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Uncommon sense :) from pithe to folk wisdom

For, if, for no other reason, the beauteous writing, prosaic or poetic, of many of our most revered and cherished works are at once literary gems and wisdom, of mundane to mystical, is it not this truth they all have in common; and, therefore, all of humanity shares in common? Where to start, Rumi, Milarepa, Thomas Merton's translations, especially of Chuang-Tzu, the Sermon on the Mount, et al, are so inspiring and lyrical, that we could surely believe they weren't penned by mortal hand. Here's a few less commonly cited :)"If there was something in the airIf there was something in the windIf there was something in the trees or bushesThat could be pronounced and once was overheard by animals,Let this Sacred Knowledge be returned to us again.Artharvaveda (VII, 66) as quoted in Entering the Circle""Discipline is the art of feeling awe.Carlos Castenenda""Do not rush to answers, let the questions be questions until the answers are revealed.Martha Graham""To walk in seasons is to question,A flower is opening.Basho"And, if I may be so bold, one of mine:claritySword that cuts all ways,Without, for, there's no cutting;And a pointless point.jmn"Then a cloud passed, and the pool was empty....Go, go, go, said the bird, human kindCannot bear very much reality.And yet there is that other dimension altogetherin the very fact of consciousness itself:To be conscious is not to be in time.... Except for the point, the still point,There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.I can only say, there we have been: but I cannot say where,And I cannot say, how long, for that is to place it in time.I will say to my soul, Be still, and let the dark come upon you,Which shall be the darkness of God.The inner freedom from the practical desire,The release from action and suffering, release from the innerAnd outer compulsion, yet surroundedBy a grace of sense, a white light still and moving ...And what the dead had no speech for, when living,They can tell you, being dead: the communicationOf the dead is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living.T.S. Eliot's poetic opus, the cycle called "Four Quartets""The Native Mind tends to view wisdom and environmental ethics asdiscernible in the very structure and organization of the naturalworld rather than as the lofty product of human reason far removedfrom nature. The Native Mind tends to view the universe as thedynamic interplay of elusive and ever-changing natural forces, not asa vast array of static physical objects. It tends to see the entirenatural world as somehow alive and animated by a single, unifyinglife force, whatever its local Native name. It does not reduce theuniverse to progressively smaller conceptual bits and pieces. Ittends to view time as circular (or as a coil-like fusion of circleand line), as characterized by natural cycles that sustain all life,and as facing humankind with recurrent moral crises-rather than as anunwavering linear escalator of "human progress". It tends to acceptwithout undue anxiety the probability that nature will always possessunfathomable mysteries. It does not presume that the cosmos iscompletely decipherable to the rational human mind. It tends to viewhuman thought, feelings, and communication as inextricablyintertwined with events and processes in the universe rather than asapart from them. Indeed, words themselves are considered spirituallypotent, generative, and somehow engaged in thecontinuum of the cosmos, not neutral and disengaged from it. Thevocabulary of Native knowledge is inherently gentle and accommodatingtoward nature rather than aggressive and manipulative. The NativeMind tends to emphasize celebration of and participation in theorderly designs of nature instead of rationally "dissecting" theworld. It tends to honor as its most esteemed elders thoseindividuals who have experienced a profound andcompassionate reconciliation of outer- and inner-directed knowledge,rather than virtually anyone who has made material achievement orsimply survived to chronological old age. It tends to reveal aprofound sense of empathy and kinship with other forms of life,rather than a sense of separateness from them or superiority overthem. Each species is seen as richly endowed with its own singulararray of gifts and powers, rather than as somehowpathetically limited compared with human beings. Finally, it tends toview the proper human relationship with nature as a continuousdialogue (that is, a two-way,horizontal communication between Homo sapiens and other elements ofthe cosmos) rather than as a monologue (a one-way, verticalimperative).David Suzuki"“The basis of all relations, including with self, and all studies, including activism and advocacy, are also environmental, spiritual…” jmn"Believe nothing on the faith of traditions, even though they have been held in honor for many generations and in diverse places. Do not believe what you yourself have imagined persuading yourself a god inspires you. Believe nothing on the authority of your masters or priests. After examination believe that which you yourself have tested and found to bereasonable and conform your conduct thereto." ~ The Buddha"With sincerity and earnestness one can realize God through all religions. The Vaishnavas will realize God, and so will the Saktas, the Vedantists, and the Brahmos. The Mussalmans and Christians will realize Him to. All will certainly realize God if they are earnest and sincere." ~ Ramakrishna, `The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna'"In my humble opinion, non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.", “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. ~ Mahatma Gandhi"What is life? It is a flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." ~ Crowfoot"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds." ~ A KNOT, by R.D. Laing"Take care of everyone and abandon no one. Take care of everything and abandon nothing." ~ Lao Tzu~ E F Schumacher says." Wisdom demands a new orientation of science and technology towards the organic, the gentle, the non-violent, the elegant and beautiful"."What can be explained is not poetry." ~ WB YEATS"We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, effects all indirectly." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr."Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission, to be of service to them whenever they require it."~ St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals."Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." ~ Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)"If you rejoice in victory, then you delight in killing. If you delight in killing, you cannot fulfill yourself." ~ Lao Tzu"Peace is the only battle worth waging." ~ Albert Camus"There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people."~ Howard Zinn"How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look like wrong, and wrong like right."~ From Black Hawk (Makataimeshekiakiak) (1767-1838) Sauk war chief"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."~ Ralph Waldo Emerson"If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition; ifyou want to know your future, look into your present action." ~ Padmisambha"Yesterday is a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makesevery yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.Look well, therefore to this day." ~ Sanskrit Proverb"Don't ask the Lord to guide your footsteps unless you are willing to moveyour feet." ~ Christian proverb\\"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."~ Confucius"People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." ~ Lao Tzu"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." ~ Seneca"For the sake of the rose the thorn is watered too." ~ Africa"As a great fish swims between the banks of a river as it likes, so does the shining Self move between the states of dreaming and waking." ~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad"When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion."~ Ethiopian Proverb, Courtesy of Strider, via Inez Matus"To find yourself, think for yourself." ~ Socrates"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." ~ Aristotle"Skill to do comes of doing." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson"Water always finds a way out." ~ Cameroon"Leap, and the net will appear." ~ Julie Cameron~ Lao-Tzu, "A journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step.""Know thyself." ~ Socrates"Few men have enough virtue to withstand the highest bidder." ~ George Washington"You can't dismantle the man's house with the man's tools." ~ Audre Lourde"If a thousand [people] were not to pay their tax bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them and enable the state to commit violence and shed innocent blood." ~ Henry David Thoreau~ Jean Baptiste Dubos (1670-1742) :) "The principal aim of painting is to touch us. A work that touches us deeply must be excellent on the whole. For the same reason, the work that touches us not at all and that does not engage us is worthless; and if a critical examination finds nothing that breaks the rules to reprove, the reason is that a workcan be bad without breaking the rules as work that breaks the rules in many ways can be excellent.""If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything; If you don't ‘turn on’ politics, politics will turn on you." ~ Ralph Nader"To walk in seasons is to question. A flower is opening. ~ Basho""Abhaya, fearlessness, is most important for an individual and a country."~ Mahatma Gandhi"Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen." ~ Leonardo da Vinci"It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness" ~ Emily Dickinson"Nature is an instructive and impartial teacher, spreading no crude opinions, and flattering none; she will be neither radical nor conservative." ~ Henry David Thoreau"What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Emerson"All it takes for evil to rule a land is for good men to remain silent." ~ Daniel Webster"The seeing is not reflecting on an object as if the seer had nothing to do with it. The seeing, on the contrary, brings the seer and the object seen together, not in mere identification but the becoming conscious of itself, or rather its working. The seeing is an active deed, involving the dynamic concept of self-being; that is of the Mind." ~ Suzuki~ Thomas Merton's Journals :)"..the creative power of our liberty is perhaps.. A non-destructiveness. If we can accept creation we concur in creating because we have the 'power' to destroy. Our power to create is a power to consent in creation....Our power to destroy seems more ours (and it is so) and more of a power. What is happening now is that we concentrate more and more on the power that is a rejection. Yet paradoxically, to have the power to destroy and not destroy is to 'make'.........The problem is for people to see that the power to nurture and the only true power, and does not appear as power. Whereas what appears as power, the power to destroy, is not power but self-defeat. Strangely, this power is regarded as the one great reality in our world....""The price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.""Those who surrender Liberty, to get temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin"O Beloved of hearts, I beseech only You. Have pity this day on those who turn to You. My Hope, my Rest, my Delight, this heart can love none other but You."~ Rabi'a, "Rabi'a the Mystic""Our peace of mind increases in spite of suffering; we become braver and more enterprising; we understand more clearly the difference between what is everlasting and what is not; we learn how to distinguish between what is our duty and what is not. Our pride melts away and we become humble. Our worldly attachments diminish and, likewise, the evil within us diminishes from day to day." ~ Mahatma Gandhi"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr."You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt"When we are ignorant we live in His prison; when we become prudent we live in His palace; when we fall asleep we become intoxicated; when we are awakened we are in His hands." ~ Rumi, "Mathnawi""The fairest graciousness, they say, is a kindly look. Wherever it thrives, the whole world flourishes." ~ Tirukkural 58:571"Let a smile be your ambassador." ~ anon."Compassion is the willingness to play in the field of dreams even though you are awake." ~ Matthew Flickstein, "Swallowing the River Ganges""If we divide into two camps--even into violent and the nonviolent--and stand in one camp while attacking the other, the world will never have peace. We will always blame and condemn those we feel are responsible for wars and social injustice, without recognizing the degree of violence within ourselves. We must work on ourselves and also withthose we condemn if we want to have a real impact."~ Ayya Khema, "Be An Island""We never know the worth of water till the well is dry." ~ France"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards"~ Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard"Compassion is the chief law of human existence." ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky"As for those who seek the transcendental Reality, without name, without form, contemplating the Unmanifested, beyond the reach of thought and of feeling, with their senses subdued and mind serene and striving for the good of all beings, they too will verily come unto me." ~ Bhagavad Gita, 12:3-4"It is the theory that decides what we can observe." ~ Albert Einstein"We who lived in concentration camps can remember the people who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set ofcircumstances, to choose one's own way." ~ Viktor Frankl (1905-1997)"When we have chosen the vocation in which burdens cannot overwhelm, then we experience no meagre limited egotistic joy, but our deeds go on forever and when we die the tears of noble men will fall on our ashes." ~ Karl Marx"The Master said, "A man who is not humane, what can he have to dowith ritual?"" ~ Confucianism, Analects 3.3."There was undoubtedly much in primitive Christianity to appeal to the Indians, and Jesus' hard sayings to the rich, and about the rich were entirely comprehensible to us. Yet, the religion that we heard preached in churches and saw practiced by congregations, with its element of display and self-aggrandizement, its active proselytism, and its open contempt of all religions but its own, was for a long time extremely repellent."~ Ohiyesa, Charles Alexander Eastman, `The Soul Of An Indian'.“All people, as all life, are threads in the whole of the fabric of life, which will always need mending; yet, "we" can't allow it to be torn asunder". ~ james m nordlundThurgood Marshall ~ "By recognizing the humanity in our fellow human being, we pay ourself the highest tribute"."Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage." ~ Lao-Tzu"Never borrow for what you don't need. Never think you need what you have to borrow for. ~ Irish Proverb""We're not human beings having a spiritual experience, we're spiritual beings having a human experience." - Wayne Dyer (supposedly)Well, thanx, for a great read. "Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen." ~ Leonardo da Vinci. Enjoy a festive eve' as you can. Lest "we" forget, if you don't exercise responsibility, its Siamese twin sister, freedom, will wither, like a muscle, as well. Sadly, now, it first needs to be exorcized before its exercised. Viva la evolution!Matutinally Yours,james m nordlund reality (aja)Music is life's song accompanying the abundance of joy's Spring. For those interested: "of or pertaining to the morning, day: relating to or happening in the morning or in the early part of the day (formal), (Mid-16th century, from late Latin matutinalis, from Matuta, goddess of the dawn.)". I look forward to hearing from you. Copy, share, as you will. Au revoir.
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صعدة – صنعاء – لندن " علم " عدن برس " أنه وتلبية لنداء الرئيس الجنوبي السابق علي سالم البيض للضباط والصف ضباط والجنود المشاركين في حرب صعده بترك ساحة المعركة التي لا تشرفهم ، فأن عدد من أبناء محافظة شبوة وأبين ولحج قد غادروا صعدة بأسلحتهم الشخصية ويقدر عددهم حوالي 25 فرد . فقد تجاوب عدد كبير من أبناء الجنوب في تلك الحرب الظالمة ، ففي اتصال هاتفي أجراه موقع "عدن برس" مع عدد من الضباط والجنود والذين ابدوا استعدادهم لترك ساحة المعركة والعودة إلى الجنوب مطالبين جماعه الحوثي بمساعدتهم بذلك والسماح لهم بالعودة والخروج من مواقعهم والتي يحاصر الحوثيون اغلبها . من جانبه بعث لطفي شطارة رئيس منظمة جنوب اليمن لحقوق الإنسان في المملكة المتحدة برسالة الى السيد عبد الملك الحوثي عبر مكتب الحوثي الإعلامي يطلب فيها تأمين انسحاب الجنود الجنوبيين الموجودين في المناطق التي يحاصرها الحوثيين ، وكذا معاملة الأسرى من من الجنود من أبناء الشمال معاملة إنسانية ، موضحا بأن المنظمة تلقت اتصالات عبر قنواتها تؤكد بأن جنود جنوبيين محاصرين يطلبون تأمين عودتهم الى مدنهم وقراهم في الجنوب وتركهم ساحة المعركة بصعدة . يذكر ان أبناء الجنوب الذين يتم أسرهم من قبل الحوثي يعاملون معاملة حسنه حيث يتفهم الحوثيون بوضع إخوانهم الجنوبيين وإنهم زج بهم في حرب ظالمه وليس لهم فيها لا ناقة ولا جمل . ومن ناحية أخرى وإشارة إلى خبر نشر على موقع "عدن برس" في وقت سابق بان هناك خيانة داخل الجيش اليمني فقد علم "عدن برس" بان اللواء 105 الذي أعلن أمس بأنه سقط بيد الحوثيون تفيد المعلومات بان هناك تواطؤ من قبل أفراد في قيادة اللواء ، حيث تم الاتفاق بينهم وبين جماعه الحوثي بذلك وانسحب الإفراد دون مقاومه تاركين دباباتهم وأسلحتهم وعتادهم للحوثيون ، وبهذا تأكيد بأن الجنوبيين يزج بهم الى محرقة ليسوا طرفا فيها . على الصعيد ذاته قال الحوثيين ردا على رفض السلطة في اليمن للهدنة التي اقترحوها أمس : " أن السلطة قد رفضت المبادرة فإننا نذكرها أنها ضيعت فرصة ثمينة كان يجب عليها أن تقف معها بمسئولية وبما يثبت سيادة قرارها ، وهي من الآن ستتحمل كل تبعات ونتائج الحرب وما ستخلفه من آثار وخيمة ونعدها بمفاجئات ثقيلة إنشاء الله، وبحرب إستنزافية طويلة الأمد نتماشى معها بنفس طويل، طويل أكثر مما تتوقع، وسنقف أمام اعتداءاتها وطغيانها مستعينين بالله الواحد الجبار المنتقم".
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One of the first steps involved in a homicide investigation is the determination of the time of death. While knowing the time of death is not crucial in each and every homicide case, it can be of significant importance in some. Except for a bullet passing through a victim's head and striking a clock in the same room, determining time of death is not an exact science. However, there are a number of different indicators, most of which are evaluated during the autopsy, that can estimate the time of death to within hours. Accuracy will depend on such factors as the condition of the cadaver and its state of decay. Beginning at the crime scene, police officers can make a preliminary determination of the time of death by the body's appearance and surroundings. Factors such as indicative acts, postmortem body temperature (algor mortis), postmortem lividity (livor mortis), stiffening of the body (rigor mortis) and putrefaction can all help to roughly estimate the time of death. Later, during the autopsy, forensic pathologists can examine more closely the above information as well as other factors such as stomach contents, chemical changes within the body, and insect activity, also known as "forensic entomology". Starting at the crime scene, an investigator might look first at the indicative acts of the deceased. (O'Hara, 538) Indicative acts are those activities which the deceased may or may not have performed before death. If the victim is found in his or her home, non-medical evidence such as dates on uncollected newspapers, the condition of food in the house, or other customary acts not performed may give a relatively close estimate on time of death. In an outdoor crime, something such as the area underneath the body being unaffected by rain or snow could also set certain limits to the time lapse since death. (O'Hara, 540) However, probably the most reliable form of non-medical evidence are the statements of witnesses. (Hendrix, 19) If indicative acts or other non-medical evidence are not sufficient, then more scientific methods must be used, such as determining the postmortem temperature. Algor mortis, which means "the temperature of death" describes the cooling of the body. In ideal conditions, the rate at which a body cools is one degree per hour. However, factors such as the air temperature surrounding the corpse, body fat content, or immersion in water will cause the estimate to vary greatly. The following chart is based on a careful study of cadavers in a controlled environment with temperatures ranging from 59 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit: Rectal Temperature Time in Hours to Reach of the Cadaver the Indicated Rectal Temp. Minimum Maximum93 2 6 90 3 9 86 4 12 82 6 15 79 9 20 75 12 24 72 18 30 This table shows that accuracy in pinpointing time of death decreases as the body's core temperature decreases. Obviously, a span of 18 to 32 hours will be of little help to an investigator. (Wilber, 38). Fortunately, there are other methods to rely on, such as postmortem lividity. Livor mortis, which means literally "the color of death" is the discoloration of the skin caused by flow of blood into the venous spaces under the influence of gravity. Simply put, it is the blood pooling or settling into the lowest portions of the body. Livor is not considered to be a good indicator of postmortem interval, but there are some standards which can be seen. (Hendrix, 21). Anywhere from one-half to one hour after death livor can begin to be seen. Its appearance is similar to a bruise. In the early stages of lividity, (less than four hours) the skin, unlike a bruise, can be blanched when pressed. After four hours, the lividity has begun to set, and by six to ten hours, it has reached its maximum and is permanent. (Wilber, 39) Postmortem lividity is caused by the red blood cells settling into the veins and capillaries in the lowest portions of the body which causes a red color to appear in the skin beneath. Later, the red cells will break down and squeeze out of the capillaries into the body, thus making the lividity permanent. Therefore, livor is commonly used by investigators to determine whether or not a body has been moved after death. (Baden, 37) Because lividity, as stated earlier, is not a good indicator of postmortem interval, investigators may also look to another sign of death, rigor mortis. Rigor is a more common indicator of postmortem interval. Under normal environmental conditions, the muscles of a cadaver will stiffen (not contract) with a set pattern and rate. This is caused by dead muscle production of lactic acid fusing with the myocin in the muscles and forming a gel. This gel causes the stiffness. The smaller, shorter muscle groups of the face and neck are affected first, and the stiffness gradually works its way down the body to the legs. Rigor can begin to set in fifteen minutes after death or fifteen hours after. The average time is five to six hours. (O'Hara, 539) Different temperatures can cause variations in the rate that the body stiffens. Heat will cause rigor to set in quicker, whereas cold will slow the process; therefore, these factors must be considered when making a determination of the time of death. (Wilber, 27) In temperate regions, the following rule of thumb can be used in estimating death, but it must be used with caution: If the body feels: Warm and not stiff: Not dead more than three hours Warm and stiff: Dead between 3 and 8 hours Cold and stiff: Dead between 8 and 36 hours Cold and not stiff: Dead more than 36 hours Notice that after approximately 36 hours, the effects of rigor mortis will disappear. Rigor mortis should never be the only basis for estimating time of death. An interesting case which relied upon an accurate time of death estimate for a conviction was the John Belushi drug overdose case in Los Angeles. Belushi had been on a four day drug binge with a Canadian friend and drug groupie Cathy Smith. Smith was the last person to see Belushi alive, and she also administered his last injection of heroin. Discrepancies between the time she gave Belushi his last injections and the medical examiner's time of death estimate led to her charge and conviction of involuntary manslaughter. According to Smith, she gave Belushi his last injection on March 5, 1982 at 3:30 a.m. The injection was a "speedball", a mixture of cocaine and heroin. Later she stated that she heard Belushi coughing and brought him a glass of water at 7:45 a.m. He went to sleep, and at 10:15 a.m. she left him alive and sleeping and went to a bar to bet on a horse. At 12.30 p.m., Belushi was found dead by an exercise instructor. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) arrived at 12:35 p.m. and Smith returned at 1:45 p.m. Pressure was put on the Los Angeles District Attorney by Belushi's wife to prosecute Smith because she sold a story of Belushi's last hours to the National Enquirer. When police came to question Smith, she fled to Canada. Giving someone drugs is not an extraditable offense in Canada, but murder is; therefore, the Los Angeles DA needed very persuasive evidence that Smith had caused Belushi's death. The medical examiner first needed to determine the time of death. According to EMS, Belushi was found with stiffness around the jaw, which is where rigor begins. EMS had stated that they had trouble placing an airway in his mouth. This early stage of rigor would have taken an hour or two to set in, making the time of death between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. However, rigor couldn't be relied on alone, because it sets in more rapidly on someone who is very active before death. So the examiner looked at lividity. The coroner had examined Belushi and taken pictures of him at 4:37 p.m. The pictures showed a definite purplish color on his back, which corresponded to how he was found, and the skin blanched when pressed. This state of lividity is right for about six to eight hours after death, thus putting time of death between 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., earlier than rigor would indicate. The coroner also took Belushi's postmortem temperature at 4:37 p.m. It was 95 degrees F. Using the standard rule of thumb, which is the body cools after death one degree per hour, this would put the time of death around 1:00 p.m., half an hour after the exercise instructor found him dead. Obviously something was wrong. The EMS had already confirmed at 12:35 p.m. that rigor mortis had started. There were a couple of reasons for the temperature to be off. Belushi was overweight, and the amount of fat around the organs can affect the rate of temperature loss. Also, heavy cocaine use will cause the muscles to shiver and quiver, thus raising the body temperature. Belushi's temperature could have been as high as 100 degrees F at the time he died. Even so, he could not have died before 10:30 a.m. That many hours would have caused his temperature to be below 95 degrees, regardless of the aforementioned circumstances. All the information taken from rigor, livor and algor mortis pointed to a time of death between 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Rigor put death between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Livor put it at 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., but rigor ruled out the earlier time, as did algor. Death at 8:30 a.m. was too early for Belushi's temperature to be as high as 95 degrees F by 4:37 p.m. Thus, time of death was figured to be at 10:30 a.m., give or take an hour. What ultimately led to Cathy Smith's conviction was the determination that Belushi died of a heroin overdose and not from cocaine. Belushi had twice the lethal level of morphine in his bloodstream. Morphine is the breakdown chemical of heroin, which consists of a combination of morphine and acetic acid. Belushi had enough heroin in his system to kill two people. Given that amount, he would have died within two hours of the injection. If the 3:30 a.m. speedball injection was the final one, Belushi should have been dead by 5:30 a.m. Yet Smith said he was alive and talking at 7:45 a.m. By her own word, she was still with Belushi at 8:30 a.m. and didn't leave for the bar until 10:30 a.m. When the police were finally able to question Smith, she changed some of the times. She told police that Belushi had taken a shower around 6:30 a.m. (not after the 3:30 a.m. injection) and that she gave him a glass of water at 9:30 a.m. (not at 7:45 a.m.). This story confirmed that the 3:30 a.m. injection was not the last one. People with twice the lethal amount of heroin in their systems do not walk, talk, drink water and take showers. Smith never admitted to giving Belushi an injection after 3:30 a.m., but the medical evidence was against her. She consequently served fifteen months in jail for involuntary manslaughter. (Baden, 84 - 90). Reflecting back for a moment to indicative acts -- if the approximate time of the victim's last meal can be determined, a medical examiner may be able to conclude time of death by examining the body's stomach contents. In order for this method to be as accurate as possible, the investigator should also determine the size of the meal and what specific foods were eaten. This will give the medical examiner a good starting point for making his determination. He will look at both the position of the food in the stomach and its degree of digestion. All digestion processes cease at the time of death. Armed with the information given above, a pathologist can judge time of death by looking at how far the food in the stomach has moved. Food begins to empty from the stomach and into the intestines ten minutes after eating a meal. Light meals may take up to two hours to empty from the stomach, whereas a large meal may require up to six hours. The pathologist will compare the location of the food to the information about the victim's last meal to make his estimation. In order to confirm his/her estimation, the pathologist can also look at the degree of digestion. Digestion is the physical and chemical breakdown of food. There are several factors which will cause the rate of digestion to vary from person to person, but the primary rate depends on how long the food has been in the stomach and intestines. The medical examiner can use this to make a rough determination of the time since the victim's last meal and his death. (O'Hara, 541) Many other chemical changes occur within the body after death that can be drawn upon for determining time of death. The sum of these changes is called putrefaction, which is due to the action of bacteria on dead tissue. The major source is saprophytic bacteria in the gastrointestinal system that spread throughout the body. Time of death indicators abound in putrefaction, but they are all extremely variable due mainly to temperature. Along with putrefaction, there are other tissue changes, such as autolysis, which can serve as good time of death indicators, but like putrefaction, they are also variable with temperature Autolysis is an enzymatic destruction of tissues which begins at death. Pathologists can read the interval of autolysis to make time of death estimates. (Hendrix, 21) There have been cases where a homicide victim's body was found unusually well preserved. Since the time constraints for algor, rigor and livor mortis have long since past, chemical changes must be relied upon. Such was the case in the 1977 Pinchos Jaroslawicz murder investigation in New York City. Pinchos Jaroslawicz was murdered and his body was placed in a plastic bag and hidden in a basement. The temperature in the basement never rose above forty degrees F. Bacteria do not thrive in a cold environment, so there was no putrefaction after more than a week. Obviously after being dead this long, time of death could not be pinpointed to the hour; however, the pathologist in this case used what was at the time a new technique of determining time of death called the potassium eye fluid test. The test measures the level of potassium in the eye fluid. In life, there is a small amount; however, after death the red cells break down and the potassium in them enters the vitreous fluid at a predictable rate. The major advantage to this test is that it is unaffected by temperature. Using the potassium eye test, the pathologist in the Jaroslawicz case was able to accurately confirm time of death as eight days from when the body was autopsied. (Baden, 96) If the body is beyond putrefaction and chemical changes, there is still one more method to look at to estimate time of death, forensic entomology. It is common knowledge that death attracts insects. What is not common knowledge is that there are scientists called forensic entomologists who specialize in estimating time of death. They do so by estimating what stage of life the insects that inhabit the body are in. Entomologists know which insects are generally the first to arrive, and at what stages of decomposition that other insects will begin to arrive. The insects that usually arrive first are the Diptera, commonly called "blowflies" and Sarcophagidae, or "fleshflies". In temperate regions, they will usually arrive within fifteen minutes of death. The female blowflies will lay their eggs on the body, especially around the natural orifices. Eggs will also be laid in any open wounds. Fleshflies do not lay eggs, but will deposit larvae. Little change happens to the blowfly egg in the first eight hours, and total egg stage will typically last about a day. Once hatched, the larvae grow at a predictable rate. The larval stages of development are called instars. Blowfly larvae have three instars. The first instar is approximately five millimeters long after 1.8 days. The second instar is approximately ten millimeters long after 2.5 days, and the third instar is approximately 17 millimeters long after 4 to 5 days. A more precise way forensic entomologists use to determine age of larvae and eggs is called "rearing". The entomologist raise a test group of blowflies for comparison to those found at the crime scene. For example, a body is found with masses of blowfly eggs on it, none of which have hatched. How long has it been since the eggs were deposited (oviposited)? The entomologist will note the time of discovery and then note the time when the first instar larvae occur. He/she will subtract the time of the first larvae hatch from the time of the body's discovery and call that time "A". He/she will then rear those flies to adulthood, breed them on raw beef liver under conditions similar to the crime scene and measure the time from oviposition to the hatching of the first instar larvae and call that time "B". By subtracting "B" from "A", he will get "C", which is an estimation of the time since oviposition on the body until its discovery. This is just one example of many ways, forensic entomologists can estimate time of death. The succession of various organisms on cadavers happens in a fairly predictable sequence. As stated earlier, blowflies and fleshflies arrive first, and as putrefaction develops, more groups arrive at the scene, with most groups present just before the body dries out due to seepage of liquids. There are other insects which will show up after the body has dried out, which can provide fairly accurate time of death estimates three to six months back, possibly even further. Determining time of death is never an exact science, but with sound investigative techniques and a lot of help from science, the estimate can be pretty close. When a body has been discovered, investigators should start by first looking for indicative acts surrounding the body and questioning witnesses. This may be all that is needed to determine time of death, if it even needs to be known. Time of death could be just a footnote on a death certificate, or a crucial part of a prosecutor's case. In any event, investigators should be aware of the tools and the science that is dedicated to the accurate measurement of postmortem interval. Works Cited: Baden, Michael M., M.D., and Hennessee, Judith Adler Unnatural Death. New York: Random House, 1989 . Hendrix, Robert C., M.D. Investigation of Violent and Sudden Death, A Manual For Medical Examiners. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972. O'Hara, Charles E. And O'Hara, Gregory L. Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation, Sixth Edition. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1994. Wilber, Charles G, Ph.D. Forensic Biology for the Law Enforcement Officer. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1974. Source:
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واشنطن: ان تعرف اليوم الذي تفارق فيه الحياة وسبب موتك لهو حلم مطلق يراود كل الناس، لكنه صار اقرب الى الواقع من الخيال بفضل موقع على الانترنت اسسه باحثون وطلاب في جامعة "كارنيغي ميلون" الاميركية. ويمكن لموقع "ديث ريسك رانكينغز دوت كوم"، "احتساب" احتمالات الموت التي تواجه كل شخص عبر استخدام بيانات عامة اميركية واوروبية لمقارنة هذه المخاطر تبعا للجنس والسن واسباب الوفاة والمناطق الجغرافية. واوضح احد مؤسسي الموقع ديفيد جيرار الاستاذ السابق في "كارنيغي ميلون" "بنسلفانيا، شرق" ان "اكثرية الاميركيين لا يملكون حقا معرفة كافية بمخاطر موتهم، ويزيد جهلهم في ما يتعلق بتصنيف المخاطر المعينة". ويقوم الموقع باحتساب احتمال موت الزائر في السنة التالية او ضمن فترة تمتد حتى 30 سنة، مصنفا الاسباب المحتملة المختلفة للوفاة بالاستناد الى الارجحية. وقال البروفسور بول فيشبيك احد مؤسسي الموقع ان الاخير يمكنه على سبيل المثال تقديم مقارنة بين امرأة في الرابعة والخمسين تعيش في بنسلفانيا وبين نظيرتها البريطانية. ولاحظ فيشبيك ان "مخاطر موت المرأة البريطانية بسرطان الثدي اكثر بنسبة 33%، وتكاد تنقلب النتائج في ما يتعلق بسرطان الرئة او الحنجرة اللذين يهددان اكثر المرأة البنسلفانية بزيادة نسبتها 29%". ومهما يكن من امر، فاحتمال موته يزداد بشكل طبيعي على مر الاعوام مع تقدمه في السن. وبذلك يكون لاميركية في العشرين حظا بنسبة 05،0% للموت هذا العام. لكن الخطر يزداد ثلاث مرات في عمر الاربعين، ثم 16 مرة في عمر الثمانين "5%". وقال جيرار الذي يدرس حاليا في جامعة "لورنس" في ويسكنسن "شمال" انه "في عمر الثمانين، تحتفظ الاميركية بفرص للعيش حتى بلوغ 81 عاما بنسبة 95%". وبالاستناد الى الباحثين، يتفاوت احتمال الموت في سنة معينة بشكل كبير بالاستناد الى المجموعات المدروسة. ويزداد الخطر لدى الرجال منه لدى النساء في كل شريحة عمرية. وتتفاوت ايضا نسبة ارتفاع مخاطر الموت لدى الرجال منها لدى النساء بحسب العمر، فتصل النسبة في سن العشرين الى 2.5 او ثلاث مرات اكثر لدى الرجال مع كثرة مخاطر الحوادث وجرائم القتل والانتحار التي تمثل 80% من احتمالات الموت لدى الرجال في هذه السن. وفي عمر الخمسين، لا تمثل هذه العوامل اكثر من 10% من الاحتمالات لدى الرجال، حيث تصبح الامراض القلبية الخطر الاكبر الذي يمثل 30% من مخاطر الموت في هذه السن. في المقابل، يزداد احتمال الموت بالسرطان في سن الثلاثين والاربعين لدى المرأة منه لدى الرجل. ويرتفع احتمال الموت بسرطان الثدي او البروستات في اوروبا الغربية منه في الولايات المتحدة، فيما ينخفض في ما يتعلق بسرطان الرئة. ويأمل الباحثون المسؤولون عن هذا الموقع ان يساهم في الجدل الدائر حاليا في الولايات المتحدة حول الاصلاحات الواجب ادخالها على انظمة الرعاية الصحية. وقال البروفسور فيشبيك "نحن نرى ان هذا الموقع هو اداة تسمح لكل شخص بتقييم احتمالات الموت الخاصة به وبمقارنتها مع نظرائه في مناطق اخرى من الولايات المتحدة واوروبا، وذلك للمساعدة في رفع الوعي العام واشراك المواطن في هذا الجدل". وكما يقول الفيلسوف الروماني اميل سيوران "يقبل المرء بالموت وليس بموعد موته. من الممكن ان يموت في اي وقت الا في الساعة التي يجب ان يموت فيها". :اذا كنت ترغب بمعرفة تاريخ وموعد موتك ... فذهب الى الرابط الالكتروني التالي
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تحياتي للجميع :هذه مقالة الصحفي السويدي دونالد بوستروم "إنهم ينهبون أعضاء أبنائنا" مترجمة إلى العربية.أتمنى أن يعمل الجميع على البحث عن مثل هذه الأصوات الشريفة في العالم الغربي , والتي من أهمها دونالد بوستروم، برونو غيغ، ستيفانو شيرياني، مارك إدوارد ناب وغيرهم الكثيرين; كي يتعرف إليها القارئ العربي... على الضفة الأخرى، يوجد أحيانا من هم أكثر عروبة من بعض العرب أنفسهم. خالص مودتي. دكتورة بثينة شعبان فلسطينيون يتهمون الجيش الإسرائيلي بسرقة أعضاء ضحاياه. هنا يروي دونالد بوستروم الفضيحة الدولية لزرع الأعضاء وكيف كان بنفسه شاهدا على الإضرار بجسد شاب فلسطيني ذي تسعة عشرة سنة. “بإمكانكم اعتباري وسيطا.” قال ليفي إسحاق روزنباوم من بروكلين بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في تسجيل سري أجراه معه عون بمكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي كان روزنباوم يعتقد أنه أحد عملائه الجدد. بعد عشرة أيام وفي أواخر تموز/ يوليو من هذا العام، اعتقل روزنباوم كما تمت إماطة اللثام عن شبكة واسعة للاتجار بالأعضاء وتبييض الأموال. هذه الشبكة الجديرة بالسوبرانو تم كشفها في نيو جيرسي وقد تورط فيها حاخامات ومسؤولون منتخبون وموظفون. بلال أحمد غانم (19 عاما) قتل برصاص جنود إسرائيليين، أخذوا جثته ثم أعادوها إلى عائلته وقد خيطت حافتا جرح يمتد فيها من الذقن إلى أسفل البطن. الصورة لـ: دونالد بوستروم. عمل الوسيط الذي يقوم به روزنباوم ليس له أي علاقة بالرومانسية. الأمر يتعلق بشراء وبيع الكلى القادمة من إسرائيل في السوق السوداء. روزنباوم يؤكد على أنه يشتري كلى من أشخاص ينتمون إلى أوساط متواضعة بعشرة آلاف دولار ثم يبيعها لاحقا إلى مرضى يائسين في الولايات المتحدة بمائة وستين ألف دولار. زمن الانتظار للحصول على كلية بواسطة القنوات القانونية هناك يمتد على فترة قد تبلغ في معدلها تسع سنوات. الاتهامات هزت الصناعة الأمريكية لزراعة الأعضاء. وقد صرح خبراء في ولاية نيو جيرسي لـ “ريال تايم نيوز/ Real-Time News ” بأن هذه الاتهامات إن كانت فعلا صحيحة، فإن هذه هي المرة الأولى التي توثق فيها عملية الاتجار بالأعضاء في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. عن سؤاله عن عدد الأعضاء التي باعها، أجاب روزنباوم متبجحا: “ليس قليلا. ولم يسبق لي أن فشلت.” الواضح أن تجارته في هذا المجال قد استمرت لمدة طويلة جدا. يشير فرانسيس ديلمونيتشي/ Francis Delmonici، الأستاذ في جراحة زرع الأعضاء بجامعة هارفارد والعضو بمجلس الإدارة للمؤسسة الوطنية للكلى، لنفس الصحيفة أن الاتجار بالأعضاء، المماثل لذلك الذي يشار إلى أنه وافد من إسرائيل، يقع أيضا في مناطق أخرى من العالم. وأغلب الظن أن حوالي 10 ٪ من 000 63 عملية زرع كلى في جميع أنحاء العالم غير قانونية، وفقا لتصريحات ديلمونيتشي. البلدان التي يشتبه في ممارسة مثل هذه الأنشطة فيها هي باكستان والفلبين والصين، حيث يتم نزع الأعضاء من السجناء الذين يقع إعدامهم. ولكن الفلسطينيين يشكون بجدية في أن إسرائيل تقبض على الشبان الذين تستعمل أجسادهم، كما هو الحال في باكستان والصين، كاحتياطي أعضاء قبل الإجهاز عليهم. اتهام خطير جدا، مع ما يكفي من علامات الاستفهام التي من شأنها تحفيز محكمة العدل الدولية للتحقيق في جرائم حرب محتملة. لقد تعرضت إسرائيل مرارا عديدة لانتقاد إدارتها غير الأخلاقية للأعضاء وزرعها. فرنسا كانت من بين البلدان التي توقفت عن التعامل مع إسرائيل منذ التسعينات. وقد كتبت جيروزاليم بوست أن “البلدان الأوروبية الأخرى ينبغي أن تحذو حذو فرنسا في المستقبل.” منذ أوائل القرن الواحد والعشرين، تم شراء نصف الكلى المزروعة للإسرائيليين بصورة غير قانونية في تركيا، وأوروبا الشرقية أو أمريكا اللاتينية. السلطات الصحية الإسرائيلية مدركة تماما لهذه التجارة، ولكنها لا تفعل شيئا لوقفها. خلال مؤتمر عقد في عام 2003، وقع إثبات أن إسرائيل هي البلد الغربي الوحيد التي لا تدين هيأتها الطبية الاتجار غير المشروع للأعضاء كما أنها لا تتخذ أية إجراءات قانونية ضد الأطباء الذين يشاركون في هذه التجارة غير المشروعة. الأدهى من ذلك أن رؤساء الأقسام من الأطباء بأكبر المستشفيات الإسرائيلية يشاركون في معظم عمليات الزرع غير القانونية، وفقا لصحيفة داجنز نيهيتر السويدية الصادرة في 5 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2003. خلال صيف عام 1992، حاول إيهود أولمرت، الذي كان حينها وزيرا للصحة، معالجة مسألة النقص في الأعضاء عن طريق شن حملة كبيرة تهدف إلى العثور على متطوعين إسرائيليين يمنحون أعضاءهم بعد الموت. تم توزيع نصف مليون من المنشورات التي تدعو الإسرائيليين إلى التسجيل للاشتراك في التبرع بعد موتهم على الصحف المحلية. إيهود أولمرت نفسه كان أول من سجل اسمه ضمن المتطوعين. بعد مرور أسبوعين، أعلنت صحيفة جيروزالم بوست أن الحملة كانت ناجحة. ليس أقل من 35000 شخص سجلوا أنفسهم، مقابل 500 في الشهر سابقا. ومع ذلك فإن الصحفية جودي سيغل كتبت في نفس المقال أن الفجوة بين العرض والطلب لا تزال شاسعة. 500 شخصا كانوا على قائمة الانتظار لزرع كلية، في حين أنه لا يمكن تحقيق أكثر من 124 عملية زرع. من ضمن 45 شخصا من الذين يحتاجون إلى زراعة كبد، لا يمكن إجراء العملية لغير ثلاث حالات في إسرائيل. خلال هذه الحملة، بدأ عدد من الشبان الفلسطينيين من قرى الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة في الاختفاء. جنود إسرائيليون يعيدونهم موتى ومفتوحي الأجساد بعد خمسة أيام. الحديث عن تلك الأجساد المذبوحة والممزقة يروع لسكان الأراضي المحتلة. كانت هناك شائعات عن وجود زيادة رهيبة في معدل اختفاء الشبان الذي تتبعه جنازات ليلية للأجساد المشرحة. كنت في المنطقة حينها وكنت أعمل على تأليف كتاب. اتصلت في مناسبات عدة بموظفي الأمم المتحدة الذين كانوا يشعرون بالقلق إزاء تطورات الوضع. الأشخاص الذين اتصلوا بي قالوا إنه من الأكيد أن سرقات أعضاء بشرية كانت تحدث، لكنهم ممنوعون من فضها أو التدخل ضدها. بعد أن وفقت في إيجاد شبكة أقدر من خلالها على بث التحقيق الصحفي، تنقلت إلى المنطقة لمقابلة عدد كبير من العائلات الفلسطينية في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة حيث التقيت آباء وأمهات رووا لي كيف أن أجهزة أبنائهم قد أزيلت قبل قتلهم. من أحد الأمثلة التي اعترضتني خلال هذه الرحلة الكئيبة قصة رامي الحجارة الشاب بلال احمد غانم. كانت الساعة تشير إلى منتصف الليل تقريبا عندما تردد هدير محركات رتل سيارات الجيش الإسرائيلي على مشارف قرية Imatin الصغيرة والواقعة في شمال الضفة الغربية. سكان هذه المدينة الذي يعدون ألفين استيقظوا على صدى الدوي. كانوا مثل ظلال صامتة في الظلام الدامس. بعضهم كان مستلقيا على السطوح وكان البعض الآخر مختفيا وراء الستائر أو الجدران والأشجار التي توفر لهم الحماية أثناء حظر التجول ولكنها تمنحهم دائما رؤية واضحة لما سيكون قبرا لأول شهيد حينها في تلك القرية. قطع جنود الجيش الإسرائيلي الكهرباء وصارت القرية الآن منطقة عسكرية مغلقة - حتى القطة لا يمكنها أن تكون في الخارج دون أن تتعرض حياتها للخطر-. الصمت المطبق الذي لا يطاق في هذه الليلة الدامسة كان لا يتخلله غير النشيج الأخرس. لا أتذكر إن كان ارتجافنا بسبب البرد أو التوتر. قبل خمسة أيام من ذلك، في 13 أيار / مايو 1992، استخدمت فرقة من القوات الخاصة الإسرائيلية ورشة نجارة في القرية ككمين. الشخص الذي تم ترتيب العملية من أجله هو بلال أحمد غانم، وهو واحد من أولئك الشبان الفلسطينيين الذين كانوا يرمون الحجارة وكانوا يجعلون حياة الجنود الإسرائيليين صعبة. بما أنه واحد من أهم رماة الحجارة، فقد كان بلال غانم مطلوبا لدى الجيش في السنوات الأخيرة. لذلك تراه يختبئ مع أولاد آخرين من أطفال الحجارة في جبال نابلس، بلا سقف يحميهم. الوقوع بين أيادي العدو يعني بالنسبة لهم التعذيب والموت: ولهذا ينبغي عليهم أن يبقوا في الجبال مهما كان الثمن. في 13 مايو، خالف بلال ما اعتاد عليه من حيطة، عندما لسبب غير معلوم مر دون أن يحمي نفسه من أمام ورشة العمل. حتى طلال شقيقه الأكبر، لا يعرف لماذا عرض نفسه لمثل هذه المجازفة. ربما خرج الفتى لجلب ما يسد رمقه ومرافقيه من المواد الغذائية التي لا شك أنها كانت قد نفذت عندهم. كل شيء سار وفقا لما خطته القوات الإسرائيلية الخاصة. حطم الجنود سجائرهم، ألقوا بعبوات الكوكاكولا، وركزوا بهدوء من خلال النافذة المكسورة. عندما صار بلال قريبا بما يكفي، كان عليهم فقط أن يضغطوا على الزناد. الطلقة الأولى أصابت صدره. وفقا للقرويين الذين كانوا شهودا على الحادث، أصيب بلال بعيار ناري في كلا ساقيه. حينها نزل جنديان راكضين من ورشة النجارة وأطلقوا النار من جديد على بطن بلال. ثم أمسكوا به من القدمين، وجروه على امتداد العشرين درجة حجرية لسلم الورشة. يقول القرويون إن أشخاصا تابعين لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة والهلال الأحمر ممن كانوا موجودين على مقربة من مسرح الحادثة سمعوا طلقات النيران وجاءوا للبحث عن الجرحى الذين يحتاجون إلى عناية. وقد دار حوار حول من الذي ينبغي أن يهتم بالضحية. انتهت المناقشات بنقل الجنود الإسرائيليين لبلال الذي كان مصابا بجروح خطيرة في سيارة جيب إلى مشارف القرية، حيث كان في انتظارهم طائرة هليكوبتر عسكرية. حمل الفتى إلى وجهة مجهولة من طرف عائلته نفسها. بعد خمسة أيام، أعادوه ميتا وملفوفا في قطعة من قماش المستشفى الأخضر. لقد عرف أحد القرويين الكابتن يحيى رئيس فرقة الجيش التي قادت العملية. كان هو الذي حمل بلال من مركز التشريح بـ “أبو كبير” خارج تل أبيب حتى مثواه الأخير. “الكابتن يحي هو الأسوأ من الجميع.” همس القروي في أذني. ” بعد أن أنزل يحي الجثة وغير قطعة القماش الخضراء بقطعة قطنية أخرى خفيفة، اختار الجنود بعض الرجال من عائلة الضحية لحفر القبر، وخلط الإسمنت. على الرغم من علو الأصوات الناجمة عن ارتطام المعاول بالأرض، كنا نقدر على سماع ضحكات الجنود الذين كانوا يتبادلون النكات في انتظار العودة إلى ديارهم. عندما تم وضع بلال في الحفرة، تعرى صدره. وفجأة أصبح من الواضح للعدد القليل من الناس الحاضرين آنذاك أي نوع من الإساءة كان الفتى قد تعرض إليه. بلال لم يكن أول شاب فلسطيني يدفن مع شق يمتد من البطن إلى غاية ذقنه. وسرت منذئذ التكهنات حول سبب هذه الغرز سريان النار في الهشيم. كانت العائلات القاطنة في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة على يقين تام بما يحدث لأبنائها: ” أبناؤنا يقع استعمالهم كمانحين غير متطوعين للأعضاء.” قال قريب لخالد من نابلس، وهو نفس ما ردده كل من والدة رائد من مخيم جنين وأعمام محمود ونافس في قطاع غزة. جميع أولئك اختفوا لعدة أيام قبل أن يعودوا ليلا، جثثا هامدة مشرحة. “لماذا إذن هم يحتفظون بالجثث لمدة خمسة أيام على الأقل قبل أن يسمحوا لنا بدفنها؟ ماذا يحدث للجثث خلال تلك المدة الزمنية؟ لماذا يتم تشريحها، ضد إرادتنا، في حين أن سبب الموت واضح؟ لماذا يرجعون لنا الجثث ليلا؟ ما سبب المرافقة العسكرية لعملية الدفن؟ لماذا يتم إغلاق المنطقة حين الجنازة؟ لماذا يقطع التيار الكهربائي؟ ” عم نافع كان متوترا حد البلبلة وكانت أسئلته الكثيرة دامية. أقارب القتلى الفلسطينيين لم يعد لديهم أدنى شكوك حول الأسباب الكامنة وراء هذه العمليات الإجرامية، بيد أن المتحدث باسم الجيش الإسرائيلي يؤكد أن ادعاءات سرقة الأعضاء لا تعدو أن تكون أكاذيب. “جميع الفلسطينيين الذين قتلوا كان المفروض أن يقع تشريحهم. هي مجرد عملية روتينية.” هو يقول. بلال أحمد غانم كان واحدا من بين 133 فلسطينيا قتلوا بطرق شتى خلال هذا العام. وفقا للإحصاءات الفلسطينية، أسباب الوفاة كانت: قتل في الشارع، انفجار، غاز مسيل للدموع، دهس متعمد، شنق في السجن، قتل في المدرسة، قتل في المنزل، وما إلى ذلك. الـ 133 شخصا الذين قتلوا تتراوح أعمارهم بين 4 أشهر و 88 عاما. نصفهم فقط أي 69 ضحية تم تشريحهم. التشريح “الروتيني” للفلسطينيين المغتالين الذي يتحدث عنه المتحدث الرسمي باسم الجيش الإسرائيلي لا يعكس واقع الوضع في الأراضي المحتلة… وتظل التساؤلات ملحة. نحن نعرف أن إسرائيل لديها حاجة كبيرة للأعضاء التي يقع الاتجار بها على نطاق واسع وبطرق غير قانونية منذ سنوات عديدة وحتى الآن، كما أننا نعرف أيضا أن السلطات هناك على علم بما يحدث وأن الأطباء ذوي المناصب الإدارية العليا في المستشفيات الكبرى مشاركون في مثل هذه الممارسات مثلهم مثل كثير من الموظفين بكافة المستويات. كما أننا أيضا نعرف أن الشبان الفلسطينيين يختفون، ثم تتم إعادتهم بعد خمسة أيام ليلا وفي سرية تامة بعد أن ترتق أجسادهم التي كانت تشق من الذقن إلى أسفل البطن. يبدو أنه قد حان الوقت بما فيه الكفاية لإضفاء سمة الوضوح على هذه التجارة البشعة المتوحشة وإلقاء الضوء على ما يحدث الآن وما كانت ترتكبه إسرائيل دون وازع يذكر في الأراضي المحتلة منذ بدء الانتفاضة. عن صحيفة ” أفتونبلادت” السويدية: 17 أغسطس 2009 دونالد بوستروم: صحفي من السويد
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Michael Ignatieff was born in Toronto on 12 May 1947. He graduated from the University of Toronto with a B.A. in History. After earning his Ph.D. from Harvard University, he was elected a Senior Research Fellow at King's College, Cambridge. He has taught at Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, the University of California, the University of London and the London School of Economics. For several years Dr. Ignatieff lived in England, where he was a regular broadcaster and critic on television and radio, including feature programmes on Channel 4 and the British Broadcasting Corporation. His award-winning series on nationalism in the twentieth century, Blood and Belonging: Journeys into the New Nationalism, was first screened on the BBC in 1993. His book on the same subject won the Lionel Gelber Award. By then, Dr. Ignatieff had already written several scholarly works, on subjects as diverse as the English penal system, the human need for community, and the Scottish Enlightenment, as well as a family memoir, A Russian Album (1987), which won the Governor-General's Award for Non-Fiction and the Heinemann Award. Ignatieff's second novel, Scar Tissue (1993), was short-listed for both the Booker Prize for Fiction and the Whitbread Novel Award. Professor Ignatieff has written several books on modern warfare and on questions associated with human rights, as well as a much-acclaimed biography of Isaiah Berlin. He frequently contributes articles and reviews to a wide range of newspapers, journals and magazines. In 2000, Michael Ignatieff was invited by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to deliver the Massey Lectures, which were subsequently published as The Rights Revolution. His latest novel, Charlie Johnson in the Flames, appeared earlier this year and his analysis of the implications of the fight against terrorism for liberal democracy, The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror, will be available in May 2004. In addition to his teaching, Michael Ignatieff often speaks on historical subjects, philosophical questions and contemporary issues. Michael Ignatieff is the Carr Professor and Director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He lives with his wife in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This year's O.D. Skelton Memorial Lecture by Professor Michael Ignatieff is entitled "Peace, Order and Good Government: A Foreign Policy Agenda for Canada." Source:
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Ramadan, 2009

In Muslim nations and regions around the globe, this is the first week of the holy month of Ramadan, a time for followers to abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual activity during the day, breaking their fast each sunset, with traditional meals and sweets. During this time, Muslims are also encouraged to read the entire Quran, to give freely to those in need, and strengthen their ties to God through prayer. The goal of the fast is to teach humility, patience and sacrifice, and to ask forgiveness, practice self-restraint, and pray for guidance in the future. This year, Ramadan will continue until Saturday, September 19th. In the photos section at The Canadian International Electronic Museum of Contemporary Photography, you can see or watch 22 photos. Resource: Big Picture,
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دعا الرئيس الجنوبي السابق علي سالم البيض وبمناسبة هذه الأيام الفضيلة الجنود الجنوبيين الذين يشاركون في الحرب الدائرة والظالمة في محافظة صعدة بان يتجهوا فورا إلى قراهم ومدنهم في الجنوب صوب أهاليهم ووطنهم , تاركين هذا العدو المحتل يواجه مغامراته الرعناء وحده ، وأضاف البيض في مناشدة عاجلة بعث بها للجنود الجنوبيين في صعدة حصل " عدن برس " : " لا يشرف الجندي الجنوبي الحر ان يشارك في هذا العدوان الغاشم غير المتكافئ الذي يذهب ضحيته الآف المدنيين من الأطفال والشيوخ والنساء " . مناشدة عاجلة لأبناء الجنوب في صعده يطيب لنا في البداية ان نهنئكم بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك , سائلين المولى عز وجل ان يعيده علينا وعليكم وعلى شعب الجنوب الأبي وقد تحرر من نير الاحتلال وجبروت وطغيان المحتل الأرعن .. وان يحفظكم الله من كل مكروه ويبعد عنكم كل شر وبلاء الحروب المستعرة التي يخوضها نظام صنعاء حاليا في صعده . يا أبطال الجنوب البواسل .. ان من صميم واجبنا تجاهكم ان نعرفكم بما قد يخفى عليكم وبما يحيكه ويكنه لكم نظام الاحتلال من عداء وعدم اكتراث بحياتكم جراء الدفع بكم انتم وبشكل خاص يا أبناء الجنوب في أتون حرب طاحنة ما برح يخوضها تباعا في محافظة صعدة منذ عدة أعوام , ولا يشرف الجندي الجنوبي الحر ان يشارك في هذا العدوان الغاشم غير المتكافئ الذي يذهب ضحيته الآف المدنيين من الأطفال والشيوخ والنساء. أيها الأبطال الشجعان ... ان عليكم ان تتذكروا بعض الحقائق التي نود ان نشير إليها هنا ونذكركم بها , وهي ان هذا النظام يعمد وبشكل واضح الى دفع أبناء الجنوب بشكل خاص - على قلتهم في المؤسسات العسكرية والأمنية - الى الخطوط الأمامية المتقدمة جدا من هذه الحرب والمواقع الملتهبة , لكي يلقوا حتفهم في تلك المواجهات الخطيرة , في حين تنعم أفضل وأقوى وحداته العسكرية من قوات الحرس الجمهوري والقوات الخاصة وباقي الألوية الأخرى بنعيم الراحة والمراقبة عن بعد او المشاركة في الخطوط الخلفية في أسوأ الحالات .. ولا شك بأنكم تدركون هذا الأمر وتعايشونه على الطبيعة , ولا شك بأنكم قد تعرفتم على حقيقته عن كثب ... فماذا يعني لكم مثل هذا الأمر ؟؟ و ما هو سر كثرة عدد الشهداء من أبناء الجنوب في هذه المعارك الطائشة؟!! أيها الأبطال الشرفاء ... ان حياتكم لا تعني لهذا النظام شئ , ونحن علينا ان نذكركم بأن هذا النظام هو من يحتل وطنكم حاليا احتلال واضحا لا لبس فيه حتى وان تدثر برداء الوحدة المقتولة برماح حرب عام 1994م , وعليكم ان تتذكروا ان هذا النظام هو من قام بحل المؤسسة العسكرية والأمنية الجنوبية بالكامل وأحال بفعل ذلك مئات ألاف من إخوانكم الجنوبيين الى التقاعد , كما عليكم ان تدركوا انه وبينما يقودكم هذا النظام الى ساحات الموت في صعده ,فانه يوجه جيوشه نحو الجنوب لقتل أبناء الجنوب البواسل في ساحات النضال السلمي , أثناء خوضهم لمعارك الشرف والكرامة والحرية بحثا عن استعادة دولة الجنوب . تذكروا أيها الأبطال قافلة شهداء الجنوب وقوافل الجرحى والمعتقلين القابعين حاليا في سجون الاحتلال السحيقة .. تذكروا أيها الأبطال دموع اليتامى والأمهات والأرامل والثكالى اللاتي حرمهن هذا المحتل من فلذات أكبادهن ومن أزواجهن وإخوانهن في الجنوب ... تذكروا وضاح الجنوب وزملائه الشهداء الأبرار الذي قضوا في ساحات النضال برصاص الغدر والخسة والنذالة .. تذكروا ان ساحات النضال السلمي في الجنوب هي أولى بكم من ساحات العدوان والموت في صعده . إننا ومن منطلق واجبنا عليكم ... نناشدكم في هذا الأيام الفضيلة ان تتجهوا فورا إلى قراكم ومدنكم في الجنوب صوب أهاليكم ووطنكم , تاركين هذا العدو المحتل يواجه مغامراته الرعناء وحده . والله اكبر من قبل ومن بعد ... والعزة والمجد والحرية للجنوب ولأبنائه الشرفاء .. المجد والخلود لشهدائنا الأبرار . وكل عام وانتم بخير الرئيس / علي سالم البيض
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متابعات :حذرت منظمة سياج لحماية الطفولة باليمن من كارثة إنسانية يقع تحت طائلتها أكثر من (خمسين ألفاً)* من أطفال محافظة صعدة النازحين إلى المخيمات والقرى الواقعة في مناطق المواجهات عموماً. وأعربت المنظمة في بيان لها – تلقى " التغيير " نسخة منه - عن قلقها من وجود أطفال مجندين دون السن القانونية يحملون السلاح ويهتفون بشعارات الحوثي ، داعية جماعة الحوثي في هذا الخصوص إلى عدم تجنيد الأطفال في العمليات القتالية. و أضاف البيان بحسب المعلومات التي أفاد بهام متطوعو سياج في عدد من مناطق محافظة صعدة فإن مقاتلين يقومون باللجوء إلى القرى والبلدات الآهلة بالسكان تفاديا لضربات الطيران والمدفعية ويخوضون حرب عصابات ما يعرض السكان المدنيين لخطر الموت والإصابة والتشريد من منازلهم وهي أساليب مدانة ومستنكرة وغير مقبولة. كما حذرت المنظمة من استهداف المدنيين (خصوصا منهم الأطفال والنساء) أو استخدامهم دروعا بشرية أو إقحامهم في المعارك الحربية وتعريض حياتهم وأمنهم وسلامتهم للخطر. ودعت المنظمة طرفي الحرب في صعدة (الدولة وجماعة الحوثي) إلى الاحتكام للدستور والقانون اليمني والقوانين والمعاهدات الدولية ذات الصلة بحقوق الإنسان وما أولته تلك النصوص من خصوصية للأطفال والنساء في الحرب ، كما دعتهم إلى تأمين طرق خاصة لمرور الإمدادات الطبية والغذائية للنازحين وتحديد أوقات مخصصة لعبورها للتخفيف من سوء الأوضاع الإنسانية هناك. و أهابت منظمة سياج بكل فئات المجتمع اليمني الشعبية والرسمية وجميع منظمات الإغاثة الإنسانية لتسيير قوافل شعبية من المحافظات لتقديم المساعدات الإنسانية لأطفال صعدة وفتح مراكز لجمع التبرعات العينية والمالية لصالحهم.
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His Excellency, Ottawa International Poets and Writers for Human Rights (OIPWHR) is appealing to you to take action immediately to stop the terrible civil war of Yemen, for a world free of war, for liberty, fraternity and equality, for a honest life for humanity, and for the interest of the Yemeni people. Furthermore, to maintain the unity, democracy and human rights, for children, who do are not guilty of the past, present. Nevertheless, they will pay the price of wars unwillingly. Best Regards and wishes. Ottawa International Poets and Writers for Human Rights (OIPWHR) M.T.Al-Mansouri,ph.D. Attachment: A huge number of photographs of these crimes have been collected by M.T. Al-Mansouri, Ph.D. Please see them on the website of “Ottawa International Poets and Writers for Human Rights” at the following URL: A Copy sent to: 1.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 2..The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) 3.The International Court of Justice 4.The World Health Organization (WHO) 5.The Arab League 6. Other Human Rights Institutions and Establishments صـاحـب السـعـادة المبـجـّل بــان كـي مـون, امين عام الأمم المتحدة ,,,تحية إنسانية شعراء وكــتـّاب أوتــاوا المهـتمين بحقوق الإنسـان يوجهون رسالتهم الي معاليكم ويناشدوكم بإسـم الانسانية جمعا ويطالبونكم بالعمل المستمر من أجل ايقاف الحرب الأهلية في اليمن وتقديم المساعدات وبذل الجهود من أجل عالم خال من الحروب, من أجل الحرية والأخاء والمساواه, من أجل حياة كريمة للإنسانية جمعاء ومن أجل الحفاظ على مصلحة الشعب اليمني والحفاظ على الوحدة والديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان, من أجل اطفال لاذنب لهم بالماضي والحاضر وسيدفعون كرها ثمن الحرب. والأمـل بكم منـوط في المسؤولية التي تتحملـونهـا في المنظـمة الدولية. شعراء وكــتـّاب أوتــاوا المهـتمين بحقوق الإنسـان الدكتور إم . تي. المنصوري أوتــاوا-كندا 18 أغسطس 2009م : صورة مع التحية ل منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلوم والثقافة-الـيونسكو منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة – اليونيسف محكمة العدل الدولية منظمة الصحة العالمية جامعة الدول العربية منظمة الصحة العالمية وهيئات و منظمات حقوقية أخرى
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Walid Abu Obeida, a 13-year-old Palestinian farm boy from the West Bank village of Ya'abad, had never spoken to an Israeli until he rounded a corner at dusk carrying his shopping bags and found two Israeli soldiers waiting with their rifles aimed at him. "They accused me of throwing stones at them," recounts Walid, a skinny kid with dark eyes. "Then one of them smacked me in the face, and my nose started bleeding." According to Walid, the two soldiers blindfolded and handcuffed him, dragged him to a jeep and drove away. All that his family would know about their missing son was that his shopping bags with meat and rice for that evening's dinner were found in the dusty road near an olive grove. Over the course of several days in April last year, the boy says he was moved from an army camp to a prison, where he was crammed into a cell with five other children, cursed at and humiliated by the guards and beaten by his interrogator until he confessed to stone-throwing. Walid says he saw his parents for only five seconds when he was brought before an Israeli military court and accused by the uniformed prosecutor not only of throwing stones but of "striking an Israeli officer." The military judge ignored the latter charge and chose to prosecute Walid only for allegedly heaving a stone at soldiers. The boy got off lightly: he spent 28 days in prison and was fined 500 shekels (approximately $120). Under Israeli military law, which prevails in the Palestinian territories, the crime of throwing a stone at an Israeli solider or even at the monolithic 20-ft.-high "security barrier" enclosing much of the West Bank can carry a maximum 20-year-prison sentence. Since 2000, according to the Palestinian Ministry for Prisoner Affairs, more than 6,500 children have been arrested, mostly for hurling rocks. Walid's story is hardly unusual, judging from a report on the Israeli military-justice system in the West Bank compiled by the Palestine office of the Geneva-based Defense for Children International, which works closely with the U.N. and European states. Human-rights groups in Israel and elsewhere have also condemned the punishment meted out to Palestinian children by Israeli military justice. Most onerous, says Sarit Michaeli of the Israeli human-rights group B'Tselem, is that inside the territories, the Israeli military deems any Palestinian who is 16 years and older as an adult, while inside Israel, the U.S. and most other countries, adulthood is reached at age 18. The report states that "the ill-treatment and torture" of Palestinian child prisoners "appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized, suggesting complicity at all levels of the political and military chain of command." The group's director, Rifaat Kassis, says the number of child arrests rose sharply in the past six months, possibly because of a crackdown on Palestinian protests in the West Bank in the aftermath of Israel's military offensive in Gaza.
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A longer profile :)

Ni hao. I hope you and yours are well and will continue to be. Excellent start of a group, thanx for all you do and don't! I'm 49, diffabled, and a mental health counseling supervisor by profession, mostly working with various dually diagnosed populations; with 2 kids in their late 20's- residing in the usa. What do you think? From the heart in the heart of the heartland. A profile follows.Some of the groups I moderate :)Disabled Greens News and discussion, Group :) in Therapy, Group :), Mental Health, all related issues, advocacy, and professionals: Homepage:'s My Space page, blog :) Abuse Social Network!:'s Windows Live Space :)'s geocities website :) For Human Rights :) For Human Rights :)"Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen." ~ Leonardo da Vinci. Enjoy a festive eve' as you can. Lest "we" forget, if you don't exercise responsibility, its Siamese twin sister, freedom, will wither, like a muscle, as well. Sadly, now, it first needs to be exorcized before its exercised. Viva la evolution! Music is life's song accompanying the abundance of joy's Spring. For those interested :) "of or pertaining to the morning, day: relating to or happening in the morning or in the early part of the day (formal), (Mid-16th century, from late Latin matutinalis, from Matuta, goddess of the dawn.)". I look forward to hearing from you. Copy, share, as you will. Goodbye.Some Poets :) Dylan Thomas; Pablo Neruda; Kahlil Gibran; Mankiller; Jill St. John; Edna St. Vincent Millay; Maya Angelou; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Emily Dickinson; Langston Hughes; William Blake; Milarepa; Basho; Amiri Baraka; Rumi; Virginia Woolf; Audrey Lorde; Chuang Tzu; Lao Tzu; WB YEATS; St. Francis of Assisi; Confucius; Socrates; Henry David Thoreau; Starhawk; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Henry Wadsworth; Carlos Castaneda; Suzuki; Thomas Merton; Artharvaveda; Basho; Bob Dylan; Happy Rhodes; et alSome Books :) Power Tactics of Jesus Christ; Aquarian Gospel; Kahlil Gibran; The Power of Positive Thinking + How to make friends + influence people…Norman Vincent Peale; Art of Living; Eric Fromm; Meetings with remarkable men; A Course in Miracles; Wayne Dyer; Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu; I Ching; Joseph Campbell; CS Lewis; JRR Tolkien; Focusing; Wherever you go, there you are; Rollo May; Bhagavad gita, Vedic literature, Razor’s Edge, Somerset Maugham; SETH books; Magical Child; Carlos Castaneda, all; Thich Nhat Hanh; Shunryu Suzuki (and more Suzuki's); Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee; Huston Smith; Carl Jung; Joyce Carol Oates; Aristotle, Dalai Lama; Plato; zen flesh, zen bones; Sun Faced Buddha; Karen Armstrong; Saint Augustine; St. Francis of Assisi; Mother Theresa; Jack Kornfield; Alan Watts; Thomas Merton; Pema Chodron; Ken Wilber; Homecoming; Zen and the art of archery; Old and New Testaments, Shroud of Turin, Koran; Perfumed Scorpion; Thomas Cleary; Seung Sahn; Deepak Chopra; Patanjali; Emmet Fox; Silva Mind Control; Audre Lourdes; Psycho-cybernetics; Jon Kabat-Zinn; Warrior of Peace, Nonviolent warrior; Malcolm X; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Mahatma Ghandi; Soul on ice; a good day to die; Mankiller; Jill St. John; Edna St. Vincent Millay; Leonard Peltier, in his own words; Live from Death Row, Mumia Abdul Jamal; Plato; Socrates; Hippocrates; Hammurabi; Maya Angelou; Killing of the Greens; China, Since Mao Tse Tung; Deshimaru (Zen, from France); Kierkegaard; Henri JM Nouwen; BKS Iyengar; Ilyat Khan (many Khans); Bible; Koran; Torah; Simon Wiesenthal; Rabbi Michael Lerner; Cornel West; Noam Chomsky; Michael Harner; Marianne Williamson; Rousseau; Piaget; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Thoreau; Longfellow; Emily Dickinson; Nelson Mandela; Bishop Desmond Tutu; Naomi Wolf; Gloria Steinem; Alice Walker; Langston Hughes, Pablo Neruda; Remote Viewing; cummings; Kabbalah; Left brain, Right brain; Thomas Moore; Fox; Common Sense; Non-violent Warrior (from France); Gary Zukav; Tao of physics; Frederick Douglas; Shamanic journey; Carl Jung; Carl Rogers; Robert Blake; Jiddu Krishnamurti; Florinda Donner; John Perkins; Starhawk; Egyptian and Tibetan Book of the Dead; Rainwoman; Sun Bear; Black Elk; Albert Einstein; Alduos Huxley; Carl Sagan; The book of five rings; The prophets; Fritz Perls; Alex Haley; EST, Werner Erhardt; Direct Centering; Charles Darwin; John Paul Satre; Simone De Beauvoir; Robert Thurman; Sharon Salzberg; Paul Tillich; Ivan Illich, De-schooling society; Rebirthing; Eric Berne: Transactional Analysis; Winona Laduke; Charles Luk: Chan and Zen teaching; Tony Buzon: Use both side of your brain; George Orwell, ‘1984‘; Milarepa; The Gold Faced Buddha; Leo Buscaglia: Inner-child integrative work; War and Peace; Dostoievsky; Tolstoy; White Buffalo...; Germaine Greer; David Spangler: New Age personal growth; Confucius; Ernest Hemingway, Old man and the sea; Rainwalker; Chuang-Tzu; Eric Erikson; D.B. Dubois...; Meetings With Remarkable Men, by Gurdjieff (and others by him, as well, the movie based on the book is great); Dogen, all his works; many Suzuki's, and all their works; Cosmic Fishing :) E.B. Applewhite (some of his) and Buckminster Fuller (all of his books); Abraham Joshua Heschel: I asked for wonder, etc.; Jerry Mander: In the absence of the sacred; et alSome Movies :) Ghandi (All); Meetings With Remarkable Men (All); all of Akira Kurosawa's and Igmar Bergman's; most of Louis Malle's and Peter Hyams; On Dangerous Ground, Fire Down Below (most of Steven Seagal's); Little Buddha; Incident At Oglala; Iron And Silk; Brother Sun, Sister Moon, and most of Zeferelli's, Hitchcock's, Scorsese's; Flying Daggers, and most quality action films; Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee; All Jet Li's (Emperor's Assassin, Hero) and Most of Jackie Chan's; The Year of Living Dangerously; Enter The Dragon (All Bruce Lee's); Norma Rae; The Gardner; To Be, Or, Not To Be; Freedomland; most documentaries; Voices In Wartime; Good Night, Good Luck; The Unbearable Lightness of Being; Freedom Song; All Noam Chomsky's; Serenity; 2010; most of Dolph Lundgren's, Van Damme's, Norris'; Eulogy 2004; most spiritually inclined films; Passion of the Christ; He Said, She Said; Lenny Bruce; Carwash; The Big Chill; Metropolis; all of Jodie Foster's; Close Encounter of the Third Kind and all Dreyfus'; Children of a Lesser God and all Mary Maitlin's; most of Renoir's; almost all of John and Angelica Huston's; all: Hillary Swank's, Kevin Costner's, Julia Luis-Dreyfus; the Fonda's, The Copolla's, Jeremy Irons', Tommy Lee Jones', Cate Blanchett's, Laura Linney's, Robin William's, Lancaster's, Jessica Lange's, Sam Waterston, Ice Cube's, Ice Tea's, Ice Slivers', Hot Ice's, Crushed Ice's, Italian Ice's, all the Ice's, except for Vanilla Ice's, the Douglass', STING's, Streep's, Voight's and Jolie's, Mikhail Barishnokov's and Nureyev's, Banderas' (Philidelphia Story), Barbra Streisand's; Murray's, Rock's, the Wayans; the Van Peebles, all the Baldwins films, especially James, Willis' (13 th Monkey), Pitt's, Redford's, the Pecks', Palance's, the Sheen's and Esteves, Ossie Davis' and Ruby Dee's, Jones', Kate Hudson's, Madonna's, Freeman's, Mel Brook's films, Albert Brook's, Danny Glover, Jr., Steenburgen's, Snipes', Aidan Quinn's, Anthony Hopkin's; Robert Downy, Jr.'s; Eastwood's, Pacino's, Harrison Ford's, Deniro's, Maria Conchita Alonso's, Ingrid Bergman's and Isabella Rosselini's, Bacon's, Mastrontonio's, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence with David Bowie, and all his; the Garafalos'; Richard Dreyfus'; Faye Dunaway's; Liev Schriber's; the Arquettes; the Harry Potter films; most of Nicolas Cage's, in Lord of War; Blood Diamond and all Leonardo DiCaprio's; The Garden and The Fountain, as well as all Rachel Weisz's; all of Cicely Tyson’s; The Autobiography of Jane Pitman; Lord of The Rings (animated and the trilogy; Matrix trilogy and series; Dr. Zhivago; I Witness; The Reaping; all of Hillary Swank’s; all of Jennifer Lopez’; all of Jennifer Aniston’s; all of Angelina Jolie’s; all of Brad Pitt’s; Dr. Strangelove; Star Wars series; most sci fi's; all of Martin Shorts; all of Debra Winger’s; all of Billy Crystal’s; all of Robin Williams; some Bollywood, world cinema, and crossover (especially Asian); movies with and on Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth, Langston Hughs, Paul Robeson, Medgar Evers, Zapata, underground railroads, holocausts, Sherlock Holmes; exceptional horror, western, sports, almost all sociological and/or poliical; Dorian Gray films; Sometimes In April; The Saint; Omen, the new and old ones; The Possesion of Sarah; The Exorism of Emily Rose; The Exorcist, the whole series; The Brave One; Starship Troopers (all, the first, signaling of the beginning of the increase in the rate of the patriarchy's slow motion blitzkrieg); Spiritual Cinema and the club; Cybertrackers with Don Wilson and all his; The Mission; Legends of The Fall; A River Runs Through It; The Missing; Hotel Rwanda; All Alien vs. Predator; The Wiz; The Wizard of Oz; et alSome TV Shows :) Now, Judging Amy, Frasier; Will and Grace; P.O.V.; Most shows on P.B.S., A. + E., National Geographic channels; some on the History and Discovery channels; To The Contrary (almost); McNeil Lehrer News; Eyes on the Prize, The 11th Hour, Def Poetree Jam and any other shows that include poetree, and/or most all arts; McGaughlin Group; Wayne Dyer, Leo Buscaglia, and Joseph Campbell's PBS series; Religion and Ethics (some); Deep Space Nine; Kung Fu; Medium; Friends; Austin City Limits; most musical, science, political and art presentations; Voyager; most documentaries; Moyer's Journal; Scientific American Presents; Tavis Smiley show; AC Cooper's 360; Farscape; Babylon 5; SG-1; Stargate Atlantis; Painting shows; Sopranos; Deep Space Nine; Star Trek; Firefly; all Sherlock Holmes; some Masterpiece Theatre; Monk (rarely); Some: basketball, tennis, soccer (li'l); Frasier; Saturday Night Live; Outer Limits; One Step Beyond; Politically Incorrect and Real Times with Bill Maher, all of his; Smith and Jones; 30 Rock; Al Sharpton's series; Chris Rock show; the Wayans shows; Enterprise; Sarah Connors Chronicles; et alSome heroes :) Most of the Gods; the Great Spirit; Jean Paul Sartre; Carl Jung; the Ghandi's; the Buddha's; all the prophets and great Saints; most of the Saints; Transcendent artists of all disciplines and genres who co-create reality; kids who don't get brainwashed into believing they don't know, and, thereby, don't unbecome into memorization and rote parts in 'la machine', while they grow up; people who "act justly, love gently, and walk humbly with their God"; Life; Earth; Sun; Universe; et alMusic :) All world music; most folk; all the great music of every genre that transcends its genre and the fact that its music; et alPlaces lived :) NY, ND, NJ, CA, Wash, DC, FL, NV, MO, KS, MA, CO, PA, VT, NH, VA, OH, NE, MDI'd Like to Meet :) My original self that is not mine, and the original nature that is; et alSome foods :) Seafood, rice, vegetables: all, all whole wheat: pizza, All: Chinese; Mexican; Thai; Indian; Native American; Middle Eastern; et al. No pork and prefer no red meat.Some of my quotes :) Grey, those more attached to living or dying are more closely death; Not all those deluded by sides are squares; Grace can't be sought, it seeks you, if you...; Winning is losing without the benefits. There is also no how you're playing the gaming; If you're playing the gaming, the gaming is playing you; Music is life's song accompanying the abundance of joy's Spring; It used to be that technology was the tool in man's hand, now, technology has become the hand, and man the tool, while it grows in every way, man becomes less and less, day by day; One's mental cell, built of walls of delusions, made with bricks of illusions, is one's hell; Tone, life's signs and meanings, perceived by all our senses, and being's foci of attention, can divine from within and without, that's if our inner-eye isn't clouded by false-ego, self-conscious self, or doubt; Eden?, splitting of atom, cloning of adam, hubris, leads to extinction; A smile alights life; Shine, finding a find, giving it away, aliveness being this day; Ring unbroken, the way open, beyond time and bone of space, in front of nose, original face; You can talk the talk, walk the walk, and even be the be, but, if you don't vote the vote, you won't ever be livin' in a democracy; Heart, like the wind moves, not love, nor hate, only everything and nothing at all, at once; Leaf, a raindrop forms in love's eye, joy, sadness, let go; Departed, the depth of one's sorrow is the well's fathom, of meanings and moments shared with them; Why, as acid rain from your closed eye, an acre of rainforest falls each second, and the earths tears bleed, for, all you see is grey; Clarity, a sword that cuts all ways, without, for, there's no cutting, and a pointless point; If, one lived as prayer, their light adding to the well of light, their every step in grace, they would leave no footprints, that would echo always; Equality and liberty are fallow fields, without the seeds of fraternity; Might makes right, but, it also makes wrong, fraternity rules; Injustices, addressing, not addressing them have costs, the former is individual, the later is global; Ends or means, neither do I embrace, rather, the struggle well run, which uplifts us uncrowned, every moment humans race! Lest "we" forget, if you don't exercise responsibility, its Siamese twin sister, freedom, will wither like a muscle, as well. Sadly, now, it first needs to be exorcized before its exercised. All people, as all life, are threads in the whole of the fabric of life, which will always need mending; yet, "we, ..." can't allow it to be torn asunder. "We,...", can challenge ourselves and society by challenging defacto slavery established by the injustice system in the U.S. and everywhere it is? Isn't an important part of that challenging, working towards abolishing their tool of terror which determines most follow their leaders out of fear, if little else? For, we all know the innocent are premeditatedly murdered by the state to that purpose, the death penalty being a tool of the war on freedom. A smile alights life, laughter gives it flight.Please add your suggestions and/or thoughts :) Ciao, for now.Matutinally Yours,james m nordlund reality (aja) :)
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الشهداء يكتبون بدمائهم وضمائرهم: الموقع العالمي لشعراء وكــتـّاب أوتــاوا المهـتمين بحقوق الإنسـان يعبر عن حزنها العميق لوفـاة الدكتور القدسي متأثرا بـجراحه: ليس فقط برحيل الزميل درهم القدسي الطبيب فقدت اليمن احد كوادرها بل والانسانية جمعاء لنبله وحسن معاشرته، فقد كان مثالا للوفاء والاخلاص والزهد والتقوى. اذكره ناسكاً و زاهداً ومثقفاً وثورياً من الطراز الاول فالاسرة الصحفية والثقافية والطبية برحيله فقدت قلماً شريفاً وانساناً رائعاً ونبيلاً ، واننا نتقدم بأحر التعازي والمواساة الى أسرة الفقيد الدكتور درهم القدسي خاصةً والى الاسرة الصحفية والطبية عامةً. نسأل الله تعالى ان يتغمده بواسع رحمته، وان يلهم اهله وذويه الصبر والسلوان , وانا لله وانا اليه راجعون. كتب الدكتور الفقيد درهم خواطره ومقالاته القصيرة في صحيفة 13 يونيو الصادرة عن التنظيم الوحدوي الشعبي الناصري- فرع بولندا، عن العقيدة السمحاء وعن الوطن والوحدة وضرورة التغيير الى الافضل وكذلك عن الظلم والتسلط وقانون الغاب، لكن الذئاب أكلته في بلد لا مكان فيها للبراءة او النقاء، الحراس كانوا غافلين والحكومة متواطئة وتحمي المجرمين. امبراطورية القتل تطعننا كل يوم من الوريد الى الوريد فلا مفر. صديقي العزيز الانيس والخليل درهم، مصاصو الدماء لن يعيشوا لحظات من غير دمائنا طالما شعبك ظل نائما و( بالقات) حالما، فنحن نشـرب من الوادي المقدس كل يوم داء. لنزف دم لأهل البيت دواء. فلم تشف قلوبهم العليلة من دمائنا ودم جيل آت وجيل مضى. واخيراً عليك السلام يوم ولدت ويوم مت ويوم يبعثك الله في صفوف الشهداء الخالدين. فسلاماً عليكم أيها الخالدون والى حين الملتقى المنتظر. أوجه رسالتي الى الاخوة الاطباء وكل المثقفين داخل الوطن العربي وخارجه للتضامن مع قضية الدكتور درهم محمد القدسي حتي يقبض على القتلة ويجري تسليمهم الى العدالة للمحاكمة. كما أوجه كذلك رسالتي الى الاخ الصحفي القدير ورئيس تحرير صحيفة النداء اليمنية السيد سامي غالب بخصوص تجميع ونشر ما كتبه الفقيد الدكتور درهم حفظا لقيمه وحفظا للتراث الانساني عالي القيم. الدكتور إم.تي. المنصوري المؤسس والمحرر والناشر
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كشفت تقارير صحافية عن مشاركة فعلية لمسلحين متشددين ينتمون إلى “السلفية الجهادية” في الحرب التي تشنها القوات الحكومية والمسلحين القبائل ضد جماعة الحوثي في صعدة وحرف سفيان فيما يعرف بالحرب السادسة على صعدة التي انفجرت في العاشر من الشهر الجاري ولا تزال مرشحة للاتساع الجغرافي والاجتماعي بصورة غير مسبوقة, وكانت تقارير صحافية قد تحدثت قبل اندلاع الحرب الأخيرة عن مجاميع أصولية ومليشيات حزبية تتجمع في محافظة الجوف بكامل أسلحتها المتوسطة والثقيلة على اثر خلاف دام بين مواليين للجماعة الحوثي وآخرين ينتمون إلى حزب التجمع اليمني للإصلاح في المنطقة حول إمامة مسجد آل الوزير في مديرية الزاهر خلف عدد من القتلى والجرحى قبل تدخل وساطة قبلية لإجراء صلح هش بين الطرفي ما لبث أن تجدد تحت عنوان مواجهة تمدد الحوثي إلى الجوف ولكن هذه المرة باسم قبائل دهم. يشار الى ان النسيج الاجتماعي والمذهبي في صعدة والجوف قد ظل حائلا دون اختراق القاعدة لهذه المحافظات الحدودية والمتداخلة اجتماعيا مع قبائل واسر سعودية في امارة نجران ومحيطها وكان حادث اختطاف وقتل اجانب يعملون في المستشفى الجمهوري بصعدة قد كشف وجود معسكر للمجاهدين في منطقة وائلة التابعة لمحافظة صعدة والمحاددة للسعودية. وذكرت احدى الصحف المقربة من السلطة ان كل من ياسر عبالة الوائلي وصالح التيس واخيه علي التيس المعروفين بعلاقتهم بالجماعات الجهادية في وائلة قد يكون لهم علاقة بجريمة الاختطاف والقتل للالمان غير ان دوائر في السلطة سارعت الى اتهام جماعة الحوثي وكفت عن ملاحقة خيوط الجريمة لدى بقية الاطراف المشتبه بها بل ورفض فرضية العمل الارهابي في عملية الاختطاف منذ البداية وهو ما اغضب المحققين الالمان ودوائر استخباراته اخرى. وفي تطور خطير لما يعرف بالحرب السادسة على صعدة نشر موقعي نيوز يمن والصحوة نت عن اشتباكات مزعومة بين سلفيين وحوثيين في صعدة على خلفية صلاة التراويح وهو ما نفاه الحوثي واعتبره محاولة غير حميد ة لتحويل الحرب الدائرة مع السلطة إلى حرب طائفية ممقوته. وكانت قناة السعيدة قد بثت تقريرا مصورا عن الصراع بين قبيلتي حاشد وسفيان عشية الحرب الاخيرة ضمنته مقابلات صحافية مع مسلحين جهاديين قالوا بأنهم ينتظرون المنازلة مع من أسموهم “الروافض” الحوثيين، وهو مصطلح يستخدمه تنظيم القاعدة وغيره من الجهاديين السلفيين لتكفير الشيعة وجواز قتلهم ومحاربتهم باسم العقيدة الإسلامية الصحيحة. وكانت عدة دوائر حكومية أمريكية قد أبدت مؤخرا مخاوفها من احتمال تنامي قوة تنظيم القاعدة في اليمن, وتزايد أنشطتها الإرهابية الآخذة في التصاعد في أماكن متفرقة من اليمن محذرة الحكومة اليمنية من زجهم في الحرب الدائرة في صعدة وكشفت تلك الدوائر ضعف الجهود اليمنية تجاه تحجيم ذلك التنامي في أنشطة وتدريبات القاعدة في اليمن مما يزيد من تنامي القلق الأمريكي حول تزايد قوة تنظيم القاعدة وتوسع أنشطتها وتدريباتها في البلد. وقالت بان ” على الحكومة اليمنية القيام باجراءآت أكثر قوة تجاه تحجيم التواجد القاعدي في اليمن ، والعمل على تحسين تبادل المعلومات الاستخباراتية بين البلدين. وفي زيارة السناتور الامريكي والمرشح الرئاسي السابق جون ماكين الى اليمن حمل معه ملف تنظيم القاعدة والجماعات الارهابية في اليمن وامكانية تسرب مقاتلين جدد الى اليمن من العراق وافغانستان عبر الصومال ،رافضا وضع الحرب في صعدة ضمن الحرب العالمية على الارهاب. من جانبه أشار مستشار مكافحة الإرهاب في وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية السيد “ شاري فيلا روسا”:” أن الحالة الأمنية في اليمن قد تدهورت بشكل كبيرا جدا، وأضاف: “ إن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تريد مساعدة اليمن، لأننا لا نريد أن تصبح اليمن أفغانستان جديد- حسب قوله- مؤكدا على :”أن القاعدة تدرب و تخطط لأعمال إرهابية في اليمن و تنفذها عندنا” -حسب وصفه. وقال التقرير أن أفراد من تنظيم القاعدة من اليمن و السعودية قد شكلوا تنظيما مشتركا أسموه” تنظيم القاعدة في جزيرة العرب”. وحذر سابقا خبراء- ما يوصف بالإرهاب- من ا انتقال رجال من القاعدة من المناطق الحدودية الباكستانية الأفغانية إلى اليمن ، غير أن مصادر في الأجهزة الأمنية في اليمن نفت صحة تلك الأنباء. عن الاشتراكي
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Its like the same day, over and over, again and again. During the last war, Saleh released several convicted terrorists from jail on the condition that they go to fight in Sa’ada, but some ran away instead. Among the most repetitive reports since 2005 regarding the Sa’ada War and al Qaeda have been those of hardened terrorists training the tribal militias. Some foreign al-Qaeda always managed to show up for the prior Sa’ada wars to fight on behalf of the state. Mercenaries is a more apt term. This time they started congregating before the war even broke out. Saleh whistled apparently. The article mentions the discovery of the terror training camp during the international search for the missing foreigners in June, but omits that the camp was actually an “abandoned” military facility. The surprising thing was that they only discovered one. If you want to find terrorists training in Yemen, start looking by at the military camps. Multi-tasking we can call it, perhaps sub-letting. The question has always been, what is the quid pro quo? Beyond the obvious transit of jihaddis of all nationalities from Yemen to Iraq, the money laundering, criminal facilitiation and the free flow of goods and services to Somalia, what else is al Qaeda getting? On a less controversial note and previously discussed in context of the southern protests, the internationalization of any conflict in Yemen under the banner of jihad poses the serious threat in drawing foreign fighters considering the Yemeni environment is so hospitable. However the Yemeni government is the one defining the conflict(s) in terms of apostasy and providing the hospitable environment. And this war, this time, everything is bigger.
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OCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM – Israeli officials and spokespersons have been railing against a leading Swedish newspaper for publishing a report claiming that the Israeli occupation army murders Palestinians in order to use their organs for transplants for Jewish patients. The Tabloid Aftonbladet, one of Sweden’s most popular newspapers, on Tuesday, 18 August, reported that Israeli occupation soldiers had been murdering Palestinian youngsters in the West Bank in order to extricate their organs and sell them. The report carried a photograph showing the body of a victim of such an execution, with a large scar running from his chin to abdomen. The report quotes the family of one of the victims as saying that “our sons were plundered from their organs.” The report also makes a connection with the recent corruption scandal in New Jersey involving elected officials, rabbis, and illegal organ trading. The author of the report, Donald Bostrom, spoke of a strong suspicion among Palestinians that young men’s organs were harvested by the Israeli army. He suggests that the International Court of Justice in the Hague should open an investigation into the matter. Witness Bostrom quotes a Palestinian witness as describing one case in which the Israeli occupation army shot dead a young Palestinian from a West Bank village and then extricated his organs. The Palestinian victim is identified as Bilal Ahmed Ghniyan. “He was taken away by a military helicopter and brought back by the army five days later, dead. As his family members buried him, they saw a large scar running from his stomach to his chin.” Bostrom also quotes other eye-witnesses testifying that their sons were used as “forced organ donors.” “Blood libel” Israeli spokesperson and Foreign Ministry officials were raving and ranting against Aftonbladet accusing the mass circulation newspaper of indulging in “blood libel” and making “canards” against Israel . Israeli spokesman Yigal Palmor said the Swedish newspaper had “turned the demonization of Israel into a sacred cause.” Other Israeli officials threatened to sue the Swedish newspaper for libel, claiming that the report was an expression of anti-Semitism. Israel has been reacting with exaggerated sensitivity toward international criticisms of its manifestly harsh treatment of Palestinians and the brazen racism associated with this treatment. Earlier this year, the Israeli army, using internationally-banned weapons launched a massive and deadly blitzkrieg on the virtually unprotected population of the Gaza Strip, killing, maiming and incinerating thousands of innocent civilians, including hundreds of children. Human rights organizations described the huge rampage of terror and death, which lasted for more than 20 days, as “clear war crimes” and “crimes against humanity.” Similarly, Israel had killed thousands of innocent civilians in the West Bank , and many of the victims were sent to the Abu Kabir forensic institute for autopsy operations. However, it is unclear if the vital organs of these young victims were always disposed of or taken out for transplant in Jewish patients. The Israeli army, which exerts huge political and legal influence in Israel, nearly always resisted scrutiny of its operations in the West Bank which are carried out in utter violation of international law, especially the international humanitarian law. Precedent In January, 2002, an Israeli cabinet minister tacitly admitted that organs taken from the bodies of Palestinian victims might have been used for transplants in Jewish patients without the knowledge of the Palestinian victims’ families. The minister, Nessim Dahan, said in response to a question by an Arab Knesset member that he couldn’t deny or confirm that organs of Palestinian youths and children killed by the Israeli army were taken out for transplants or scientific research. “I couldn’t say for sure that something like that didn’t happen.” The Arab Knesset member who posed the question to Dahan is believed to be Ahmed Teibi. Teibi pointed out that he had received “credible evidence” proving that Israeli doctors at the forensic institute of Abu Kabir extracted such vital organs as the heart, kidneys, and liver from the bodies of Palestinian youth and children killed by the Israeli army in Gaza and the West Bank . During an interview with al-Jazeera TV in 2002, the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat accused the Israeli apartheid regime of murdering Palestinian infants, children, and youths and harvesting their vital organs for transplants. “They murder our kids and use their organs as spare parts` Why is the whole world silent? Israel takes advantage of this silence to escalate it’s oppression and terror against our people,” said an angry President Arafat. During the interview, which took place on 14 January, 2002, Arafat held up photos of the mutilated bodies of the children. “I’m not worried about myself”, as the President is under house arrest, “I’m worried about the Palestinian people who have been under siege for the past 15 months.” Israel had admitted that doctors at the L. Greenberg Institute of Forensic Medicine at Abu Kabir had harvested the organs of 3 Palestinian youth killed by the Israeli army near Khan Younis. After 10 days the bodies of the three victims were returned to their families for burial but with their organs and even their eyes removed. Israel never carried out a serious investigation into this and other incidents involving the extrication of vital organs from the body of Palestinian victims killed by the Israeli occupation forces. According to reporter Saira Soufan, the illegal harvesting of the organs of Palestinian soldiers and freedom fighters has been documented since before the 1990’s. “Upon return of the soldiers’ bodies to their mourning families, the pillage of body parts is discovered during the burial process. “ The empty cavities have been filled with garbage such as cotton wool, garden hoses, and broomsticks, then sewn up as a result of a so-called ‘autopsy.’” Occasionally, Israeli authorities steal body organs from the bodies of tourists who die in Israel . An unpublicized instance occurred in 1998, when a Scotsman, Alistair Sinclair, died under mysterious circumstances in the Ben-Gurion Airport lockup. Mr. Sinclair’s parents sued the Israeli authorities upon finding that their son’s heart and other organs missing. A replacement heart and organs were sent to his mother, who didn’t believe that these were those of her son’s.
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قالت منظمات إغاثة إن العنف المتصاعد بين القوات الحكومية اليمنية والمتمردين الشيعة يعوق الوصول لعشرات الآلاف من الناس الذين فروا من الاشتباكات بالشمال.وناشدت الوكالات لتحسين سبل وصولها للنازحين وحذرت من ارتفاع مخاطر ظهور الملاريا والأمراض المعوية بين السكان الذين يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية. وقالت منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة (اليونيسف)، ان ما يقدر بنحو 35 الف شخص فروا من العنف المتجدد خلال الاسبوعين الماضيين، وتشرد قرابة 120 ألف شخص في الجولات الأولى من القتال ضمن الصراع المتقطع الذي نشب عام 2004. وقالت الأمم المتحدة إن السفر البري بين العاصمة صنعاء ومحافظة صعدة معقل المتمردين بشمال غرب البلاد تعطل بسبب انعدام الأمن والمتاريس الموضوعة على الطرق وإن القتال توسع ليشمل محافظة عمران. وقالت إليزابيث بايرز المسؤولة بمكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية في إفادة صحافية 'إن انعدام الأمن جعل من الصعب على وكالة الإغاثة الانسانية الوصول للسكان المتضررين والحصول على معلومات دقيقة عن الأعداد والمواقع والاحتياجات'. واحتدم القتال في الأسابيع الأخيرة بين القوات الحكومية والمتمردين الشيعة في اليمن التي تسكنها أغلبية سنية. وبدأت القوات اليمنية هجوما استعانت فيه بطائرات ودبابات وقوات مدفعية فيما وصفه مسؤولون بأنه محاولة لسحق التمرد. وقالت بايرز إن وزير الخارجية أشار إلى ان الحكومة ستنظر في فتح ممر للمساعدات الإنسانية. ولكنها اضافت أنه حتى الوقت الراهن يحظر على طائرات الإغاثة الهبوط في مطار صعدة المخصص فقط للعمليات العسكرية. وقالت اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر في بيان منفصل 'يتعين حماية موظفي الإغاثة الإنسانية وتوفير المرور الآمن لهم ليقدموا المساعدات العاجلة'. وقالت إيمليا كاسيلا المتحدثة باسم برنامج الغذاء التابع للأمم المتحدة ان البرنامج بدأ الإثنين في توزيع حصص غذائية تكفي لمدة شهر على قرابة عشرة آلاف شخص فروا الى بلدة حجة الواقعة جنوب غربي صعدة. وقالت المفوضة السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين، انه يعتقد ان بعض اليمنيين فروا إلى الشمال باتجاه المملكة العربية السعودية ولكن لم ترد أي معلومات عن عبور اي شخص الى المملكة. وقال اندريه ماهسيتش المتحدث باسم المفوضية ان احتدام القتال يزيد من تدهور 'الوضع الانساني الكئيب والمعقد' بالفعل. ونقل عن موظفي المفوضية في صعدة القول إن المحافظة تعيش دون مياه وكهرباء منذ اسبوعين. ومضى يقول 'يوجد ايضا نقص في الوقود وبات الناس يواجهون خطرا متزايدا وصعوبة في الوصول للأسواق لشراء احتياجاتهم الغذائية'. وتقول اليونيسف ان قرابة 73 من بين كل الف طفل يولدون في اليمن يموتون قبل بلوغهم عامهم الخامس مما يجعلها تسجل واحدة من أعلى معدلات الوفيات بين الأطفال في المنطقة.
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يستعد الرئيس اليمني علي عبد الله صالح إلى ارتكاب مجازر في صعدة وبشكل يتحدى فيه كل أصوات المنظمات الحقوقية والهيئات الدولية والدول الكبرى التي تناشده إلى وقف فوري للحرب الدائرة هناك ، ويقوم صالح بتجهيز الأرضية وساحة الإبادة التي يسعى الى إشباع غريزته الدموية في استئصال الحوثيين الذين يحققون انتصارات بتمسكهم بأرضهم وعرضهم في مواجهة آلة النظام العسكرية التي يتركها جنوده في ساحة المعركة هاربين من معركة لا يعرفون أسباب إصرار من هم في قصور صنعاء أن يدفعوهم الى محرقة صعدة دفعا . ففي الوقت الذي نفى فيها المكتب الإعلامي للحوثيين بأنه لا صحة لما تناقلته بعض وسائل الإعلام عن مواجهات في مدينة صعدة بينهم وسلفيين كما زعمت بعض وسائل الإعلام ، وقال مصدر للحوثيين : " هذا كلام غير صحيح وإنما هي محاولة تصب في خانة المحاولات المستمرة لبعض الجهات لجعل الصراع مذهبياً وطائفياً " . ويؤكد نفي الحوثيين محاولة صنعاء على تضليل الرأي العام الخارجي في أن الحرب مذهبية وطائفية ، مستخدمة السلطة سيطرتها على وسائل الإعلام الداخلي ، كما أنها تفرض سيطرة وقيودا على مراسلي وسائل الإعلام الأجنبية في التقيد بما يأتيهم من غرفة الحرب في قصر الرئاسة ، وأن التلاعب بالدين وإقحامه في معركة أصبحت بالنسبة للرئيس صالح معركة بقاء في السلطة ، وحسب مصادر سياسية في لندن أكدت لـ" عدن برس " أن صالح لن يتهاون في استخدام من وصفهم في حملته للانتخابات الرئاسية قبل ثلاث سنوات بـ" الكروت " السياسية وهم الأحزاب الإسلامية وغيرها في معركته هذه التي لن تكشف أن صالح لم يعد يعرف الا القوة مع خصومه السياسيين ، وأضافت المصادر بأن المعركة العسكرية لن تثبت وضعا سياسيا يفرض بفوهات المدافع او على جثث الأبرياء ، وأعادت المصادر حرب الجنوب في عام 1994 الى الأذهان كدليل بأن قوة الحرب لم تبعد من قلوب الجنوبيين إصرارهم على فك الارتباط رغم مرور أكثر من 15 عاما. وتأتي هذه التحذيرات في ظل تصعيد عسكري يدفع به الرئيس اليمني علي عبدالله صالح الذي كشف عن ترتيبات لالتحاق اللواء 29 ميكانيك ( لواء العمالقة) خلال الساعات القادمة بالمعارك ضد الحوثيين في محافظة صعدة (شمال اليمن). وتوعد مجدداً بتطهير الحوثيين ما ينفي صحة الأنباء التي تحدثت في وقت سابق عن وجود هدنة جديدة بين الحوثيين وقوات الجيش.
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Please also know that this has been happening to the peace, truth and justice movement INSIDE the USA since 11/11/2001Burlington Vermont 2006, Ann Arbor Michigan 2006It is Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, wolfowitz that did this to the USA and the worldAlso take note that about a month ago in New Jersey 44 Rabbis were arrested for harvesting organs from the USAIt is horriblePossibly now run by China or Russia the worldIt is a terrible terrible crime
This innocent rabbi is just a victim of viscious anti-semitism right? Wrong, he was caught in a ring of organ harvesting and money laundering jews.

This innocent rabbi is just a victim of viscious anti-semitism right? Wrong, he was caught in a ring of organ harvesting and money laundering jews.

Just this Thursday dozens of jews from New Jewsy have been arrested in an FBI sting dubbed “Operation Big Rig”. Politicians, officials, and a whole slew of rabbis were arrested in a scheme that included everything from political corruption, money laundering, and human organ trafficking. Unfortunately the operation took ten years to reach the point where any kind of action was taken. For ten years the FBI stood by and watched these jews launder money, play insider politics, and chop up children for their organs. Many will see this and say how good it is to see jews finally caught in their schemes, but I tend to see this as a sign of how pathetic our FBI and other investigative agencies are. I also see this as a sign of how complicit these agencies are when it comes to jew crimes. If I was to launder $10 today, I’d be in jail for eternity tomorrow. If I were to be selling organs on the black market, I’d be hung within 24 hours. Why doesn’t it ever work this way for the jew? You figure it out.

A total of 44 people were arrested, including the mayor of Hoboken, New Jewsy Peter Cammarano, who had just taken office only three weeks ago. What about the previous mayor? No doubt that one was involved too. Of course, the new 32 year old mayor is claiming his innocence and refusing to resign from his position, which he has only held for three weeks. No doubt he wants to bank more tax payer money before he gives up. The article about this incident, which can be found here, states that: “Others accused were mayors of nearby Secaucus and Ridgefield, state Assemblymen, a deputy mayor, city council members, housing, planning and zoning officials, building inspectors and political candidates.” Meaning this corruption is deeply entrenched in New Jewsy, but this really comes as no surprise. The truth is, anywhere there is a political office, there is corruption, bribes, back scratching, thieving, and oppression. What this should do is alert the reader to the fact that everything from local, to state, to federal government agencies, are as corrupt as the day is long.

“New Jersey’s corruption problem is one of the worst, if not the worst, in the nation,” said Ed Kahrer, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI’s white collar crime and public corruption program in New Jersey, who has worked on the investigation since it began in July 1999.

“It has become ingrained in New Jersey’s political culture,” he said, calling corruption “a cancer.”

Central to the investigation was an informant who was charged with bank fraud in 2006 and posed undercover as a real estate developer and owner of a tile business who paid off officials to win project approval and public contracts in northern New Jersey, according to documents in the case.

The public officials stand accused of taking bribes for pledging their help getting permits and projects prioritized and approved or steering contracts to the witness.


In scenes that could have been lifted from the hit TV series “The Sopranos,” about New Jersey organized crime, they met in diners, parking lots, even bathrooms, officials said.

“The politicians willingly put themselves up for sale,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Ralph Marra. “The victims are the average citizens and the honest business people in this state. They don’t have a chance in this culture of corruption.”

The public corruption uncovered by the informant led him to the separate money-laundering network by rabbis who operated between Brooklyn, Deal, New Jersey, and Israel, authorities said. They laundered some $3 million for the undercover witness between June 2007 and July 2009, authorities said.

“These complaints paint a disgraceful picture of religious leaders heading money laundering crews acting as crime bosses,” Marra said. “They used purported charities, entities supposed set up to do good works as vehicles for laundering millions of dollars in illicit funds.”

Rat faced yarmulke wearing yids look great in cuffs, but they look even better swinging from trees by the neck. This is the fate that awaits them all.

Rat faced yarmulke wearing yids look great in cuffs, but they look even better swinging from trees by the neck. This is the fate that awaits them all.

New Jewsy’s problem is not one of the worst, it’s the one that got caught. Every municipality from sea to shining sea is under the boot of these despicable jews and their non-jew puppets, so don’t even think of being fooled by that statement for even one minute. The most truth I’ve ever heard from mainstream news comes from the statement above by U.S. Attorney Ralph Marra. No doubt the average American citizen is the victim, and you damn sure don’t have a chance when every position across the land is filled by jews and their puppets. However, what I want you to understand is that when our government is corrupt, it is no longer our government. There are no two ways about it. Why do you think this site is called Subverted Nation? The answer is because this nation is no longer yours, it’s theirs, and it will remain theirs until you take up arms and eject their asses. Plain and simple.

Yes indeed, the complaints do paint a disgraceful picture of jews and rabbis, but let’s not get them confused as real religious leaders. They are nothing more than a band of criminals who hide behind the guise of religion, because jews are NOT a religion. They are a race, and they’ve made this clear themselves numerous times. These jews have been behind every kind of charity, non-profit organizations, civil rights groups, and just about anything else you can think of. They use these groups as a way to control and manipulate public opinion and government policy every day of your life. Now, let’s get to the interesting part of the story.

Rabbis accused of money-laundering were Saul Kassin, chief rabbi of a large Syrian Jewish synagogue in Brooklyn; Eliahu Ben Haim, principal rabbi of a synagogue in Deal; Edmund Nahum, principal rabbi of another synagogue in Deal; and Mordchai Fish, a rabbi at a synagogue in Brooklyn.

The probe also uncovered Levy Izhak Rosenbaum of Brooklyn, who is accused of conspiring to broker the sale of a human kidney for a transplant. According to the complaint, Rosenbaum said he had been brokering sale of kidneys for 10 years.

“His business was to entice vulnerable people to give up a kidney for $10,000 which he would turn around and sell for $160,000,” said Marra.

Several of the public officials were accused of taking bribes of just $10,000, authorities said. Cammarano, at 31 the youngest ever mayor of Hoboken, was charged with taking $25,000 in bribes, including $10,000 last Thursday.

Most of those accused were arrested in a sweep across New Jersey by more than 300 federal agents early on Thursday and were slated to appear in court in Newark throughout the day.

The first 12 of the defendants, including Cammarano, appeared shackled before U.S. Magistrate Judge Madeline Cox Arleo. Cammarano rocked back and forth in his chair but betrayed no emotion.

They were granted bail ranging from $100,000 to $500,000.

Yup, here we have a bunch of rabbis, and public officials caught up, not just in money laundering and taking bribes, but in organ trafficking. The question you need to ask yourself is this. Where do these jews get the organs from? It couldn’t be from the orphans some innocent little jewesses were recently arrested for trying to sneak out of Darfur could it? Take a look at this page here, and get a better grip on what’s really going on. These jews have been killing orphans, chopping them into pieces, and making millions of dollars off of their body parts. An orphan may be worth a few thousand dollars per adoption, but their organs are worth $millions$ per child. Leave it to a jew to find a way to make a lucrative business into a massive windfall of profits. Anybody who still questions the vile character of the jew at this point is a complete moron. If you still think there is a such thing as a good jew, you’re a complete waste of oxygen. A worthless mouth breather. If that hurts your feelings, GOOD, because you need to look a little closer at your own morality. Any of you who support jews are supporting a “cancer”, as the article above states, and you deserve your fate. Don’t be surprised if that fate comes at the hands of people like me, because anyone caught supporting these demons will swing by the neck with them, not if, but WHEN I get my way.

So many jews arrested that busses were needed to haul their stinking asses off to jail. Instead of transporting them to jail like Germany did, we should execute these cretins on the spot. One bullet is far cheaper than a gallon of gas.

So many jews arrested that busses were needed to haul their stinking asses off to jail. Instead of transporting them to jail like Germany did, we should execute these cretins on the spot. One bullet is far cheaper than a gallon of gas.

Have a look here for further information about this type of operation. With a single kidney fetching as much as $160,000 it’s not hard to imagine how motivating the payout is to these monsters. However, the history of the jew makes it clear that chopping up little children doesn’t even require monetary stimulus. We can simply look at modern day Palestine, and the recent slaughter of women and children to understand this fact. Now the only questions remaining are, how long until these guys walk free? Mayor Cammarano was already out on bail and back in his office the next day after appearing before a judge in shackles.

Another question is, why the hell would ANY judge let even ONE of these guys walk out on bail? How many rabbis from this case do you think have chartered private jets to Israel already? How many of these rat faced monsters do you think will actually stand trial for these crimes? How much of this global network, stretching all the way back to Israel will be uncovered? Also, is this the kind of case where they give the public, who are becoming more and more aware of the jew, a little something to chew on? Is the purpose of exposing this ring to make Americans feel like they can trust the FBI? Like I reported in a previous article there are over 2,300 people who go missing, in the U.S. ALONE every single day. So, what about those people? Where are they disappearing to? Should we really believe the FBI is on top of things, or that they are on our side, when it takes TEN YEARS to start making arrests in cases like this? In light of the sheer numbers of people who go missing DAILY, I think not. In fact, here is an article, at the racist jew news outlet Haaretz, where a bunch of jews were just caught trafficking human eggs, on top of all the other shit. Trust a jew at your own risk. Support a jew, and support your own demise.


10 Responses to “Organ Harvesting, Money Laundering, and Corruption – Typical Jew Behavior”

  1. Tom Ferguson Says:

    Many people have no idea just how malignantly vile these jews are. They are the root of all problems in all places. Whatever goes wrong, whatever is vile, whatever is dishonest and deceptive, at every level of society and culture. all you have to do is scratch the surface and BOO, A JEW! I would be willing to bet that if you could do the research you would find that it was this tribe that somehow went to Africa and introduced canibalism . There is not one evil on this earth that they are not behind, not one! Any place on this entire planet that becomes destabled, you can bet that if you track the source you will find jews and their proxies. They have to be exterminated. When we look at the world political climate and their overwhelming broad influence, if we gloss over it, it’s suicide plain and simple. Their end goal is to transform the globe into a world jewpublic, where only the jew will be a ‘citizen’ and to rule all others as slaves ( those who are not killed for their pleasure) to be rulled with an iron fist. Who says so? MMinachem Began, that’s who. Their trackrecord proves it! Wake Ye Up!

  2. kay Says:

    let he who is without sin cast the first stone

  3. Jew-free Says:

    People need to understand there’s no bargaining with jews. Jews make no difference between an Arab, American or European, they’re all gentiles/goyim/human cattle in their eyes: “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail. Rabbi Yaacov Perrin”. Palestine is only a preview of what’s to come for the entire world.

  4. rxmtw Says:

    Interesting that the Jews are releasing the information about this horrible crime – organ trafficking – through their ownership and dominance of the msm. But, something’s off, something’s not quite right. I don’t trust the Jews – they’re hiding something even worse.

    I suspect that with the Jew’s control/ownership of msm, that they are actually releasing this organ harvesting/organ trafficking story, that clearly implicates themselves, to cover, distract, and hide something even more sinister. That this story, as evil as it is, is the tip of the iceberg.

    With the proliferation of information that is increasing exponentially every day about the Jews and the Jew Crime Network – something about the Jews reporting this organ trafficking – is not meshing – not congruent. Some of the goyim are demanding accountability for the Jew Federal Reserve and some of the goy are demanding accountability for 9/11. We know that there has been a ‘pseudo hearing’ in D.C. lately concerning the Federal Reserve revealing some of the aspects of the trillion dollar bailout with Jew Bernanake lying his ass off. We also know that there theorectically could be a new 9/11 investigation, that is, of course, if we can keep the perpetrators of 9/11 i.e. Jews out of this investigation who will clearly control the entire direction and agenda of a new 9/11 investigation to keep the heat off their asses.

    Hmmmmm, I wonder if there is a correlate between 9/11 and Federal Reserve. We know that Dov Zakheim stealing those trillions from the Pentagon, that these stolen funds actually financed an attack against ourselves here in the U.S. e.g. 9/11. If the truth be known, there is probably a correlation between the Federal Reserve – which funds and subsidizes all Jew wars – to 9/11.

    Thanks for the article Subverted Nation.

  5. Subverted Nation Says:

    “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”

    Let he who reads those verses not take them out of context. Jesus was talking to the Pharisees when he said this…a.k.a. the jew. When it comes to the jew, Jesus took a WHIP in his hands and BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM……nuff said.

  6. Mujji Says:

    Jews always say that the Church and State should be separate by stating that Jesus stated let what belongs to Ceaser, belong to Ceaser, and what belongs to God stay with God. What Jesus meant were for the Jewish swindlers, con men, and criminals of his time to pay some sort of taxation on their criminal and crooked enterprise and activities…and to avoid tax evasion since the Jews wouldn’t wanna pay taxes to the Roman emperor. So Jesus said it to the Jews to makem pay their taxes….NOT because Christ supports separation of Church and State and promote “secularism”!!!

  7. arminius Says:

    jew equals crap. perod.
    the world will never be free until all jews leave this planet.

  8. hANOVER fIST Says:

    What’s amazing is that this case has been brewing for over seven years; yet we can be distracted by the stupidity of some idiots who took a couple grand.

    Will we hear anything from those who bought one of these organs and the person died due to organ rejection? I’m pretty sure that they weren’t given a refund.

  9. Tom Ferguson Says:

    July 28, 2009, 3:10 am | Edit this
    Filed under: Uncategorized

  10. Subverted Nation Says:

    They will KILL their own to make their agenda come to fruition. Giving up a few pawns in this organ harvesting doesn’t surprise me at all. The real message needs to be the one I preach for every jew on the planet. Move your asses to Antarctica or we will destroy you. Plain and simple. No more jews will EVER mingle with mankind again when I’m through with them.

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The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine called on Saturday, August 22, 2009 for an immediate, serious investigation into reports alleging that Zionist occupation forces stole organs from young Palestinians they killed in the West Bank and Gaza. These reports, published in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, quoted Palestinians who recalled young men who had been seized by Zionist forces and killed in custody, and their bodies being returned missing organs, as well as that the bodies of young Palestinians killed in clashes were taken by the occupation forces and buried without being returned to their families. The PFLP said in its statement that these reports should be taken seriously by international human rights organizations, and fully investigated. Crimes and abuses by the occupation forces have been repeatedly reported and yet the occupation army has been able to commit crime after crime without punishment or accountability, despite vast amounts of evidence of occupation crimes. In addition, the statement noted that similar issues have been raised time and time again since the 1980s, and that there have been repeated reports of organ theft and improper experimentation on Palestinians killed by the occupation forces. In Gaza in the 1980s, soldiers were said to have stolen organs from children taken to Israeli hospitals, where they died. In addition, numerous Israelis have been indicated in Europe and the United States to be involved in international organ-trading networks, including sales of human organs and money laundering. The Front commended Donald Bostrom, the reporter from Aftonbladet, and all efforts being made by individuals and institutions around the world in order to bring the occupation forces to justice for their crimes against our people, as well as in the struggle to build global solidarity in order to force the occupier to stop its crimes and racist practices and recognize the national rights of the Palestinian people. The party praised the work of correspondent Donald Boström and all those who facilitated his reporting. The PFLP reiterated its call for the need to bring Israeli soldiers to justice for their actions.
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)