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Salma Ataullahjan emigrated from Pakistan in 1979 and is also an accomplished artist.

Salma Ataullahjan emigrated from Pakistan in 1979 and is also an accomplished artist

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed Toronto-area realtor and former Conservative candidate Salma Ataullahjan to the Senate to fill a vacancy for Ontario.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

CBC NEWS: July 9, 2010. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed Toronto-area realtor and former Conservative candidate Salma Ataullahjan to the Senate to fill a vacancy for Ontario.

Ataullahjan, who immigrated to Canada from Pakistan in 1979, lost to Liberal MP Navdeep Bains in the southern Ontario riding of Mississauga-Brampton South in the 2008 federal election.

With the appointment, the Conservatives now have 52 of the Senate's 105 seats, just one seat shy of an absolute majority.

Her appointment, which is effective immediately, comes amid a showdown in the Red Chamber between Conservative and opposition senators over Bill C-9, the government's massive budget implementation bill.

On Thursday, Conservative Senator Doug Finley said the Tories were ready for a fall election after opposition senators stripped contentious provisions from the bill.

The government insists it is critical the budget bill is passed to allow federal money to reach provinces and infrastructure projects, but the opposition senators said the stripped measures didn't belong in budget legislation.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

CBC NEWS: July 9, 2010. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed Toronto-area realtor and former Conservative candidate Salma Ataullahjan to the Senate to fill a vacancy for Ontario.

Ataullahjan, who immigrated to Canada from Pakistan in 1979, lost to Liberal MP Navdeep Bains in the southern Ontario riding of Mississauga-Brampton South in the 2008 federal election.

With the appointment, the Conservatives now have 52 of the Senate's 105 seats, just one seat shy of an absolute majority.

Her appointment, which is effective immediately, comes amid a showdown in the Red Chamber between Conservative and opposition senators over Bill C-9, the government's massive budget implementation bill.

On Thursday, Conservative Senator Doug Finley said the Tories were ready for a fall election after opposition senators stripped contentious provisions from the bill.

The government insists it is critical the budget bill is passed to allow federal money to reach provinces and infrastructure projects, but the opposition senators said the stripped measures didn't belong in budget legislation.

Breakdown for 105-seat Senate





Progressive Conservative


Independent or non-aligned


However, it remains to be seen whether enough Liberal senators will show up for the final vote next week on Bill C-9 to ensure the amendments are included.

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

In a release announcing her appointment Friday, the prime minister said Ataullahjan's political and social activism has "earned her a reputation of one who both stands against violence and stands for peaceful dialogue and consensus building."

Harper also said she has pledged to support the Conservative government's efforts to make the Senate "more democratic and accountable," including legislation to limit Senate tenures and to allow provinces to elect their senators.

The prime minister has often stated his goal to either reform the Senate into an elected body or abolish it. But in recent months, Harper has appointed several new senators to gain a plurality in the chamber and gain control of Senate committee chair positions from the Liberals.

Overhauling the Senate requires constitutional reform, which means the government has to persuade seven provinces containing at least 50 per cent of the population that its plan is in the best interests of everyone.

Ataullahjan founded the parents council at David Lewis Public School in the Toronto area and also served on the executive of the Pakistani Canadian Professionals and Academics.

She also served as president and vice-president of the Canadian Pushtun Cultural Association, and as a member of the executive of the South Asian Regional Council and Citizens Foundation's Toronto chapter.

Ataullahjan is married and has two daughters.


RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Five

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five

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إلى أولئك الذين ماتوا لا لشيء إلا للموت

إلى مايكل مور

المصراع الفلسطيني

عرفات: الرجل الآتي من حيث لا ندري

كان ذلك غداة حرب الستة أيام عندما سمعت لأول مرة بواحد اسمه "أبو عمار"، كنت في ذلك الوقت في الجزائر العاصمة، في زمن كانت الجزائر "الثورية" لم تزل تبحث فيه عن ذاتها، وفي دوامة الأحداث الشرق الأوسطية كانت تعيش من جديد حرب استقلالها، وكانت الحياة السياسية تتبلور حول رجل واحد قوي: بومدين.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

كنت على وشك القول: ستالين. كان العصر الذي وصلت عبادة الشخصية فيه إلى ذروتها حيث كان رجل البلاد القوي يجسد وحده الثورة والأمة ومستقبل هذه الأمة، كان يمثل جزائر الغد، ودونه حتى وجود الجزائر لم يكن واردا: كان كل شيء يُرى عبر الديكتاتور. في هذا السياق، تجذرت الدعاية الدائرة حول أبي عمار، فقد كان اسم رجل قوي يكفي لتحديد بلد بأكمله، ولتحديد موقع الواحد والآخر بالنسبة له، وكذلك لتحديد موقعه على خارطة العالم. كان يلزم ديكتاتور، لا أهمية لكونه هذا أو ذاك، واحد أطلقت عليه وسائل الإعلام لقب "قائد المقاومة"، كما كانت حال ديكتاتور الجزائر، وكما هو حال كل القواد العرب في الوقت الراهن، كل واحد منهم "قائد" شيء ما.

بهذا الشكل استحوذ الجزائريون على هذا المجهول، أبي عمار، ليحددوا موقع فلسطين، ويفهموا قضيتها. في الواقع، "أبو عمار" ما هو سوى اسم حركي يعني للعَمَار أبا، وعلى الرغم من المفهوم الإيجابي لهذا الإسم وأثره المناسب في فلسطيني الدياسبورا -دون سقف منذ منفاه القسري- كان يلزم أكثر من اسم لنشر دعاية دَوْلية حقيقية ترمي إلى تحريف القضية الفلسطينية في صالح شخص بقضه وقضيضه، وإلى جعل هذه القضية قضية شخص واحد أحد. ولأجل أن تتركز كل السلطات فيه -أليسه الديكتاتور "الثوري"؟- كان يلزم ليس حدث فقط -الحرب بالطبع أو بالأحرى الهزيمة- ولكن اعترافا من قبل المهزومين. كان عبد الناصر أول قائد عربي قابل أبا عمار، وكان العالم قد عرف بعد هذا اللقاء الإسم الحقيقي "الزائف" لهذا الشخص: ياسر عرفات. أقول حقيقي "زائف" لأصلي من نابلس، مهد عائلة عرفات، أعلم تمام العلم أن هذه االعائلة لا تعرف أحدا يحمل هذا الإسم، سأتكلم عن هذا بالتفصيل فيما بعد. ومع ذلك، سمح هذا التضليل لوسائل الإعلام العربية منذ ستة وثلاثين عاما وكذلك لكل أبواق الأنظمة العربية بتحضير الحرب التي يقودها شارون حاليا.

اعتمادا مني على زمنية الحجج أي وضعها في سياقها الزمني وعدم النظر إليها من اللحظة الحالية وإلا بدت أقرب إلى البديهيات بعد أن تم الكشف عنها أقول وقد كنا نجهل ما نعلمه اليوم: لقد بدأ كل شيء مع الإشاعات التي دارت بشأن ياسر عرفات: أنه أطلق أول رصاصة على الجيش الإسرائيلي عام 1965 مفجرا الثورة، أنه عاد إلى القدس غداة حرب 1967 متخفيا ليصلي في المسجد الأقصى ويقبل حجارة المدينة التي ولد فيها، أنه اختبأ قبل وبعد ذلك من البوليس العربي هاربا من بيت إلى بيت. ولم تبن الحقيقة إلا فيما بعد: لم تنفجر الثورة إلا بفضل بعض الطوباويين المجهولين الذين دفعوا حياتهم ثمنا لفعلهم، وليس من شخصٍ هناك باسم عرفات ولد في القدس لأن عائلة عرفات، كما سبق وأشرت إليه، أصلها من نابلس. ربما ولد أحد أبنائها في القدس ، مثلي أنا، من نابلس ومولود في يافا، ولكن عائلتي كانت ولم تزل في برقة من قضاء نابلس. ولعائلة عرفات رأي قاطع: ياسر عرفات ليس فردا من أفرادها. كل شيء إذن ما هو سوى كذبة، كذبة خالصة، عنصر أساسي لفبركة أسطورة.

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

وهذا ما حاولته على التحديد وسائل الإعلام والأنظمة العربية، أن تجعل من ياسر عرفات أسطورة: ولد في القدس ولكن أصله من نابلس، وعائلته لا تعترف به، مما يبعث على الشك، في الوقت الذي تقترح فيه الفكرة شخصا يأتي من حيث لا يعلم أحد، وفي نفس الوقت ابن البلد، وبتحديد أكثر ابن المدينة المقدسة. لماذا لم يولد في جنين مثلا أو في رام الله؟ من أجل أن تكون الأسطورة كاملة يجب على ياسر عرفات أن يكون مولودا في القدس، على الرغم من أن أصله من نابلس! وترتكز المرحلة التالية من مراحل بناء الأسطورة على جعل ياسر عرفات بطلا نجا بأعجوبة من مطاردة الشرطة الدائمة له خلال سنوات بينما الكل يعلم أن عرفات كان يعمل كمهندس (معماري أم غيره هذا لا يهم ولكن يرتبط المهندس أول ما يرتبط في ذهن الرجل العادي بالعَمَار فلم تأت كنية أبي عمار عبثا) لحساب شيوخ الخليج وكخادم وفيّ لهم، وبالتالي كان محميا من طرف أولئك الطغاة.

بهذه الطريقة تمت فبركة هذا الشخص، شخص ليس كغيره، قطعة قطعة، من أجل الأسواق العربية، وسيكون من اللازم الانتظار قليلا ليرد هذا المنتَجُ على ما تنتظره الأسواق الغربية منه، تبعا لما سيفعله لخدمة إسرائيل. في العالم العربي المثقل بالهزيمة والبؤس، المكمم بأكف حكامه، يُتَعجل ما يراد عمله: لقد فُرشت السجادة الحمراء تحت قدمي ديكتاتور فلسطيني شبيه بكل الديكتاتوريين العرب، لم يعد يأتي من حيث لا يعلم أحد لأنه أُدخل في مسرح السياسة، وكان له دور يلعبه في إطار الهزيمة، وهذا حتى نهاية تصفية القضية الفلسطينية، ولكن على الخصوص لضمان انتصار الإسرائيليين ومد هيمنتهم على كل المنطقة.

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Five

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five

قبل التقدم في هذا التحليل المذهل، لنعد إلى الوراء، إلى أبعد من حرب الأيام الستة، إلى مرحلة متقدمة في حياة وقدر هذا الرجل، ولنتكلم بالضبط عن هذا المعطى الأساسي في بقاء إسرائيل: انتصاراتها وهيمنتها المرتبطة ارتباطا وثيقا بدرب عرفات ومهماته إن لم يكن بوجوده ذاته، لأني أريد الكشف عن هذا الوجه الخفي.

إليكم أولا هذه الحكاية.

عمان 1994، نهاية الصيف. كانت الحرارة من الشدة بحيث كنا نشم رائحة الصحراء الملتهبة. في ظل شجرة زيتون في ريعان الشباب، كان دكتور في الفلسفة يحكي لي "قصته" مع عرفات. كان أحد مستشاريه المفضلين إلى يوم بدأ فيه هذا الجامعي الاهتمام أكثر مما يلزم بالأصل العائلي لقائد المقاومة. وبين ليلة وضحاها، أصبح شخصا غير مرغوب فيه لدى عرفات لأنه اكتشف أن ياسر عرفات ينتمي إلى عائلة مغربية، وأن اسمه بقي يُحفظ سرا في الأرشيف الملكي من المستحيل معرفته إلا أنه نجح في معرفة أن هذه العائلة أصلها من مراكش، وأنها عائلة يهودية. أهو تجلٍ آخر من تجليات تلك الأسطورة التي يُسعى إلى صيانتها حول ياسر عرفات؟ عند هذا الحد من بحثه، طُرد الرجل من منصبه. علّم بعض الوقت في جامعة خاصة في عمان ثم ترك الأردن إلى بلد من بلدان الخليج، وبعد ذلك لم أسمع عنه شيئا.

تذكرت عندئذ ما صرح به ياسر عرفات نفسه عندما كان في بيروت وذلك جوابا على سؤال طرحه إميل حبيبي ومحمو درويش في مقابلة نشرت على صفحات مجلة شؤون فلسطينية: "من أنت؟" تفاجأ عرفات، وتأتأ: "ليس من حقي الحديث عن نفسي، هذا عيب، ومعارض للتواضع." لم يكن الشاعر المعروف والروائي الممتاز يعنيان أن يتكلم قائد المقاومة عن حياته الشخصية ولكن بالأحرى عن الرجل السياسي الذي كانه. فهم عرفات السؤال، ومع ذلك قال: "لو حصل وكُشفت هوية عرفات في يوم ما لاهتز العالم كله!"

أهو مظهر آخر من أسطورته؟ على الإطلاق. يعترف عرفات هنا بما أراد مستشاره إثباته. ولكن هناك من اليهود الذين يقاتلون بقدر الفلسطينيين من أجل القضية الفلسطينية، وهناك من الفلسطينيين الذين يخونون وطنهم، وهم على استعداد لبيع أمهم للعدو. إذن ليس واقع أن يكون يهودي أو غير يهودي ما يهم، بالعلاقة مع الهدف الذي كان على عرفات إنجازه، لا وليس واقع أن يكون أصله من مراكش أو أثينا أو أية مدينة أخرى. في كل الأحوال، هناك مكيدة أقرب إلى مكائد الموساد والسي آي إيه، فسجل هذين الجهازين القويين يثبت دون أي غموض قدرتهما على كل شيء: زرع أحد عملائهم منذ نعومة أظافره شيء سائد سواء أكان المقصود موظفا صغيرا أم رئيس دولة. لا أحد يجهل أن زرع عائلة الأسد في سوريا من فعل السي آي إيه، وأن الملك حسين كان يستلم راتبا شهريا من الجهاز ذاته. الرؤساء والأمراء العملاء يصعب عدهم في العالم العربي: السادات كمبارك، بن علي كشيوخ الخليج. إنهم عملاء مستعدون لكل شيء حتى لهدم بلدانهم إذا ما أمرت السي آي إيه بذلك، وفرضت ذلك المصالح الأميركية.

إذن إنزال عرفات في سياقه الحياتي وخاصة إنزال أفعال عرفات في سياق فلسطين التاريخي يجعل منه عميلا للموساد مع تغطية للسي آي إيه وكل أجهزة المخابرات الأوروبية بما فيها جهاز الدي إس تي الفرنسي والكي جي بي في زمن الإتحاد السوفياتي، ولكن على الخصوص أجهزة مخابرات البلدان العربية، فالمدى العالمي لمهمة هذا الشخص يتطلب أن تساهم كل أجهزة جوسسة المعمورة مباشرة أو غير مباشرة في إعداد وإنجاح الخطة الرامية إلى تصفية المسألة الفلسطينية أو على الأقل الوصول إلى حل لا يرضي سوى إسرائيل. ياسر عرفات، هذا العميل، عميل ليس كغيره، كان مجهزا بأكثر الوسائل حسما ليجعل شعبنا يقبل بأكثر التسويات ريبة، تسويات لا تخدم سوى طرف واحد: الطرف الإسرائيلي. ولأجل هذه الغاية، كل الوسائل ملائمة، من الحرب الأهلية إلى التصفيات السياسية، من البؤس الأشد شناعة، بؤس يعاني منه شعب بأكمله، إلى العمليات الإنتحارية.

في البداية، عندما كان عميلا شابا، كان ياسر عرفات موجودا في مصر، وفي هذا البلد كبر، وزد على ذلك هو لا يتكلم إلا المصرية، اللهجة العربية الوحيدة التي يتكلمها. لا يمكن لفلسطيني أن ينسى أبدا لغته الأم، ولا يمكن لفلسطيني أن يجرؤ أبدا على التكلم بلهجة أخرى غير الفلسطينية بحضور فلسطينيين آخرين. ياسر عرفات لا يتكلم أبدا الفلسطينية، هو الذي شكله الفيزيائي لا يطابق أي شكل "عرقي" للشعب الفلسطيني. هو لا ينتسب لا لشعبنا ولا للغتنا، ومع هذا يقول عن نفسه "فلسطيني". إذن في مصر يدخل ياسر عرفات جامعة القاهرة حيث سيفرض نفسه قائدا لحركة الطلاب الفلسطينيين، وابتداء من هذه اللحظة، تفتح له الطريق نحو زعامة البلد. وكما قلت سابقا ياسر عرفات لم ينتسب أبدا إلى عائلة عرفات، وهو يعطي لنفسه اسما آخر مشكوكا فيه "رؤوف ياسر القدوة". ولكن الأخطر من هذا، كان الطلاب الفلسطينيون، منذ ذلك العهد البعيد وليس منذ اليوم، يشكون في ياسر عرفات ولا يصلون إلى فهم شخصيته. وبالمقابل، كان الكل يعلم أن هناك عددا كبيرا من الفلسطينيين عملاء للموساد. ومن المذهل أن بعضهم قد أصبح قائدا في هذا التنظيم أو ذاك، أو من وراء انشقاق هذا التنظيم أو ذاك أو مصرع هذا الشخص النظيف أو ذاك، فالقادة الفلسطينيون اثنان: من هم عملاء للموساد أو من هم لا يؤثرون في الأحداث. أما الآخرون، فهم الذين قُتلوا كأبي جهاد وأبي إياد وأبي الهول... الخ أو الذين أُبعدوا.

إذن منذ القاهرة بدأ عميل الموساد يظهر بمظهر القائد السياسي، ولكنه بعد أن أنهى الدراسة بدلا من الالتحاق "بشعبه" الموجود في الأردن، ذهب إلى بلاد النفط. كان عليه الانتظار بضع سنوات قبل أن يكرسه شن حرب 1967 قائدا للمقاومة. وبطبيعة الحال بعض الهجمات في الجهة الأخرى من الحدود ما كانت إلا لذر الرماد في العيون: "ها هو أبو الحرب ضد إسرائيل الوحيد من يستحق أن يتسلم قيادة هذا الشعب ليشن حربا حقيقية!" خلال ذلك، حققت إسرائيل حلمها القديم: إسرائيل الكبرى الممتدة من الفرات إلى النيل. لم يبق على عميلها سوى أن يجعله مقبولا من طرف أناس متعطشة للحقد والثأر. على "أبي عمار" أن يقنن كل هذه المشاعر ثم عليه أن يقلبها ضد هؤلاء الناس أنفسهم بدفعهم إلى التقاتل فيما بينهم، ولكن يجب البدء بتوطيد دعائم الأنظمة العربية.

ترجمة الدكتورة بريجيت بوردو - مونتريال

أفنان القاسم: دفاعا عن الشعب الفلسطيني، كيف ولماذا تمت فبركة ياسر عرفات؟، دار لارماطان، باريس 2004، ص ص 9 - 17.

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David Johnston, Canada's next governor general, is seen arriving in Ottawa. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)

David Johnston, a highly regarded academic and lawyer renowned for his keen intellect, has been named Canada's governor general-designate.

CBC: July 8, 2010: David Johnston, a highly regarded academic and lawyer renowned for his keen intellect, has been named Canada's governor general-designate.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper praised Johnston, saying he "represents the best of Canada." Johnston is the president and vice-chancellor of University of Waterloo.

Johnston, 69, will succeed Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean when her term ends Oct. 1.

Born: June 28, 1941, in Sudbury, Ont.


  • Harvard University, A.B. (1963) - studied government and international relations.
  • Cambridge University, LL.B (1965).
  • Queen's University, LL.B (1966).

Family: Johnston married his high school sweetheart Sharon in 1965. The couple reside at Chatterbox Farm in Heidelberg, Ont. They have five daughters - Deborah, Alexandra, Sharon, Jenifer and Catherine - and seven grandchildren.

Career (academic):

  • President and vice-chancellor, University of Waterloo (1999-2010).
  • Professor, faculty of law, McGill University (1994-1999).
  • Principal and vice-chancellor, professor of law, McGill University (1979-94).
  • Dean and professor, University of Western Ontario (1974-79).
  • Professor, faculty of law, University of Toronto (1968-74).
  • Professor, faculty of law, Queen's University (1966-68).

Government service:


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.


Companion, Order of Canada (1998) - "His name is synonymous with leadership. After serving an exceptional fifteen-year term as Principal and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University, he turned his considerable talents to the chairmanship of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. Always open to new challenges and change, he headed the Information Highway Advisory Council, to ensure a place for Canadians in the evolving world of communications. He also co-chaired the successful 1996 United Way campaign for Greater Montreal and was elected the first non-American President of the Board of Overseers of Harvard University. This is a promotion within the Order."

David Johnston, Canada’s governor general-designate, meets the Queen alongside Prime Minister Stephen Harper during a dinner held in her honour in Toronto on July 5, 2010. (Prime Minister's Office)

Officer, Order of Canada (1988) -"His administrative and leadership abilities as Principal and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University and as President of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada have been outstanding, and his expertise in the fields of securities regulations, corporation law and labour law is invaluable to the many committees in which he participates. He is highly regarded by his colleagues in the law profession, students, faculty and all for and with whom he serves."

Honorary degrees from: McMaster University, McGill University, University of Victoria, Algoma University College, University of Montreal, The University of Western Ontario, Queen's University, University of British Columbia, Memorial University, Bishop's University, University of Toronto, Law Society of Upper Canada, Doctor of Divinity, Montreal Theological College.


  • Cases and Materials on Corporate Finance and Securities Law (1967).
  • Computers and Law (1968).
  • Cases and Materials on Company Law (1969).
  • Cases and Materials on Securities Law (1971).
  • Business Associations (1979).
  • Canadian Companies an the Stock Exchange (1980).
  • Canadian Securities Regulation (1982, 2003, 2006).
  • Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations Vols. 1 and 2 (1983, 1989, 1992).
  • If Quebec Goes ... The Real Cost of Separation (1995).
  • Getting Canada On-line: Understanding the Information Highway (1995).
  • Cyberlaw (1997).
  • Communications in Law in Canada (2000).
  • Halsbury's Law of Canada (2007).

Trivia: A hockey star while studying at Harvard, Johnston was twice named to the All-American Hockey Team and named a member of the Harvard Athletic Hall of Fame.

Johnston was reportedly the model for the character Davey Johnston - the Harvard hockey captain - in Erich Segal's Love Story. Johnston and Segal, while studying at Harvard, would go running together.

A prolific writer, Johnston has been nicknamed "Grandpa Book" by his grandchildren for his bookworm tendencies.

In his resume he includes running, hockey, skiing (cross-country and downhill) as his recreational hobbies.

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

What others say about Johnston:

"He believes in the nobility of public life and could easily have been prime minister himself." - Robert Prichard, former dean of law and then president of the University of Toronto (Toronto Star 2007)

"He has had a track record of accomplishment and success in everything he has done. He was a well-known and highly successful legal scholar and educator. A lot of his work was in commercial law. He understands very well how business works. He was an outstanding university administrator [and] led two of our great institutions - McGill and Waterloo - [for] a total of about 25 years in those roles. He has made important contributions to Canadian public policy and public service. He has a great understanding of who Canadians are, what makes Canada work, what this great country is all about, our values and our institutions." - Red Wilson, chancellor of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont., to CBC News .

"David Johnston represents the best of Canada. He represents hard work, dedication, public service and humility. I am confident he will continue to embody these traits in his new role as the Crown's representative in Canada." - Prime Minister Stephen Harper in a release announcing the new governor general-designate.

David Johnston, Canada's next governor general, is seen arriving in Ottawa. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)

David Johnston, a highly regarded academic and lawyer renowned for his keen intellect, has been named Canada's governor general-designate.

CBC: July 8, 2010: David Johnston, a highly regarded academic and lawyer renowned for his keen intellect, has been named Canada's governor general-designate.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper praised Johnston, saying he "represents the best of Canada." Johnston is the president and vice-chancellor of University of Waterloo.

Johnston, 69, will succeed Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean when her term ends Oct. 1.

Born: June 28, 1941, in Sudbury, Ont.


  • Harvard University, A.B. (1963) - studied government and international relations.
  • Cambridge University, LL.B (1965).
  • Queen's University, LL.B (1966).

Family: Johnston married his high school sweetheart Sharon in 1965. The couple reside at Chatterbox Farm in Heidelberg, Ont. They have five daughters - Deborah, Alexandra, Sharon, Jenifer and Catherine - and seven grandchildren.

Career (academic):

  • President and vice-chancellor, University of Waterloo (1999-2010).
  • Professor, faculty of law, McGill University (1994-1999).
  • Principal and vice-chancellor, professor of law, McGill University (1979-94).
  • Dean and professor, University of Western Ontario (1974-79).
  • Professor, faculty of law, University of Toronto (1968-74).
  • Professor, faculty of law, Queen's University (1966-68).

Government service:


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.


Companion, Order of Canada (1998) - "His name is synonymous with leadership. After serving an exceptional fifteen-year term as Principal and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University, he turned his considerable talents to the chairmanship of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. Always open to new challenges and change, he headed the Information Highway Advisory Council, to ensure a place for Canadians in the evolving world of communications. He also co-chaired the successful 1996 United Way campaign for Greater Montreal and was elected the first non-American President of the Board of Overseers of Harvard University. This is a promotion within the Order."

David Johnston, Canada’s governor general-designate, meets the Queen alongside Prime Minister Stephen Harper during a dinner held in her honour in Toronto on July 5, 2010. (Prime Minister's Office)

Officer, Order of Canada (1988) -"His administrative and leadership abilities as Principal and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University and as President of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada have been outstanding, and his expertise in the fields of securities regulations, corporation law and labour law is invaluable to the many committees in which he participates. He is highly regarded by his colleagues in the law profession, students, faculty and all for and with whom he serves."

Honorary degrees from: McMaster University, McGill University, University of Victoria, Algoma University College, University of Montreal, The University of Western Ontario, Queen's University, University of British Columbia, Memorial University, Bishop's University, University of Toronto, Law Society of Upper Canada, Doctor of Divinity, Montreal Theological College.


  • Cases and Materials on Corporate Finance and Securities Law (1967).
  • Computers and Law (1968).
  • Cases and Materials on Company Law (1969).
  • Cases and Materials on Securities Law (1971).
  • Business Associations (1979).
  • Canadian Companies an the Stock Exchange (1980).
  • Canadian Securities Regulation (1982, 2003, 2006).
  • Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations Vols. 1 and 2 (1983, 1989, 1992).
  • If Quebec Goes ... The Real Cost of Separation (1995).
  • Getting Canada On-line: Understanding the Information Highway (1995).
  • Cyberlaw (1997).
  • Communications in Law in Canada (2000).
  • Halsbury's Law of Canada (2007).

Trivia: A hockey star while studying at Harvard, Johnston was twice named to the All-American Hockey Team and named a member of the Harvard Athletic Hall of Fame.

Johnston was reportedly the model for the character Davey Johnston - the Harvard hockey captain - in Erich Segal's Love Story. Johnston and Segal, while studying at Harvard, would go running together.

A prolific writer, Johnston has been nicknamed "Grandpa Book" by his grandchildren for his bookworm tendencies.

In his resume he includes running, hockey, skiing (cross-country and downhill) as his recreational hobbies.

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

What others say about Johnston:

"He believes in the nobility of public life and could easily have been prime minister himself." - Robert Prichard, former dean of law and then president of the University of Toronto (Toronto Star 2007)

"He has had a track record of accomplishment and success in everything he has done. He was a well-known and highly successful legal scholar and educator. A lot of his work was in commercial law. He understands very well how business works. He was an outstanding university administrator [and] led two of our great institutions - McGill and Waterloo - [for] a total of about 25 years in those roles. He has made important contributions to Canadian public policy and public service. He has a great understanding of who Canadians are, what makes Canada work, what this great country is all about, our values and our institutions." - Red Wilson, chancellor of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont., to CBC News .

"David Johnston represents the best of Canada. He represents hard work, dedication, public service and humility. I am confident he will continue to embody these traits in his new role as the Crown's representative in Canada." - Prime Minister Stephen Harper in a release announcing the new governor general-designate.

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

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RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five

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Russian spies ordered deported

Russian spy suspects appear Thursday in Manhattan Federal Court, where they plead guilty to being unregistered foreign agents for Russia.
Russian spy suspects appear Thursday in Manhattan Federal Court, where they plead guilty to being unregistered foreign agents for Russia. (Christine Cornell/Reuters)


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks

Ten Russian agents who infiltrated suburban America and acted as spies for Moscow were deported Thursday after admitting their crimes.

The spies left New York for Moscow hours after pleading guilty to conspiracy in a Manhattan courtroom and being sentenced to time served and ordered out of the country, said a law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak on the record.

The spies were to be exchanged for four people convicted of betraying Moscow to the West in the biggest spy swap since the Cold War.

The 10 defendants, many speaking in heavy Russian accents despite having spent years posing as U.S. citizens, pleaded guilty to conspiracy in a Manhattan courtroom, were sentenced to time served and ordered out of the country.

The swap carries significant consequences for efforts between Washington and Moscow to repair ties chilled by a deepening atmosphere of suspicion.

Russian nuclear weapons expert Igor Sutyagin, shown in a Moscow courtroom in April 2004, is reportedly one of four people convicted of spying for the U.S. being exchanged for 10 Russian spies.

Russian nuclear weapons expert Igor Sutyagin, shown in a Moscow courtroom in April 2004, is reportedly one of four people convicted of spying for the U.S. being exchanged for 10 Russian spies. (Gleb Shchelkunov/Reuters)

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

The defendants, captured last week in suburban homes across the Northeast, were accused of embedding themselves in ordinary American life for more than a decade while leading double lives complete with false passports, secret code words, fake names, invisible ink and encrypted radio.

One worked for an accounting firm, another was a real estate agent, another a columnist for a Spanish-language newspaper.

Attorney General Eric Holder said the "extraordinary" case took years of work, "and the agreement we reached today provides a successful resolution for the United States and its interests."

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said on PBS's NewsHour that President Barack Obama had made the decision to go forward with the arrests.

But whether the defendants provided Russia with valuable secret information is questionable.

"None of the people involved from my understanding provided any information that couldn't be obtained on the Internet," Chapman's attorney, Robert Baum, told The Associated Press.

In Russia, the Kremlin said President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree pardoning four convicted foreign spies so that they can be exchanged for the 10 U.S. defendants.

The Kremlin statement carried by the Russian news agencies says that Medvedev has pardoned Russian citizens Alexander Zaporozhsky, Gennady Vasilenko, Sergei Skripal and Igor Sutyagin.

Sutyagin, an arms analyst, was reportedly plucked from a Moscow prison and put on a plane to Vienna. Skripal is a former colonel in the Russian military intelligence, and Zaporozhsky is a former colonel in the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also issued a statement saying that the exchange being conducted by Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service and the CIA was conducted in the context of "overall improvement of the U.S.-Russian ties and giving them new dynamics."

An Obama administration official said the quick and pragmatic arrangement of the spy swap with Russia speaks to the progress that has been made in U.S.-Russian relations.

The senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the deal, said that by shutting down the spy operation, the U.S. sent a warning to other governments that might be interested in undertaking similar spy operations.

The U.S. Justice Department said in a letter Thursday that some of the four prisoners are in poor health and had served lengthy prison terms. Three of the four were accused by Russia of contacting Western intelligence agencies while they were working for the Russian or Soviet government, the letter stated.

The 10 suburban spies pleaded guilty to conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of a foreign country and were ordered deported.

Relatives of the accused Russian spies leave the courtroom in New York City on Thursday.

Relatives of the accused Russian spies leave the courtroom in New York City on Thursday. (Louis Lanzano/Associated Press)

An 11th defendant has been a fugitive since fleeing authorities in Cyprus following his release on bail.

One defendant's attorney said a private plane was expected to take the 10 to Russia within days.

The defendants — led into court in handcuffs, some in prison smocks and some wearing T-shirts and jeans — provided almost no information about what kind of spying they actually did for Russia.

Asked to describe their crimes, each acknowledged having worked for Russia secretly, sometimes under an assumed identity, without registering as a foreign agent.

Defendant Anna Chapman — whose sultry photos gleaned from social-networking sites made her a tabloid sensation — pulled back her mane of red hair as she glanced around the courtroom. A burly deputy U.S. marshal hovered behind her.

All the defendants stood and raised they right hands in unison to be sworn in before answering a series of questions from the judge, beginning with a request to state their true identities. Their answers were short and scripted, their 10 guilty pleas given one by one in assembly-line precision.

The 10 Russian agents freed by the United States are unlikely to be greeted as heroes in Russia, as the Kremlin will probably try to turn the page quickly over the embarrassing incident and avoid further damage in relations with Washington.

Independent newspapers and liberal commentators in Russia have chafed at the obvious lack of results of the spy ring work and ridiculed the low level of their training.

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010
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There are more than enough college business success stories to go around - and I'm not talking about that dude who lived next to you in your dorm and made enough money for books by selling home-made Che Guevara t-shirts. I'm talking about the businesses that started in college and became billion-dollar companies. There's something to learn from the Zuckerbergs, Dells and Gateses of the world. Here are four of those lessons.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

1. Find a Need and Fill It

This is the most basic of advice for starting a business; either find something that doesn't exist but would improve the lives of those around you, or find an already available product and make it better and cheaper. Mark Zuckerberg is probably the most famous and richest 26-year old on the planet right now, and he did exactly this when creating Facebook.

Zuckerberg was an undergrad at Harvard in 2004, taking computer science (go figure), and had been programming since he was in his teens. At Zuckerberg's old school there had been a registry of students and their photos published every year, but not at Harvard. So Zuckerberg set out to change that, but after his initial hacking into Harvard's server to retrieve the information needed to make a kind of "hot or not" Harvard page, he was shut down and had to go a different route. This gave rise to and later, after he and his team moved to California,

There have certainly been problems and issues along the way, but what started as a desire to give everyone access to Harvard student photos has made Zuckerberg a billionaire. Facebook is expected to reach one billion accounts in the near future.

2. Think Outside of School

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

Michael Dell regularly ranks among the richest men in the world as the founder and CEO of Dell computers. Dell actually started this company while he was still in college doing his pre-med courses. Even as a teenager, Dell was interested in computers and finding out how electronics work, and while he was at college, he turned this into a part-time job. Dell started upgrading computers from a room in residence and eventually started operating as "PCs Limited" out of a condo, selling upgraded PCs via direct order. This eventually became Dell computers, which dominated the PC world during the 1990s and mid-2000s.

The company is not quite as dominant a PC force right now, but having started it as a hobby while pursuing an entirely different goal, Dell has certainly made his mark on the computer world.

3. Use Your School Projects for Larger Goals

When you're in college, it's best to try and focus your studies in a way that interests you and will work out in your favor once you're done school. So don't write a 2,000 word paper on Chapter 57 from "Moby Dick" unless you truly find it interesting or want to teach this Melville classic in the future; make your studies work for you.

This is what Larry Page and Sergey Brin did when they were both pursuing their PhDs at Stanford in computer science. They were working on a research project that would create a search engine that would analyze the relationship between websites, and Google was born. The idea of Google comes from Brin's and Page's idea that information should be accessible and universal, and they're making this a reality through a project started at Stanford.

4. Don't Let School Get in the Way

Bill Gates didn't let school get in the way of creating something that would both help the world and make him a multibillionaire. After scoring a mere 1590 out of 1600 on the SATs, Gates enrolled at Harvard with the hope of studying law, and after seeing one the first mass-consumed micro computers, the Altair 8800, Gates and his former classmate Paul Allen approached the maker of the computer to let them know they had written a programming language for the computer. After the maker of the computer, MITS, accepted the offer, Gates left Harvard to pursue his dream, never to return. Shortly after this, Microsoft was formed.

Gates used the college's computer labs to work towards his real passion, and when that passion paid off, he realized that college wasn't for him. Zuckerberg also left Harvard and hasn't returned.

The Bottom Line

There are many other success stories, like Frederick Smith who based the idea for FedEx on an economics paper he'd written while doing a bachelor's of economics at Yale, but the majority of money-making college entrepreneurs have been involved with computers. Overall, college entrepreneurs need to focus on their true passions and let schooling aid them in getting to this goal, and if schooling gets in the way, entrepreneurs have to be prepared to put it aside to follow their idea to the end.

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five

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Prime Minister Stephen Harper today welcomed the appointment of David Johnston as the Governor General Designate. Mr. Johnston, a respected lawyer and academic, will assume his new duties as Governor General on October 1.

“Mr. Johnston has a strong record of public service, a broad base of support and an impressive list of achievements,” said Prime Minister Harper. “He has extensive legal expertise, a comprehensive understanding of government and a deep appreciation of the duties and tasks now before him.”

Currently serving as President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Waterloo, Mr. Johnston has also served as President and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University and has held teaching positions at several prominent Canadian universities, including the University of Toronto, Queen’s University and the University of Western Ontario. He has published extensively and has served as Chair, member or advisor to two dozen government agencies, boards and roundtables.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

“David Johnston represents the best of Canada,” said the Prime Minister. “He represents hard work, dedication, public service and humility. I am confident he will continue to embody these traits in his new role as the Crown’s representative in Canada.”

The Governor General Designate was selected following extensive national consultations by an expert advisory committee. His exemplary record of public service has earned him the respect, support and admiration of many prominent Canadians in politics, government, academia, parties of all stripes, and in every region of the country.

Mr. Johnston resides outside of Waterloo, Ontario. He is married to Dr. Sharon Johnston. They have five children and seven grandchildren.

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

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RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five

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U.S., Russia spy swap in motion

Russian spy suspects, as seen from left to right in this courtroom sketch, are Vicky Pelaez, Richard Murphy, Cynthia Murphy and Juan Lazaro.

Russian spy suspects, as seen from left to right in this courtroom sketch, are Vicky Pelaez, Richard Murphy, Cynthia Murphy and Juan Lazaro. (Shirley Shepherd/Reuters)


The Associated Press : Last Updated: Thursday, July 8, 2010/11:57 AM ET : One of the biggest Russia-U.S. spy swaps since the Cold War was in motion Thursday, as a Russian convicted of spying for the United States was reportedly flown to Vienna from a Moscow prison.

Igor Sutyagin, a Russian arms control analyst serving a 14-year sentence for spying for the United States, told relatives he was one of 11 convicted spies in Russia who would be freed in exchange for 10 people charged in the United States with being Russian agents.

Sutyagin's lawyer in Moscow said a journalist called Sutyagin's family to inform them that he was seen walking off a plane in Vienna on Thursday. However, the lawyer was not able to get confirmation from Russian authorities.

Sutyagin, who worked as an arms control and military analyst at the Moscow-based think-tank U.S.A. and Canada Institute, was arrested in 1999 and convicted in 2004 on charges of passing information about nuclear submarines and other weapons to a British company that investigators claimed was a CIA cover.

Sutyagin's brother said Sutyagin saw a list of 11 prisoners in Russia who are being traded for 10 people arrested in the United States last week for being unregistered Russian agents.

Russian and U.S. officials have refused to comment on any possible swap.

Meanwhile, defence lawyers in New York say they expect an immediate resolution for their 10 clients charged with spying in the United States.

A federal court in New York was to decide the fate of those 10 suspects later Thursday.

Neither country would confirm an exchange was planned. But the machinations — including a meeting in Washington between U.S. officials and the Russian ambassador on Wednesday — had all the hallmarks as the two former Cold War enemies moved to tamp down tensions stirred by the U.S. arrests.

Dmitry Sutyagin said his brother remembered only one other person on the Russian list of spies to be exchanged — Sergei Skripal, a colonel in Russian military intelligence who in 2006 was sentenced to 13 years on charges of spying for Britain.

A spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron would not confirm or deny a possible London tie to the spy swap.

"This is primarily an issue for the U.S. authorities," spokesman Steve Field said.

Five suspects charged with spying in the U.S. were hurriedly ordered to New York on Wednesday, joining five others already behind bars there, after Sutyagin spilled the news of the swap from his penal colony near the Arctic Circle.

In a federal indictment unsealed Wednesday, the 10 suspects in New York and an 11th person, who was released on bail by a court in Cyprus and is now a fugitive, were formally charged.

Arraignment hearing set


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

The indictment charged all of them with conspiring to act as secret agents and charged nine with conspiracy to commit money laundering. It demanded that those accused of money laundering return any assets used in the offence.

Attorney Robert Baum, who represents defendant Anna Chapman, said late Wednesday the case might be settled when she and the other nine people arrested in the United States appear for arraignment on the indictment, raising the possibility of guilty pleas to the lowest charges and deportation from the U.S.

Prosecutors released a copy of the indictment as federal judges in Boston and Alexandria, Va., signed orders directing that five defendants arrested in Massachusetts and Virginia be transferred to New York. All were charged in Manhattan.

The defendants were accused of living seemingly ordinary lives in America while they acted as unregistered agents for the Russian government, sending secret messages and carrying out orders they received from their Russian contacts.

All have remained in custody except for a man identified as Christopher R. Metsos, the 11th suspect who is charge with being the ring's paymaster. Metsos, travelling on a fake Canadian passport, jumped bail last week after being arrested in Cyprus.

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RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

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David Johnston, Canada's governor general-designate, is shown meeting the Queen alongside Prime Minister Stephen Harper during a dinner held in her honour in Toronto on Monday. (Prime Minister's Office)

CBC NEWS: July 8, 2010: David Johnston, announced as Canada's next governor general on Thursday, is pledging to be a "stalwart defender" of Canada's heritage, institutions and people.

After weeks of speculation, the Prime Minister's Office said the Canadian legal scholar and president of the University of Waterloo, Ont., has been approved by the Queen and will take over on Oct. 1 after Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean's term ends.

P.O.V.: Is David Johnston a good choice for governor general? Take our poll.



University of Waterloo president David Johnston has been chosen to be the next governor general of Canada. Johnston, known as a legal scholar, will take over from Michaëlle Jean, whose term is ending in September.

In a statement to reporters from the Senate foyer in Ottawa, Johnston called the appointment a "mark of confidence that touches me profoundly." He also noted his predecessors, from Samuel de Champlain to Jean, have set a "fine example" for him to follow.

"I've had the good fortune to witness Canadians' creativity and our ties to the world, as well as our diversity and our vitality," he said. "The opportunity to see these values at work across the country means a great deal to me."

In a statement, Prime Minister Stephen Harper hailed Johnston's selection, saying the 69-year-old Ontario scholar "represents the best of Canada.

"He represents hard work, dedication, public service and humility," Harper said. "I am confident he will continue to embody these traits in his new role as the Crown's representative in Canada."

Johnston also said he looked forward to meeting with members of the Canadian Forces.

Advised PM on Schreiber inquiry terms

Johnston, born in Sudbury, Ont., is perhaps best known for advising the federal Conservative government on what shape a public inquiry into the dealings between former prime minister Brian Mulroney and businessman Karlheinz Schreiber should take.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Johnston has served on numerous provincial and federal task forces and committees. He is widely considered as an expert in constitutional law, which observers have said could serve him well in an age of fragile minority governments and potential constitutional crises.

Jean, appointed in 2005, generated considerable national attention and triggered a fierce debate over the governor general's role when she twice granted Harper's requests to prorogue Parliament.

The first time came in December 2008 when Harper's Conservative government was under threat of defeat in the House of Commons at the hands of a proposed coalition between the Liberals and NDP with the signed support of the Bloc Québécois.

The governor general is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the prime minister and acts as the Queen's representative in Canada and Canada's de facto head of state. The term is five years and can be extended to seven.

Johnston taught law at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont., and the University of Toronto after earning degrees at Queen's, Harvard University and Cambridge University.

He was also the principal and vice-chancellor of McGill University in Montreal, and dean of the faculty of law at the University of Western Ontario in London.

An author of several books, Johnston is also a companion of the Order of Canada.

Johnston shook hands with Queen Elizabeth on Monday in Toronto, but it was not a formal meeting. He is expected to travel to England to officially meet with the Queen this summer.

He and his wife, Sharon Johnston, have five daughters.

Jean, Governor General since Sept. 27, 2005, will serve as UNESCO's special envoy in Haiti after her term ends.

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An American study raises questions about two common ingredients in sunscreen.

An American study raises questions about two common ingredients in sunscreen. (iStock)

CBC NEWS: July 6, 2010: Two studies are creating confusion over the use of sunscreens, according to the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

One raises questions about their use, while the other suggests Canadians don't do enough to protect themselves from the sun.

In an article published Tuesday CMAJ cites a recent study from the Environmental Working Group, a U.S. non-profit agency, which found only eight per cent of 500 sunscreens reviewed could be recommended for consumer use.

The primary concern is potentially toxic or unstable ingredients, as well as inflated sun protection factor (SPF) claims.

One of the common sunscreen ingredients, oxybenzone, is a known hormone disruptor, while retinyl palmitate is under investigation over the possibility that it may become carcinogenic when exposed to sunlight.

'As long as compounds like this are suspect, it's only prudent to avoid them'-Dave Andrews, Environmental Working Group

"While the evidence isn't conclusive, as long as compounds like this are suspect, it's only prudent to avoid them," said Dave Andrews, a senior scientist with the Environmental Working Group.

He also warns of placing too much trust in the SPF rating of a sunscreen.

"Products with high SPF ratings sell a false sense of security," Andrews told the medical journal, "we know people who use these products stay out in the sun longer, so they still get burned."

Medical experts dismiss concerns


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Some Canadian doctors dismiss potential problems with oxybenzone.

"In human use it has not been shown to cause cancers," Edmonton dermatologist Dr. Barry Lycka told CBC News.

"The evidence is not 100 per cent that there's a relationship between it and cancer. Otherwise the government would have certainly outlawed it a long time ago," he said.

Likewise he says the connection between retinyl palmitate and cancer is tenuous at best.

'That doesn't mean we have to stop using these products now'-Dr. Cheryl Rosen, Canadian Dermatology Association

"To go overboard and say one model is showing cancer is one that we should investigate, but we shouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater."

"It's something we should watch the literature on, but that doesn't mean we have to stop using these products now," stated Dr. Cheryl Rosen, national director of the Canadian Dermatology Association's sun awareness program.

The CDA has also released a new study, cited in the CMAJ article, that shows Canadians have little knowledge of the cost of repeated exposure to sunlight.

The CDA's photo-aging study was conducted in May using an online panel of 1,005 adult Canadians.

The report asserts that eight in 10 Canadians don't know that repeated sun exposure is a major contributor to aging of the skin.

Dermatologist Dr. Barry Lycka says Canadians should use common sense when out in the sun.

Dermatologist Dr. Barry Lycka says Canadians should use common sense when out in the sun. (iStock)

While 66 per cent of Canadians are willing to wear sunscreen, it found far fewer prepared to take other measures such as avoiding tanning of any kind or wearing more clothing to cover the skin.

The margin of error on the CDA study is plus or minus 3.1 per cent 19 times out of 20.

Lycka suggests people should use common sense when it comes to exposure to the sun.

"You've got to realize that sunlight itself is definitely a carcinogen," he said in an interview with CBC News, "so if you're going to fear something then you should fear the sunlight."

He said people should avoid the sun when it's most intense, between 12 and 2:00 p.m., use sunscreen with a physical blocking agent such as titanium dioxide, and wear a hat and long sleeved clothing when in the sun.

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No heat relief for Ontario, Quebec

Children cool off in a fountain on the site of the Montreal International Jazz Festival in Montreal on Tuesday. (Paul Chiasson/Canadian Press)

CBC NEWS JUly 7, 2010: Public health officials in parts of Ontario and Quebec are urging people to keep cool as scorching temperatures continue, with no relief expected until the end of the week.

Temperatures in southern Ontario and Quebec will again rise to the low 30s C range Wednesday, although with the humidity it's expected to feel more like the low 40s.


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Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa's associate medical officer of health, said teams of nurses headed out Tuesday to check on residents in local buildings three storeys or taller that do not have air conditioning.

She said the teams targeted buildings occupied by seniors and made sure people knew how to handle the extreme heat.

"If people are alone, if there's nobody checking in on them, that can lead to more serious outcomes."

She said for the most part, people are aware that "heat can be deadly," but said people should look for signs that the body is too hot, such as nausea, thirst, dry skin and mouth and dizziness.

Etches urged people to check on neighbours and friends - particularly seniors - to make sure they are not dehydrated or suffering from heat stroke.

The heat wave is causing a spike in emergency room visits at some Ottawa hospitals. Officials said 158 people visited the ER at Montfort Hospital Monday. Hospital administrators said that's the highest number of people it has ever seen in one day.

At the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, doctors are seeing more cases of asthma attacks triggered by the heat.

The smog accompanying the heat prompted health officials to warn people with cardiac or respiratory problems to take special care.

Heat moves east

Parts of Ontario and Quebec are officially experiencing a heat wave after three days of scorching temperatures, but the hot weather is also hitting parts of New Brunswick.

Environment Canada issued a heat and humidex advisory for parts of western New Brunswick Wednesday, noting that a warm and humid air mass "is forecast to push humidex values upwards of 35 for central and northern areas of the province."

"Locally some areas may exceed humidex values of 40, mainly over western areas of New Brunswick," the statement said.

Fredericton's medical officer, Dr. Cristin Muecke, is advising people to avoid strenuous activity during the day and drink plenty of liquids and avoid alcohol and caffeine during the hot weather.

Officials with the city of Montreal and the local public health department will outline special measures to help people deal with the heat wave Wednesday afternoon.

The plan is expected to include opening air-conditioned cooling centres so people can take a break from the hot weather, much like the eight cooling centres open across Toronto.

"We think this will be a hummer of a summer, in terms of the humming of air conditioners," said Dave Phillips, Environment Canada's senior climatologist. "We think what we've seen is not the end of what the summer will bring."


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

New York City feels the heat

Children use an inflatable pool in an effort to combat a heat wave in Brooklyn, N.Y., on Tuesday.

(Jessica Rinaldi/Reuters)

New York City feels the heat

Cities south of the border are also dealing with extreme heat, with record-breaking temperatures Tuesday in New York, where it hit 39 C, and Philadelphia, where it reached 38 C. It was also over 37 C in cities from Richmond, Va., to Boston.

More of the same is forecast for Wednesday, with temperatures expected to reach the high 30s C range.

Deaths blamed on the heat included a 92-year-old Philadelphia woman whose body was found Monday and a homeless woman found lying next to a car Sunday in suburban Detroit.

U.S. National Weather Service meteorologist Brian Korty said the hot air is "not really going to budge much for the next day or two," adding that a system coming in off the Atlantic Ocean after that could cool things off.


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The Queen visits Canada

Queen Elizabeth smiles as she greets guests before a state dinner in Toronto on July 5. (Mike Cassese/Reuters)

Tour included stops in Halifax, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg and Waterloo, Ont.

The 22nd official royal visit to Canada by Queen Elizabeth began June 28 and ended July 6. The Queen and Prince Philip visited five Canadian cities over nine days.

The Queen got a rainy but warm welcome as she arrived in Halifax on June 28. (See photos.)

She received a round of applause as she addressed a rain-soaked crowd near the Halifax Citadel. "I'm delighted to be back amongst you all," the Queen said. "My pride in this country remains undimmed. Thanks very much for your welcome. It is good to be home."

The Queen and Prince Philip then visited the nearby Halifax Common, to take part in a Mi'kmaq cultural event and mark the 400th anniversary of the baptism of Grand Chief Henri Membertou. The royal couple wrapped up their first day of official duties by rededicating Government House, the official residence of the lieutenant-governor in Halifax.

On June 29, the Queen inspected dozens of Canadian and foreign warships anchored in Halifax harbour, as part of the celebration marking the navy's 100th anniversary. On board HMCS St. John's, she led the International Fleet Review, which included ships from eight countries. (More photos.)

Later in the day, she presented a plaque commemorating HMCS Sackville, a Second World War corvette that escorted convoys and attacked submarines and is now a museum. She also saw flypasses by Canada's famous Snowbirds, as well as an international aerial contingent.

The royal couple arrived in Ottawa June 30 for a three-day visit, including Canada Day. It was the seventh time Queen Elizabeth has been in Canada for the big national celebration.

The Canadian Museum of Nature was closed to the public during the Queen's first event on June 30. She unveiled a plaque dedicating The Queen's Lantern, a large glass addition to the museum replacing its original tower.

Her first Ottawa afternoon included the unveiling of a life-sized statue of the late jazz great Oscar Peterson created by Canadian sculptor Ruth Abernathy outside the National Arts Centre, a tree planting at Rideau Hall and a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

On July 1, the Queen praised Canada as 100,000 people gathered on Parliament Hill to celebrate Canada's 143rd birthday.

"This nation has dedicated itself to being a caring home for its own, a sanctuary for others and an example to the world," she said.

The next morning — a quiet day on the royal couple's hectic schedule — the Queen met privately with Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff at Rideau Hall.

After the brief session, Ignatieff declared to reporters, "she's an absolute joy to meet."

West to Winnipeg

The royal couple became the first official passengers at Winnipeg's new airport terminal when they arrived on the morning of July 3.

The Queen dedicated the cornerstone of the new Canadian Museum for Human Rights. The stone came from the fields of Runnymede — near Windsor Castle — where the original Magna Carta was signed in 1215.

She also rededicated a statue of herself crafted by the late sculptor Leo Mol.

Dharby Harrison, 8, travelled from London, Ont., to see the Queen outside Toronto's St. James Cathedral.

Dharby Harrison, 8, travelled from London, Ont., to see the Queen outside Toronto's St. James Cathedral. (Dave Seglins/CBC)

The royal couple arrived in Toronto late that evening.

The next morning, July 4, the Queen and Prince Philip attended a service at Toronto's St. James Cathedral as about 1,500 royal watchers gathered outside in the sweltering heat and humidity.

The royal couple then watched Big Red Mike win the 151st running of the Queen's Plate in the afternoon. The Queen, an avid owner and breeder of horses, presented the trophy to the winning jockey, Eurico Rosa da Silva.

It was her fourth trip to see North America's oldest continuously run stakes race, after visits in 1959, 1973 and 1997.

BlackBerrys and the state dinner

The morning of July 5 began with a quick trip to Waterloo to tour BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion's facility. The Queen and Prince Philip were greeted at the RIM campus at around 11 a.m. by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, RIM president Mike Lazaridis and scores of cheering admirers.

The royal couple flew back to Toronto to tour Pinewood Studios, billed as Canada's largest film and television complex.

The two donned 3D glasses to watch a film directed by acclaimed Canadian filmmaker Deepa Mehta and then viewed the Queen's coronation ceremony from 57 years ago.

Prince Philip later made presentations of the Duke of Edinburgh award, which recognizes community service and personal growth among youth aged 14 to 25.

Even a big-time power outage in downtown Toronto — which started during the 4:30 p.m. award presentation — couldn't hamper the final event of the day. The Royal York hotel operated on backup power for the state dinner hosted for the Queen and Prince Philip by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

A royal goodbye

Several thousand people gathered at the Ontario legislature the next morning, July 6, to bid farewell. The royal couple attended a series of events that culminated in an official departure ceremony — complete with a 21-gun salute on the legislature's front lawn.

The Queen unveiled a plaque commemorating the 150th anniversary of the dedication of the legislature, Queen's Park, by her great-grandfather, before he was crowned King Edward VII.

The royal couple departed Toronto for New York shortly afterwards. Queen Elizabeth addressed the United Nations general assembly later that afternoon. It was her first speech at the UN since 1957, when she was 31.

During her reign, the Queen has now spent 222 days in Canada on royal visits as the country's sovereign. She made her first trip to Canada in 1951, when she was still a princess.Read more:

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The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

M.T. Al-Mansouri

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Samantha Martyn, 4, was found safe in Regina on Wednesday morning, police said. (Regina Police Service)

A missing four-year-old girl who was the subject of an Amber Alert has been located in Regina, and her mother is receiving treatment for "visible injuries," police say.

July 7, 2010 CBC NEWS: A missing four-year-old girl has been located in good health in Regina after an intense search that included issuing an Amber Alert, police said Wednesday.

The public alert was issued Tuesday for Samantha Martyn, whom police said might have been taken by her father, Christopher Martyn. The girl's mother, Natasha Sentes, was also missing.

Around 9:30 a.m. CST Wednesday, police cancelled the Amber Alert. Earlier in the day, Regina police said, they received information from a relative that the three had arrived at a residence in the 1300 block of 8th Avenue North in the city's north end.

Samantha was found to be in apparent good health, police said at a midday news conference.

Regina Police Services spokeswoman Lara Guzik said Sentes had "visible injuries" but did not need major treatment.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Martyn was "arrested without incident," Guzik added.

Both mother and child are being interviewed, along with family members.

"We are still treating it and investigating it as a suspected abduction," Guzik said.

The Amber Alert was issued midday Tuesday after someone called police expressing concern about the safety of Samantha and Sentes, who hadn't been heard from since Monday night.

Christopher Martyn and Sentes had been in a long-term relationship, but it had ended. Police also said there had recently been a restraining order issued against Martyn.

Martyn will be charged with breaching that order, but the investigation is still underway on other potential charges, Guzik said.

Ambert Alert extended to Man., N.D.

Under an agreed-upon arrangement between the parents, Martyn picked up Samantha at a Regina home Monday night. Sentes was working late and was supposed to pick up her daughter some time after 10:30 p.m.

After that, the three dropped from sight. Police thought they might be heading to Manitoba or North Dakota. The Amber Alert that started in Saskatchewan was expanded to include those two juridictions.

Police said late Tuesday that Samantha had been spotted with her father at a gas station in Manitou, Man. Video from the morning showed a little girl walking with a man to a car. Manitou is about 160 kilometres southwest of Winnipeg and about 540 kilometres southeast of Regina.

Some 40 tips from the public were received, and the co-operation of the media and various police organizations was helpful, Guzik said.

"This is the best possible outcome," she said. "We are pleased that everybody is home safe."

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Police arrested more than 900 protesters during the G20 summit in Toronto. (Canadian Press)

The head of the Toronto Police union is calling an independent civilian review of G20 policing a "lame duck" inquiry because it has no legal power to effect changes in police operations.

July 7, 2010 CBC NEWS: The head of the Toronto Police union is calling an independent civilian review of G20 policing a "lame duck" inquiry because it has no legal power to effect changes in police operations.

The comments made by Mike McCormack come one day after Toronto Police Services Board, a civilian agency overseeing the police force, approved an independent review of police tactics during the G20 protests. The review is not a full-fledged public inquiry, which would be legally binding.

McCormack, the head of Toronto Police Association, said Wednesday a number of officers from police agencies across Canada were involved in policing the protests on June 26-27, but the review's findings can only be applied to Toronto police.

Even then, the review may not yield any results, as the role of the police services board is solely to provide policy and oversight advice to the police chief, he said.

"They have no carriage through any legislative power to have any bearing on any of the operational ... aspects of policing," he told CBC's Metro Morning.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Premier can't order inquiry

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has been called upon repeatedly to order a public inquiry that would be legally binding. But he told reporters Wednesday that only the federal government can call for such a probe.

The police services board will decide on the scope of the review it ordered in two weeks at the latest, and will appoint an external reviewer to head the probe.

"I don't understand what this will achieve," McCormack said.

"As far as looking into the conduct of what happened as far as operationally, the chief has committed to having a review."

Toronto police Chief Bill Blair has already said another internal review of police actions will be conducted. That announcement came after civil liberties groups, journalist and protesters decried police tactics during the protests, in which more than 900 people were arrested.

Criticism was especially strong of police tactics on the evening of June 27, in which about 500 people were hemmed in by hundreds of riot police at the intersection of Queen Street West and Spadina Avenue for several hours in the pouring rain.

It's easy to second guess police actions, but that's uncalled for, McGuinty said.

"I think our police, given the challenges and the circumstances, responded remarkably well."

But he admits there has to be a better way to host events like the G20 summit because of how disruptive it was to life in Toronto.

"I also think that there was some tremendous psychological scarring because of what people saw on TV. Burning police cars [are]not something people will forget for some time."

McCormack dismissed notions that the public's confidence in the police had eroded following police handling of the protests.

"The overall community respects the police and understands the job that we do."


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RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

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Semrau court martial adjourned

Canadian Forces Capt. Robert Semrau is accused of killing a severely wounded insurgent during an encounter in Afghanistan's Helmand province in October 2008.

Canadian Forces Capt. Robert Semrau is accused of killing a severely wounded insurgent during an encounter in Afghanistan's Helmand province in October 2008. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

CBC NEWS Last Updated: Wednesday, July 7, 2010 /1:09 PM ET The Canadian Press Closing arguments ended Wednesday in the court martial of Canadian Forces Capt. Robert Semrau, who is charged with second-degree murder in the death of an unarmed insurgent in Afghanistan.

Court was adjourned in Gatineau, Que., and the judge may charge the jury tomorrow.

Semrau, 36, is believed to be the first Canadian soldier charged with murder as a result of a battlefield encounter in Helmand province in 2008.

Semrau's trial travelled to Afghanistan in June to hear testimony from witnesses. One Afghan National Army captain who was on the patrol with Semrau testified the Taliban fighter was "98 per cent dead" when they found him.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

He said the man had lost both legs, his intestines were visible and he was unconscious after being blasted out of a tree by a helicopter gunship.

The captain said regardless of when or how the man died, the end result was a foregone conclusion. The body was never recovered.


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Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Fourteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Five

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The establishments of most religious are involve in terrorism and crimes e.g. the Willow’s street establishment of Buddhism Institutions, which shares the crimes and illegal activates with former Iraqis regime , which is supported by the Arabian Gulf states e.g. Qatari’s, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates diplomatic lines in Canada.


They abuse the laws and systems by the help and the facilities that are given by the former eastern block, and they cover their crimes by using illusionary names of their families , actors scientists and hollies. They transfer their crimes and the crimes of former leaders in order to continue living in the same circumstances. They use also the facilities of the Islamic centers that deal with the Holly person Mr. Karazawi , as well as with non-radical Qatari, Kuwaiti and United Arab Emirates Institutions. Some of the agents and builders of terrorist groups are from Kuwait , Egypt , Sudan, Lebanon. Some of their names are in the previous reports.


The other group is fighting against the national security system ,is the intelligence group , and it works in and from the YMCA and it’s icon is Mr. Lee Armstrong, who works against the law and he corroborates with the criminals of the third world like Yemen and most African countries. He violence the law by using the black masks and he disorder the national and international Canadian systems .


Another agents work from Rogers’ business , religious and educational establishments and they work from schools, business stores, and hospitals. e.g. from MacLaren Street 415, Bank street (ROGERS COMPANY), International Arms Security Store at Bank street . They work by using the masks of former Eastern block to hide their activities.

They aim to damage the national security system. Israeli’s , Lebanese , Syrian, Egyptian, Polish, Jordanian and Iranian diplomatic lines are examples. The also fight with and pro business companies.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

Another active cell of dishonest and criminal activities is represented by Mr. Faisal, the Jordanian who works recently for Mac’s Store at Bank Street. It corroborates with non grate the diplomatic lines of Yemenite state , which ask for support for its unity and separation. The latest group is working under the influences of illegal drugs, and fear of the Police. It hides its illegal activities by using the religious establishments , business stores ,shopping molls and cultural and recreational centers. It builds internal cell that does not recognize neither the Canadian and Western countries nor their laws and constitution. This group covers their illegal activities by using the Indo and French masks, and it wants to separate from Canadian state and to protect its family and illegal, radical and criminal, discrimination activities.


Christian and Non- Christian pro and against the Syrian and Iranian regimes ( They call themselves Lebanese or Arabs or Christians) , are groups of violence and they work against the Canadian and American security systems with the facilities of Western Church. They use the facilities of the police and CSIS, and Arabic, Islamic , Socialistic names to put out of illegal activities.


Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Five

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

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Queen Elizabeth departs Canada

The plane carrying Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip sits on the tarmac at Toronto Pearson International Aiport as dignitaries including Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean and Prime Minister Stephen Harper bid farewell to the royal couple. (CBC)
CBC NEWS: July 6, 2010: Queen Elizabeth has left Canada after a nine-day tour that began in Halifax and included visits to Ottawa, Winnipeg, Toronto and Waterloo, Ont.

Queen Elizabeth departed from Canada on Tuesday afternoon, after a nine-day tour that began in Halifax and included visits to Ottawa, Winnipeg, Toronto and Waterloo, Ont.

The Queen, with her husband, Prince Philip, flew from Toronto Pearson International Airport just after 1 p.m. ET, as Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and other dignitaries looked on.

The royal couple shook hands with Jean and Harper before climbing the stairs to the waiting Canadian Forces plane, then turned around and waved a final time before boarding.

The royal couple is flying to New York City, where the Queen will address the United Nations and meet with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

The head of state of the United Kingdom, Canada and 14 other UN member countries, the Queen has addressed the 192-member General Assembly only once, in 1957.

She is also scheduled to view Ground Zero and visit a park honouring British citizens killed during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Visit to Queen's Park

The Queen greets people at Queen's Park at the end of her Canadian tour. (CBC)

On Tuesday morning, several thousand people waited in sweltering heat outside Ontario's legislature at Queen's Park in Toronto to bid farewell to the Queen.

The Queen and Prince Philip took part in a number of events there, culminating in an official departure ceremony that included a 21-gun salute on the front lawn.

The Queen unveiled a plaque commemorating the 150th anniversary of the dedication of Queen's Park by her great-grandfather, before he was crowned King Edward VII.

She greeted Jean, who had just returned from a trip to China, and Harper. Toronto Mayor David Miller and David Onley, Ontario's lieutenant-governor, were also on hand for the departure ceremony.

Crowds of eager onlookers cheered as the 84-year-old monarch toured the grounds and waved at the public.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

M.T. Al-Mansouri

Queen unfazed by blackout

Shaylen Narotam, left, and McKina Bales, of Brampton, Ont., arrive at Queen's Park on Tuesday, hours ahead of Queen Elizabeth's expected appearance. (Cheryl Krawchuk/CBC News)

On Monday, the Queen seemed unfazed by a massive power outage that rippled across Toronto.

Staff at the Royal York Hotel scrambled to light candles and install makeshift lamps - but before the state dinner, the power returned and the occasion went ahead as planned.

The Queen lauded Canadian values of freedom and fairness in a speech Monday night that also noted Canadian sacrifices in Afghanistan.

"In my lifetime, Canada's development as a nation has been remarkable," she said.

"This vast, rich and varied country has inspired its own and attracted many others by its adherence to certain values. Some are enshrined in law, but I should imagine just as many are simply found in the hearts of ordinary Canadians."

Harper presented the Queen with a display to be housed in the Hockey Hall of Fame, which includes pictures of the monarch attending a hockey game in Toronto in 1951 and dropping the puck in 2002 at a game in Vancouver.

The display includes a Canadian Olympic hockey jersey for the Queen, whom Harper called "Canada's most valuable player."

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

M.T. Al-Mansouri

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Five

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

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Greetings! OST Presents the Following Events for July, 2010:

July 13

A Visit to the Land of Faerie
Ruthanne Edward and Tara Hartley
Stories and Tea
The Tea Party, 119 York St.
Pay what you can


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

M.T. Al-Mansouri

July 27

The Last Chapter - Stories of the End Times

Marie Bilodeau and Robert Collins
Stories and Tea
The Tea Party, 119 York St.
Pay what you can

July 16

The Election of 1868: An Interractive Experience of Politics from the Past

Billings Estate National Historic Site, 2100 Cabot Street


Tickets $10, includes admission to Museum and special exhibits, available at the door or call 613-247-4830

The audience may simply watch and listen or take part as you wish. If you wish to take part, you will be assigned a (non-speaking) role as a resident of Ottawa in 1868 and you are attending a political campaign rally, typical of the day. You will hear two candidates representing two different views.

July 8, 9, 10 @ 8PM; SATURDAY MATINEE@ 3PM, Preview July 7, P.W.Y.C.

Time To Put My Socks On: A New and Daring Romantic Comedy

Created by Alan Shain and Michele Decottignies (Stage Left Productions)

Directed by Michele Decottignes & Nicole Dunbar (Stage Left Productions)


TICKETS $15 /$13 students & seniors/$12 MATINEE

CALL 613-236-5196 TO RESERVE

Please specify if you require wheelchair accessible seating


WARNING: Nudity & Adult Content

Time To Put My Socks Onfollows Marc - a 30-something year old man with cerebral palsy who is about to celebrate his first anniversary with Linda, his nondisabled partner. Marcis bursting with excitement. He loves Linda! Linda loves him! She is poised to move in ... Marc is plagued with doubts. Linda has a sock fetish. The more elaborate and colourful the sock the better! But Marc swears by white tube socks. They are quick and easy to put on. Can the love between Marc and Linda survive their war over socks?

We hope to see you soon at one of our events!

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

M.T. Al-Mansouri

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two

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RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

The Ottawa Storytellers
5 Beechwood Ave.
PO Box 74015
Ottawa, Ontario K1M1M0

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The time and locations are mentioned below. Everybody is welcome to attend the lectures at Simard Building: SMD 221 and 227. The workshops started on July 3rd, 2010 and will be end on July 11th, 2010. All lectures start at 19.30 and end at 21:30.

Falun Dafa Association of Canada (Toronto),

Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) – Based on the Principle of “Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance”


25 Briwood Blvd., Unit 109

Toronto, Ontario. Canada M1V 1E2

(416) 299-6658 Fax: (416) 299-3846


90 Belleview Drive

Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2L 1W3

(613)599-7494 Fax: (613)599-7034

Falun Gong Asks Media Not To Echo Chinese Regime's Canned

Denials: Lives Hang In the Balance

Statement of Falun Dafa Association of Canada, July 28, 2006

When the report solidifying organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China was

published on July 6th by David Kilgour, former Secretary of State (Asia Pacific), and

international human rights lawyer, David Matas, we fully expected the Chinese regime to deny this proof as a simple Google search with the words: "China Denies" brings up over 7,790,000 hits.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

M.T. Al-Mansouri

Any other nation faced with this allegation happening in their own country would certainly state that they would investigate such horrific allegations. However, the CCP continues to waste timeand effort to deny these claims and attack Falun Gong with blatant hate propaganda and still refuses to investigate to protect human beings from these crimes.

The CCP has a 60-year brutal history of suppression and killing through decades of brutal

campaigns like the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and the Tiananmen Square student massacre. They continue to cover up and deny their proven atrocities time and time again and for some bad reason Western media continues to give their denials air time instead of standing up to stop them from committing these atrocities.

When allegations of organ harvesting broke in March regarding Sujiatun hospital it took over 3 weeks for the CCP to respond which is ample time to clean up any evidence. It was after this delay that they invited the west to a guided show tour of this hospital. It was not an independent investigation.

The CCP’ s denial statement against the organ harvest report published on July 6th was

written and published on the exact same day the report was released. They attacked the

report, not on the merits of the evidence or the process, but on its conclusion. They continue to do the same today.

The CCP statement says nothing of the numerous Chinese state-run websites that

advertised organs for sale to foreigners for up to $160,000US with a maximum 2-week wait time. Many of these sites were taken down immediately after the organ harvesting practices were revealed.

They say nothing of reports as far back as 1994 from media and the US State Department confirming that the Chinese authorities have been harvesting prisoner’s organs for years; according to human rights groups they have done so without real consent.

And they say nothing of the 40,000+ organ transplants done in China that are not

accounted for.

If the CCP firmly stand by their conviction that this is not happening then we demand they allow an independent investigation into China to randomly investigate prisons and labour camps where Falun Gong people are being held. If what the CCP says is true they will have no issue with this request.


25 Briwood Blvd., Unit 109

Toronto, Ontario. Canada M1V 1E2

(416) 299-6658 Fax: (416) 299-3846


90 Belleview Drive

Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2L 1W3

(613)599-7494 Fax: (613)599-7034

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Four

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Five

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

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A fire at a transformer station knocked out electricity to a large swath of Canada's largest city - including the Royal York hotel - about two hours before the start of a state dinner being hosted for the Queen and Prince Philip by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

The hotel, operating on backup power, said everything would go ahead as planned. And it did.

The ballroom was a little darker than usual but this didn't seem to dim the enthusiasm of 380 assembled guests.

In the fourth and final speech of her 22nd Canadian tour, the 84-year-old monarch thanked Canadians and said she "will retain excellent memories of this country and its people."

"On my first visit, before I was queen, I noted that from the moment I came to Canadian soil, my sense of apprehension disappeared, because I understood that I was not only among friends but among fellow citizens," she said. "Today, many years later, I still feel as much affection and admiration for Canada."

In his remarks, Harper said the Queen's 22nd visit to this country had reinforced the ties between the royal family and Canadians.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

M.T. Al-Mansouri

"Your faithfulness to Canada over these many years has made a difference," Harper said. "It reminds us that our country itself is like a family and that we have an extended family around the world in the Commonwealth."

Queen Elizabeth says she will retain 'excellent memories' of Canada and Canadians. (Mike Cassese/Reuters)

As a gift, Harper announced the Canadian government will make a donation to three charities in the name of the Queen and Prince Philip - the Tim Horton Children's Foundation, the True Patriot Love Foundation, and the Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund.

The donation "will serve to improve the well-being of many Canadians in need, from disadvantaged children to military personnel, veterans and their families all across the country," he said.

The Queen also unveiled a new permanent display for Toronto's Hockey Hall of Fame, which includes a large photo of the Queen dropping the puck at an NHL game.

Before the dinner, Prince Philip was presenting the Duke of Edinburgh Awards - a program that encourages young people to participate in community service, among other areas - at the Royal York Hotel when the outage occurred.

An emergency power supply kicked in at the hotel, and he handed out the awards in the dimly lit room, joking with parents in the audience.

On Tuesday, the Queen ends her tour after a brief appearance at Queen's Park, where she will hand out citizenship medals before departing for her next stop, New York City, where she will address the General Assembly at the United Nations.

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RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Five

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

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Richard Fadden, the director of CSIS, waits to testify at the Commons public safety committee on Parliement Hill in Ottawa on Monday. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press

CSIS director Richard Fadden has testified before a House committee, answering criticism of his candid interview with CBC News by saying it's "good public policy" for Canadians to be more informed about threats.

July 5, 2010: CBC NEWS: Canadian Security Intelligence Service director Richard Fadden says he has no intention of resigning after facing mounting criticism for his candid interview with CBC News in June.

The House of Commons public safety and national intelligence committee reconvened for a rare summer sitting to question Fadden.

During a two-hour grilling, Fadden told the committee that it's "good public policy" for Canadians to be more informed about "foreign interference" threats.

"My comments did not in any way threaten national security," he told the public safety committee regarding his suggestion that some Canadian politicians are being influenced by foreign governments. He added he "would not offer such detail again," but firmly said he stood behind his comments.

'Do I think that everybody needs to go into their basements with an 18-day supply of food? Absolutely not.'-Richard Fadden, CSIS director

The CSIS head was called to the specially convened House of Commons committee session to answer questions about his comments in a CBC News interview that aired last month, just as world leaders began arriving for the G8/G20 summits.

In an exclusive interview with the CBC that aired on June 22, Fadden said foreign governments hold influence over at least two cabinet ministers in two provinces, and are also involved with municipal politicians in B.C. and federal public servants. He did not provide any names, but implied that China was one of those foreign governments.

At committee Monday, Fadden continued to refuse to reveal to whom he was referring and which provinces are involved, citing operational procedure. When opposition MPs on the committee argued that by refusing to do so, he was tainting all politicians, Fadden disagreed, saying the MPs are "exaggerating."

"We are dealing here with a spectrum of behaviour by foreign entities that often start out innocently but later veer toward something that actually harms Canadian interests," he told the committee. "This is a very subtle process."

Fadden told the committee he will name the politicians CSIS is concerned about, but only to the minister to whom he reports. In a statement issued after Fadden's testimony, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said he has no comment, noting that Fadden's testimony speaks for itself.

During the CBC interview, Fadden also said the agency was in the process of discussing with the Privy Council Office the best way to inform the provinces of concern that there may be a problem.

The Prime Minister's Office later issued a statement saying it had "no knowledge of these matters."

Fadden followed up with a "clarification" after the interview aired, saying he had not informed anyone in the PMO or the Privy Council Office, the bureaucratic wing of the PMO, about the specific threats.

Promises report

At committee Monday, Fadden clarified further that he did bring up the cases with the prime minister's national security adviser, seeking advice on how to proceed if CSIS were to find any undue influence on the provincial officials.

Fadden: at the analysis stage. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

When asked at committee if he thought he should step down as director of CSIS, Fadden said, "I don't agree. I don't think there is a reason to. I revealed one small detail ... which as I've said, I regret, but no, I will not be stepping down."

Fadden also testified that since the CBC interview, he has spoken with Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, promising a report on the specific cases to which he referred, once CSIS has completed such a report.

"The information, the intelligence has been gathered. We are now at the analysis stage," Fadden said.

Shortly after the CBC interview aired, experts questioned the wisdom of going public with the allegations while that process is underway.

Semitic illegal drug calls Khat spreads in North

America and Europe

Committee MPs also questioned Fadden about whether he had the authority to make such revelations.

Fadden said he did in terms of giving out general information, although he also conceded that what he communicated was co-ordinated with the government, but not with the public safety minister.

"If you look at our website, if you look at our annual reports, if you look at a variety of things that both I and other officers of the service have done over the years, this is not quite as extraordinary as everyone is making it out to be," said Fadden.

Fadden first revealed concerns over specific politicians being influenced after a speech to the Royal Canadian Military Institute in March, at which the CBC was filming. Fadden says he "lost track" of the fact that CBC was filming once the question and answer period got started. He said when his comments were brought up in the CBC one-on-one interviews, he felt compelled to answer questions about them.

Committee members grilled him about his choice to bring up such information at a "black tie" event, but while Fadden said he would not do so again, he maintained that the details he did offer were not "state secrets."

In his CBC interview, Fadden also said a big concern was whether there is a terrorist cell in Canada that CSIS doesn't know about. When asked about the comment at committee, Fadden said:

"We have had very clear evidence in this country that there have been terrorists seeking to do harm .... We're monitoring a number of other cases where we think there are similar circumstances. Do I think that everybody needs to go into their basements with an 18-day supply of food? Absolutely not."

Fadden said he simply thinks if Canadians know more about the existence of such a threat, they might be in a position to let CSIS know if they see anything worrisome.


The moncitizenship is the new Canadian governmental task. The diplomatic lines of Republics of Yemen and Poland are non grata with their masks.

M.T. Al-Mansouri

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Two

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RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Four

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RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Six

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification Part Seven

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Eight

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Nine

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Ten

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part One

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Elven

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part two

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Twelve

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Three

RCMP: Canada’s Image and Beautification: Part Thirteen

Active and sleeper cells of terrorists and criminals Downtown Ottawa, and in North America Part Four

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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)