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أعرب الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون اليوم عن قلقه إزاء تصاعد الأعمال العسكرية في صعدة شمالي اليمن ، وناشد بان كى مون في بيان له كل الأطراف في النزاع بالسماح بوصول المساعدات الإنسانية للمناطق المتأثرة ، معربا عن أمله في أن يتم حل الوضع في شمال اليمن بصورة سلمية وأن يتوقف القتال. وتأتي مناشدة الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بعد يوم من مغادرة مبعوث الأمم المتحدة الأخضر الإبراهيمي صنعاء التي وصلها ليوم واحد في زيارة غامضة لم يكشف عن مضمونها بعد ، غير أن الرئيس اليمني أستغل زيارة الابراهيمي الذي كان مبعوثا للأمم المتحدة لليمن أثناء حرب 1994 ، وقام صالح بتقليده أول من أمس وسام الوحدة في محاولة استباقية من إعادة فتح ملف الجنوب من قبل مجلس الامن الدولي ، وحسب مصادر موثوق بها في صنعاء أن الابراهيمي وأثناء مغادرته اليمن قال لمودعيه من سياسيين في رئاسة الجمهورية ووزارة الخارجية بأنه على علاقة بقيادات الجنوب وثوار الجنوب ، واعتبرت المصادر تصريح الابراهيمي بأنه رد دبلوماسي على منحه وسام الوحدة ، كما أنه تلميح لما حمله في زيارته الغامضة للنظام اليمني . وكانت منظمة الصحة العالمية قد أرسلت أدوية ومعدات لمعالجة نحو 200 شخص أصيبوا خلال الاشتباكات وتنوي إرسال المزيد من المساعدات الأسبوع القادم. وأفادت منظمة الصحة العالمية بأنها أرسلت فرقا طبية من مكتبها الإقليمي في القاهرة لدعم عمليات الطوارئ في اليمن بالإضافة إلى التعاون مع اليونيسف لتنسيق حملة صحية استجابة للوضع. يذكر أن شرارة الحرب كانت قد انطلقت بين الجيش اليمنى والحوثيين الشيعة في 18 يوليو/تموز 2004 ،ثم تجددت في نهاية يناير/كانون الثاني من عام 2005 ، ثم في 28 مارس/آذار 2006، وفي أبريل/نيسان 2007 وفي فبراير/شباط 2008 ، وأسفرت الحروب الخمس السابقة بين الجانبين عن مقتل نحو ستة آلاف شخص وجرح ضعفهم واعتقال المئات. نيويورك- لندن - عدن برس + وكالات
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معضلة الطلاب اليمنيين دائمة ومستمرة من عشرات السنيين، وهي جزء من موبقات وجرائم النظام الجائر وعقليته الظلامية المتخلفة التي تنفذ عبر مخطط أجهزة أمن الدولة ومؤسساتها العسكرية والمدنية، والتي تهدف إلى تدمير وهجرة العقول من أجل الاحتفاظ بالحكم واستغلال الثروات الوطنية وإدارتها بعشوائية وظلامية وعنف. وعلى أي حال فالمأساة قديمة ولا جديد فيها غير التفنن بالتنكيل بالطلاب وعامة الشعب. استراتجيات النظام وآلياته وكذلك التكتيكات المتبعة التي تتسم بالعنف الشديد والمتمثلة في استخدام البطشن وكذلك الحروب النفسية بأشكالها المختلفة ومنها الاقتصادية والسياسية والاجتماعية العلنية والخفية وغيرها، فتوابلهم وسمومهم تغير الطعم واللون وتفتك بالروح والجسد. وفي فترة ما قبل الإمامة وما بعدها حرم التعليم وأقفلت المدارس ولم تبن المدارس والجامعات الحديثة، أما أيام العهد الجمهوري، فقد فتحت وبنيت ثم حولت الى ثكنات امنية وعسكرية وكثر فيها وفي الاماكن الاخرى البطش والقتل والعنف والارهاب, وكلا العهدين يبرران سلوكهما بالحفاظ على الدين والنظام والقانون، والحقيقة هي منع وتحريم الفهم والمطالبة بالحقوق والتحضر، لذا كان ومازال تدمير العقل هدفهم. ففي العهد الجمهوري وفي السبعينات من القرن السابق تطورت الاساليب ومورست جرائم عديدة منها الحبس والاقامة الجبرية والمطاردات والمضايقات والقتل، لذا فهناك من الطلاب من شرد وهاجر او قتل او سجن او فقد عقله أو انتحر, ويبرر النظام سلوكه الاجرامي بالحفاظ على الدين المفقود بالاصل. فرجال النظام كانوا ومازالوا يعتقدون ان العلم والمعرفة هما الخطر والعدو المباشران، لذلك فبركوا والصقوا التهم بالاحرار والمثقفين والكوادر ومنها ا ن الكوادر المثقفة والمتعلمة حليفة انظمة العدل المتمثلة بالاشتراكية العالمية او العربية والاسلامية فخونوها وطنيا وقوميا وانسانيا ثم كفروها وفتوا وحاكموا ونفذوا احكامهم المستمدة من بروتوكولاتهم الظلامية الهادفة لوقف عجلة التطور والحفاظ على مصالح أقلية أنانية وجائرة . لم يتحسن الوضع في نهاية السبعينات او الثمانيات او بعد الوحدة النظرية التى أعلنت في 22 مايو 1990م، فقد استخدموا الطلاب كأكباش الفداء في الحروب الاهلية او الحروب ضد جمهورية اليمن الديمقراطية الشعبية، والهدف كان التخلص منهم لأنهم المتنورون ولأنهم من ابناء الحجرية او تعز او المناطق الوسطى، ولكي يحموا الجيش لان معظم الجيش من مناطق زيدية، بهذا التصرف أثبت النظام الجائر عنصريته واجرامه ووحشيته. مشاكل الطلاب تحمل في طياتها الطابع الطائفي والعنصري المتأصل في عقل النظام الظلامي. ومخططه الوحيد لمستقبل الطلاب هو النكبات لأن الطلاب عشاق علم ومعرفة وكذلك عشاق الحياة بفضائلها ودعاة تمدن ورسل عدل ومساواة. كما أن المنح توزع كما وكيفا على المقربين والمحسوبين بعيدا عن معيار التنافس الشريف والمعدلات والكفاءة. فما بقى يوزع على الطلاب للتخلص من منهم ومن عمرهم الافتراضي الفعال والإنتاجي لفترة قد تصل إلى أربع أو خمس سنوات، وبعدها تأتي عملية الحساب المتعمدة مثلا انت خريج دولة اشتراكية أو بعثية او قومية أو اسلامية أو امبريالية، هذه التهم ملفقه حتى يحرموا المتعلمين من تنوير مجتمعاتهم واشراكهم في صنع القرار بالرغم من أن الدولة وعسكرها ومعسكراتها وحكامها لهم علاقات وتعاون مع الروس والعرب والامريكان وغيرهم. وحقيقة الأمر أن الدولة لا تملك أو تفكر ببرنامج تنموي حقيقي. مشاكل صرف مرتبات الطلاب متعمدة وهي كذلك جزء من الفساد الرهيب والمخيف بل والمتوحش المستشري في مؤسسات الدولة على سبيل المثال المدرسة والتعليم العالي ووزارة المالية والخارجية والاجهزة والسفارات المرتبطة بها. فالرشوة ضرورية واستغلال المناصب شيء طبيعي, فهناك رغبة جامحة لاستغلال المناصب للمنافع والمصالح الخاصة، وكذلك الاعتداء على حقوق الآخرين المتمثل بالسلب والنهب واللصوصية, حيث تودع مرتبات الطلاب في بنوك خارجية لمدة ثلاثة أشهر وفوائدها تذهب للمتنفذين في السلك الدبلوماسي في السفارات وخارجها, كذلك يتم خصم مبلغ بسيط من كل طالب ولو دولارين تحت بند ان اسعار صرف الدولار مقابل الريال تغير وهذا عمل مشين لان مرتبات الطلاب ترسل بتعزيزات للسفارات بالمبلغ الكامل والمعلن عنه للطلاب وفق قانون التربية والتعليم العالي في بند البعثات الخارجية وعلى ان تدفع المرتبات للطلاب مقدما. كذلك الفساد وعدم المساواة عندما نرى أن هناك طلابا باربعة مرتبات والواحد منهم مبعوث من اكثر من وزارة، ونرى طلابا تسقط اسماؤهم تحت بند السهو او الخلل في الحاسوب الالي ويستمر السهو والخلل ثلاث او اربع سنوات. قطع مرتبات الطلاب أو الموظفين سياسة تتبع المقولة "جوع كلبك يتبعك" وإشغالهم في مشاكل بسيطة حتى لا يطالبون بحقوقهم في المساواة في المواطنة والمشاركة بصنع القرار وتوزيع الثروة العادل، لذا فمحاصرتهم الكاملة واجبة تحت مبدأ هاجمهم قبل ما يستعدون للمواجهة. والتجويع هدفه ايضا التهيئة النفسية وخلق ظروف جديدة لابتزاز الطلاب واستخدامهم لأغراض غير انسانية وبيعهم في اسواق النخاسة المحلية والاقليمية والدولية، فالنظام قائم على التسول والمتاجرة بالارض والعرض والانسان، باع الحكام أنفسهم ومن باع نفسه يبيع الاخرين، وتحت مسميات حزبية أو قبلية أو التعاون المشترك. البيع والقرصنة وصلت حتى للاطفال احباب الله وبيع الحاكم لنفسه وجماعته والمواطنين يتم بطرق مختلفة ومشرعة، والبيع انواع منه الروحي والجسدي والنفسي، فهم متخصصون ولهم وسائلهم وأهم شيء عندهم هو المال جهلهم وغبائهم انهم لا يرون الثروة في الارض (وفي الانسان) ويجب ادارتها والاستفادة منها ومن بيضها ولبنها وثمارها وعقلها, لهذا باعوا الاصل والانتاج، وقبضوا المال لينفقوه لقضاء حاجاتهم, وبتصرفهم هذا خسروا الكل. في الوقت الحاضر تقطع وتحرم وتوزع المرتبات والوظائف والامتيازات والمنح على من يشأوون, وكذلك يقتلون الطلاب بأيديهم، عبر المافيات الاجرامية الدولية, وهناك من الطلاب من اختفى أو هو يعيش من غير اي حاسة من الحواس. وضع الطلاب ماساوي في الخارج والداخل، فهم ما بين المطرقة والسندان. فإلى أين أيها القطار أنت ذاهب بنا وبالعلم والوطن. وإذا نظرنا وحللنا الحلول التي يتبعها النظام الفاسد فسنجدها عبارة عن مسكنات لزمن قصيرحيث يوفد موفدين من الوزارات للتمويه فقط ولا يستفيد من الاجراءات المتبعة لحل معاناة الطلبة الا المسؤولون الذين يستفيدون من بدل السفر والفسحة وقضاء مآربهم الاخري, ثم الاعلان والتصريحات الاعلامية في ابواقهم الكاذبة بان المشكلة حلت وتم القضاء على الفساد والمفسدين. وبرغم ان الحلول لا بد وان تبدأ من الداخل ولا داعي للسفر وانما فاقد المعرفة والعلم مخسر ومهلك. لست متشائما ولا متفائلا لكني متشائل والتفاول سياتي عندما ينطلق قطار العمل من اجل قيام دولة المؤسسات والقانون, فلا خير برجال ومؤسسات ظالمة وفاسدة. ففي السفارات مسئولون منهم من قتل ومنهم من هو هارب من ثأر القبائل الأخرى ومنهم كثيرون من صنف العميان ومنهم من المومسيون واللصوص من معتنقي الرذيلة والذين لهم استثمارات غير قانونية دوليا ويتعاملون مع مافيات الدول الأخرى، ولأنهم هربوا الاموال ومجرمون في نظر العالم وحتى المافيات الأخرى، فهم واموال شعوبهم المنهوبة في خبر كان، وكذلك في ورطة، وهذا هو تكنوقراط من يسمي نفسه الحاكم . بالتاكيد نهاية مثل هذه الجماعات الى مزبلة التاريخ . أريد أن ألفت الانتباه الى مسألة ما بعد التخرج، فهي أشد قسوة والعن من سابقتها، فمن الطلاب الخريجين من تجبره الحياة الى الهجرة او قبول اعمال لا تناسبه ماديا او معنويا أو اخلاقيا, وعندما يسقط اخلاقيا يصير مؤهلا ومقبولا لديهم أو مصيره الهلاك، ويقذف به الى المجهول ليقابل ويواجه مليون متوحش وغول. الوطن بطلابه وعلّاماته وكل المواطنين، يقول الله عز وجل وَتَعَاوَنُواْ عَلَى الْبرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى وَلاَ تَعَاوَنُواْ عَلَى الإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ، فما علينا الا الكفاح، فهو خير وسيلة للانعتاق مما نحن فيه وهذا امر الله والقانون الانساني والرباني يعطيان الحق لنا بالشروع فيه. اخي وابني وصديقي ورفيقي الطالب والاستاذ والعامل والفلاح لنعمل معا لخير انفسنا والوطن . اخي الطالب في الحياة والدرب ما عليك الا ان تطالب بالحقوق الكاملة لك كانسان ومواطن, ومطالبتك فقط بالمرتب هي ما يريدونه ولن يعطوك إياه ولن يساوموك عليه, وطالب بحقوقك كاملة حتى تحصل على شيء منها، وما عليك الا ان تشد عربتك إلى نجم، وان تقف مع صوت الشعب، فصوت الشعب هو صوت الله, واضرب الحديد وهو ساخن. اخي الطالب والمعلم هذه قضيتك، وهي بين يديك، فما عليك الا ان تستوعبها، وان آمنت بمحتواها فما عليك الا نشرها بين اخوانك الطلاب في كل ارجاء المعمورة، ولدى الإتحادات والروابط الطلابية العربية والعالمية، وكذلك لدى منظمات حقوق الانسان. هذه أول خطوة في رحلة الألف ميل.

The Worldwide Yemenite Students' Movement for Emancipation

The dilemma of Yemenite students has been starting and ongoing for decades. It is that have committed these vices and crimes by the tyrants’ regime with his dark, undeveloped and backward mentality. The branches of state security and military as well as civil institutions implemented these vices and crimes. Their aim and objective is to manipulate, destruct and drain the brain in order to monopolize the powerand governance. They also intend to exploit and manage the national wealth randomly, obscurely and violently. This tragedy is old and still ongoing. What has changed is there are new tools and implementations, which they used against students as well as citizens. The strategies and mechanisms, as well as tactics used include violent oppression, as well as various forms of psychological warfare, including economic, political and social. This is done both openly and in secret. Therefore, their seasoning and poisons change as they continue to destroy the spirit and flesh. Before and after the era of the Yemenite Imams, custody of education was banned and denied and no more modern schools or universities were built. However, in the modern-day of Republic, they have been opening the educational institutions and establishments. But, they have also been converting these important organizations into military barracks, combings and security organizations. They were managed by oppression, murder, violence, terrorism and crimes. This results in producing the same or worse qualities as before. Both of the regimes have justified and explained their conduct to preserve the religion and law. Although, the truth is to prevent and prohibit understanding, and the giving of citizens their civil rights, as well as claiming on the urbanization. Therefore, they have been destroying the mind, which is their main purpose. For instance, in the republican era of the 1970's, the methods and styles of killing, murdering and assassinating evolved and increased. They practiced numerous crimes, including detention and house arrest, pursuit, harassment and killing. As a result of that, students emigrated, were killed or imprisoned, become disabled or committed suicide, or lost their mental health. The regime claimed that all of these things have been done to protect the religion, which is originally lost and damaged. The regime still believes that science and knowledge are dangerous things and their first enemy, so they fabricate and prepared the accusations for liberals, intellectuals and cadres. For example, they accuse them that they are the ally of global socialism on Arab and Islamic systems, so they accuse them of national and humanitarian treason, in addition they accused them of religious treason, therefore, they consulted the religious people to have the permission of killing them. Then, they judged them and killed them due to the yuppies protocols of darkness. They killed them, aiming to stop the wheel of development and the preservation of the minority interests and their selfishness and aggressive authority. The situation has not improved at the end of the 1970’s, 1980's or after the theoretical unifying the country, which was announced on May 22, 1990. So, they used the students as black sheep in civil wars or wars against the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. Their aim was to eliminate them because they carried the light and education as well as that they are from the Al-Hojaria region or Taiz or central regions. By doing so, they protect the army because most of the army is from Zaidiyyah tribes. This act is the omnipotent proof of their racism, crime and brutality. This dilemma of students’ problems involves racial and sectarian nature inherent in the mind of the obscurantist. Their future plans for the students is for calamity because the students' sin that they are the lovers of science, knowledge and life with its virtues, and because they are prophets and messengers of civilization, justice and equality. The quantity and quality of scholarship is distributed for associates and affiliates, far from the standard of honest competition, rates and skills. What remains is distributed to the students to eliminate them from the country for a period of up to four or five years, in order to lose their productive and active age. Then, they return after graduation to the dark judgments of being baath, socialist, nationalist or islamist or imperialist or other accusations for leaving the country or facing the death. These accusations, which are trumped up and fabricated , are used to ban the educated from being involved in the system. They eliminate them of participation in decision-making. D espite that, the state soldiers, army units and rulers have relations and cooperation with the Russians, the Arabs and the Americans among others. In addition, the state does not possess or consider of real developmental programmes. The problems of removing the salaries and scholarships of the students is a deliberated case and also part of terrible, frightening, and brutal corruption, which is widespread in the state's institutions and appears not only at schools, ministries, institutions of education but also in the Ministry of Finance, Foreign Affairs, embassies and other government's organs apparatuses associated with mentioned organizations A bribe is necessary in the regime and is a part of its behaviour and doctrine. The exploitation of positions is easy an d natural, so the regime gains money and it protects only its individual interests. It also assaults the rights by looting and banditry, where salaries, scholarships and fees of students are deposited in foreign banks for three months and their benefits go for gangs in the diplomatic corps in embassies. It also cuts off a small amount e.g. two dollars from each student. They explain that the exchange rates of the dollar against the riyal are in change. This is disgraced work, because the salaries of students sent reinforcements to the embassies of the full amount, and the announced information to students according to a law of Education and Higher Education Ministries under the issue of foreign mission said to payment of scholarships in American Dollars and in advance. We also see the corruption and inequality that there are students that have four salaries and they are delegated from more than one ministry. On the other hand, we observe students drop proceedings under the omission or defect in the computer, the case omissions and imbalance lasts for three or four years. The policy of cutting off students' or the staff salaries is a statement that is taken from the proverb hunger you dog he follows you. Further more, before you became attacked you should start your attack in order to stop them of asking and struggling for their civil rights and providing the equality and equitable distribution of wealth for all, as well as stopping students from participation in decision-making. Hence, full surrounding is a duty under the principle attacked before they are preparing for confrontation. The objective of starvation also is a psychological preparation to create new conditions to extort students and use them for inhuman jobs. In addition, to sell them in the local, regional and international slave market. The Yemenite modern system based on begging and trading land, honour and rights. They sell themselves and he who sells himself is easy for him to sell others under the slogans of parties or tribes or national and international cooperation. Sales and piracy reached even for children, the God's loved, and the sale of the governor for himself, his groups and citizens are done in different ways according to their laws they legalize everything, so, there are spiritual, physical and psychological sale. They are specialist and expert in this field, moreover; they have implementations. The most important thing for them is money. Their ignorance and stupidity make them blind to see the wealth in the land and people, and they do not know how to manage them to benefit from its' eggs, milks, fruits and brains. So they sell the expensive things to earn the cheaper, which is the money, which they spend it for their selfish purpose. By this behaviour, attitude and mentality all is lost. Recently, they cut off and banned the students from their scholarships as well as jobs and privileges and they distributed and gave only for those who want to give. They kill students by their hands as well as across international criminal mafias. Hence, many students have disappeared or lived without any human emotional feelings. The condition of students is a tragedy in abroad and inside the country. They are in between a rock and a hard place. Where does your train drive and lead science, the homeland and us? The followed solutions by the corrupt regime are a palliative for a short time by sending delegates from the ministries for disguising. Nobody gains anything from the followed procedures of solving the dilemma of student except the delegates, who benefit from travel allowance, the leeway and spend their objectives. Finally, they declare through their false media that the problem is solved and they eliminate corruption and spoilers. Although the solutions must begin at home and no need for traveling, the delegates from the ministries are the useless people of knowledge and science and are gainless and deadly. I am neither pessimistic nor optimistic, but pessoptimist, and when the train starts working for the establishment the state of institutions and law my optimism will achieve the optimum and maximum. There is nothing good comes by the unfair and corrupt as well as their institutions. For instance, in the embassies there are diplomats, who are murderers and the government protect them, they are fugitive from other tribes, because the revenge is a legal things in the state. In addition, embassies is full of sorts of whom are blind, prostitutes and thieves, who believe in the doctrine of vice. This is the same-called technocrat from the ruling and those who are illegal investments internationally and dealing with other nations Mafiosi. They fled laundering and criminals in the eyes of the world and even mafias. They become with t heir nations money in a history and in dilemma. Certainly, the end such these groups are the dustbin of history. Problems after graduation are harsher and worse than before graduation. Some of absolvents had harm and hard life, so few of them immigrate and most of them accept inappropriate jobs, which are not related to their level of education, morality and ethics. When the absolvents morally fall, they become psychologically able to do anything and become acceptable be the authority too, unless he will be thrown into unknown determination to face million harmful obstacles as well as brutal and wild characters. To homeland, students, scientists and citizens the almighty God says “help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression". We do not have any choice except fighting and struggling. Both ways are the best thing for the emancipation of where we are, and God and humanitarian law gives us the rights to proceed. Brother, sons and, friend, student, professor's partners, farmers and workers we should in solidarity working together to better ourselves and homeland. My brother student in life and path you need only to demand full rights for yourself as human beings and citizens. If your only demand for salary and scholarship it is what the corrupt authority wants, and it is not going to give you it or deliberate and debate with you of it. So, demand your full rights to get a part of it. Finally, you must hitch you wagon to a star, stand up with the voice of the people, which is the voice of God and strike while the iron is hot. Brother, student and teacher this is your case and it is in your hands to absorb and understand it. If you believe in what it contents then, you should spread and distribute it to all Yemenite students in the World as well as to students' unions, federations and associations of Arab World and the globe. In addition to international human rights organizations. This is the first step in the journey of a thousand miles.
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قالت منظمات إغاثة إن العنف المتصاعد بين القوات الحكومية اليمنية والمتمردين الشيعة يعوق الوصول لعشرات الآلاف من الناس الذين فروا من الاشتباكات بالشمال.وناشدت الوكالات لتحسين سبل وصولها للنازحين وحذرت من ارتفاع مخاطر ظهور الملاريا والأمراض المعوية بين السكان الذين يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية. وقالت منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة (اليونيسف)، ان ما يقدر بنحو 35 الف شخص فروا من العنف المتجدد خلال الاسبوعين الماضيين، وتشرد قرابة 120 ألف شخص في الجولات الأولى من القتال ضمن الصراع المتقطع الذي نشب عام 2004. وقالت الأمم المتحدة إن السفر البري بين العاصمة صنعاء ومحافظة صعدة معقل المتمردين بشمال غرب البلاد تعطل بسبب انعدام الأمن والمتاريس الموضوعة على الطرق وإن القتال توسع ليشمل محافظة عمران. وقالت إليزابيث بايرز المسؤولة بمكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية في إفادة صحافية 'إن انعدام الأمن جعل من الصعب على وكالة الإغاثة الانسانية الوصول للسكان المتضررين والحصول على معلومات دقيقة عن الأعداد والمواقع والاحتياجات'. واحتدم القتال في الأسابيع الأخيرة بين القوات الحكومية والمتمردين الشيعة في اليمن التي تسكنها أغلبية سنية. وبدأت القوات اليمنية هجوما استعانت فيه بطائرات ودبابات وقوات مدفعية فيما وصفه مسؤولون بأنه محاولة لسحق التمرد. وقالت بايرز إن وزير الخارجية أشار إلى ان الحكومة ستنظر في فتح ممر للمساعدات الإنسانية. ولكنها اضافت أنه حتى الوقت الراهن يحظر على طائرات الإغاثة الهبوط في مطار صعدة المخصص فقط للعمليات العسكرية. وقالت اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر في بيان منفصل 'يتعين حماية موظفي الإغاثة الإنسانية وتوفير المرور الآمن لهم ليقدموا المساعدات العاجلة'. وقالت إيمليا كاسيلا المتحدثة باسم برنامج الغذاء التابع للأمم المتحدة ان البرنامج بدأ الإثنين في توزيع حصص غذائية تكفي لمدة شهر على قرابة عشرة آلاف شخص فروا الى بلدة حجة الواقعة جنوب غربي صعدة. وقالت المفوضة السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين، انه يعتقد ان بعض اليمنيين فروا إلى الشمال باتجاه المملكة العربية السعودية ولكن لم ترد أي معلومات عن عبور اي شخص الى المملكة. وقال اندريه ماهسيتش المتحدث باسم المفوضية ان احتدام القتال يزيد من تدهور 'الوضع الانساني الكئيب والمعقد' بالفعل. ونقل عن موظفي المفوضية في صعدة القول إن المحافظة تعيش دون مياه وكهرباء منذ اسبوعين. ومضى يقول 'يوجد ايضا نقص في الوقود وبات الناس يواجهون خطرا متزايدا وصعوبة في الوصول للأسواق لشراء احتياجاتهم الغذائية'. وتقول اليونيسف ان قرابة 73 من بين كل الف طفل يولدون في اليمن يموتون قبل بلوغهم عامهم الخامس مما يجعلها تسجل واحدة من أعلى معدلات الوفيات بين الأطفال في المنطقة.
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الأقصى يمهد لانتفاضة ثالثة : المحاولات المتكررة لاقتحام المسجد الأقصى على يد قطعان اليمين الإسرائيلي تحت سمع وبصر العالمين الإسلامي والعربي يثير القلق في نفوسنا ويدعونا إلى اخذ الحيطة والحذر والتحسب لأية طارئ قد يحصل. المخجل في الأمر أن الدول العربية لم تحرك ساكنا للاحتجاج على الممارسات الصهيونية ضد الأقصى وإنني أراهن بأنه إذا استمر الصمت على هذا المنوال فان الأقصى سيكون عرضة للهدم. في استطلاع بين الجمهور اليهودي فان الثلث يؤيد فكرة بناء الهيكل المزعوم وهذا الأمر يعني الإقدام على هدم الأقصى ،لأنه وحسب الرواية الصهيونية فان الهيكل يقع تحت المسجد الأقصى ولا يمكنهم إعادة بنائه إلا بهدم الأقصى وتجريفه ! عمليات الحفر الجارية بالسر والعلانية باتت تهدد وجود الأقصى وهي بالأساس تهدف إلى هدمه بطرق غير تقليدية وبالتالي فرض امرأ واقعا لا يمكن لأحد تغييره . السؤال المطروح على الأمة الإسلامية ... اوليس الأقصى ملكا للأمة الإسلامية له قدسيته وحرمته ؟أم انه عقار خاص لأحد المتمولين ؟ حتى يتم الصمت على الاعتداءات المتكررة وحتى أن الإعلام العربي بات يتجاهل ما يحدث في محيط المسجد الأقصى من عمليات تجريف واقتحامات متكررة تهدف للسيطرة عليه ! إن القدس ليست ملك الفلسطينيين وحدهم، وكذلك الأقصى المبارك والصخرة المشرفة. انها ملك المسلمين ، فهي جزء لا يتجزأ من عقيدتهم السمحة وتاريخهم المجيد . وانطلاقا من هذه الحقيقة الثابتة فان الدفاع عنها واجب عربي وإسلامي قبل أن يكون واجبا واهتماما فلسطينيا. عندما نصمت على هدم مقدساتنا واقتحام حرماتها فإننا لا نستحق أن ننتمي للإسلام ولا نستحق أن نحمل صفة الإسلام ... فالمسلم الحقيقي هو من يذود عن أرضه وعرضه ومقدساته... فأين اليوم نحن من قيم الإسلام وتعاليمه وحرماته ؟ وأين نحن اليوم من الكرامة الدينية والوطنية والأخلاقية والإنسانية ؟! وهل ننتظر هدم الأقصى حتى تتحرك ضمائرنا ونخوتنا وغيرتنا ؟! الأقصى يئن ويتألم تحت هراواتهم وجرافاتهم .. يدنس بنعالهم ونحن ننظر الى المشهد من بعيد تحولنا الى مشاهدين محايدين وكأننا نشاهد دراما "تركية" أو "هندية" لا تهتز ضمائرنا ولا تتحرك .. حبذا لو قطع الإعلام المسلسل الدرامي وعرض مشاهدا من اقتحام الأقصى فلربما تتحرك دماؤنا وتهتز مشاعرنا ! ما يحدث في محيط الأقصى له ما بعده ... الصدامات التي تحصل بين الإخوة المرابطين هناك من فلسطينيي أل 48 والذين منحوا شرف الدفاع عن الأقصى كونهم قادرون على الوصول إليه ستؤدي إلى انفجار شامل وهذا الانفجار سيكون له مردوده على العالمين العربي والإسلامي .. فاذا كانت الأنظمة العربية لا تحرك ساكنا فان الشعوب لا بد وان تنتفض على الانتهاكات بحق مقدساتها .. أملنا كبير بالشعوب فالأقصى هو الخط الأحمر الذي لا يسمح كل ذي نخوة وضمير لأحد بان يتجاوزه.
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واحد وثلاثون عاما انقضت على حركة 15 اكتوبر78م واعدام قادتها الناصريين في ظروف استثنائية مجهولة والى اليوم لا زالت جثامينهم مخفية عن ذويهم الا أن مرور كل هذه السنوات لا يعطي مبررا اخلاقيا أو شرعيا او انسانيا لان تظل جثامين الضحايا وأماكن دفنهم مجهولة، لأسر القتلى ولكل أبناء الشعب اليمني الحق الانساني والوطني في معرفة أماكن دفن جثامين الشهيد عيسى محمد سيف القدسي ورفاقه وتسليمها لأسرهم واعادة دفنهم بما يليق بكرامتهم الانسانية كمواطنين يمنيين ينتمون أيضا الى دين الاسلام . ان تسليم جثث قادة الحركة الناصرية الى أهاليهم هي قضية انسانية ووطنية في المقام الأول وحتى لا تظل دماء اليمنين وأرواحهم رخيصة الثمن لان اولئك القتلى هم يمنيون وكانوا جزءا في حلقة الصراعات السياسية واخفاء السلطة لجثامينهم واصرارها الى اليوم على عدم الكشف عنها هي بحد ذاتها أبشع جريمة في التأريخ اليمني و مع ذلك لا نعلم لماذا هذا الا صرار المستميت على اخفاء جثامينهم الى الأبد رغم أن اخفاء الجثث لن يقدم او يؤخر في الأمر شيئا غير أنه يكشف عن مدى دموية سلطة خارجة عن كل الاعراف والاخلاقيات الانسانية واستهانتها بالكرامة الانسانية لمواطنيها حتى وهم أموات. ان نجاح السلطة في ارتكاب جرائمها ضد معارضيها ومن ثم اخفاء جثامينهم يعد من الأسباب التي أعطت هذه السلطة الثقة لاعتماد أساليب القتل والاغتيالات كجزءا أصيلا من سياساتها التي تحكم بها البلد منذ 30 عاما والى ما شاء الله . واليوم مختلف فعاليات المجتمع اليمني مدعوة لان تستشعر مسؤلياتها الدينية والانسانية والوطنية ازاء التطورات الخطيرة التي يشهدها الوطن اذ يجب عليها ان تتحرك باتجاه وقف مسلسل الاغتيالات السياسية الذي عاد مؤخرا وبقوة الى ساحة العمل السياسي ـ بعد توقف نسبي منذ اغتيالات الفترة الانتقالية لقيام الوحدة ـ والذي من مؤشراته عددا من عمليات الاغتيال التي نفذت في الأشهر الأخيرة بحق الناشطين السياسين منها عملية اغتيال حمود سعيد المخلافي والتي نجا منها ومقتل الشيخ حيدر الهزمي في أرحب والمحاولات المتكررة لاغتيال علي ناصر محمد و كذا حيدر العطاس والكمي ن الذي نصب لعلي منصر في ردفان ، وعليه فان ضرورة وقف شلالات دماء اليمنين التي يسكبها خيرة أبنائه تقتضي من كافة الفعاليات السياسية والاجتماعية أن لا تستجيب لارهاب السلطة ولرسائلها من وراء هذه الاغتيالات بل عليها ان ترفض هذه السياسة الجهنمية وأن تقف في وجهها وأن تشكل ابتداءا رأيا وطنيا عاما يجبر السلطة على تسليم جثامين قادة الحركة الناصرية لتكون هذه الخطوة رادعة للسلطة ولتقطع الطريق أيضا امام مشاريع القتل والاغتيالات القادمة التي تخطط لتنفيذها. كان يمكن للسلطة ولقتلة الشهيد عيسى محمد سيف القدسي ورفاقه وقبلهم الرئيس الشهيد ابراهيم الحمدي وبعدهم ضحايا كثر أن يكفروا عن جرائمهم ليس باخفاء جثامين القتلى والغاء جناح الرئيس الحمدي من المتحف الوطني ومنع ظهور صورته في القصر الجمهوري الى جانب الرؤساء السابقين للجمهورية بل كان يجب على هذه السلطة ان تقوم بدلا عن هذا ببناء البلد ونشر العدل ومحاربة الفساد وتحقيق حياة انسانية كريمة للمواطن اليمني كما فعل الرئيس المغدور ابراهيم الحمدي ولعل هذا هو ماحفظ للحقبة الناصرية ألقها وللرئيس الحمدي حضوره وخلوده في ذاكرة ووجدان أبناء ا لشعب اليمني على مرور الزمن وتتابع الأجيال رغم كل محاولات التشويه والالغاء . كان يستطع نظام 17 يوليو و كل المتورطين في تدبير وتنفيذ جريمة قتل الرئيس ابراهيم الحمدي وبعده معارضيه الذين أخفيت جثثهم ان يعتمدوا اسلوبا لحكم البلد غير الفساد والنهب والعبث ومشاريع الدماء والحروب وكان نموذج الرئيس الحمدي وأسلوب حكمه لازال شاخصا لكن فاقد الشئ لا يعطيه وطريق الدم لم ينتج الا سياسات جهنمية فاشلة دمرت البلد ووضعتها على حافة الهاوية كدولة فاشلة مهددة بالانهيار مالم يتحرك ابناء الوطن الى انقاذ أنفسهم وشعبهم.... والله غالب على أمره.
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Ramadan is a Muslim religious observance that takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (the month in which the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad). It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims do not eat or drink anything from true dawn until sunset. Fasting is meant to teach the person patience, sacrifice and humility. Ramaḍan is a time to fast for the sake of God, and to offer more prayer than usual. During Ramaḍan, Muslims ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, and try to purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds. You can see or watch samples of Islamic calligraphy at the Canadian International Electronic Museum of Contemporary Photography
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The Ottawa Spotlight wishing you a very blessed and prosperous Happy Ramadan. May God bring happiness, peace, reward, and joy to all of you and your families and to all of humanity. We hope that this sacred month is a source of blessing and happiness and that all good works are accepted.

يتقدم موقع اضوا اوتاوا بأحر التهاني لكل الإنسانية بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك شهر نزول الرحمه الالهيه وربيع القرآن الكريم.
فكل عام وانتم بخير وجعله الله عام خير وبركه ويمن وسلام.

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OCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM – Israeli officials and spokespersons have been railing against a leading Swedish newspaper for publishing a report claiming that the Israeli occupation army murders Palestinians in order to use their organs for transplants for Jewish patients. The Tabloid Aftonbladet, one of Sweden’s most popular newspapers, on Tuesday, 18 August, reported that Israeli occupation soldiers had been murdering Palestinian youngsters in the West Bank in order to extricate their organs and sell them. The report carried a photograph showing the body of a victim of such an execution, with a large scar running from his chin to abdomen. The report quotes the family of one of the victims as saying that “our sons were plundered from their organs.” The report also makes a connection with the recent corruption scandal in New Jersey involving elected officials, rabbis, and illegal organ trading. The author of the report, Donald Bostrom, spoke of a strong suspicion among Palestinians that young men’s organs were harvested by the Israeli army. He suggests that the International Court of Justice in the Hague should open an investigation into the matter. Witness Bostrom quotes a Palestinian witness as describing one case in which the Israeli occupation army shot dead a young Palestinian from a West Bank village and then extricated his organs. The Palestinian victim is identified as Bilal Ahmed Ghniyan. “He was taken away by a military helicopter and brought back by the army five days later, dead. As his family members buried him, they saw a large scar running from his stomach to his chin.” Bostrom also quotes other eye-witnesses testifying that their sons were used as “forced organ donors.” “Blood libel” Israeli spokesperson and Foreign Ministry officials were raving and ranting against Aftonbladet accusing the mass circulation newspaper of indulging in “blood libel” and making “canards” against Israel . Israeli spokesman Yigal Palmor said the Swedish newspaper had “turned the demonization of Israel into a sacred cause.” Other Israeli officials threatened to sue the Swedish newspaper for libel, claiming that the report was an expression of anti-Semitism. Israel has been reacting with exaggerated sensitivity toward international criticisms of its manifestly harsh treatment of Palestinians and the brazen racism associated with this treatment. Earlier this year, the Israeli army, using internationally-banned weapons launched a massive and deadly blitzkrieg on the virtually unprotected population of the Gaza Strip, killing, maiming and incinerating thousands of innocent civilians, including hundreds of children. Human rights organizations described the huge rampage of terror and death, which lasted for more than 20 days, as “clear war crimes” and “crimes against humanity.” Similarly, Israel had killed thousands of innocent civilians in the West Bank , and many of the victims were sent to the Abu Kabir forensic institute for autopsy operations. However, it is unclear if the vital organs of these young victims were always disposed of or taken out for transplant in Jewish patients. The Israeli army, which exerts huge political and legal influence in Israel, nearly always resisted scrutiny of its operations in the West Bank which are carried out in utter violation of international law, especially the international humanitarian law. Precedent In January, 2002, an Israeli cabinet minister tacitly admitted that organs taken from the bodies of Palestinian victims might have been used for transplants in Jewish patients without the knowledge of the Palestinian victims’ families. The minister, Nessim Dahan, said in response to a question by an Arab Knesset member that he couldn’t deny or confirm that organs of Palestinian youths and children killed by the Israeli army were taken out for transplants or scientific research. “I couldn’t say for sure that something like that didn’t happen.” The Arab Knesset member who posed the question to Dahan is believed to be Ahmed Teibi. Teibi pointed out that he had received “credible evidence” proving that Israeli doctors at the forensic institute of Abu Kabir extracted such vital organs as the heart, kidneys, and liver from the bodies of Palestinian youth and children killed by the Israeli army in Gaza and the West Bank . During an interview with al-Jazeera TV in 2002, the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat accused the Israeli apartheid regime of murdering Palestinian infants, children, and youths and harvesting their vital organs for transplants. “They murder our kids and use their organs as spare parts` Why is the whole world silent? Israel takes advantage of this silence to escalate it’s oppression and terror against our people,” said an angry President Arafat. During the interview, which took place on 14 January, 2002, Arafat held up photos of the mutilated bodies of the children. “I’m not worried about myself”, as the President is under house arrest, “I’m worried about the Palestinian people who have been under siege for the past 15 months.” Israel had admitted that doctors at the L. Greenberg Institute of Forensic Medicine at Abu Kabir had harvested the organs of 3 Palestinian youth killed by the Israeli army near Khan Younis. After 10 days the bodies of the three victims were returned to their families for burial but with their organs and even their eyes removed. Israel never carried out a serious investigation into this and other incidents involving the extrication of vital organs from the body of Palestinian victims killed by the Israeli occupation forces. According to reporter Saira Soufan, the illegal harvesting of the organs of Palestinian soldiers and freedom fighters has been documented since before the 1990’s. “Upon return of the soldiers’ bodies to their mourning families, the pillage of body parts is discovered during the burial process. “ The empty cavities have been filled with garbage such as cotton wool, garden hoses, and broomsticks, then sewn up as a result of a so-called ‘autopsy.’” Occasionally, Israeli authorities steal body organs from the bodies of tourists who die in Israel . An unpublicized instance occurred in 1998, when a Scotsman, Alistair Sinclair, died under mysterious circumstances in the Ben-Gurion Airport lockup. Mr. Sinclair’s parents sued the Israeli authorities upon finding that their son’s heart and other organs missing. A replacement heart and organs were sent to his mother, who didn’t believe that these were those of her son’s.
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Mr. Ahmed Saif Hashed serves on the Yemeni Parliament's Freedom and Human Rights Committee. An independent MP, Mr. Hashed represents constituency 70, which includes parts of Lahj and Taiz. Mr. Hashed is a prominent human rights activist with a special interest in the condition of Yemeni prisoners. He heads the Al-Tageer human rights organization and owns the Al-Mostakela newspaper. Jane Novak interviewed him for the Global Politician. Q: Mr. Hashid, thank you for granting this interview. Can you tell us generally about the condition of human rights in Yemen? Which areas in your opinion require urgent attention? ASH: Human rights in Yemen are totally absent. Crimes are committed by those responsible for protecting the law and its application. It pains me to find the security apparatuses practice torture, attacks and the worst kinds of mistreatments in the prisons and custody centers and also outside them. This happens under the weak judiciary and the decorative parliament that was produced by terrible corruption and hasn't even the minimum degree of responsibility. This country supports the tribe with its ignorant traditions at the expense of the law. It stands against law, and uses its force over the victims and over the legal articles that protect the human rights. Q: You have been very active in advocating for the humane treatment of prisoners. What are the conditions like for prisoners in Yemeni central prisons in terms of food, sanitary conditions, medical care and abuse? AHS: The food served to the prisoners is unpalatable and prepared in unhygienic conditions. The Parliamentary Committee of Rights and Freedom recommended increasing food allocations two years ago. Unfortunately the parliament has decreased the allocation. The most painful tragedy is that hundreds of prisoners do not receive any food allocations at all. For instance, the Sana'a Migrations and Passports Jail and some jails in Al- Houdadah depend on charity and soldiers’ food remains. Some jails don't have any infirmaries. Some others do, but they are in urgent need of medicine and equipment. Prisoners must purchase their prescriptions from the market; otherwise, they die in the jail. Skin diseases are also common in some jails and are not treated. Some women are found to be suffering from diseases including syphilis and other skin diseases considered so disgusting that they are rejected by hospitals and are not kept in separation as a preventive measure. The sanitary conditions in the prisons and custody centers are miserable. Heaps of urine bottles and defecation plastic bags were noticed at the corners of some prisons. The military police prison in Sana'a is one example. Other prisons, which are ancient and dirty buildings, do not have any good ventilation. This situation becomes worse during hot weather and when moisture increases. In some prisons, they use waste water due to the absence of drinkable water. The prisons in Yemen are over crowded with the number of prisoners exceeding three times the capacity. It is unbelievable to find districts in Al-Houdeida governorate with no jails for women. In Alzaidia, female defendants are put in a house belonging to an old man. I visited this house and found five female defendants aged between ten and fifteen, accused of adultery, who have neither food nor health care allocations, but rather depend on charity . Q: Is there a central authority that overseas all prisons? What kind of prisons exists in Yemen and how are they organized? ASH: The central prisons and the custody centers in the governorates belong to the general prisons authority in Sana'a. The authority of prisons stems from Ministry of Interior. However, the security administrations exert greater influence on those prisons. Others prisons, holding hundreds, are controlled by their respective governmental security administrations and are not included into prisons department system. As a result, these prisons receive no official food and other allocations. Concerning the political security prisons, they are big, private and frightful, and it is impossible for anyone to visit them, even if parliament members. Q: Can you explain the difference between tribal prisons, private prisons and central prisons? ASH. Most of the sheiks in Yemen have their private prisons. These prisons are illegal. Among these illegal private prisons are the political security prisons in which there are horrible criminal acts against human dignity and rights. They are prisons in which you may spend years without justice. Then you may be released without charge or arbiter or even excuse. In its basements are horrible criminal acts and human indignities in such a manner that is unbelievable. It is a pity that the judiciary can not control such places. Q: The Children's Parliament visited children in detention found them in miserable conditions, beaten, malnourished, sexually exploited, held without trial and held for minor crimes. A study by the Interior Ministry concluded that 77% of juveniles (15 and under) in jail had not been charged. Another report documented over 500 juveniles in adult jails. How young are the youngest children in jail? If Yemeni law prohibits imprisoning children without charge, why are so many in jails? ASH: Sorrowfully, many acts and crimes are committed against children in Yemen. For example, in Al-Maflahi prison in Lahj, a fifteen-tear-old child was sexually abused by a police officer. The incident was proved by three forensic experts. In the Ibb Jail of Investigation, a female child, no older than 13, was tortured by the investigators. In Al Baida Security Prison, child hostages, one of them aged below 11, were also found. In Al-Houdaida Central Prison, a lot of children were found arrested by the political security. Some of them do not exceed 12. They live with the adults in the same prison and are prevented from being visited, by the orders of the Political Security orders. Those children are free of any charges. In fact, they are innocent. Some of them are taken from their schools. Others were arrested at roads while going or coming back from schools some were also captured at their houses. In one case, Ali Yaslam Ahmed, aged 14, was imprisoned for seven months. The security forces say that the child was arrested in place of his older brother, who had been sentenced to 10 years in jail. A 16 year old hostage recounted his tale of being imprisoned four months ago, "My father is an old and sick man. He was taken as a hostage to bring his son under the pretext that he guaranteed but this was not proved. I am here in his place based on an order by Sheik Hamoud, the governorate security director" Q: Are there many adults in prison who have never been charged as well? ASH: This is very common in Yemen. Through our field visits ¸we find many prisoners without charges, dozens of hostages in who have been there for months and some of them for years without any acts ascribed to them. Rather they were jailed on the basis of crimes committed by their relatives or tribal members. Some of these prisoners have been for more than a year without any charge except their (religious) affiliation to the (Shiite) Hashemite House. This arrest is sometimes attributed to what they called precautionary action, which may last for one year or even more. Q: Many (Shiite) Zaidis have been imprisoned since the outbreak of the Sa'ada war in 2004. Can you tell us how many were imprisoned in total and how many remain in jail? ASH: There no clear statistics on the number of the arrests on the grounds of Sa'ada War. The government once confessed existence of three thousands. Yet, the number is much more than this, we think. Many prisoners were arrested on the grounds of the Sa’ada War without charge. Q: Are there many political prisoners? ASH: Yes, there political prisoners. For instance, Nasser Al-Nawba, the chairman of the retired associations coordination counsel, Hassan Ba Awm, a member of the political office of the Yemen Socialist Party. Hundreds of the arrests of the southern governorates were jailed and released on grounds of peaceful sit-ins in southern and some northern governorates during recent past. Q: Many cases of brutal torture have reported in the media. One such case is that of Shaif Al-Haimi who says he was tortured by the National Security Agency, chained, severely beaten and scalded with boiling water. For 16 days, he was hung from the ceiling. Investigators forced him to dance. Prisoners in Hajja jail said they were tortured by policemen in charge of the jail and affiliated with the Criminal Investigation Bureau. How prevalent is torture in Yemeni jails? ASH: Not only torture and methods of forcibly extraction of confession are common in private political security apparatuses prisons, but also prevalent in murder investigation departments and the Ministry of Interior's police station. When I visited the murder investigation prison, as a member of the Parliament Freedom and Human Rights Committee, I saw, with my eyes, scars of stick beatings and heavy boots kicks, which are still apparent on the bodies of two persons. A report was made on this incident; however, the counsel of parliament did little. The murder investigation director is still in his position without being questioned by any official authority. I also noticed other prisoners in police stations who were subject to torture and beatings. Among the victims is Abdulqader Mohammed, a Somali national, who has been in Yemen for six years. He was subjected to heavy beating a few months ago by five of the members of the Sana'a based Al-Wahda police station. Remains of this attack were proved by forensic examiners report. Such acts happen daily in many police stations while Ministry of Interior does not stop or even reduce them, which indicate its partnership. It also does not consider them and send the criminals to the concerned authorities. During one last visit to Al-Hodeida central prison on May 2005, we found out that many children, adults and disabled were complaining of torture, violence and isolated imprisonment by political security. These persons are jailed just on the grounds of Sa'ada War. In Rada'a central prison, I noticed scars over the body of Mohammed Saleh, who demanded a forensic expert to testify them. He complained that they are remains of torture by acid and electricity. I took photos of these scars, recommending an investigation by the court of law. Others complained about being tortured with live cigarettes by the security. Some prisoners complained about other means of torture, including hanging by hands or legs, beating by wires or cables, making hungry or thirsty, forcible long standing, prevention from sleeping for more than two days, psychological torturing, using acid and boiling water, pincers and others. Q: Are you able to visit jails under the control of the Political Security Organization? What kind of prisoners are there? ASH: No, we are not allowed to visit such jails. Since establishment of the parliament, its committee of rights and freedom did not pay even a single visit. An unsuccessful attempt made by the committee to visit the Political Security Prison in Hadramout. I personally tried to visit some political security jails, but was not allowed. In example, Mohammed Ali Muhsen, from Aden, has been in the basements of the political security for one year and a half, on the basis of a letter he wrote to the president of the Republic, mentioning the bad situations and corruption in the political security system. He was arrested in Aden and sent to Sana'a political basements. The political security has been rejecting orders of the general director to release or even prosecute him, which, as usual, indicates superiority of the political security. Q: The Ministry of Human Rights issued a report disclosing 100 hostages in five Yemeni prisons. What are hostages and how long are they held? Is this practice decreasing? AHS: The number of hostages exceeds this figure greatly. While this figure was being stated by the Minister of human rights, I was visiting department of jails and found in official statistics dated 28 May 2007 that the number of hostages in Yemen reaches 545. I have already visited AL-Baidah governorate, and found more than 70 hostages. The worst is that they include children. In the governorate security quarter prison, we found Abdurrahman Nasser Ahmed Ismail, below 10, Hussein Nasser Ahmed, aged 13. They are sons of the defendant Nasser Ahmed, whom the police could not arrest. Among them was the hostage Abdu-Alsalam Ali Ahmed, aged 15. He is a nephew of Nasser and a brother of the hostage, Abdraboo Ahmed Mohammed at the same time. In fact, they were released upon our visit. We found Khalid Ahmed Abdu Hashem below 15, in Rada'a prison. While he was coming to bring bed-needs to his imprisoned uncle, Khaid was arrested by security guards and spent more than four months among killers and thieves. These hostages are mostly either some relative of escaped defendants or from their tribal members. In fact, crime involves only one, according to abiding law, and no one should be punished or jailed except on the basis of law. Sorrowfully we have never witnessed any positive and effective actions to reduce such a phenomenon. Q: On June 26, 2006, Mr. Hashed you visited the Authority of Passports and Migration in Sana'a to conduct a field visit to the prison there. You intended to assess the condition of prisoners there after an Eritrean prisoner died under ambiguous circumstances. You report being beaten and kicked by prison officials, arbitrarily detained and threatened with death. Mr. Hashed, why were you treated this way? ASH: This happened so that their crimes won’t be discovered by the public. Consequently, all the camera contents which I had were destroyed. These contents comprised a lot of photographs that unveiled the extent to which this authority is ugly. If a legal activist pays a sudden visit to these jails, this will scandalize the political system which pretends democracy and protection of rights and freedom. So, my attack could be a deterrent to any legal activist who may consider a sudden visit to these places. Q: I understand that Parliament refused to hear some evidence about this incident. Why do you think they refused the evidence and where does the case stand now? ASH: This issue was referred to the committee of defense and security, which is heavily biased towards the security apparatuses. The issue was initially rejected. This committee is the same one which had been entrusted to investigate the murder of my driver who was a relative of mine, Adel Saleh. It is the same committee entrusted with investigating my arrest at the political security apparatus headquarters after I participated in a peaceful sit-in, protesting against Ali Al-Dailami's arrest by the political security. Al-Dailami was a legal activist and a chairman of the Yemen Association of defending rights and freedom. Instead of conducting investigation, the committee forced me to accept a tribal solution about my driver's assassination and refused to investigate the second issue, my arrest, and it did nothing. The committee intended to get rid of the issue of my attack at the passports and migration prison. It did not investigate. In fact, my intention was to direct them to question the prisoners who witnessed the crime. The committee refused to suspend the jail keeper during the investigation. It shamefully changed the facts, refused to investigate prisoners situations and was biased in all the proceedings, which is revealed by the report it has made. Instead of discussing these facts, and my explanation of the report of the committee, the parliament authorized another committee to solve my problems with the security committee which was formed for investigation. It is in such a manner that the issue of prisoners' situations was neglected, which was the stimulant of my visit to prisons, resulting in the negligence of the attack I was subject to. It is in such a way that many issues of human rights discussed at the parliament are tackled. This is an aspect of a tragedy we experience and pay its cost every day. Q. What are the other situations of these prisoners? How do the concerned Authorities treat them, what are the most repeated complaints? ASH: Most prisoners complain that judicial apparatuses do not abide by law, mainly concerning the dates fixed for imprisonment. Some prisoners complain of being imprisoned without trial or investigation, and of negligence in implementing the decrees ordering release of prisoners after ending period of punishment. Judicial and prosecution members complain of procrastination. They ascribe some of the above-mentioned defects to the fact that the number judgment cadres is limited; the judge appointed may be responsible for more than six or seven districts or his districts may be over-populated. This occurs at the expense of the prisoner's freedom. Other issues include prisoners mixing with each other, children and adults. They are not separated on the basis of age, kind of crime, or stage of proceedings. Others have completed their period of punishment and are still imprisoned because of their inability to pay the costs, even if these costs are minimal. They may stay for a long time wanting for their legal decrees to be issued. Others say they don't know the contents of these decrees because they don’t receive copies of the original. Some of them say they are prevented by the judge from defending themselves, mistreated during investigation and before they are sent to the public prosecution. As for the foreigners who are arrested due to their illegal entrance to the country, they spend long periods in Yemen prison, waiting for years being freed; this subject motivated us to make a special page on "AL-Mostakela" to tackle problems of refuges in Yemen. Jane Novak ( reports on Yemen for the Global Politician. She runs a website which is currently banned in Yemen. Ms. Novak appeared on al-Jazeera as an expert on Yemen in courts around the world that have accepted her testimony as an expert.
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The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine called on Saturday, August 22, 2009 for an immediate, serious investigation into reports alleging that Zionist occupation forces stole organs from young Palestinians they killed in the West Bank and Gaza. These reports, published in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, quoted Palestinians who recalled young men who had been seized by Zionist forces and killed in custody, and their bodies being returned missing organs, as well as that the bodies of young Palestinians killed in clashes were taken by the occupation forces and buried without being returned to their families. The PFLP said in its statement that these reports should be taken seriously by international human rights organizations, and fully investigated. Crimes and abuses by the occupation forces have been repeatedly reported and yet the occupation army has been able to commit crime after crime without punishment or accountability, despite vast amounts of evidence of occupation crimes. In addition, the statement noted that similar issues have been raised time and time again since the 1980s, and that there have been repeated reports of organ theft and improper experimentation on Palestinians killed by the occupation forces. In Gaza in the 1980s, soldiers were said to have stolen organs from children taken to Israeli hospitals, where they died. In addition, numerous Israelis have been indicated in Europe and the United States to be involved in international organ-trading networks, including sales of human organs and money laundering. The Front commended Donald Bostrom, the reporter from Aftonbladet, and all efforts being made by individuals and institutions around the world in order to bring the occupation forces to justice for their crimes against our people, as well as in the struggle to build global solidarity in order to force the occupier to stop its crimes and racist practices and recognize the national rights of the Palestinian people. The party praised the work of correspondent Donald Boström and all those who facilitated his reporting. The PFLP reiterated its call for the need to bring Israeli soldiers to justice for their actions.
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Global crisis 'hits human rights'

The global economic crisis is exacerbating human rights abuses, Amnesty International has warned. In its annual report, the group said the downturn had distracted attention from abuses and created new problems. Rising prices meant millions were struggling to meet basic needs in Africa and Asia, it said, and protests were being met with repression. Political conflict meant people were suffering in DR Congo, North Korea, Gaza and Darfur, among others, it said. 'Time-bomb' The 400-page report, compiled in 157 countries, said that human rights were being relegated to the back seat in pursuit of global economic recovery. The world's poorest people were bearing the brunt of the economic downturn, Amnesty said, and millions of people were facing insecurity and indignity. Migrant workers in China, indigenous groups in Latin America and those who struggled to meet basic needs in Africa had all been hit hard, it said. Where people had tried to protest, their actions had in many cases been met with repression and violence. The group warned that rising poverty could lead to instability and mass violence. "The underlying global economic crisis is an explosive human rights crisis: a combination of social, economic and political problems has created a time-bomb of human rights abuses," said Amnesty's Secretary General, Irene Khan. The group is launching a new campaign called Demand Dignity aimed at tackling the marginalisation of millions through poverty. World leaders should set an example and invest in human rights as purposefully as they invest in economic growth, Ms Khan said. "Economic recovery will be neither sustainable nor equitable if governments fail to tackle abuses that drive and deepen poverty, or armed conflicts that generate new violations," she said. See below for highlights of the report by region AFRICA Amnesty says the economic crisis has had a direct impact on human rights abuses on the continent. "People came into the streets to protest against the high cost of living," Erwin van der Borght, Amnesty's Africa programme director, told the BBC's Network Africa programme. "The reaction we saw from the authorities was very repressive. For example, in Cameroon about 100 people were killed in February last year." But the bulk of Amnesty's report concentrated on the continent's three main conflict zones: the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Sudan. In DR Congo, the focus was on the east where it said civilians had suffered terribly at the hands of government soldiers and rebel groups. The Hutu FDLR movement, for example, was accused of raping women and burning people alive in their homes. Amnesty said it was also the civilians in Somalia who bore the brunt of conflict, with tens of thousands fleeing violence and hundreds killed by ferocious fighting in the capital, Mogadishu. It also highlighted the killing and abduction of journalists and aid workers. In Sudan, Amnesty catalogued a series of abuses including the sentencing to death of members of a rebel group, a clampdown on human rights activists and the expulsion of several aid groups following the issuing of an international arrest warrant against President Omar al-Bashir. A number of countries, including Zimbabwe and Ethiopia, were criticised for intimidating and imprisoning members of the opposition. And Nigeria came under fire for the forced evictions of thousands of people in the eastern city of Port Harcourt. ASIA Across the region, millions fell further into poverty as the cost of basic necessities rose, Amnesty said. In Burma, the military government rejected international aid in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis and punished those who tried to help victims of the disaster. It continued campaigns against minority groups which involved forced labour, torture and murder, Amnesty said. In North Korea, millions are said to have experienced hunger not seen in a decade and thousands tried to flee, only to be caught and returned to detention, forced labour and torture. In both North Korea and Burma, freedom of expression was non-existent. In China, the run-up to the Beijing Olympic Games was marred by a clamp-down on activists and journalists, and the forcible evictions of thousands from their homes, the report said. Ethnic minorities in Xinjiang and Tibet continued to suffer from systematic discrimination, witnessing unrest followed by government suppression. Millions of Afghans faced persistent insecurity at the hands of Taliban militants. The Afghan government failed to maintain the rule of law or to provide basic services to many. Girls and women particularly suffered a lack of access to health and education services. In Sri Lanka, the government prevented international aid workers or journalists from reaching the conflict zone to assist or witness the plight of those caught up in fighting between government troops and Tamil Tiger rebels. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Israel's military operation in Gaza in December 2008 caused a disproportionate number of civilian casualties, Amnesty said. Its blockade of the territory "exacerbated an already dire humanitarian situation, health and sanitation problems, poverty and malnutrition for the 1.5 million residents", according to the report. On the Palestinian side, both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority were accused of repressing dissent and detaining political opponents. The death penalty was used extensively in Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Across the region, women faced discrimination both under the law and in practice, Amnesty said, and many faced violence at the hands of spouses or male relatives. Governments that included Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen are said to have used often sweeping counter-terrorism laws to clamp down on their political opponents and to stifle legitimate criticism. AMERICAS Indigenous communities across Central and South America were disproportionately affected by poverty while their land rights are ignored, Amnesty said. Development projects on indigenous land were often accompanied by harassment and violence. Women and girls faced violence and sexual abuse, particularly in Haiti and Nicaragua. The stigma associated with the abuse condemned many to silence, the report said, while laws in some nations meant that abortion was not available to those who became pregnant as a result of abuse or assault. Gang violence worsened in some nations; in Guatemala and Brazil evidence emerged of police involvement in the killings of suspected criminals, the report found. America continued to employ the death penalty, the report noted, and concern persisted over foreign nationals held at America's Guantanamo Bay detention centre, although the report acknowledged the commitment by US President Barack Obama to close it down. EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA Civilians paid a high price for last year's conflict between Russia and Georgia, Amnesty said. Hundreds of people died and 200,000 were displaced. In many cases, civilians' homes and lives were devastated. Many nations continued to deny fair treatment to asylum seekers, with some deporting individuals or groups to countries where they faced the possibility of harm. Roma (gypsies) faced systematic discrimination across the region and were largely excluded from public life in all countries. Freedom of expression remained poor in countries such as Belarus, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and other Central Asian nations. Story from BBC NEWS:
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فيما يلي ترجمة للمقال الذي أغضب دولة الاحتلال، والذي بموجبه كشف الصحفي السويدي دونالد بوستروم النقاب عن سرقة جنود الاحتلال لأعضاء أطفال فلسطينيين : صحيفة "أفتون بلاديت" السويدية : " أبناؤنا نهبت أعضاؤهم" ، تقرير الصحفي دونالد بوستروم 17/8/2009 : تاجر الأعضاء البشرية الحاخام روزنباوم معتقلا .. يقول ليفي اسحق روزنباوم من بروكلين إنه من الممكن تسمية مهنته بـ"صانع الملاءمة"، وذلك في تسجيل سري مع أحد عملاء مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي الذي كان يعتقد أنه أحد الزبائن . وبعد عشرة أيام من تسجيل هذه المكالمة، في نهاية تموز/ يوليو الماضي، اعتقل روزنباوم في قضية الفساد الكبرى المتشابكة بمدينة نيوجرسي الامريكية : أعرب الحاخامات عن ثقتهم بالمسؤولين المنتخبين، وكانوا يعملون لسنوات في تبييض الأموال غير المشروعة، ضمن شبكات مثل شبكة سوبرانو. وكان روزنباوم له صلة بعملية بيع الكلى من إسرائيل إلى السوق السوداء، حيث كان يشتري الجثث من المحتاجين في إسرائيل بسعر عشرة آلاف دولار، ويبيعها للمرضى اليائسين في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بسعر 160 ألف دولار . هذه هي المرة الأولى التي يكشف فيها عن الاتجار بالأعضاء بصورة موثقة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية . وردا على سؤال حول عدد الجثث التي باعها روزنباوم، يجيب مفاخرا بأن الحديث عن عدد كبير جدا.. وأن شركته عملت في هذا المجال منذ مدة طويلة . وقال فرانسيس ديلمونيسي، أستاذ جراحة زرع الأعضاء وعضو مجلس إدارة الكلية الوطنية لمجلس إدارة المؤسسة، إن الاتجار بالأعضاء في إسرائيل مماثل لما يجري في أماكن أخرى من العالم، حيث أن 10% من 63000 عملية زرع الكلى تجرى في العالم بصورة غير قانونية . البلدان "الساخنة" لهذا المشروع هي باكستان والفلبين والصين، حيث يعتقد أن الأعضاء تؤخذ ممن ينفذ فيهم حكم الإعدام، لكن هناك شكوكا قوية أيضا بين الفلسطينيين أنه يتم استخدام شبانهم مثلما هو الحال في الصين وباكستان، وهو أمر خطير جدا. ويعتقد أن هناك ما يكفي من الأدلة للتوجه إلى محكمة العدل الدولية، ويجب فتح تحقيق فيما إذا كان هناك جرائم حرب إسرائيلية . إسرائيل تستخدم الطقوس اللا أخلاقية لأسلوب التعامل مع الأعضاء والزرع. وهناك عدة دول، بينها فرنسا، قطعت التعاون الطبي مع إسرائيل منذ التسعينيات . نصف الكلى الجديدة المزروعة منذ عام 2000، تم شراؤها بصورة غير قانونية من تركيا وشرق أوروبا وأمريكا اللاتينية، والسلطات الصحية الإسرائيلية لا تفعل شيئا لإيقافها. في عام 2003 كشف في مؤتمر أن إسرائيل هي البلد الغربي الوحيد الذي لا تدين فيه مهنة الطب سرقة الأعضاء البشرية أو اتخاذ إجراءات قانونية ضد الأطباء المشاركين في العملية الجنائية، وإنما العكس، ويشارك كبار الأطباء في المستشفيات الكبرى في معظم عمليات الزرع غير القانونية، وفقا لصحيفة "داغينز نيهاتر"الصادرة في الخامس من كانون الأول/ من ديسمبر 2003 . وفي محاولة لحل مشكلة النقص في الأعضاء، قام وزير الصحة في حينه، إيهود أولمرت، في صيف 1992، بحملة كبيرة للحصول على تشجيع الإسرائيليين على التبرع بالأعضاء. وتم توزيع نصف مليون كراسة على الصحف المحلية، تضمنت دعوة المواطنين إلى التبرع بأعضائهم بعد وفاتهم . وكان أولمرت أول من وقع على بطاقة التبرع . وبالفعل بعد أسبوعين كتبت صحيفة " جيروزالم بوست" أن الحملة أسفرت عن نتائج ايجابية، حيث أن ما لا يقل عن 35 ألف شخص قد وقعوا على بطاقة التبرع. علما أن العدد لم يكن يزيد عن 500 متبرع في الشهر سابقا . وفي نفس المقال كتبت الصحافية جودي سيغل أن الفجوة بين العرض والطلب لا تزال مرتفعة، 500 شخص بحاجة إلى زراعة كلى، لم يتمكن منهم سوى 124 شخصا من إجراء العملية الجراحية. ومن بين 45 شخصا كانوا بحاجة إلى زراعة كبد، لم يتمكن سوى ثلاثة منهم من إجراء العملية الجراحية . وخلال حملة التبرع بالأعضاء اختفى شاب فلسطيني، وبعد خمسة أيام تسلمت عائلته الجثة ليلا، بعد تشريحها. وكان هناك حديث بين الفلسطينيين في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة عن جثث مشرحة وارتفاع حاد في حالات اختفاء شبان فلسطينيين . كنت في المنطقة، أعمل على كتابة كتاب، وتلقيت اتصالات من موظفين في الأمم المتحدة عدة مرات يعربون فيها عن قلقهم من أن سرقة الأعضاء تحصل فعلا، ولكنهم غير قادرين على فعل شيء. تحدثت مع عدة عائلات فلسطينية أعربت عن شكوكها من سرقة أعضاء من أجساد أبنائها قبل قتلهم. ومثال على ذلك كنت شاهدا على حالة الشاب راشق الحجارة بلال أحمد غانم . كانت عقارب الساعة تقترب من منتصف الليل عندما سمع هدير محركات المجنزرات الإسرائيلية على مشارف قرية أماتين شمال الضفة الغربية، التي يسكنها ألفا نسمة. كانت الرؤية واضحة، والجيس قطع الكهرباء وحول القرية إلى منطقة عسكرية مغلقة. فقبل خمسة أيام حينها، أي في 13 أيار/ مايو 1992 ، كانت قوة اسرائيلية قد وقعت في كمين، وعندها قررت الوحدة الخاصة قتل بلال غانم (19 عاما)، أحد قادة أطفال الحجارة . سار كل شيء وفقا لخطة القوات الخاصة الإسرائيلية، وكان بلال قريبا بما فيه الكفاية منهم. أطلقوا النار عليه فأصابوه في صدره. وبحسب سكان القرية الذين شاهدوا الحادث، أطلق عليه النار مرة أخرى فأصابوه في ساقه، ثم أصيب برصاصة أخرى في بطنه. وقامت القوات الإسرائيلية بجر بلال مسافة 20 خطوة، قبل أن يتم تحميله في جيب عسكري باتجاه مشارف القرية، حيث تم نقله بمروحية عسكرية إلى مكان مجهول . بعد خمسة أيام أعيدت جثة بلال ملفوفة بأقمشة خضراء تابعة للمستشفى. وتم اختيار عدد قليل من الأقارب لدفن الجثة. وكان واضحا أنه جرى شق جثة بلال من رقبته إلى أسفل بطنه. وبحسب العائلات الفلسطينية فإنها على ثقة من أنه تم استخدام أبنائها كمتبرعين بالأعضاء غصبا عنهم. كما قال ذلك أقارب خالد من نابلس، ووالدة رائد من جنين، وأقارب محمود ونافذ في غزة، وجميعهم تمت إعادة جثثهم بعد تشريحها . كان بلال غانم واحدا من بين 133 فلسطينيا قتلوا في العام 1992 بطرق مختلفة، وتم تشريح 69 جثة منهم . نحن نعلم أن الحاجة إلى الأعضاء البشرية كبيرة في إسرائيل، وأن تجارة الأعضاء غير القانونية منتشرة بشكل واسع وبمباركة السلطات وكبار الأطباء في المستشفيات. ونعلم أيضا أن جثة شاب تختفي يتم تسليمها مشرحة بعد خمسة أيام، بسرية تامة ليلا . حان الوقت لتسليط الضوء على العمليات المروعة التي تقوم بها إسرائيل في الأراضي المحتلة منذ اندلاع الانتفاضة .
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صـاحـب السـعـادة المبـجـّل بــان كـي مـون, امين عام الأمم المتحدة ,,,تحية إنسانية شعراء وكــتـّاب أوتــاوا المهـتمين بحقوق الإنسـان يوجهون رسالتهم الي معاليكم ويناشدوكم بإسـم الانسانية جمعا ويطالبونكم بالعمل المستمر من أجل ايقاف الحرب الأهلية في اليمن وتقديم المساعدات وبذل الجهود من أجل عالم خال من الحروب, من أجل الحرية والأخاء والمساواه, من أجل حياة كريمة للإنسانية جمعاء ومن أجل الحفاظ على مصلحة الشعب اليمني والحفاظ على الوحدة والديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان, من أجل اطفال لاذنب لهم بالماضي والحاضر وسيدفعون كرها ثمن الحرب. والأمـل بكم منـوط في المسؤولية التي تتحملـونهـا في المنظـمة الدولية. شعراء وكــتـّاب أوتــاوا المهـتمين بحقوق الإنسـان الدكتور إم . تي. المنصوري أوتــاوا-كندا 18 أغسطس 2009م : صورة مع التحية ل منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلوم والثقافة-الـيونسكو منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة – اليونيسف محكمة العدل الدولية منظمة الصحة العالمية جامعة الدول العربية منظمة الصحة العالمية, وهيئات ومنظمات حقوقية أخرى
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The martyr, thinker, narrator and novelist Ghassan Kanafani is an individual human, who not only lived in struggle to liberate his colonized home land that was raped, but also carried the concerns and worries of his citizens in the Diaspora. As well, he is the intellectual, who predicated the future of his nation and read and understood the factual situation clearly, profoundly and accurately. All of this is evident from his collection of novels and narratives along with his behavior and biography, which significantly give us a picture of a brave, loyal and patriotic person intended for his home land and general public. The martyr described and depicted the Arab nation issue and abstracted it in the short sentences he used in his novel Men Under the Sun. He said that the Arab leaderships are unable, traitors and opportunistic due to their citizens, and Arabs are surrounded, and both are looking only for their individual salvations. He sculpted Palestine, the holy land, completely and embodied it in the minds and sentiments in home and worldwide levels. Therefore, the enemies of humanity felt the danger of his genuine ideas. Then, they targeted and killed him on the 8th of July, 1972. The image of Ghassan Kanafani is eternal in the memory of each free and honest man. It looks like the Palestinian eternal and lasting greenest olive tree, which has plenty of benefits. It is also reflects the human genuine person, who possesses deep and clear thought as well as complete refinement, shrewdness, and vision. The martyr image and his fellows in the fulfillment and loyalty for their home land of Palestine or other global issues similar to Wadie Haddad, Naji Al-Ali, Ali Hassan Salameh, Yahya Ayyash, Ahmed Yassin, the poet Ahmed Matar, Mahatma Gandhi, Abdul Fattah Ismail, Pope John Paul II, Che Guevara, Abdel Halim Hafez, Mother Teresa, and Jesus of Nazareth. All those are in the minds and hearts of every individual, who would live freedom, liberty, and emancipation from oppression, injustice, repression and corruption. These images give us hope, dignity and pride, which are the sources of renewable energy for our souls, inspirations, spirits and vitality. Therefore, they must be in the offices of leaders, streets, post offices etc. in order to dwarf and destroy all of whom has a malicious intention to prejudice the unity of and predestine goals for seeking liberation of the holy land, Palestine. Finally, Ghassan Kanafani lived and died as a hero and he will reborn and resurrected as a national and international hero.
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The solution is not to hide the truth but to change the truth. Report from the Yemen, Sana’a: The reporters of Al Jazeera satellite channel in Yemen were threatened to be killed if they did not stop covering the protests in the south of the country, said the director of the Sana’a-based office on Sunday. Murad Hashem, director of the office, said he received a call at 10:30am, telling him to stop covering what’s happening in the south….Murad Hashem and his colleagues received many similar threats, especially for covering the protests. Earlier this month, an MP from the ruling party called for closing the office of Al Jazeera in Yemen.
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)