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Common Cause and Exile Infoshop present a film: Sacco and Vanzetti,

LOCATION: Exile Infoshop: 256 Bank St. (second floor), Ottawa, ON.

TIME: Thursday July 22, 7pm

BY DONATION: Proceeds to go to Ottawa Movement Defense and Toronto Movement Defense Committee to cover legal costs of June 18th and G20 defendants.

This 80-minute-long documentary that tells the story of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two Italian immigrant anarchists who were accused of a murder in 1920, and executed in Boston in 1927 after a notoriously prejudiced trial. It is the first major documentary film about this landmark story.

The ordeal of Sacco and Vanzetti came to symbolize the bigotry and intolerance directed at immigrants and dissenters in America, and millions of people in the U.S. and around the world protested on their behalf. Nearly eighty years later, the story continues to have great resonance, as America once again grapples with issues of civil liberties and the rights of immigrants.

The case of two Italian-born anarchists, executed for a murder they almost surely didn’t commit, remains the definitive, scary myth of the promise of America snuffed by fear and loathing. It’s cleansing to see the facts laid out with intimacy and rigor, and the film earns the comparison it makes to the squelching of due process for some of today’s terror suspects. The difference is that Americans during the ’20s took to the streets to protest the railroading of two innocent men. Would that happen now?

Entertainment Weekly (grade “A”)

The trial and media coverage focused on the political ideology of the two men, treating as secondary the material evidence related to the crime itself. The two men were members of the Galleanist Anarchist movement, and the trial was a watershed moment in the campaign to delegitimize the global anarchist movement as a whole.

The politicization of the trial extended to Judge Webster Thayer, who allegedly referred to the defendants as “anarchist bastards.” This is one example of the many ways that the pair’s political activities and beliefs were invoked in a way that prohibited a fair trial from proceeding. Some of the most renowned thinkers of the day spoke out against the prejudice surrounding the trial, such as Upton Sinclair and Walter Lippmann. Fifty years later, a Massachusetts government commission confirmed the trial had been unfair and Governor Michael Dukakis declared a “Sacco and Vanzetti Memorial Day.”

Welcome to Exile

Welcome to the EXILE Infoshop’s virtual home! Browse around to find out more about other awesome groups in Ottawa, check out some local activist and fundraising events, and (below) find regular news updates about what’s going on with us.

Find us: 256 Bank St. (second floor), Ottawa, ON.
Hours of operation: Wednesday-Saturday, noon to 8pm; Sunday noon to 5pm.

Solidarity fundraising

“Solidarity for our friends who are not free”
First batch of t-shirts, bags and patches now available at Exile.
All proceeds to Ottawa Movement Defense.

Sacco and Vanzetti in Ottawa: How Media and Police are Politicizing the RBC Arson Case

Rally in solidarity with Sacco and Vanzetti in London, England (1921)

BLOG POST June 23, 2010 Jesse Freeston Blog posts are the work of individual contributors, reflecting their thoughts, opinions and research. Rally in solidarity with Sacco and Vanzetti in London, England (1921)

On August 23rd, 1927, Ferdinando Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed in Massachusetts. The two were convicted of a double-murder committed during an armed robbery. The trial and media coverage focused on the political ideology of the two men, treating as secondary the material evidence related to the crime itself. The two men were members of the Galleanist Anarchist movement, and the trial was a watershed moment in the campaign to delegitimize the global anarchist movement as a whole.

A .50 cal cartridge is the furthest to the left, while the 7.62mm cartridge is the third from the right.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

The politicization of the trial extended to Judge Webster Thayer, who allegedly referred to the defendants as "anarchist bastards." This is one example of the many ways that the pair’s political activities and beliefs were invoked in a way that prohibited a fair trial from proceeding. Some of the most renowned thinkers of the day spoke out against the prejudice surrounding the trial, such as Upton Sinclair and Walter Lippmann. Fifty years later, a Massachusetts government commission confirmed the trial had been unfair and Governor Michael Dukakis declared a "Sacco and Vanzetti Memorial Day."

Sacco and Vanzetti come to Ottawa

On Saturday, Ottawa police announced the charging of three well-known Ottawa activists in connection with the May 18th arson of a branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. What follows is not a comment on the event in question, nor the guilt or innocence of the accused, but a condemnation of the treatment of the accused by the media and Ottawa police.

Much like Sacco and Vanzetti before them, these three are already receiving prejudicial media coverage. An inordinate amount of time and column inches are being dedicated to the activism that the three were known for. The CBC, for example, reported on Claude Haridge’s participation in a Palestinian rights march, and his attendance at the so-called 'Activism Course' hosted by former University of Ottawa professor Denis Rancourt. Rancourt has accused the CBC of insinuating this is evidence against the three.

The RBC arson was clearly a political act, as evidenced by the video that was released with it. Therefore, the politics of any suspect are a relevant discussion. But that discussion should not replace discussion about the material evidence, much less be presented as evidence in and of itself. Nor should it come at the cost of media oversight of the police investigation.

Ottawa Police fan the flames

The Ottawa Police have added to the show-trial appearance of the case. The original statement from the Ottawa Police, during a Saturday morning press conference, was that .50 caliber "sniper-style" ammunition was recovered during a raid of Haridge's home. The police sent out a release later in the day to say that the ammunition was actually 7.62mm. Both kinds of bullets are legal, but 7.62mm ammo is not used in sniper rifles.

It’s difficult to believe that trained firearm users, like police detectives, could confuse the drastically different looking bullets (see picture). Less believable still that such an error could make it into an important press conference. Const. Katherine Larouche, spokesperson for the Ottawa Police, told me that the bullets were found in a case marked “.50 cal,” which led to the erroneous press release. When asked if that meant the police didn't open the case before reporting their findings to the media, she declined to comment.

Many media outlets did correct the error, many didn't. Regardless, the damage has been done. Haridge will be thought of as a potential sniper and few will read the corrections.

During the press conference, the police also made a point of calling the bullets "military-grade". The ammunition expert I spoke to was surprised by the use of this term. Under international law, military ammunition must be 'jacketed' to stop bullets from exploding inside the victim. Thus they are less dangerous than other forms of ammo, such as hunting ammo that is designed to kill an animal as fast as possible. It is unclear why the police would use such a misleading term, but the media ate it up nonetheless.

Adding to the police's influence on the public's perception of the accused--keep in mind that it's the Ottawa public that will eventually form the sitting jury--are statements by Ottawa Police Chief Vern White. White has publicly called for the RCMP to file terrorism charges against the three, referring to the accused as "domestic terrorists." Lawrence Greenspon, lawyer for one of the accused, believes the police chief is acting irresponsibly, given that civilian life was not the target of the attack. Direct or indirect targetting of civilians is a necessary factor in most definitions of terrorism. However, Canada's controversial post-9/11 anti-terrorism law is much more ambiguous on this point.

"The charges are essentially damage-to-property-related charges," Greenspon told the Ottawa Citizen. "There's no talk of terrorism by anybody except our chief of police."

Greenspon also scolded federal Public Safety Minister Vic Toews. Toews held a news conference on Saturday in which he said:

"The dedication and tireless work of police has once again succeeded in making our communities safer."

Greenspon accused Toews of violating the accused's right to the presumption of innocence.

Police and media endangering G-20 protesters

The treatment of the case by media and authorities has not only jeopardized the right to due process, but also the safety of protesters descending on Toronto this week for the G20. In their Saturday evening report on the ammunition discovery, CTV News--Canada's most watched national newscast--reported that "police say (the ammunition discovery) could indicate the kind of violence to expect at next week's summits."

The Globe and Mail--Canada's most-read daily newspaper--ran an article by Colin Freeze which reported that, “the seizure (of ammunition) is stoking police fears about what they could be up against when protesters amass during the G8/G20 summits next week.”

Some are viewing these statements as pre-justification for repression by the Toronto Police. This becomes very worrisome when viewed alongside the force's recent history of brutality, including accusations of murder in the death of Junior Manon on May 5th.

Let's put this into context: thousands of justifiably angry marchers, artists, journalists, parents, children, and others with grievances surrounding the G-8/G-20 summits are being targeted because legal ammunition was found on one man who should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

This narrative was seeded by Ottawa Police Chief White. “I ask Ottawa residents to remain vigilant, before and during the G8-G-20, and continue to report any suspicious activity to police,” reads the lone quote attributed to White in the force's first press release on the arrests. At the police's Saturday press conference, representatives of the Toronto Police were present. A five-hour drive from their jurisdiction, no reason was given for their participation, but the effect was to reinforce the connection between the Ottawa arrests and the activists in the streets of Toronto. A connection that appears in every single report on the arrests that I have encountered.

The irresponsibility of the media lies not in reporting these police statements, but in doing so without a hint of analysis on either the logic or the consequences these statements can have.

Anyone remember Montebello?

While the media and police give credence to an irrational fear of protesters, they ignore the very real security concerns of those in the street. Worries that are founded in recent history.

In 2007, the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec’s provincial police force) were discovered mobilizing rock-wielding agents provocateurs at the Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting in Montebello (see video here, and police admission here. That same day, thousands of peaceful protesters were tear-gassed, shot with rubber bullets, and beaten by hundreds of police officers. No government inquiry was ever opened to determine the source of the order to send rock-carrying officers into the crowd. No member of government or police was ever disciplined. Numerous social justice and civil liberties groups screamed about the precedent the lack of accountability would set for future convergences.

Enter the G-8/G-20, the first conference of international heads of state in Canada since Montebello. Sid Ryan, president of the Ontario Federation of Labour, suggested provocateurs might be used again to incite violence. Violence that might be interpreted by the media as justification for the conference's controversial $1 billion security budget. The head of the Toronto Police Association, Mike McCormack, responded by calling for Ryan's resignation, adding that "(Ryan) should be writing fiction because obviously he isn’t dealing with reality."

The Harper administration has ignored requests for a pledge that provocateurs won't be used this week like they were in 2007.

For those opposing the G-20, silence at a moment like this is a return to the age of Sacco and Vanzetti. Will we have to wait another 50 years for an admission of misconduct?

Curious as to why tens of thousands are protesting the G8/G20 summits? Go to for up to the minute G20 and G8 Summit Protest Reporting, straight 'outta the Alternative Media Centre!


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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Occident : (20)

Mère est-ce que tu m'entends encore quand je te parle

Quand la nuit tombe et je me retrouve seul sans ton ombre

Quand mes pensées trahissent ton esprit qui déraille

Quand la lune monte et te regarde du bord de ta tombe

Quand mes souvenirs étouffent ta présence illusoire

Quand le jour devient or et l'or oiseau volant dans la pénombre

Quand mes rires ne font pas la joie de tes larmes

Quand la philosophie falsifie l'existence de tes semelles

De tes draps

De tes pas sur mon corps de diable

Mon corps de monarque


Mon corps de monarque


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Mère est-ce que tu me parles sans t'entendre

Le volcan n'entend pas le chant des morts

La tempête n'entend pas les cris des lionnes

La guerre n'écoute pas les mères qui hurlent

La mer ne discerne pas les baleines bleues

Le désert n'entend pas le martyr du sable

Le ciel se détruit au passage de tes nuages


Mère est-ce que tu as oublié Paris d'autrefois

Et Jérusalem que tu n'aimais pas

Et Naplouse que tu as laissée aux corbeaux

Et Jaffa est-ce que tu l'as oubliée là où tu es dans ton enfer ?

Et Marseille quand tu avais rendez-vous avec une vague bleue

Et Alger qui te pleure parce que tu étais sa maman

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Flood waters inundate the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing. (AFP/Getty Images / July 20, 2010)

CBC NEWS: July 21, 2010: More than 1,000 people have died or disappeared in severe flooding in China so far this year, and the heaviest rains are still to come, a senior official warned Wednesday.

This year's floods, which have caused tens of billions of dollars in damage already, have exacted the highest death toll since 1998, which saw the highest water levels in 50 years.

The waters have killed 701 people and left 347 missing, officials said.

With the typhoon season rolling in, Liu Ning, general secretary of the government's flood prevention agency, told a news conference authorities must ramp up preparations.

"Since 60 to 80 per cent of the annual rain level occurs in June, July and August, we should be prepared to prevent and combat potential disasters," Liu said.

Tropical storm Chanthu is expected to hit China's southern island of Hainan and Guangdong province this weekend. Six to eight typhoons are expected this year.

Already, three-quarters of China's provinces have been plagued by flooding and 25 rivers have reached record-high water levels, Liu said.

Flooding, particularly along the Yangtze River basin, has overwhelmed reservoirs, swamped towns and cities, and caused landslides that have smothered communities, including toppling 645,000 houses. The Three Gorges Dam faced its highest levels ever this week and water breached the massive dam.

"Although water levels in the upper stretches of the Yangtze River have surpassed that of 1998, the flood situation is still not as severe because the Three Gorges Dam has played a key role in preventing floods along the river this year," Liu said.

The overall damage totals about $21 billion US, Liu said.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

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The Canadian Press Photo: FILE--Jack Irving is shown in a 1994 file photo. New Brunswick business magnate John E.


July 20, 2010: 1 hour, 12 minutes ago By The Canadian Press: SAINT JOHN, N.B. - New Brunswick business magnate John E. (Jack) Irving, who helped expand his family's empire in the province by leading several construction and engineering companies, has died. He was 78.

Irving, the son of Irving Oil founder K.C. Irving, died Wednesday in his hometown of Saint John following a brief illness.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

"Today is a very sad day for me as we mourn the passing of my brother Jack," James K. Irving said in an email. "Jack was a great brother and friend. We enjoyed many happy years growing up together — at home and in the business. He will be greatly missed."

In 1952, at his father's request, he joined his family's businesses where he worked alongside his brother Arthur at Irving Oil. He began managing construction and engineering projects, including retail outlets, bulk plants, and other major infrastructure.

Working with Arthur and his other brother James, Jack helped build upon the legacy of their father to expand and develop the Irving Group of companies into a worldwide corporation.

"For more than 50 years, Jack Irving was truly the builder of the family," New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham said in a statement. "He was responsible for the design and construction of the facilities that have made the Irving Group the presence it is in our region, from service stations and stores to oil terminals and countless other facilities."

He was also a director of all of Irving's varied businesses, which include lumber and oil, and became a member of the Order of Canada for his lengthy list of achievements.

Outside of business, he established a reputation as a philanthropist who supported education, the arts and the restoration of heritage properties.

"He has left behind a shining legacy of business leadership and commitment to his province and his community that will be missed by all who have known and benefited from his drive and his passion," Graham said.

Even among the notoriously low-profile Irving family, Jack Irving was considered the most private.

In 1982, he was abducted by a lone gunman who demanded a $600,000 ransom. He was held hostage for 10 hours before police freed him.

He is survived by his wife, three children and six grandchildren.

A funeral will be held Saturday in Saint John.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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Shahram Amiri holds his son Amir Hossein as he arrives at the Imam Khomeini airport just outside Tehran on July 10. (Vahid Salemi/Associated Press)

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

Last Updated: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 | 10:16 AM ET /The Associated Press: An Iranian nuclear scientist spy who returned home last week from the United States provided valuable information about the CIA, a semi-official news agency reported Wednesday.

The Canadian Press

Shahram Amiri's tale will be made into a TV movie, the agency reported.

American authorities have claimed Amiri willingly defected to the U.S. but changed his mind and decided to return home without the $5 million US he had been paid for what a U.S. official described as "significant" information about his country's disputed nuclear program.

The Fars news agency quoted an unidentified source as saying that Iran's intelligence agents were in touch with Amiri while he was in the U.S. and that they won an intelligence battle against the CIA.

Iran has portrayed the return of Amiri as a blow to American intelligence services that it says were desperate for inside information about Iran's nuclear program.

Iran has sought to make maximum propaganda gains from the affair, allowing journalists to cover Amiri's return, sending a senior Foreign Ministry official to greet him and preparing to make a movie about his story.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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Tories scrap mandatory long census: Census: Is it an invasion of privacy?

StatsCan head mulls future in census dispute

The Canadian Press : CBC NEWS: Last Updated: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 | 2:20 PM ET : The head of Statistics Canada says he's "reflecting" on his future at the agency, the latest twist in the crisis over the government's decision to scrub the mandatory long-form census.

Munir Sheikh issued an email to all agency staff Wednesday, cancelling a planned town hall meeting and saying he would comment soon — sparking speculation from insiders that he might resign.

The chief statistician added he would get back to employees soon with a decision on his position and that of Statistics Canada.

"In light of today's media coverage, I am cancelling the scheduled town hall meeting," Sheikh, a respected economist, said in the terse email. "I am reflecting on my position and that of the agency and will get back to you soon."

It was not immediately clear what "media coverage" Sheikh referred to, though Industry Minister Tony Clement, who's responsible for the agency, was quoted as saying Statistics Canada is not an independent organization.

"Sometimes, some of them like to think they are, but that doesn't make it so," said Clement. "They report to a minister."

With no consultation, the government quietly ditched the mandatory long census late last month, and suggested its decision was endorsed by Statistics Canada.

Instead, a voluntary long census form is to be sent to more Canadians next year, a move that has been denounced by critics ranging from economists to religious leaders.

Sources inside Statistics Canada have said the decision was entirely the government's, and that agency officials neither sought the change nor endorsed it.

Clement has said the government made the change to protect Canadians from a coercive, prying government.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

CBC Virtual Town Hall: Ending the mandatory long census form

By Andrew Davidson

CBC NEWS July 21, 2010 9:55 AM: Join the CBC's national affairs editor Chris Hall and CBC Politics blogger Kady O'Malley at 2 p.m. ET Wednesday, as they host a live virtual town hall forum on the Conservative government's decision to scrap the mandatory long census form.

Chris and Kady will be joined by Nik Nanos, pollster and president of Nanos Research, Roger Gibbins, president and CEO of Canada West Foundation, Laval University economics professor Stephen Gordon and Terrence Watson, associate editor of the Western Standard.

The government announced late last month it would stop sending the mandatory long form in 2011 and replace it with a voluntary national household survey.

Industry Minister Tony Clement and other Conservative ministers have argued that many Canadians complained to them about the intrusiveness of the questions on the long-form census and the threat of fines or jail time if they don't complete it.

But statisticians, researchers, academics, municipalities, religious groups and opposition parties have decried the government's move, arguing it will result in skewed and unreliable data and leave Canada's policy-makers flying blind.

The panel will take your questions on the census and weigh in on the political storm surrounding the government's decision. We will open the discussion window at 1 p.m. ET for you to submit your questions ahead of time.
Since it is a moderated event, only questions related to the issue will be posted.

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Census changes bad for public: economist

The federal government's plan to change the Canadian census in 2011 will mean government and business won't have the information they need, a prominent Nova Scotia economist says.

CBC NEWS: July 16, 2010: The federal government's plan to change the Canadian census in 2011 will mean government and business won't have the information they need, a prominent Nova Scotia economist says.

Fred Morley, executive vice-president and chief economist of the Greater Halifax Partnership, said making the long-form census voluntary will decrease the quality of the data available about the Canadian population.

"We're going to look at a significant degrading of census data, " Morley said Thursday.

"Making it voluntary changes the whole dynamic. In fact, it creates a break in the data which means we can't look at trends anymore, we can't look at past information. It makes it more difficult to project into the future. It's bad in any number of different ways."

The Conservative government announced at the end of June that the long form part of the questionnaire will no longer be mandatory because of privacy concerns. Now, Canadians who receive the long form can refuse to fill it out.



Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North America and Europe

Census: Is it an invasion of privacy? Take our poll.


The 2006 census required about 20 per cent of Canadians to complete the long form which provides detailed household information used to decide everything from bus routes to new subdivisions to what support services are in local schools

Morley said businesses and government rely on the detailed census data when they decide where jobs are created or cut.

"They need good information. They need information they can rely on. If you don't have that, you make poor decisions," he said.

He said a voluntary census will also cost more money to promote if the government wants a good result.

Morley said the Conservatives are responding to a vocal fringe that distrusts government.

No consultation

"There's tremendous restrictions on this data and the use of this data. The general public probably gives out more, and more detailed, information when they fill out a ballot at a trade show," he said.

Morley said the government made the change without consulting any of the groups that use the data.

The co-ordinator of the Every Woman's Centre in Sydney said she is also against the plan to scrap the long census form.

Louise Smith-MacDonald said the data provided by those surveys are very useful.

"The long form gathers information that we feel is really necessary for a number of reasons. One, it helps to identify issues that people are living with," she said.

"And the other is that ... it provides a statistical record for us which is important to be able to have that information when we're applying for other funding and to run programs and to do some research."

Smith-MacDonald said she is worried that the poor and disadvantaged will statistically disappear if information on income is no longer rigorously collected in the census.

The Canadian Medical Association said Thursday that the census data are an essential tool in the delivery of health-care services to Canadians.

Tories scrap mandatory long census

The Conservative government is scrapping the mandatory long census form for the 2011 census, replacing it with a voluntary national household survey.

CBC NEWS: June 29, 2010: The Conservative government is scrapping the mandatory long census form for the 2011 census, replacing it with a voluntary national household survey.

All Canadians will still receive a mandatory short census. One in three households will be sent the new household survey as well. Previously, one in five households were sent the mandatory long-form census.

But while more people will receive the longer survey, the fact that it is voluntary means Statistics Canada will have to double its efforts to get people to respond.

"We acknowledge that we might not get the same level of detail [as in previous years]," said assistant chief statistician Rosemary Bender, who is responsible for the new survey. The agency has never undertaken a voluntary survey of this size, she said.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Bender would not comment, however, on how the change might affect the data in terms of whether respondents of a certain socio-economic or ethno-cultural background might be more or less inclined to answer the longer survey.

Peter Morrison, assistant chief statistician responsible for the census, said that he knows of no other country that has made a similar move. He would not confirm that the idea was not one proposed by Statistics Canada, nor would he or Bender address whether the move is something statisticians agree with.

"Our role is to execute the decision that was made [by the government]," he said, adding that he is optimistic it can be a success.

A spokesperson for Industry Minister Tony Clement said in an email to CBC that the change was "made to reasonably limit what many Canadians felt was an intrusion of their personal privacy."

New questions will be added to the national survey, including ones about commuting time, child care and religion.

Information gathered through the census can be used for government plans and decisions pertaining to local and community programs.

Morrison said the budget to execute the 2011 census, including the new survey, is $630 million, the same as the 2006 census. Since that works out to be less money per household, due to increased population, the agency is hoping more Canadians will make use of the internet and file their census responses online.

Census: Is it an invasion of privacy?

CBC NEWS: July 21, 2010: The federal government's elimination of the mandatory long-form census is expected to be a topic of discussion at next month's meeting of Canada's premiers.

Jim Eldridge, Manitoba's acting deputy minister of intergovernmental relations, says there is much talk about the census issue at the Council of the Federation.

Officials in Manitoba, Quebec and Prince Edward Island have spoken publicly against the change, saying the provinces need detailed census data when planning the delivery of services.

Federal Industry Minister Tony Clement has said many Canadians have complained the long-form census violates their privacy.

With files from The Canadian Press

Have you ever filled out the long-form census? Do you think the questions intrude on individual privacy? Is it worth the intrusiveness to have reliable findings on the Canadian population?

To Vote Click on this link:

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Ontario Environment Minister John Gerretsen, shown in this 2003 file photo, said his government is ending the controversial eco fee program.

Ontario Environment Minister John Gerretsen, shown in this 2003 file photo, said his government is ending the controversial eco fee program. (Tobin Grimshaw/Canadian Press)

Ontario Environment Minister John Gerretsen confirms the province is scrapping its eco fee program, saying the government did a poor job of telling the public about the new fees.

CBC NEWS: July 20, 2010: Ontario Environment Minister John Gerretsen has confirmed that the province is dropping its eco fee program, saying he takes "full responsibility" for not doing a better job of communicating the introduction of the new charges.

The fees, which went into effect on July 1, applied to a wide variety of items, including batteries, soap, fire extinguishers and paint.

The fees were collected by manufacturers and retailers to help fund a recycling program that diverts those potentially hazardous items from landfills.

But there was no public warning that the eco fee would be slapped on thousands of new items this month.

"These new eco fees are gone," Gerretsen told reporters at a news conference Tuesday.

"That means all products added on July the 1st will not have any fee on them."

Stewardship Ontario, an industry-led organization appointed by the government to oversee the program, collected the fees from retailers and manufacturers.

Manufactures and retailers, in turn, determined which fees they would pass on to consumers.

"The bottom line is Stewardship Ontario could have done a better job for rolling out the changes, and we, the Ministry of the Environment, the government, and I as minister, could have done a better job of helping them communicate their changes, and I take full responsibility for that," said Gerretsen.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

Program being re-evaluated

People who have already had to pay eco fees since July 1 will not be refunded, Gerretsen said. All that money will go to Stewardship Ontario, he said.

Gerretsen couldn't say how much money has been collected by the agency since the start of the month, but stressed that "not one penny of this comes to the government."

The government will take 90 days to re-evaluate the program, he said. It will fork over up to $5 million during that time to keep the program going.


Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North America and Europe

The government signalled its reversal shortly after Canadian Tire announced Monday it would stop charging the fee because the program was too confusing.

The fees are part of a larger program called Orange Drop, which aims to make it easier for people to dispose of hazardous materials in a way that ensures they don't end up on the landfill.

The Orange Drop program in turn builds on the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program, first introduced in July 2008, aimed at increasing diversion of hazardous materials. The program provides drop zones throughout the province where consumers can dispose of the products on the overall list.

In 2008, the government outlined nine categories of products that it said were designated for recycling and disposal. On July 1, 13 more categories of products were added to that list.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

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عبدالحسين لفته الموسوي / تهريب الملايين من الدولارات العراقيه الى الجارة العزيزة جدا ايران

animated_crown.gifThe moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

كشفت مصادر امريكيه بانه يجري تهريب الملايين من الدولارات العراقيه الى الجارة العزيزة جدا ايران وهذه الثروات طبعا على شكل نفط خام وكذلك على هيئة مشتقات نفطيه متكرره عبر اقليمنا العتيد اقليم كردستان عتد ممرات وشغرات جبال بنجوين دون ان يكون للحكومه المركزيه اي تفويض بذلك او احتمال حكومتنا الرشيده تعلم لكن لاحول لها ولاقوه وعلى طريقه النعامهكما يقولون هذه الملايين هي خيرات الجياع والمحرومين المسكعين في الطرقات بانتظار المصير المجهول الذي جلبته هذه الاحزاب الغارقه في العماله بامتياز وهؤلاء خائنيين للله والوطن وعقاب الخائن وكما اوردته الكتب السماويه الموت لكن كيف يكون الحكم اذا كان الحاكم هو الجلاد وهو السارق وهو المهرب هنا تبدو المعادله صعبه جدا والشيء المضحك تماما ان امريكا لاتعلم بهذا اللطش والنهب وهذا شر البليه لان العالم كله تحت قبضه اقمارها الصناعيه التي تغزو الفضاء وتسبح وكما يحلو لها في اي اجواء تريد لكن الامر اكبر من ذلك جميعهم مشتركين بهذه الكعكه التي يسهل مضغها بعد ان كانت عصيه على الجميع وهذا الموزضوع له علاقه بمساله اخلاقيه لو كانت ايران تملك ذره من الاخلاق لما عملت هذا
الغطاء لحمايه من يدمر شعب العراق اذا كانت اصول الجيره تقتضي ذلك ثم كيف تتم شرعنة هذه الجريمه الاقتصاديه الكبيره التي تنتزع من افواه العراقين الفقراء وكبراتهم الصوتيه وفضائياتهمما اكثرها تصرخ عيال الله عيال الله بالاسم وهذا النهب وهذه الساده المحتقره تجعلنا نخجل من عراقيتنا بعد عام 2003 لان السيده العراقيه مع الاسف اصبحت تحت اقدام المحتل تضرب وتجلد وصدق زميلنا الدكتور حميد عبدالله حين قال (( اذا كان الدين يتسبب في التشظى والفرقه فانا احارب هكذا دين حتى لو دمغت بالكفر والزندقه )) تيقنوا ايها العراقيون ان ليس مناحد ممن يعتمر العمائم في هذا الزمان

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

ويزينونصابعهم بخواتم الفضه والعقيق ويطيلون لحاهم ويمطونلسنتهم وهم يحدثونكم عن محللات الله رومحرماته ليس بينهم من وعده الله ان يحل محل رضوان بواب الجنه بل انتم ونحن وهم نقف امام الله متساوين لافرق بينهم وبين المسلم الذي لايحسن تلفظ الصلاة لان الله سبحانه وتعالى يحاسب الناس على ما في قلوبهم وسرائرهم وليس على مظاهرهم فلا تغرنكم مطه اللسان وعجمته احيانا ولا اللحلا الطليقه او بعض العمائم التي لايعرف سوى الله وحده ما تخفي بين طياتها اسقو هذه المجاميع الشيطانيه قبل ان يبتلع العراق وتضيع الهويه العربية.


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Canada'S News

Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan: 130 B.C. lottery web accounts compromised: N.L. town mourns 4 lost at sea:

Canadian soldier Sapper Brian Collier, shown in an undated military photo, was killed by a bomb in Afghanistan on Tuesday. (DND)

Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan

A Canadian soldier, Sapper Brian Collier, has been killed by an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan.

CBC NEWS: July 20, 2010: A Canadian soldier, Sapper Brian Collier, was killed by a bomb in Afghanistan Tuesday.

Collier was killed while on a foot patrol in the village of Nakhonay, in the eastern part of Panjwaii District.

He had dismounted from his vehicle near Nakhonay, about 15 kilometres west of Kandahar city, when he was killed by an improvised explosive device.

The 24-year-old Collier was born in Toronto and raised in Bradford, Ont. He was a member of the 1 Combat Engineer Regiment based at CFB Edmonton and was serving in Afghanistan with the 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Collier, who was on his first deployment to Afghanistan, was previously injured in a separate IED blast.

"He fought hard to overcome his injury in order to get back to doing his job with his comrades," Brig.-Gen. Jon Vance, commander of Task Force Kandahar, said in a statement.

"Always quick to smile, Brian had an easygoing nature and a great sense of humour. Brian was an enthusiast of fine automobiles, and loved to spend time with his Audi," Vance said.

"Any Canadian who could have seen Brian in action would have been proud of him and proud of our country for the work being done with and for Afghans."

In another statement, Prime Minister Stephen Harper commended Collier's service, and extended condolences to the soldier's family and friends.

"The bravery and remarkable commitment of Canadians like Sapper Collier are bringing safety and stability to the people of Afghanistan," Harper said.

"Every day, their dedication and work protect our interests and values here at home and around the world. Sapper Collier's sacrifice will not be forgotten."

Collier's is the first Canadian death in Afghanistan since June 26, when Master Cpl. Kristal Giesebrecht, 34, and Pte. Andrew Miller, 21, died after the vehicle they were in was struck by an IED.

The latest death brings to 151 the total number of Canadian soldiers who have died as part of the Afghan mission since it began in 2002.

130 B.C. lottery web accounts compromised

The B.C. Lottery Corporation launched its online gambling website on the morning of July 14, but within hours, it had crashed. (BCLC)

B.C.'s privacy commissioner has confirmed that a breach that compromised users' account details forced the shutdown of the B.C. Lottery Corporation's new online casino just hours after it was launched last week.

CBC News : July 20, 2010: B.C.'s privacy commissioner has confirmed that a breach that compromised users' account details forced the shutdown of the B.C. Lottery Corporation's new online casino just hours after it was launched last week.

Elizabeth Denham says the personal information of more than 130 people was inadvertently shared with other customers on the website.

Denham says the problem was not caused by a hacker but by "data crossover" that made the names, contact information and, in some cases, credit card and bank information visible to other gamblers using the site.

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Was your account compromised? CBC News wants to hear your story. []

Denham says the site will not be back up until the problem is fixed.

She has asked BCLC to pay for a credit monitoring service to ensure the victims of the breach won't be targeted by fraudsters.

BCLC unavailable to comment

The B.C. Lottery Corporation was unavailable to comment on the allegations that customer information and perhaps even cash in online accounts may have been compromised during the launch of its online casino.

On Tuesday, the lottery corporation's CEO failed to return calls from CBC News after scheduling an interview to discuss the website's problems.

The agency has repeatedly blamed an overwhelming rush of customers for the crash of the website last week.

"High player volumes to the website on July 15 exceeded server capacity, creating traffic and load issues," said a statement released by BCLC on Monday.

"When BCLC learned about this situation, immediate action was taken to shut down and a full assessment was initiated."

NDP raises privacy concerns

Before the privacy commissioner confirmed the breach, the B.C. NDP said the continued disruption of the site was raising concerns about the protection of personal information and called on the government to tell the public what is going on with the new gambling website.

"The B.C. Liberal government must tell British Columbians what is going on," said MLA Shane Simpson. "The suggestion by at least one expert that the site crashed because it was hacked is troubling.

"If the government is going to get into online gaming, they need to protect people's privacy. People want to be able to trust that their private information, from credit card numbers to gambling histories, is not being compromised."

The gambling website crashed just hours after its launch last Thursday and has yet to be restarted. Billed as the first government-sanctioned online casino in North America, the site was immediately controversial.

That led some computer security experts to speculate that hackers may have targeted the site with an overwhelming number of hits in order to disrupt the servers.

But officials at BCLC have been quick to deny such speculation.

"To date, the preliminary results from the assessment and a third party security review show no evidence of external interference or hacking," said the statement.

Botnets can overwhelm websites

But Vaclav Vincalek, the head of Pacific Coast Information Systems, said the high number of hits the website immediately experienced could have been created by a hacker tool called a botnet, which the corporation might not have recognized as hacking.

Setting up a botnet involves sending out a computer virus that lies dormant in a network of home computers. The hacker then activates the virus and all those computers start sending normal looking information and requests to one target website at the same time, overwhelming its servers.

Botnets involving as many as 1.5 million computers have been detected on the internet by police, but most are estimated to involve an average of 20,000 computers, in order to avoid detection.

In some cases, botnets are created in an attempt to extort money from the operators of websites, said Vincalek. "So you build your army of botnets and you go after the gambling website like this ... and you say, 'Look, you either pay us X amount - $100,000 - or we shut you down,'" said Vincalek.

Bank of Canada raises rates again

The Bank of Canada raised its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points Tuesday, the second straight time it has done so after keeping rates at unprecedented lows for more than a year.

CBC NEWS: July 20, 2010: The Bank of Canada raised its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points Tuesday, the second straight time it has done so after keeping rates at unprecedented lows for more than a year.

In its latest policy decision, the bank opted to move its overnight lending rate to 0.75 per cent. The bank had previously raised its benchmark rate to 0.5 per cent in June after having kept rates at emergency lows since April 2009 in an attempt to stimulate the economy and spur lending.

Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney opted to raise interest rates Tuesday, the second consecutive hike after more than a year of record low rates. (Canadian Press)

In raising the rate, the bank moved to lightly hit the brakes on a Canadian economy that has shown signs of significant strength in recent months.

But the bank made it clear in its policy statement that it sees Canada's economy recovering more gradually than it did in its previous outlook in April. It now projects GDP growth of 3.5 per cent in 2010, 2.9 per cent in 2011 and 2.2 per cent in 2012.

The bank also made it clear that future rate hikes are not guaranteed.

"Any further reduction of monetary stimulus would have to be weighed carefully against domestic and global economic developments," the bank said in its statement.


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Further rate hikes can't be ruled out, BMO economist Michael Gregory noted.

"The bank's forward-looking language does not preclude further rate hikes," he said. "[But] the bank now has more wiggle room to raise rates ... if they want to. And we think they will."

While raising rates, the Bank of Canada clearly took a cautious approach, CIBC economist Avery Shenfeld said in a note.

"The Bank of Canada is like a poker player with a pair of jacks," he said, "not sure if it has the winning hand, but comfortable throwing in another quarter-point chip at each betting opportunity for now."

The overnight lending rate is the rate at which banks borrow from each other for short-term loans. While it is not directly related to the rates banks then offer their customers, they are often closely aligned.

Within hours of the announcement, three of Canada's major lenders - Toronto-Dominion Bank, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and the Royal Bank of Canada - raised their prime lending rates to 2.75 per cent, up from 2.5, effective July 21.

The next scheduled date for the Bank of Canada to announce the overnight rate target is Sept. 8.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

N.L. town mourns 4 lost at sea

About 1,000 people gathered at the wharf in Twillingate, N.L., on Monday night to remember four people who died at sea in a weekend boating accident. (CBC)

Residents of Twillingate, a small fishing town on Newfoundland's northeast coast, held an emotional candlelight vigil for four people killed in a weekend boating mishap.

Residents of a small fishing town on Newfoundland's northeast coast held an emotional candlelight vigil Monday night for four people killed in a weekend boating mishap.

The bodies of two boys and an unrelated man were pulled from waters near Twillingate on Sunday, while searchers have called off a search for another man's body.

A hush fell over a crowd of about 1,000 people - about a third of Twillingate's population - as a wreath carrying four candles was released onto the water.

Brothers James, top, and Josh Guy were killed Saturday when the boat carrying them on a pleasure cruise ran into rough waters. (CBC)

"Just whisper a word of comfort to each other, because we all need comfort right now, we all need healing," said resident Wayne Greenham.

The crowd came to remember Josh Guy, 10, and his older brother, James, as well as Paul Froude, a local fisherman who had accompanied the boys Saturday on what was meant to be a pleasure cruise under bright, sunny skies.

Residents said conditions at sea on Saturday belied the sunny weather, with heavy, rolling waves that are believed to have swamped the boat. At least three of the four had been wearing life-jackets.

The fourth person in the five-metre open boat had grown up in the area and moved away to work in the Northwest Territories. He had come home for a vacation. The official search for his body ended at nightfall Monday, with the Canadian Coast Guard classifying his case as "missing at sea."

The search included a military Cormorant helicopter, two Canadian Coast Guard ships and many local boats, which scoured a wide area northeast of Twillingate's harbour.

Searchers on the weekend found debris from the boat, including a cooler and a gas tank.

The candlelight vigil was held on the night that fireworks were to have been launched over the town, one of Newfoundland's oldest fishing villages and a popular tourist attraction. Some other festivities, including activities for children, have been cancelled.

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More refugees are still pouring out of war-torn Iraq than are returning and the UN is looking for new options.


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Zakiya, an Iraqi refugee in Syria, shows her UN certificate, which allows her a stipend of about $200 a month. (Oussayma Canbarieh/CBC)

animated_crown.gifThe moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Zakiya is sitting in the modest living room of her rented two-bedroom apartment in Jaramana, a small neighbourhood on the outskirts of Damascus that has become known as "Little Baghdad" for its high concentration of Iraqi refugees.

The 44-year-old mother of three likes to skim through her photo albums from time to time and remember her old life in the now battered Iraqi capital.

As she shows off the family pictures from before the war, she suddenly starts sobbing.

"Look at me here, I used to be happy," she says. "Now, I've lost it all."

Before the Americans and their allies invaded Iraq in March 2003, Zakiya was working as a journalist in Baghdad and her husband had a gold business.

But since the war, she lost her home and many of her loved ones.

"First, two of my daughters were killed and, a couple of months ago, my husband went back to Baghdad to get us some of our savings and he never came back."

Zakiya now takes care of her three remaining children, Huda, 12, and nine-year-old twins Hassan and Noor.

She lives off her savings and receives a food basket as well as a $200 monthly cheque from the UN's refugee agency.

Guests of a sort

Zakiya's situation is far from unique. The U.S.-led war has created millions of Iraqi refugees who have tried to escape the ensuing violence by seeking new lives across the Middle East and, in some cases, Europe and North America.

By some estimates, nearly five million Iraqis have been displaced by the war, a figure that is said to represent nearly 40 per cent of the country's former middle class.

'Displaced' Iraqis

Inside Iraq

2.03 million

In the Middle East

1.8 million

In Syria alone

1.05 million

Receiving UNHCR assistance


Permanently resettled by the UN


Who have come to Canada


Source: UNHRC Global Report [] on the Iraqi situation; UNHRC special reports, as of March 2010


Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

Because of Syria's geographic proximity - and a welcoming policy - the majority have settled here, almost 1.1 million by the latest estimate.

Since there are no refugee camps in Syria per settlers are mainly concentrated in two low-rent suburbs of Damascus: Jaramana and Sayeda Zainab.

Most of these new arrivals have been living off their savings. But, as time went by, their bank accounts have been drying up and they have come to face the classic refugee squeeze: As refugees, they are not allowed to work in the country, but if they don't work, they can't make ends meet.

The result is that many have no choice but to work illegally at low-paying jobs, while those who are well off have opened up businesses that cater specifically to the growing Iraqi community in Jaramana.

"Competition is fierce among transportation services that offer bus rides from Damascus to Baghdad," says 35-year-old Karim, who would know as he is in this business himself.

Zakiya is a regular customer at the famous Qassim restaurant in Jaramana, which is where many Iraqis like to gather once a day over lunch, a water pipe or a game of cards.

"I feel a sense of comfort hearing familiar accents and reminiscing of life in Baghdad over a cup of tea," she says.

Hussein Rahim,a 21-year-old Iraqi refugee living in a suburb of Damascus, sells Iraqi sweets, called Dahinah, in 2008, to make ends meet. (Khaled al-Hariri/Reuters)

No more news

The TV set up in the upper corner of Qassim restaurant always has the Iraqi channel on, but not everyone is keen to connect with the grim reality that is today's Iraq.

"I stopped following the news," says 50-year-old Abu Hussein, who works as a bookkeeper in the restaurant.

"I miss my home, I miss my family, I miss my life there. But I try not to think too much about it. It's depressing."

Many Iraqis had good jobs in Baghdad, some were doctors, lawyers or had businesses. But of course that has all changed.

According to a representative from the UN's High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), prolonged exile can have a crushing impact on someone's sense of dignity and self-worth, and many Iraqis here face depression, especially men.

Forty-two-year-old Mohammed used to be a lawyer in Baghdad, but he cannot find work in Jaramana. Instead, his wife brings food on the table while he stays home.

"Family roles have changed since the war," Mohammed told me. "Men cannot find work so they stay home or spend their time in the cafes.

"Here, women and children are forced to work, so this has tremendously disturbed the family structure and created tension among family members."

His wife, Sana, works illegally as a hairdresser in a ladies' salon where many women gather at the end of the day to get pampered and share common frustrations.

Sana says she has noticed a growing number of young Iraqi prostitutes in Jaramana. "Many of them come to do their hair and nails here before going to work in a nightclub close by."

For Arabs, a woman's honour is everything. But for many of those girls, they have nothing left to barter.

Awkward freedom

Iraqi refugees wait for food rations at a UN centre in Douma, near Dmascus in February 2009. The UN and U.S. was urging them to return but few took up the offer. (Khaled al-Hariri/Reuters)

On what might be called the positive side, those Iraqis who live in Jaramana are enjoying a freedom of religion that isn't possible in Iraq today.

For example, George is a Christian Iraqi who owns a small pastry shop in Jaramana.

"We openly celebrate Christmas and Easter here, which has been difficult in Baghdad since the war," he says.

Many Iraqis have inter-sectarian unions. Zakiya is a Shia Muslim while her husband was a Sunni. "We used to live in peace and harmony," she says. "But the U.S. war created this sectarian division that didn't exist under Saddam's rule."

Iraqi refugees in Syria are also able to access health and education facilities free of charge.

According to UN figures, 33,500 Iraqi children attended public schools in the 2009 academic year in Damascus. But the war and the resettlement have deeply affected their academic performance.

Many children refugees who have experienced psychological trauma and violence in Iraq are falling behind at school.

Zakiya's 12-year-old daughter Huda, who was kidnapped briefly in Iraq when she was little, told me that she still has panic attacks when she hears the doorbell sound.

"Syria has welcomed us with open arms and is providing us the same services it provides its own citizens, and we are forever grateful," says 38-year-old Hussein, one of the Jaramana refugees.

"But we all live an uncertain future here and no one sees an eventual return to Baghdad."


Outside Damascus, the refugee situation can be more dire as this impromptu camp near Hasska in northern Syria illustrates. For the past seven years it has been home to 430 Palestinians who fled Iraq in 2003 following the invasion. (Khaled al-Hariri/Reuters)

In 2009, the UN began encouraging Iraqi refugees to return, in advance of the national elections earlier this year.

But the results were not encouraging and, according to a UN representative in Damascus, very few Iraqis are looking to go back as the situation in their homeland is still not very inviting.

The push now is for resettlement in third countries, with UNHCR having referred over 100,000 at this point.

Many Iraqis here seem to want to move to Europe to give their children a better future.

Zakiya was offered a chance to resettle in the U.S., but she refused: "Why would I live and serve in a country that destroyed mine?" she asks.

She, too, is hoping to resettle in Europe, or in Canada, which is planning to take in some 4,000 Iraqis from Syria this year, a big increase over previous years, according to the Canadian embassy in Damascus.

In the meantime, though, the Iraqis here call their new Syrian home Little Baghdad and like to joke about how strange it is to sometimes find a Syrian walking on Jaramana's streets.

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World's News

Leak in BP oil cap not major concern : Afghan forces aim to take lead by 2014: Cameron begins talks with Obama

Leak in BP oil cap not major concern


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

CBC NEWS: July 20, 2010: Oil is again slowly trickling out of BP's blown-out well and into the Gulf of Mexico but scientists aren't convinced the cap that stopped the flow last week is making things worse.

The government said Monday that oil was seeping into the Gulf after days of warning that the experimental cap on the oil well could cause more leaks.

However despite what at first seemed a setback, the federal government declared the development insignificant and forged ahead with BP's plan for finally sealing the hole in the ocean floor.

Ever since the cap was used to bottle up the oil last week, engineers have been watching underwater cameras and monitoring pressure and seismic readings to see whether the well would hold or spring a new leak, perhaps one that could rupture the sea floor and make the disaster even worse.

Small amounts of oil and gas started coming from the cap late Sunday, but "we do not believe it is consequential at this time," retired U.S Coast Guard admiral Thad Allen said.

Seepage from the sea floor detected over the weekend was roughly 3.2 kilometres away, but Allen said it probably has nothing to do with the well. Oil and gas are known to ooze naturally from fissures in the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

At a Monday afternoon briefing in Washington, Allen said BP could keep the cap closed at least another 24 hours, as long as the company remained alert for leaks.


Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Five

Less oil on shore

Since the cap was closed Thursday, beachgoers have reported less oil fouling the shore.

A concrete pumper that has been converted into a water skimmer removes oil from the shores of St. Bernard, La., on Thursday.

A concrete pumper that has been converted into a water skimmer removes oil from the shores of St. Bernard, La., on Thursday. (BP/Reuters)

Bob Broadway, 41, of Huntsville, Ala., said his vacation spot in Orange Beach, Ala., has improved from a month ago.

Then, he said, the oil was thick "like chocolate" and the beach smelled like "an old mechanic's garage."

"The beach looks better now than before," he said Monday.

BP and the government had been at odds over the company's desire to simply leave the cap in place and use it like a giant cork in a bottle until a relief well being drilled deep underground can be used to plug the well permanently.

Allen initially said his preference was to pipe oil through the cap to tankers on the surface to reduce the slight chance that the buildup of pressure inside the well would cause a new blowout. That plan would require releasing millions more litres of oil into the ocean for a few days during the transition — a spectacle BP apparently wants to avoid.

On Monday, Allen budged a bit, saying unless larger problems develop, he's not inclined to open the cap.

Also on the table is a plan to pump drilling mud through the top of the cap and into the well bore to stop the oil flow. The idea is similar to the failed top kill plan that couldn't overcome the pressure of the geyser pushing up.

BP said it could work now because there's less oil to fight against, but it wasn't clear how such a method would affect the cap's stability. Allen said the relief well was still the plan for a permanent fix.

BP and the government are still trying to understand why pressure readings from the well are lower than expected. Allen offered two possible explanations: The reservoir the oil is gushing from is dwindling, or there is an undiscovered leak somewhere down in the well.

Work on a permanent plug is moving steadily, with crews drilling into the side of the ruptured well from deep underground. By next week, they could start blasting in mud and cement to block off the well for good. Killing the well deep underground works more reliably than bottling it up with a cap.

The spill began after an oil rig exploded off the Louisiana coast on April 20, killing 11 workers.

Gulf Oil Spill Stopping The Leak

On April 20, a fiery explosion crippled and later sank the Deepwater Horizon exploratory drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The blast was caused by the blowout of an undersea oil well that the rig had drilled, which began leaking thousands of barrels of oil a day into the ocean. In the weeks and months that followed, BP, the oil company responsible for the well, installed equipment to slow the leak and collect some of the leaking oil. Using a system of ships, rigs, robots, machinery and other equipment working on the surface, on the ocean floor and in waters between, the company is transporting as much oil as it can to the surface so it can be burned off or transported to a refinery. BP is also drilling two relief wells that will be used to seal the well permanently. Read More:

Afghan forces aim to take lead by 2014
Afghan police and soldiers should be responsible for security in the country by 2014, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said during an international meeting of military and political leaders in Kabul.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prepare for a group photo at the end of an international conference on Afghanistan in Kabul on Tuesday.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prepare for a group photo at the end of an international conference on Afghanistan in Kabul on Tuesday. (Ahmad Masood/Reuters)

Terrorism the Origin and the Sources

M.T. Al-Mansouri,Ph.D.

CBC NEWS: July 20, 2010: Afghan police and soldiers should be responsible for security in the country by 2014, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said during an international meeting of military and political leaders in Kabul.

Speaking at the first international conference on Afghanistan held in the war-torn nation, Karzai said he is "determined that our Afghan security forces will be responsible for all military and law enforcement operations" throughout the country by 2014.

The president did not outline exactly when the transition would begin or how it would be managed.

NATO representatives and other officials endorsed the plan for a transition to Afghan leadership of security matters by 2014.

'We will not leave Afghanistan until we know for sure that the Afghans can take care of their own security.'- Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO secretary general


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"This provides us with a timetable," NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in a statement Tuesday. "But of course, the whole process must be conditions-based.

"We will not leave Afghanistan until we know for sure that the Afghans can take care of their own security."

Canada plans on ending its combat mission in Afghanistan in 2011, and U.S. President Barack Obama has said he would like to start pulling military forces out of the country in July 2011.

Canada's foreign affairs minister, Lawrence Cannon, told reporters he is "quite confident" that Karzai and NATO forces "will be able to meet these targets as they are coming forward."

Though Canada's combat mission is slated to end, Cannon said, the country will continue to support Afghanistan by working in the areas of human rights and development. Canada has also been involved in training members of Afghan security forces.

Cannon said Canada would support a reconciliation between the current Afghan rulers and the Taliban, al-Qaeda and other insurgents fighting against them in the interest of peace - but only under certain conditions.

"We encourage a reconciliation process that is inclusive of all Afghans, no matter their ethnicity, tribe or gender," Cannon said. "Those who are reconciling must renounce violence, accept the Afghan constitution and cut all ties to terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda."

Cannon also called on Afghanistan to address corruption in its justice system and embrace electoral reform to avoid the problems encountered in last year's controversial presidential election.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acknowledged growing opposition to international involvement in the conflict amid the rising death toll of foreign troops in the country. But she told the audience that the planned scaling back of U.S. forces was not a sign of a waning commitment to Afghanistan.

In this image from TV footage, Karzai delivers his speech at the conference on Afghanistan's future.

In this image from TV footage, Karzai delivers his speech at the conference on Afghanistan's future. (APTV/Associated Press)

Afghan control needed: Karzai

Karzai also expressed his government's desire to take charge of more of its own affairs, asking his international partners to channel 50 per cent of their foreign assistance through the government within two years.

He also urged them to align 80 per cent of their projects with priorities that have been identified by Afghans.

"It is time to concentrate our efforts on a limited number of national programs and projects to transform the lives of our people, reinforce the social compact between the state and the citizens," Karzai said.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is co-hosting the Kabul conference, which is looking at how to transfer control of the country to the Afghan people. The UN leader promised a future where the wishes of the Afghan people are respected.

"At times, we have shown insufficient consideration for Afghan culture and history," he said. "The Kabul process, upon which we embark today, is intended to do better."

Security tight

Security was tight for the international conference, with thousands of Afghan soldiers and police patrolling the streets of Kabul.

In northern Afghanistan, two American civilians and two Afghan soldiers were killed Tuesday in a shooting at an army base.

The shooting in Mazar-e-Sharif was apparently started by an Afghan soldier who was training at the base, officials said.

NATO said the soldiers were going through routine weapons proficiency training when the gunfire started, The Associated Press reported. One of those killed was the alleged shooter.

Afghan Defence Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi said an investigation had been launched into the incident.

Cameron begins talks with Obama
British Prime Minister David Cameron, left, and U.S. President Barack Obama talk during their meeting in the Oval Office at the White House Tuesday.

British Prime Minister David Cameron, left, and U.S. President Barack Obama talk during their meeting in the Oval Office at the White House Tuesday. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press)

British Prime Minister David Cameron has begun talks with U.S. President Barack Obama amid growing pressure for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the release of a Libyan convicted in the Lockerbie bombing.

CBC NEWS: JUly 20, 2010: British Prime Minister David Cameron has begun talks with U.S. President Barack Obama amid growing pressure for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the release of a Libyan convicted in the Lockerbie bombing.

Cameron is on his first visit to the U.S. as prime minister, and the two leaders are expected to focus their talks Tuesday on Afghanistan, where Britain has 10,000 troops. Cameron has said he wants British soldiers out by 2014.

The Middle East and the global economy will also likely come up.

Cameron wants to start dramatically cutting Britain's deficit - a stance that puts him at odds with Obama's position that countries should refrain from abruptly withdrawing stimulus spending.

But it's the growing controversy over the release of Abdel al-Megrahi that some U.S. politicians are hoping Cameron will address.

Cameron has agreed to meet Tuesday evening with four U.S. senators who have publicly questioned whether BP's oil interests in Libya somehow played a role in British authorities allowing al-Megrahi to leave a Scottish jail and return to his native Libya last summer, where he was given a hero's welcome.

Release 'utterly wrong,' Cameron says

For his part, Cameron has said he didn't agree with the decision to free al-Megrahi. He told the BBC on the weekend that the decision was "completely and utterly wrong."

A spokesperson at the British Embassy in Washington said Cameron would rearrange his schedule to discuss the issue with the senators.

"The prime minister recognizes the huge strength of feeling on this issue and he has immense sympathy for the families, American, British and others affected by the Lockerbie atrocity," British Embassy press secretary Martin Longden said.

"The PM has personally asked to rearrange his program in Washington to enable him to meet with the four senators and discuss their concerns directly."

But Cameron's office in London appears to be resisting American calls for the Scottish and British governments to formally review the decision to release the Libyan, saying it was "not currently under consideration."

The anger over al-Megrahi's release has been stoked by revelations that he may not be as sick as first believed. Last summer, the cancer victim had been given three months to live.

Now there are reports that a doctor has said he could live another 10 years.

Al-Megrahi had served eight years of a life sentence for his role in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. It crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people. Most of the dead were American.

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Twenty One

1.A group of pro terrorism and crimes that works from the Islamic religious Doctorane of Sunit Establishments similar to Ottawa Main Mosque at Scoot Street and another hidden Centers in Ottawa and the World.

It is supported Ideologically and logistically by the Molla Sheik Al-Karadawi, the main consultant of Sheikh Hamad Al-Thani , the Prince of the State of Qatar.

Most of the workers and activists, who belong to this network act mainly from the Islamic and Arabic countries like Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Afghanistan, the States of the Arabian Gulf and their citizens abroad. They work against the national and international security systems by objecting the Canadian and Western countries constitutions, customs and traditions.

This collection characterize by illegal transactions, fraud documents, crimes, cheat and pirate.

It works with black Islamic movements of North America. It is also supported by the diplomatic lines of the Arabic nationalistic countries like Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Yemen , former Soviet Union Republics and Pakistan etc.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

2. The second group of pro terrorism , violence , hate , discrimination and illegal transactions and espionage, is the group that work from the Shiti’s Religious Establishments and its hidden Centers and organizations. This set belongs ideologically and logistically mainly to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

Both mentioned groups hide their crimes by using the family issues, and culturally and ideologically fight with other families of different religions in general with Hindi race and beliefs, and in particular with these who do not rooted to the Far East or the European and American non- Semitic religious convictions.

In addition, they provoke the public opinion and encourage social violence by not recognizing the official languages of Canada in their media, daily life activities nor the Canadian leaders, the family’s law for instance, the marriage , child care, and the health and security systems.

The mentioned groups also are supported by the Saudi’s Kingdom diplomatic lines and illegal business people , who works dishonestly for Canadian government as well as for my family relative since the September 11, 2010 when the Canadian government gave them the task to recognize the civil rights for Al-Mansouri and Al-Sourroris’ family relatives who live in the Republic of Yemen!

The Islamic branch and radical groups of the diplomatic lines of the State of Kuwait represented by the Ambassador of Kuwait and agents who work against the national and worldwide security coordination like Polish and former Iraqi regime diplomatic lines, who works from in the Yemenite informational centers, and diplomatic lines of Yemen, Iran, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. (See the previous reports part 1-4 by clicking the below links).

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Four

3. The third active network that stand by terrorism and crimes and works under the umbrella of prostitutions, bribe , cheating and fraud the documents and circumstances is the group that belong to the Arabic nationalistic regimes. This association works with the diplomatic lines of Morocco, United Arab Emirates and Jordan, United States of America, Kuwait, the Arabian Gulf States, Yemen, Morocco, and Canada -Montreal etc. The Establishments religious and no-religious are some of their places, restaurants and Canadian-Catholic Organizations too.

In Ottawa they are directed by the activists of former Iraqi’s regime supporters, who act from Moroccan’s restaurants, which are located in Preston street and from Al-Kasbah Moroccan Cousin at Laurier street.

4. The fourth active group of pro violence, illegal transactions, prostitutions, hates ,discriminations , and sexual temptations of the leaders and officials, is the group of the diplomatic lines of the Republic of Poland and the former Eastern European States and their integrated security systems.This set works under the umbrella of the Catholic and non-Catholic organizations and institutions as well with the Socialistic groups and Parties.

They aim to penetrate into the Western governmental and non-governmental organizations with the support of Arabic diplomatic lines of the nationalistic countries like the diplomatic lines of Yemen, Iraq, Syria, China, Lebanon or the radical countries like Iran and Israeli and their informational centers. Some of the representative of this group are the ESL ‘s teachers of Canadian Catholic and non-Catholic School Board and Colleges, ,Universities and Embassies of Foreign countries and their networks.

They support the separatism of Quebec province, they also work against the Anglo-Saxon race and Canadian constitutions .

They Syrian and Lebanese diplomatic line and their integrated security systems and the former Yugoslavian’s activists are some of the participants. Yemenite agents with the their diplomatic officials hide their crimes and illegal activities with the logistic support of French and Chinese mafias, who work from the Embassies or from the Institutions. Hindi’s integrated security system of anti-Imperialism is one of the main participations in these actions.

These groups build an individual RCMP ,Security groups, lawyers and doctors etc for illegal transactions.

5. Another Catholic groups who work under the legends , images of Holy Ghosts and spirits of famous and great people like the Pope of Rome and Mother Teresa not recognize the freedom of believes and the family’s issues of the Canadian constitutions. Ghosts and hidden activities are one of their facial appearances. Their jobs are a gap in the national and international security system.

All of they groups divided the Canada’s family and its confederation into religious and non-religious sections to hide crimes and illegal works.

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

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Canada'S News

Semrau acquitted of murder
B.C. common-law couples to get marriage rights
Alberta man unarmed when shot by RCMP
N.B. city reverses Anglo Society flag decision
Emergency tundra landing ends well

Semrau acquitted of murder

Capt. Robert Semrau has been found guilty by a military panel of disgraceful conduct but not guilty of second-degree murder in the death of a wounded Afghan insurgent.
Canadian Forces Capt. Robert Semrau was accused of killing a severely wounded insurgent during an encounter in Afghanistan's Helmand province in October 2008.
Canadian Forces Capt. Robert Semrau was accused of killing a severely wounded insurgent during an encounter in Afghanistan's Helmand province in October 2008. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

CBC NEWS: July 19, 2010: Capt. Robert Semrau has been found guilty by a military panel of disgraceful conduct but not guilty of second-degree murder in the death of a wounded Afghan insurgent.

The disgraceful conduct charge carries a penalty of up to five years in prison. Semrau has not yet been sentenced.

The four-member panel in Gatineau, Que., handed down the decision Monday. It came after three days of deliberations in the court martial of the Canadian Forces captain charged in a battlefield death in Afghanistan.

Semrau, 36, was accused of firing two rounds from his rifle into a dying Taliban fighter in Helmand province of Afghanistan in October 2008.

A question from the jury about evidence kept lawyers arguing for hours, preventing a verdict on the weekend.

Semrau never testified, but an Afghan army captain, who was on the patrol with Semrau, testified the Taliban fighter was "98 per cent dead" when he was found.

Semrau was charged with four offences, including second-degree murder, which carries a mandatory life sentence with no chance of parole for 10 years; attempt to commit murder using a firearm and negligently performing a military duty imposed on him. He was found not guilty of the latter two charges.

Now based at CFB Petawawa, the married father of two young children grew up in Moose Jaw,


B.C. common-law couples to get marriage rights

The B.C. government wants to make courts the last resort for family dispute resolution.
The B.C. government wants to make courts the last resort for family dispute resolution. (Mike Laanela/CBC)

The B.C. government is proposing major changes to the province's family law for the first time in 30 years.

The B.C. government wants to extend laws governing the division of property to common-law spouses who have lived together for two years or who have children together.

The proposal is part of a package of major changes to the province's family law put forward by Attorney General Mike de Jong on Monday morning.

De Jong said the package is intended to modernize the province's Family Relations Act for first time in 30 years by making it less adversarial and easier to understand.

The changes cover a wide range of issues such as separations, child custody, support payments, division of property and pensions, access responsibilities, children's participation in the legal process and family violence.

One of the most significant changes is a proposal to extend laws governing the division of property in separations to common-law spouses who have lived together for two years or who have children together. Currently, the act's property-division scheme does not generally apply to unmarried spouses.

The proposal also seeks to exclude pre-relationship, gifts and inheritances from property that would be divided 50-50 in any separation.

The far-reaching package of proposed changes also includes reforms to create more options for out-of-court dispute resolutions and improving the tools for enforcing court rulings.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Alberta man unarmed when shot by RCMP

Investigators interview neighbours after a fatal police shooting in Okotoks, south of Calgary.
Investigators interview neighbours after a fatal police shooting in Okotoks, south of Calgary. (Jennifer Lee/CBC)

An Alberta man was holding an umbrella and was not armed when he was fatally shot Saturday by an RCMP officer.

CBC NEWS: July 19, 2010 : An Alberta man was holding an umbrella and was not armed when he was fatally shot Saturday by an RCMP officer, says the head of a team investigating the incident.

Corey Lewis was shot at six times by an officer using an M16 rifle, said Clifton Purvis, executive director of the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team on Monday. The provincial body investigates all major cases of death or serious injury involving Alberta police.

Police were called to a home in Okotoks, south of Calgary on Saturday night, after a report that a man had assaulted a teenager.

When officers arrived, a middle-aged man armed with what appeared to be a shotgun threatened them, said the RCMP over the weekend.

Lewis is the husband of Okotoks town councillor, Naydene Lewis.

Driver killed in Hwy 17 collision

The driver of a pick-up truck travelling eastbound on Hwy 17 outside Cobden died Monday morning after his vehicle was involved in a collision with a westbound tractor trailer.

CBC NEWS:July 19, 2010: The driver of a pick-up truck travelling eastbound on Hwy 17 outside Cobden died Monday morning after his vehicle was involved in a collision with a westbound tractor trailer.

Ontario Provincial Police said the collision happened at about 5:30 a.m. Monday morning just west of Flinnerty road in the Township of Whitewater, about 120 km west of Ottawa.

The pickup driver died at the scene, while the driver of the tractor trailer suffered minor injuries, police said. There were no passengers in either vehicle.

Hwy 17 is closed and detours are in place in the area of Mountain Road and Turcotte Road. Regional police, fire and paramedics assisted at the scene.

H1N1 shot averted 1M Ontario cases: study

50 lives estimated to have been saved

Last Updated: Monday, July 19, 2010 | 11:41 AM ET : The Canadian Press A study says Ontario's H1N1 vaccination program averted nearly one million cases of influenza and as many as 50 deaths.

The study said Ontario could have seen an additional 420 hospitalizations, 28,000 visits to hospital emergency departments and 100,000 visits to doctors' offices if it hadn't offered the flu shot program.

The study was done by Beate Sanders, a health economist with the Ontario Agency of Health Protection and Promotion, and was published in the journal Vaccine.

Sanders said that while the $180-million vaccination program was expensive, it was cost-effective.

Sanders noted, though, that if the vaccine had arrived any later the program wouldn't have been as effective as it was. That's because Ontario started vaccinating just before the peak of the second wave of H1N1 infections, the study found.

N.B. city reverses Anglo Society flag decision

The Anglo Society has lost permission to fly its flag outside of Bathurst City Hall on Sept. 18.

The Anglo Society has lost permission to fly its flag outside of Bathurst City Hall on Sept. 18. (CBC)

Last Updated: Monday, July 19, 2010 | 5:14 PM AT: CBC NEWS: The city council in Bathurst, N.B., has reversed its decision to allow a New Brunswick anglophone-rights group to fly its flag outside City Hall to mark what it calls "Anglo Day" in September.

The council issued a brief statement on Monday rescinding permission for the Anglo Society of New Brunswick to place the banner it uses to promote its group in front of City Hall.

The group describes itself as a non-profit organization "dedicated to the promotion and protection of the English language and culture in the province" and is critical of many of the government's bilingualism policies.

The city's statement said that "after many phone calls, emails and street conversations as well as further investigation, council of the City of Bathurst has decided to withdraw its support for the flying of the Anglo Society flag on Sept. 18."

The council voted 4-2 to allow the group to fly its banner outside City Hall a week ago.

The decision sparked immediate concern by the mayor of the nearby community of Petit-Rocher and Michel Carrier, the commissioner of official languages.

Carrier had called on the council to reconsider the decision.

Anne-Marie Gammon, the lone francophone on council, said she had been inundated with emails from people protesting the possibility that the flag would fly in front of City Hall.

Bathurst Mayor Stephen Brunet said last week that the northern New Brunswick city was a multicultural community and that the Anglo Society should be treated as any of the other groups occasionally allowed to fly their flags at City Hall.

The council has a regularly scheduled meeting Monday night.

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

Emergency tundra landing ends well

Last Updated: Monday, July 19, 2010 | 12:21 PM CST: A pilot safely landed his aircraft on the tundra near Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, after the craft lost power in both engines.

The pilot of the privately owned 1971 twin-engine Aero Commander tried to turn the plane around after the engines died shortly after takeoff on Sunday but didn't have enough power to make it back to the runway at the Rankin Inlet airport.

He brought the plane down in the soft tundra 150 metres from the runway. The U.S.-registered aircraft was damaged, but the pilot and two passengers were unhurt.

"Any time you have an engine failure, multiple engine failure, on an aircraft and you can set it down and walk away, it's good news," said Shawn Maley, director of Nunavut Airports. "It looks like they picked the right spot to put the airplane down."

The Transportation Safety Board is investigating.


Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Four

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World's News:

Greek terror group kills journalist: police

African Union summit opens in shadow of bombs

Kabul tense ahead of Afghan conference

China passes U.S. as top energy consumer

India train crash death toll hits 61

Obama urges action on unemployment

Greek terror group kills journalist: police

Last Updated: Monday, July 19, 2010 | 10:44 AM ET: The Associated Press : A Greek journalist was gunned down Monday outside his home in Athens, in an attack police say is linked to a domestic terrorist group.

A forensic police officer collects evidence outside the house of a Greek journalist gunned down in the Athens' neighborhood of Ilioupoli on Monday.

A forensic police officer collects evidence outside the house of a Greek journalist gunned down in the Athens' neighborhood of Ilioupoli on Monday. (Alkis Konstantinidis/Associated Press)

Sokratis Giolias, 37, died after being shot more than 15 times before dawn in the capital's eastern neighbourhood of Ilioupoli. Police said bullet casings at the scene matched two 9-mm handguns used by the Greek terrorist group Sect of Revolutionaries.

Sect of Revolutionaries emerged following Greece's widespread rioting in December 2008, sparked by the fatal police shooting of a teenage boy. The group has vowed to carry out attacks against police and the news media, which it accuses of helping corrupt business interests mislead public opinion.

The group also attacked a TV station in Athens in February 2009. Giolias headed private Athens radio station Thema FM and wrote on a popular online news blog, Troktiko, which often deals with scandals.

The blog said two or three gunmen were believed to have shot Giolias, who was married with a young child. Police said they also believe more than one gunman was involved.

A car reported stolen was found burned out near the scene of the shooting, said police, who are investigating whether it was linked to the attack.

Journalist groups, the government and politicians condemned the attack.

"Democracy and freedom of speech cannot be gagged, [terrorized] or intimidated," government spokesman Giorgos Petalotis said. "The [government] unreservedly condemns this cowardly and cold-blooded murder."

Greek authorities have battled a wave of attacks by militant groups since the 2008 riots.


Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Four

African Union summit opens in shadow of bombs

The African Union summit has officially begun in Kampala, a week after two bombings killed 76 people in the Ugandan capital.

Debris lies strewn outside the Ethiopian Village restaurant in Kampala, Uganda, after explosions on July 11 tore through venues where people had gathered to watch the FIFA World Cup final.

Debris lies strewn outside the Ethiopian Village restaurant in Kampala, Uganda, after explosions on July 11 tore through venues where people had gathered to watch the FIFA World Cup final. (Marc Hofer/Associated Press)

CBC NEWS : July 19, 2010: An African Union summit officially began in Kampala on Monday, a week after twin bombings killed 76 people watching the World Cup soccer final in the Ugandan capital.

The arrival of delegates from 49 countries "shows that terrorists cannot defeat us," said Uganda's foreign minister, Sam Kutesa. Extra security is in place to protect leaders and their support staff.

The Somalia-based Islamic insurgent group, al-Shabaab, claimed responsibility for the July 11 suicide bombings. The militants warned that attacks would continue if Uganda did not withdraw the troops it contributes to the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia.

Ugandan police said on the weekend they have detained 20 suspects in connection with the bombings.

The headline theme for the summit is maternal and child health. But the agenda also includes peace and security issues, infrastructure, energy, agriculture, and food security.

Most of Africa's heads of state will be in Kampala for the summit, which wraps up July 27.

Kabul tense ahead of Afghan conference

Afghan police check vehicles and passengers as security is tightened ahead of the international conference on Afghanistan in Kabul.

Afghan police check vehicles and passengers as security is tightened ahead of the international conference on Afghanistan in Kabul. (Rahmat Gul/Associated Press)


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Thousands of Afghan soldiers and police are patrolling Kabul, trying to secure the capital for a major international conference.

CBC: July 19, 2010: Thousands of Afghan soldiers and police are patrolling Kabul, trying to secure the capital for a major international conference set for Tuesday.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are among the officials and diplomats from 60 countries who will attend the one-day meeting where Afghan authorities will try to showcase the progress their country is making in its painful journey to self-security.

Securing the capital won't be easy. A suicide bombing in Kabul on Sunday killed three people and a Taliban bomb-making expert was captured in the capital on Friday.

At a peace conference in May, militants attacked security forces and managed to land a rocket about 100 metres from the meeting site.

Many Afghans are skeptical that Tuesday's conference will change the daily reality of suicide bombings and war. Many foreign countries - Canada included - have been critical of the corruption and incompetence that plagues Afghanistan's corridors of power.

But the UN's top diplomat in Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, said the West is ready to hand over power to Afghans.

"They are more prepared than before," he said. "Don't forget. Afghanistan is made of very proud people who feel extremely strongly about managing their own future."

Insurgency mounts counteroffensive

The conference attendees hope to see enough progress in how Afghanistan is securing the insurgency to allow them to continue with their plans to withdraw foreign forces.

But the conference comes at a time when the Taliban insurgency is growing increasingly brazen.

The Taliban are mounting a counteroffensive aimed at the Afghan government and a coalition of international troops. NATO and Afghan forces have been aggressively moving into areas controlled by the Taliban.

Last month, 103 foreign soldiers - including four Canadians - were killed in Afghanistan, making it the deadliest month for international forces since they were first deployed in the country nine years ago.

Another 56 NATO soldiers have died so far this month - including an American killed Monday by a bomb blast in southern Afghanistan.

China passes U.S. as top energy consumer

For the first time in more than a century, a country other than the United States consumed more energy than any other nation, as China grabbed the top spot last year.

A chimney billows smoke behind electrical wires in central Beijing last year. China surpassed the U.S. in energy consumption in 2009, the IEA says.

A chimney billows smoke behind electrical wires in central Beijing last year. China surpassed the U.S. in energy consumption in 2009, the IEA says. (David Gray/Reuters)

CBC NEWS:July 19, 2010 : For the first time in more than a century, a country other than the United States consumed more energy than any other nation, as China grabbed the top spot last year.

Citing data from the International Energy Agency, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday that China was the world's most voracious consumer of energy in 2009.

China consumed 2,252 million tonnes of "oil equivalent" last year, topping the U.S. tally of 2,170 tonnes by roughly four per cent.

Oil equivalent is the term the IEA uses to bring all forms of energy into a comparable form, including crude oil, nuclear, coal, natural gas, hydroelectricity, wind and solar power.

China was forecast to overtake the U.S. at some point over the next decade. But the global recession appears to have sped up the process as its economy continued to expand at a double-digit pace while the U.S. economy declined and oil consumption flatlined.

Only 10 years ago, China's energy consumption was half that of the United States.

"The fact that China overtook the U.S. as the world's largest energy consumer symbolizes the start of a new age in the history of energy," IEA chief economist Fatih Birol was quoted as saying.

China had already passed the United States as the world's largest polluter several years ago.

With a population of a little over 300 million, the United States still uses much more energy, per capita, than China does.

In terms of the use of crude oil specifically, the IEA says the United States remains well out in the lead, consuming some 19 million barrels per day. But China's economy relies on coal for much of its electricity generation, and its crude consumption is also climbing from its current level of just over nine million barrels per day.

China's electricity demand is forecast to increase by 1,000 gigawatts over the next 15 years - equivalent to the U.S.'s total electricity output at the moment.

India train crash death toll hits 61

Rescue workers and onlookers gather near the wreckage of train carriages at Sainthia, India, on Monday.

Rescue workers and onlookers gather near the wreckage of train carriages at Sainthia, India, on Monday. (Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters)

Last Updated: Monday, July 19, 2010 | 12:58 PM ET : The Associated Press: A speeding express train plowed into a stationary passenger train in eastern India on Monday, killing 61 people in a crash so powerful it sent the roof of one car flying onto an overpass.

Officials said they could not rule out sabotage.

Residents crawled over the twisted wreckage trying desperately to free survivors before rescue workers arrived with heavy equipment to cut through the metal.

Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee, who rushed to the site, raised the possibility the crash could have been another case of sabotage, two months after Maoist rebels were blamed for a derailment that killed 145 people.

"We have some doubts in our mind" about whether it was an accident, she said.

The crash happened about 2 a.m. local time when the Uttarbanga Express slammed into the Vananchal Express as it left the platform at Sainthia station, about 200 kilometres north of Calcutta.

The accident destroyed two passenger cars and a luggage car, turning them into a tangle of twisted metal. The passenger cars were reserved for those on the cheapest tickets and such carriages are usually packed to capacity.

The force of the crash was so intense the roof of one car flew into the air and landed on an overpass above the tracks. Local residents climbing through the debris searching for survivors were later joined by rescue workers using heavy equipment to cut through the metal.

"I was sleeping when I felt a huge jolt and heard a loud noise and then the train stopped," passenger Lakshman Bhaumik told local television. Bhaumik survived with minor injuries.

Rescuers recovered 61 bodies from the crash site and 125 other people were injured, said Surajit Kar Purkayastha, a top police official. The two drivers of the Uttarbanga Express were among the dead, Banerjee said.

Local residents help survivors

Rescue teams arrived about three hours after the accident, local residents said. Before that, locals scrambled to help survivors out of the trains and pull out bodies.

Indian soldiers and rescue workers gather near the wreckage of train carriages at the site of an accident at Sainthia on Monday.

Indian soldiers and rescue workers gather near the wreckage of train carriages at the site of an accident at Sainthia on Monday. (Rupak De Chowdhuri/Reuters)

"For many hours it was just the local residents helping and it was very difficult to help without any equipment," the unidentified man told NDTV television channel.

Police official Humayun Kabir told NDTV, however, rescue workers reached the site within an hour of the crash.

Bhupinder Singh, the top police official in West Bengal, said the death toll could rise. He said it was too early to know how many people remained inside the coaches.

India's federal Home Ministry rushed several hundred members of the National Disaster Relief Force to the accident site to assist with search-and-rescue operations, a government statement said.

The disaster was the second major train crash in the state of West Bengal in the past two months. On May 28, a passenger train derailed and was hit by an oncoming cargo train in a crash that killed 145 people. Authorities blamed sabotage by Maoist rebels for that crash.

Accidents are common on India's sprawling rail network, one of the world's largest, with most blamed on poor maintenance.

Obama urges action on unemployment
U.S. President Barack Obama addresses Republican lawmakers, calling on them to support a bill that will extend emergency unemployment benefits to millions of Americans.
U.S. President Barack Obama addresses Republican lawmakers, calling on them to support a bill that will extend emergency unemployment benefits to millions of Americans. CBC

Barack Obama urges Republican lawmakers to support a bill to extend emergency benefits to millions of unemployed Americans.

CBC NEWS: July 19,2010: Barack Obama urged Republican lawmakers to support a bill that would extend emergency benefits to millions of unemployed Americans on Monday. In a press conference at the White House Rose Garden he blasted Republican critics for their "lack of faith in the American people."

"These are honest, decent, hard-working folks who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own," Obama said. "The same people who didn't have any problems spending money on tax breaks for the richest Americans are saying we shouldn't offer benefits to middle-class Americans."

Unemployment in the United States is at 9.5 per cent, and benefits for millions of Americans have dried up in recent months. The issue of temporarily extending emergency unemployment benefits has come up three times in recent weeks, but Republican senators have blocked it each time.

Obama has described the bill as crucial to rebuilding the economy, but Republican critics say they won't support it unless it is paid for through the budget and not through deficit spending.

"It's time to stop holding workers laid off in this recession hostage to Washington politics," Obama urged.

The unemployment benefits bill is scheduled for another vote tomorrow in the Senate.


Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

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He’s an aspiring author

Everyone knows the Prime Minister loves hockey. A consummate hockey dad, he can often be seen cheering Ben on at local rinks or joining his son in the stands for the occasional NHL match-up. But his passion for the game goes much further – right into the pages of a book he’s currently writing on the early history of professional hockey.

Conservative Party of Canada / Parti conservateur du Canada
cpcpcc's Channel


The Toronto Professionals made their debut on Dec. 28, 1906. The team initially played exhibition matches against the best clubs in Canada and the United States


Also see:

OPP probes ministry staff

A soldier’s code of honour

A Canadian philanthropist's bold bid to help orphans


He’s a big curling fan


Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Four

Hockey isn’t the only ice sport to capture the Prime Minister’s passion. The PM has been a long-time follower of major curling events. He has attended the Brier and – a number of times prior to taking office – planned business and leisure travel around ensuring he could take in the national championship.

He’s been employed by some of the country’s biggest newspapers

Much has been made over the Prime Minister’s well-scrutinized relationship with the Parliamentary Press Gallery. But he brings more than just media savvy to that game; the PM has actually worked for three of Canada’s largest newspapers: the Globe and Mail, the now-defunct Toronto Telegram and the Toronto Star. As a boy, he had his own paper routes in Leaside and Central Etobicoke.

He can rock

Public praise is music to the ears of many politicians but for Prime Minister Harper, classic rock’s more his taste – with a particular bent for the Beatles and Blue Rodeo. His love of music wasn’t lost on Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk who, during a meeting in Gdansk earlier this year, presented the PM with an original vinyl version of Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

He can sing (sort of)

An activist by nature, the Prime Minister isn’t content to let others do all the singing. He won’t hesitate to lend a voice when warranted. The PM eagerly participates in karaoke with family and friends … and freely admits that politics was, by far, the better career choice.


He’s learning to speak Spanish


The Prime Minister learned to speak French fluently as an adult. Lesser known is his ongoing study of Spanish – put to work during a recent visit with President Bachelet of Chile.

He loves movies , cats and collectionsanimated_crown.gif

Though the office leaves his free time extremely limited, Prime Minister Harper loves to take in a movie with Ben and Rachel when he can. His cinematic tastes are wide ranging. Among his favourites are Raising Arizona, Lost in Translation and Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Sharing a mutual love of cats from the moment they met, the Harpers have fostered felines at 24 Sussex, advocating strongly for the good work of the SPCA and Humane Society, and enjoying their companionship.

Focused and resolved, Prime Minister Harper is known for keeping his head in the game – from hockey to politics. However, he still enjoys the odd diversion. The PM previously collected coins, owns numerous atlases and currently houses a large library of hockey books.


Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

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عرفات: الرجل الذي يعرف إلى أين يذهب

في اللحظة التي كانت فيها هزيمة 1967 تجرف كل شيء، الأخضر واليابس كما يقال، في اللحظة التي كانت فيها الأنظمة العربية تجد نفسها مهددة بهبة شعبية، في اللحظة التي لم تعد فيها فلسطين ورقة توت لأحد، كان عرفات و"مقاومته" هنا ليقدما خدماتهما لهذه الأنظمة الدكتاتورية، لهؤلاء الرؤساء الضعفاء والمنهزمين. كنا نقول في ذلك الوقت إن الشعب الفلسطيني قد استعاد مصيره في يده، وإنها نهاية الوصاية العربية، إلا أن الوقائع قد أثبتت على أن هذه الأنظمة الضعيفة والمنهزمة كانت تبحث قبل كل شيء عن التخلص من العبء الذي كانت تمثله فلسطين، وعن ترك المسئولية للفلسطينيين كي يديروا هم قضيتهم على الطريق المؤدي، ثلاثين سنة فيما بعد، إلى دبابات شارون، إلى المستعمرات، وإلى جدار العار. أن يدير الفلسطينيون هم قضيتهم لم يكن يعني بأي حال من الأحوال أن يأخذوا مصيرهم في يدهم من أجل تحرير وطنهم، وإنما بالأحرى من أجل التخلي عن حقوقهم في هذا الوطن واحدا واحدا، وخاصة من أجل أن تبقى الأنظمة الضعيفة والمنهزمة في مكانها لتنشغل بشعوبها: لتركيعها وخنق كل طموح إلى الحرية لديها، إلى الديمقراطية، وإلى الكرامة.

وإذا كان دور عرفات في نهاية المطاف هو نفسه دور الدكتاتوريين العرب، فالوسائل التي يمتلكها الواحد والآخرون كانت مختلفة تماما. قبل شن ما يدعى بالحرب الأهلية الكاذبة الأردنية-الفلسطينية عام 1970، كان على عرفات أن يضمن صعوده على ثلاث جبهات: الجبهة العسكرية والجبهة السياسية والجبهة المالية. على الجبهة العسكرية، لم يكن ذلك يمثل أي مشكل، فعرفات فرض نفسه منذ البداية كقائد للمقاومة، إذن كقائد لكل فصائل حركة الفدائيين، لكل الاتجاهات على حد سواء. حبش، حواتمة، نجاب أو الآخرون لم يكونوا سوى حجارة شطرنج يحركها عرفات كما يشاء. التجمعات الصغيرة التي كانت تحاول القيام بعمليات من خارج دائرة نفوذه كانت تُقَوّمُ بالقوة أو كانت تجري تصفيتها. شخص النحس هذا كان يعلم أحسن من أي كان أنه في وضع من الحرب الدائمة والتناحرات الأخوية سيكون له احتكار السلطة العسكرية مهما كلف ذلك من ثمن. وفيما بعد، عين نفسه "القائد العام"، بأي حق؟ ولماذا لم يعين في هذا المنصب حبش أو حواتمة أو حتى شخصا مجهولا المهم أن يكون كفؤا؟ لماذا لم تشكل قيادة موحدة تحت رعاية كل قادة المقاومة؟ لا، كان هو، عرفات، الذي فرض نفسه تحت ذريعة أن فتح حركته كانت الأقوى. ولكن ما الذي جعل من حركته الأقوى؟ أنا لا أتكلم عن عدد الذين انخرطوا في فتح وإنما عن قوتها العسكرية: من أين كان يأتي كل ذلك السلاح الذي أقام الفرق بينها وبين باقي الفصائل؟ ولماذا كل هذا السلاح كان يذهب لياسر عرقات وليس لقائد آخر من القادة الحقيقيين أو القادة الوهميين الذين هم أكثر من البطيخ المعروض للبيع في ساحة الجامع الكبير؟ كل شيء كان معدا سلفا ليضع عرفات يده الواطئة على المقاومة، وبكلام آخر ليستأثر بالسلطة العسكرية. حال كوبا من هذه الناحية مقلقة جدا: كانت السلطة موزعة بين قادة الثورة، ولم يعلن كاسترو نفسه دكتاتور كوبا إلا بعد موت تشي غيفارا. وعلى الرغم من كل ما قيل بخصوص موت غيفارا التراجيدي، أجدني أصيغ السؤال التالي: كي يحقق كاسترو هدفه في أن يصبح السيد المطلق لجزيرة الحب هل يكون هو من وراء مصرع رفيق سلاحه؟ سؤال يعود إلى الكوبيين الجواب عليه. أما عرفات، فقد فرض نفسه بالقوة كقائد مطلق منذ الساعات الأولى للثورة.

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Four

بعد أن اطمأن إلى وضع يده على السلطة العسكرية، سيستولي خاصة على السلطة السياسية ليكون صعوده على رأس منظمة التحرير ومؤسساتها. وكان يمكنه تحقيق ذلك بعون فتح كحركة يشكلها أناس أتوا من شرائح اجتماعية مختلفة في منتصف الطريق بين عُمرين وعالمين وفكرين "رجعيون" في معظمهم همهم الوحيد أن يكسبوا ثقة رئيسهم، عرفات، ليستطيعوا ملء جيوبهم. ومع ذلك، لم تكن حنفيات البترول آنذاك مفتوحة بعد، والمساومات مع السعوديين لم تكن تتم أبدا دون الضوء الأخضر للأمريكان الذين كانوا يفضلون مثلهم مثل الإسرائيليين تطبيق استراتيجية "wait and see" (لننتظر ولنر ما يجري). لكن أناس فتح هؤلاء كان لهم حدس "ثوري" بخصوص النقود وسلطتها في المستقبل. وهكذا بصفته يمثل الأغلبية في المقاومة بالنسبة لباقي الفصائل، ستكون لعرفات الأغلبية في منظمة التحرير بفضل دعم الأنظمة العربية التي كانت تفضله على حبش (الجبهة الشعبية) أو على حواتمة (الجبهة الديمقراطية). كان طموح حبش وحواتمة قلب كل الأنظمة العربية الدموية كشرط أول لتحرير فلسطين، وكان عرفات يعارض ذلك، فاغتصب السلطة السياسية، لكن النظام الأردني ظل يلوح بالخطر الذي يهدده وبعدم إمكانية التعايش بين سلطتين سياسيتين في بلد واحد. والسيادة؟ إلى أيٍ من هاتين السلطتين ستتبع؟ ومع ذلك، كان النظام الأردني نفسه، تحت رعاية الملك حسين ودعم عبد الناصر وكل الأنطمة العربية المنهزمة، الذي عمل على أن تمضي زمام منظمة التحرير من يدي الشقيري إلى يدي عرفات.

في الواقع، تَذَرَّعَ الملك حسين بتنافس فَرْضي بين السلطتين بخصوص السيادة، ولكن وراء هذا التنافس الوهمي كانت تختبئ الأهداف الحقيقية لكلا الطرفين، والتي هي تقوية النظام الأردني وإضعاف المقاومة. في ذلك الوقت، كانت الشائعات تقول إن "الملك الصغير" لم يكن لديه الخيار، وبالنسبة له، كانت الطريقة الوحيدة التي يمكن العمل بها من أجل إرضاء جمهو ر فلسطيني في غالبيته. لم يكن النظام الهاشمي شعبيا أبدا لأنه لا يعرف سوى سياسة واحدة يجيب بها على التذمر الشعبي: القمع. وهو لم يزل في الحكم فقط لأنه يقمع بالحديد والنار كل حركة احتجاج. هكذا صنع المستعمرون الإنجليز هذا النظام، وهو لن يتغير أبدا إلا بتغيير جذري يمس الأسرة الملكية نفسها. هذا ما كانت تريده فصائل الثورة المدعوة باليسارية: قلب النظام الهاشمي والانتصار لسلطة واحدة هي سلطة المقاومة. كان عرفات المعارض الوحيد لهذا المشروع القابل للتنفيذ مع هذا بالنظر إلى اندحار الجيش الأردني غداة حرب الأيام الستة. كان هدفه تقوية النظام الأردني في مواجهة استياء شعبه وحركة الفدائيين التي تحرز تفوقا على المحتلين الإسرائيليين أكثر فأكثر وذلك بإجراء عمليات شجاعة في الطرف الآخر من نهر الأردن.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

وكان سبتمبر الأسود تتويجا لسلسلة من "الأخطاء الإستراتيجية" كتحويل الطائرات ورفع الكتب الحمراء في المساجد وأفعال اخرى قام بها جهاز المخابرات الأردني والتي أكثرها غرابة إطلاق النار على سيارة الملك. سبتمبر لم يكن أبدا أسود لصعود عرفات، بل على العكس. كانت تختفي وراء هجوم الجيش الأردني أهداف واضحة: إيقاف الأعمال الفدائية ضد إسرائيل، إضعاف حركة المقاومة على الصعيد العسكري، ولكن على الخصوص تقوية النظام الأردني. ومن المعارك خرج رجلان منتصران: ياسر عرفات والملك حسين، الأول بإفقار حركة الفدائيين عسكريا وبفرض نفسه كقائد سياسي بالأحرى على رأس منظمة التحرير التي سيجري وضعها على خط الاستسلام فيما بعد، والثاني بقمع كل أماني التحرير والحرية أماني الحياة وبإتمام المهمة التي صعد على العرش من أجلها: ضمان أمن إسرائيل.

بعد جرش، حيث انسحب قسم من الفدائيين وأُحرقوا أحياء بنار الجيش الأردني، عادت أكبر جبهة مع الأراضي المحتلة إلى "الهدوء". لم يبدِ الإسرائيليون بعد رضاهم لأنهم ما زالوا غير مقبولين كهوية عرقية ودينية ودَوْلية من طرف الشعوب الأخرى للمنطقة. لم تكن أحداث عمان لهم سوى بداية، وقد أذكت حرب البدو كما كنا نقول في ذلك الوقت حين الحديث عن قاطعي الأصابع هؤلاء القادمين من الصحراء، أذكت الأحقاد بين أردنيين وفلسطينيين وعبأت كل انتباههم. ومع ذلك كان عرفات قد أثبت أنه قادر على الذهاب أبعد في تحقيق الخطة الأساسية التي كانت تصفية القضية الفلسطينية وتهيئة الطريق من أجل أن توسع إسرائيل هيمنتها على كل المنطقة. أعدت السي آي إيه والموساد له الطريق بوضع أسد على رأس السلطة في سوريا والسادات في مصر. اليوم، بعد ثلاثٍ وثلاثين سنة من موت عبد الناصر، وبالنظر إلى الوضع الحرج للمنطقة، أجد معقولة جدا الفرضية التي تقول بتسميم عبد الناصر على يد طبيبه عميل المخابرات الإسرائيلية، فكان العام 1970 أكثر أهمية على الصعيد السياسي من العام 1967، كان عاما حاسما، كان الأمريكان والإسرائيليون يحركون معا الدمى الحاكمة في مسرح العرائس، أسد "المزايد" على الوطنية مقابل السادات بطل "الانفتاح" على الغرب، وعرفات في الوسط. لم يكن لا الواحد ولا الآخر يخطو خطوة واحدة دون موافقته ودعمه. حقا كان هناك من يحركه، ولكنه كان يحرك بدوره الاثنين الآخرين، كان جزءا لا يتجزأ من جبهة أعرض جبهة الإسرائيليين والأمريكيين.

بعد عمان، كان حضوره في بيروت أكثر من حاسم، ودوره أكثر من فاعل، هذا الدور الذي راح يكبر في اللحظة التي بدأت فيها السعودية وبلدان النفظ الأخرى بصب ملايين الدولارات على "رجلها"، فالبيت الأبيض قد أشعل ضوءه الأخضر لأجل برجزة الثورة وإفساد كل ذي قابل للفساد. وعندما اختلس عرفات كل أموال "الدعم" أصبحت بين يديه السلطات الثلاث: السلطة العسكرية والسلطة السياسية والسلطة المالية، وغدا دكتاتور بأتم معنى الكلمة.

ترجمة الدكتورة بريجيت بوردو - مونتريال

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

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أفنان القاسم: دفاعا عن الشعب الفلسطيني، كيف ولماذا تمت فبركة ياسر عرفات؟، دار لارماطان، باريس 2004، ص ص 19 - 24.

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G8-ers Barack Obama, David Cameron and Stephen Harper at the Deerhurst Resort in Huntsville in June 2010. All three now have fixed election dates, but Canada's Harper seems to have the most wiggle room, as he showed in 2008. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)

Don Newman on the new Westminster model for fixed elections


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

CBC NEWS: July 15, 2010: You have to hand it to the British. Two months after electing their first "hung" Parliament in living memory, they have found a way and, more importantly, the political will to fix the date of the next general election.

To ensure there will be no monkey business, no unnecessary brinksmanship, they have also created a system that should virtually guarantee the date when the next vote will be held.

Here in Canada, with our third minority parliament in a row, we have been unable to accomplish the same thing, even though we have a law on the book fixing the next federal election date. (And even though all the polls and the politicians themselves say nobody wants an early election.)

Last year, I wrote an article here: [] proposing new rules to deal with fixed-date elections and minority governments.

Since then, I have been speaking about my ideas wherever I can, to try to bring some stability to Parliament in what seems to be a long era of minority governments.

I have found that wherever I have tried out my suggestions, they have been well received by everyone, except one group.

Sadly, that's the group that would be most affected: cabinet ministers, members of Parliament, and the political staff that serve them.

To recap

Ironically, one of the arguments against the plan has been that it doesn't fit with the parliamentary traditions that flow from Britain's Westminster.

That is ironic because, lo and behold, a proposal very much like the one I have been promoting has since gone into effect. Where? Oh at Westminster, in the British House of Commons.

To recap, here's my idea.

It is based on the premise that a fixed-date election law should mean something. And that, if such a law is enacted, it should be the responsibility of the Governor General to ensure that there is a government in place between the fixed dates.

To do this in a minority parliament, I proposed that any government that was defeated on a confidence vote, which would ordinarily trigger an election, should have the opportunity to face the House again on a straight vote of confidence, 36 hours after its initial defeat.

That would allow a prime minister the opportunity to look around for an arrangement with one of the opposition parties, as Joe Clark might have done in 1979 when he was defeated by a handful of Créditistes.

True, it could mean wheeling and dealing and trade-offs, but that is what a minority parliament is meant to be about.

If the sitting government doesn't win that second confidence vote (and to ensure it tries), the Governor General would be obliged to ask another party leader to try to form a government.

Again, more wheeling and dealing, but again that is what minority parliaments are supposed to do.

If this new attempt by a different party or coalition cannot win a confidence vote, only then would the GG order an election, to be held in the briefest period allowed by law.

The new Westminster

The effect of this proposal is that a party forming the government after an election would go out of its way to make sure it didn't lose a confidence vote, and certainly that it didn't lose two in a row.

But if somehow it did, then an alternative government would be possible until the next official election date.

Not in keeping with the traditions of Westminster? Well, look what is happening in Britain.

There the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition headed by David Cameron is introducing legislation that will fix the date of the next British election in May of 2015, five years after the election this year that created the current minority situation.

A key element is that the legislation will require a two-week cooling-off period should the government be defeated in a confidence vote in the Commons, before a general election can be called.

The reason for the cooling-off period is to allow for a new governing arrangement to be formed, which would prevent the necessity of an election. The new government could have many or at least some of the participants from the group that was just defeated.

If, after two weeks, no new government had been formed, then off to the polls the British would go.

Get MPs working

Espionage in Canada and Western Countries: Part One to Four


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Yes, I realize the idea isn't exactly the same as the one I am proposing. But it is close enough for favourable comparison and is meant to have the same effect: To keep parliamentarians on the job working co-operatively wherever possible on the country's problems.

I would argue that is what we need here as well, instead of all the constant manoeuvring that goes on by all the parties in the House of Commons as they try to find the best time to trigger an election that could be to their particular advantage.

That has been a rather pathetic sight in Ottawa these last years.

It has also contributed to the lessening of Parliament and politics in public esteem, and it has prevented debate on many important subjects, like the future of health care or international competitiveness.

Canada's fixed-date election law was passed in the spring of 2006, one of the Stephen Harper government's first priorities.

It was meant to deprive a prime minister of the ability to call an election whenever it might be politically advantageous.

It was also meant to force an election every four years, instead of allowing an unpopular government to run out the full five-year term that the Constitution allows.

But the law makes exceptions for an election between fixed dates at the discretion of the Governor General, which really means if the prime minister asks for one.

We ought to have the courage in this country, with our third minority government in a row, to do what the British did in their first minority parliament in ages: Get a system in place that keeps MPs on the job. And follows the law.

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)