cookstown Outlet Mall. For further information, visit Get overnight Accommodation in Alliston or Barrie

Celebrate Lake Simcoe Festival July 31
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Come celebrate Lake Simcoe at Innisfil Beach Park! The LSRCA is pleased to be hosting a table at this event. We’ll have activities for the kids and a groundwater model that’s a big hit with kids and adults alike. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Single Day Event
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation

Aquapalooza 2010 Sunday August 1st , 2010

(Peterborough's own the Cadillacs)
Open to all boaters and boating guests , need to register at
Aquapalooza 2010 events website

AquaPalooza is the name given to a series of on-water celebrations held during the last two weekends in July at more than 100 locations around the world. Created by Sea Ray Boats, AquaPalooza is free and open to all boaters and non-boaters. Each gathering features fun activities for family and friends of all ages, such as live entertainment, games, giveaways and much more.

Manitoulin Region Georgian Bay Ontario

Wikwemikong Cultural Festival celebrates 50 years
‎ - 13 Jul 2010
“The government of Canada is proud to support the Wikwemikong Heritage ... Hosted during the Civic Holiday long weekend, this annual event features Native American dance, traditional foods, historical displays, a pow-wow and a variety of community activities.

Waterloo Ontario

Cambridge farmer's market Civic Holiday Weekend
‎Waterloo Record - Kevin Swayze - 5 Jul 2010
The annual Mill Race Folk festival takes over downtown on Civic Holiday weekend, so Bayley plans August as an arts-themed month at the market. ...


Get it on in Saskatchewan
Globe and Mail - Grant Black
If you're travelling along Canada's main artery, and you've never thought ... Really adventurous sorts in Moose Jaw over the August long weekend may want to

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Twenty Nine

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

(d). A network of espionages, illegal transactions, terrorisms, prostitutions , human organs trafficking and assassinations . This group uses the prostitutions as a main strategy for espionages and assassinations. It acts illegally from national and international area of the World. It also uses apartments that belong to the officials leaders of ministries like ministry of interior, national security and defense of Yemen and the strategic consultants who belong to the former Iraqi regime mostly, and additionally that belong to the Arabian Gulf countries.

These apartments are used as prisons , cemeteries for political and human activists and citizens of Yemen, Iraq, Arabian Gulf States and African victims.

These methods are used by the integrated security systems of mentioned countries with the corroboration and logistic works of socialistic countries like Poland, France, Syria and Lebanon and other integrated dishonest workers who take place of western countries to act against international security system.

Immigration Canada is one of the gaps of Canadian security system due to the illusionary works of the representatives of integrated security system of most communities and the diplomatic lines of mentioned countries above and their diplomatic lines.

Official Canadian religious establishments offices, and houses in the case of Suni, Jewish, and shit religious Islamic groups also participate in these illegal activities with support of diplomatic lines of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq , Poland, Yemen, Iran ,Israel, former eastern European countries, and Islamic countries.

In addition; to these institutions there are active members who act from Ottawa’s School boards and Universities. Most new comers of Africa, Latin America, Asia and former Eastern European countries are victims , and they become a dangerous characters in acting against the security system and participating in terrorism, illegal transaction, espionage, crimes and murdering .

In addition to emigrational schools and universities of Canada, Polish church and its integrated non-religious , religious establishments and business centers are taken main part in espionage, illegal transactions , prostitutions, discrimination, and assassinations. Likewise with the Islamic religious and nationalistic establishments and institutions.

The prostitutions companies take place not only in former Soviet Union Republics, Philippine , Lebanon, Morocco, and Syria, but also in Arabian Gulf and Yemen.

Most victims are transferred from country to another by the officials of the ministries of foreign affairs, interior and defense in order to spread the criminal missions of their regimes , ease their movements and movements of their officials, damage the real , moral , economic systems and to ease the espionage’s operations.

Officials of integrated security systems act illegally in business , emigrational, social and economic affairs with the inspirations of Islamic and Eastern European countries religious and no-religious establishments.

An example of these criminal sets is, the integrated network that belongs to the Yemenite regime and which is a compound of multi-agents. This network of terrorisms, illegal transactions of transferring illegal drugs, prostitutions, human organs trafficking and assassinations etc. leads by the officials of miniseries of foreign affairs, interior and defense .

Their active members and organizers work from Universities of Sana’a and Aden, Yemenite Atomic Agency, the Scientific Researches Foundation, Hotels of Downtown Sana’a like Hadramout and Saion, diplomatic line of Yemen in Ottawa,

Iraqis and their integrated business centers like Salons of Gladstone, Salons of Hada’s street in Yemen or of Russia, apartments that owned or rented or given as a support from Ottawa Housing for them, Downtown Housing of Dewar is an example and housing of most immigrants of French-Africa, Closing Smoking Bars and restaurants of Preston street, NVN7 Auto’s Company in Ottawa.

Additionally, apartments owned in the world by the former Iraqi’s regime activists in Spain and Egypt (NVN7- Ottawa) , in Western countries by Yemenite and Egyptian agents of officials an KGB ( Al-Wan’s family Group: U.K. , Yemen and Ottawa are some of the agents) or by the integrated systems of former Iraqi and Saudi representative of a tribal group the Sheik Al-Ahmar ( Yemen: Egypt etc).

These groups corroborated with Lebanese and Syrian nationalistic, socialistic and religious groups.

One of the representatives of socialistic active groups who act under the cover of prostitutions is Mr. Khair Allah Said , the net-worker and participator of nationalistic, Islamic and socialistic groups of Syria, Yemen , Iraq and Lebanon. He acts from MacLaren Downtown Ottawa with his groups, that participate in corruptions, crimes and espionages. To this group belongs former Ambassador of Yemen in Iraq Mr. Ryiad Al-Akbari, who moved to Ottawa years ago.

Another agent is Mr. Samir Alwan Al-Sakaf who works with the socialistic and nationalistic groups of illegal transactions, crimes and espionages. He acts from Ottawa with logistic support of Polish , Syrian and Ukrainian agents groups. Mr. Ahmed the real name of , the Polish agent, who conveyed Islam in Morocco is, one of the agents of this group. He moved from Ottawa to Warsaw years ago.

Islamic centers of Ottawa downtown, restaurants, New Mexico and Texas Islamic Centers in the United States of America, as well as Al-Hadad’s family in Taiz and New Mexico are members of Islamic and radical, tribal and nationalistic groups that act for former Iraqi regime with the owner of NVN7 and his family relatives. They work and act under the umbrella of Islamic, or Racial groups to ease their movements and espionages for ill Egyptian , Yemeni and Iraqi’s regimes etc. Logistic helps are gotten from the officials of diplomatic lines of Yemen and Egypt or by the gents of pro-terrorism , and from the interior ministries of mentioned countries.

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A Conair water bomber flies past a wildfire after dropping fire retardant on the other side of the mountain in Kelowna on Monday. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press)

Last Updated: Sunday, August 1, 2010 | 6:47 AM PT : CBC NEWS: The pilot and co-pilot of a water bomber that crashed in the B.C. Interior on Saturday are dead, the Abbotsford-based company Conair has confirmed.

Rick Pederson, Conair's senior vice-president, said Sunday that the pilot, 58, was from the Lower Mainland, the co-pilot from Alberta.

"The captain of the aircraft has been with the company for over 26 years — very experienced in this business and very experienced on that aircraft," Pederson said. "The co-pilot, although new to Conair, was a very experienced pilot before he joined the company."

Pederson, whose company hasn't suffered a fatal accident in almost 20 years, said it's too early to tell why the plane crashed.

There are reports the crash of the Convair 580, based in Abbotsford, sparked a new wildfire in the Lytton area.

The water bomber went down just before 9 p.m. local time Saturday, about 15 kilometres south of Lytton, said Capt. Marguerite Dodds-Lepinski, the public affairs officer for the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Victoria.

In another development, 230 experienced firefighters from Ontario and Alberta have joined the 1,000 B.C. firefighters on the front lines across B.C., the provincial Ministry of Forests and Range said Sunday.

The reinforcments include 10 four-person initial attack crews, five 20-person sustained action unit crews, three highly specialized incident command teams, fire behaviour analysts, incident commanders and division supervisors.

They will be assigned mainly to the Cariboo and Kamloops fire centres, but placement will also be determined based on fire activity and anticipated need, a ministry news release said.

Additional crews will be held in reserve to battle fresh fires as well as ensure all firefighting staff get their required time off in accordance with safe work standards.

British Columbia has also acquired 14 additional aircraft, including birddog planes and air tankers, from the province's two air tanker suppliers, and from Alberta and the Yukon. The Provincial Air Tanker Centre is establishing a temporary facility at the Quesnel Airport to accommodate the additional aircraft, the ministry said.

The fire danger for most of British Columbia is rated high to extreme, the ministry warned, and weather forecasters expect the hot, dry weather to continue this week in many areas of the province, particularly the southern and central Interior regions.

At present, 353 wildfires are burning in the province, 150 of which started in the last three days. Since April 1, crews around the province have responded to 1,100 wildfires, of which 487 have been human-caused, 580 lightning-caused and 33 are still under investigation. These fires have burned a total of 59,781 hectares.

One fire in particular forced 30 people from their homes in Cariboo Regional District.

Evacuation orders or alerts have been issued for people living in a number of locations in the Kamloops area and Cariboo region.

Evacuation orders remain in place for:

  • Pelican Lake, 75 kilometres west of Quesnel. For more information contact the Cariboo Regional District at 250-392-4283.
  • Dog Creek Indian Reserve No. 2, 40 km south of Williams Lake. Residents can call the Cariboo Regional District at 250-392-4283.
  • Riske Creek Military Base, 50 km southeast of Williams Lake. Residents can call the Cariboo Regional District at 250-392-4283.
  • The eastern half of Bonaparte Lake, within a 1.6-km radius of the lake. Residents can call the Thompson Nicola Regional District at 1-866-377-7188.

Evacuation alerts remain in place for:

  • Dog Creek Indian Reserve No. 1, 40 km south of Williams Lake.
  • Tatuk Lake, 55 km south of Vanderhoof.
  • Bayliff Road near Alexis Creek.
  • Jade Mine Road, Yalakom Valley, near Lillooet.

A campfire ban extends across about 70 per cent of the province, with violators facing fines from $345 to $1 million and up to three years behind bars.

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Villagers carry what's left from their collapsed houses after heavy flooding in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan, on Sunday. (Ishtiaq Mahsud/Associated Press)

August 1, 2010 : By CBC News: The number of people killed in flooding in northwest Pakistan has risen to more than 1,100, officials said Sunday.

Monsoon rains caused the worst floods on record in Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa province in the past week, washing away villages, roads and bridges.

Pakistani army spokesman Maj.-Gen. Attar Abbas said the full scale of the devastation is still not clear and the death toll is expected to increase.

"Aerial monitoring is being conducted and it has shown that whole villages have washed away, animals have drowned and grain storages have washed away," said Latifur Rehman, spokesman for the Provincial Disaster Management Authority. "The destruction is massive."

The UN estimates about one million people are affected by the flooding, while 27,000 remain trapped by the water.

Almost 700 people have drowned in the Peshawar valley, which includes the districts of Nowshera and Charsada, and 115 others are still missing, a local official said.

The districts of Swat and Shangla have also been hit hard and have suffered more than 400 deaths, said Mujahid Khan, the head of rescue services for the Edhi Foundation, a private charity.

Residents of Swat were still trying to recover from a major battle between the army and the Taliban last spring that caused widespread destruction and drove some two million people from their homes. About one million of those were still displaced.

In Swat alone, the floods have destroyed more than 14,600 houses and 22 schools.

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Retrospective: Heritage News and Events

Just because the summer's ending doesn't mean the fun has to! Make the most of your last month of summer at Billings Estate, Pinhey's Point and Cumberland Heritage Village during these exciting programs and events.

Billings Estate National Historic Site

Savouring Sunday

Every Sunday afternoon between noon and 2 p.m., discover the sweetest and most savoury aspect of pioneer life. Participants will learn food preparation skills based on heritage techniques and see how they have been adapted to modern times. Topics include pickling, jelly making, edible ornaments, brewing beer, and open hearth cooking.
Cost is $10 per person.

Bug Hunt

Are you buzzing with curiosity about the world around you? Every Sunday and Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m., kids can learn about different insects and why they're important. Games, crafts and activities � along with some good old bug hunting � will entertain and educate kids even after they've left the museum!
Cost is $6 per child.

Cultivating the Past

Grab your watering can and let's get growing! Every Friday from 1:30 to 3 p.m., participants ages 4 and up can help tend the Billings' veggie garden. Learn how to plant seeds, manage weeds, and nurture your seedlings into full-grown, delicious vegetables before taking home the fruits of your labour!
Cost is $6 per person and advance registration is required.

Campfire and Storytelling

Gather 'round the fire for tales from Ottawa's past every Friday night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Roast marshmallows and hot dogs and join the Ottawa Storytellers as they bring myths, legends and folktales to life.
Cost is $6 per person, $10 per pair or $15 per family.

Pinhey's Point Historic Site

Heritage Trades

Ever wonder how pioneers made tools and fabric? Come and meet heritage tradesmen and women on Sunday, August 1 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to find out! Try your hand at trades from the past with workshops, activities and demonstrations showcasing blacksmithing, carpentry, lace making and more.
Admission is $6 per person, $10 per pair or $15 per family.

Blast from the Past - Museum Day Camp

Looking for a camp that will put you in touch with nature? This exciting day camp will allow campers to explore a variety of themes, from pioneer life to the natural world. Kids will also discover the importance and history of the Ottawa River through fun games, crafts and activities. Space is limited, so hurry and register in advance. The camp runs from Tuesday, August 3 to Friday, August 6.
Cost is $140 per child and advance registration is required.

Junior Archaeologists Club

Indiana Jones had to get his start somewhere! Dig up some history this summer as a junior archaeologist every Saturday afternoon from 1 to 3 p.m. Budding young explorers can learn how to dig, date and display the heritage artifacts they find on site.
Cost is $6 per person or $15 per family and requires advance registration.

Green Thumb Club

Go green and get a little dirty this summer while you plant a garden and watch it grow! Every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m., kids aged seven to 10 can learn something new and have a ton of fun. Watering, weeding and flower arranging are just some of the skills they'll take home, as well as how to make a scarecrow to keep the pests away.
Cost is $6 per person or $15 per family.

Campfire and Storytelling

Gather 'round the campfire and listen to tales from Ottawa's past on Saturday, August 28 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Roast marshmallows and hot dogs and join the Ottawa Storytellers as they bring myths, legends, and folktales to life. Bring a blanket or chair and get comfy.
Cost is $6 per person or $15 per family.

Cumberland Heritage Village Museum

Back to Basics Children's Workshop: Friendly Farm Animals

Have some fun on the farm on Saturday, August 7 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Kids aged five to nine can learn what life is like for a rural farmer in Ottawa, and discover the important role that farm animals play in the food and products we enjoy every day. With the help of real farmers, learn how to feed and care for animals and make some crafts inspired by your favourite barnyard buddies.
Cost is $4 per child. Advance registration required.

Back to Basics Children's Workshop: Telegraphy and Trains

Want to find out how people kept in touch before text messaging? Head back in history at the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum on Saturday, August 14 to a time where e-mailing, instant messaging and texting didn't exist. Kids can learn about some of the traditional ways of communicating and try their hand at using the telegraphy equipment to see which is faster - sending a telegraph or a text message! The fun takes place from 10 a.m. to noon. Ages seven to 12.
Cost is $5 per child. Advance registration required.

Back to Basics Children's Workshop: Radio and Communication

All signals point to this new radio and communication workshop! The invention of the radio was monumental in communicating long distances, broadcasting news, and providing entertainment. Cumberland villagers listened daily at home and at work. Children will learn about the history of the radio in this workshop, and have an opportunity to put on a play. Saturday, August 21, from 10 a.m. to noon. For ages seven to 12.
Cost is $5 per child. Advance registration is required.

Back to Basics Children's Workshop: Rural Resourcefulness

The greatest rock stars practice the three R's! The environment needs protection from harmful substances, like pollution and waste. When you reduce, reuse and recycle you help clean the environment and make it a liveable space. People in the 1920s and 30s were resourceful and you can be too! Learn how their green lifestyles can be applied today. Children will also learn about composting and create a toy from recycled objects. Saturday, August 28 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. For children ages five to nine.
Cost is $5 per child. Advance registration required.

Traditional Dance

Want to dance, sing and feel the beat? On Sunday, August 8, you can get in the groove and show off your moves at the museum when it showcases traditional dance styles from local cultural groups. Don't let having two left feet stop you! Come by to simply enjoy the performances, or to explore the museum's new Discovery Zone. The good times will be shaking from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission is $7 for adults, $5 for students and seniors or $18 for the whole family.

Animals in Art

Do you have a passion for painting? From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, August 22, amateur artists are invited to bring their canvases and brushes to the museum to display their talent and get creative. Let the beautiful sights and sounds of the heritage village inspire you, and take the opportunity to chat with other aspiring artists. Masterpieces will be created and prizes will be awarded at this incredible day of art and fun.
Admission is $7 for adults, $5 for students and seniors or $18 for the whole family.

Series for Adults: Preserves

In the past, as summer wound down, rural families would spend their days not at the beach, but busily preparing for the winter instead. Learn the valuable art of preserving garden vegetables, and then apply it to your preserving endeavours at home. The workshop takes place Saturday, August 28 and is open to participants 14 years and up.
Cost is $5 per person and advance registration is required.

Volunteering with Heritage

The City of Ottawa's heritage programs thrive on the efforts of volunteers and are always welcoming newcomers. At Billings Estate National Historic Site, Pinhey's Point Historic Site, and Cumberland Heritage Village Museum, volunteers assist in almost every museum activity. To volunteer, contact Daniele Hamonic at 613-580-2424, ext. 19042 or Visit for more information.

Check out your local museum!

Billings Estate National Historic Site
Open Wednesday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on Monday and Tuesday, except by appointment.
Admission is $6 per adults, $5 per senior, $3.50 per child, $15 per family. Children under 5 are admitted free.
Located at 2100 Cabot Street, Ottawa.
Call 613-247-4830 for more information.

Cumberland Heritage Village Museum
Open Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission is $7 per adult, $5 per senior/student, $18 per family. $35 for a season family pass.
Located at 2940 Old Montreal Road, Cumberland.
Call 613-833-3059 for more information.

Pinhey's Point Historic Site
Open Wednesday to Friday from noon to 5 p.m., and on weekends 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission by donation. Special fees may apply to some activities and programs.
Located at 270 Pinhey's Point Road, Dunrobin.
Call 613-832-4347 for more information.

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الجنس موجود بين ابناء البشر والعالم الخفي اي الملائكة والجن. يحدث هذا في الاحلام الطبيعية, وكذلك في الاحلام المختلقة سواء أكانت روحانية ام استنساخية, فعلماء الاديان واصحاب الطاقات الخارقة بإمكانهم مناداة الارواح وارسالها عبر الاثير للشخص المستهدف في منامه, وتستخدم هذه الطرق في الكنائس الكاثولوكية وكذلك في المعابد البوذية للتنفيس الجنسي للخوارنة والرهبان وغيرهم بهدف نقلهم الى عالم النقاء والصفاء أو ما اشبه ذلك, هذه الاساليب والطرق كذلك يستخدمها رجال المخابرات وعلماء النفس لإيجاد دلائل وبراهين للجرائم الصعبة أو في التحقيقات مع المساجين لانتزاع اعترافات, أو كذلك كوسيلة ترهيب وترغيب من اجل الانخراط في الاعمال التجسسية, تستخدم هذه الطرق في الابحاث العلمية لمنافع البشر أو الاضرار بهم. الجنس في العالم الخفي: بين الجن والجن, والجن والملائكة, والملائكة والملائكة, والجن والبشر, والملائكة والبشر, لمن ليس له علم أو خبرة في الميتافيزقيا صعب التمييز بين نوع تلك العلاقات من الناحية النوعية أو الكمية, وتخضع تلك العلاقات الخفية لمبادئ الاحتمالات والافترضات و التكهنات.

حرمان الجنس على الرهبان والراهبات كان ومازال سبباً لأقترافهم للعديد من الجرائم سوى كانت في الماضي أو في وقتنا الحاضر بسبب حرمانهم من نعمة الجنس وكذلك من الامومة ومن الطفولة.

لذا أرى أن الغاء تحريم الجنس المفروض على رجال الدين المسيحي والبوذي واجب مقدس والغاءه هو الواجب المقدس الاهم وتحريمه ما هو الاعمل شيطاني لا يمت لله الرب والخالق بأي صلة.

وعلى الساميين كذلك وغيرهم من الاغيار والاطهار أن يتقشفوا في مسألة الجنس, وعلى الساميين بوجه الخصوص أن يعترفوا بأن لكل جنس بشري أنبياء وملائكة ومجددين من الذكور والاناث, كما يجب عليهم عدم كره أو تحقير الحيوانات على سبيل المثل الخنازير والحمير, أو بأن لا تكون سبباَ لصراعات دائمة بسبب اعتبارها رمزاً مقدسا,على سبيل المثال البقر كما يجب عليهم احترام حقوق الموتى والمقابر وعدم احتكارها فقط لأصحاب النفوذ والمال أو لشعب الله المختار والمحتار.

وعلى رجال الدين ان يعيدوا تفسيرالكتب المقدسة وتحديث السير النبوية التي لوثت بسبب مصالح المنافقين والحكام من اجل رغباتهم ونزعاتهم ذات الطابع اللانساني.

وعليهم أن لا يتبنوا أو يشجعوا الزواج الجماعي بغرض تحطيم وتدمير قيم الانسان الخاصة والمثالية لغرض تحقيره واستغلاله لأعمال غير أخلاقية .

وعلى الحكومات التى تتبنا الزواج المثلي وتستثمره سياسياً واجتماعياً لأغراض لا تخدم أبناء البشرية وتعمل على تدمير القيم الاخلاقية أن تعمل على مراجعة سياستها وأن توجه رجال المؤسسات الدينية لأعادة تأهيلهم عوضاً عن استثمارها في الارهاب وتجارة المخدرات أو في الجرائم المنظمة على سبيل المثال الاتجار في الاعضاء البشرية والخطف والقتل. كما يجب على المؤسسات الدينية ان تحدث في هيكلها الادارية والتعليمية ومنها الكادر البشري.

واوصي الاحزاب السياسية بعدم ترشيح ممثل لها لانتخابات رئاسة الوزراء الا لمن منحوا لقب السير حفاظاً على النزاهة والسياة والاستقلالية.

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Wildfires devouring B.C. forests

An evacuation order remains in place at Bonaparte Lake. (B.C. Forest Service)

A campfire ban continues across most of British Columbia as wildfires ignited by lightning earlier in the week devour tinder-dry forests.

CBC News : July 31, 2010 : A campfire ban continues across most of British Columbia as wildfires ignited by lightning earlier in the week devour tinder-dry forests.

As of Saturday, 318 forest fires were burning across the province, while residents were under evacuation order or alert in six areas in the Kamloops area and the Cariboo region.

Upward of 1,000 firefighters are on the front lines across B.C., battling hundreds of wildfires in conditions that could still spark more. Air tankers, helicopters and heavy machinery are supporting ground crews, with the largest of the fires stretching 25 square kilometres.

"We have lots of priority fires but ones that are affecting residents - life and property - are the ones we consider priorities always," said fire information officer Kim Steinbart at the Kamloops Provincial Co-ordination Centre.

Lightning strikes and gusty winds are constant threats to cause current fires to grow or to start new blazes, she said.

Toasting marshmallows around a campfire in B.C. could cost campers $345 each, officials warn. (Jim Mone/Associated Press)

"One of the biggest challenges we're facing right now is a lot of smoke, so it's reducing visibility [and] in some cases can make it more difficult for aircraft and crews on the ground," she said.

In the Cariboo, crews managed to contain 15 per cent of the 1.8-square-kilometre Dog Creek fire, 40 kilometres south of Williams Lake. That blaze has forced 30 more people out and put another 100 on evacuation alert.

"We're pleased with the progress we've made there," said fire information officer Grace Pickell at the Cariboo fire centre.

About 90 residents remain under evacuation alert in the rugged Yalakom Valley near Lillooet, where 125 firefighters have kept busy at the 12-square-kilometre Jade wildfire for more than a week.

Other crews had by Saturday fully contained a 53-hectare blaze in Barnhartvale, near Kamloops, where 40 firefighters are patrolling and mopping up hot spots.

Eight ranches northwest of Quesnel were evacuated Friday night because of three fires burning in the area around Pelican Lake. They cover an area estimated to be 2,500 hectares, and the evacuation order remains in effect.

In Vancouver, the city's board of parks and recreation on Saturday elevated the fire hazard rating from "high" to "extreme."

Other precautions also came into effect, including a ban on smoking in parks or on trails, a ban on the use of charcoal or wood-burning barbecues and the recommendation to stay on trails.

A campfire ban extends across about 70 per cent of the province, with violators facing fines from $345 to $1 million and up to three years behind bars.

In other wildfire news, the provincial government says:

  • Highway 37, 82 kilometres south of the Yukon border, remains closed due to wildfire activity. Visit for updates.
  • A wildfire smoke advisory has been issued for Williams Lake.
  • The evacuation alert for the western half of Bonaparte Lake has been rescinded. An evacuation order remains in effect for the eastern half.

Four evacuation orders remain in place:

  • Pelican Lake, 75 km west of Quesnel. For more information contact the Cariboo Regional District at 250-392-4283.
  • Dog Creek Indian Reserve #2, 40 km south of Williams Lake. Residents can call the Cariboo Regional District at 250-392-4283.
  • Riske Creek Military Base, 50 km southeast of Williams Lake. Residents can call the Cariboo Regional District at 250-392-4283.
  • The eastern half of Bonaparte Lake, within a 1.6-km radius of the lake. Residents can call the Thompson Nicola Regional District at 1-866-377-7188.

Evacuation alerts remain in place in:

  • Dog Creek Indian Reserve No. 1, 40 km south of Williams Lake.
  • Tatuk Lake, 55 km south of Vanderhoof.
  • Bayliff Road near Alexis Creek.
  • Jade Mine Road, Yalakom Valley, near Lillooet.
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Last Updated: Saturday, July 31, 2010 | 5:59 PM ET : CBC NEWS: Ontario’s new zero blood-alcohol level policy for young drivers takes effect at midnight Saturday.

Starting Aug. 1, novice drivers aged 21 and under will be subject to strict penalties if found with any alcohol in their systems, including an immediate 24-hour suspension of their licence, an extended 30-day suspension and up to $500 in fines.

The province announced the change this month in a bid to curb alcohol-related incidents.

"Young drivers between the ages of 19 and 21 are most at risk," Transportation Minister Kathleen Wynne said in a statement. "We are doing what we can to keep them safe."

'There’s been too much bloodshed, too many injuries, too much death.'—Sgt. Tim Burrows, Toronto police

Drivers holding G1 and G2 permits in the graduated licensing system are already subject to a zero-alcohol restriction, but the introduction of a new class of novice driver is a change.

Police are advising young drivers to plan ahead if they plan to go out this long weekend.

"If they leave home tonight to go to a bar, they're perfectly legal," Sgt. Tim Burrows of Toronto police told CBC News. "But if they drink while they're at that bar, and at 12:01 [a.m.] they have any alcohol in their system, they'll be breaking the law."

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation says drivers between 19 and 21 are nearly 1½ times more likely to be involved in fatal drinking-and-driving accidents as any other age group. In the last decade, 235 drivers under 21 have been killed in alcohol-related collisions in the province.

"There’s been too much bloodshed, too many injuries, too much death," Burrows said. "Any amount of alcohol is too much when you’re driving a car."

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It's been a good time to be a Chicago Blackhawks fan. The renaissance of the franchise culminated in a Stanley Cup championship in June and despite being cap-strapped and having to say goodbye to some beloved players, there's still a good core on the roster for fans to expect Chicago to compete over the next several years.

Even with all the success on the ice and in the community, the business side of the Blackhawks is still slowly, make that very slowly, rebounding from the disastrous days of "Dollar" Bill Wirtz.

Melissa Harris of the Chicago Tribune has a fascinating read Friday about the business side of the Blackhawks. In the article, she details how ticket prices will jump 20 percent next season and move Chicago from second-cheapest in the NHL to top 10 most expensive. She also points out how a Stanley Cup, a sold out United Center and a fan base eating up as much Blackhawks merchandise as possible still hasn't stopped the franchise from losing money.

In fact, the Blackhawks ran out of cash last season. Several times.

"In a follow-up interview this week, Wirtz said that the Blackhawks ran out of cash several times last season. Each time, he received a memo, known as an internal capital call, in which the team requested money from Wirtz Corp., the Blackhawks' parent company, to cover operating expenses. And at the end of the season, Wirtz said he double-checked that the playoffs did not cover those losses; the franchise remained in the red, the team's accountant told him.

"We have multiple businesses and obviously we want every one to stand on its own," Wirtz said. "And what you don't want to do is manage one business from the profit of the other one."

But Wirtz pledged he would never revert to the penny-pinching ways of his father."

There's definitely no penny-pinching going on. Among those set to receive Stanley Cup rings next season include the team's interns. Expect to see some on eBay to help pay off college loans this fall.

The hole that Chicago was in before Bill Wirtz passed away in 2007 was deep. Wirtz told the Toronto Star that between 1997 and 2007 he lost $191 million, and $31 million during the 2006-07 season. Guess that idea of "not putting games on television" plan wasn't such a good one after all.

Even with two straight playoff runs, the revenue generated still wasn't enough and the Blackhawks continued losing money, but according to Rocky Wirtz, it's getting less and less. A Stanley Cup championship and the monstrous revenue that it brings in certainly helps put a small dent in their losses.

Revenue sharing is something that's hurt the Blackhawks. As Harris notes, regular season ticket revenue is Chicago's to keep, but for playoff games, the team has to give the NHL at least 50 percent of what a regular-season sellout would bring in, thus the need to raise prices come April.

Because the Blackhawks are privately owned, financial records cannot be accessed so it's unknown exactly how much the losses were, but Wirtz told Harris with the success of the team now, getting out of the red and into the black is a goal that can be reached and the franchise is closer to getting it's head above water.

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Villagers move to safety from a flooded village near Nowshera, in Pakistan's Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa province, on Thursday. (Mohammad Sajjad/Associated Press)

Massive flooding in Pakistan has killed at least 430 people as monsoon rains continue to bloat rivers, submerge villages and trigger landslides, according to rescue and government officials.

At least 291 people have died in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, in the country's northwest, since Wednesday, said Mujahid Khan of the Edhi Foundation, a privately run rescue service that operates morgues and ambulances across the South Asian country.

Provincial officials called the flooding the worst in 90 years.

Residents and shopkeepers wade through a flooded street with their belongings after heavy rains in Peshawar, in northwest Pakistan, on Thursday. (Fayaz Aziz/Reuters)

Pakistan's poor infrastructure has been unable to stand up to the terrible weather.

Under-equipped rescue workers have struggled to reach up to 400,000 stranded villagers, while the highway connecting Peshawar to the capital city Islamabad had to be shut down.

There are also only 48 boats available for rescue.

Pakistani TV showed striking images of people clinging to fences and other stationary items as water at times gushed over their heads.

In Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, at least 22 people had been confirmed dead as of Thursday evening, the area's prime minister, Sardar Attique Khan, told reporters.

The death toll from the deluge was expected to rise because many people were still missing. Poor weather this week also may have been a factor in Wednesday's Airblue plane crash that killed 152 people in Islamabad.

In the Swat Valley, residents were forced to trudge through knee-deep water in some streets.

A newly constructed part of a dam in the Charsadda district collapsed, while the UN said it had reports of 5,000 homes underwater in that area.

Pakistan's poorest residents are often the ones living in flood-prone areas because they can't afford safer land.

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A woman works at a production line at the Hanwang manufacture plant in July. The country supplanted Japan as the world's second-largest economy recently. (Jason Lee/Reuters)

China has overtaken Japan to become the second-largest economy in the world, a senior Chinese official says.

CBC News : July 30, 2010 : China has overtaken Japan to become the second-largest economy in the world, a senior Chinese official said Friday.

"China, in fact, is now already the world's second-largest economy," China's currency regulator, Yi Gang, said in an interview posted on the agency's website.

Estimates from the IMF, World Bank and independent economists predict China will likely supplant the United States' economy as the world's largest by 2025.

While the country's massive manufacturing base makes that a likely bet to happen in the next decade, a lot hinges on what China decides to do with its undervalued currency.

China does not allow its currency to float on the open market, a practice that critics say undervalues it and allows it to artificially boost its exporting clout.

The Chinese economy has grown by an average of more than 10 per cent per year for much of the past decade. Rampant growth like that raises the spectre of inflation, which in turn eats into growth.

The country has also only begun to tackle complex labour and environmental issues as its economy develops, and it's unclear what impact those factors might have on its explosive economic growth.

Earlier this month, the International Energy Agency estimated that China had already supplanted the U.S. as the world's largest consumer of oil, a claim Beijing disputes.

Official data from China is always viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism, but China is generally believed to have passed Germany as the world's third-largest economy some time in 2007.

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Twenty Eight

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

©. A network of espionages, illegal transactions, terrorisms, prostitutions , human organs trafficking and assassinations . Members of this network act from the ministries of Yemeni Foreign Affairs, Interior and Defense with the logical and financial supports of former Iraqi officers and activist (Yemenite, Iraqis and Jihadists of the world).

They act in international area via the representatives of diplomatic lines mostly of Yemen , Syria , Jordan, Palestinians, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt.

In Canada, members of these groups take place in Yemenite, Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian, Palestinian ,French, Israeli, Spanish, Polish, Ukrainian, Turkish, and Latin American communities and establishments, as well as Eastern , Western and African Islamic an Non-Islamic religious establishments centers and institutions.

Also their espionages and terrorisms activities are organized by most members of educated immigrants families as well as by families of diplomatic lines and co-workers, friends and un-liberated people.

Some members act in general from universities like Yemenite universities and Polish universities via some agents who settle worldwide, and in particular via immigrants of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and America .

This network is supported by the corroboration of Yemenite and Syrian strategic affairs offices represented by the both official members of the regime as well as by the oppositionists. They work to hide their crimes and crimes of their leaders and they stand by not canceling the nationalizations laws of properties.

These groups also are supported by the criminals activists of Polish state who act under the cover of Catholic and Non-Catholic Institutions from Spain, Italy, French , United Kingdom, Canada, Latin America, U.S.A. and Canada etc. Names and activists are mentioned in the previous parts Espionage in Canada and Western Countries.

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President Barack Obama appears on the daytime TV talk show 'The View' in New York City July 28, 2010. From left are Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara Walters, Joy Behar, Sherri Shepherd and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque /

Thu Jul 29, 2:14 PM :By Patricia Zengerle: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama tried to revive his common touch on Thursday with a mainly light-hearted appearance on daytime television where five women hosts grilled him about his Blackberry, Lindsay Lohan and the Afghan war.

His appearance was the first by a sitting U.S. president on a daytime talk show. It allowed Obama to appeal directly to a targeted audience as he fights flagging poll numbers while he and his fellow Democrats try to avoid big losses in the November congressional election.

"The View" typically draws 3-4 million viewers and is particularly popular with women who are home at its late-morning air time.

In a wide-ranging interview, Obama defended his Afghan war strategy and efforts to lift the country out of recession, but said he expected things would get better, if over time.

"If we get our mojo back over the next several months, then I am absolutely confident that we are going to be doing terrific, but we're going to have to make some fundamental structural changes as we go along," he said.

He said he was frustrated with the anger of political debate, and blamed the media for a recent "phony controversy" that led to the firing of a black Agriculture Department employee who appeared to be making racist comments in an edited videotape that was shown repeatedly by conservative media.

"When you feel as if every single initiative that we're doing is subject to Washington politics instead of 'is this good for the country,' that can be frustrating," he said.


The Afghanistan war is worth fighting, Obama said, when asked about the recent leak of documents painting a bleak picture of the unpopular conflict, which bitterly divides his own Democratic party.

"If you've got chaos ... in this region where there's no functioning government and warlords and terrorist affiliates are able to operate, that is going to be that much tougher for us to make sure that they are not attacking us," Obama said.

Obama also showed he has some grasp of popular culture. He knew that actress Lindsay Lohan had been sent to jail, although he said he had not heard of "Snooki," the star of a popular reality television show, and dodged a question about tapes of angry telephone calls by actor Mel Gibson.

Obama also lamented his inability to enjoy technology.

He is the first president to use a Blackberry, but he can't enjoy the jokes and pictures that fill most inboxes.

"I have a Blackberry, but only 10 people have (access to) it," he said. "And I've got to admit it's no fun, because they think it's going to be subject to the presidential records act, so nobody sends me the juicy stuff."

(Editing by David Storey)

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)