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Al-Hojaria: The district in Yemen, which is located between the city of Aden and the city of Taiz. People of Hojaria are not only one of the most civilized and educated people of the Arab countries but of the World. It was inhabited by the Turks and made from the land a fortress. A large number of intellectuals, politicians and scientists belong to Al-Hojaria district. You can watch more photos in the photos slide show of Ottawa International Poets and Writers for Human Rights (OIPWHR), http://www.poetsofottawa.ning.com. You can also listen to Al-Hojaria's music and watch it's dance in the Video Section.
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الشعراء يخلقون أساطيرهميا رفيق درب الكلماتأسري بروح الشعرمن القيامةإلى الأقصىمن المئذنةإلى الأجراسمن التراتيل إلى التكبيرعرجبلغة من ضادعروج الأنبياءمن ثغر مدينة الشهداءيقطرشهد شهداءوعلى ثغرها المعتق بالشهادةارتسمتدمائهم الضاحكة البيضاءلم يحتفي الزمن بهالكنناسنحتفي نحن بهاسنسلهامن صخرة النسيانمن صرخة الإنسانمن صحراء الوجدانبرهةو أنات صغيرةوقت نمضي بهليمضي بناكصهوة حصان بجناحيننمتطي جموحهنركب ريح الخيالحيث اللامنتهىمنتهاناهناك .. أنظر هناك ..في البعيد ...اللامنتميشعراءرشوا بماء روح القدسيخلقون أساطيرهمينفخون فيها من روحهمفتنموا على ضفافالنهر مياها مقدسةلعابريالسبيل سلسبيلاتغتسل الملائكةفيمرآتهتغريهالو تكونهلو تخلعثيابها المقدسةلحينوتلبس التحديوالصراعوتتقلدوجه الديمومةكسيفواللحظة المتدحرجةمتأرجحةراقصةفي غابات السديمتبحثعن سفريقيمفي البعيد القريبويسافرفي القريب البعيدحيث النهايةلامنتهىبدايةمدينة أسيرة عذراءتصارعمن يختفي وراء حجاب الصمتوانكسارات الحياةوتقيم لزمن الخشنأعمدة من دخان السحروميزانوأسورةمن نجوم الفجربريقهاوبساط ريح سندسيتركبهأميرة الأحلامسلمى بالحاج مبروك
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عن عرب تيمز : اعتقل اربعون منتخبا محليا وخمسة حاخامات في ضاحية نيويورك خلال تفكيك شبكة فساد لها تشعبات تصل حتى اسرائيل وسويسرا.ومن بين المعتقلين رؤساء بلديات مدن هوبوكين وسيكوكوس وريدجيفيلد في ولاية نيوجرسي. وجاءت الاعتقالات في اطار حملة مداهمة بدأت عند فجر الخميس. وتشتبه السلطات بان المعتقلين يقومون باعمال فساد وسلب اموال وتبييض اموال والاتجار بالاعضاء.وبثت محطات التلفزة صورا لقادة محليين موثوقي الايدي على متن حافلة كانت تنقلهم الى مكان اعتقالهم الى جانب حاخامات بالزي التقليدي. وداهمت الشرطة عدة كنس واعتقلت ما مجموعه 44 شخصا. وقال رالف مارا القائم بأعمال المدعي الأمريكي خلال مؤتمر صحافي ان "هذه الشخصيات السياسية مرتشية" متهما رجال الدين اليهود بـ"اخفاء نشاطاتهم الاجرامية الواسعة خلف واجهة من الاحترام".ويبدو ان هذه المداهمة هي احدى اهم العمليات في ولاية نيو جرسي "شمال شرق" التي تشتهر بعلاقاتها السيئة بين السياسة والجريمة المنظمة.واوضح القضاء ان السلطات حققت لمدة عشر سنوات في شبكة الفساد المنظمة هذه. واضاف ان المنتخبين يستعملون الرشاوى لاغراض انتخابية.ويتهم الحاخام ليفي اسحق بوزينبوم بالاتجار بالاعضاء وانه يقنع "الواهبين" ببيع الكلى ب10 الاف دولار ويبيعها بسعر اكبر ب16 مرة من ذلك. ونفت الشرطة ان يكون هناك اي دافع سياسي وراء الاعتقالات التي طالت مسؤولين ديموقرطيين وكذلك جمهوريين.وقال مسؤول في الشرطة الفدرالية هو ويسان دون ان "الامر لا يتعلق بالسياسة ولا بالدين. ان الامر يتعلق بمجرمين يستخدمون السياسة والدين".وقال مسؤولون إن المتهمين اجتمعوا في اماكن لتناول الطعام وفي ساحات انتظار للسيارات بل احيانا في حمامات في مشاهد قد تكون مأخوذة من مسلسل تلفزيوني عن الجريمة المنظمة في نيوجيرزي.وقال رالف مارا القائم بأعمال المدعي الأمريكي "السياسيون كانوا على استعداد لبيع أنفسهم... الضحايا هم مواطنون عاديون ورجال أعمال نزيهون في هذه الولاية. ليس لديهم فرصة في ظل ثقافة الفساد هذه."وقالت السلطات إن الفساد العام الذي كشفه المخبر قاده إلى شبكة غسل الأموال المنفصلة التي يديرها حاخامات كانوا يمارسون نشاطهم بين بروكلين وديل ونيوجيرزي وإسرائيل. وأضافت السلطات أنهم قاموا بغسل نحو ثلاثة ملايين دولار لحساب الشاهد المتخفي في الفترة بين يونيو حزيران 2007 ويوليو تموز 2009.وقال مارا "هذه الشكاوى كشفت صورة مشينة لزعماء دينيين يرأسون جماعات لغسل الأموال يعملون كزعماء لعصابات الجريمة... هم استخدموا هيئات خيرية .. هيئات يفترض انها انشئت للاعمال الخيرية كوسيلة لغسل ملايين الدولارات من أموال اكتسبت بطرق غير مشروعة. والحاخامات المتهمون بغسل الأموال هم إلياهو بن حاييم الحاخام الرئيسي في أحد المعابد اليهودية في ديل وشاؤول كاسين كبير الحاخامات بمعبد يهودي في بروكلين وإدموند ناحوم الحاخام الرئيسي بمعبد آخر في ديل ومردخاي فيش الحاخام بأحد المعابد في بروكلين.وكشف التحقيق أيضا أن رجلا من بروكلين يدعى ليفي إسحاق روزنبوم متهم بالتآمر للتوسط في بيع كلية بشرية مقابل 160 ألف دولار لعملية زرع. وجاء في الشكوى أن روزنبوم قال إنه يتوسط في بيع الكلى منذ عشر سنوات. وقالت السلطات إن عدة مسؤولين عموميين اتهموا بتلقي رشى تبلغ عشرة آلاف دولار. وكامارانو "31 عاما" هو أصغر من تولى رئاسة بلدية المدينة متهم بالحصول على رشى قدرها 25 ألف دولار منها عشرة آلاف دولار يوم الخميس الماضي.واعتقل غالبية المتهمين في مداهمات في أرجاء نيوجيرزي شارك فيها أكثر من 300 ضابط من مكتب التحقيقات الاتحادي في ساعة مبكرة صباح اليوم الخميس ومن المقرر أن يمثلوا أمام المحكمة في نيوارك اليوم. ومثل 12 متهما من بينهم كامارانو وهم مكبلين بالأغلال أمام القاضية الأمريكية مادلين كوكس. وأخلي سبيلهم بكفالة تتراوح بين 100 ألف و500 ألف دولار.وفي حال ثبتت التهم الموجهة اليهم، قد يحكم على المشتبه بهم بالسجن لمدة 20 عاما بتهمة تجاوز حد السلطة وتبييض الاموال و10 سنوات بتهمة سوء الامانة وخمس سنوات بتهمة الاتجار بالاعضاء.
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Christine Seib in New York : Three city mayors, two state politicians and five rabbis were among 44 people arrested across New Jersey yesterday when federal agents cracked an alleged Sopranos-style crime ring accused of bribery, money laundering and trafficking body parts and counterfeit handbags. In a sweep that shocked even residents hardened to the state’s endemic corruption, officers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) raided synagogues, government offices and a Jewish school early yesterday before busing suspects to the FBI headquarters in Newark. Outside, cars were backed up four deep as agents processed those arrested, including Peter Cammarano, the Mayor of Hoboken, Anthony Suarez, the Mayor of Ridgefield, and Daniel Van Pelt, a member of New Jersey’s lower house, the assembly. Ralph Marra, Acting US Attorney for the District of New Jersey, said that the sweep demonstrated “the pervasive nature of public corruption in this state”. “The politicians willingly put themselves up for sale,” he said, while “clergymen cloak their extensive criminal activity behind a façade of rectitude”. He spoke of “a corrupt network of public officials who were all too willing to take cash in exchange for promised official action. It seemed that everyone wanted a piece of the action.” He added: “The corruption was widespread and pervasive.” Federal agents used an informant, a member of the close-knit Syrian Jewish community from the seaside town of Deal, to infiltrate political and religious circles. The informant, who had previously been charged with bank fraud, posed as a property developer to conduct a sting, allegedly agreeing bribes with the politicians in return for public building contracts and other favours. Mr Marra’s office charged Mr Cammarano, who took office at the beginning of the month after working as a councillor since 2003, with taking $25,000 (£15,000) in bribes, including $10,000 as recently as a week ago. Mr Cammarano, who at 32 is Hoboken’s youngest-ever mayor, allegedly met the FBI informer at a diner where he agreed to help the mole with building projects, telling him: “You’re gonna be treated like a friend.” In payment, he allegedly received bundles of cash that were stashed in the boot of the informant’s car. Joseph Hayden, Mr Cammarano’s attorney, said that his client was innocent. “He intends to fight them with all his strength,” Mr Hayden said. Dennis Elwell, the Mayor of Secaucus, was charged yesterday with accepting $10,000 from the informant, as was Mr Van Pelt, Mr Suarez and Mariano Vega, the president of the city council in Jersey City. Leona Beldini, the 74-year-old deputy mayor of Jersey City, was accused of accepting $20,000 in illegal campaign contributions. The FBI informant also helped investigators to trap rabbis allegedly involved in using religious charities to launder money as part of a network that ran from New Jersey to Switzerland and Israel. According to the charges, they included Saul Kassin, the Grand Rabbi of the Syrian Jewish community in the United States, who allegedly helped the informant to launder about $3 million between June 2007 and July 2009 from the sale of fake Gucci and Prada handbags. As part of the same sting, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, a Brooklyn resident, was charged with conspiring to broker the sale of a human kidney for a transplant. Mr Rosenbaum allegedly solicited kidneys by promising donors in Israel $10,000, then sold the organs to recipients for $160,000. Mike Winnick was praying at the synagogue in Deal when it was raided by federal agents yesterday morning. He said that the FBI escorted a rabbi from the synagogue into an office and blocked the door. “Everyone was looking at each other, like, ‘What’s going on here?’,” Mr Winnick said. Jon Corzine, the Governor of New Jersey, condemned the alleged widespread criminality. “The scale of corruption we’re seeing as this unfolds is simply outrageous and cannot be tolerated,” he said. The arrests come at a sensitive time for the Democratic Governor, who faces a re-election battle in November in which his biggest challenger is Christopher Christie, a Republican former US Attorney for New Jersey, who made his name fighting corruption. Ed Kahrer, who heads the FBI’s white-collar and public corruption investigation division, said: “New Jersey’s corruption problem is one of the worst, if not the worst, in the nation. Corruption is a cancer that is destroying the core values of this state.” Residents in New Jersey, which is known as the Soprano State because of its long history of backhanders and kickbacks, showed their support for yesterday’s arrests, with hundreds of comments filling a local news website. “Keep going, feds, send them all to jail,” one correspondent wrote. “Greedy creeps who steal from the taxpayers and honest business people, we’re sick of you.” New Jersey crooks ?The Lucchese crime family, one of New York’s notorious “Five Families”, ran a particularly brutal operation in New Jersey under the leadership of Michael “Mad Dog” Taccetta. As head of the North Jersey faction, the hugely obese Taccetta was accused of a number of murders and kidnappings. In 1986 he was finally indicted but, after a 21-month-trial — the longest in US history — he and all other defendants were found not guilty. He was later convicted of murder and racketeering. The character of Tony Soprano is said to be modelled on him. ?In 1980 the New Jersey Senator David Friedland was convicted of taking $360,000 in bribes. He agreed to co-operate with authorities in return for clemency but was later convicted of defrauding a pension fund. While awaiting sentencing Friedland faked his death in a scuba diving accident and disappeared. He was caught two years later in the Maldives where he was living an opulent life and owned a string of diving shops ?Dutch Schultz was one of New Jersey’s most notorious gangsters in the 1930s, making a fortune with his speakeasy cafés during the prohibition era and regularly brutalising his rivals. He became increasingly erratic, however, and his fellow mobsters decided he had become a liability and finally ordered his death. He was murdered in the men’s room of the Palace Chop House and Tavern. Source: Times database
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Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah b. August 31, 1960, Bourj Hammoud,Beirut, Lebanon, is the current and third Secretary General of the Lebanese Islamist party and paramilitary organization Hezbollah. Nasrallah became the leader of Hezbollah after Israel assassinated the movement's leader Abbas al-Musawi in 1992. Hezbollah's military campaigns of the late 1990s were the main factors that led to the Israeli decision to withdraw from Southern Lebanon in 2000. Hassan Nasrallah was born the ninth of ten children in East Beirut's Bourj Hammoud neighborhood on August 31, 1960. His father, Abdul Karim, was born in Bazouriyeh, a village in Jabal Amel (South Lebanon) located near Tyre. Although his family was not particularly religious, Hassan was interested in theological studies. He attended an-Najah school and later a public school in Sin el-Fil (Christian area) Beirut. In 1975, the civil war in Lebanon forced the family to move to their ancestral home in Bassouriyeh, where Hasan Nasrallah completed his secondary education at the public school of Sour (Tyre). Here he joined the Amal Movement, a Lebanese Shi'a political group. Nasrallah studied at the Shi'a seminary in the Beqaa Valley town of Baalbek. The school followed the teachings of Iraqi-born Ayatollah Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr, who founded the Dawa movement in Najaf, Iraq during the early 1960s. Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein had Sadr executed in 1980. After a period of Islamic study in Najaf, Nasrallah returned to Lebanon in 1978 when Iraq expelled hundreds of Lebanese religious students. He studied and taught at the school of Amal’s leader Abbas al-Musawi, later being selected as Amal's political delegate in Beqaa, and making him a member of the central political office. Nasrallah joined Hezbollah after the 1982 Lebanon War with Israel. His fiery and sharp sermons drew the admiration of the southern society, followers who joined Nasrallah in organizing Hezbollah. In 1987, Hassan Nasrallah traveled to a seminary in Qom, Iran for religious studies. He returned to the war in Lebanon in 1989 and later that year, went back to Iran to represent Hezbollah. In 1991, Musawi became secretary general of Hezbollah and Nasrallah returned to Lebanon. Nasrallah replaced Musawi as Hezbollah's leader after the latter was killed with his wife and child by Israeli forces.Nasrallah lived in South Beirut with his wife Fatimah Yasin (who comes from the Lebanese village of Al-Abbasiyah) and five children: Muhammad Haadi (d. 1997), Muhammad Jawaad, Zainab, Muhammad Ali and Muhammad Mahdi. In September 1997, his eldest son Muhammad Haadi was killed by Israeli forces in Jabal al-Rafei in southern Lebanon. In the mid-1970s, Nasrallah moved to a Shiite Hawzah (Arabic for seminary) in the Iraqi holy city of Najaf, completing the first stage of his studies in 1978. He was then forced to leave by the Iraqi authorities. Despite his ongoing commitment to Hezbollah, in 1989 Nasrallah resumed his efforts to become a religious jurist by moving to the Iranian city of Qom to further his studies. Nasrallah believes that Islam holds the solution to the problems of any society, once saying, “With respect to us, briefly, Islam is not a simple religion including only praises and prayers, rather it is a divine message that was designed for humanity, and it can answer any question man might ask concerning his general and private life. Islam is a religion designed for a society that can revolt and build a state. Leadership of Hezbollah Nasrallah became the leader of Hezbollah after Israel assassinated the movement’s leader Abbas al-Musawi in 1992. Hezbollah's military campaigns of the late 1990s were the main factors that led to the Israeli decision to withdraw from Southern Lebanon in 2000, thus ending 18 years of occupation. This move greatly increased Hezbollah's popularity in Lebanon and across the Islamic countries. Consequently, Nasrallah is widely credited in Lebanon and the Arab world for ending the Israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon, something which has greatly bolstered the party's political standing within Lebanon. Nasrallah also played a major role in a complex prisoner exchange deal between Israel and Hezbollah in 2004, resulting in hundreds of Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners being freed and the dead body of his son with many more returning to Lebanon. The agreement was described across the Arab world as a great victory for Hezbollah with Nasrallah being personally praised for achieving these gains. A December article in the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat reported that command of the organization's military wing was transferred from Nasrallah to his deputy, Na'im Qasim in August 2007. Hezbollah has refuted this claim, declaring it an attempt to "weaken the popularity" of the movement. National compact with Free Patriotic Movement of Michel Aoun Nasrallah negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding with the Free Patriotic Movement of Michel Aoun, the former premier and a Maronite Christian. Aoun described the ten-point compact in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal published July 31, 2006. A key point is that Hezbollah agreed to disarm upon the return of its prisoners and the occupied Shebaa Farms. It also agreed to the pardon and return of fugitive South Lebanon Army (SLA) members now declared traitors. The Free Patriotic Movement in turn agreed to work for reform of the confessional electoral system of the Parliament of Lebanon and move it in the direction of one man, one vote. Aoun made the point that the political process was in effect disarming Hezbollah without any loss in lives from unnecessary wars.Critics of this agreement say that is not very clear concerning the disarmament, and that it strengthened Hezbollah internally, giving it a non-Shiite cover. 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict On August 3, 2006,Hassan Nasrallah vowed to strike Tel Aviv in retaliation for Israel's bombardment of Lebanon's capital, Beirut. "If you hit Beirut, the Islamic resistance will hit Tel Aviv and is able to do that with God's help," Nasrallah said in a televised address. He said in his television address Hezbollah forces were inflicting maximum casualties on Israeli ground troops. Even before the conflict ended, Nasrallah came under intense criticism from pro-Western Arab regimes, including Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Jordan's King Abdullah II and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak warned on July 14 of the risk of "the region being dragged into adventurism that does not serve Arab interests," while Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal called the Hezbollah attacks "unexpected, inappropriate and irresponsible acts." He went further, saying, "These acts will pull the whole region back to years ago, and we cannot simply accept them." Nasrallah also came under intense criticism from some in Lebanon. Walid Jumblatt, leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Lebanon and the most prominent leader of the Druze community, spoke out quite forcefully: "Great, so he's a hero. But I'd like to challenge this heroism of his. I have the right to challenge it, because my country is in flames. Besides, we did not agree..."Jumblatt is also quoted as saying: "He is willing to let the Lebanese capital burn while he haggles over terms of surrender." Following the cease-fire, which Nasrallah and Hezbollah declared a great victory, came what is known as the "Green Flood" (Al-sayl al-akhdhar), according to Iranian-born journalist Amir Taheri. "This refers to the massive amounts of U.S. dollar notes that Hezbollah is distributing among Shiites in Beirut and the south. The dollars from Iran are ferried to Beirut via Syria and distributed through networks of militants. Anyone who can prove that his home was damaged in the war receives $12,000, a tidy sum in wartorn Lebanon. In a TV interview aired on Lebanon's New TV station, Sunday, 27 August, Nasrallah said that he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers if he had known it would lead to such a war: "We do not think, even 1 percent, that the capture led to a war at this time and of this magnitude. I'm convinced and sure that this war was planned and that the capture of this hostages was just their excuse to start this war, but if I had known on July 11 ... that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not." Views on international politics On Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict Nasrallah said "There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel" In another interview with The Washington Post, Nasrallah said "I am against any reconciliation with Israel. I do not even recognize the presence of a state that is called 'Israel.' I consider its presence both unjust and unlawful. That is why if Lebanon concludes a peace agreement with Israel and brings that accord to the Parliament our deputies will reject it; Hezbollah refuses any conciliation with Israel in principle." Despite declaring "death to Israel" in his public appearances, Nasrallah said in an interview to The New Yorker, "At the end of the road no one can go to war on behalf of the Palestinians, even if that one is not in agreement with what the Palestinians agreed on."When asked whether he was prepared to live with a two-state settlement between Israel and Palestine, he said he would not sabotage what is a "Palestinian matter", but that until such a settlement is reached, he will continue to encourage Palestinian suicide bombers. On May 26, 2000, after the Israeli withdrawal from south Lebanon Hassan Nassrallah said: "I tell you: this "Israel" that owns nuclear weapons and the strongest air force in this region is more fragile than a spiderweb". Arie W. Kruglanski, Moshe Ya'alon, Bruce Hoffman, Efraim Inbar, and YNET interpret the "spider web" theory as the notion, articulated by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, that Israel's reverence for human life, the hedonistic nature of the Israeli society, and its self-indulgent Western values make it weak, soft, and vulnerable. Such a society, though technologically advanced, will crumble under continued war and bloodshed. On Killing Israeli civilians According to Joseph Alagha, The Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah regard the Jews living in Israel, either civilian or not, as "racist Zionists Jews" who should be killed. On Jews and Judaism According to Shaul Shai, Hassan Nasrallah has often made sharp anti-Semitic statements that not only revile Israel as a state, but also the entire Jewish people, while using themes taken from classic and Muslim antisemitism. Two of the examples he quotes: According to Shaul Shai, Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech delivered in Beirut and aired on Al-Manar TV in September 28, 2001: "What do the Jews want? They want security and money. Throughout history the Jews have been Allah's most cowardly and avaricious creatures. If you look all over the world, you will find no one more miserly or greedy than they are." In a 1998 speech marking the Day of Ashura, and published in what was Hassan Nasrallah's official website at that time, Nasrallah referred to Israel as "the state of the grandsons of apes and pigs – the Zionist Jews" and condemned them as "the murderers of the prophets." The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), a pro-Israel media watchdog group, MEMRI, and Shaul Shai interpret this language as broadly antisemitic. Badih Chayban in his October 23, 2002 article in The Daily Star, Nasrallah said that "if [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." Charles Glass believes that the quotation was likely a fabrication, citing other published accounts of Nasrallah's speech that had no reference to the anti-Semitic comment, and statements by the editor-in-chief of the Lebanese newspaper which published the quotes, that questioned both the translation and the "agenda of the translator." Glass also wrote that a Hezbollah spokeswoman, Wafa Hoteit, denied that Nasrallah made the statement. Saad-Ghorayeb quotes Hassan Nasrallah as saying, "If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli." Charles Glass questions the attribution of the quote to Nasrallah, noting that both the footnote in Saad-Ghorayeb's book and her original dissertation instead attribute the quote to an interview she conducted with a Hezbollah member of the Lebanese Parliament, Muhammad Fneish. On the September 11, 2001 attacks and the United States "What do the people who worked in those two World Trade Center towers, along with thousands of employees, women and men, have to do with war that is taking place in the Middle East? Or the war that Mr. George Bush may wage on people in the Islamic world? ... Therefore we condemned this act -- and any similar act we condemn. ... I said nothing about the Pentagon, meaning we remain silent. We neither favored nor opposed that act .... Well, of course, the method of Osama bin Laden, and the fashion of bin Laden, we do not endorse them. And many of the operations that they have carried out, we condemned them very clearly." US President George W. Bush, the Official White House website, the Claremont Institute, and CAMERA, cite Hassan Nasrallah as saying during a speech aired on Beirut Al-Manar Television in September 27, 2002: "Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan is absolute. … I conclude my speech with the slogan that will continue to reverberate on all occasions so that nobody will think that we have weakened. Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, Death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America". On Salman Rushdie and the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy During the 2006 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah declared in a speech aired on Al-Manar TV and Al-Jazeera TV that: "If there had been a Muslim to carry out Imam Khomeini's fatwā against the renegade Salman Rushdie, this rabble who insult our Prophet Mohammed in Denmark, Norway and France would not have dared to do so. I am sure there are millions of Muslims who are ready to give their lives to defend our prophet's honour and we have to be ready to do anything for that." Holocaust denial According to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Robert Satloff, in a speech carried during the Shi'ite Moslem "Ashura" flagellation ceremony on April 9, 2000, Hassan Nasrallah said that: "The Jews invented the legend of the Nazi atrocities. It is clear that the numbers they talk about are greatly exaggerated". According to MEMRI, in a speech aired on Al-Manar TV and Al-Jazeera TV in 2006, Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah expressed support for Holocaust denier Roger Garaudy calling him a "great French philosopher" who "proved that this Holocaust is a myth". The Palestinian refugees in Lebanon According to CAMERA, Nasrallah stated that "The Lebanese refuse to give the Palestinians residing in Lebanon Lebanese citizenship, and we refuse their resettlement in Lebanon. There is Lebanese consensus on this...we thank God that we all agree on one clear and definite result; namely, that we reject the resettlement of the Palestinians in Lebanon." Pre-2000 Israeli occupation of Lebanon "If we are to expel the Israeli occupation from our country, how do we do this? We noticed what happened in Palestine, in the West Bank, in the Gaza Strip, in the Golan, in the Sinai. We reached a conclusion that we cannot rely on the Arab League states, nor on the United Nations .... The only way that we have is to take up arms and fight the occupation forces." 2008 Assassination Attempt Almalaf, an Iraqi news source on 15, October 2008, quoted sources in Lebanon saying Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was poisoned last week and that he was saved by Iranian doctors who went to Lebanon to treat him. The sources told the paper that a particularly poisonous chemical substance was used against the Shi'a resistance leader. His medical condition was apparently critical for several days until Iranian doctors came and managed to save his life. Almalaf claimed that the sources believed it was highly likely that the poisoning was an Israeli assassination attempt. Hezbollah has denied that Nasrallah was poisoned. Lebanese parliament member Al-Hajj Hassan, a member of Hezbollah, said: "This is a lie and a fabrication. It' true that I haven't seen Nasrallah this past week, but he's okay." The Iranian doctors arrived on Sunday at approximately 11:00 P.M., apparently on a special military flight. Officials considered flying Nasrallah to Iran for further treatment, according to Almalaf. In September 1997, a Mossad team tried to assassinate Hamas political chief, Khaled Mashal, by drizzling poison in his ear. The attempt failed, and two of the agents were captured while others found refuge in the Israeli embassy in Amman. Nasrallah's second-in-command Imad Mughniyah was assassinated in February in a Damascus bomb blast. Hezbollah accused Israel of responsibility for the explosion, although Israel has denied responsibility for the act. His predecessor Abbas al Musawi was killed in an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon in 1992. Nasrallah's refutation of the attempt On October 25, 2008 and in an interview with the Hezbollah owned Al-Manar channel, Nasrallah refuted the assassination attempt accusing the Israelis and Americans in fabricating the story and considering it as part of the ongoing psychological war against Hezbollah that aimed to imply that the party is suffering from internal disputes and assassination plots. He also explained that "if research was done on the internet websites posting such unfounded information, it would reveal that they are all being run from that same dark room, and that their aim is to serve American-Israeli interests." He added that at first the organization had considered denying the false information with a written message, "but when the news agencies began to publish it we decided to hold a televised interview, and here I am before you telling you I was not poisoned." Nasrallah in popular culture Two popular songs were written about Nasrallah during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, with vastly different views of the Hezbollah leader: The Hawk of Lebanon in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Yalla Ya Nasrallah in Israel. More recently in 2007, Lebanese singer Alaa Zalzali composed a tribute song entitled Ya Nasrallah. Another popular song composed in tribute to him was by Lebanese Christian singer Julia Boutros, called "Ahebba'i" meaning "my loved ones", which was inspired by Nasrallah's words in a televised message he sent to Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon during the 2006 War. According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. حياته وميلاده وُلد حسن نصر الله عبد الكريم نصر الله في بلدة البازورية الجنوبية القريبة من مدينة صور ( 10 كلم شرقي صور ) في 30 أغسطس عام 1960. اضطر و هو صغير و بسبب ضيق حال العائلة و انعدام فرص العمل في بلدته الجنوبية التي كانت تشكو كغيرها من قرى وبلدات المنطقة من الفقر و الإهمال و الحرمان للنزوح مع عائلته إلى مدينة بيروت وهناك أقامت العائلة في منطقة الكرنتينا في أطراف العاصمة، و في هذه المنطقة قضى حسن نصر الله أغلب أيام طفولته . ساعد في أولى أيام حياته والده عبد الكريم نصرالله في بيع الخضار و الفاكه. دراسته و تحصيله الديني أتم دراسته الإبتدائية في مدرسة حي "النجاح"، ثم درس في مدرسة سن الفيل الرسمية.ثم كان أن اندلعت الحرب الأهلية في لبنان فرجع مع عائلته إلى بلدته البازورية في الجنوب وهناك تابع دراسته الثانوية في مدرسة ثانوية صور الرسمية للبنين . خلال وجوده في البازورية إلتحق حسن نصرالله بصفوف حركة أمل الشيعية التي أسسها الإمام موسى الصدر، وكان خياره يبدو غريبا ً حينها عن توجهات البلدة السياسية التي كانت تأخذ الطابع الشيوعي والماركسي وذلك لكثرة الشيوعيين الموجودين فيها إبان ذلك الوقت ، ثم أصبح مندوب الحركة في بلدته . وفي مدينة صور تعرّف نصرالله إلى محمد الغروي الذي كان يقوم بتدريس العلوم الإسلامية في إحدى مساجد المدينة بإسم الإمام الصدر ، وبعد مدة من لقائهم طلب نصر الله من الغروي مساعدته في الذهاب إلى مدينة النجف العراقية إحدى أهم مدن الشيعة والتي تتلمذ فيها كبار علماء الدين الشيعة ،وبالفعل فإن الغروي ساعده في الذهاب إلى النجف بعد أن حمّله كتاب توصية لمحمد باقر الصدر أحد أهم رجال الدين الشيعة عبر تاريخهم، وبوصوله إلى النجف لم يكن قد بقي بحوزة السيد نصرالله قرشا ً واحدا، وهناك سأل عن كيفية القدرة على الإتصال بمحمد باقر الصدر فدلوه على شخص يدعى عباس الموسوي، وعندما التقى به خاطبه نصر الله بالعربية الفصحى ظنا ً منه أنه عراقي لكنه فوجىء بأن الموسوي لبناني من بلدة النبي شيث البقاعية وهذا اللقاء كان محور تغير هام في حياة نصرالله ، كونه وإبتداءً من هذه اللحظة فإن صداقة قوية ومتينة ستقوم بين الرجلين الذين كتبا فصلا ً هاما ً من تاريخ لبنان الحديث عبر مساهمتهما في إنشاء وتأسيس حزب الله اللبناني عام 1982 خارجا عن أمل الشيعية. بعد لقاء نصرالله بالسيدمحمد باقر الصدر، طلب الصدر من الموسوي رعاية نصرالله والإعتناء به وتأمين ما يلزم له من مال وإحتياجات كما عهد له بتدريسه ، وكان الموسوي صارما ً في دوره كمعلم وبفضل تدريسه المتشدد إستطاع طلابه أن ينهوا خلال سنتين ما يعطى عادة خلال خمس سنوات في الحوزة ، فالتدريس عند الموسوي عملية متواصلة ليس بها انقطاع أو عطل حتى في أيام العطل الرسمية فإن دروسه لا تتوقف وهذه الأجواء أمّنت لنصرالله الفرصة بإنهاء علومه الدينية في فترة سريعة نسبيا ً حيث أنهى المرحلة الأولى بنجاح في العام 1978 . في هذه الفترة كان المناخ السياسي العراقي قد بدأ بالتغير بشكل عام حيث أخذ نظام البعث الحاكم بالتضييق على الطلبة الدينيين من مختلف الجنسيات ، ويبدو أن وضع الطلبة اللبنانيين كان أسوأ من غيرهم حيث بدأت التهم تلاحقهم يمينا ً وشمالا ً تارة ً بالإنتماء إلى حزب الدعوة وتارة ً أخرى بالإنتماء إلى حركة أمل وأيضا ً بتهم الولاء إلى نظام البعث السوري الحاكم في سوريا والذي كان في عداوة مطلقة مع نظام البعث العراقي. وفي أحد تلك الأيام اقتحم رجال الأمن العراقي الحوزة التي كان يدرس بها نصرالله بهدف إلقاء القبض على عباس الموسوي الذي كان حينها مغادرا ً إلى لبنان فلم يجدوا سوى عائلته فأخبروها بمنعه من العودة مجددا ً للعراق . ومن حسن حظ نصرالله أنه لم يكن موجودا ً في الحوزة حينها حيث تم إعتقال رفاقه الباقين ، وهنا أدرك أنه لم يعد هناك مجالا ً للبقاء بالعراق فغادر عائدا ً على وجه السرعة إلى لبنان قبل أن تتمكن السلطات العراقية من إلقاء القبض عليه . وبعد أن عاد نصرالله إلى لبنان إلتحق بالحوزة الدينية في بعلبك وهناك تابع حياته العلمية معلما ً وطالبا ً، إضافة ً إلى ممارسته العمل السياسي والمقاوم ضمن صفوف تنظيم حركة أمل الشيعية التي كانت قد بلغت أوجها في ذلك الحين ، وبفضل قوة شخصيته ومتانة عقيدته وصدق إلتزامه وإخلاصه فإن ذلك الشاب الذي كان بالكاد قد بلغ العشرين من عمره إستطاع الوصول إلى منصب مندوب الحركة في البقاع . حياته السياسية عام 1982 كان عاما ً مفصليا ً في حياة نصرالله ففي هذا العام وقع الإجتياح الإسرائيلي للبنان وبوقوعه حصلت أزمة في صفوف أمل بين تيارين متقابلين ، تيار يقوده نبيه بري رئيس مجلس النواب اللبناني وكان يطالب بالإنضمام إلى "جبهة الإنقاذ الوطني " وتيار أخر أصولي متدين كان نصرالله والموسوي أحد أعضائه وكان يعارض هذا الأمر ، وبتفاقم النزاع انشق التيار المتدين عن تيار نبيه بري لكونهم قد سجلوا عليه مآخذ كثيرة بسبب الإختلاف في تفسير الإرشاد الذي خلّفه موسى الصدر. والجدير بالذكر أن التيار المتدين كان يعارض الإنضمام إلى جبهة الإنقاذ الوطني بسبب وجود بشير الجميل فيها وكانوا يعتبرونها تهدف إلى إيصال هذا الأخير إلى رئاسة الجمهورية . والجميل هذا كان خطا ً أحمرا ً لدى تيار المتدينين بسبب موالاته لإسرائيل. وهنا كانت البداية الأولى لظهور حزب الله اللبناني، حيث بدأ هؤلاء الشباب بالإتصال برفقائهم الحركيين في مختلف المناطق اللبنانية بهدف تحريضهم على ترك تيار برّي والإنضمام إلى حزب الله . عند ولادة حزب الله لم يكن نصرالله عضوا ً في القيادة فهو لم يكن حينها قد تجاوز ال22 ربيعا ً وكانت مسؤولياته الأولى تنحصر بتعبئة المقاومين وإنشاء الخلايا العسكرية . بعد فترة تسلم نصرالله منصب نائب مسؤول منطقة بيروت الذي كان يشغله إبراهيم أمين السيد أحد نواب حزب الله السابقين في البرلمان اللبناني واستمر السيد نصرالله بالصعود داخل سلم المسؤولية في حزب الله فتولى لاحقا ً مسؤولية منطقة بيروت ثم استُحدث بعد ذلك منصب المسؤول التنفيذي العام المكلّف بتطبيق قرارات "مجلس الشورى"، فشغله نصر الله.‏ ولكن يبدو أن المسؤولية والمناصب لم تكن تستهوي نصرالله بالقدر الكافي بل إن اهتمامه الحقيقي كان يتجه صوب تكملة دراسته الدينية، ولذلك فإنه وبعد مدة غادر بيروت متجها ً نحو إيران وتحديدا ً إلى مدينة قم لمتابعة دروسه الدينية هناك ولكن التطورات الحاصلة على الساحة اللبنانية خصوصا ً لجهة النزاعات المسلحة بين حزب الله وحركة أمل اضطرته للعودة مجددا ً للبنان . بعودته لم يكن لنصرالله مسؤولية محددة فمنصبه كمسؤول تنفيذي عام كان قد سـُلـِم لنعيم قاسم وهكذا بقي نصرالله من دون منصب حتى انتخاب عباس الموسوي أمينا ً عاما ً فعين قاسم نائبا ً له وعاد حسن نصرالله لمسؤوليته السابقة . أمين عام حزب الله في عام 1992 اغتالت إسرائيل أمين عام حزب الله عباس الموسوي فتم الإتجاه إلى انتخاب حسن نصرالله أمينا ً عاما ً للحزب بالرغم من أن سنه كان صغير على تولي هذه المسؤولية ولكن يبدو أن صفات نصرالله القيادية وتأثيره الكبير على صفوف وأوساط قواعد حزب الله قد لعبت دورا ً مؤثرا ً في هذا الإتجاه وبالفعل فإن انتخابه كان له الأثر الأبرز في تثبيت وحدة الحزب بقوة بعد الضربة القاسية التي تلقاها لتوّه. ‏ وفي ذلك العام وبعد أشهر قليلة من اغتيال الأمين العام السابق الموسوي فإن حزب الله اختار الدخول إلى قلب المعترك السياسي اللبناني فشارك في الانتخابات النيابية التي جرت في ذلك العام وحصد عددا ً من المقاعد النيابية عن محافظتي الجنوب والبقاع وهذه الكتلة كبرت وازدادت عددا ً في الانتخابات النيابية اللاحقةأعوام 1996 و 2000 و 2005 وهي تعرف بإسم " كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة ". وفي عام 1997 فقد نصرالله إبنه البكر هادي في مواجهات دارت بين مقاتلي الحزب وجيش العدو الإسرائيلي في منطقة الجبل الرفيع جنوب لبنان .وقد تأثر بهذا الحدث أيما تأثير لمكانته الكبيرة لديه. لكن ذلك لم يؤثر عليه حتى نجحت المقاومة اللبنانية في تحرير معظم جنوب لبنان عام 2000 ولا تزال المواجهة مستمرة. و لقد وجه له محمد حسنين هيكل كلمات تعكس إلى حد بعيد الموقف ، حينما كتب إليهَ معزياً بوفاة نجله البكر «هادي» قائلا: (لقد رأينا الأبوّة تُمتحن بالجهاد إلى درجة الشهادة، و رأينا الجهاد يُمتحن بالأبوّة إلى درجة البطولة. إنني لا أعرف ماذا أقول لك؟ فلا أنا راضٍ عن كلمة عزاء أواسيك بها، فأيّ كلمة عاجزة، ولا أنا قادر على الصلاة من أجلك، فصلاتك أقرب إلى عرش الله من أيّ قول أو همس يصدر عنّي أو عن غيري). شخصية و كاريزما يتمتع حسن نصر الله بكاريزما و شخصية قويتين، فخطبه الحماسية والواثقة في أيام الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لجنوب لبنان , وفي حرب لبنان 2006 أثرت في الكثيرين على مستوى العالم العربي والإسلامي ، وقد خرجت المظاهرات المؤيدة له في لبنان و عدد من الدول العربية، و يعتقد البعض أن حسن نصر الله يعتبر أكثر الشخصيات التى تقوم بدور الزعامة في مواجهة إسرائيل بعد رحيل الزعيم المصري جمال عبد الناصر، ويذهب البعض إلى أبعد من هذا حينما يعتبرونه رمزا لمقاومة الإحتلال وقوى الاستعمار في العصر الحديث على غرار عبد القادر الجزائري وعمر المختار، و يعدّ حسن نصر الله من الشخصيات القليلة التى تحسب (إسرائيل) ألف حساب لتهديداته و وعوده، وهو يتمتع بشعبية كبيرة خارج لبنان و خصوصاً في مصر وسوريا وفلسطين والمغرب العربي و البحرين و العراق لمواقفه ضد إسرائيل. حياته الخاصة حسن نصر الله متزوج من فاطمة ياسين، وله منها خمسة أولاد: محمد هادي، محمد جواد، زينب، محمد علي, محمد مهدي. واستشهد محمد هادي نصر الله في أيام الإحتلال الإسرائيلي. عن ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة.
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Hello. Hello. Hello. She replied "Who is the speaker?" He answered her "May God extend your lifespan". He added that he is an honest citizen. In addition, he asked her if the ambassador is in his office? She replied to him that she is his sister. Then, he responded to her saying "welcome sister, who is neither from maternity nor paternity". Then the line went dead. He repeated the call. Hello. Hello. Hello. She replied to him saying affirmative. He asked her if the ambassador is in his office? She replied to him that the ambassador is a political agent, useless, exploitational and lacking in competence. That is true my dears, the ambassador is borrowed person. She asked him, "May I connect you with garrulous ambassador?" Yes, nothing does remain, except garrulous ambassador, and a blonde secretary, who's her hair, was twistly braided. She is gorgeous although, she hates the date palm trees as well as camels. Their legend and logo are making mockery of issuing passports, ordering the payment of fees in advance, and also making a comedy of taking finger prints. هلو... هلو... هلو... أجابت وقالت مين؟ قال لها أطال الله عمرك. أنا المواطن أمين. هل السفير موجود؟ أجابت لا. وقالت أنا الأخت. رد عليها وقال أهلا بالتي هي لا من الأمومة أخت ولا من الأبوه أخت. حينها انقطع الخط. أعاد الاتصال. هلو... هلو... هلو... أجابت نعم. فسألها من جديد هل السفير موجود؟ أجابته بأن السفير مأجور. نعم أعزائي فالسفير مأجور. ثم قالت له هل أعطيك الصفير؟ نعم لم يبق إلا الصفير. وسكرتيرته شقراء شعرها المضفور ضافر ضفير. حسناء هي لكنها تكره شجر النخل وكذلك البعير. وشعارها من شعارهم جدد جوازك وادفع الرسوم مقدما وابصم بالخمس وبالسادس من اليد الإصبع الأخير.
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In the Sura of Poets No.26, and Ayah No. 224-227 God Almighty says " And as to the poets, those who go astray follow them. Do you not see that they wander about bewildered in every valley? And that they say that, which they do not do. Except those who believe and do good and remember the LORD much, and defend themselves after they are oppressed; and they who act unjustly shall know to what final place of turning they shall turn back''. يقول الله تعالى في سورة الشُّعَرَاء 26 في الايات 224- 227 وَالشُّعَرَاء يَتَّبِعُهُمُ الْغَاوُونَ . أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّهُمْ فِي كُلِّ وَادٍ يَهِيمُونَ . وَأَنَّهُمْ يَقُولُونَ مَا لَا يَفْعَلُونَ . إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَذَكَرُوا اللَّهَ كَثِيراً وَانتَصَرُوا مِن بَعْدِ مَا ظُلِمُوا وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنقَلَبٍ يَنقَلِبُونَ .
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The greatest possibility is being divided into three states where conspiracy, enmity and armed struggles will arouse or the present condition where murders and destruction will last to unlimited time. This is due to the nature of the Iraqi people which contains grudge, malice, deceit, betrayal and killing. Arabs and Iraqis did not union in the past but instead they form small countries depending on Persecution, robbery and violence and it has a psychological, militarily and political origin based on selfishness, apartheid, and deceit, eradication of truth and events plus using metaphorical slogans. I am sure they don't believe in the real solidarity based on system, law and to live peacefully with others either from their tribe, relatives or other races. So unity is not a slogan but it is an idea crystallized in their minds to be merging unity, conspiracy unity, deceit unity, dictatorial unity, authority union, isolation unity, fortune unity or unity of autocracy in taking fateful decisions. Those are types of Arabs unions which are the result of historical and psychological complications, disbelief and insisting to violate morals, humanity laws and creator justice. The American foreign politic in the modern era do a good work when it topples the autocratic system of Sadam and encouraging Iraqis to have fair and honest elections and put a modern and civilized constitution to gather all the nation under one ceil of justice and equality. We can say that the first step of the thousand miles was successful but it sinks in the ocean of deceive, enmity and conspiracy of the killers because they misunderstood the federalism, the best meaning of the unity and social & political solidarity, and thought it means separation and partition which proves their stupidity and narrow minded. So the Iraqi modern project clashed with the disasters of Iraqi mind, Police Headquarters, people with power and their assistants inside and outside, corruptive of the neighboring countries which divide into: 1. Countries afraid of the new Iraqi system that based on justice, freedom and equality such as Saudi Arabia and the gulf countries except Kuwait. 2. Countries confused due to the change and losing their financial and logistic support and afraid of Iraqi investors return to their stable country as Jordan, north Yemen, Sudan and some mercenary political parties in the other Arabian countries. 3. Countries afraid of American military intervention in their national affairs and hope to beat Americans such as Syria, Iran, Lebanon and some other countries. There are interventions and penetrations from other foreign countries like Israel that have slogan of "from Euphrates to Nile is your promised land, Israel" So they aim to keep Iraq torn in order to gain benefits, power, control, possession and oversight for Zionism which is not realized by many people. We conclude that Iraq war is not managed by Al-Qaeda as Arabs, Americans and Iraqis use their name just to hide truth. Iraqis must believe in the new constitution, admit their defeat, surrender to the reality and don't be a member in the civil war or fight with the Americans and the other foreign forces in order to prevent bloodshed and try to take advantage of these forces to update the security & military system hoping to have peaceful coexistence for a while or even forever till the main causes disappear as Germany and Japan did before. They must also demand dropping debts, having compensations for the physical and psychological damage that occurred during wars and destruct Iraqi people and lands, getting back Iraqi money that belongs to the previous system from abroad to start construction, building and developing in order to join the convoy of science, knowledge and civilization. In addition to reunion and combat illiteracy and poverty, they should preserve the residue sources to avoid being used in army and wars as what happened before. This is already done now but in a new trend as building fences and walls plus other security projects inside and at the borderlines. If Iraqis don't avoid the past and present crimes and sins, this will lead to more killing disasters, poverty, divisions, dispersion, economic and social problems, environmental and psychological problems and many other problems. Because the reality, in the past and present, give us proves that truth and morality are being murdered not only in Iraq but also in other neighboring countries. So if Jesus or the Waited Mahdi appears, they will be eaten by lions, hyena, foxes and wolves of Iraq plus vipers of the region. الاحتمال الاكبر أن العراق سيتقسم رسميا الى ثلاث دويلات وهذه الدويلات ستضطهد بقية الاثنيات وعلاقتها سيسودها روح التأمر والعداء والصراعات المسلحة وذلك يعود الى عقلية وروح الانسان العراقي الهائم والعائيش في فراديس الضغينة والحقد والمكر والفتنة والغدر والقتل وما أشبه ذلك أو سيستمر الحال الى أجل بعيد كما هو عليه من خراب ودمار وقتال وتناحر . لم يتوحد العرب في التاريخ ومنهم العراقيين ولكنهم كونوا دويلات ودويلاتهم قامت وأسست على مبدى البطش والسلب والنهب والاضطهاد للاخر اي ان تكوين دويلات العرب والمسلمين ذات منشأ نفسي وعسكري وسياسي قائم على الانانية والتفرقة العنصرية والترويج للخدع وطمس الوقائع والحقائق ورفع الشعارات المجازية والسرابية واجزم أنهم لايفقهون ولايؤمنون بالوحدة الحقيقة التي تستند للنظام والقانون والتعائش مع الاخر سواء كان هذا الأخر من قبائلهم أو ابناء عمومتهم أو الاجناس الاخري لذا فالوحدة ليست شعار واستعارة فقط بل تبلورت وتشكلت في الذهن لتصبح وحدة ظم والحاق أو وحدة المؤمرة أو وحدة المكر أو وحدة الانعزال أو وحدة التسلط والانفراد بالسلطة واحتكار الثروة أو وحدة الانفراد في اتخاذ القرارات المصيرية كقرارات الدخول في الحروب . هذه انماط من وحدات العرب وهي نواتج عن عقد نفسية تاريخية وكفر واصرار على الاخلال بقيم الاخلاق والقوانيين الانسانية وعدالة الخالق . من محاسن السياسة الخارجية الامريكية في العصر الحديث اسقاط المعتوه صدام ونظامه الجائر وتشجيعهم ومسانداتهم للعراقيين لقيام أنتخابات نزيهة وشريفة وايجاد دستور حديث وحضاري يجمع الاثنيات والوطن تحت سقف العدالة والمسأوة فنجحت الخطوة الاولي في رحلة الالف ميل ولكنها غرقت في محيط المكر والعداء والموامرات لسفاكي الدماء لانهم ترجمو وفهمو الفيدرالية التى هي المعني الامثل للوحدة والتكافل الاجتماعي والسياسي والاقتصادي وغيره على أنها تعني الفرقة والتقسيم وهذا برهان ودليل على حماقتهم وجهلهم. لذا فالمشروع العراقي الحديث اصطدم بكوارث وموبقات العقل العراقي ودوائر الامن والعسكر واصحاب النفوذ السابقين واعوانهم وحلافائهم في الداخل والخارج من جهة ومن الجهة الاخري بكوارث ومفاسد الدول المجاورة الخائفة من نظام العراق الجديد بدستوره العادل ورويئته لأفق المستقبل المتمثل بالوحدة الفيدراية والمساؤة والعدل والحرية ويمثل هذا النمط المملكة العربية وبقية دول الخليج التي لم يسعدها بل أقلقها سقوط نظام صدام ماعدا الكويت . ودول مرتبكة من التغيير وفقدت الدعم المالي واللوجيستي وخائفة من عودة العراقيين المستثمرين الى وطنهم المستقر كا لأردن ونظام اليمن الشمالي ( اليمن) والسودان وبعض الاحزاب المرتزقة في بقية الدول العربية. ودول خائفة من التدخل الامريكي عسكريا في شئون أوطانها وتريد هزيمة الامريكان واستنزافهم ومنهاسورية وايران واطراف لبنانية وعربية اخري. وهناك تدخلات واختراقات لدول خارجية أخري كأسرائيل التي شعارها" من الفرات الى النيل ارضك الموعودة يااسرائيل"فبقي العراق ممزقا هو سيطرة وتحكم ومراقبة وامتلاك ومكاسب للدولة الصهيونية وهذه الاشياء قد لاترى او تفهم من قبل الكثير من البشر. اذا فحرب العراق لاتدار من تنظيم القاعدة الهالك واستخدام أسم القاعدة من قبل العراقيين والعرب والامريكان واطراف اخري خفية مستفيدة من حالة الحرب الاهلية في العراق غرضه فقط التورية واخفاء الحقائق. كان على العراقيين ومازال عليهم الايمان بالدستور الجديد والاعتراف به وان يعترفو بالهزائم وأن يستسلمو للأمر الواقع وأن لاينخرطوا في الاقتتال الداخلي وقتال الامريكان والقوى الاجنبية الاخرى لحقن الدم والاستفادة من القوى الاجنية في تحديث النظام الامني والعسكري وغيره والتعائش معها لزمن معلوم أو غير معلوم حتي زوال المسببات كما عملت اليابان والمانيا في السابق وكان عليهم المطالبة بأسقاط الديون وطلب التعويضات عن الخسائر والاضرارالمادية والمعنوية لتي دمرت العراق ارضا وشعبا خلال حروبه وكذلك المطالبة في استعادة اموال العراق التابعة للنظام السابق في الخارج وان يبداو عملية البناء والاعمار والالتحاق في ركب قطار العلم والمعرفة والحضارة وكذلك لم الشمل ومكافحة الجهل والفقر والحفاظ على ماتبقى من موارد حتى لاتستهلك من اجل السلاح والتسلح والحروب كما في السابق. وهذ ا يحصل الأن ولكن بشكل جديد في بناء الاسوار والحواجز والمشارئع الامنية الاخري الداخلية اوعلى الحدود. عدم تفادي أخطاء وجرائم الماضي والحاضر ستؤدي الى مزيد من كوارث الاقتتال و الفقر والشتات والتشرذم والى مشاكل اقتصادية واجتماعية وبيئية ونفسية اخرى. فالواقع بحاضره وماضيه يعطينا براهين ودلائل واثباتات أن الحق والخير والفضيلة تقتل وتغتال ليس فقط في ارض الرافدين ولكن ايضا في الدول المجاورة فإذا جاء المسيح أو المهدي المنتظر فسوف تأكله اسود وضباع وذئاب وثعالب وضراغم العراق وستساعدهم أفاعي المنطقة.
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for Human Rights, (OIPWHR) award you this Merit Certificate for stopping the war and helping its victims in Palestine, Gaza in 2008/2009. Signature Mr. M.T. Al-Mansouri,Ph.D. Creator, editor and Publisher of Ottawa International Poets and Writers for Human Rights (OIPWHR) America (USA ) Greta Berlin (co-fondatrice Free Gaza Movment), James Petras (Bartle professor emeritus Binghamton University), John Catalinotto (managing editor, Workers World Newspaper, USA), Sara Flounders (co-director, International Action Center, USA), Emory Douglas (Former Minister of Culture of The Black Panther Party, USA), Dr Julio Pino ( professor of history), Dumas F. Lafontant Doumafis, (Organizer, African Liberation Day), Sebogo Bernard Nkumah (Chairperson of Boston Branch, All African People's Revolutionary Party) Austria Leo Gabriel (journalist and social anthropologist, member of the council of the World Social Forum, Austria), Johann Schögler (Styrian Peace Platform, Austria), Wilhelm Langthaler (Anti-imperialist Camp), Werner Pirker (journalist), Peter Melvyn (Jewish voices for a just peace in the Middle East), Hannes Hofbauer (publisher and publicist), Waltraud Schauer (former human shield in Iraq, Austria), Aleks Studen-Kirchner (author and interpreter, Austria), Milan Obid (chairman of the Slovene Students Club Vienna, Austria), Hermann Dworczak (social scientist, trade unionist, Austria), Wilfried Bader (local counsellor Angerberg, Tirol, Austria), Dipl. Ing. Marion Artlieb (computer scientist, Austria), Gerhard Oberkofler (University professor, Vice president of the Association Alfred Klahr, Innsbruck, Austria) Brazil Virginia Fontes (historienne, Rio de Janeiro), Augusto Boal (homme de théâtre) Belgium François Houtart (professeur émérite de l'Université catholique de Louvain), Tom Lanoye (auteur), Jean Bricmont (physicien), Pol Goossens (journaliste), Ludo Abicht, Amir Haberkorn, Ouardia Derriche (membre de l’Association Belgique-Palestine), Ida Dequeecker (féministe), Robbe De Hert (cinéaste), Eric Goeman (woordvoerder Attac Vlaanderen), Nadine Rosa-Rosso (enseignante et auteur), Nadia Fadil (sociologue), Remi Verwimp (coördinator Werkplaats voor Theologie en Maatschappiij), Paul Delmotte (professeur IHECS), André Posman, (eredocent actualiteit Sint Lucasinstituut Gent, lic. Geschiedenis. Dir Concertreeksen DE Rode Pomp Gent), Luk Vervaet (président section belge IUPFP), Dyab Abou Jahjah (activiste, Belgique-Liban), Herman De Ley (emeritus professor, Universiteit Gent), Frank Roels, (MD, emeritus professor UGent, België), Gie van den Berghe (professor Universiteit Gent, ethicus en historicus), Ludo de Witte (auteur), Eric Rosseel (gepensioneerd docent psychologie VUB), Liliane Plouvier (Professeur de droit international Bruxelles), Elke Vandeperre ( coördinator vzw Motief), Michel Collon (écrivain et journaliste), Greta Alegre (cinéaste, Artistes contre le Mur), Francis Jorissen (webmaster Attac Vlaanderen, België), René Los (bestuurder), Sarah Bracke (feministe & professor KULeuven), Erik Swyngedouw (Professor of Geography School of Environment and Development Manchester University), Isabelle Ponet, enseignante retraitée, Renée Mousset (Association Belgique-Palestine Liège); Jean Marc Turine (écrivain), Malika Hamidi (doctorante EHESS à Paris), Paul Vanden Bavière (journaliste et historien), Ludo De Brabander (Stafmedewerker vzw Vrede), Yacob MAHI, Enseignant, Théologien, Dr. en Histoire et Sciences des Religions, Conférencier, Vergaelen Eva (writer Belgie), Myriam Vandecan (vzw CODIP), Hadassah Borreman (publiciste, Belgique), GEYS Herman (Kunstenaar België), Karel Arnaut, antropoloog, UGent, België, De Witte Paul Woordvoerder Basisbewehging voor democratie in samenlevving en kerken, Ronnie Ramirez, cinéaste, Nordine Saïdi (Mouvement Citoyen Palestine), Karim Hassoun - Voorzitter AEL Belgie, Daniel Vanhove Observateur civil – Auteur Membre de l'ABP et du MCP, Nathalie Jenart, psychologue, directrice d'un centre PMS, Bruxelles Belgique, Mommaerts Omer (militant vakbond ACV-CSC België) Bulgaria Georges Haddad (Writer, Bulgaria/Lebanon) Canada Tim Louis (former Vancouver City Councillor), Ivan Drury (member of Vancouver Socialist Forum, contributing editor of Socialist Voice), Mohamed Tawfik Al-Mansouri, Ph.D. ( Writer and Researcher, Ottawa International Poets and Writers for Human Rights (OIPWHR), https://poetsofottawa.ning.com/, Hani Barghouthy, Writer , editor-in-chief of www.arabianawareness.com, Canada; Robert Bibeau, Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette Réalisatrice Québec, Canada Cyprus Belal Aabdelhai / PHD student/ Cyprus Cuba/Mexico Ángel Guerra Cabrera (periodista y académico, Cuba/México), Khaled Kasab Mahameed, the founder of the Holocaust Museum in Nazareth Egypt Yehia Al kazaz, Egypt, Prof unif et ecrivain et activiste France Saïd Bouamama (sociologue), Houria Bouteldja (Mouvement des Indigènes de la République), Raoul Marc Jennar (consultant en relations internationales), Alima Boumediene Thiery (sénatrice), Christine Delphy (Fondatrice et directrice de la revue NQF) / France"Viktor Dedaj (cyber-journaliste), Roland Diagne (enseignant en France, militant communiste marxiste-léniniste), Annie Lacroix-Riz (professeur d’histoire contemporaine, université Paris 7), Youssef Boussoumah (Mouvement des Indigènes de la République). Eric Colonna (citoyen engagé Lyon), Danielle Bleitrach (sociologue et écrivain), Jean-François Larosière (responsable syndical et associatif), Catherine Stern (enseignante d’Histoire à la retraite, ancienne chargée de cours à Paris), Philippe Révelli (jounaliste), Sophie Crêtaux (France, ex-chercheur au CNRS, agrégée d'histoire), Mireille Rumeau (militante politique, France), Youssef Girard (étudiant), Marie-Elise Akel, Abdelaziz Chaambi (militant associatif), Micheline Garreau (militante ISM, France), Alain Bruguier (infirmier libéral), Radouane Belahrache (Nîmes), Olivia Zémor (présidente de CAPJPO-EuroPalestine et responsable du site europalestine.com), Mohamed ZAAF, chirurgien et conseiller municipal (911510), Monique de Lope, ( professeur émérite à l'Université de Provence), Alain Bruguier alain infirmier libéral, vice président de l'afps de nimes dans le gard en france), Laure LAHAYE, Chargée de collections en arabe à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Conseillère de quartier, Paris, Jean-Claude AMARA, porte parole de Droits devant Germany Jürgen Elsässer (journalist, Berlin, Germany), Jonas Feller (Anti-imperialist activist and high school student Rostock), Karsli Jamal (FAKT-Party, Germany), Klaus von Raussendorff, Referent für internationale Fragen beim Bundesvorstand des Deutschen Freidenker-Verbands, DeutschlandDjamila Krebs ( membre d’Europalestine Allemagne), Prof.Dr.med. Zouhair Itani, Dermatologist, Düsseldorf,Germany. Dr. med. Ahmad Haider, Urologe und Androloge, Allemagne, prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Zoebi, ex-Minister in Syria, Allemagne, Professor Dr. Mohssen Massarrat, Osnabrück, Deutschland, Klaus Hartmann, Offenbach am Main, Bundesvorsitzender des Deutschen Freidenker-Verbandes, Germany, Krystyna Schydlo, Deutsch-Palästinensische Gesellschaft, Ruhrgebiet, Germany, Christoph Hörstel, Regierungs- /Unternehmensberater, Buchautor, Vors. Friedenskreis Deutschland e.V. i.G., Nehls, Gertrud, AK Asyl, Deutschland Great Britain Gilad Atzmon (artiste de jazz et écrivain), Tariq Ramadan (professor, Oxford/Erasmus Universities), Tariq Ali (writer, film-maker and editor of New Left Review), Sukant Chandan (Chair, English branch of the IUPFP), Estella Schmid (Kurdistan Solidarity Committee & CAMPACC, UK), John Hutnyk (Professor of Cultural Studies, Academic Director of CCS Goldsmiths University of London), Zaki El-Salahi (Masters student, Edinburgh, Scotland), Jon Kehoe (artist, London), Naima Bouteldja (Journalist, England), Robin Virgin (Pluto Press, England), David Halpin (FRCS Standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people,UK), Brenda Brown (Chair, Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign, England), Mathis Richet (Musician, England), Marishka Tharani (Actress, England), Mark Barrett (civil liberties campaigner, London, England), James House (maitre de conferences à l'Université de Leeds), Maud Bracke (lecturer, University of Glasgow, UK), Alan Cooper, Senior Lecturer European College of Business and Management, Maha Rahwanji, Member of the Executive Committee, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Britain. Greece Gella Varnava-Skoura (professeur en sciences de l'éducation à l'Université d'Athènes), Yiannis Sifakakis (Stop the war Coalition-Greece), Petros Constantinou (Campain Genoa 2001Greece) Hungary Szamosfalvi Albert (artiste peintre Hongrie) Jordan Hisham Bustani, Writer and Secretary of the Socialist Thought Forum, Jordan Iraq Isam AlYasiri ,Journalist Iraq Ireland Mairead Maguire (prix Nobel de la Paix), Danny Morrison (writer, Ireland) Italy Giulietto Chiesa (parlamentare europeo e giornalista), Lucio Manisco (giornalista ed ex parlamentare europeo), Gianni Vattimo (Filosofo ed ex parlamentare europeo), Margherita Hack (Astrofisica), Domenico Losurdo (Direttore Istituto Scienze filosofiche, università di Urbino), ), Danilo Zolo (Docente di Filosofia del Diritto internazionale, università di Firenze), Mary Rizzo (co-Editor of Palestine Think Tank and co-founders of Tlaxcala, Dr. Art Historian and Art Restorer), Prof.Massimo De Santi (Presidente Comitato Internazionale di Educazione per la Pace – ITALIA), Prof.ssa Giovanna Pagani (Presidente On. Wilpf Italia -Lega Internazionale delle Donne per la Pace e la Libertà – ITALIA), Dr.ssa Rosa Ayala Sosa (CIEP – ITALIA, Paola Manduca (geneticist Italy), Moreno Pasquinelli (Campo Antiimperialista), Dr. Mohamed Nour Dachan (Unione delle Comunità ed organizzazioni Islamiche in Italia), Elsa Verlicchi (Anthropologist, Rome, Italy), Miguel Martinez (websitewww.kelebekler.com Italy), Giulio Bonali (Italia) Lebanon Mohammad Kassem (Beirut International Forum For Resistance , Anti Imperialist , People's Solidarity and Alternatives) LYNA AL TABBAL Chef du département des droits de l'homme à l'université JINAN / Tripoli-Liban, Lebanon Sari Hanafi (Associate professor, American University of Beirut) Marocco MOHAMED EL KADI, fonction/ qualité: Président de l'Agence Méditerranée pour la Coopération Internationale, Journaliste / Directeur du Journal "La Méditerranée" Fès / MarocAbdelwahed El Moutawakil (Secrétaire général du cercle politique du mouvement Justice et Spiritualité), Nadia Yassine (fondatrice de la section féminine du mouvement Justice et Spiritualité), Fathallah Arsalan (porte parole du mouvement Justice et Spiritualité), Omar Amkassou (membre du conseil d'orientation du mouvement Justice et Spiritualité), Mohammed El Hamdaoui (membre du conseil d'orientation du mouvement Justice et Spiritualité), Batoul Bicha (enseignante), Mouna khalifi (membre du secrétariat général du cercle politique (mouvement justice et spiritualité), Abdessamad Fathi (coordinateur du comité marocain du soutien aux causes de la Nation), Ghizlain Bahraoui (membre du secrétariat général du cercle politique (mouvement justice et spiritualité), Mohammed Salmi (Responsable du comité des droits de l'Homme (mouvement justice et spiritualité), Najia Rahmani, (chercheuse), Mohammed Manar (chercheur), Aziza Sakhraji (enseignante chercheuse), Hassan Bennajeh (responsable de la jeunesse du mouvement justice et spiritualité), Fatima Kassid (membre du secrétariat général du cercle politique (mouvement justice et spiritualité), Omar Iharchane (chercheur), Merieme Yafout (Responsable de la section féminine du mouvement Justice et Spiritualité), Abdallah Chibani (membre du secrétariat général du cercle politique (mouvement justice et spiritualité), Mustapha Erriq (responsable du secteur syndical du mouvement justice et spiritualité, Abdellah Bella (enseignant Maroc) Netherlands Abdou Bouzerda (président Arab European League), Mohammed Benzakour (écrivain et journaliste), Robert Soeterik (antropoloog, Middle East Research Associates, Nederland), Miriyam Aouragh (co-organizer Dutch antiwar and antiracism campaign, initiator of the national demonstration for Gaza in Amsterdam, Research Fellow at Oxford University, UK) , Meyer Hajo G. (Bestuurslid “Een Ander Joods Geluid” Nederland), Gretta Duisenberg (Chair Foundation Stop the Occupation The Netherlands), Benzakour Mohammed (schrijver en journalist Nederland) Palestine Marcy Newman (Associate Professor, An Najah University, Nablus) Abdulmohsin klawasmi, prof unif, Jerusalem, Portugal Jose Saramago (écrivain), Miguel Urbano (écrivain) Romania Alexandru Polgar (philosophe, éditeur de la revue Idea) South Africa Buti Manamela (National Secretary Young Communist League of South Africa), Andre Zaaiman (Researcher, South Africa), Ronnie Kasrils (former South African government minister; writer and activist, South Africa) Spain Ángeles Maestro Martín (mèdica especialista en salud pública, Estado español), Carlo Frabetti (écrivain, État espagnol), Irene Amador (antropológue, État espagnol), Carlos Tena (periodista), Vicente Romano (professeur d'université, État espagnol), Gloria Pérez Berrocal (programmatrice de télévision, État espagnol), Alessandra Caporale, (social anthropologist, university lecturer Barcelona), Manuel Talens (écrivain, Espagne), Antonio Maira (Politólogo. Redactor Diario digital inSurGente), Anna Raventós Barangé (PhD Senior Lecturer Faculty of Arts and Letters University of Seville, Spain) Sweden Jan Myrdal (écrivain), Lasse Wilhelmson (teacher, Sweden), Einar Schlereth Journalist Sweden Switzerland Franz Fischer (Sekretariat Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz - Sektion Basel, Trade Union UNIA), SchweizFranco Cavalli (oncologist and president of the International Union of Cancer (IUCC), founder of Medicuba, Switzerland), Daniel Vischer (MP of the Green Party, Switzerland), George A. Kouchakji (Palestine Solidarity Basel, Switzerland), Nabil Sheikh Khalil,(Association to Support Palestinians in Need, Switzerland), Matthias Hui, Fachstelle OeME, Ref. Kirchen Bern-Jura-Solothurn, Schweiz, Peter Leuenberger, Historiker, Vorstandsmitglied Gesellschaft Schweiz-Palästina, Schweiz Syria Prof Dr Georges Jabbour (President UN Association of Syria, Independent Expert Human Rights Council, 2002-2008 Former Presidential Adviser and Member of Parliament) Venezuela Thierry Deronne (vice-président télévision publique Vive TV République bolivarienne du Venezuela), Durand Benjamin, (professeur de cinéma et télévision Venezuela Caracas)
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1.The Sleeplessness and Reunion In your love the sleeplessness and I are companions. There is always a reunion and hugs in the sleeplessness. In your love the sleeplessness and I are friends. There is always food and virtues. In your love the sleeplessness and I are tormented. There is always piety, devout, preachment prophecy, hope, miracle and fairness of God. In your love the sleeplessness and I are joining together to alert. In sleeplessness there are memories of nights, surprising and pleasant. 2. Lunar Thought When the moon falls, my soul and spirit ask my where is the escape? The wind is blowing, the snow is snowing and the sky is raining. When is falling and the sky is raining. The summer prospers like the lion with his thick and natty hair, and the winter is shining with his borrowed whiteness. Is it true that you are the moon and that you possess an attractive face like a human, or are you flaming with light and carrying harm, and in your gusts danger? 3. The Gorgeousness She is beautiful like a full-grown palm tree in the garden. The birds on the branches are singing, and the rose bush and the basil are dancing for her. In her heavens are fabulous and spectacular things that compel people and the universe to glory and worship her beautiful features and strands. The bees are rushing and assembling to drain and smell her nectar and perfumes, and to make a honey for healthy and ailing people. 4. The Beauty She is a beautiful like a graceful deer. But she is suffering from injustice for centuries, overwhelmed by burdens on her shoulders, wearing draggers around her waists to stop the hunger of her stomachs. She is a gorgeous, called the Happy Land, but she is blind. 5.The Happy Man I am the flower and the florescence. I am not only the agriculture, but also the rain. I do not believe in killing either humans or cows. I object to the use of illegal drugs and gossip. I object to selling either my consciousness or others consciousnesses. I object to open my pocket to illegal money. I am fond of the sun and I prospect to the moon. I am the green, red, white and all the others rainbow colors when the sun shines on the dew after the rain. 6. The Innocence and the Naughtiness or Satanic quotes I am seeking my lost love and I found that you are the reason you are cold of love, adoration and sex. My love is refusable and it likes the refusers. Be rebellious for me to love. I want to see in you the wittiness of the innocent devil. In your breasts there is a revolution, it is a whisper in my ear Beware of the breasts’ revolution? Do you like the rain? and do you accept to come and play with me under the rain as we were children. Perhaps a little of rain will wake you up. You were naughty, and I loved you naughty? For your lips had a history for me. Do you remember! I will remind you. They say it’s the silence of the lips, but it is the coldness of its on you. Pardon, that I had remembered that you are cold.
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Poem or two for justice

from the prison sangha....It was one of those warm, early summer days…Thanks God for the fans in the Chapel where the Dharma Brothers meetand sit, and chant, and walk meditatively and talk…But this was not a "normal" oneOne brother sat with the Chaplain, sad looking, almost in tearsJust heard the night before, "Mom is gone" only 52 years"I knew she was sick, but I figured (and wouldn't we all)She would be ok""I can't be there", hold my sisters hand, my other siblings don't seem tocare or know what do"The Sangha arrives, the men are always happy to be together, to sit…But then I mention our brothers sadness and loss, and another speaks up,"my mom had a serious stroke two days ago, she's in Mississippi, it is harder not knowing,than accepting her death…" tears, some anger, "I want to hold her hand, do something,I can't"Needless to say, we had a healing sit that afternoon…What's going on here?I am not critical of the fact, inmates do not go home for the death of even their parents…At least not in these medium prisons…there were unskillful actions that they participated inTo get in this place….they know that all too well...But how does one handle death?Have you thought of yours? I sure have, at least after this afternoon with my Dharma Brothers…We are reminded at times like these, "death is not the end""Prison is not the end" "Unskillful acts that hurt others, are not the end!"We are reminded, it’s the path stupid!It’s the way, sister, brother, whoever…These confluence of events, mom dying and mom near deathThat woke us all up, we are all Buddha's, awakened ones,Not with answers, or words that take away the pain, the anger, the loss,or fill the void…but a reminder, this is real, this happens to all of us,To all creatures,Can we avoid it, no, but we can journey through these dead filled moments, as life…We can't fool folks, where one line says she is with God or Jesus,Then say, he is asleep, at rest in the Lord,And then say "on the last day…." he and she will…..This is all very confusing, my loved one is gone, dam….Bull shit, sorryThe vet said to me when Mickey was put asleep, when I asked is he gone?"Mickey is already in his next life" Dam, why didn't someone say that to me when Dad died,or as I help Mom's hand and Karen sang to her as she started her next life? Where was the vet, or the priest?Hey, Dharma Brothers, I write this because I mourn with you as do all who read this,Don't fret,don't worry,sit brother,be silent and listen,and know, in this moment,You are blessed, you are free,the bars, the bells, the guards are only temporary,As are the bards, and the hindrances for all of us…This life and the next are real….let it go, you are ok…peace…comfort…compassionKo shin, Bob Hanson @ June, 2009Frozen in ViolenceSunday, January 04, 20099:24 AM Pine needles, frozen by rain in mid winterCrackle as the cold wind blows through the trees around usThe now is like old flat breadBreaks into pieces as it swallows your feet and snow shoesIn fact, it is possible to slide on the snow shoes and fall, but the fallIs not hard, as one breaks through to the soft , old snow below Violence is frozen in time in PalestinePeople dying in their own homes and streetsViolence is frozen, the sounds of rockets, bombs and bulletsAll around us, even here in the woodsOne can feel the air as the bullets go by to their target in Gaza How does one un-freeze violence?How does one melt hatred?How does one wake up a hold generation mi-led by lies and stories ofGreed and power between Israel (n o spiritual relationship to the Israel ofThe Torah) and the United States Government (no relation to what is in the constitutionOr the declaration of independence) A change in leadership?,A commitment to peace?,Conversations around a new way not just changing old ways and structures that have not brought peace The pine needles are melting now, the tree is feeling its freedom againThe snow is soft again, the snow shoes, again, sink into the snow as you create a new path in the forest and wet lands…How do we find peace where there is none?The woundedThe deadThe scared onesThe childrenThe eldersYes, Israel exists, most of its people abhor the violence, frozen in timeThousands demonstrate for peace, no one listens, sound familiar America? Oh, I threw some salt on the ice this morningI heard the frozen ice begin to crackle and fall apartSalt on the wounds? No that is not itBut the salt of peace, love and justiceStepping in between those who fight out of hate, greed and power on both sidesThose around the world who want to CUT OFF the conversation because their side is right the others do not exist… Gaza existsWest Bank existsPalestine is a stateSTOP THE KILLING FIELDS OF ISRAELSTOP SUPPORTING THE KILLING FIELDS OF ISRAEL USA GOVERNMENTThe violence frozen in time and history will melt, is meltingNot with guns or rockets made in or paid for by the USANot with breaking through the sacred land of others or trying to fence in your neighborsBut act and think and live in peace. As I write this on a frozen morning in the woodsThe US has blocked the UN again for peaceWhy do we block efforts for peace even when they look impossibleWe are afraid of the frozen violence and risk of a melt down of violence, we love our power I suppose I should stop this journey nowIt is too painfulToday let us chant and pray for peace in Gaza and the worldThat the frozen presence of violence as the answer will melt. Peace ko shin, Bob HansonI saw ita fat robin, resting in the naked bushhow satisfied she lookedso filled with the worms and the bugs of the earthI sit, also over weight, fat you saysatisfied?not reallywondering, knowing what I know, feeling what I feel,how does one act with skillful meansso that justice will flow like a river, everywhere,when national issues, interest, fear and even hatred block justicestop all peoples from being free, safe and loved.Oh fat and happy robin, let us learn from youas the bush fills out, green, and as spring brings new life,may this world be filled with hope...may you find hope, somewhere... ko shin, Bob HansonEnjoy, share, chant and pray for peace in Palestine and throughout all the creation.....ko shin, Bob Hanson
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Spirit of Opulence!

THE SPIRIT OF OPULENCEBy Thomas Troward, Excerpt from “The Hidden Power”“It is quite a mistake to suppose that we must restrict and stint ourselves inorder to develop greater power or usefulness. This is to form the conception ofthe Divine Power as so limited that the best use we can make of it is by a policy ofself-starvation, whether material or mental. Of course, if we believe that someform of self-starvation is necessary to our producing good work, then so long aswe entertain this belief the fact actually is so for us.But all this exists in, and is produced by, our belief; and when we come toexamine the grounds of this belief we shall find that it rests upon an entiremisapprehension of the nature of our own power.If we clearly realize that the creative power in ourselves is unlimited, then thereis no reason for limiting the extent to which we may enjoy what we can create bymeans of it. Where we are drawing from the infinite we need never be afraid of taking morethan our share.That is not where the danger lies. The danger is in not sufficiently realizingour own richness, and in looking upon the externalized products of our creativepower as being the true riches instead of the creative power of spirit itself.If we avoid this error, there is no need to limit ourselves in taking what we willfrom the infinite storehouse: “All things are yours.” And the way to avoid thiserror is by realizing that the true wealth is in identifying ourselves with the spirit ofopulence. We must be opulent in our thought. Do not “think money,” as such, forit is only one means of opulence; but think opulence, that is, largely, generously,liberally, and you will find that the means of realizing this thought will flow to youfrom all quarters, whether as money or as a hundred other things not to be reckonedin cash.We must not make ourselves dependent on any particular form of wealth, orinsist on its coming to us through some particular channel—that is at once toimpose a limitation, and to shut out other forms of wealth and to close otherchannels; but we must enter into the spirit of it.Now the spirit is Life, and throughout the universe Life ultimately consists incirculation, whether within the physical body of the individual or on the scale ofthe entire solar system; and circulation means a continual flowing around, andthe spirit of opulence is no exception to this universal law of all life.When once this principle becomes clear to us, we shall see that our attentionshould be directed rather to the giving than the receiving.We must look upon ourselves, not as misers’ chests to be kept locked for ourown benefit, but as centres of distribution; and the better we fulfil our function assuch centres the greater will be the corresponding inflow. If we choke the outletthe current must slacken, and a full and free flow can be obtained only by keepingit open. The spirit of opulence—the opulent mode of thought, that is—consists incultivating the feeling that we possess all sorts of riches which we can bestowupon others, and which we can bestow liberally because by this very action weopen the way for still greater supplies to flow in.But you say, “I am short of money, I hardly know how to pay for necessaries.What have I to give? The answer is that we must always start from the pointwhere we are; and if your wealth at the present moment is not abundant on thematerial plane, you need not trouble to start on that plane. There are other sortsof wealth, still more valuable, on the spiritual and intellectual planes, which youcan give; and you can start from this point and practise the spirit of opulence,even though your balance at the bank may be nil. And then the universal law ofattraction will begin to assert itself. You will not only begin to experience an inflowon the spiritual and intellectual planes, but it will extend itself to the material plane also.If you have realized the spirit of opulence you cannot help drawing to yourselfmaterial good, as well as that higher wealth which is not to be measured by amoney standard; and because you truly understand the spirit of opulence you willneither affect to despise this form of good, nor will you attribute to it a value thatdoes not belong to it; but you will coordinate it with your other more interior formsof wealth so as to make it the material instrument in smoothing the way for theirmore perfect expression. Used thus, with understanding of the relation which itbears to spiritual and intellectual wealth, material wealth becomes one with them ,and is no more to be shunned and feared than it is to be sought for its own sake.It is not money, but the love of money, that is the root of evil; and the spirit ofopulence is precisely the attitude of mind which is furthest removed from the loveof money for its own sake. It does not believe in money. What it does believe inis the generous feeling which is the intuitive recognition of the great law ofcirculation, which does not in any undertaking make its first question, How mucham I going to get by it? but, How much am I going to do by it? And making this thefirst question, the getting will flow in with a generous profusion, and with aspontaneousness and rightness of direction that are absent when our first thoughtis of receiving only.We are not called upon to give what we have not yet got and to run into debt;but we are to give liberally of what we have, with the knowledge that by so doingwe are setting the law of circulation to work, and as this law brings us greater andgreater inflows of every kind of good, so our out-giving will increase, not bydepriving ourselves of any expansion of our own life that we may desire, but byfinding that every expansion makes us the more powerful instruments for expandingthe life of others. “Live and let live” is the motto of the true opulence.”How POWERFUL is that?
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His Excellency, All humanity is appealing to you to take action immediately to stop the terrible wars, and embargos which are committed against the children of Palestine, the Holy Land, and to help the victims and survivors who have suffered inhuman conditions since 1948 in Palestine and in the Diaspora. Attachment: A huge number of photographs of these crimes have been collected by M.T. Al-Mansouri, Ph.D. Please see them on the website of “Ottawa International Poets and Writers for Human Rights” at the following URL: https://poetsofottawa.ning.com/
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)