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When: WED. AUG 11th 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.

7:30 PM (approx) Samba Ottawa arrives

(Rain Date Wed. Aug. 18 )

Where : at Armstrong at McCormick & Carruthers

Hintonburg T-Shirts for sale


Free Admission

Refreshments for Sale


Presented by Hintonburg Economic Development Committee

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Posted by Elias Farhud Harb on August 9, 2010 at 6:00am View Elias Farhud Harb's blog

Since the people’s of the Jewish nation cried out to Pontius Pilot, “Crucify Him and let his blood be upon our heads and the heads of our children.” From 70 AD until this very hour they ceased to being recognized as a legitimate nation and were scattered upon the four corners of the earth as they found themselves a washed in a sea of blood. Wherein about the year 1900, through Cyrus I. Scofield and the Scofield Reference Bible, this disenfranchised group purchased
for themselves a place in Christian theology and introduced deception and lies concerning their global place in these contemporary times. As the seeds of
Christian Zionism, found the fertile heart of a misguided American and English faith community.

Following came the official policy of the British government formally declaring their sympathies with Jewish Zionist aspirations, “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours
to facilitate the achievement of this object”…Balfour Declaration of 1917. United States President Harry Truman is hoodwinked and betrayed after recognizing Israel as a nation and trusting them to honor the contractual obligations required for them to be accepted into the United Nations. Afterwards comes an avalanche of Israeli and Zionist supported sponsorship of trips to Israel as the US Congress is in effect bought off by 1972.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part Two-B by M.T. Al-Mansouri,Ph.D.

Rationale abandons truth’s reality and standings upon the stage of degenerate justifications for the genocide of a nation of peace loving peoples by a government having no legitimacy before heaven or earth.Though evolving from different histories and historical context, Gaza and Soweto South Africa, nonetheless share a commonality transcending false geopolitical barriers. Vibrant as the beating of a new born’s heart the great power of freedom beats like unrelenting waves against a totalitarian leadership armed to the teeth in savage civil war upon the
unarmed majority populations. Bringing forth the question born during another Apartheid supported by the ruling classes and American government, “What do we do to correct this imbalance of forces?” Franz Fanon, Soweto & American Black Thought by Lou Turner and John Alan.

Insight into the nature of this imbalance can be pictured as we look upon contemporary warfare embodied in World War II having morphed under the guise of a “Global War on Terrorism.” Pentagon’s global military design, which is one of World conquest, employs a carefully coordinated global military design controlled under the doctrinal framework “The World Commanders’ Areas of Responsibility” whose tenant involves the combined armed forces of more than forty countries. This global multinational military deployment is by far the largest display of advanced weapons systems in World history.

Since 2005, the US and its allies, including America’s NATO partners and Israel, have been involved in the extensive deployment and stockpiling of advanced weapons systems. The air defense systems of the US, NATO member countries and Israel are fully integrated with planning for a global war theater being made contingent upon the militarization of outer space. Were a war directed against Iran to be launched, it would not only use nuclear weapons, the entire gamut of new advanced weapons systems, including electrometric weapons and environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) are also envisioned to be employed. The
present context is characterized by a global military build-up controlled by one World superpower, which is using its numerous allies to trigger regional wars and the strategic subjugation of the Nation of Palestine with its calculated destabilizing and collateral impacts upon the Middle East. (Militaristic excerpts from
Michael Chossudovsky’s Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran Part I: Global Warfare).

General Sun Tzu writes that all war is deception. Where the CIA bankrolls Hollywood movies in order to perpetuate propaganda and desensitizes us to their culture of murder and proposed justifiable abandonment of the rules of domestic and international law. Zionist control of mainstream media and information control of global news within the US and abroad opposes the general public from easily formulating informed decisions and evaluation of governmental policies.

Psychological warfare introduced as balanced news reporting therein diverting passion and moral outrage subsequently diffused into intellectual uncertainty and inaction. All these are punctuated by the very real world murder of intellectual freedom, opinion makers and
leadership contrary to neo-colonialism; thereby creating an atmosphere of despair and hopelessness for the Palestinians and those who might rally to their causes.

Here the writer proposes that knowledge of the truth will set our minds free from the deception waged against the collective consciousness. Balance of the visible realms reconciled with the
realities of the invisible dynamics of our global humanity allows our achieving proper assessments of the world stage and its actors. Moral law then becomes the driving force whereby we fear not for what it is they may take from us or the price we are willing to pay for
self-determination. What we now spy and appreciate is a message proclaiming that there is hope even in waging initiatives against a people who call themselves god and stand in the shadow of the paper tiger.

Financial Times quotes Guan Jianzhong, chairman of Dagong Global Credit Rating, the head of China’s biggest credit rating agency as saying, “America is insolvent and that U.S. credit ratings are a joke. The western rating agencies are politicised and highly ideological and they do not adhere to objective standards. The US is declared to be insolvent and faces bankruptcy as a pure debtor nation and – in the real world – America should have been downgraded to junk.”

Indeed, Guan is even disusing America’s military prowess: “Actually, the huge military expenditure of the US is not created by themselves but comes from borrowed money, which is not sustainable.” And U.S. military and intelligence leaders say that the economic crisis is the biggest national security threat to the United States. [I]t is ironic that America’s huge military spending is what made us an empire … but our huge military is what is bankrupting us … thus destroying our status as an empire … In any event, American cannot remain a hyper power if it is broke.”

Political fighting over reserve currency issues had begun in April 2009 when the G20 leaders Communiqué declared at Point 19 support for IMF to create money and the global easing of the US dollar glut. China’s government has floated a variant of this idea, suggesting an international currency unit named “Bancor” based on the value of 30 commodities along the lines proposed by John Maynard Keynes in 1944. As China’s central banker said, the goal would be to create a reserve currency “that is disconnected from individual nations and is able to remain stable in the long run, thus removing the inherent deficiencies caused by using credit-based national currencies.”

Government is the appendage of the ruling class and if the basis of their monetary wealth as a ruling class is rendered useless or non-existent the horn of their power and agenda is eroded
contemporaneously and directly. Providing for us the wisdom to understand there are real and pragmatic basis for the Palestinians and people of the Middle East to embrace the power of their hope and intuitive knowledge that these things will pass away. We then fully realizing the quaintness found in the saying ‘… life is what happens while we’re sitting around making plans’ and the US-Israeli alliance reaps what it is they have sown.

We conclude this address and take upon our hearts the words of Archbishop Theodosios (Atallah) Hanna, Archbishop of Sebaste, “I say to all the Palestinian refugees they should still not give up their right of return. It is a right that could not be canceled by time. It is a human right because every Palestinian refugee should return to his/her home. Do not lose hope because our cause is a just one and the person who was wronged in a way or another should not be desperate, but we should still claim our rights where we hope that one day and it will be soon “Enshaala” – <Arabic> (God Willing) that every Palestinian
could return to his/her home.”
Exclusive Intifada Interview with Archbishop Theodosios (Atallah) H...
Elias Harb.

Bishop Donald R. Corder is the spiritual leader of the Spirit of Life International Believers Fellowship and Senior Pastor for the Pillar of Truth Ministries. Mr. Corder is a published author, grassroots organizer and community activist, in addition to his work in urban and international development as a business consultant and entrepreneur. Email:


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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Fifteen

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

Fights Against Crimes ,Terrorism , hate and disrcimination in National and International Area

132. Eid Haji, Canadian, an agent working for Syria in Abu-Dabai

133. Nada and Jamila, Canadians, Syrian agents lined at Percy street

134. Khalid, Canadian, Libyan agent and the sponsor of Al-Muflihi’s family, Canada, Yemen and the Gulf

135. Salih Al-Fadli, Canadian, Kuwaiti agent , Ottawa

136. Khalid Mohamed Qasim Al-Qadasi, Yemeni- American Citizen, activist with terrorist groups to hide the crime of the Yemeni regime, New Mexico , U.S.A.

137. Abdul Jalil Nowman Al-Qadasi, Yemeni former officer, a citizen of the United Stae of America, the brother of the Muslim brotherhood, who escaped from America with his two children to Yemen

138. Abdul Hakim Naji Al-Hadad, a Yemenite, who holds the American

139. Faisal, Canadian-Jordanian, YMCA and Macs worker

140. Sadik Nowman Mohamed Al-Nabhani, Yemeni, who lives in Sana’a, Tel:. +1-967- 777772717

141. Samir Al-Karsi, Yemen, Sana’a, Tel:. +1- 967- 711839960 or +1-967- 733095156

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Sixteen

International Integrated Security Systems: Crimes, dishonest works, terrorism, illegal drugs, illegal transactions and prostitution

· The Canadian laws and constitutions are not taken under attention in most of the Canadian communities, on the other words, communities social workers and social powers work due to the dogmas, private laws, and they spread the criminals’ ideologies (hate, racism, terrorism and violence). Government of Canada has to provide real programs to teach newcomers the Canadian rights and responsibilities without the negative influences of the multicultural activists.

· International Integrated Security Systems: Crimes, dishonest works, terrorism, illegal drugs, illegal transactions and prostitution

· Diplomatic lines of Republic of Yemen and Poland are resources of dishonest work in national and international areas. They cover their illegal transactions, crimes, and terrorist activities as well as corruptions by anecdotes.


· National Press Club of Canada ‘s Foundation: Fear of Anti-Semitism and selfishness.

· Social Planning Council of Ottawa: Ethnic Minority Business: Corruptions: dishonest work and racism.

· LASA: Corruptions: Illusionary works, and the participations of other Arab Minorities and other groups are very limited.

· Canadian minorities associations and communities: Corruptions and dishonest work, racism too due to the cultural and security aspects.

· The Tree Reading Series , a poetry group of Majorities: administrational and organizational corruptions: Linguistic racism, and lovers of the pro-terrorism poets.

· Conservative Party of Canada has a fear of Human Rights Media.

· Center Town Community Health Center: Corruption and illusionary works.

· Ministry of Transportation : Administrational and organizational corruptions: Illusionary works, and the integrated security systems penetrated the organizational and administrational systems.

· The Office of Registrar, Thunder Bay: administrational and organizational corruptions.

· Salvation Army: Downtown, Market, George st., 171, Administrational and organizational corruptions: A resource of thieves, and dishonest works due to homeless people.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Seventeen

Diplomatic Corpses of Yemen and Poland in Ottawa should be investigated and under control owing to their dishonest works and illusionary activities in national and international areas of the World.

International Integrated Security Systems whom they work with Catholic and Carleton-District School Boards, Colleges Universities work against the Canadian system, and the establishments of the newcomers, especially in teaching ESL for instance, Arabic and Polish Integrated Security Systems.

The Canadian Multicultural Media with its social powers abuse the rights of immigrants and Canadian freedom by forcing them to watch programs that are not necessary for their establishments e.g. Chinese, Arabic and Indian Televisions and Radios.

The Major and Minor Canadian Telecommunications and their illegal transactions with the International Integrated Security Systems are fighting against each other by using illegal psychological methods of advertisements.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Eighteen


Introduction and Background History

Canada and the United States of America are the promised lands for many immigrants due to the acceptance of innovations, ideas and missions, the specific dynamics of the lands and the tolerance of inhabitants and their ability to accept others to live with them equally, and the system, which gives many facilities.

I am SIR Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik Abdulhamid Salam Saeed Salih Abdula Shalab, the son of Abdulhamid and the martyr Nooria Al-Mansouri Al-Sourorri Owai’s Saeed Ahmed; an immigrant, who came to Canada a few months before September 11, 2001, carrying lots of surprising things, among them the renovation mission, which I had since I was child, and which makes me aware and remained detached from the devils. On the other hand, Canada and America are full of obstacles, even though they are the lands of adventure.

I worked as a consultant for the Canadian Federal Government in the National and International Strategic Affairs for Her Majesty; Queen Elizabeth II, having recognized my valuable work whereby I gained many skills and much knowledge. Therefore, the government of Canada decided to establish the family tree of the Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri with cooperation of the following governments: United States of America, United Kingdom, State of Kuwait and the World. At the beginning they asked for a genealogy study for both the families.

The origin of both the families is the Arabian Desert, which is located among the Saudi Arabia Kingdom, Sultanate of Oman and the Arabia Flex. After that they wandered to mountainous and coastal areas, and the main groups of the family have been living in two different small villages close to each other called Al-Kadara and Al-Ashab, district of Qadas, province of Al-Mawasit, region of Al-Hojaria, and are located one hundred and one hundred and fifty kilometres from the city of Aden and Taiz, respectively.
Both the rural areas are in the Arabian Peninsula, the Former Federation of Southern Arabia. Recently, Republic of Yemen, the predicted imaginary supported name is The Great United Kingdom of Rooster and Hoopoe.

The family of the Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri are famous due to their charity, which they offered to others in the form of lands, dams, etc. and also for their activities in agriculture, business, sport, culture and politics. Documents 1-4 show the locations of the mansions. The family background history and heritage is both Arabian and British. Additionally, document 1, which is a certificate, shows the elementary school completed by SIR Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik, Ph.D. Moreover, the document shows the date that determined the time of the revolution against the corruption, which resulted in terrorism, and to return to the aims of the correction’s revolution of the Assassinated Former President of Yemen, General Abrahim Al-Hamdi.

Purpose of Studies

The genealogy of the Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri family tree groups is designed to study, analyze and control the:
(a) National and International Integrated Security System, their impact and interactions after September 11, 2001,
(b) Genealogy of the Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri family tree groups economically, politically and socially,
(c) Improving methods of social and psychological sciences,
(d) Case of assassination of the martyr Nooria Al-Mansouri Al-Sourorri and the several attempted assassinations of her son SIR Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik, Ph. D.
(e) Case of nationalizing the houses and wealth and damaging their business,
(f) Multicultural, social power, their impacts and interactions. Figure 2. illustrates the factors of the studies and their interactions,
(g) Recognizing of a new trend of arts founded by SIR Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik, Ph.D. entitled “ Canadian Art School of Rooster and Hoopoe”. Figure 1. shows the Imaginary Form of the Devil and Cloning Spirit, and the Rooster.

Methods and Conditions of Studies

The genealogy study of the Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri family tree groups is based upon the interviews, investigations of the family members, relatives, neighbours friends, antagonists, residents of the area where they have been living, their widely ties, relationships in the country and abroad and wealth related to them.

The local and international social powers and specialist collected the resources of the study. Social, psychological and psychiatric, and genetic engineering were analyzed and investigated too.

The study were also under the variety of conventional and unconventional events and circumstances, among them are the:
a. Traditional: characterized by using the negative power and authority directed by spirits of the devils and other unknown creators,
b. Visual and audiovisual: delineated by using the images of criminals, leaders and criminal leaders and dead people,
c. Artificial: chronicled by cloning the spirit of known and unknown people with different characters, beliefs and attitudes,
d. Psychological: Methods and styles of terror rooted to the human being heritages,
e. Multiresurrectional: designated by all religious establishments and institutions and schools of sciences and philosophies,
f. Hypothetical: based on the prejudgments and confrontations legends such as Hitler and the son of the God. On the other hand, the dreams of the Christ and other greatest of the World.

Facts of Studies

SIR Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik, Ph.D. is the consultant for the Federal Canadian Government in Her Majesty; Queen Elizabeth II, in the National and International Strategic Affairs. His activities and ideas were directed to the:
(A) Department of Foreign Affairs and International Business Trade:
1. Consultant for the Gulf and Middle East after September 11, 2001,
2. Creator of the Complete Programme to develop the economic, political and security system of the Republic of Yemen and the Yemeni refugees abroad,
3. Consultant for export, import and investment companies for marketing promotions,
4. Prevent loopholes in the immigration law.
(B) Interior Affairs: Consultant for terrorism, homeless, alcoholic, discrimination, illegal drugs, environment, and beautification, image of Canada, press and bilingualism.
(C) Other bodies of government and non-government:
1. Owner of scientific idea in the NORTEL COMPANY,
2. Founder of new trend of Canadian Arts entitled “ The Rooster and the Hoopoe”, and the creator of the new image of the devil and Cloning Spirit, and the Rooster,
3. The owner of stolen copyrights of the two science fiction stories of the two American films entitled The RAT, and The Devil,
4. Advocate for human and animal rights, Green Peace and Amnesty International for children’s rights, equality of feminism and masculine, minorities and their influences on the human being relationships.


During the genealogy study of the Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri family tree groups, and working for the Canadian Federal Government, there were many hindrances and influences among them are the:
a) Financial bribe by the official representatives of their regime to cheer them their corruption, hypocrisy, inhumane crimes,
b) Bargain of His Honourable SIR Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik to be the head of the State.

He objected to their plans due to their distrust for the country and the mankind relationships. Hence, the shot-gun and deaths-beds, magical and other political turbulence were intensively offered. Figure 3. illustrates the new aspects of the marriages and families as one of their styles to achieve their purposes.


Conventional and unconventional conditions and variety of this study were unique and complicated owing to the security channels, shadows and resources of directed and undirected information. Moreover, the unknown purpose of the workers, their paradoxes and confrontations are among them.

The study shows that the environments of Religious Establishments can be easily involved to the trials, incidents and working individually without respect to the constitution and the international laws.

Multiresurrection is a subject of competition among the Religious Establishments. Workers and supervisors, due to their corrupted and hypocritical environments, use methods such as gestures, psychological influences, vulgarism and illusions to influence the circumstances.

An integrated security system has the ability to endorse or champion the crimes or to cover them up through the lack of understanding and misanalyzing the information.

An integrated security systems have a tendency to build mechanisms for minority or majority communities. Therefore, Canada must act and punish the criminals by using its non-military and military tools .The study of the Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri family tree genealogy groups is not indubitable for the Canadian and international integrated security systems, and any tiny trust could be a trap for new catastrophes.


After the great efforts and contemplations on the genealogy studies of families, the rebirth of SIR Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik, and the multireserrections and incarnations of both the families, he renounces his former citizenship and prefers to be a monocitizenship in order to serve Canada loyally and without the influences of the dual citizenship.

In conclusions, the families of the Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourorri are taken by the Canadian and international organizations as the symbol of tolerance and selected to be the model of the family that have been integrated peacefully with the world heritages and cultures.

Finally, the genealogy study of the families found that the regime of their country governs and manages the country with randomness, gesture, magic, cozenage, delusion, depredation, hoodlum, trial, murder, retaliation, mendacity, humbug, hoodoo, filibuster and demonology.

Moreover, they corrupt people by jumping the market by illegal drugs and alcohols, encourage them to distribute those illegal drugs to other countries and also psych them up by involving them with illegal political, social and business activities. Those dangerous phenomenon become the camouflage of the regime for asking international supports, and to escape from the true reorganization the country.

The family genealogy study of both the families is terminated generally by promising them by the governments of the World and by the family supporters particularly to:
Govern the country, reorganize the village where the martyr Nooria was killed and build mosque and stadium in the name of the martyr Nooria and her husband Abdulhamid,
Keep the heritage of the family and collect it from all over the World,
Reorganize the country, write the life story of SIR Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik and his family and produce it into a film and a television serial,
Take the picture of the martyr Nooria, her husband Abdulhamid and son SIR Al-Mansouri Mohamed Tawfik as a symbol for some of the religious establishments.

Summary and Recommendations

Replacement of family relatives and friends, or playing their role and authority by the social power and integrated security systems is impossible.

It should be banned due to the age of the person. It explains their disability to create methods of wisdom, lack of understanding the law of rights and responsibilities, and also their use for the gaps in the law, and the negative use for the tools, equipment of the security police and the authorities of God for their goals.

It is necessary to ban the cloning spirits of the devils and other unknown creatures to direct people or to select for them wives or friends to narrow their environments of activities.

It is essential to return to the old forms of love and the true romance.

It is important to cancel laws that are not humane such as the banning the marriage of religious staff in some of the religious establishments, nationalizations the civil rights and the houses and wealth.

The study shows also that many of the worker groups are working against the families and their prospectives by providing them to the illusions and inhumane styles and behaviours of life.

It should be banned by law the use of the images, or mimicking the behaviours and styles of relatives, friends and others to spy, or to organize the person under their shadows or categories that they prefer, even though it is difficult to prove their secret activities for the government bodies, and it explain their jealousness and awareness from the wide ties of the person, or to express their awareness from variety and wide ties of the person.

Some of the groups have to enhance their understanding for the occupations of the others and their role in life.
It is recommended to take other random family trees genealogy groups from recent, previous and future immigrants to investigate and study the channels of the integrated security systems and their interactions.
Figures and Documents are in The Canadian International Electronic Museum of Contemporary Photography.

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We Need Your Help to Rewrite the Story of Childhood Malnutrition

On June 2, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and VII Photo launched “Starved for Attention,” an international multimedia campaign on the neglected crisis of childhood malnutrition. An estimated 195 million children

worldwide suffer from the effects of malnutrition.

In fact, malnutrition contributes to at least one-third of the eight million annual deaths of children under five years of age.

But right now, the international humanitarian food aid system provides nutritionally inadequate foods to malnourished children under two years of age—the population most vulnerable to this treatable and preventable condition.

This situation must stop.

Sign the petition to support MSF's efforts to demand that governments supplying humanitarian food aid ensure that the food meets the nutritional needs of infants and young children.

On World Food Day 2010, MSF will present the petition to the top food aid donor countries. You can be a part of the movement to rewrite the story of

childhood malnutrition.

Thank you for your support

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The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

His Excellency Mr. Abdul Aziz Abdul Gahni the Prime Minister and the Prime Chief of Yemenite Universities with Ministers, the Shadows of Ali Abdulh Salih the President of Yemenite Regime.

Read More about Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part 1 to 18

Read More about Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part 1 to 18

Shuhd Salam Saeed Salih Abdulh Shalab Al-Mansouri the sister of Abdulhamid Mcgregor

AbdulHamid Salam Saeed Salih Shalab Abddulha Shalb Al-Mansouri Mcgregor

AbdulHamid Salam Saeed Salih Shalab Abddulha Shalb Al-Mansouri Mcgregor with his Son M.T. Al-Mansouri the son of Nooria Mc Owai's

M.T. Al-Mansouri with his father in law Mr. Donald S. Throop

Read More about Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part 1 to 18

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Thirteen

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

The Integrated International Security Systems with Catholic School Board and Catholic Immigration are resource of dishonest work: Corruptions: Double agents with different masks ( Since 2001-2010)

· Polish illegal activities in Canada

The illegal activities of Gulf University about their illegal activities

(Fights among Polish an Iranian people) and about the acceptance for new employers from different countries.

· Elgin Medical Clinic is a link to polish and international security systems ,who are trying to abuse the law of Canada (dishonest job, crimes).

· Para disco Coffee, Elgin street is a link to abuse the law (They are looking for believers and activist for their dirty work).

· Ottawa University of Civil Engineering Professor Andre Skaffe is a link of dishonest international work ( Fighting with Islamic Union was a bribe to achieve a job at Ottawa University, specialization was not needed in my case to get a job).

Te:. (613): 562-5800 ext: 6140

· Yemenite –Polish Masks

Yemenite Informational Center in Ottawa. Agent for former regime of Iraq and, a taxi driver )

· Name: Fathi Al-Qataa

Tel:. (613): 421-57-33

· B. Yemeni Embassy (distribution of illegal drugs with its informants, prostitutions)

· NVC 7 an agent for former Iraqi regime

Name: Sami Saeed

Tel:. (613) 86-9111

· Jawad Al-Iraki, an agent of former Iraqi regime cooperation with Sami Saeed

Tel:. 613: 2980-337

· Kalid’s Mothers a former informant regime of Iraq (crimes activities nationally and internationally)

Tel:. (613) 8222288 illegal ( Crimes Internationally cooperation work with NVN 7 Tel:. (613): 81-69111 locations (a former resident of Gatineau).

· Socialist illegal activities in Canada, Yemenite and Iraqis immigrants or citizens as well as Syrian and Lebanese people (crimes, terrorism, dishonest work , double agents cooperate with Embassy of Syria with former Soviet Union

· Mohamed Al-Qahri

Quebec City

Tel:. 418-661-2285

· Samir Al-Wan Al-Sakaf

Tel:. 613.8848582

· Riad Al-Akbari, the former Ambassador of Yemen in Iraq (socialist)

Tel:. (613): 843-9939

· Abdul Naseer Ateef, Yemeni Community Center ( Crimes, Illegal distribution drugs and links for socialist countries)

Tel:.(613) 8626147 or (613) 262-6147

· Jamal Al-Salimi

Tel:. (613): 2555173 or (613): 2629624

· Fouad Al-Akhali

Tel:. (613) 2760-945

· Khair Allah Said

Tel:. (819) 561-6095 or (613) 789-4333

· Mohamed Al-Badawi

Tel:. (613) 657-4719 or (613) 260-8491

· Hazim Shukri

Tel:. (613) 263-2352

· Carlos, A Syrian informant with a group of Iranian, Yemeni informants (Mr. Ismail, from Yemen, and Iranian informant/s/)

Tel:. (613) 230-7923 (Covering crimes of leaders).

· Jehan Fakili

Cell phone:. 647-882-3323

· Mohamed Abu Hassan Al- Bairm, a Palestinian-Syrian-Canadian (Crimes of leaders of south Yemen)

Tel:. (613)842-0363

Cell Phone:. (613) 261-7633

· Embassy of Yemen, (Crimes, Prostitution , Illegal drugs, terrorism, corruption

· Mr. Abdul Latiff Al-Shargbi

Tel:.(613) 261-1553 or (613)729-6627

· Nassir Al-Sakaff

Tel:. (613) 986-1818 or (613) 866-8585

· Banks of Scotia renovate their former methods of exploration into a new electronic ones.

· New moral and economic aspects should be taken under attention due to the marriage in order to secure our society.

· Owner of an idea to help disable people. It was taken by the soldiers of William Booth at Salvation Army, 2003.

· Owner of a moral idea to advertise seniors problems and together them internationally. It was taken at the Salvation army, and directed to be a gift for Palestinian seniors, the victims of the wars, 2003.

· The Health Care Systems in Canada needs a renovation due to the masks use in the integrated economic sectors (Public and Private).

· Islamic individual requirements in health care and in different organizations need a correction due to their strict needs. Responsible people of these groups in one hand ,create obstacles to the same groups and distancing with other groups of our society, on the other hand their behaviors and requirements are used by the internal system as a mask for corruption and fights.

· Monday, 25th, 2010 at 7. 10 p.m. Since 2001 up to present time there are fights among the integrated security systems of our country about the future wealth of SIR M.T. Al-Mansouri, Ph.D. and its distribution.

· Abdul Wahab Zabiba a masks of Yemeni Embassies (Canada, America), recently, he is a refugee in Canada, Ottawa.

· Abdul Majeed Najah, a Canadian-Moroccan citizen a link to Muslims brotherhood, a distributor of economic corruptions. 415-901 MacLaren St, K2P 2C8, Ottawa.

· Catholic Integrated Security Systems of Poland with participation of Jews are full of crimes, hate and discrimination. They extend their empires by using illusionary methods. Mariosz Tel:. (613) 567-7200.

· Ali Al-Awlaqi a Canadian Yemeni citizen (branch Saudi Kingdom and United Kingdom),+ Embassy of Yemen in Ottawa and NVN7 (Canada and America) dishonest work and corruption

· Mr. Ali Al-Awlaqi

Tel: 523-7084.

· Jim Farewell and Donald Throop YMCA, a dishonest integrated national and international Security Systems

Tel:. (613) 237-1320/ Ext: 2483 & 2538.

· Monday 25th, 2010 at 4.20 p.m. a telepathy of criminals of Iraqi former regime were used by the Basmati Cousin address Somerset W. Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1K0, Tel:. (613) 233-0303.

· The OPL(S ): Multiculturalism in general and bilingualism in particular are subjects of conflicts, which result in corruption in administration and culture. Public Libraries face a stick competition of private sectors. In addition, they are places use by international integrated security systems.

· Ottawa-Carleton DSB Night School, School Council Chair Principal +Mr. Rogers+ Mrs. Marlene Comeau, the teacher of Canadian and World Politics: double agents, dishonest work, discrimination (Masks of hard and sensitive groups, protected and non protected) hate. They use students for their fights. Address Gladstone at Rochester st.

· Ottawa-Carleton DSB Day School, School Council Chair Principal at 440 Albert St., Ottawa, Ontario, Teachers of ESL dishonest work for Canadian Government by International Integrated Security Systems likewise the integrated International Security Systems Night School.

· Chin Radio Ottawa FM 97.9, dishonest work (masks of integrations of diversities groups and selfishness)

Dr. Qais Ghanem

Tel:. (613) 265-4654.

· Ottawa’s Mothers of Peace are hypercritic believers . they damage the true peace in national and international areas.

· The National Council on Canada-Arab Relations (NCCAR ): dishonest work, chaos, corruption and violence at home and abroad. 63 Spark st,, Suite 301, Ottawa, Ontario. Tel:. (613) 238-3795.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Fourteen

Fights Against Crimes, Terrorism, hate and discrimination in National and International Area

· Media of Armies of Liberation is a conception and resource that invests only in crimes. It does not care about the United States of America’s Internal and external affairs.

· Diplomatic lines of Yemen give facilities for former Iraqi’s Regime to renovate their activities in fighting against the world’s security.

· The Yemeni-American Institute of fighting against the Terrorism, is a resource of delusions. Likewise the American-Yemeni journalists, the residents in United States of America.

· Security Unit of Somerset at Bank Street, Building No. 395 is a resource of crimes, terrorism and dishonest work.

· The Security Unit of MacLaren Street at Bank, Building No. 415 is a resource of crimes, terrorism and dishonest work e.g. apartments No.904, 905, 907, 912, and 1110.

International Integrated Security Systems: Crimes, dishonest works, terrorism, illegal drugs, illegal transactions and prostitution

A. Yemenite Link working with Syrian integrated security System

1. Mohamed Al-Qahri

Quebec City

Tel: 418-661-2285


Link with U.S.A. Tel: 1-313-842-0795

2. Azil Al-Jawi

Tel:. 1-418-455-7817

Tel:. (812) 330-0858

3. Samir Al-Wan Al-Sakaff

Tel:. (613)-884-8582

4.Jamil Al-Homakani

Tel:. (613)232-6598

5. Raid Al-Akbari, the former Ambassador of Yemen in Iraq

Tel:. (613) 843-9939

6. Abdul Nasser Atif

Tel:. (613)-8626147 or (613) 262-6147

7. Jamal Al-Salimi

Tel:. (613) 255-5173 or 613-262-9624

8. Fouad Al-Akhali

Tel:.(613) 2760-945

9. Khair Allah Saeed, Iraqi Socialist (Russia)-Yemen South

Tel:. ( 819) 561-6095

(613) 789-43-38

(613) 327-01-30

(613) 236-7351

10. Hadi Al-Daliy

Tel:.(613) 2555-677

11. Sami Saeed, NVN7

Tel:. (613) 816-9111

12. Al-Awadani

Tel: (613)2633-239

13. Al-Shabri Mohamed

Tel:. (613) 2629624

14. Fathi Al-Qata, Ataxi driver and Yemenite Information Center, Iraq

Tel:. (613) 2629624 or (613):. 216-7017

15. Al-Sadi M.

Tel: (613)698-6980 or (613) 698-440

16. Nasser Al-Sakaff

Tel:. (613)986-1818 or (613)866-8585

17. Arif Al-Massani, Yemeni, who works for Muslim brotherhood organizations


18.Carlos, A Syrian links with Southern Yemenite

Tel:. (613) 230-7923

19. Murad Dager, Iraqi who works with Samir Al-wan

Tel:. (613) 2944-141

20. Abdul Halim Bin Shairi, Algerian with his friend Mohamed (A Link to Muslim brotherhood, a Qatar ).

21. Mohamed Al-Dailami ( Abu Abdulla)

Tel:. (613)-88019 or (613) 421-5733

22. Lynn, a head Dreaser, Bank street, a Link for Syrian integrated security system

23. Shawarma City is a link to Security groups, Syrian, Lebanese and Eastern Europe

24. Shara Grocery store and Internet Bank Street/ Lisgar

25. Super Man, A head dresser : Gladstone, A link for socialist and nationalist parties (Samir and Jahwad)

26. Mohamed Al-Babli, Egyptian link to Embassy of Kuwait

Tel:. (613) 263-2444 former tel:.(613) 3405653 or (613) 377718

27. Al-Fadli Salih , A taxi driver

Tel:. (613) 850-2016

28. A Syrian Mr. Khalid (Syrian : Shawarma City and Shara grocery Store: Bank Street at Lisgar

29. Ottawa University Professor Andree Skaff Link with dishonest job and crimes, a former owner of Maple leaf, fight with Muslim Union is part of Ottawa University requirements.

30. University of Gulf Link of dishonest jobs ( Polish-Iranian fight and crimes)

31. Persian Restaurant Laurie at Bank ( A link for dishonest work and crimes)

32. Fruska Ira Grocery store Gladstone Street

33. Jawad Al-Iraqi

Tel:. (613) 2980-337

34. Mohamed Mohamed Abu Hoseein (NVN7+ Embassy of Kuwait+ Double Agents)

Tel:. (613) 282-4556 or (613) 8229933

35. Ahmed Eid Murad

Tel:. (613)737-4425

36. Said Salim, Iraqi double agent


37. Abdulla Abrahim, Moroccan Citizen, Muslim brother

Tel:. (613)232-6599

38. Ali Al-Awlaki

Tel:. (613) 523-7084

39. Mohamed Al-Awlaki

Tel:. (613) 5582420

Faruk Amman, Dr. Qais Qhanem, and Luqman Ghassan, a british dishonest and self-interest

40. Faruk Aman

Tel:. (613) 723-0999

41. Dr. Qais Ghanem

Tel:. (613) 265-4654

42. Amin Shamssan, American Mosque : dishonest work

Tel:. 15105736666

43. Omar Al-Dabiani ( America)

Tel:. 120- 54471143

44. Mohamed Al-Badawi,, A Yemenite taxi driver

Tel:. (613)260-848491

45. Ahmed Sadik Abdulrahim

Tel:. (613) 223-4018 or 613-223-4018

46. Salim Hussin Al-Badani (illegal drugs)

Tel:. (819)328-18-1874

47. Jehan Fakili ( dishonest work)

Tel:. (613) 647-88233-23

48. Nabil Hazim Shukri ( illegal drugs)

Tel:. (613)263-2352

49. Sabri Thabet Alberta, BC


50. Laguna Restaurant Bank street (dishonest work)

51. Paradisco Restaurant Bank street (dishonest work)

52. ACUGA (Arab-Canadian Universities Graduated Association (dishonest work)

53.The Ambassadors of Yemen and how the regime of Yemeni declare them to be acceptable in the honor State e.g. the last one.

54. the Link of Religious Establishment groups and their dishonest work

55. The disability of Ottawa and how the accept people to be involved into the system as well as the Department of psychology of Ottawa U.

56. Houses and Homes that cooperate with international security systems (Spies)

57. Gatineau is a local of dishonest work (Resource of terrorism with masks)

58. Dr. Kamal Deeb + the Yemeni Taxi driver and the owner of the Yemenite Information (Informants)

Tel:. (819) 2430791

59. Recently, NVN 7 the Car’s Dealer

Tel:. (613) 8169111

60. Jehovah’s Witnesses of Gatineau (dishonest work)

61. Al-Badil Electronic Newspaper owned by Al-Badani Omar

Tel:. (120) 54471143

62. The medical Clink Link of Elgin street ( with Eastern Europe) as well as the Clinic of O’Connor st. (Blood test)

63. Eid Awdah , Kuwaiti Immigrants of without citizens (dishonest work, Banks, Lawyers and Carleton University educational systems: Tel:. (613) 680-1196

64. Rahal Saba, the Canadian-Yemenite mediator for immigration and transactions: dishonest work, illegal transactions and corruptions.

65. Ottawa International Animation Festival: Dishonest work, likewise the Tower Point Company, 203 Bell St.

66. George AbdulAhad, Jahova’s Witnesses Tel:. (613) 263-2839 or (613) 255-206

67. Hadi, Yemenite Community Tel:. (613) 225-9211

70. Abdulla Abrahim, Islamic Center, Tel:. (613) 232-6599

71. Al-Shibri Mohmed, Jamil Saif, Yemnite community, Tel:. (613) 216-7015

72. Rafat Mohamed Mohamed, Tel:. (613) 878-5523 or (613) 2760-945

73. Abdul-Rabow Al-Dahbol, Yemenite Community, Socialist groups,

Tel:. (613) 867-9325

74. Abu Ali Talib, former owner of the Shawarma city, Tel:. (613) 594-3434 or (613) 737-7722

75. Al-Moflihi’s family, Libyan’s and multi-agents, Tel:.(613) 565-1449

76. Hamid Samaha, Lebanese-Syrian Agents, Tel:. (613) 85-30805

78. Assad Al-Shamari, and Faisal Shihab, without citizens, Kuwait agents, Tel:. (613) 265-6254

79. Faiad Al-Shamari, without citizens, Kuwait agent, Tel:. (613) 565-6254

80. Alam Abu-Saleh, Syrian Agent, Tel:. (613) 523-2228

81. Walid Abu Kamil, Abu-Dabahi, Palestinian Agent, Tel:. (613) 820-5839

82. Saleh Al-Yazidi, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 79-91161

83. Michael, Polish agent, Tel:. (613) 787-9935 or (613) 265-160

84. Al-Awadany, Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 263-3239

85. Hafiz Al-Sudani, Tel:. (613) 882-6466

86. Miwa Mitani, Japanese red army agent, Yemen-Japan,

Tel:. (613) 81-90103306446 , Professor Amin Al-Maktari Tel:. 01-967-733702020 or +1-967-1-258531and Kalil Al-Mouashit, Tel:. Yemen, Sanaa, 01-967-777547782

87. Ewa Zebrowska-Rosak , Polish agent and a resource for hates, discriminations, and illegal transactions , Ostroleka, Ul- Lelewela 9

88. Mathio, Polish agent , Tel:. 1866-5181038 Ext: 288

89. Professor Jamal Aldin Abdulla, Shargah University, U.A.E. , Canadian facilities, multi-agent for several countries, he is under stress.

90. Polish Scientists.

91. The Pope of Rome His Holiness, the Benedict XVI, is not recognized by Catholic Canadian organizations and Establishments.

92. Yasir Mohamed Kalifa, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 225-9211

93. Abu-Ahmed, Minority Business, the former owner of Macs , Metcalfe street at Elgin Street 161 , Tel:. (613) 230-3947, the former agent of Iraqi regime with corporations of Yemenite agents of Libya , NVN7 and former Yugoslavia’s regime

94. Abdulla Abrahim, Islamic Center, Tel:. (613) 232-6599

95. Al-Shibri Mohmed, Jamil Saif, Yemenite community, Tel:. (613) 216-7015

96. Rafat Mohamed Ahmed, Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 878-5523 or (613) 2760-945

97. Abdul-Rabow Al-Dahbol, Yemenite Community, Socialist groups,

Tel:. (613) 867-9325

98. Abu Ali Talib, former owner of the Shawarma city, Tel:. (613) 594-3434 or (613) 737-7722

99. Al-Moflihi’s family, Libyan’s and multi-agents Agents, Tel:.(613) 565-1449

100. Hamid Samaha, Lebanese-Syrian Agents, Tel:. (613) 85-30805

101. Assad Al-Shamari, and Faisal Shihab, without citizens, Kuwait agents, Tel:. (613) 265-6254

102. Faiad Al-Shamari, without citizens, Kuwait agent, Tel:. (613) 565-6254

104. Chuad, Chinese agent, Tel:. (613) 736-907

105. Alam Abu-Saleh, Syrian Agent, Tel:. (613) 523-2228

106. Walid Abu Kamil, Abu-Dabahi, Palestinian Agent, Tel:. (613) 820-5839

107. Saleh Al-Yazidi and Salim Housin Al-Baidani, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 79-91161 and (819) 328-1874

108. Michael, and Polish agent, Tel:. (613) 787-9935 or (613) 265-160

109. Al-Awadany , Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 263-3239

110. Hafiz Al-Sudani, Tel:. (613) 882-6466

111. Miwa Mitani, Japanese red army agent, Yemen-Japan,

Tel:. (613) 81-90103306446 , Professor Amin Al-Maktari Tel:. 01-967-733702020 or +1-967-1-258531and Kalil Al-Mouashit, Tel:. Yemen, Sanaa, 01-967-777547782

112. Yasir Mohamed Kalifa, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 225-9211

113. Abu-Ahmed, Minority Business, the former owner of Macs , Metcalfe street at Elgin Street 161 , Tel:. (613) 230-3947, the former agent of Iraqi regime with corporations of Yemenite agents of Libya , NVN7 and former Yugoslavia’s regime.

114. Abdulla Abrahim, Islamic Center, Tel:. (613) 232-6599

115. Al-Shibri Mohmed, Jamil Saif, Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 216-7015

116. Rafat Mohamed Ahmed, Tel:. (613) 878-5523 or (613) 2760-945

117. Abdul-Rabow Al-Dahbol, Yemenite Community, Socialist groups,

Tel:. (613) 867-9325

118. Abu Ali Talib, former owner of the Shawarma city, Tel:. (613) 594-3434 or (613) 737-7722

119. Al-Moflihi’s family, Libyan’s and multi-agents Agents, Tel:.(613) 565-1449

120. Hamid Samaha, Lebanese-Syrian Agents, Tel:. (613) 85-30805

121. Assad Al-Shamari, and Faisal Shihab, without citizens, Kuwait agents, Tel:. (613) 265-6254

122. Faiad Al-Shamari, without citizens, Kuwait agent, Tel:. (613) 565-6254

123. Chuad, Chinese agent, Tel:. (613) 736-907

124. Alam Abu-Saleh, Syrian Agent, Tel:. (613) 523-2228

125. Walid Abu Kamil, Abu-Dabahi, Palestinian Agent, Tel:. (613) 820-5839

126. Saleh Al-Yazidi and Salim Housin Al-Baidani, Minority Business, Tel:. (613) 79-91161 and (819) 328-1874

127. Michael, Polish agent , Tel:. (613) 787-9935 or (613) 265-160

128. Al-Awadany , Yemenite Community, Tel:. (613) 263-3239

129. Hafiz Al-Sudani, Tel:. (613) 882-6466

130. Miwa Mitani, Japanese red army agent, Yemen-Japan,

Tel:. (613) 81-90103306446 , Professor Amin Al-Maktari Tel:. 01-967-733702020 or +1-967-1-258531and Kalil Al-Mouashit, Tel:. Yemen, Sanaa, 01-967-777547782

131. Gabbar Al-Yassri, agent of the former Iraqi Regime, Poland.

Read more…

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

The International Integrated Security Systems in Canada and the World are in dilemma due to the masks and dishonest works of the spies of Middle East , former Eastern European Countries and the third world. They aim to cover their crimes , crimes of their leaders and organizations. They use the family names of the Prophet Mohammed , the trinities and holy spirits to hide their illegal activities. Down town Ottawa is full of places for their dishonest actions e.g. James Pub at Bank Street, Atomic Rooster Dom Polski, Jack Purcell Community Centre, Arts Cenre, Spark and Bank Streets, the Lord Elgin Hotel, and Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel.

They are supported by the pro-terrorist and criminal countries such as Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Poland, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Libya, Yemen, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, former Eastern European countries, Sudan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Palestinian State (s), Turkey, Islamic Republic of Iran, France, Morocco, Nigeria and South America, Algeria, South America and Mexico, Nigeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Eritrea and Ethiopia. The Polish Churches for instance, Roman Catholic and Islamic Centers work in corporations to progress another religions in their illegal and illusionary behaviors .The exploit the gaps in Irish communities centers, organizations and diplomatic lines. Financially and logistically they are supported by illegal American radical of the religious organizations and establishments.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Two

The diplomatic lines of Egypt, Yemen with corporation of Saeed’s family and Taiy are working pro-terrorism in Canada and North America. They use India’s motherhood to cover their crimes . Gleb Community Center and Jack Purcell, United Churches, Embassies and houses are some of their places to act against the laws (Masks is the International Security System of Arab nationalists, Muslim brotherhood of the Gulf as well as communism and socialism). Their issues of immigrations have to be investigated with their diplomatic representatives in Ottawa.

Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) with Yemenite diplomatic lines and communities are working against the law with corporation with Mr. Nasser ( Nationalism, and Muslim brotherhood organizations) they are trying to hide crimes of themselves, and crimes of pro-terrorist of past, recent and future immigrants and leaders.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

The diplomatic lines of Egypt, Yemen with corporation of Saeed’s family and Taiy are working pro-terrorism in Canada and North America. They use India’s motherhood to cover their crimes . Gleb Community Center and Jack Purcell, United Churches, Embassies and houses are some of their places to act against the laws (Masks is the International Security System of Arab nationalists, Muslim brotherhood of the Gulf as well as communism and socialism). Their issues of immigrations have to be investigated with their diplomatic representatives in Ottawa.

Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) with Yemenite diplomatic lines and communities are working against the law with corporation with Mr. Nasser ( Nationalism, and Muslim brotherhood organizations) they are trying to hide crimes of themselves, and crimes of pro-terrorist of past, recent and future immigrants and leaders.

The diplomatic lines of Egypt, Yemen(s), Iraq(s) with corporation of Saeed’s family and the warriors of the Gods of Islamic main religious establishment represented by Somali Community , Islamic Sudanese Community, and the pro-Syrian and Iranian doctrines. The are working pro-terrorism, and against Canadian’s systems of immigration, education , monetary and Health systems in North America. They use India’s, and Somali’s motherhoods to cover their crimes . They use also the Arabic and Polish dialects to hide their crimes. They are active in Metcalfe Street , OPL and TD Canada Trust . They use the Islamic establishments too, and corporate with Center Town Community Center.

Culturally, they insult the workers due to their beliefs as well as their odor , race and ability to do works (disable people). They aim by that to hide their crimes in illegal transactions of drugs and immigration’s issues as well as to the facilities that Canada’s gives.

They cover their illegal activities by the facilities of the diplomatic lines give to them. They corporate with French spies as well as the separators of Quebec province. Lebanese are taking part in these activities and they are working with agents who live in MacLaren Street 415 , Quickie Mart at Bank street and other places like Rideau Center, and other Shopping Molls.

Former Iraq’s regime they activate their pro-terrorism actions via the diplomatic lines of Yemen and facilities given by the hidden power of pro-terrorism of other Islamic and non-Islamic diplomatic lines of Middle East. They use the gaps in the Canadian security systems (Monoculturalism, and the immigration).

Some of the representative of illegal activities are Sami Saeed, Osbi, who lives in Mississauga Toronto, and Mr. Gover, who lives in Windsor, Ontario. They are active in American borders too.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

Activists of Pro-terrorism and criminal organizations represented by Lebanese and Syrian diplomatic lines with corporations of some Canadian business , cultural, and educational institutions like Scotia Bank of Bank street , Ottawa University, Restaurants and Bakeries of Bank Street. Represented by the organizer Mr. Gaffer Abu Hassan and Anderea Iskaffe, the scientific men.

Their activities mostly in Spark street, they work from International Clothiers and HMV , the 7 Days Restaurants and Ale House and Pub, Baalbek Convenience and Shawarmas Resturant , Ashtar Restaurant. As well as Gas Stations, 232-0-232 for Pizza, Royal Variety Convenience, Hartman’s’ Convenience Store , Esquires Smoke Shop ,Sharah’s Grocery Market , the Royal Variety Convenience Store, Scotia Bank, Islamic Center, Dollar Sign, International Game Place Office, Gvace Ottawa Grocery Store ( Bank street).

Their Integrated Security Systems work against national and international security systems, and they penetrate to Canadian institutions illegally and build illegally business in order to support the terrorist and criminal organizations in North America and over seas.

They corporate with socialist activists of former Soviets Union in the Embassy of Yemen some of their names are mentioned in the previous reports, and some new names are Abdulkarim the former Yemenite socialist diplomatic activist , Ryiad Akbari, and the groups activist of Dr. Qais Ghanem, the poet , medical doctor and the activist of Green Party as well Mr. Saeed, the Iraqi socialist of MacLaren Street 415, and Mr. Asam Sharifa, the writer and the multi-agent of diplomatic lines. They work with corporations with the Owner of the House religious Establishments as well as others Eastern Religious Establishments, that provide hate and work dishonestly for Canadian governments as well as for the World.

The second group is working with corporation of Islamic , and Socialistic centers and communities like Polish cultural and business organizations and they fight with each other culturally , religiously as well as in illegal transactions . They also fight with groups of Canadian –Jewish Communities business men and some of their places are the UPS Store, Shawarma’s Restaurants, Walckas’ Galleries, and Paradisco Restaurants and Pubs, Communities and Universities as well as business organizations for instance, G.P.C Lab Digital and Custom Photo Finishing at Bank St. ( Spies of Socialistic Groups of Republic Of Poland).

The integrated Security systems build their empire by using names of their leaders and scientists of their former countries as well as their dishonest cultural, religious and business issues to build shadows and authorities that are unrelated to Canadian laws and constitutions and to participate in political, economic and social corruptions.

The spies are using Arabic and former eastern European languages dialects to hide their crimes as well as Islamic and pre-historic radical issues.

Some of their names are the follwing:

Ahmed Al-Sosi, who work downtown Ottawa the immigrant from United Arab Emirates, Hussam who lives in Mission Downtown.

Gihad , who works from OPL main Branch, Fuzia, the new activist at OPL, Mousses the former immigrant of Somali and United Arab Emirate, and Abtisam, the Canadian Moroccan immigrant, who work for YMCA employment Center.

The third groups is working from restaurants like Basmati Restaurant at Somerset, and OPL main branch, which is used by former Bathes activist with the diplomatic line of Republic of Yemen and Saudi’s Kingdom, and Polish Embassy and Islamic radical groups represented by Sudanese activist and their regime . Mr. Abdul Rahman and Abood and former workers of Al-Madina’s Grocery store at Bell St, Gladstone and they collaborate with French separatists of Quebec province.

Their spaces are MacLaren St. 415 and Shawarma’s restaurant at Bank street and Rideau Center downtown Ottawa. Some of their name are Suzanne, who lives at MacLaren at Bank street 415, and Mr. Isam, the Lebanese activist and pro-terrorism and illegal transactions.

Additionally, some francophone’s who support terrorism and crimes in Canada and North America. They are supported by diplomatic lines of Yemeni Embassy and its informational Centers in Canada. the Moroccan diplomatic line, the United Arab Emirates diplomatic Corpse and by the former hidden Iraqis regime activists.

They act to hide their illegal transactions and activities from Yemeni Community and Islamic Centers too.

The Tunisian activist of radical and non-radical Islamic groups are working by using the masks of pro CIA from the Barber Salon at Cooper street. and another places.

The fourth groups of terrorism and criminals are represented by former and new regime of Polish Embassy and its integrated security systems, they act from the Churches by using the facilities of Catholic and Non-Catholic Churches and organizations to fight against the United Church with its peaceful ideology and Canadian constitutions and systems. They support the radical Irishisms to damage the security system.

Thier mutual with Islamic Centers to hide their illegal activities and some of their supporters are the diplomatic lines of Syria, Iran, Yemen and Libya. Names of some activists are Khalid, the Libyan business man and Mr. Fouad, the Libyan activist of Islamic Centers. Their places are the Employment Centers, Tim Horton’s and Restaurants.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five

The establishments of most religious are involve in terrorism and crimes e.g. the Willow’s street establishment of Buddhism Institutions, which shares the crimes and illegal activates with former Iraqis regime , which is supported by the Arabian Gulf states e.g. Qatari’s, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates diplomatic lines in Canada.

They abuse the laws and systems by the help and the facilities that are given by the former eastern block, and they cover their crimes by using illusionary names of their families , actors scientists and hollies. They transfer their crimes and the crimes of former leaders in order to continue living in the same circumstances. They use also the facilities of the Islamic centers that deal with the Holly person Mr. Karazawi , as well as with non-radical Qatari, Kuwaiti and United Arab Emirates Institutions. Some of the agents and builders of terrorist groups are from Kuwait , Egypt , Sudan, Lebanon. Some of their names are in the previous reports.

The other group is fighting against the national security system ,is the intelligence group , and it works in and from the YMCA and it’s icon is Mr. Lee Armstrong, who works against the law and he corroborates with the criminals of the third world like Yemen and most African countries. He violence the law by using the black masks and he disorder the national and international Canadian systems .

Another agents work from Rogers’ business , religious and educational establishments and they work from schools, business stores, and hospitals. e.g. from MacLaren Street 415, Bank street (ROGERS COMPANY), International Arms Security Store at Bank street . They work by using the masks of former Eastern block to hide their activities.

They aim to damage the national security system. Israeli’s , Lebanese , Syrian, Egyptian, Polish, Jordanian and Iranian diplomatic lines are examples. The also fight with and pro business companies.

Another active cell of dishonest and criminal activities is represented by Mr. Faisal, the Jordanian who works recently for Mac’s Store at Bank Street. It corroborates with non grate the diplomatic lines of Yemenite state , which ask for support for its unity and separation. The latest group is working under the influences of illegal drugs, and fear of the Police. It hides its illegal activities by using the religious establishments , business stores ,shopping molls and cultural and recreational centers. It builds internal cell that does not recognize neither the Canadian and Western countries nor their laws and constitution. This group covers their illegal activities by using the Indo and French masks, and it wants to separate from Canadian state and to protect its family and illegal, radical and criminal, discrimination activities.

Christian and Non- Christian pro and against the Syrian and Iranian regimes ( They call themselves Lebanese or Arabs or Christians) , are groups of violence and they work against the Canadian and American security systems with the facilities of Western Church. They use the facilities of the police and CSIS, and Arabic, Islamic , Socialistic names to put out of illegal activities.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Six

There are active and sleeper cells of espionages which work and organize for terrorism and crimes as well as for illegal transactions . These groups hide their actions by using the religious and social issues: Same of the organizers names are the following:

Mr. Al-Hrowi who is supported financially and logistically by the Saudi’s Kingdom, and Mr. Wahib, a multi-agent for socialistic and pro-Iranian Islamic State who works for Nortel Company.

Some of their places are the Islamic Centers, Yemenite illegal and legal informational Centers of the diplomatic lines, and Restaurants at downtown Ottawa ( e.g. Persian Cousin). They work together with the diplomatic lines of Islamic, Arabic and Socialistic countries like Kuwait, Iran, Yemen, Syria ,Lebanon and former Soviet Union , Poland, United Arab Emirates and Yugoslavia . Below are some names of the activist :

Mrs. Tania (KGB agent) ,

Abdulwahab Salam, (pro-KGB and anti-American State),

Mohamed Mohamed (Kuwait-Iranian Branch : NvN7),

Mr. Ahmed Murad (Syrian-pro-Iranian and anti-American State),

Mr. Abdulkarim ( Formmer Yemenite diplomatic worker and KGB),

Mr. Salih Al-Fadli ( Kuwaiti-Islamic Branch : Capital-Taxi drivers) ,

Mr. Ghassan Liquman the agent who works under the American and pro Capitalism systems. ( American Insurance Company) , and

Mr. Rodney who lives in Nepean ( former business man of NVN-7 and anti-American and white people).

Recently, they use some of the Restaurants of Downtown Ottawa to hide their crimes by using the masks of Black and Latin American activists. (America, Syria, Latin America, Egypt and Spain, Montreal, Gatineau, the Arabian Gulf States, Qatar, Iraq and Poland are their map's Road).

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Seven

A Yemenite terrorist and criminal organization that works under the legends of nationalism, Socialism and Islamism . It acts and hides its action in the Islamic Establishments and the diplomatic lines of Yemen ,Turkey , Lebanon and Syria. Some of the activists are the following:

Mr. Albdul Wahab Al-Mohtadi who works for the Algonquin College, and

Mr. Jamil who moved to London- England.

This groups road is Ottawa, London, Vancouver, the United State of America, and the United Kingdom). Another group of this diplomatic line works from Gladstone Restaurant (Yemeni Restaurant) and deals with Islamic and Socialistic groups. It corroborates with Qatari and Syrian diplomatic lines and organizations in the States of the Arabian Gulf. Ottawa, Gatineau, Yemen , Syria and Southern-East Asia are some of their road).

The second group works from the University of Ottawa e.g. the Department of Arts. It is an orthodox and pro-terrorism organization. It works dishonest for Canadian governments, and it spreads hate and discrimination. It secretes its crimes by using methods and facilities that are given for them from Canadian governments. It does not respect the constitutional issues . It also organizes youth, activist as well leaders by duplicating them to corrupt Canada. ( e.g. Islamic radical groups of Jordan, Nationalistic groups of pro-Islamic Republic of Iran, Syria and Lebanon).

The third group works from the restaurants of Downtown Ottawa and it spreads the terrorism and violence of the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf states. The diplomatic lines of United Arab Emirates, Poland , Palestine and Israel, as well as the former activists of Iraq regime are the supports of this group. Rideau street is one of the places that they act from (e.g. Mingle Woods Restaurant which is located at Waller street). One of the names that they use to hide their activities is Rami.

The fourth group works with the corroboration of Diplomatic lines of Lebanon and Iran and the act from the Shawarma Restaurant of Dollhouse street.

The filth group works form Jack Purcell Community Center and it corroborates with terrorist and criminal organizations that act from the United State as well as from the diplomatic lines of Kuwait, Israel and Poland. It spreads the hate, violence and crimes.

All these groups do not aware of the constitution. Their advisors and images are the teachers and activists of international integrated security systems, who act from Catholic and Non-Catholic educational establishments such as Catholic School Boars, University of Ottawa and Algonquin College, Bars, Restaurants and Houses etc. They hide their crimes and they work illusionary for national and international security system.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Eight

1. A group of Sudanese and Arabs that work from Canadian provinces and the world . The main road of its activities is Ottawa, Hamilton, United Arab Emirates and the State of Qatar. It work for the socialistic systems of Foreign countries , former regime of Sadam Houssin and the Islamic radical systems of the Gulf States. Some of their names are the following:

Professor Jamal Al-Din Abdullah ( Sharjah University),

Mr. Faiosal Abdullah ( Hamilton –Ontario) and friends.

2. Another group work from houses, embassies of the Arabic and Israel diplomatic lines, restaurants, Eastern ,African and Black North American Churches and Mosques and from a different religious establishments. e.g. the Church of King Edward at Rideau street downtown Ottawa, Syrian , Iraqi and Islamic radicals groups that spread hate, discrimination and terrorism and they work under the cover of RCMP and CSIS agents they work dishonestly for Canadian system.

3. Palestinian , Israeli , Jordanian, Iraqi and Syrian diplomatic lines work and spread their culture of hate, terrorism, discrimination and illegal transactions generally from the Western Churches and particularly from the Eastern Churches. For example: Lebanese , Egyptian, Syrian Churches with participations of Palestinian and Jordanian Christian organizations as well as the pro and anti the peace process resolutions. They hide crimes of their nationalistic , socialistic and believers leaders, and their actions. Jim’s driving and Training School at Ottawa is one of their residences, and they corporate with NVN7-Ottawa Car Dealers the agents of France Republic and its diplomatic lines. They support the espionage and work against the Canadian and Northern American systems. Wahab the Canadian of Djibouti is one of their masks ( French front), Sam is the other agent who works for the Yemenite pro-terrorist regime.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Nine

1. A Yemenite pro-Syrian group that works with corroboration of Iranian diplomatic line.

Carlos is the Nike-Name of one of their activists (Ottawa)

Mr. Khasim Ismail is the second one ( Immigrant of Djibouti, Ottawa).

Ahmed Sadik Abdulrahim ( Yemenite Community), pro-Syrian regime and a socialistic who corroborates with former Eastern block. Toastmaster at Argyle street is one of their residence as well as the Yemenite -Canadian Community. They have lots of apartments that they act ideologically and logistically against Western systems. Some of their agents work with support of the Yemenite and Saudi’s regimes and their diplomatic lines.

2. Former Iraqi regime with support of criminals ( Islamic, Nationalistic, Socialistic groups, they have some business centers like barbers salons, restaurants , medical centers, from them they use and transfer their ideological , criminal and terrorist system. North African anti-Western countries ,Syrians ,Palestinians , Lebanese and Jordanians are some of their agents and supporters. Salons of Cooper street and Gladstone as well as unhygienic places of smoking are few of their places. Some of the organizers names are mentioned in the previous reports.

In addition, to the previous names is Mr. Samir (Super Man Salon at Gladstone – Ottawa, the immigrant from Iraq who moved from Yemen and Russia. He is one of the militant of the former regime of Iraq.

Yemenite regime with Islamic and Nationalistic groups are the supporters of them, as well as the pro-socialistic activists of Soviet Union.

Western Churches e.g. the United Churches of downtown Ottawa Aylmer street at Ban , Sunnyside , and the United Church of Argyle Avenue and theirs Food Banks are some of stages of their acts.

The aid that are given for needy, homeless and disable people are one of the propaganda that national and international security systems are used to hide their crimes locally and globally. Groups of the hidden system embodies discriminations, hates and crimes, and some of the methods that are used to disorder and disrespect people , the United Church and Canada’s administrational and functional systems.

This group also is represented by the Islamic and Catholic of former regime of Poland, socialistic countries Yemen, Syria, Poland, and Lebanon. It is supported by Mr. Daniel the resident of McLeod street.

Egyptian , Syrian and Lebanese, Polish Christian and non-Christian are some of the workers who hide hate for Canada and Western security systems.

3. Lebanese, Syrian , Jordanian and Palestinian pro and anti Syrian regimes are building illegal political parties and organizations. Some names of these organizations are the Christian Military Parties like the Liberal Parties and the Militant Parties , and Islamic Parties like Hezbollah, and Hams Movements. Ideologically they compete with the Jewish pro and anti peace process organizations. All of them are disloyal for Canada due to their act against local Canadian cultural, social, political and economic systems.

4. Local Media of most Canadian communities and centers are not dealing with the harmony of the Canadian systems (educationally, linguistically, politically, economically, Culturally and psychologically) despite the support that are given by the Ministries of Heritage and Multiculturalism to provide the unity and the security of the Canadian nation.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Ten

International Integrated Security Systems: Crimes, dishonest works, terrorism, illegal drugs, illegal transactions and prostitution

1. The Canadian laws and constitutions are not taken under attention in most of the Canadian communities, on the other words, communities social workers and social powers work due to the dogmas, private laws, and they spread the criminals’ ideologies (hate, racism, terrorism and violence). Government of Canada has to provide real programs to teach newcomers the Canadian rights and responsibilities without the negative influences of the multicultural activists. International Integrated Security Systems: Crimes, dishonest works, terrorism, illegal drugs, illegal transactions and prostitution.

· Diplomatic lines of Republic of Yemen and Poland are resources of dishonest work in national and international areas. They cover their illegal transactions, crimes, and terrorist activities as well as corruptions by anecdotes.


·National Press Club of Canada ‘s Foundation: Fear of Anti-Semitism and selfishness.

· Social Planning Council of Ottawa: Ethnic Minority Business: Corruptions: dishonest work and racism.

· LASA: Corruptions: Illusionary works, and the participations of other Arab Minorities and other groups are very limited.

· Canadian minorities associations and communities: Corruptions and dishonest work, racism too due to the cultural and security aspects.

· The Tree Reading Series , a poetry group of Majorities: administrational and organizational corruptions: Linguistic racism, and lovers of the pro-terrorism poets.

· Conservative Party of Canada has a fear of Human Rights Media.

· Center Town Community Health Center: Corruption and illusionary works.

· Ministry of Transportation : Administrational and organizational corruptions: Illusionary works, and the integrated security systems penetrated the organizational and administrational systems.

· The Office of Registrar, Thunder Bay: administrational and organizational corruptions.

· Salvation Army: Downtown, Market, George street., 171, Administrational and organizational corruptions: A resource of thieves, and dishonest works due to homeless people.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Eleven

· The Pope of Rome His Holiness, the Benedict XVI, is not recognized by Catholic Canadian organizations and Establishments.

· Tattoos and Piercing have influence on psychology of people. Alternative arts are recommended to beautify our country.

· International Integrated Security Systems use the religious establishments in Canada for illegal activities and transactions to censure their crimes.

· International Integrated Security Systems , who use favorite symbols, colors, and body languages to hide their illegal activities and to influence people psychology in order to involve them to work illegally with their dogmas, or to hate another groups are dishonest for Canadian Security system.

· The organizations that use the images of their references secretly in order to work with them illegally are dangerous for our security system, likewise the organizations that use the images of friends, families of the past. They aim to hide their crimes and illegal transactions ( Polish integrated security systems and their masks, and Yemenite integrated security systems and their masks).

· The International Integrated Security Systems that use Palmistry and magic to fight against each other to propagandize their dogmas are dangerous due to their hidden activities.

· International Integrated Security Systems in Canada not only use food in religious and non-religious establishments and organizations to feed people, but also to kill their manners, attitudes and inspirations. Reformations are necessary.

· Foreign Minister of Yemen, the Canadian citizen and his collations are dangerous for national and international security systems.

· Rahal Saba, the Canadian-Yemenite mediator for immigration and transactions: dishonest work, illegal transactions and corruptions.

· Telepathy of Feb. 16th, 2010, is a resource of dishonest works, violence, and crimes. It was represented nationally by duwlcitizen and internationally by Republics of Yemen and Poland, as well as by Ottawa’s security police and religious and non-religious establishments and organizations.

· Most of the national and international non-governmental and governmental organizations are penetrated by criminals and corrupted investors as well as people, owing to the gaps in local, provincial, and federal organizations (Police and CSIS). Bribes and temptations are used. Violence, exploitations for newcomers are used too in order to work with them dishonestly in national and international conflicts.

· Immigration Canada is corrupted by the influences of politicians also


Health Care: Dental costs are high and their jobs are not guaranteed. Canadians are in trouble and travel overseas due to the policy of Health Care and Dental Organizations.

Moreover, the international integrated security systems use some of the Clinics to abuse the law and the national security systems.

· Telepathies of Friday and Saturday 19th & 20th, 2010, represented by the Yemeni regime and their friends the Canadian French and Chinese activists groups in our society as well as Catholics and Muslims groups are gaps for the national and international security systems.

· Military and non-military diplomatic tools are the solutions to reform the governmental and non-governmental organizations, which are penetrated by corrupted regimes of Yemen and Poland.

· Immigration Canada, Canadian High Commission In Abu-Dhabi, can not take the decision about the immigration of my wife to Canada because of the corrupted and dishonest works of Catholic and Muslims establishments and organizations.

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Twelve

Fights Against Crimes and Terrorism in National and International Area

· Media of Armies of Liberation is a conception and resource that invests only in crimes. It does not care about the United States of America’s Internal and external affairs.

· Diplomatic lines of Yemen give facilities for former Iraqi’s Regime to renovate their activities in fighting against the world’s security.

· The Yemeni-American Institute of fighting against the Terrorism, is a resource of delusions. Likewise the American-Yemeni journalists, the residents in United States of America.

· Security Unit of Somerset at Bank Street, Building No. 395 is a resource of crimes, terrorism and dishonest work.

· The Security Unit of MacLaren Street at Bank, Building No. 415 is a resource of crimes, terrorism and dishonest work e.g. apartments No.904, 905, 907, 912, and 1110.

· The Security Integrated System of Bell Street North, is a resource of dishonest work, crimes, hate and prostitutions, Jewish of Eastern European Countries unit: Delusion works to censure their crimes and dishonest activities.

· The Integrated International Security System of Kent Street Merry Dwyer Unit is a resource is a resource of illegal drugs, crimes, corruption and prostitutions: Delusion works to censure their crimes and activities.

· Immigration Canada: The International Integrated Security Systems are dishonest: Crimes, corruption. They used Canada’s’ facilities like banks, documents, passports etc to prevent regimes and spread the influenza, they also abuse the rights of newcomers to direct them for their dirty jobs.

· International Media Support : Al-Jazeera fabricates the issues of Al-Qada with corporations with former Iraq’s regime as well as with the Zionist, and Communist Organizations. In addition, with dishonest capitalists of Arabian Peninsula.

· The International Integrated Security Systems of Algonquin College are dishonest: fights and corruptions.

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Thirty Four

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

(i). A networks of espionages, illegal transactions, terrorisms, prostitutions , human organs trafficking and assassinations

Group that belong to diplomatic line of Yemen and their deviations. This network’s members with integrated security system of Syria, former Iraq’s regimes activists, as well as with Lebanese, Iranian and Kuwaiti integrated security systems of the diplomatic lines and their radical religious Islamic movements use names of Al-Mansouries and Al-Sourrories relatives and their combinations in general, and in particular names and images of their actors and leaders etc. Their purposes to hide their activities as well as their crimes and crime of their leaders of the past countries that they came from.

(2). To the previous groups mentioned in serial 17, belong activists and fighters who use the national hockey sports heroes etc. For instance, Mr. Wayne Gretzky to spread his image, and his semi images and their replications for hidden ideology.

Fighters are group of social workers, mediators who act illusionary for group of political and economic presures of the world . Also they aim to spy the Canadian national and international companies and inisitutions. Teachers of ESL of Algunqein College are responsibles of the hidden missions and illegal tranactions and espionages with corborations of national and international Companies e.g. workers agents who act for Norton Company or share Hollywood some ideas to adveritse new ideas. Agents advertise for dead, ill and dishonest and criminal past teachers, promoters and supervisors of the past to erize the national, recent ,real and honest teachers and leaders. To Mentioned countries above belong Egpt, Qatar, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Palstine, India , Pakistan, Romania , Poland, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Israel and Hungry as well as dishonest businessmen of the World of hidden religious and non-religious insitutions. All these groups created illegal hidden and non-hidden environments of fights to illusion the world of securty.

Read More about Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part 1 to 18

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AUDIO:Rock legend Paul McCartney spoke with Q's Jian Ghomashi in advance of concerts in Toronto on Aug. 8 and 9, and Montreal on Aug. 12. (MPL Communications).

By CBC Arts: August 6, 2010 : Paul McCartney has been thinking over what Malcolm Gladwell said about him in Outliers, a non-fiction book that tries to define the ingredients of success.

"It's funny - I was talking to someone about that, because I've read the book. I think there is a lot of truth in it," McCartney said in an interview with CBC's Q cultural affairs show that aired Friday, ahead of his appearances in Canada next week.

Gladwell cited the Beatles as proof of his 10,000-hours rule - that one of the predictors of success in any field is practising the task for 10,000 hours, just as the Beatles did in the 1,200 gigs they played in Hamburg from 1960 to 1962.

"I think in our case, we always said 'Man, we had so much practice that by the time we got famous, we really knew what we were doing, and we were a good cohesive unit as a band,'" McCartney says.

He admits he's "not a great one for theories."

'I'm in a very interesting stage. I'm loving singing. I can't believe that I'm doing nearly three hours without taking a [breather] or anything.'-Paul McCartney

" I mean there are a lot of bands that were out in Hamburg who put in 10,000 hours and didn't make it, so it's not a cast-iron theory," he says. "I think, however, when you look at a group who has been successful ... you always will find that amount of work in the background. But I don't think it's a rule that if you do that amount of work, you're going to be as successful as the Beatles."

Canadian wordsmith Gladwell finds no hard and fast logic behind success - there are too many random variables, like personality and when and where an individual is born and just plain opportunity.

For opportunity, there have been few careers like McCartney's - the man called by the Guinness World Records the "most successful musician and composer in popular music history." He's still singing 40 years after the breakup of the Beatles, putting in three-hour shows without obvious effort at age 68 and still enjoying it, he says.

McCartney, left, relaxes backstage with his band. (MPL Communications)

"I'm in a very interesting stage. I'm loving singing. I can't believe that I'm doing nearly three hours without taking a [breather] or anything. You assume that you'd be feeling it now and that maybe you'd get fed up with it, but it's just the opposite," he says.

He's well past his 10,000 hours - so far over that he admits he doesn't analyze what stage of his career he's in or even think very far ahead when he takes a booking. Yet he packed 500,000 people into an outdoor show in Kiev, Ukraine, in 2008 and popped into the East Room of the White House for an intimate concert for Barack Obama and a few others in June.

Birthday surprise

He even managed to surprise his old bandmate Ringo Starr at a Radio City Music Hall concert in New York that fell on Ringo's 70th birthday on July 7. For Starr, it was a regular performance of his All-Starr band, which in its current incarnation draws on the talents of Edgar Winter, Rick Derringer of The McCoys, Wally Palmar of The Romantics, Richard Page and Gary Wright.

Ringo's brother-in-law, the American musician Joe Walsh, wanted to make McCartney's appearance a surprise, suggesting he hide out in the back stalls of the theatre and sneak on at the end.

McCartney and Ringo Starr are shown together in June 2009. McCartney surprised his old friend on Starr's 70th birthday. (Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

"I've never actually seen his All-Starr show," McCartney says of that night in July. "I was enjoying the show along with the audience, but when it got to A Little Help from My Friends, the people in the row in front of me were looking at me like 'What's happened? Shouldn't you be up there as one of his friends?' I'm going 'Shh!'"

Ringo thought the show was over after his grandkids had come on with a birthday cake. McCartney says Starr's wife, Barbara Bach, had to hold him back while Walsh struck up Birthday and McCartney came forward.

"Ringo did not know. I swear he was just so gobsmacked," McCartney says.

"[Ringo] said 'I'm going to the dressing room.' She said 'Hang on just a minute.' And then we started up Birthday with Joe Walsh and the band, and then he finally realized what was going on. He came leaping back on stage and said 'I wasn't going to sit that one out.'"

Valuable friendships

McCartney said he appreciates his friendship with Starr more as he gets older.

"We went through a kind of sticky patch when the Beatles were breaking up, and there was a lot of talk, and people were setting us against each other. Outside of that patch, we've always had a really good relationship," he says. "I think as you get older, you just realize how valuable your friends are."

McCartney's touring is taking on a different shape these days because of his commitment as a parent to six-year-old Beatrice, his daughter with ex-wife Heather Mills. He spoke to CBC from near Hastings in southern England, as he drove to pick up Beatrice from a playdate - yes, the phone was hands-free.

"Because of my personal circumstances, I spend a lot of time looking after my six-year-old girl, and for that, I'm a pretty hands-on dad. So I said to my promoter, ... 'These are the weeks I can work, and these are the weeks I can't work, because I'll be getting up in the morning seeing my little one off to school and stuff,'" McCartney says.

The promoter wasn't all that keen on the arrangement, but McCartney knows he's at the stage where he can pick and choose, and he chooses life without tours lasting three to six months.

Still sound fresh

" It actually works great really, because ... we do less work and ... we're doing exciting events, so we're much hungrier to play," he says.

McCartney and his current band play a set that mixes hits from his time with Wings, his long solo career and new material with the old favourites like Long and Winding Road and Yesterday. Yet McCartney says even now the Beatles songs sound fresh to him.

"I think one of the tricks is that I don't do them that much. So I find myself, when I do sing them, actually looking at them," he says.

"You have to take a moment and go, 'Oh, this is how this one goes.' ... I'm looking at the writing from my perspective now, because ... I'm looking at a 24, 20-something young man writing these things and I'm thinking, 'That was pretty mature or that was a good little line.'"

McCartney played a concert on the Plains of Abraham in 2008 for the 400th birthday of Quebec and then was in Halifax last year. He also has clocked some historic firsts in recent years, such as his 2005 concert in Moscow's Red Square and playing to the International Space Station in 2006. It's not that he seeks out new frontiers for live performance - it's just a question of opportunity, as Gladwell would say.

"It's a not a kind of conscious decision, but what happens is, if somebody makes an offer to play ... the Quebec gig to so many people for a sort of a special occasion, then it's very interesting. I'm very lucky, I get these offers," McCartney says.

"Somebody says, you know, 'Would you like to play for the Space Station.' I say 'Are you kidding?' So we do it. As I say, I feel very lucky to have the opportunity."

Concerts and studio albums are what McCartney calls his "day job," but he is indulging some of his many long-time interests and has some new projects on the go, among them writing music for a ballet. He has not yet revealed which ballet company approached him.

"One thing that's coming up next year I'm working on now that I haven't done before is I'm very interested in photography, and I've got a project at the moment that might end up as a photo exhibition," he adds.

McCartney plays the Air Canada Centre in Toronto on Aug. 8 and 9 and the Bell Centre in Montreal on Aug. 12.

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Former prime minister Jean Chrétien appeared to be in good health during a meeting with Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff in Shawinigan, Que., on July 22. (Paul Chiasson/Canadian Press)

August 7, 2010 : By CBC News: Former prime minister Jean Chrétien was in a Montreal hospital Saturday recovering from successful brain surgery.

The Jewish General Hospital said Chrétien underwent surgery Friday to treat a subdural hematoma. That's a buildup of blood between the skull and the brain. It's normally considered an emergency medical condition.

"Currently, he is doing extremely well," said Dr. Jeff Golan, who performed the operation.

The problem came to doctors' attention on Thursday, when Chrétien's daughter called to say her father was having difficulty walking. She was advised to have her father brought in.

A brain scan on Friday revealed a three-centimetre-wide hematoma that was pushing about 1.5 centimetres into his brain. Emergency surgery was then performed Friday afternoon. The operation took two hours.

At a news conference Saturday afternoon, doctors said they were shocked by the finding of such a large hematoma, since he didn't have any major symptoms.

Chrétien was "totally lucid, totally alert, and the only finding was a slight weakness of the left leg," said Dr. Marc Afilalo, head of emergency at the hospital.

Doctors said they didn't know what might have caused the hematoma, but noted that Chrétien had hit his head on the staircase of his basement in late June.

Prognosis 'excellent'

When asked about his prospects, Golan quickly pronounced them as "excellent," adding that Chrétien was telling him stories about his political life and making jokes.

However, Golan cautioned that Chrétien's "otherwise hectic lifestyle will have to wait for a few weeks."

The surgery Chrétien underwent is considered a major operation. The procedure involves opening the skull to a sufficient degree to allow access to the subdural cavity that's between the skull and the brain. The blood buildup is then drained out.

Chrétien, who is 76, is expected to be released from hospital in the next few days.

Best wishes pour in

Chretien's longtime aide, Bruce Hartley, said people have been quick to send along their best wishes.

"They're just starting to flood in now - from MPs, former staffers, senators, friends, colleagues," he said.

Chrétien's family members are with him at the hospital.

"I spoke to his wife and some of his assistants. They were telling me everything was great," said Liberal MP Denis Coderre.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper released a statement sending his best wishes to the former prime minister.

"Mr. Chrétien, I am sure, will emerge as he always has from every challenge, by winning," he said.

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said he was "greatly concerned" by news of the surgery.

"It was just two weeks ago when he and I were in his hometown of Shawinigan and he was his usual self, with that spring in his stride of a man half his age and all the strength, vigor and sense of humour Canadians had come to see in him over the decade he served as one of our greatest prime ministers," he said in a statement.

Had heart bypass surgery in 2007

This wasn't Chrétien's first major health problem. In 2007, he had quadruple bypass surgery at the Montreal Heart Institute. The surgery was deemed a success.

Chrétien, who led the Liberal Party to three majority governments during his 10 years as prime minister, stepped down from the top post in 2003.

Following his retirement from politics, Chrétien returned to law with the prominent firm Heenan Blaikie and has toured the lecture circuit.

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Thirty Three

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

(h). A networks of espionages, illegal transactions, terrorisms, prostitutions , human organs trafficking and assassinations

1. Group that belong to diplomatic line of Yemen and their deviations. This network’s members with integrated security system of Syria, former Iraq’s regimes activists, as well as with Lebanese, Iranian and Kuwaiti integrated security systems of the diplomatic lines and their radical religious Islamic movements use names of Al-Mansouries and Al-Sourrories relatives and their combinations in general, and in particular names and images of their actors and leaders etc. Their purposes to hide their activities as well as their crimes and crime of their leaders of the past countries that they came from.

In addition; to the mentioned diplomatic lines they get logistic and financial supports from the U.A.E. diplomatic lines to fabricate evidences and doing illusionary jobs in Canadian institutions and communities.

These days the act with logistic supports of Jack Purcell Community Centers members, visitors and security lifeguard or security systems by using the images of Islamic and non-Islamic images.

Names of some members of these groups mentioned in the previous serials. In addition; to these names is the name of the volunteer and social worker activist Mrs or Mis Rawan.

Communities members and the integrated security systems works characterized by fights about historical issues. They use the Arabic delicates to hide these issues and divided people to former socialistic groups or familial names of Al-Mansouries and Al-Sourorries and so on.

Egyptian names of actors and Syrian names and images of students of their hidden members of organization are used by both diplomatic lines of Syria and Egypt; and their integrated members and friends.

2. Group that belongs to the former Pope of Vatican which is interested to life in the past and represented by the polish members of diplomatic lines and national and international institutions.

3. Group that uses the real and true images of disable people to hide their crimes, and crimes of real criminals who use the psychological issues as one of the methods to spread hates, discriminations and crimes. This network represented by Polish new businessmen, and by both Jewish and Arabic nationalistic groups of the criminal capitalists.

Former Yugoslavia historical topics, leaders and images of them are one of methods to introduce real people, and thing to unknown elements. These methods also use by several other groups of Semitic countries that uses the actors and the names of the family relatives and friends names or of any human being mentioned names or the past or future!.

American actors Tom Cruise name is one of the images of swimming pool members of Jack Purcell Community and recreation Centers and uses for fight and hidden activities of the ESL Teachers of Algonquin College and its network. This set represented by the integrated security system of the sensitive group of pro- and anti peace process, or the fatherhood or motherhood of new or young or old generations.

Piercing and Tattoos are a subject matter of the same groups. The lifeguard Mr. Shun is one of people who has some arts on his body, which is a subject matter to hidden and non-hidden activists of organizations. He describes by these activists as a Jewish or Syrian. They purpose to erase his identity. Name of him and his features confused they describers.

Bulgarian members and its network fights with Polish and Arabian former visitors and representatives of the Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Yemeni and United Arab Emirates diplomatic lines .

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$45M G20 class-action suit filed

Sherry Good is the representative plaintiff for more than 800 people involved in a class-action lawsuit brought against the Toronto Police Services Board and the Attorney General of Canada. (CBC)

CBC News : August 6, 2010 : A woman who says she was in a crowd detained by police for hours at a Toronto intersection during a G20 protest has launched a $45-million class-action lawsuit against the Toronto Police Services Board and the federal attorney general.

Sherry Good is acting as the representative plaintiff for more than 800 people who claim they were wrongfully arrested during the G20 summit in late June.

She is among about 500 people who were hemmed in by hundreds of riot police at the intersection of Queen Street West and Spadina Avenue for several hours in the rain on June 27.

Good, who called herself an "ordinary person" not involved in organizing any protests, claims to have suffered a panic attack following the incident.

"But the biggest consequence of that weekend is that I have lost my trust in the police," she told a Friday morning news conference.

"Now I am nervous when I see a police car. I consistently look over my shoulder. Sadly, it will take a long time to regain that trust."

The Toronto Police Services Board is a civilian organization that oversees the force. It is being sued because "it is the legal entity charged with overseeing the majority of the police activity that took place that weekend," said Eric Gillespie, one of the lawyers representing Good.

The Attorney General of Canada has been named because "it is the legal representative of the RCMP, who also had a significant role, it appears, in the events that transpired at that time," he said.

The suit was filed Thursday at Ontario Superior Court, but the bid to certify the legal action - meaning it would proceed - will likely take several months, Gillespie said.

Around 1,000 people were arrested during the summit, which ran June 26-27 in downtown Toronto.

'No comment' from police

Meanwhile, Toronto police held a news conference to release pictures of five more people they are looking for in connection with vandalism during the protests.

"My message here today has nothing to do with the class-action suit," Det. Mike Carbone said when asked about Good's lawsuit.

"I have no comment about the class-action suit."

Police also displayed previously released images of six other people identified as people they believe may have been involved in some of the vandalism.

The news conference is the third in which police have released pictures in hopes the public can help identify potential suspects. Since the first news conference last month, 17 people have been arrested.

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Natalie Gray was apprehended by police during a demonstration at the temporary detention centre in Toronto's east end on June 28. (Submitted by Natalie Gray)

CBC News : July 25, 2010 : A 20-year-old environmental activist from B.C. is suing the Toronto Police Service, claiming she was hit by two rubber bullets during a G20 summit protest.

"I hit the ground. It's hard to describe how it feels getting shot," said Natalie Gray of Maple Ridge, B.C., about 40 kilometres east of Vancouver.


Do you agree with how police handled the protests? Take our poll. []

Gray was one of about 150 protesters who marched on a police-approved route to a former Toronto film studio that was converted into a temporary detention centre on June 28, the final day of the G20 meetings.

The protest and police reaction were captured on video by the media.

Half an hour after protesters arrived at the jail, police moved in. As the demonstrators were shouting their slogans, a pair of unmarked vans suddenly appeared and screeched to a stop.

A picture of Natalie Gray showing a wound on her elbow that she said was from a rubber bullet. (Submitted by Natalie Gray)

Two squads of plain-clothed officers leaped out, moved into the crowd and pushed two young people to the ground.

Some demonstrators panicked and ran, while others got angry and tried to hold their ground. Then two more police groups rushed in.

Fearing for her safety, Gray backed away down Eastern Avenue. But she said she suddenly saw a police officer drop to one knee - holding the biggest gun she had ever seen.

"And my friend hears a cop order coming from the back: 'The girl with the blue hair, the girl with the blue hair.' And that was when I got shot," said Gray, who had two blue ponytails sprouting from the top of her head.

Natalie Gray shows a wound to her chest that she said was also caused by a rubber bullet. (Submitted by Natalie Gray)

She said the first blast hit her in the chest, breaking the skin and knocking her to the ground. The second hit her in the left elbow, she said, tearing off a chunk of skin.

As she tried to get up, uniformed police moved in, slammed her face into the pavement and knelt on her back.

"I have never been so terrified in my life," she said. "I immediately lost control of my bladder and the officers are yelling at me, 'Stop resisting, stop resisting.' And I'm saying, 'I'm not resisting. Please be gentle. Please be careful.'"

Gray was later charged with obstructing a peace officer, one of nearly 1,000 people arrested before or during the G20 summit.

Police claimed the shots were "muzzle blasts" - harmless blanks meant to scare protesters, not hurt them. They deny using rubber bullets.

But photographs of Gray's wounds taken by an emergency room doctor show she was indeed injured in the chest and arm.

"It hurt so much when it first happened and then nothing. And I was just kind of paralyzed. But as soon as I got shot, there was an incredible amount of pain in my abdomen."

Gray has hired high-profile human rights lawyer Clayton Ruby, who said he's launching a lawsuit against the police department.

Toronto lawyer David Midanik also said he has a client who is suing, claiming he was shot in the face by a rubber bullet. There is also reported to be a class-action suit in the works.

The police are advising anyone with an abuse allegation to file a report with the Office of the Independent Police Review Director.

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Ottawa StoryTellers Story Swap: Open Stage Night

Thursday, August 5, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.
at Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Room 156.
Free admission

Ottawa StoryTellers offers Story Swap, an open stage night, on the first Thursday of every
month at Library and Archives Canada (Room 156). This is an opportunity to experience
the art of storytelling for the first time or for new storytellers to practice before an audience.
The evenings also include stories by experienced tellers so that new tellers can learn the art.
People are welcome to come and listen, but anyone wishing to tell a story should register on
arrival with the evening’s host, and s/he will be given a time slot. Stories should be no longer
than ten minutes and must be told, not read. They may be traditional stories, folk tales, literary
stories, or personal stories.

August 10 - A Taste of Asian Tales
Lynda Joyce and David MacDonald
Stories and Tea
The Tea Party, 119 York St.
Pay what you can

August 24 - Midsummer Night Tales
Alan Shain and Jacques Falquet
Stories and Tea
The Tea Party, 119 York St.
Pay what you can

Stories around the Campfire
August 6, 13, 20, 27 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., at the Billings Estate National Historic Site, 2100 Cabot Street.
There will be songs, stories for adults and stories for children, and, of course, marshmallows are
provided for roasting.
Tickets are $10 (for the whole family), available from the Museum at 613-247-4830.

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Thirty Two

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

(g). A network of espionages, illegal transactions, terrorisms, prostitutions , human organs trafficking and assassinations

1. This group acts from Ottawa-Carlton school by logistic support of municipal or community police, who hide their crimes and crimes of their leaders. Some members of this set belong to African –French movements, Iraqi –Kuwaiti and Lebanese Shitis groups . They work with some agents of pro-Iranian and Syrian regimes. Some workers of this groups work for Quickie Bank street- Glamour, Basmati Restaurant of Bank street Somerset , OPL main-branch and Post Canada and some apartments of down town Ottawa like MacLaren street as well as Jack Purcell Community Center. They use the names of the representatives of leaders of Al-Bath’s Barti and Qatari and U.A.E. ill leaders.

2. Another network that hides its crimes acts from Atomic Rooster which is located at Bank street- Somerset . It is an Arabic and socialistic network. It uses the uncle -hood, brotherhood and motherhood legends or friendship and their names to act secretly. This network uses German socialistic and capitalistic names of friends and teachers. It acts with logic supports of Pro-Iranian and Syrian regimes. Members of this set belong to Iraqi, Yemeni, Kuwaiti, Lebanese and Syrian etc.

3. Exile Infoshop that is located at 256 Bank St. (second floor), Ottawa, ON. Is An Arabic and Semitic organization that hide its crimes via images of unreal agent or heroes of nations of their past or recent. This network is pro-Iranian and Syrian and Palestinian. Groups hides its crimes with the logistic help of Islamic centers represented by Hindi or Pakistani agents who work illegally to supports terrorism worldwide, or by its integrated international network of pro and anti Semitic groups who hide crimes and raises the peace as a legend to live in the past and duplicated the circumstances.

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Kieron Williamson, who just turned 8, is drawing collectors from as far as New York City and South Africa to his little British town of Holt. An exhibition of his paintings fetched the equivalent of $235,804 in under 30 minutes. London's Daily Mail dubbed him "Mini Monet." (Alban Donohoe / ©
By Michael Inbar : contributor updated 8/4/2010 10:08:48 AM ET : Kieron Williamson turns 8 today, a benchmark to be celebrated with family and friends. But outside of his family circle in the tiny British market town of Holt, the art world is celebrating Kieron’s startling proficiency with water colors, pastels and oils.

London’s Daily Mail dubbed Kieron “Mini Monet” after Kieron raked in $235,804 (150,000 British pounds) at a gallery show in his hometown, where all 33 of the works exhibited sold in under a half hour.

Adrian Hill, co-owner of the Picturecraft Gallery in Holt where the sale was conducted, says the name Picasso springs to mind when it comes to the artistic prodigy. “He is red-hot,” Hill told the Daily Mail. “I believe the last child artist in this bracket was Picasso. And Kieron is getting better and better and better. He has a very mature hand and has mastered certain techniques at an early stage which some artists would take years to perfect.”

Sudden inspiration at 5 Kieron’s folks Keith and Michelle say in most respects, Kieron is your typical youth: He enjoys swimming and fishing and playing computer games, and loves nothing so much as kicking a soccer ball around with his schoolmates.

And when it comes to his artistic bent, Michelle Williamson told NBC News that for years, Kieron also drew like any other young child. “We used to have to draw dinosaurs for him to color in.”

That all changed on a family vacation to Devon and Cornwall in May 2008. Inspired by the scenery, he asked his parents for paper so he could copy what he saw.

“First pictures that he did were what any 5-year-old would do,” Michelle told NBC. “It was the time, and level of concentration that he put into doing it; that was the turning point. It was like a switch. We never thought he would continue drawing after the holiday. He just improved.”

Kieron improved so much, so quickly the family enrolled him in art classes, and his talent grew exponentially. Art experts began praising his work, saying Kieron’s atmospheric paintings showed the perspective, shadow and reflections of a master.

Flying off the walls

The first sign something seriously big was afoot came last summer, when Kieron first exhibited his art at the Picturecraft Gallery. He earned $22,338 (14,000 British pounds) for 19 of his paintings.

In December, Kieron had his second exhibition at the gallery: it expected to show his paintings for a month, but each and every work was snapped up within 15 minutes of the gallery opening. The paintings, which netted $27,125 (17,000 British pounds), flew off the gallery walls so fast that Kieron’s mom didn’t even get a chance to view the exhibition.

By the time last week’s third exhibit opened, Kieron was a full-fledged phenomenon. Buyers from as far away as New York City and South Africa came for the sale; a couple from Philadelphia camped out for two days outside the gallery for the chance to snatch up one of his works.

“The overwhelming sense of wonder is so many people have traveled to see this young man’s paintings,” gallery co-owner Hill said. “There’s no one painting that’s as young as Kieron is.”

Mom Michelle told NBC she suspects art buyers are trying to get in on the next big thing. “I think there’s a mixture of people who have gotten backgrounds in investments and do it as purely a speculative thing … a majority of people are just taken aback that he can produce nice paintings given his age.”

Michelle Williamson added that some 2,000 people are on waiting lists for the chance to buy Kieron’s work. And at the rate he paints, he may be able to satisfy them all; as prolific as he is proficient, Kieron sometimes completes as many as six works in a single week.

Wending water: This pastel by Kieron Williamson is titled "Morston Buoys." (Alban Donohoe / ©

Landscape specialist

While the Williamson family loves art — dad Keith is an art dealer and they have their own collection hanging in their home — Kieron’s folks are still sometimes left scratching their heads over their son’s talent. He seems to especially love to paint coastal scenes and rural landscapes.

“We often think about why Kieron has chosen art in this way, and I think it’s because we live in a top-floor flat and we have no garden or outside space,” Michelle told the Daily Mail. “So perhaps he’s had to create his own scenery.”

Mom may be onto something. Young Kieron told the paper, “I like painting because it’s fun and inspiring. It makes me think of places I can’t see.”

Kieron’s mother bristles at any suggestion they are artistic stage parents: She insists Kieron paints only when he wants to, with no prodding from her or father Keith. And besides, Kieron is feisty.

“You couldn’t get him to do anything he doesn’t want to do,” Michelle told NBC. “It’s quite a learning curve for me and Keith because we’re not artists. We can’t get inside his head.”

Young Kieron adds, “Painting is my favorite hobby — but I like football as well.”

Kyle Miller contributed reporting to this story.

© 2010 MSNBC Interactive.

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Gates, Buffett lead campaign to persuade America's wealthiest to donate their fortunes

Bill Gates, left, and Warren Buffett, seen in this 2007 photo during the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting in Omaha, are trying to persuade other American billionaires to give at least half their wealth to charity
Nati Harnik / AP : Bill Gates, left, and Warren Buffett, seen in this 2007 photo during the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting in Omaha, are trying to persuade other American billionaires to give at least half their wealth to charity.
updated 1 hour 57 minutes ago

A little over a year after Bill Gates and Warren Buffett began hatching a plan over dinner to persuade America's wealthiest people to give most of their fortunes to charity, more than three-dozen individuals and families have agreed to take part, campaign organizers announced Wednesday.

In addition to Buffett and Gates — America's two wealthiest individuals, with a combined net worth of $90 billion, according to Forbes — 38 other billionaires have signed The Giving Pledge. They include New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, entertainment executive Barry Diller, Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, energy tycoon T. Boone Pickens, media mogul Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, film director George Lucas and investor Ronald Perelman.

"We're off to a terrific start," Buffett, co-founder and chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, said in a conference call also attended by Bloomberg and San Francisco hedge-fund manager Tom Steyer and his wife Kat Taylor, founder of OneCalifornia Bank.

Buffett said he and Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, and Gates' wife Melinda made calls to fellow billionaires on the Forbes 400 list of wealthiest Americans — in many cases, people they had never met — to try to persuade them to join the giving pledge.

"We contacted between 70 and 80 people to get the 40. A few were unavailable. We don’t give up on them. Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future. We’ll keep on working," Buffett said.

Bloomberg, who made the bulk of his estimated $17.5 billion fortune from financial news and information services company Bloomberg L.P., said it didn't make sense to leave everything to his children and have them go through life as members of "the lucky sperm club."

"You don’t want to leave them so much money that it ruins their lives," Bloomberg said. "You want kids who can look back and say, 'Yeah my family helped me but I did something on my own.'"

Added Steyer: "We need to support each other. I look at this as replanting your garden so that future generations will have a full bounty of crops."

The United States has roughly 400 billionaires — about 40 percent of the world's total — with a combined net worth of $1.2 trillion, according to Forbes. If they all took the pledge, that would amount to at least $600 billion for charity.

The 40 names that have pledged to date have a combined net worth surpassing $230 billion, according to Forbes. Several of them have said they plan to give away much more than 50 percent of their wealth. Buffett has promised to donate more than 99 percent of his wealth.

The pledge is a moral commitment to give, not a legal contract. It does not involve pooling money or supporting one cause or organization. It's up to each person who signs the pledge how to divvy up their wealth.

  1. Click here for related content
    1. Texas teen raises $1 million for hospital
    2. Paul Allen to leave bulk of wealth to charity
    3. Vote: Would you give your wealth to charity?
    4. Gates, Buffett to megarich: Give it away

In letters on the website, the 40 billionaires explain what motivated them to follow in the footsteps of Gates and Buffett.

"I’m particularly thankful for my father’s advice to set goals so high that they can’t possibly be achieved during a lifetime and to give help where help is needed most," CNN founder Ted Turner said. "That inspiration keeps me energized and eager to keep working hard every day on giving back and making the world a better place for generations to come.”

“My pledge is to the process; as long as I have the resources at my disposal, I will seek to raise the bar for future generations of students of all ages," filmmaker George Lucas said. "I am dedicating the majority of my wealth to improving education.”

Gates and Buffett hatched the idea of a giving campaign in mid-2009 at a secret dinner meeting in New York with a few select billionaires. The campaign went public this June.

Buffett acknowledged that some wealthy people may find it beneficial to donate more so they can avoid or write off more taxes. But he said that's not the reason billionaires are taking the pledge.

"Of the 20 or so people that I have talked to that have signed, not one of them has talked to me about taxes," Buffett said.

"It may be a consideration but I think the motivation goes far, far beyond taxes."

And of the billionaires contacted who didn't join the pledge?

"There were a few people who gave answers that indicated their various dissatisfaction with government," Buffett said. "A few had dynastic ideas about wealth … an intergenerational compact with family to keep that going. And there were others who said, 'I’ve got a plane to catch and I'll have to hang up.'"

© 2010

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Kyrgyzstan's government failed to protect the country's ethnic Uzbek population from grave human rights abuses. Now perpetrators of the violence may actually get away with it.
Call for an impartial, international investigation into the recent violence in southern Kyrgyzstan.

Dear M.T. ,

We could read their signs of distress from outer space.

People trapped on the blood-stained streets of southern Kyrgyzstan painted massive signs on roads and sports fields for the sake of sending one simple message that the entire world could understand – "S.O.S."

This international code for help was as clear as day from our satellite images of the country1. However, nearly two months after the worst of the violence has subsided, the international community has failed to push for justice. To this day, entire neighborhoods are still burned to the ground and the people who lived there are still looking for a place to call home.

It’s not too late for the international community to finally answer Kyrgyzstan's calls for help.

Take action now to ensure that those accused of colluding in abuses don’t end up leading the investigation.

Reports are prevalent that Kyrgyzstani law enforcement abused its authority by failing to protect those citizens who were being targeted during the period of unrest.

Now that video and photographic evidence from local journalists and residents who documented this abuse of power are beginning to surface, law enforcement officers are re-igniting a new wave of terror – silencing journalists and anyone who dares to reveal the truth about the horrific acts of violence that were perpetrated primarily against Kyrgyzstan's ethnic Uzbek population.

It wasn’t bad enough that Kyrgyzstan's government failed to protect its citizens from violence, now the perpetrators of the violence are about to get away with impunity.

Don’t let Kyrgyzstan's government get away with this outrageous abuse of power. Call for an impartial, international investigation into the recent violence in southern Kyrgyzstan.

Thank you for taking action,

Christoph Koettl
Crisis Campaigner
Amnesty International USA
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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Thirty one

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Džibúti , Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, French, China, Qatar, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. They use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

Family’s relatives and sons of the diplomatic line of Yemen play main role in spreading crimes of terrorisms, illegal transactions, spreading illegal drugs, prostitutions in Canada and overseas.

(f). A network of espionages, illegal transactions, terrorisms, prostitutions , human organs trafficking and assassinations.

  1. A group that belong to YMCA/YMWCA and United Churches of Canada and Food Banks e.g. the one that is located at Bank Street and Argyle Avenue. Mr. Jack is one of the activists who work against the security system with his corroborations with French-Catholic , Polish and Irish brotherhoods organizations . Members of this group is Mr. Lee Armstrong and his co-workers. To this network belong agents of French Department of Separations Quebec province who acts with Lebanese , French Yemenite and African pro-French criminals who act nationally and internationally to hide crimes of third word’s leader as well as their crimes.

  1. The second group that belong to Buddhist Temple and acts to the same purposes mentioned above is represented by the Willow’s street residency officials, as well as by Mr. Asilda, the Canadians and the Sri Lanka former citizen, who residents Downtown Ottawa; Kent street. This network acts illusionary and dishonestly for Canadian government with its Islamic and nationalistic Arabic as well as with agents of Eastern European countries. It encourages the culture of violence, terrorism and espionages and illegal transactions and crimes.

  1. The third set of dishonest workers , which works dishonestly with Canadian and American governments, and investors. Members of this set belong to the diplomatic line of Kuwait and Arabian Gulf States and their integrated security systems of Arabic , nationalistic and Islamic states. Al-Fadliy’s family workers and investors of the diplomatic lines of Kuwait who acts from Shit institutions as well as from the Universities of America like the New Mexico and other American Islamic organizations. This set corroborates with non-religious establishments to act against the international security systems, and to enhance the culture of hates, prostitutions, discriminations and illegal transactions.

  1. The Fourth network belong to Sir Chinmoy the worldwide organization and institution . This network spreads its legal and illegal activities through religious and inspirational issues.

  1. His Mercy the institution that belong to the United Church and located in Vanier –Ottawa district is the fifth set which has active members that spreads the culture of hates and discriminations. Its corroborates with members of the field of psychology of several Canadian organizations and institutions like Ottawa and Saint Paul University , Ottawa Branch. Representatives and groups of researchers of these institutions act against the real achievements of researches owing to the administrational, organizational, and discrimination corruptions, and inhuman actions of both ill people and the organizational units of doctors, social workers, social powers who encourage the culture of spreading mental illnesses for several targets.

  1. The sixth group that spreads hates, violence and discriminations in order to invest in terrorisms , crimes and espionages belong not only to several Jewish businessmen, but also to religious and atheistic establishments of the selected people. They support culture of illusions and globalizations the crimes to escape from the responsibilities. OPL Ottawa’s main branch is full of activists who fight with Islamic, Nationalistic and Worldwide activists to encourage to mentioned purposes. One of the activists who abuses the law works under the name Murdoch-Nancy the resident of YMCA/YWCA and responsible of the national and international security systems. Muroh is a teacher of psychology and religion who acts to protect gangs.

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Hudak Announces Bill to Help New Canadians Build their Careers and Create Jobs in Ontario

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010


Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak today shared details of his upcoming Newcomers Employment Opportunities Act. The act includes practical and affordable measures to help new Canadians find employment and create jobs in Ontario.

Hudak’s bill would lower the investment threshold for any immigrant investor who is looking to open a business outside of the Greater Toronto Area. In addition, the bill would provide new tax incentives for employers who pay for English and French language training for new Canadian employees. Finally, Hudak’s bill would require every Ontario regulated profession to provide potential immigrants with affordable and comprehensive access to credentialing information.

Hudak, who also serves as Ontario PC Citizenship and Immigration critic released the details of his bill after meeting with prominent business leaders from several of Ontario’s multicultural communities at the Mississauga Seniors’ Centre.


“I’m the grandson of immigrants myself. My grandparents came to Ontario because it represented the best opportunity to build a better life for their children and grandchildren. Now that I am in public life, I want to do my part to help other new Canadians realize their dreams right here in Ontario.”

– Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak

“New Canadians want nothing more than to have a level playing field and a fair opportunity to build better careers in their new home. This bill will give them more of the tools they need to succeed.”

– Roundtable Participant Gul Nawaz; Senior Partner, Nawaz, Taub & Wasserman Chartered


Quick Facts:

If passed, Tim Hudak’s Newcomers Employment Opportunities Act would do the following:

  • Lowers Investment requirements from $3,000,000 to $1,000,000 for immigrant applicants applying for permanent residence status in the investor category if the immigrant investor plans to operate a business outside of the Greater Toronto Area.
  • Provide a new tax credit to eligible employers who arrange for occupation specific English as a second language or French as a second language training for immigrant employees who have been in Canada for less than two years. The tax credit would be equal to 10% of the enrolled employees’ wages.
  • Require regulated professions to make training materials and credentialing information available to prospective immigrants online while empowering the Fairness Commissioner to monitor reasonableness of Ontario professional credentialing processes compared to other jurisdictions.

Read more at the PC Party of Ontario

Official PC Party of Ontario Logo’d Clothing, Gifts and Giveaways

Official PC Party of Ontario Logo’d Clothing, Gifts and Giveaways

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

Official PC Party of Ontario Logo’d Clothing, Gifts and Giveaways


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)