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Thursday, July 22, 2010, provided by

Game-play can teach you valuable leadership and strategy skills.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Elliot Noss, chief executive of domain name provider Tucows, has spent the past five years training to become a better leader. How? By playing "World of Warcraft" for six to seven hours a week.

"'You have these events [in "World of Warcraft"] that are very leadership-driven," Noss says. "For example, when you're in a raid that's poorly led, it's really easy to see how valuable are skills like managing the social dynamic, making sure there was the right level of preparation and making sure that there was a clear hierarchy in terms of who is performing what roles."

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The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria , Lebanon , Israel , Egypt ,Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar, Libya, Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. The use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.


(Opens new window)

In "World of Warcraft," each action, even a small task like hunting an animal, has a purpose and fits into a broader framework. Similarly, Noss has set up frameworks at Tucows that allow employees to understand how day-to-day tasks impact the company.

He does this, in part, by giving employees a broader narrative and context for their work. Noss does a regular lunchtime series called "Tucows Lore." Around 20 employees come to each session. Noss plays the company poet, telling tales of Tucows over the years--its heroes, villains, battles with large telecommunications companies or the early days of the domain registration market. "The feedback is fantastic. It helps people feel they are part of something bigger," Noss says.

Noss' efforts seem to be paying off. He says he has seen employee satisfaction rise and turnover decrease by a noticeable percentage.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

From Expressen TV, here's footage from the Zetterberg Wedding. Sadly, at no point do the Chicago Blackhawks show up in Snidely Whiplash mustaches, attempting to tie guests to train tracks.

Congrats to the happy couple, who we hear are currently vacationing in a "Where's Waldo?" book. By the way, it's a medical fact that if the Red Wings' Swedish players wore these outfits on the same ice as the Canadiens wore their barber pole sweaters, your optic nerves would burst into flames.

Photos from Once again, big stick-tap to Snapshots for its work on this oddity.

To be sure, videogames have long been thought of as distractions to work and education, rather than aids. But there is a growing school of thought that says game-playing in moderation, and in your free time, can make you more successful in your career.

"We're finding that the younger people coming into the teams who have had experience playing online games are the highest-level performers because they are constantly motivated to seek out the next challenge and grab on to performance metrics," says John Hagel III, co-chairman of a tech-oriented strategy center for Deloitte. Hagel has been studying the effect that playing videogames has on the performance of young professionals in the workplace.

Hagel cites Stephen Gillett, a gamer who became chief information officer of Starbucks while still in his 20s. By playing "World of Warcraft" Gillet developed the ability to influence and persuade people through leadership rather than trying to order them around.

A book published in April called "Your Career Game" discusses how online Xbox games like "Modern Warfare 2" can teach players about game theory. The strategies gamers learn in interacting and competing with others in games, assessing different motivations and finding and utilizing mentors can help employees get ahead in the workplace or help job-seekers get an edge in their search. The book was co-authored by Nathan Bennett, a management professor at Georgia Tech, and Stephen Miles, vice chairman of executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles.

Hagel also says games can cultivate "dispositions" that are valuable in a corporate setting. Videogames are often a trial-and-error process where players become accustomed to failure, and learn from it.

Games can also present players with unexpected challenges and new situations. Gamers learn to respond to, and even seek out, new challenges in order to progress. They also learn to improvise, and are thus more likely to be able to solve problems creatively when there is no solution to be found in a manual.

Games can train you to manage and organize high volumes of information. Luis Corujo, an archivist at the Portuguese National Archives and a professor at a private university in Portugal, credits playing history game "Europa Universalis 2" with helping him learn how to research historical information and sift through archives.

And of course, games are competitive. "There's a player-vs.-self aspect: 'I want to beat my high score or keep the streak alive,'" says Ross Smith, director of product testing at Microsoft's Unified Communications Group. Smith says he has seen some impressive productivity gains using games as a way of motivating product testing teams.

Videogames can also inspire entrepreneurship. In 2004 then 22-year-old David Storey entered the Guinness World Records as having bought the "most valuable object that is virtual," a virtual island in the online game "Project Entropia," for a whopping US$26,500. Far from being a digital sucker, Storey had moneymaking in mind: He now runs the island as a virtual game preserve, making $100,000 a year from taxes he charges hunters on his island. Being a virtual property owner, says Storey, has taught him a lot more about business than he ever thought a game could.

Does that mean entries like "guild leader" or "virtual island business owner" will become more common on resumes? Not yet, but maybe soon. Says Hagel: "I anticipate in the not-too-distant future this will be as standard a part of your resume as where you went to school."

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Twenty Two

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria , Lebanon , Israel , Egypt ,Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Somali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar, Libya, Pakistan, India, and United Arab Emirates are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They ask for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. The use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.

Groups that belong to the diplomatic line of Republic of Yemen and its informational Centers

These groups are involved in terrorism and crimes, illegal transactions and they invest in these fields. Members of these networks are relatives and sons of Yemeni criminal leaders, who belong to Islamic, Socialistic and Nationalistic groups. They work from the Universities, hidden no-hidden Islamic and nationalistic centers. They continue their activities despite the Western countries and the world warning them to departure their lands.

Group (a) belongs to the consultant leader of the dictator of Republic of Yemen Mr. Abdul Aziz Abdul –Ghani and his brothers in North America, who strongly stand to hide the crimes of Mr. Farouk Abdul Haq, the killer of the Nierogeain student in London in 2008.

Some names of this groups are Mr. Abdul Malik and his son Hisham Abdul Mailk and other relatives and agents in Canada and America. This group work together with the diplomatic line of Syria, Sudan, Egypt and Israel.

Members of this network are anti human rights and animal issues. They use magic to give power to their ill state, utilize the international aid only to hide their crimes. They are involved in illegal drug trade transactions and they work under the influence of them.

They attract Jewish, Syrian and Lebanese states, and agents of Somali and some African immigrants by promised them getting wealth , powers and government’s facilities to envelop their illegal activities.

Some of this group activists names are:

Abdul Karim the former worker of the diplomatic line in Ottawa,

Mr. Olfi Tai (NVN 7 – Multi-agent – Islamic religious establishments) ,

Mr. Sharhan (Multi-agent – Islamic religious establishments) ,

Mr. Ghasan Luqman (Multi-agent – Islamic religious establishments , Arabic and worldwide centers ) ,

Mr. Al-Awadani ( Islamic centers),

Al-Shbri Mohamed ( Islamic Institutions), and

most members of Yemeni Community in Ottawa.

Logistically and financially are supported by the green Party member Mr. Qais Ghanem and the diplomatic lines of most Islamic and Arabic countries. They work anti Canadian system. They fight against the tolerance of the Churches and other religious groups and races.

Group (b) belongs to the former Pre-Minister Abdul Karim Al-Ariani, who is one of the criminal leaders of the Yemeni state and the involver in inhuman activities like civil wars, assassinations, trafficking human organs and prostitutions in Yemen, Arabian Gulf and the world . This set corroborates these features with the head of the state and representative of group (a).

To this group belong also many criminals like :

the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abu-Bakr –Al-Karbi and his relatives , who act from Canada and Egypt with the terrorist groups that belong to the former Iraqi leader,

the Former Minister of Electricity Mr. Mustafa Bahran, ( Sanaa’a University),

Dr. Al-Zaimy Abdul Baki (University of Sana’a),

Ali Almiry (University of Sana’a), and

other activists from Iraq and Sudan named in the previous reports. Map of their activities is Yemen , the Arabian Gulf, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, America, Canada, Germany, London , Australia and New Zealand.

Financially, they are supported by unlimited gifts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, facilities of Yemenite ministries and aid that mostly given by the Western countries. Agent of this group in Canada is Mr. Taha Al-Karbi and Shaik Issa’s family and Abdul Wahab Saeed (NvN7), and Mr. Ghafar (resident of Windsor-Ontario).

Group ©. works to Iraqi former regime supporters who act from Yemen. The representatives and the ideological advisors of this group work with the late tribal leader Mr. Mojahid Abo-Shawarb and his relatives.

Mrs. Aiman immigrant from Iraq is the mother and the logistic leader of this network in Ottawa. Mr. Al-Awami, and other international hidden students in the diplomatic line of Yemen and at Canadian Universities also belon to this network.

They want to invest in crimes and terrorism with approximately one million dollars.

(d) Some artists who act from Ottawa like Abdul- Rahman or Rahmanof (Ottawa)

Murad Dager (Ottawa) , and Masoud ( immigrant and talented painter, who immigrated from Iraq via Jordan with a plan to invest in terrorism and crimes).

Group (e). Members of this group belong to former criminal leader of South Yemen and works with corporation of Nationalistic and Islamic ideological institutions of Yemeni-Syrian Centers for Strategic Studies, which are located in the United Arab Emirates, Syria and Yemen., as well as with Iranian groups . Members of this group use the Canadian official documents to ease their illegal activities and movements.

One of the activists of this network is Mr. Al-Maissari ( Yemenite Community),

Mr. Ahmed Sadik Abdul-Rahim and his groups mentioned in group (a).

Group (f) . members of this group are Mr. Mohamed Mohamed the business man who works from Islamic Centers of Ottawa, and trades with China,

Al-Awalki’s logistic groups who live in Ottawa and trades with NVN7 and China too. The trade roads of this group also the Arabian Gulf and America.

Group (g) Hussian Al-Agbari (Windsor-Canada, and Cairo-Egypt. He uses Canadian facilities of traveling etc, a member of network that act and hide some illegal actions. (NVN7 and Mr. Jafiar in Windsor-Ontario)

(h). Al-Hadad’s family group , this group that works under the influences of the Yemenite official regime and the Islamic radical establishments to hide their crimes and crimes of their leaders. It road map of activities is America, United Arab Emirates, the Arabian Gulf states, Canada, Yemen (Taiz,- Sana’a- Aden).

To this network belong many radical activities who work for Islamic centers in the United States of America e.g. Islamic religious establishments at New Mexico and Texas .

On of the activists is Mr. Khalid Mohamed Khasim Al-Qadasi, the resident of New Mexico (University –Worker), and one of the ideologists of terrorism, who networks with Hindi and Pakistani Islamic radical movements and encourages for intolerance, terrorism and illegal transactions.

The represented of Al-Hadad’s family in Texas is Mr. Abdul Hakim Naji Abdulla Al-Hadad, and in Canada Mr. Al-Harwi , who works for Islamic Centers of Ottawa as well as for radical Islamic movements of the Saudi Arabia a round the world.

(f). Amman’s Family is a group that act from Canada (Kanata- Ontario). It is represented by Mr. Farouk Amman and his wife, who works for Canadian Ministry of Defense. This group characterized by racism, dishonest work, discrimination, and gaps in Canadian national and international systems due to their acceptance to hide the crime of Yemenite regime (Islamic and non-Islamic). It harms the opinion and the reputations of Canada. Link not only to Islamic movements but for nationalistic leaders e.g. Iraqi former leader and his lovers.

(g). Sabri Tabet, a Canadian-Yemenite and an engineer, who works for Arabian Gulf company in Alberta and the user of Canadian facilities. His network uses not only the Yemenite criminal regime power and culture to spread hate, discrimination and violence , yet it uses the facilities of ministries of interior, foreign affairs and defense.

Groups that belong to the diplomatic lines of United Arab Emirates and the Arabian Gulf States

Group(h). is looking for Canadian human rights support and the intervention of Canadian Federal government. Because its new generations are captive and abused by the radical and nationalistic movements of regimes.

Mr. Sharmawi (Canada-Nova Scotia-Doha-Lebanon) is a professor who not only works for Doha University , yet for the head of Qatari state and for the radical Islamic worldwide movement, that leads by Mr. Qaradawi. He case is an example of several people who are suffering from the same problems, and not contact the Canadian High Commissions regularly.

Group (i). This group is a combination of Iraq, Yemen, Lebanese , Syrian, former eastern European activists. One of the characteristics of this group to hide crimes ,espionage and illegal transactions is the prostitution.

They act with the facilities of the diplomatic lines of mentioned countries. Some names of the representative of this network is Mr. Iskander Al-Junabi, ( Abu-Dhabi - United Arab Emirates ),

Abdul-Wahab Saeed (NVN7- Ottawa),

Abdul Majed (Iraqi former professor of U.A. E. University-NVN-7),

Abdul-Latif Al-Shargabi (Yemenite-diplomatic Line),

Their space of work is most Western countries, former Eastern European countries, America, Canada and the Arabian Gulf,

Young women from former European countries, Yemen and Morocco etc. are one of the victims and prisoners of this group due to the rules of the regimes mentioned above , and their fights with socialist espionage, radical Islamic groups activists, and illegal and legal business men actions.

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Fri Jul 23 06:29am PDT: Do not adjust your monitor: This is an actual photograph from the pre-wedding festivities for Detroit Red Wings star Henrik Zetterberg(notes) and his TV presenter lady-love Emma Andersson in her Swedish hometown of Molle, located on the Baltic Sea. And really, what says "till death do us part" better than dressing like you're on a Depression-era chain gang with George Clooney?


ept_sports_nhl_experts-442221426-1279891007.jpg?ym_oyfDDE1HQGBj6The Swedish newspapers Expressen and Aftonbladet published these hilarious images from Thursday's wedding, featuring the happy couple in their respective Dread Pirate Roberts/Amish criminal get-ups.

Also featured Red Wings players like Andreas Lilja(notes), Johan Franzen(notes) and Nicklas Lidstrom(notes) rocking these striped nightmares. In the photo above, you can spy Pavel Datsyuk(notes) on the far left with Valtteri Filppula(notes). (Why do we imagine Dats brought his own bath wear?)

So what's the deal with the greatest hockey theme wedding since Jim Carrey showed up dressed as Fidel Castro to Dan Hinote's(notes) nuptials with Jenny McCarthy's sister? George James Malik of Snapshots worked long hours Thursday night translating and researching, revealing the backstory. Turns out the 120 guests didn't realize what they were in for when bused to the shore:

[Molle] apparently known for the fact that its "baths" were public and open to both men and women as early as the late 19th century. So, as Emma tells Aftonbladet's Johanna Helsten, the wedding party got to poke fun at tradition, probably mandatory bathing attire included. [...]

You might want to note in the group photo that some of the attendees are wearing fake moustaches, fake Coke bottle glasses and vintage-1900 hats. It's a big gag on tradition, and Hank and Emma obviously sprung it on the wedding guests. A very knowing joke.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

From Expressen TV, here's footage from the Zetterberg Wedding. Sadly, at no point do the Chicago Blackhawks show up in Snidely Whiplash mustaches, attempting to tie guests to train tracks.

Congrats to the happy couple, who we hear are currently vacationing in a "Where's Waldo?" book. By the way, it's a medical fact that if the Red Wings' Swedish players wore these outfits on the same ice as the Canadiens wore their barber pole sweaters, your optic nerves would burst into flames.

Photos from Once again, big stick-tap to Snapshots for its work on this oddity.

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Alastair Larwill sent me this off-the-cuff poem the other day. Very nice of him. I must surmise that it's inspired by the jwcurry's birthday bowling evening from last week, and two words that lil' Matthew's been saying recently: Action Power! Matt, incidentally, turns four at the end of this month. Here, I believe, Alistair references my super bowling ability to hurl the ball down the lane, practically without touching the floor...oops. And I was wearing my über-cool blue Hawaiian (bowling) shirt that night. Also in the poem, there's a stanza referring to a photo I captured of the alleged bag thief à la movie Blow Up. Can you believe it? Some dude, in the cover of darkness and crazy lights of the bowling alley, has the stones to sit among us and steal a brief case. Wow.

Camera man

Poetic cyclops
Lobs rocks
At those that
Stand still
With a back spin
To kick them up

Flashing lights
Disco music
And a festive
Tropical shirt
Fires cannonballs

With apples
French toast
And hope

Catches the
Before the roll
Is revealed
bag lies

Each moment
Caught in time
Of the celebration
Of the big Five-O
This is no Saturday


Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

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Insurgents claim to be holding 2nd U.S. sailor

A leaflet distributed by the U.S. military to civilians in Logar province, east of Kabul, on Sunday shows an unidentified missing U.S. navy sailor, with an offer of $20,000 US for information on his whereabouts. (Associated Press)

CBC News : July 25, 2010: The Taliban now claims to have abducted one U.S. navy serviceman and killed another after an ambush in Afghanistan's Logar province.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press on Sunday that the American was killed during a brief gunfight in an area of Logar province that is under insurgent control, while a second American was captured.

Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, declined to comment on the report and would only say that a search was continuing for the missing Americans.

NATO has confirmed the two failed to return to a military compound in Kabul on Friday.

The U.S. military has been broadcasting radio messages offering $20,000 US for information leading to their safe return.

The Taliban has reportedly contacted Afghan officials, offering to exchange the body of the dead soldier for the release of several insurgents.

Afghan police said they saw the Americans driving in an armoured SUV, which failed to stop when police tried to wave it down to warn them of Taliban activity in the area.

The Americans went into a bazaar; as they drove away, they were ambushed, police said.

Their disappearance comes amid warnings from Afghan security officials that Taliban insurgents are initiating a campaign of kidnappings and assassinations in response to the ongoing NATO surge.

Specialist Bowe Bergdahl of Hailey, Idaho, was captured by the Taliban in Paktika province in June 2009. He is the only known American in the Taliban's hands and has appeared in videos posted on Taliban websites.

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Quebec float plane crash kills 2

CBC NEWS: July 24, 2010: A small float plane crashed in northern Quebec on Saturday, killing two people and injuring three others, provincial police say.

A small float plane crashed in northern Quebec on Saturday, killing two people and injuring three others, provincial police say.

The Beaver-model plane went down near the town of Radisson, shortly after taking off around 11 a.m. from La Grande-Rivière airport, said Richard Gagné, a police spokesman.

The pilot and two injured passengers were transported to a Montreal hospital by air ambulance.

The plane had been transporting the four passengers for a fishing trip.

The cause of the crash is not yet known and officials from the Transportation Safety Board of Canada are investigating.

Last week, four people were killed when a float plane crashed in a densely wooded area near Chute-des-Passes, Que.

The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria , Lebanon , Israel , Egypt and Poland are non-grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area. They asked for financial and logistic supports from Canadian government. The use most of countries for illusionary jobs, and their intelligence groups are working under the influence of temptation of wealthy people of the Arabian Gulf and the dictators of the World.
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Canadian Press: Hidden News Ottawa, July 24, 2010 : RCMP: CSIS:

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North America and Europe

M.T. Al-Mansouri, Ph.D. has found the real causes of psychic diseases, and invented the MULTIPHRENIA, which most people are suffering from it e.g. the represented of international security systems, who are involved in crimes and terrorism, psychiatrics, psychologists and their activists , as well as the activists in the name of wealthy, poor ,holy , diplomatic organizations etc.

He passed obstacles; difficulties and examinations in Canada with its’ dynamic and statistic lands, jinis, people and angels, as well as with the international conspiracies, fasting, when he ate only one meal a day for approximately four years. (2004-2008), patience, and writing on an electronic Arabic keyboard.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

He is a Candidate for Guinness World Records in sending resumes , emails for looking for job, when he sent 60,000 resumes, and 13, 000000 e-mails for national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations and establishments.

He has discovered a new hidden media of the international integrated security systems of Semitic, and lovers, haters Groups , that work and advertise for violence, racism and illegal national and international transactions.

He is the creator of the new patent word “ SINROCENT” , which made from the two infixes, the sinner and the innocent. It is an additional word for English dictionaries and Encyclopaedias.

He is the owner of the patent of preventing the mad cows of the U.K. and, and of the of promotion senior’s and disable people problems nationally and internationally.

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Tim Clark won the Players Championship earlier in the season and didn't make a bogey over his first 36 holes at the Canadian Open.

Tim Clark won the Players Championship earlier in the season and didn't make a bogey over his first 36 holes at the Canadian Open. (Frank Gunn/Canadian Press)

The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task, and The diplomatic lines of Republics and Kingdoms of Yemen, Syria , Lebanon , Israel ,Egypt and Poland are , non –grata due to their dishonest works in national and international area.


Last Updated: Saturday, July 24, 2010 | 11:19 AM ET : The Canadian Press: Tim Clark and Dean Wilson were atop a packed leaderboard as the third round of the Canadian Open got underway.

Clark and Wilson were one shot ahead of Brent Delahoussaye and Steve Wheatcroft heading into Saturday's round at St. George's Golf and Country Club in Toronto.

Thirty players were within five shots of the lead after Friday's round.

Adam Hadwin is the low Canadian in his first ever PGA Tour event.

The 22-year-old from Abbotsford, B.C., was four shots back of the leaders after shooting a second-round 66.

Calgary's Stephen Ames and Jon Mills of Oshawa, Ont., also made the cut.

Clark won the Players Championship earlier in the season and didn't make a bogey over his first 36 holes at the Canadian Open. Wilson was the college roommate of Canada's Mike Weir at Brigham Young University and won his lone PGA Tour event in 2006.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North America and Europe

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Love Parade stampede kills 15

Collapsed people get first aid after a panic at the techno music festival Love Parade in Duisburg, Germany, on July 24.

Collapsed people get first aid after a panic at the techno music festival Love Parade in Duisburg, Germany, on July 24. (Hermann J. Knippertz/DAPD/Associated Press)

The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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The scene in in Ville-Emard, Montreal. (Radio-Canada)

CBC NEWS:July 24, 2010 : Montreal police are investigating a suspected murder-suicide scene after the bodies of a man and two young boys were found in an apartment in the city's southwest early Saturday morning.

The dead man is reported to be either 73 or 62, and the boys seven and one.

Investigators suspect the man killed the boys and then committed suicide, Const.Yannick Paradis told Radio-Canada, the CBC's French service.

The boys' mother, 33, found the corpses. She called 911, and was taken to hospital in a state of shock.

The incident happened in an apartment in Ville-Émard.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

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Dear M.T.

Dear M.T.

We are thrilled to report that earlier this week Congress passed the Tribal Law and Order Act as an amendment to H.R. 725, a groundbreaking and long-overdue piece of legislation that tackles violent crime against Native American and Alaska Native women.

A huge thank you to the thousands of Amnesty supporters like you who took action to make this human rights victory possible.

Because of you, Native American and Alaska Native women will no longer be trapped in a mindboggling, jurisdictional maze that allows perpetrators to rape with impunity.

Every Native American and Alaska Native woman will be given the chance to:

  • get a police response,
  • have access to a rape kit,
  • have the opportunity to see her case prosecuted, and
  • see justice served for crimes committed against her.

Spurred by our hard-hitting 2007 report, Maze of Injustice, Amnesty's millions-strong, global human rights movement has worked tirelessly to ensure this legislation became a reality.

People like you have set the stage for reversing the devastating rate of sexual violence that Native American and Alaska Native women have endured for much too long.

This is what we can accomplish when we work together.

I want to thank you again for all you do. This is a truly amazing victory for women’s human rights and we couldn’t have done it without you.

Thank you,

Rachel and the rest of the Stop Violence Against Women team

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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J, survivor of sexual violence; Cindy Pennington, chair of the Alaska Native Women's Sexual Assault Committee; Winona Flying Earth, from Bridges Against Domestic Violence (BADV). © A. Nadel.

"Maze of Injustice: The Failure to Protect Indigenous Women from Sexual Violence in the USA"

A Summary of Amnesty International's Findings

Sexual violence against Indigenous women in the USA is widespread -- and especially brutal. According to US government statistics, Native American and Alaska Native women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than other women in the USA. Some Indigenous women interviewed by Amnesty International said they didn’t know anyone in their community who had not experienced sexual violence. Though rape is always an act of violence, there is evidence that Indigenous women are more like than other women to suffer additional violence at the hands of their attackers. According to the US Department of Justice, in at least 86 per cent of the reported cases of rape or sexual assault against American Indian and Alaska Native women, survivors report that the perpetrators are non-Native men.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

Sexual violence against Indigenous women is the result of a number of factors including a history of widespread and egregious human rights violations against Indigenous peoples in the USA. Indigenous women were raped by settlers and soldiers in many infamous episodes including during the Trail of Tears and the Long Walk. Such attacks were not random or individual; they were tools of conquest and colonization. The underlying attitudes towards Indigenous peoples that supported these human rights violations committed against them continue to be present in society and culture in the USA. They contribute to the present high rates of sexual violence perpetrated against Indigenous women and help to shield their attackers from justice.

Treaties, the US Constitution and federal law affirm a unique political and legal relationship between federally recognized tribal nations and the federal government. There are more than 550 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes in the USA. Federally recognized Indian tribes are sovereign under US law, with jurisdiction over their citizens and land and maintaining government to government relationships with each other and with the US federal government. The federal government has a legal responsibility to ensure protection of the rights and well-being of Native American and Alaska Native peoples. The federal government has a unique legal relationship to the tribal nations that includes a trust responsibility to assist tribal governments in safeguarding the lives of Indian women.

Tribal law enforcement agencies are chronically under-funded – federal and state governments provide significantly fewer resources for law enforcement on tribal land than are provided for comparable non-Native communities. The lack of appropriate training in all police forces -- federal, state and tribal -- also undermines survivors’ right to justice. Many officers don’t have the skills to ensure a full and accurate crime report. Survivors of sexual violence are not guaranteed access to adequate and timely sexual assault forensic examinations which is caused in part by the federal government’s severe under-funding of the Indian Health Service.

The Federal Government has also undermined the authority of tribal governments to respond to crimes committed on tribal land. Women who come forward to report sexual violence are caught in a jurisdictional maze that federal, state and tribal police often cannot quickly sort out. Three justice systems -- tribal, state and federal -- are potentially involved in responding to sexual violence against Indigenous women. Three main factors determine which of these justice systems has authority to prosecute such crimes:
- whether the victim is a member of a federally recognized tribe or not;
- whether the accused is a member of a federally recognized tribe or not; and
- whether the offence took place on tribal land or not.

The answers to these questions are often not self-evident and there can be significant delays while police, lawyers and courts establish who has jurisdiction over a particular crime. The result can be such confusion and uncertainty that no one intervenes and survivors of sexual violence are denied access to justice.

The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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This once artist Emilio Boschilia relationships of man and nature in the Brazilian rainforest.These paintings express the positive energy of nature as well as the need for man to live harmoniously with it.

They offer the hope that we are collectively wise enough to preserve the diversity knowledge that the rainforest offers us. Although clearly a Brazilian theme, this showing of Emilio’s paintings in Canada is creating a stir in the arts community and more broadly among the growing population of Canadians concerned with climate change global ecosystems.

“Canadians have very few opportunities to encounter Brazilian culture and an art exhibition such as this one will be a rare opportunity culture country and its people” – Jeff Stellick, Executive Director, Ottawa

School of Art.

¨ July 16-18 Habourfront, Toronto

¨ July 22-25 Mambo Nuevo Latino restaurant, Ottawa

¨ July 26-31 Shenkman Arts Centre, Ottawa


Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

July 16-18 Queens Quay, Harbourfront, Toronto

Friday July 16 6-11 pm; Saturday July 17 12-11 pm

Sunday July 18 12 noon-6 pm

July 22-25 Mambo Nuevo Latino restaurant, Byward Market,

Ottawa. Vernissage July 22 from 7pm to 10pm

July 26-31 Shenkman Arts Centre (lower lobby)

Centrum Boulevard, Ottawa

Artist contact:

Artist committee contact in Canada

Emilio Boschilia Art Exhibit Committee

Phone:.( 905)727-2916 or (613) 257-8362

Fax:. 613-257-8365

The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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The sentencing hearing of a Burnaby, B.C., man convicted on more than a dozen charges of sexually exploiting children overseas continues in B.C. Supreme Court on Friday.

Kenneth Klassen tries to hide his face as he arrives at B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver on Friday. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press)

CBC News : July 23, 2010: The sentencing hearing of a Burnaby, B.C., man convicted on more than a dozen charges of sexually exploiting children overseas continues in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver on Friday.

Kenneth Klassen, 59, pleaded guilty in May to having sex with 14 girls as young as nine years old in Cambodia and Colombia between 1998 and 2002.

The father of three also pleaded to importing child pornography after he tried to mail himself DVDs bought overseas, some containing bestiality, others showing sex with six-year-olds.

On Thursday, Crown prosecutors asked for a 12-year sentence for Klassen. The defence is expected to present its arguments on Friday.

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Videotapes played in court

During the hearing on Thursday, the prosecutors played videotapes made by Klassen showing him sexually abusing the young girls, sometimes three or four at a time.

Large screens blocked the public gallery from seeing what Crown counsel Brendan McCabe described as graphic scenes of abuse - prepubescent children engaged in everything from oral sex with Klassen and with each other to intercourse.

Those in the public gallery could only hear the sounds, but Klassen sat hunched in a crinkled blazer, clutching his forehead, shutting his eyes as the images aired in court.

Klassen's homemade porn collection, some of which was found in a storage locker he used to hide the material, included clips where he tried to hide his identity and others where his face was plainly in view.

Other videos showed police interviews with the victims, as part of the two-year-long international investigation that was launched in 2004.

Traded sex for teddy bear

Kenneth Klassen, shown on the left in a sketch from a previous court appearance, has been convicted of 14 sex tourism charges involving girls as young as nine. (CBC)


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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CSIS evidence excluded over torture concerns

Canada's national security agency does not have an "effective mechanism" for ensuring it does not rely on evidence obtained by torture, the Federal Court has found


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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A top UN expert pressed corrections officials worldwide to offer needle and syringe programs to reduce the spread of HIV among inmates.

A top UN expert pressed corrections officials worldwide to offer needle and syringe programs to reduce the spread of HIV among inmates. (CBC)

Last Updated: Friday, July 23, 2010 | 11:43 AM ET The Associated Press : The U.N.'s top investigator on torture and punishment warned Friday that overcrowded prisons are breeding grounds for AIDS.

Often, inmates are held in inhumane conditions in which the HIV virus is spread through the use of non-sterile drug injection equipment, sexual contacts, tattooing and sharing of razors, Manfred Nowak said.

"There is a global prison crisis," he told an international AIDS conference in Vienna.

Nowak, who has visited detention facilities around the world, urged authorities to inform prisoners of the risk of HIV transmission and to offer them free condoms, HIV testing and counselling.

He also pressed prisons to offer needle and syringe programs, opiate substitution therapies and methadone treatments.

"Science tells us exactly what we have to do, it's just a question of political will to implement it," Nowak said.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

'Prison health is public health'

In addition, prison guards should live up to their obligation to prevent rape and other forms of coercion that thrive in packed environments.

"One of the most important measures to prevent HIV transmission would be the reduction of overcrowding," since it leads to violence and conditions that are conducive to the spread of the virus, he added.

Nowak, who is the UN's special rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, said although reliable figures are hard to come by, the prevalence of HIV in prisons is generally much higher than in a country's wider population.

In Ukraine, for example, the prevalence of HIV in prison is at least 10 times that of the overall population, he said.

Dmytro Shermebey, of the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS — who was diagnosed with HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis after spending nine years in a Ukrainian jail — stressed that inmates have a right to both treatment and protection from the disease.

"They have the right because they are human," Shermebey said.

While about 10 million people are incarcerated every year, some 30 million enter and leave prisons annually — making it a public health problem for society as a whole, according to Nowak.

"Prison health is public health," he said.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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Michelangelo Artfully Hid a Brain Stem in God's Throat by Wynne Parry LiveScience

Wed Jul 21, 10:31 AM : Michelangelo's depiction of God's throat in one panel of his Sistine Chapel fresco is awkward, which is odd for an artist so devoted to the study of anatomy. Now researchers have a theory to explain why: Michelangelo embedded an image of a human brain stem in God's throat, they find.

The Renaissance artist is known to have studied human anatomy by
dissecting cadavers when he was a young man, and continued until late in his 89 years. This practice informed his powerful depictions of the human and the divine.

But one panel of his Sistine Chapel frescoes contains an oddly lit and awkward image of God's neck and head as seen from below. The light illuminating the neck was different from that of the rest of the painting. Also, God's beard is foreshortened and appears to roll up along the sides of his jaw, and his bulbous neck has prompted speculation that Michelangelo intended to portray God with a goiter, or abnormally enlarged thyroid gland.

Two researchers - one a neurosurgeon, the other a medical illustrator - writing in the May issue of the journal Neurosurgery have another, more flattering theory. In this panel, which portrays the Separation of Light from Darkness, from the Book of Genesis, Michelangelo embedded a ventral view of the brainstem, they wrote.

The hidden brain stem was spotted in Michelangelo's painting of the Separation of Light from Darkness, one of a series of Sistine Chapel panels showing scenes from the Book of Genesis. The brain stem shows up in God's neck. Credit: Courtesy of Neurosurgery.
The hidden brain stem was spotted in Michelangelo's painting of the Separation of Light from Darkness, one of a series of Sistine Chapel panels showing scenes from the Book of Genesis. The brain stem shows up in God's neck. Credit: Courtesy of Neurosurgery

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Using a digital analysis, they compared the shadows outlining the features of God's neck and a photograph of a model of this section of the brain, which connects with the spinal cord, and found a close correspondence.

This is not the first anatomical image found hidden in the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel. In an article published in 1990, Frank Lynn Meshberger, a gynecologist, identified an
outline of the human brain in the Creation of Adam. Among other details, he noted that the shroud surrounding God had the shape of the cerebrum, or the upper part of the brain. A decade later, another researcher pointed out a kidney motif.

"We speculated that having used the brain motif successfully in the Creation of Adam almost a year earlier, Michelangelo wanted to once again associate the figure of God with a brain motif in the iconographically critical Separation of Light from Darkness," wrote authors Ian Suk, a medical illustrator, and neurosurgeon Rafael Tamargo, both of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

They do point out "the perils of overinterpreting a masterpiece," saying that not all art historians and other viewers will agree with their conclusions. Even so, they say their analysis, along with historical records, back the interpretation.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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Industry Minister Tony Clement acknowledges he would fill out a long-form census if he received one. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

Industry Minister Tony Clement has dismissed calls for him to reverse his decision to scrap the mandatory long-form census.

CBC NEWS:July 22, 2010: Industry Minister Tony Clement has dismissed growing calls for him to reverse his decision to scrap the mandatory long-form census, saying he and Prime Minister Stephen Harper are on the same page on the issue.

"There's not a micron of difference of opinion between myself and the prime minister on this," Clement told the CBC's Rosemary Barton in an interview on Power & Politics with Evan Solomon.

During the interview from London, Clement said the government has taken a "compromise position" between privacy concerns and ensuring usable data from the next census in May 2011.

Clement's comments came a day after Munir Sheikh, the head of Statistics Canada, the national statistical agency, resigned in protest over the move to scrap the mandatory survey.


Should the census be mandatory? Take our poll. []

Meanwhile on Thursday, the Liberals and NDP slammed Clement's "ideological" decision, saying it has thrown Statistics Canada into "chaos" and will leave policy-makers and organizations across the country flying blind.

The Conservatives have been on the defensive since Clement announced at the end of June that the long-form part of the 2011 census would no longer be mandatory because of privacy concerns. Canadians who receive the long form would be able to refuse to fill it out.

The furor escalated after Sheikh cancelled a planned town hall meeting with Statistics Canada staff, then announced Wednesday evening on the agency's website he was resigning over the issue.

In his statement, Sheikh insisted a voluntary survey cannot be a substitute for the mandatory form.

Clement says he'd fill out long form

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

Clement, who is in England on ministerial business, acknowledged he doesn't consider long-form questions - such as how many bedrooms one's house has - as intrusive.

"I don't, but I've heard from Canadians who do," he said. "I've heard from Canadians who are concerned about other questions, like whether someone in the household has a mental or physical incapacity, they're concerned about questions about the characteristics of their commute to work."

The embattled minister also said he would fill out the long-form census if he were to receive it, but has to be "respectful" of those Canadians who are concerned about the "very private nature of those questions and give them a chance to opt out if they so choose."

Earlier Thursday, Liberal House Leader Ralph Goodale told reporters in Ottawa that the reputation of the internationally renowned agency is "hanging by a thread at the hand of a bumbling minister and a Conservative government that simply doesn't believe in fact-based decision-making."

"'Don't bother us with facts,' they say," Goodale said. "The result is a general dumbing down of government."

The change, he said, will threaten basic services Canadians rely on, including hospitals, transit systems, jobless benefits and schools.

Goodale said he plans to call Clement before a parliamentary committee to determine what information Statistics Canada provided him before he made his decision.

He also ridiculed the claims of former industry minister Maxime Bernier that his office had received thousands of emails from people who were opposed to filling out the mandatory form.

In a separate news conference held shortly after Goodale spoke, the NDP's Charlie Angus called on Harper to overrule his minister.

Tories using Tea Party language: NDP


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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CBC NEWS: July 22, 2010: The B.C. Civil Liberties Association is demanding an explanation from the Vancouver Police Department after a surveillance video showed an officer pushing a disabled woman to the ground.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)