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The political teacher thrashed the hen with a stake until she killed it. She never asks about this or that character. The students debated and questioned each other in the classrooms, corridors, and even outside of the school on this dilemma. However, they repeated unconsciously what the media broadcasted, and what the organization told them. Oh my Lord, what is happened to the hen truly; who is that teacher, what is the matter, what does the media and the organization talk about, and what is that organization? The pupils were confused about this great fabrication; hence, they became unable to differentiate between the science of art, of politics, or of engineering. They did not know anything except debts and loans, which did chase and stress them each morning and night. They worked at Jack’s groceries or gas stations or at the Shawarma restaurants owned by Abu Hassan or Abu Ali in order to repay the debts. That is the reality of mind dancing and the song of shoes, The students did not know any thing except debts and the interest rate system. Burdens made their organs full of ulcers. The teacher neither knows that the twenty-one nor the twenty-two are collaborators of other nations in extracting olive trees, killing children, seniors and women. The teacher pretends to be stupid thinking the public consciousness has not known the dilemma yet, can not discriminate between the hyena, owl or Antra’s tribes, and does not believe in the Day of Judgment, transparency, responsibility and accountability. It sees the cars only moving backward. Is there anyone to tell us truly about the impasse? They said a man They said a woman They said the school of morality. They said the School of wickedness. The students became angry, and, they went frequently to Fukuoka River to spend their vacation time. They perceived the country’s monuments, however, it was a great disaster. CIDA went to Kabul, Mogadishu, Kandahar and Rwanda and left the newcommers, beggars, Canadian homeless people, and orphans in the bottom of their Land. CIDA moved there to rebulid what America and its daughter named Al-Qaeda's wars devasted. Yes, it is true that not only the doves of the gentlemen George, Samir ,Ahmed and Hussam flew but also the dove of the priest and scholar Tawfik flew and without return nor visit. The dove left a short message. On its envelope was written “bye bye” no sorrows and see you in the day of judgement with tears and smiles and without the cup of the religious and scholar man. The contest of the letter was shorter and says, “The goat does not belong any more to the zoo, the red cow became true, and the schools, teachers and authors are double agents. The truth become killed by them, and owing to them the dilemma become more complicated, and what will make you comprehend what the terrible calamity is? Pressure groups and lobbies are the cause of all disputes and conflicts and , all empires collapse due to their conspiracy and selfishness. What did history geography and the codes of International Court of Kangaroo tell us, and also no immortal hegemony to any powers. CIDA stands for Canadian International Development Agency
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Sign up to write a letter on Human Rights Day. Thank you for signing up to Write for Rights on December 10th. Together with thousands of other letter writers across Canada and around the world, you’ll be making a difference for human rights. Please take a few minutes to tell us more about what you’re planning to do on December 10th. http://www.amnesty.ca/writeathon/ Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 2.00 to 4:30 p.m. In recognition of Human Rights Day. Come to the Ladies’ Parlour and write to, and on behalf of, prisoners of conscience-people who stand up for their own rights and for those of others. Paper, pens, and envelopes will be available as well as sample letters. A suggested donation of a twoonie ($2) per letter would be appreciated to cover the cost of postage. There will be a children’s corner for them to participate by sending greeting cards to prisoners of conscience and drawing pictures to be included with the cards. Refreshments provided. Sponsored by Southminister on behalf of Amnesty International. Last year Southminster congregants and guests 102 letters as part of the campaign. Help us do at least as well this year. “ We knew from your letters that we were not forgotten”- Ignatius Mahendra Wardhana. One of several imprisoned student activist in Indonesia, now free following write-a-thon and other appeals. Southminster United Church 15 Aylmer Avenue at Bank Street in Old Ottawa South http://southminster.ncf.ca/

Yemen is such a thug regime: Where is Mohammed al Maqaleh? Editor al Maqaleh Kidnapped by Yemeni Security Forces, Held Incommunicado.
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Who am I? I am Canadian Arab rooted to the desert. My age here is the age of horses and rocks. Who am I? I am that teacher, who is touring and reigning in the earth. I am Canadian; I am the wind, air, storms and the rain. I am Canadian strong with my will, ambition and struggling like a hanging bridge connecting the prairies and plains with tall and high mountains, my area is green and wide, which satisfies the care lover. I am Canadian Arab, my horses came before me to inhabit Saskatchewan's and Alberta's plains and in order to write and record for me a place in existence. Leave me alone my SIRS, I admire the freedom, but with respect. I admire also the art and writing the name of my homeland Canada on the leaves and flowers to eternity through the ages. I am that twitter sparrow bird in the field, which spread, fly high and flapping wings over the trees with their thorns, twinges and inflorescences. الهوية الكندية: تقدير الذات من انا؟ .انا كندي عربي من الصحراء عمري هنا عمر الخيول والصخور. من انا؟ انا المعلم الذي في الارض اصول واجول. انا كندي. انا الريح والهواء والعواصف والمطر. انا كندي قوي بارادتي كجسر معلق يربط البراري والسهول بالرواسي الشامخات. مساحتي خضراء وشاسعه تسعد العاشق الولهان. انا كندي عربي, خيولي اتت قبلي لتستوطن سهول ساسكاتشوان والبرتا, لتكتب لي مكان في الوجود. دعوني سادتي في حالي, فانا اعشق الحريه ولكن باصول واعشق الفن واكتب اسم بلدي كندا على الاوراق والزهور, لتبقى خالده على مر العصور.
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ابو عامر اليافعي: قد يبدو للبعض ان خبر مثل هذا امرا عاديا ولكن في مضمونة طعنة قاتلة لكل شيء في اليمنيقال دائما " لكي تعلم عن عدالة اي نظام في العالم فابحث عن القضاء"والقضاء اليمني معروف انه وكر للفساد والرذيلة والظلم الشديد .مسالة الطعن بنزاهة قضاء اي دولة تعني الطعن بنزاهة كل شيء فيها .يمكن العديد منكم يعلم الاسباب المباشرة للحرب العالمية الاولى طبعا كانت اغتيال ولي عهد النمسا في سيراييفو عاصمة البوسنة والهرسك من قبل احد الصرب المتشددين .الى هنا والامر معروف ولكن كان يمكن تفادي الحرب ل ان النمساويين احترموا القضاء الصربي فما علاقة القضاء الصربي بالحرب ؟بعد الاغتيال ارسلت النمساء رسالة شديدة اللهجة لصربيا تطالبها بعدة مطالب صعبة وان يكون الرد خلال 24 ساعة .واحد من المطالب يقول بمحاكمة الصربي القاتل في محكمة نمساوية لان النمسا لا تعترف ولا تثق بالقضاء الصربي ,طبعا صربيا قبلت كل شروط النمسا عدا التشكيك بنزاهة القضاء الصربي .هنا احتدم الامر ووجهت النمسا انذار اخير لصربيا بتسليم القاتل ومحاكمته في فيينا او الحرب .فاختارت صربيا الحرب والدمار على ان يحتقر قضائها وتسفه قوانينها .ولكم ان تقارنوا وتربطوا بين هذا وذاك ودولة محترمة كالنرويج تعلنها بوضوح ان القضاء اليمني ليس نزيه .قالت القناة النرويجية الثانية أن فاروق شاهر عبد الحق- نجل رجل الأعمال اليمني المعروف، أصبح مطلوبا بتهمة الاغتصاب والقتل، ولكن أيا من السلطات البريطانية أو النرويجية لم تنجح في تسلمه حتى الساعة. متهمة القناة في ذات الوقت "شاهر عبد الحق"- بإخفاء ولده المتهم في صنعاء، واصفةً إياه بالمناسبة بـ"الأب المجهول".ويقول تقرير للقناة النرويجية أن شاهر عبد الحق ملياردير يمتلك حصص في عدد من الفنادق و الشركات النفطية والسياحية.مضيفة القناة أن هذه الصورة التي نشرتها هي أول صورة تنشر لشاهر عبد الحق في وسائل الإعلام.ومن ناحية أخرى يستعد أصدقاء أسرة الشابة النرويجية الضحية "مارتين" -للقيام بمسيرة احتجاجية في العاصمة النرويجية أوسلو، على عدم تسليم المتهم في قضية مقتل مارتين للمحاكمة.معلنين أنهم سيحملون المشاعل وصور لشاهر عبد الحق و ابنه فاروق، أثناء تنظيمهم للمسيره غدا، في العاصمة النرويجية أوسلو.ويذكر أن أسرة الشابة النرويجية مارتين وأصدقائها يتهمون نجل رجل الأعمال اليمني المعروف فاروق شاهر عبدالحق باغتصابها ومن ثم قتلها، قبل أكثر من 20 شهرا مضى، ويطالبون منذ أكثر من عام مضى السلطة النرويجية واليمنية للقيام بواجبها تجاه تسلم المتهم الى القضاء البريطاني باعتبارها قضاء محايد والبلد الذي وقعت فيه جريمة مقتلها، رافضين مثوله أمام القضاء اليمني ومشككين في نزاهته مبديا والدها الاسف لتمكن المتهم من الفرار إلى بلاده وعدم تسليم اليمن له لعدم بتوققيعها على برتوكول تبادل المتهمين، وفي وقت تصر فيه السلطة اليمنية على عدم تسايمها لأي من رعايها المواطنين - وفق تاكيدات القربي، مطالبة هي الاخرى اسرة وأقارب الفتاه بتقديم طلب محاكمة للمتهم في اليمن وفقا لدستور وقوانين الدولة، وغير عابهة بأي عقوبات دولية قد تفرض عليها حول القضية، وسبق لمحامي المتهم أن طالب بتقديم اسرة الفتاة لطلب محاكمة موكله في اليمن إذا ما كانت ترغب بذلك ، مبديا استعداده للقيام بدور المحامي والمدافع عن المتهم، بينما لم تتوصل كل المطالبات الصحفية والضغوط الأسرية للفتاة النرويجية إلى أي حل يذكر، رغم وصول القضية ومناقشتها في لجنة الخارجية الاوربية مؤخرا. متابعات.شاهر عبد الحق ..نقطة سوداء جديدةيعتبر شاهر عبد الحق من رجال الاعمال المثيرين للجدل ، فهو الرجل الذي بنى امبراطورية مالية قائمة على المؤسسات النفطية والفنادق والنشاطات الاقتصادية في اليمن وليبيا والسودان وقطر .كما انه وكيل المرسيدس في اليمن ووكيل الكوكا كولا في مصر وليبيا واليمن . وله علاقات وثيقة مع مسؤولين رفيعي المستوى داخل اليمن وخارجها وهو مقرب من الرئيس عبد الله صالح . وقد لاحقته اتهامات عدة بالفساد وورد اسمه في لائحة المستفيدين من فضيحة النفط مقابل الغذاء.والان يتخبط في تورط محتمل لنجله بجريمة قتل تحولت الى "مطاردة دولية " تهدد بتفجير ازمة دبلوماسية بين لندن واليمن . وقيل ان عبد الحق الاب يرزح حاليا تحت ضغوط كبيرة تتراوح بين "ابتزاز " داخلي قد تدفعه الى مواجهات لا يريدها وضغط خارجي قد يؤدي الى ازمة بين اليمن وبريطانيا الامر الذي وضعه بالتأكيد في موقف حرج امام الرئيس علي عبد صالح الذي تربطه به علاقة وثيقة . ويبقى اخيرا موقفه الشخصي من امكانية ان يكون ابنه قاتلا يتوجب عليه تسليمه ام حمايته .. معضلة قد يبرز بعض من خيوطها خلال الايام المقبلة:إيلافهل تعرف من هو شاهر عبد الحق؟؟؟هل تعرفه ؟؟ هل سبق أن سمعت عنه؟؟لا أظن ذلك !!لكنها من عجائب الإنقاذشاهر عبد الحق هو كما يقال رجل أعمال يمني يملك شركة بشائر للاستثمار وهي الشركة التي أثيرت اتهامات كبري بخصوص فوزها برخصة المشغل الثاني للهاتف السيار !!! واليكم القصة كاملةأولا: نحاول أن نعرف من هو شاهر عبد الحق.• هو رجل أعمال يمني مشبوه ، يملك عدة شركات في جمهورية اليمن منها، شركة سبأ، شركة شاهر للتجارة،• تم حظر شركات المذكور داخل اليمن ومنعت من أي تسهيلات أو ضمانات بنكية بمنشور من البنك اليمني المركزي بتاريخ 16/1/2003م ومختوم سري للغاية وبتوقيع وكيل محافظ البنك المركزي اليمني،، عبد الله حميد العلفي- يحتل شاهر عبد الحق الرقم 46 في القائمة المحظورة وشركة سبأ التابعة له رقم 63 وشركة شاهر للتجارة رقم 64 وشركة شقيقه بشر عبد الحق بشر الرقم 24• مطلوب القبض علي المذكور في السودان منذ عام 1985م حيث ورد اسمه في محاكمة بهاء الدين وزير رئاسة الجمهورية في عهد نميري المخلوع وكان الملف موجود في عهد عمر عبد العاطي بديوان النائب العام لأنه قبض ملايين الدولارات لاستيراد ناقلة نفط لم تصل حتي الآن(أظن أن هذا الرجل ذكره منصور خالد في كتابه – السودان والنفق المظلم) نحن في انتظار تعليق دكتور منصور خالد• هذا الرجل يمثل سياسة الإنقاذ في استجلاب رجال أعمال عرب مشبوهين او مطاردين في بلآدهم ، ، دون مراعاة التحفظات الأمنية منهم علي سبيل المثال ، بن لادن، جمعة الجمعة، صقر قريش ، ثم السهلي الذي منحته وزارة الطرق والجسور امتياز تشييد طريق عطبرة – هيا – واتضح أخيرا أن ليس لديه أموال ولا خبرة وانه كان تاجر أغنام وليس له علاقة بالطرق حتي تم سحب الامتياز منه اخيرابعد أن تعرفنا علي بطل الفلم هيا ألي القصة المثيرة:مازالت الهيئه القومية للاتصالات في انتظار تحويل مبلغ 150 مليون يورو التي يفترض أن يتم إيداعها في بنك السودان ،، ولم يحصل حتى الآن.• تبدا القصة بإعلان الهيئة القومية للاتصالات بتاريخ 5/10/2002م بنشر كشف أسماء الشركات التي تأهلت لنيل رخصة المشغل الثاني للجوال وكان عددها 13 شركة تم نشر أسماء الشركات بالصحف• لم تكن شركة بشائر الفائزة ضمن القائمة المعلنة• بعد انقضاء أسبوع أي يوم 12/10/2002م تم إضافة أربع شركات أخرى كان من بينها شكة بشائر المحظوظة.• قامت الهيئة بتعديل تاريخ استلام تقديم العروض من 12/10/2002م ألي تاريخ11/1/2003م بطلب من شركتي بشائر ودايموند• تم تعديل تاريخ الاستلام للمرة الثانية بناء علي طلب نفس الشركتين ليصبح التاريخ الجديد هو الساعة الثانية عشرة ظهر يوم 31/1/2003م• تم التعديل مرة أخرى ألي الساعة الثالثة ظهرا من نفس اليوم• تقدمت خمس شركات بعروضها بمتوسط قيمة 40 مليون يورو( شركة ارسكوم 30 مليون يورو، المجموعة العربية السودانية 70مليون يورو)• في 4/2/2003م طلبت الهيئة القومية تقديم خطابات ضمان مقبول لبنك السودان بتاريخ أقصاه 18/2/2003م• في 27/2/2003م مددت الهيئة تقديم خطاب الضمان إلى تاريخ 18/3/2003 م بناء علي طلب شركتي بشائر ودايموند• قامت الهيئة بتشكيل لجنة من الخبراء للقيام بفرز العطاءات ( وفق شروط العطاء المعلنة) كان ضمن اللجنة البر وف عز الدين كامل الذي تحفظ علي شركة شاهر لأسباب فنية• أعلنت الهيئة أن الفرز سوف يستغرق 5 أسابيع فقط لكنه تواصل لأكثر من أربعة شهور• جاءت نتيجة الفرز علي النحو التالي1. المجموعة العربية 79 %2. شركة دايموند 70.8%3. شركة بشائر 70.4% ( شاهر عبد الحق)4. شركة انفست كوم 68%5. شركة ارس كوم 65%• طلب المدير العام للهيئة( الطيب مصطفي) من الشركة الأولي رفع قيمة الرخصة لتصل 139 مليون يورو• دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية قالت أن قيمة الرخصة إذا تجاوزت 84 مليون يورو فلن يكون للمشروع جدوي اقتصادية• رفعت المجموعة العربية القيمة الي 113 مليون يورو فقامت الهيئة بإعلان فوز المجموعة وخاطبتها بذلك• تم استبعاد كل الشركات لاحقا وتوقيع العقد مع شركة بشائر بتاريخ 24/10/2003م وفق شروط جديدة• شروط العقد الجديد أن تقوم شركة بشائر بتحويل 150 مليون يورو أي ما يقارب 200 مليون دولار ألي بنك السودان خلال فترة أقصاها شهر تنتهي في 24/11/2003م• لم تلتزم الشركة المحظوظة بشروط العقد الجديد ،، بل قام صاحبها شاهر عبد الحق بمخاطبة الهيئة بتاريخ 12/12/2003م مطالبا بتقسيط المبلغ وانه سوف يقوم بدفع مبلغ 52 مليون دولار علي أن يقوم الشريك المحلي (موظفان رفيعان بسود اتل) بدفع مبلغ 25 مليون دولار علي أن يستكمل المبلغ علي أقساط• برر المدير العام للهيئة ( الطيب مصطفي، الذي تزوج مرتين بعد مصرع ابنه في الحرب الجهادية بالجنوب) كل ذلك بأنه يريد مبلغا محترما للرخصة يدعم به الاتصالات ولذا فأن العرض الخيالي لبشائر أغراه بالتساهل معها ( فتأمل)• اخيرا ورد خطاب من بنك السودان يفيد بأنه تمت إضافة مبلغ 120 مليون دولار لحساب بنك السودان من طرف مراسلة بجنيف وتبقي مبلغ 60 مليون ورغم أن الخطاب موقع بأسم موظفين اثنين آلا أن أقوال البنك تضاربت حول الأمروتبقي الأسئلة المعلقة،،،من وراء إعادة شاهر عبد الحق للسودان ؟؟ هل هو وجه مستعار ؟؟ ام مال مشبوه؟؟كيف اقفل ملف القبض عليه في موضوع ناقلة النفط ؟؟من هما الموظفان المحليان اللذان يمثلان الشريك؟؟لماذا رفض الطيب مصطفي طلب الشركات الأخرى بالتقسيط؟؟؟هل أبواب الاستثمار مفتوحة لكل هب ودب ؟؟من عنده خبر أو أي معلومة إضافية أرجو أن يجود بها علينا لأن الغلبان في الانتظار عاوز يفهم!مكتبة الفسادhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=64&msg=1128891215&rn=1
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Anna Pollitt, Sky News Online : Hundreds of Norwegians took to the streets to urge politicians to act over the murder of a young student in Britain

Martine Vik Magnussen was raped and strangled in London last year The family of Martine Vik Magnussen's family were joined by around 1,000 people in a torchlit procession in Oslo to urge politicians to do more to bring the suspected killer to justice. The crowd gathered outside the Norwegian parliamentary building before marching to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ms Vik Magnussen, a Norweigan socialite, who was studying in London, was last seen on March 14 last year leaving a nightclub. Her strangled, semi-naked body was found on March 16 last year dumped under rubble in the basement of a block of flats in Great Portland Street, central London. Billionaire playboy Farouk Abdulhak, 22, was named by Scotland Yard investigators as the prime suspect in the case but he fled the country hours after the murder. Mr Abdulhak, who moved to London as a child, is believed to be hiding in his native Yemen where there is no extradition agreement with Britain.

Suspect Farouk Abdulhak Police passed their investigation to the Crown Prosecution Service last year and Mr Abdulhak is on Scotland Yard's Most Wanted List, but an international arrest warrant has not yet been secured. Friends of Ms Vik Magnussen's family hope the march will put pressure on government ministers to do more to bring Mr Abdulhak to London to be questioned and put on trial. Organiser Sophie Terkelsen, 24, a close friend of the family who advertised the procession on Facebook, said Miss Vik Magnussen's parents were happy with the turnout on a chilly night in Oslo. She said campaigners were pleased with the "enormous" efforts of Scotland Yard and the British authorities to bring her friend's killer to justice. "Martine was a Norwegian citizen. We think it's about time that the Norwegian authorities raise their voice internationally. "We think it's important that the Norwegian authorities show the world that they have to show concrete justice and put pressure on the Yemeni authorities."

Ms Magnussen studied in London The unsolved murder of Ms Vik Magnussen featured in a television documentary in Norway last month. She was last seen by friends leaving the trendy Mayfair Maddox nightclub with Mr Abdulhak after celebrating getting the best results in her class. Ms Vik Magnussen and Mr Abdulhak were students at Regent's Business School and part of the same young international social set. His father is billionaire businessman Shaher Abdulhak who founded Shaher Trading and whose empire now includes petroleum, soft drinks, tourism and property. Yemen has no extradition treaty with Britain, but it may be possible to set up a one-off legal agreement to secure his return. Farouk Abdulhak (dob 18.02.1987) is wanted in connection with the murder of Martine Vik-Magnussen, whose body was found inside the basement of 222 Great Portland Street, London on 16.03.2008. Farouk Abdulhak of Yemeni and Egyptian origins, was at the time studying at Regents Business School London and is known to have fled to Yemen immediately following the murder. He is known to have connections in Europe, the USA and other Middle Eastern countries. Anyone who witnessed the incident or has any information to contact the Scotland Yard’s Wanted Hotline on 0207 233 4128 or, if you wish to remain anonymous please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
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Looking at every website where one has to choose the category of naming a country for any reason whatsoever to be redirected to the next stage of service, one finds Israel is enlisted but no mention of Palestine. This deprives us Palestinians from our freedom of choice and expression when we are forced to choose the box that is nearest to the geographical area, thus forcing us to tick the box that says we are from Israel instead of Palestine since there is no box for Palestine, this has serious implications and outcomes on research especially when participating in online polls, which reflects a hugely distorted views that hardly makes sense.Knowing the fact that Palestine has been called with its name for at least a couple of thousands of years, and the same geographical area turned to be called Israel only for the last 60 years or so, shows how the new media joins the conspiracy army that is distorting the facts and rewriting the history and misleading the coming generations while riding the academic horse.Even those who accepted the decision imposed by the west on the Arab leaders to accept the decision of calling part of Palestine as Israel, ignore the fact that the so called ‘Israel’ has refused to define its borders, and there is no definite area one can name ‘Israel’, and that the elasticised borders of this malignant cancer entity has been expanding since it was implanted in the heart of Palestine in 1948, hence when any resolution, decision, debate, article, or website says ‘ Israel’ no one can claim he knows where Israel’s borders exactly end, it is an ever inflating greedy state. Menahem Begin, an ex prime Minister of Israel once said “our boundaries are where our soldiers reached”, so I dare any of the so called media egg heads to show me a definite map of Israel that the so called state of ‘Israel’ would approve of.

This point is of extreme importance since such defined borders would lead to declaring the borders of what is left of Palestine, thus it can be called the West Bank, or declare the validity of the equation that says (Palestine – the stolen land = X), consequently X would be declared a constant and would be introduced to the choice lists of new media thus stopping the acts of history hijacking and information forgery.When I am asked to tick an online box to go to the next stage, I am FORCED to name my homeland as Israel otherwise I am not transferred to the next stage of service because this is the way online services are programmed. I will never call my home country Israhell, this might mean that I am breaking the rules if I do not fill the forms accordingly, or I might end up deprived of the service regardless of its nature being an application for a job or a simple request of a song. This is what I call manipulating the sleep walking people in the new media public sphere to give in to some group’s decision that there is no more a country called Palestine, and to give in to calling it Israel even though there is an unresolved dispute still going on for 60 years.Some would say that Arab leaders themselves accepted calling a certain area of Palestine as Israel as a small step on the way of taming us and as a compromise on the Arab leaders’ part to be granted the honour of joining the table of the grownups in UN or other international players’ committee. I would say sorry, you are talking about the same area that none of the 4.5 million Palestinian refugees in the Diaspora would accept calling Israel; and still call it the Palestinian occupied areas of 1948 because they dream of going back to their homes and properties or at least accept a compensation settlement.An important point to make here, that no Palestinian has chosen any Arab leader to represent him/ her, not even choosing the late leader Yasser Arafat through democratic procedures. No one has been granted guardianship over our votes or voices, and we never appointed any leader to speak on our behalf, but still the same hypocrite Western media which keeps howling about the dictatorships of Arab leaders rule and their lack of democracy tells the world that those same disrespected Arab leaders by the West are accepted to represent us at some conference and agreed on our behalf to downgrade the name of our homeland to be called Israel. Since when the Western media respects Arab leaders’ decisions or take what they say into consideration.Since we Palestinians never accepted calling our stolen home land as Israel, and since we have no democratic representation, and since there are two points of view to be taken into consideration; the Palestinian side of the story, and the Zionist side, and since this debate is not resolved yet, how on earth respected ethical media colleagues and journalistic bodies have chosen to call the same plot of land disputed upon as Israel. Doesn’t this reflect that media professionals are a heard led by the Zionists by the collar, or such trend shows lack of knowledge, professionalism, ethics or good judgement, or even worse that new media hooliganism is going on and not much can be done about such bullying methods because they are in control.As far as I know when two parties have a dispute over naming something, the media is supposed to be impartial until the point in dispute is resolved by looking in its tool box for a reasonable temporary solution this is what I call ethical journalism and making conscientious choices.
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حمار بالعربي قلنا اوكيه ... ما فيش مشكلة ... اما ان تكون حمارا الى درجة لا تعرف فيها اسم الرئيس اليمني فتلك والله مصيبة المصائب ... فالرئيس اليمني يشغل منصب رئيس لليمن منذ ان بزرتك امك ... وهو رئيس دولة لها حدود طويلة مع السعودية ( يعني ليس رئيس دولة في جزر ماوماو ) واليمنيون هم الذين بنوا السعودية وفي السعودية اكثر من مليوني يمني ... والرئيس اليمني اصبح عميلا لكم واعطاكم خطا اخضر لاحتلال بلده وقصف مواطنيه ... وبينكم اكثر من تنسيق عسكري واستخباراتي يومي ومع ذلك تظهر على شاشة التلفزيون يا حمار وتشكر فخامة الرئيس ( علي صالح مبارك ) ... ثم تتدارك الاسم بعد ان صحح احد الصحفيين لك الاسم فتقول ( علي مبارك ) ... ثم الثالثة نابتة ... فتذكر الاسم الصحيح تضرب ما اتيسك وبالمناسبة لو كنت الرئيس اليمني لضربت خالد بن كوميشن بالصرماية لان هذه الاهانة هي ام الاهانات فعلا.

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This uprising – intifada – is dawn of freedom everywhere around the globe and is against Antihumanity/Antijustice/Repression/Opression/Occupation/war/Globalization/Hegemony We ask all to take part in the worldwide protest and actions in the days of Gaza of Palestinian intifada and we must make a sign in unity so we want to have actions around the world in the same time, the same way and with all power we have. We must motivate and bring on the way all our brothers and sisters, friends and people we know and we have to go to the main important places, what means Embassies, consulates especially from US And Israeli will start after salatul juma3 on Friday 1 January 2010 Please be aware of the information's and announcements of local groups in your town and area and country and help to organize people take part everywhere. Between 12 h and 4 h pm in all cities and in mass demonstrations around the globe. WE WANT TO ANNOUNCE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF Gaza and all groups, parties and communities should force their governments to do so officially. The head of the global movement against globalization and American hegemony and Zionism Mujahid brother Fadi Madi,invited all members and cadres and organizations and bodies of the global movement to actively participate in the march and serious larger freedom to Gaza, which start from around the world heading to Gaza at the end of the month of December, and gather in Cairo on 27 and enter the Gaza, the Rafah crossing and the sea and all the crossings, which divided the land of beloved Palestine on January 1, 2010 And be the beginning of 2010 was the public outcry to conquer the world of injustice, aggression and occupation, which will be announced from Gaza Hashem and to withstand the beginning of a new era in the uprising of the dawn of freedom and the participation of a large crowd for the first time in human history, personalities and parties, organizations and individuals from the continents of the world at large ', which is the most important step since the founding of the global campaign to break the siege of Gaza, which led to many successes in spite of all repressive measures and the threat and the policy of injustice and abuse of kinship with many of the Arab political policy conferences and forums that are responsive to the demands of security and intelligence agencies without any serious action and active in support of our people Stand up Arab peoples of the world participated in Srechtha against imperialism and international Zionism and went to Gaza in any way appropriate form with the peoples of the world free of human shields to protect children and women in Gaza Those who could not participate in the march, the result of any complexity or border security Vliqm any activity of a solidarity sit-ins and demonstrations, articles, associations and voluntary contributions, raised Palestinian flags and posters and to mobilize the whole nation in the days of Gaza, calling on the media all the way to allocate these days to explain the suffering of Gaza survive and shed light on the issue occupation and resistance and support the steadfastness of the Palestinian and Iraqi peoples People Cry of Freedom and the global humanitarian universal uprising against oppression and injustice and aggression You are all invited and all the political spectrum, social, cultural, religious, professional and trade union and civil society all men and women, children and old people to participate meaningfully and effectively in the day of wrath and defiance and resilience January 1, 2010 on the will and resistance, loyalty, and redemption We now have the greatest and biggest event of struggle since the catastrophe of 48 of the Gaza holocaust after 2009 has not, there is room to linger and think and wait for the outcome of a summit or a meeting or forum and the conference and what happened in Gaza cannot be forgotten. The roots of the Popular Resistance now come together with this global initiative and the success of this initiative is the biggest defeat of the Zionist movement and therefore should include the largest number of civil society organizations in the world We call this cry and we are not concerned with any internal political conflict and not on the Palestinian arena. Or any other Arab arena as we are concerned first and foremost and the last is to provide elements of steadfastness to our people, our people and continue the course of our teachers and our faithful martyrs first and immortals flags of justice Humanitarian An end to the military occupation that began in 1948 is a major condition for establishing a just and lasting peace. For over six decades, the Palestinian people have been denied freedom and rights to self-determination and equality. The hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who were forced out of their homes during Israel’s creation in 1947-48 are still denied the rights granted them by UN Resolution 194. Sources of Inspiration The Gaza Freedom March is inspired by decades of nonviolent Palestinian resistance from the mass popular uprising of the first Intifada to the West Bank villagers currently resisting the land grab of Israel's annexationist wall. It draws inspiration from the Gazans themselves, who formed a human chain from Rafah to beit hanoun, tore down the border barrier separating Gaza from Egypt, and marched to the six checkpoints separating the occupied Gaza Strip from Israel. The Freedom March also draws inspiration from the international volunteers who have stood by Palestinian farmers harvesting their crops, from the crews on the vessels who have challenged the Gaza blockade by sea, and from the drivers of the convoys who have delivered humanitarian aid to Gaza. If Israel devalues Palestinian life then internationals must both interpose their bodies to shield Palestinians from Israeli brutality and bear personal witness to the inhumanity that Palestinians daily confront. If Israel defies international law then people of conscience must send non-violent marshals from around the world to enforce the law of the international community in Gaza The March is yet another link in the chain of non-violent resistance to Israel's flagrant disregard of international law. Citizens of the world are called upon to join ranks with Palestinians in the January 1st March to lift the inhumane siege of Gaza. Israel’s blockade of Gaza is a flagrant violation of international law that has led to mass suffering. The U.S., the European Union, and the rest of the international community are complicit. The law is clear. The conscience of humankind is shocked. Yet, the siege of Gaza continues. It is time for us to take action! On January 1, 2010, we will mark the New Year by marching alongside the Palestinian people of Gaza in a non-violent demonstration that breaches the illegal blockade. Our purpose in this March is lifting the siege on Gaza. We demand that Israel end the blockade. We also call upon Egypt to open Gaza’s Rafah border. Palestinians must have freedom to travel for study, work, and much-needed medical treatment and to receive visitors from abroad. As an international movment we are not in a position to advocate a specific political solution to this conflict. Yet our faith in our common humanity leads us to call on all parties to respect and uphold international law and fundamental human rights to bring an end to the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territories since 1948 and pursue a just and lasting peace. The march ca only succeed if it arouses the conscience of humanity. Please join us. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LEBANONVIEW TEL:0049-711-7354796 MOBILE:0049-172-8774071 FAX:0049-711-7354754 E-mails: lccpress@yahoo.com lccpress@lebanonview.com
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Amnesty International today urged the Yemeni government to publicly announce its commitment to implementing the recommendations issued last week by the UN Committee against Torture, following its regrettable failure earlier this month to show up to the Committee’s examination of what was described as the “widespread practice of torture and ill-treatment” in Yemen. The Committee published on 20 November its provisional conclusions and recommendations on Yemen’s second periodic report concerning the implementation of the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. It had examined the report on 3 November, but, in an unusual development, the Yemeni government did not attend the session. The Yemeni authorities have an opportunity to respond to the conclusions and recommendations before the Committee next meets in April and May 2010. Amnesty International calls on them to do so, but also to implement without delay and as a first step a key recommendation of the Committee that they “announce a policy of eradication of torture and ill-treatment”. Such action would help to signal the authorities’ will – currently being called into question – to deal with one of the major areas of human rights concern in the country. Torture and other ill-treatment are widespread practices in Yemen and are committed, generally with impunity, against both detainees held in connection with politically motivated acts or protests and ordinary criminal suspects. Methods of torture and other ill-treatment are reported to include beatings all over the body with sticks, rifle butts, punching, kicking, prolonged suspension by the wrists or ankles, burning with cigarettes, being stripped naked, denial of food and prompt access to medical help, as well as threats of sexual abuse. Torture and other ill-treatment are often carried out as a means of obtaining “confessions” during interrogation. Such “confessions” are generally accepted by the court without being investigated adequately, if at all. This is despite constitutional guarantees and provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure which prohibit the admissibility of such evidence. Most torture and other ill-treatment take place during the initial period of detention by security forces, when detainees are generally not provided access to a lawyer or to their families. Criminal sanctions which violate the absolute prohibition against torture and other cruel, inhuman and or degrading treatment or punishment, “such as floggings, beatings and even amputation of limbs, are still prescribed by law and practiced” in Yemen, as the Committee noted with concern. In addition, Amnesty International receives reports of prison authorities resorting to torture and other ill-treatment as a form of non-judicial punishment against political prisoners. Dozens of detainees arrested in May 2009 following a peaceful protest calling for the release of political prisoners held in connection with the Southern Movement, a coalition of political groups seen by the Yemeni government as calling for the independence of the southern part of the country, have reportedly since been subjected to torture or other ill-treatment in the al-Mukalla Central Prison, in the south-east of Yemen. Seven men who were suspected of having led the protest, including one named Salim ‘Ali Bashawayh, had their wrists and ankles handcuffed to fixed bars and were suspended from them for several hours. Others were reportedly tear-gassed, subjected to beatings with sticks, punched and kicked in order to stop them from chanting demands for the independence of the south of the country and for their release from prison. Torture and other ill-treatment are facilitated by what the Committee described as “a widespread practice of mass arrests without a warrant and arbitrary and prolonged detention without charges and judicial process”. In Amnesty International’s experience, detainees are generally not allowed to notify a relative or lawyer of their place of detention, despite the Code of Criminal Procedure stipulating that they should be afforded this right “immediately”. In some cases the authorities deny for weeks that they are holding a detainee in their custody in response to requests from their family for information on their whereabouts. Such cases constitute enforced disappearances. Amnesty International has recorded dozens of such cases over recent years; many have involved individuals arrested in connection with the conflict between the army and followers of Zaidi Shi’a cleric Hussein al-Houthi in Yemen’s northerly Sa’da region, which has been raging intermittently since 2004, or with recent anti-government demonstrations in the south of the country protesting at the perceived discrimination by the authorities against the people of that region. One person who remains disappeared is Muhammad al-Maqalih, a Yemeni journalist and member of the Yemeni Socialist Party who was abducted from a street in the capital Sana’a on 17 September by a group of men who arrived in an unmarked white minibus. There has been no news of Muhammad al-Maqalih since. He is suspected to have been arrested because of his public criticism of the army’s killing of civilians in Sa’da. At first Muhammad al-Maqalih was believed to be detained by the Central Organ of Political Security in Sana’a. However, in October the Attorney General told Muhammad al-Maqalih’s family that the Central Organ of Political Security had denied that he was in their custody. It is now believed that Muhammad al-Maqalih is being detained in the al-Qal’a Prison in Sana’a. Amnesty International wrote to Yemen’s Minister of Defence on 21 October to ask about his place of detention and to raise concerns that he is at risk of torture or other ill-treatment, but has received no response to date. To combat such practices, the Yemeni government should follow the announcement of “a policy of eradication of torture and ill-treatment” by implementing without delay a key recommendation of the Committee against Torture to “take immediate steps to prevent acts of torture and ill-treatment throughout the country”. As recommended by the Committee, they should, in particular, “ensure that all detainees are afforded, in practice, all fundamental legal safeguards from the very outset of their detention. These include, in particular, the right to have prompt access to a lawyer and an independent medical examination, to notify a relative, and to be informed of their rights at the time of detention, including about the charges laid against them, as well as to appear before a judge within a time limit in accordance with international standards.” They should also “establish a national system to monitor and inspect all places of detention and follow up on the outcome on such systematic monitoring”. Background The UN Committee against Torture is the expert body established by the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment to monitor countries’ compliance with that treaty. It is composed of 10 independent, impartial members who are elected by the states parties to the treaty. Governments must submit periodic reports to the Committee which in turn make recommendations to further the State party’s implementation of the treaty. ——————————————————– West Gulf Team Middle East and North Africa Programme Amnesty International International Secretariat
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متابعات : دانت المؤسسة الوطنية للاتجار بالبشر وبشدة الجريمة البشعة التي ارتكبتها عناصر تنتمي لتنظيم القاعدة في اليمن بإعدام وحشي لمسئول امني هو المقدم بسام سليمان طربوش الشرجبي والذي كان مختطف لديها منذ ستة أشهر. وحملت المؤسسة في بيانها نائب رئيس الوزراء لشئون الدفاع والأمن ، وكذا وزير الداخلية المسئولية عن تلك الجريمة البشعة ،مطالبة إياهما بالاستقالة ،مع مسائلتهما بما وصفته المؤسسة "العجز" عن حماية احد أفراد الأجهزة الأمنية المخلصين ، و"إهمال" القضية وواجبهما في تتبع الشهيد منذ اختفائه وحتى تم إعلان القاعدة في شريط مسجل عن إعدامه ، رغم متابعة أسرة الشهيد للأجهزة الأمنية التي هو احد قياداتها منذ اختفائه. وأشارت المؤسسة الى مساعيها في تبني قضية اختفاء المقدم طربوش منذ حوالي ستة شهور عبر أحد أقاربه ، منوهة إلى طلبها من أقاربه رسالة خطية تؤكد أنة مختفي أو مختطف لتتمكن المؤسسة من تبني قضيته بشكل قانوني والبحث عنة عبر كافة أجهزة الدولة والمنظمات الجماهيرية. وقالت انه "ولظروف أهل الشهيد طربوش التي يعيشونها بسبب اختفاءه كرب الأسرة ، لم نتمكن من الحصول على تلك الرسالة رغم متابعتنا المستمرة لأحد أقاربه ، علما أن أسرته قد طرقت كل الأبواب ورفضت الإدلاء لكل وسائل الإعلام بأي تصريح ومن ضمنها ما طلبته المؤسسة منهم وهو رسالة تؤكد اختفائه حرصا منهم على سمعة وهيبة الدولة ". وأضاف بيان المؤسسة مع ذلك "وللأسف الشديد لم تقوم الأجهزة الأمنية بواجبها تجاه أحد عناصرها وقيادتها حيث قوبل بالإهمال حتى تم إعدامه من العناصر المجرمة والمنتمية لتنظيم القاعدة " ، متسائلة "لماذا يتم الإفراج الفوري لبعض المختطفين وإرسال الحملات الأمنية والبعض الاخر تطول فترة اختطافه وتنتهي بالإعدام ؟" ، تاركة الإجابة للجهات المختصة . وكان شريط فيديو بثته شبكة صدى الملاحم الإعلامية التابعة لما يسمى تنظيم القاعدة في جزيرة العرب اظهر مقطعا مصورا للحظات التحقيق والإعدام للمقدم " بسام طربوش الشرجبي– رئيس قسم التحريات في مباحث محافظة مأرب. وجاء في نص التسجيل الصوتي المدمج مع الصور:" لقد ابتليت الأمة الإسلامية بحكام خونة وعملاء والو اليهود والنصارى وناصروهم على المسلمين وعطلوا شرع الله". وأضاف" أن الجواسيس هم العدو فاحذروهم قاتلهم الله" ، وان من يصفهم بالمجاهدين قد تمكنوا بفضل الله من تنفيذ عملية استخباريه ناجحة لاختطاف رئيس قسم التحريات والبحث الجنائي في محافظة مأرب المقدم بسام طربوش الشرجبي لما له من دور في التجسس على المسلمين عامة والمجاهدين خاصة. ووجه احد المحققين من افراد القاعدة والذي تشير لهجته إلى الخليجية للمقدم طربوش الذي اختفى في ظروف غامضة منذ مطلع شهر 6 بمأرب تهمت التجسس على من اعدهم"المجاهدين" وتجنيد بعض ابناء القبائل للتجسس عليهم. وظهر المقدم طربوش الشرجبي وهو يجيب على الأسئلة الموجه اليه، مغمض العينين وفي حالة منهكة،و تشير الصورة إلى علامات تعذيب ظهرت على جبينه . وأظهر المقطع بعد جلسة التحقيق صورا لتسعة اشخاص من الملثمين يقفون خلف المقدم طربوش وهم ممسكين بأسلحتهم، والبعض يلبسون الثياب وآخرون الزى اليمني (المعوز)، وقام أحدهم بتلاوة حكم إعدام على ما وصفوه بـ"الجاسوس العميل الخائن" ، قبل أن يقتطع صورة الفيلم عن إظهار البقية من لحظة الإعدام التي نفذت بحق المقدم طربوش وسط صحراء ، ليظهر بعدها الشهيد وهو مقتول رميا بالرصاص.
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The video is of the assassination of a security chief who al Qaeda claimed was complicit in the death of al Harithy in 2002. What a crazy world, the poor guy. At least they didn’t behead him, the way these murderers do in other parts of the world. Its interesting the way al Harithy’s death is considered un-avenged, while Fawaz al Raibi’s 2006 killing didn’t strike the same tribal cord. One distinction is that the US killed al Harithy (and US citizen Kamal al Darwish) with Predator drone. Perhaps the broader message is a threat against the same type of (rather effective) aerial targeting of terrorist leadership by the US as occurs in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and in parts of Africa. The video doesn’t show the moment of death and follows the other “al Qaeda assassination” of the three security chiefs in revenge for the killing of Hamza al Qaiti that triggered the protests in Hadramout, demanding the regime bring the true killers to justice. [Jane Novak].DUBAI, Nov 26 (Reuters) – Al Qaeda’s wing in Yemen said it shot dead an abducted Yemeni security official, and issued a video showing him on Islamist websites on Thursday.“I advise people not to get involved in actions (such as mine) … and not to be drawn into working for American intelligence,” said a blindfolded man, identifying himself on the video as Bassam Tarbush, a provincial security official.The video showed group members preparing to shoot Tarbush, kidnapped in June according to Yemeni media, for spying on Islamic militants, but the actual shooting was not shown. The footage later carried a still photograph apparently showing his corpse with facial cuts.SANAA, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) — A captured senior Yemeni anti-terrorist officer were confirmed to be “executed” by an al-Qaida group with a video showing his killing posted on the Internet, an official of the Interior Ministry said Wednesday.Bassam Tarbush Al-Shargbi, 41, major of the combating terrorism unit in Marib province, northeast the capital Sanaa, was kidnapped by al-Qaida in June 2009, said the official on condition of anonymity.“The video is also transferred between cellular phones through Bluetooth in Marib, Al-Jawf, Hadramout, Abyan and Aden provinces,” the official told Xinhua.Al-Qaida members said in the video that Tarbush was allegedly behind the assassination of top al-Qaida leader Ali Qaed Sunian al-Harithi, also known as Abu Ali, who was killed in Marib province by a U.S. Predator drone in 2002.“Spy Tarbush was one of the Yemeni anti-terror security officers who collaborated with the American intelligence services to arrest and assassinate al-Qaida leaders in Yemen,” the video added.On Nov. 5, the same al-Qaida group in Yemen, which was called “Yemen-based al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula,” claimed responsibility for a fatal ambush that killed two Yemeni security officers along with their four escorts in southeast Yemenأظهرت شريط فيديو بثته شبكة صدى الملاحم الإعلامية التابعة لتنظيم القاعدة في جزيرة العرب مقطعا مصورا للحظات التحقيق والإعدام للمقدم " بسام طربوش – رئيس قسم التحريات في مباحث محافظة مأرب"، وبعد عرضا دينيا سبقته آيات قرانيه ثم عنوانا بالخط الأحمر العريض تحت عنوان "مصارع الخونة 1" تبعه مقاطعا ممنتج تظهر صورا للرئيس علي عبدالله صالح وهو يسلم بحرارة على الرئيس الأمريكي الأسبق "جورج بوش"،، وأخرى لأركان الامن المركزي العميد يحي محمد صالح وهو يتحدث مع نائب السفير الأمريكي بصنعاء نبيل الخوري، موجها تهما له ولزعماء العرب بالعمالة والارتهان للخارج وأعداء الأمة.وجاء في نص التسجيل الصوتي المدمج مع الصور:" لقد ابتليت الأمة الإسلامية بحكام خونة وعملاء والو اليهود والنصارى وناصروهم على المسلمين وعطلوا شرع الله" وحكموا بقوانين وضعية من صنع البشر، فافسدوا في البلاد وعاثوا فيها وسرقوا ونهبوا مقدرات الأمة وثرواتها مستعينين في ذلك بجنودهم ورجال القبائل والجواسيس الذين يعادون الأمة الإسلامية بعد ان ارتضوا بالذل والمهانة". حسب نص التسجيل.وقال مقدم النص التقديمي لفيلم اعدام الشرجبي:" أن الحكام والعملاء يستخدمون طائراتهم وأسلحتهم لقصف مواقع المجاهدين والتصنت على المجاهدين عن طريق جواسيسهم وملاحقتهم، ليتمكن أعداء الأمة وعن طريق أولئك الحكام والجواسيس من النيل من الكثير منهم".وأظهر بعدها المقطع صورة للشرجبي رئيس قسم التحريات بمأرب وهو مكبلا ومغطى على وجهه وأمامه قوارير من الخمر وفي حالة منهكة، صاحب ظهوره تعليق صوتي يقول:" أن الجواسيس هم العدو فاحذروهم قاتلهم الله، وان من يصفهم بالمجاهدين قد تمكنوا بفضل الله من تنفيذ عملية استخباريه ناجحة لاختطاف رئيس قسم التحريات والبحث الجنائي في محافظة مأرب المقدم بسام طربوش الشرجبي لما له من دور في التجسس على المسلمين عامة والمجاهدين خاصة.ووجه احد المحققين من افراد القاعدة والذي تشير لهجته إلى الخليجية للمقدم طربوش الذي اختفى في ظروف غامضة منذ مطلع شهر 6 بمأرب بالتجسس على من يسميهم "بالمجاهدين" وتجنيد بعض ابناء القبائل للتجسس عليه، وان من أولئك القبائل الذين جندهم من لا يرضى بذلك العمل الخسيس- حسب وصفه، ولذلك فقد أثروا عدم نشر أسمائهم. وقال المعلق الصوتي على الفيلم الذي يقدم للحظات التحقيق مع المقدم طربوش:" أنه اعترف بأسماء العملاء والجواسيس وطرق تجنيدهم ولذلك فقد نفذ فيه حكم شرع الله قتلا حتى يكون عبرة للمعتبرين".وظهر المقدم طربوش وهو يجيب على الأسئلة الموجه اليه، مغمض العينين وفي حالة منهكة،و تشير الصورة إلى علامات تعذيب ظهرت على جبينه، بينما كان يتحدث مقراً بإعماله :وارتهان الحكام العرب والرئيس علي عبدالله صالح، وعدم تطبيقهم حكم الله و الشرع ".وقال في اعترافه بالتحقيقات التي تبدو وكأنها انتزعت منه بفعل تعرضه للتعذيب والضرب أنه عمل في مأرب 10 سنوات رئيسا لقسم التحريات والبحث في مأرب وأنه كان يتلقى بلاغات من وزارة الداخلية بأسماء وبعد أن توزع على النقاط الأمنية بدفاتر ويتولى مهمة جمع المعلومات عن الأشخاص المطلوبين عن مصادر مختلفة لديهم، مؤكدا أن لدى كل المسؤولين مصادرهم الخاصة حول ذلك.وقال أنهم يقومون باستقطاب وتجنيد رجال القبائل للعمل معهم حسب قدراتهم، مقرا في رده على سؤال المحقق:" من تقومون بتجنيدهم للعمل معكم من العقال أم من السفهاء قال:" أنهم من السفهاء".وقال في رده على سؤال هل الحكومة اليمنية تطبق الشرع الإسلامي في قوانينها وأحكامها، وهل يدرك ان حكومة الرئيس علي عبدالله صالح عميلة للأمريكان، قال طربوش:" أن الحكومة تحكم بقوانين خارجة عن الشريعة وأنها معروفة وانه يدرك أن حكومة الرئيس علي عبدالله صالح من خلال المعلومات واللقاءات التي يعقدها وتتم".وقال أن الرئيس يقوم بتجنيد الجهات الأمنية وإعطائها كافة الصلاحيات من أجل قمع المجاهدين"- حسب قوله. وعن ملابسات القبض عليه وكيف تمت قال الشرجبي:" أنه تم القاء القبض عليه وهو ذاهب لبيع الخمر لواحد وانه يعمل ضابطا في البحث والتحريات، وعن نصيحتيه لزملائه ومن جندهم قال:" انصحهم بعدم ملاحقة المجاهدين وان لا يصبح لهم ماحدث له ويندموا وان يعودوا الى أعمالهم السابقة قبل تجنيدهم" وأتهم أيضا أشخاص من رجال القبائل بإقامة علاقة مع الأجهزة الأمنية السعودية وقال أنه ذكرهم بالاسم في جلسة التحقيقات معه وأنه ينصحهم بتجنب ما حصل له من الندم".وأظهر المقطع بعد جلسة التحقيق صورا لتسعة اشخاص من الملثمين يقفون خلف الشرجبي وهم ممسكين بأسلحتهم، ومخازن الرصاص على بطونهم بينما كان واحدا منهم ممسك( RPG )، والبعض يلبسون الثياب وآخرون الزى اليمني (المعوز)، وقام أحدهم بتلاوة ما أسموه بالحكم على "الجاسوس العميل الخائن" بالإعدام قتلا تنفيذا لحكم شرع الله فيه، وبعد ان وجه له تهمة العمالة والتجسس على المجاهدين طوال أربعة عشر عاما من عمله الأمني في التحريات والمباحث، قبل أن يقتطع صورة الفيلم عن إظهار البقية من لحظة الإعدام التي نفذت بحق المقدم الشرجبي وسط صحراء تبدو وكأنها في مأرب، ثم يظهرون طربوش وهو مقتول.
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The prairie wolf of our Zoo often appears during the daylight hours like a coyote, relaxing among the acasia and maple trees. Of course, he has the rights of both hunting and piscary. He is hairless, skinless and rich. These camouflages protect him from his enemies and enable him to prey on other mammals. During elections, he appears as a pitcher plant capturing victims in missions and salvations. The Excellency head represents the desert and its decertification. No plants, yet it has oils and gases for campaign exploration. The coyote hunts the transportation system and solves the dilemma with his endless thousand days of transformation, the model of illegal transactions to support taxi drivers and the owner of gas stations, however; to punish the bus drivers and union organizations. Are these solutions to minimize the taxations and environmental pollutions? Oh, he is Conservative, who declares his standing with the poor people and worries about Lord. He's proud of the role of missions. However, he used their residents as oblations. The flock at Christmas time greet themselves saying "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year", and end their wishes with Hallelujahs, no buses, God sends us snow, sickness, and the Ottawa city's coyote, the virgin of solutions, good ethics and strong values of tradition. Despite the city dilemma, the coyote took a sea excursion for romance and rehabilitation and said: "No necessity to ground transportation." He is a local member of Conservative party and an international skinhead's movement. What are the Ottawa's technologies? Of course arming our soldiers in skinhead tanks to protect them from the attacks of Afghani militants. "Oh, our buffalo, oh, our hyena of our Garden Zoo" the Somali newcomer woman said. She swore at him saying " Wallah-he, Wallah-he, and Wallah-he in Africa we can ride a horse and a donkey to solve the shortage of transportations, and we have cool weather. May we ride the coyote?" Of course, the women in the Canadian, Eastern and African communities have problems not only with transportation and getting a job but also with drug addiction. She screamed, "Wallah-he Khat, Khat, Khat." Ottawa's coyote thought the Somali woman said she likes cats. So, he decided to invite her to his office to read his bald head, his palm, and a cupful of coffee grounds. She started calling and appealing to the unseen powers saying, " Wallah-he, Tallah-he and Billah-he. Oh, hazy, hot, hidden, dust-laden clouds," and repeated saying, "dust-laden and laden clouds come, Wallah-he, Billah-he come soon. I have a bison's problems." The buffalo though that the Somali palm reader calling the Leader of the Al- Qaeda Movement. So, he escaped to another office to meet the Chinese reader of the green tea leaves. So, she ordered him to immerse his head in a Chinese bowl, which is full of Eastern wisdom. Then, she called the powers of Yin and Yang. Therefore, the coyote drank until he became green. At the same time, she read both greenish bowls and found that the Mayor of the city is a Cancer. Yet, she was confused if he is a zodiac or a disease. Moreover, she said to him that he has several associated traits: Tenacious with bus drivers and union workers. Conservative due to illegal activities relating to the last municipal election. Loyal for his capriciousness. Home-loving to O' Brien. Emotional to real estate agent. Loving to the wealth. Moody like Canadian weather. Shrewd like a fox, and sensitive like a coyote. As a result of that, he jumped from the window of her office with greenish signs in his head and declares the 1000 strike days of transportation as a model of transformation. However, the citizens of the City want his skeleton at each bus stop. It is the Easter superstition for arts, transportation as well as for telecommunications. يظهردائماً ذئب براري حديقتنا في ساعات النهار مثل القيوط, الذي يستلقي بين أشجار الصنوبر وأشجار القيقب (الاسفندان) , بالفعل أنّ هذا الذئب لديه الحق في الاصطياد والقرصنة البرية والبحرية. إنه غني وأصلع وعديم الأحساس والمشاعر, بهذه التمويهات يحمي نفسه من الأعداء , وهذه التمويهات كذلك تجعله يفترس بقية الثدييات والضوارئ من فصيلته, وعند الانتخابات يظهر كنبات السلوى المفترس, يصطاد ضحاياه في دور العبادة والمؤسسات والمنظمات الدينية وفي دور الفقراء والعجزة وحتي المختلين عقلياً. إن صاحب الأمر, عمدة المدينة, وبراسه الأصلع يمثل الصحراء والتصحرفليس هناك نبات ولكن هناك نفط وغاز للحملات الاستكشافية الانتخابية وكذلك للحرق. لقد اصطاد ذئب المروج نظام النقل , وحل المعضلة بخطته اللأنهائية المسماة ب "خطة الالف يوم للتتغيير", نموذجه المشهور للعمليات الغير شرعية لدعم سائقي الأجرة ومالكي محطات الغاز, و كذلك لمعاقبة سائقي الباصات والمنظمات الاتحادية. هل هذه حلول لتقليل الضرائب والملوثات البيئية ؟ ياللعجب: هو محافظ ويدعي أنه يناصر الفقراء والضعفاء وأبناء السبيل من أجل حل مشاكلهم, ويخاف الله, إنه فخور بدور العبادة والمؤسسات والمنظمات الدينية, ولكنه يستخدم سكانها كقرابين لأغراضه. الجماهير في اعياد الميلاد ورأس السنة تحيي بعضها البعض قائلةً:- عام جديد , ويحمدون ألله ويعززوه ويوقروه قائلين: لاوجود للباصات في مدينتنا, وينهون حديثهم قائلين:- نعم في الشتاء القارص وفي ايام اعيادنا الدينية أنعدمت وسائل النقل العام, لقد انزل الله علينا الثلوج, وارسل لنا ذئب المروج, عمدة أوتاوا الاعذر و العقيم والبتول الذي لايملك للمعضلات حلول , والذي لايحمل قيم وروابط عادتنا وتقاليدنا الجيدة والقوية. فبالرغم من المشكلة التي تعاني منها المدينة فقد ذهب القيوط الى نزهة بحرية وغرامية للراحة والنقاهة والاستجمام وصرح قائلاً :- أن النقل العام البري غير مجدي. إنه عضو محلي في حزب المحافظين وعضو دولي في حركة الصلع العالمية. ما هي تقنيات أوتاوا؟ طبعاً و بالتحديد تسليح جنودنا بدبابات عديمة الحس و الحواس ولاتحس مصنوعة في المانيا ,وذلك لحمايتهم من هجمات المسلحين الأفغان. آه يا جاموسنا ويا ضبعنا وذئب حديقتنا هاهي المرأة الصومالية القادمة الجديدة تقول هذه العبارة وتحلف له قائلةً:- والله والله في أفريقيا أننا نركب الحصان والحمار لحل مشاكل المواصلات ,ولدينا جو جميل, وسئلته قائلةً هل أستطيع أن أركبك أيها القيوط ؟ بالتأكيد المرأة في الجاليات الأفريقية والشرقية الكندية لديها مشاكل ليس فقط في المواصلات ولكن في الحصول على الوظائف, والإدمان على المخدرات. صرخت بعدها قائلةً:- والله قات: قات : قات" ، ضن قيوط أوتاوا أن المرأة الصومالية تقول أنها تحب القطط وقرر أن يدعوها إلى مكتبه لقراءة رأسه الأصلع وكفه وأن تحتسي كوباً من القهوة ولتقراء فنجان قهوته. بدأت المرأة الصومالية تصيح وتتوسل وتنادي القوى الخفية قائلةً:- والله وتالله وبالله أيتها السحب الساخنة والملبدة بالغيوم احضري بسرعة لدي مشاكل عويصة " وكررت ندائها مراراً. ضن الثور أن قارئة الكف الصومالية تنادي زعيم حركة القاعدة. و هرب الى مكتب أخر ليقابل قارئة فنجان الشائ الأخضرالصينية , فامرته بأن يغمس رأسه في الدلو الصيني المليء بالحكمة الشرقية. بعد ذلك استعانت بقوى الألهة ين ويانج حينها شرب ذئب أوتاوا من الدلو الصيني حتى اصبح اخضراً, ثم أبتدأت بقراءة الدلوين الأخضرين . ووجدت أن عمدة أوتاوا ينتمي الى السرطانيات! لكنها احتارت هل هو سرطان مرضي خبيث أم أنه البرج الفلكي؟ وأضافت له القول أن لديه العديد من الاحكام وعددت له صفاته السرطانية المرتبطة به وعلاقاته بالمحيط قائلة: ان شخصه عنيد مع سائقي الباصات وعمال الاتحاد، وبانه محافظ بسبب أنشطته اللاشرعية المتعلقة بآخر انتخابات البلدية, وانه مخلص ووفي لنزعاته ورغباته, ومحباً لأل بيته "أو برين". واضافة قائلةً:- بأن عاطفته مع وكيلة العقارات, وانه محب للثروة, ومتقلب كطقس ومناخ كندا, وداهية كالثعلب, وحساس كذئب البراري. ونتيجة لذلك قفز من شباك المكتب وعلى رأسه علامات خضراء فأعلن مشروعه المسمى ب- " ألألف يوم إضراب في النقل", كنموذج عصري للتغيير. لكن مواطني المدينة بأية طريقة ارادوا ومازالوا يريدون تعليق جسده في كل موقف باص, إنها المعجزة القادمة لعيد الفصح للفنون ، والنقل ، والاتصالات.
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Introduction: Multiresurrection is a subject of competition among the Religious Establishments. Workers and supervisors, due to their corrupted and hypocritical environments, use methods such as gestures, psychological influences, vulgarism and illusions to influence the circumstances. [M.T. Al-Mansouri].History of the topic: The circumstance of trafficking in human organs and illegal drugs continues not only in our neighborhoods but around the world. It is a continuation of the activities of immoral mankind since X killed Y for X reason. For instance, the network of His Holiness Mr. Izhak Rosenbaum from Brooklyn, U.S.A. or the daily activities of Canadian-Semitic communities who are consumers and distributors of known and unknown illegal drugs.The importance of this topic to Canada and Canadians: The issue of human organs trade and illegal drugs distribution is important to Canada and Canadians, because Canada borders with the U.S., which is full of social, economic, political, and psychological troubles. Likewise, Canada is an excellent place to trade human organs and to distribute illegal drugs, due to the good economy, security gaps because of multiculturalism, high unemployment and poverty, discouragement of victims and intellectuals to talk about the mafia that handles the human organs trade and drug trafficking. It is also important to encourage Canadians officials to protect Canada , and to coordinate with the government to accomplish this goal.The policy of the Canadian government with regards to human organs trade and distribution of illegal drugs: One of Canada's domestic and foreign policy goals is public safety. Canada is concerned with building international expertise and instruments to counter the growing threats posed by the rise of organized crime.Furthermore, the Organization of American States (OAS) is the region’s principal multilateral forum for strengthening democracy, promoting human rights, and controlling shared problems such as poverty, terrorism, illegal drugs and corruption.Recommendations: Religious Establishments can be easily involved with trials and incidents and can work individually with disrespect to the Constitution or the international laws. [M.T. Al-Mansouri]. An integrated security system has the ability to endorse or champion the crimes or to cover them up through the lack of understanding and misanalyzing the information. Integrated security systems have a tendency to build mechanisms for minority or majority communities. [M.T. Al-Mansouri]. Therefore, Canada must act and punish the criminals by using its non-military and military tools .Questions for Discussion:1. Does the human organ trade exist in Canada and why?2. Does the municipal government certain ethnic groups ? Does it show concern for all ethnic groups equally.3. Does the Canadian media make its citizens aware of the human organ trade? Why or why not?4. What does Semitic mean, and what do you know about opium khat?5. Which human organs parts could be sold in the Canadian Market? Why many people accused in Ottawa’s hospitals of killing their infants for bone-marrow?6. Is the network of His Holiness Mr. Rosenbaum from Brooklyn active in Canada?Bibliography:A. Books1. Annie Cheney, Body Brokers Inside America’s Underground Trade in Human Remains, Broadway Books, New York, 2006. PP.1-193.2. Britannica Online Encyclopedia Available URL:http://www.britannica.com/3. James John Guy. People, Politics and Government, A Canadian Perspective, Fifth Edition, Preason Education Canada Inc., Prentice Hall, Toronto, Ontario, 2001. PP.2-497.4. Mark J. Cherry, Kidney for Sale by Owner, Human Organs Transplantation, and the Market, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C.2005. PP.1-162.5. Oliver Trager, Drugs in America: Crisis or Hysteria?, An Editorials on File Book. Facts on File Publications, New York, New York, Oxford, England,1986. PP.3-177.6. Robert Voy, MD, Kirk Deeter, Drugs, Sport, and Politics. The inside story about drug use in sport and its political cover-up, with a prescription for reform, Leisure Press, Champaign, Illinois, 1993. PP.3-204.B. Journal Articles7. Anuj Chopra. Harvesting Kidneys From the Poor for Rich Patients; The thriving black-market trade in human organs. U.S. News&World Report 144.5 (feb 18, 2008): p.33. [Online]. Available URL: http://find.galegroup.com/ovrc/printdoc.do?content Set=IAC-Documents7docType=IAC…8. Christine Gorman. Body pars for sale: an FBI sting operation uncovers what Chinese activists say is a grisly trade: human organs for cash. Time v151.n9 9March 9,2998): pp. 76 (1). [Online]. Available URL: http://find.galegroup.com/ovrc/printdoc.do?contentSet=IAC-Documents&docType=IAC…9. David Quinn. Drugs are illegal for a reason and it is to keep our society safe. Europe Intelligence Wire. March 2, 2007. Financial Times Ltd. [Online]. Available URL: http://find.galegroup.com/gtx/printdoc.do?docType=IAC&contentSet=IAC-Documents&…10. Donald Boström . Our Sons Plundered for Their Organs, 2009. [Online]. Available URL: http://www.palestinechronicle.com/view_article_details.php?id=15377, 2009.11. M. T. Al-Mansouri. Crime: Black Comedy from the Land Of “Arabia Flex”2009. [Online]. Available URLS: http://www.parisjerusalem.net/afnan/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3224&Itemid=51&lang=english, and http://www.arabtimes.com/portal/article_display.cfm?Action=&Preview=No&ArticleID=4332.12. M.T.Al-Mansouri. Shifting patterns in Canadian elections: Ontario's referendum, 2008. [Online]. Available URL: http://www.helium.com/items/1186736-elections-canada-drugs-green-party-of-canada-marijuana-party-of-the-world-opium-khat, 2008.13. Nancy Scheper Hughes. The Global Traffic in Human Organs, 2009. [Online]. Available URL: http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/300123, 2009.C. Videos and Pictures:[Online] are Available at Ottawa International Poets and Writers of Human Rights on the URL:1. https://poetsofottawa.ning.com/photo">https://poetsofottawa.ning.com/photo2. https://poetsofottawa.ning.com/video"">https://poetsofottawa.ning.com/video
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يسر الموقع العالمي لشعراء وكــتـّاب أوتــاوا المهـتمين بحقوق الإنسـان أن يتقدم إليكم بأحر التهاني والتبريكات بمناسبة حلول عيد الأضحى المبارك , راجيا من الله عز وجل أن يدخله عليكم وعلى الأمتين العربية والإسلامية والإنسانية جمعاء بالخير والسلام

الدكتور محمد توفيق المنصوري

المؤسس والمحرر والناشر



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“Sometimes angels and other unseen powers come and go to order, inspire and whisper to creators to do easy things and things that are complex.” It is said by Y to X. In one day of Sussex, the labour suddenly comes to the future mother, the lady Chantelle, after she was fertilized by the handsome baby Alfie Pattern, who was developed by the British like the cartridge Nonex. Alfred became Alfie, the simplex, Margaret became Maisie, and this phenomena spread like the carex, the mother Chantelle, the rocky land and singer became like a spandex and subindex. They did the straight sex, and had the great newcomer as anew affix. They were smarter and not sinners like Adam and Eve, who were mixed and confused about the tree of knowledge, of good and evil, and the tree of life, this was the greatest sin written in the triplex. The public and official opinions were in vex, divided into unsex, pro and anti homosex, some wish the happiness for unisex, some others asked who taught Alfie the use of the vertex, and how did he know about the thing that looks like murex? The Semitics of September 11 and the murders of Palestine’s kids accused Eve of showing Adam the narthex, how to pray to holy matrix, by pointing with pollex to insert the scolex, they want to put a stigma on the New Messiah of Gentiles, and they would like to punish him as the usually do with the X. More than these questions and accusations, which were given by not all people of Sussex and Essex, but by the residents of all space e.g. seas, oceans, and the dry cortex. Yet the evidence is already registered in the saved panel and transmitted not only via the videotex, James Henery, the prophet who preached in his scripture , which is entitled ‘‘What Maisie Knew?’’ About Alfie the Messiah of the gentiles who is going to dig the X, and advanced not only Adam, the sinrocent*, but also Sigmund Freud, the interpreter of Oedipus Complex, and these whom are busy searching and focusing on women’s box, to use them for temptation the leaders such as the player of the musical instrument, created by Adolphe Sax. God help the new messiah and all children of the world by not only the Presbyterian Knox, but give them countless of wisdom, star and bucks, and put over their heads your light and your circumflex. Sinrocent: An infix which is made of the word sinner and the word innocent.
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متابعات: أفادت مصادر عسكرية وثيقة شبكة خليج عدن الإخبارية أن وزير الدفاع اليمني محمد ناصر أحمد "جنوبي" تعرض لمحاولة اغتيال فاشلة أثناء تنفيذة لمهمة عسكرية في صعدة منذ يومين. وقالت المصادر أن وزير الدفاع تعرض لمحاولة الاغتيال أثناء إقلاعه بطائرة هوليكبتر عندما أطلقت فرقة عسكرية تابعة للحرس الجمهوري نيران رشاشاتها على الطائرة التي استطاعت أن تهبط بالحال دون تعرض حياة الوزير للأذى.وأكدت المصادر أن محاولة اغتيال ناصر تأتي بعد فشله في تنفيذ مهمة كان قد كلف بها من قبل الرئيس اليمني علي عبد الله صالح تقضي بحسم الحرب بين قوات الجيش والحوثيين خلال مدة أقصاها أسبوع بمشاركة قوات تابعة للحرس الجمهوري الذي يقودها نجل الرئيس اليمني علي عبد الله صالح ( أحمد ) .ليسجل الانتصار باسم نجل الرئيس أحمد ويتم إعلان إخفاق قوات الجيش التابعة لعمه العقيد علي محسن الأحمر قائد الفرقة الأولى مدرع وفشله في حسم الحرب التي تدور رحاها لخمس سنوات على التوالي وبمساندة سعودية هذه المرة.وقالت المصادر لـ خليج عدن أن صراعا كبيرا يجري في دوائر القرار العسكري والسياسي في صنعاء بين جناحي أحمد وعلي محسن في مهمة حسم الحرب بصعدة ، التي ترى هذه المصادر أن مسألة الحسم أصبحت غير ممكنة في الوقت الحالي بعد الضربات الموجعة والهزائم الكبيرة التي تعرضت لها قوات الجيش وقوات الحرس الجمهوري على يد الحوثيين بدعم متبادل من كلي الطرفين.مضيفة أن كليهما متورطان بدعم الحوثيين وتزويهم بالأسلحة المختلفة ضد كل منهما لإلحاق أكبر قدر من الهزيمة بالآخر تسابقا على إعلان انتصار وهمي يمثل ورقة انتخابية دسمة لتوريث نظام الحكم في اليمن.مراقبون من جهتهم اعتبروا محاولة اغتيال وزير الدفاع الجنوبي محاولة لإلصاق الجريمة بالحوثيين لتأليب الشارع الأبيني على الشيخ طارق الفضلي الذي أشاد به الحوثي بوقت سابق ، وأكدوا أن ذلك يأتي في إطار مسلسل الاغتيالات الفاشلة التي تعرض لها عدد من المسئولين الجنوبيين العاملين لدى نظام الاحتلال ومنهم شقيق نائب الرئيس ناصر منصور هادي والتي يسعى نظام صنعاء من خلالها لإشعال نيران الفتنة بين الجنوبيين مما يقوض أعمدة التصالح والتسامح التي أسس عليها الحراك الجنوبي ويفشل مشروع القضية الجنوبية الداعية للاستقلال واستعادة دولة الجنوب.واعتبروا في حديث لـ خليج عدن أن الخلافات الدائرة بين جناحي الحرب ضد الحوثيين غير مراهن عليها مؤكدين أن مسألة حسم الحرب لم تعد بيد صنعاء هذه المرة بقدر ما هي بيد الشقيقة السعودية التي ترى - اي السعودية - ضرورة تأمين حدودها البرية والبحرية مما تسميه بالمد الشيعي أو الخطر الإيراني.
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Eccentric religious leaders are free to launch hate “missiles” across international borders. Media networks are totally free to spew provocative interfaith theology. The impact of unregulated religious propaganda on world peace, public diplomacy and ethical business practice is a question which merits serious debate. The self-appointed champions of politically obsessed religious communities, be it Muslim, Christian or you name it, should realize that defending one’s people or one’s faith through gestures of hate ends up damaging one’s cause more than hurting the target. On his TV station, on November 10, Reverend Pat Robertson condemned Islam and Muslims, in response to the Fort Hood massacre. Islam “is not a religion” he declared; it is a “violent political system”. He added that “we should treat it as such, and treat its adherents as such, as we would members of the Communist Party or members of some fascist group”. If Robertson wishes to take violent politics out of religion, he better start within his own community. He and his fellow extreme Evangelicals are deeply involved in the promotion of war and territorial occupation in the Middle East. What characterizes the politics of Robertson are anger and arrogance: passion for war, for power and for wealth, Armageddon culture-clash ideology, disdain for the United Nations and animosity for diversity of life-style and beliefs. As a McCarthy disciple, Robertson’s commentary on Islam belongs to the Spanish Inquisition rather to open society. While Muslim Americans are searching for meaningful ways to express compassion for the families and friends of the victims of Fort Hood, and while authorities at the highest levels are calling for prudence during the investigation of this awful crime, some media outlets are helping the healing and others are not. At this critical time of emotional disequilibrium in American society, Robertson’s tasteless and inflammatory statement on Islam trivializes compassion and inspiration and pours boiling oil on deep psychological wounds. As a fellow Christian, I find Robertson an embarrassment and a catalyst of conflict. With a clash-culture strategy, Robertson is taking on the Muslim world, a fifth of the world’s population. The harm to American foreign policy caused by Televangelical hate has not been assessed. If we wish to reduce wars and enhance communication across borders new standards of interfaith exchange must be identified. Ghassan Michel Rubeiz is an Arab-American commentator and a former Middle East Secretary of the Geneva-based World Council of Churches.
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Paul McGeough is the former executive editor of Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald and the author of three books on the Middle East. He has twice been named Australian Journalist of the Year and in 2002 was awarded the Johns Hopkins University–based SAIS Novartis Prize for excellence in international journalism. He lives in Sydney, Australia.Susannah Tarbush: “Kill Khalid: The Failed Mossad Assassination of Khalid Mishal and the Rise of Hamas”English original of article published in Arabic translation in Al-Hayat, May 18 2009.The Israeli intelligence service Mossad has always been keen to foster a reputation as a ruthlessly efficient information gathering and killing machine, whose agents freely roam the Middle East and wider world targeting Israeli’s enemies with ruthlessness and deadly accuracy.But alongside Mossad’s successes, its history is also littered with blunders and miscalculations. And one of its biggest blunders of all time was the audacious attempt of September 25 1997 to use poison to assassinate a leading Hamas official, Khalid Mishal, in the Jordanian capital Amman.The book “Kill Khalid: The Failed Mossad Assassination of Khalid Mishal and the Rise of Hamas” gives a detailed account of the assassination attempt and of the intricate negotiations that led to a deal under which Israel would supply the antidote to the Mossad poison and would release Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.The book was published recently in the US by New Press, in the UK by Quartet – owned by the Palestine-born publisher and entrepreneur Naim Attallah – and in Australia by Allen and Unwin. The author of the book Paul McGeough [pictured below], born in Ireland, is a prizewinning journalist who lives in Sydney and was at one time editor of the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper.While the central event of the book is the assassination attempt, its scope ranges widely in time and it tells the story of Mishal’s political life and of the development of Hamas over the years. The book is topical given the current debate among Western policymakers over the need to engage Hamas if there is to be a resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. There have been signs of a possible cautious shift, under certain conditions, in US policy by the administration of President Barack Obama.At the same time Binyahim Netanyahu, who was Israeli prime minister at the time of the assassination attempt, is once more in that position, heading a hard-line government. He is again confronting the man he wanted dead 12 years ago, but Hamas and Mishal are now stronger than they were then.During his research for the book, McGeough conducted interviews with numerous key players and observers of the Middle East crisis in six countries in 2007 and early 2008. His 477-page work is written in a lively, highly readable fashion.In the assassination plot, which sounds like something from a James Bond film, a team of Mossad agents flew to Amman from different capitals masquerading as tourists. They planned to poison Mishal with a substance that was lethal but relatively slow-acting. Mishal would die over a period of 48 hours while the team of Mossad assassins slipped out of Jordan.The poison was to be administered by a small “camera” which served as a “gun” with a “bullet” of a clear liquid, the poison levofentanyl - a modified version of the widely-used painkiller fentanyl. The team of agents included a woman doctor carrying the antidote to the poison. This was because the poison was so lethal that Mossad’s planners had demanded that a doctor be present with an antidote in case one of the Mossad team accidentally exposed himself to the poison.The then head of Mossad Danny Yatom assured Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that nothing could go wrong with the plan. But in fact things went very wrong for Mossad. Although one of the agents succeeded in administering the poison to Mishal’s ear in an Amman street, the agent and an accomplice were chased by one of Mishal’s bodyguards, Mohammad Abu Sayf. Abu Sayf had a bloody fight with the two agents, and was then helped by Saad Na’im Khatib, an officer in Palestine Liberation Army who happened to be passing in a taxi. Abu Sayf and Khatib captured the two Mossad men and handed them over to the Jordanian police. Another four agents in the team fled to the Israeli embassy “which, incredibly for a supposedly friendly foreign mission, was locked down by a menacing cordon of Jordanian troops.”News of the strange attack on Mishal was first broken to the outside world by the Lebanese journalist Randa Habib, bureau chief in Amman for Agence France Presse. She was telephoned by Mohammad Nazzal, a Hamas press aide, who said that Mishal had been the victim of an assassination attempt by an attacker using “a bizarre instrument”. She then spoke to Mishal himself, who told her of a “whispering” sound in his ear when he was attacked. In the following hours, as the poison started to take effect, Mishal fell into a coma. He would die unless an antidote was administered.King Hussein was enraged by the assassination attempt on Jordanian soil and warned Netanyahu that if Mishal died, the Mossad men would be hung. Jordan had signed a peace treaty with Israel in October 1994, and King Hussein felt utterly betrayed by the assassination attempt. He had developed relations with Israeli politicians and with the intelligence apparatus, for example hosting Danny Yatom at his summer palace in Aqaba, but Mossad had given the Jordanians no hint as to what it was planning.The king suspected that the assassination of Mishal had two aims: to make it impossible to rescue the now comatose Oslo peace process, and to destabilise the Hashemite dynasty, perhaps in preparation for a new Palestinian state in Jordan.A major crisis erupted involving Jordan, Israel, the US and Canada. King Hussein contacted US President Bill Clinton as part of efforts to force Netanyahu to hand over the antidote that would save Mishal’s life. McGeough gives a thorough account of the negotiations, telephone calls and face to face meetings through the long hours that followed. A key Jordanian figure in the unfolding events was Samih Batikhi, the then chief of the General Intelligence Department.The Canadians for their part were angered over the use of Canadian passports by those involved in the assassination attempt and demanded explanations from Israel. This was not the first time that Mossad agents were discovered to have used Canadian passports during an operation, nor would it be the last.Israel’s envoy to the EU Efraim Halevy, former deputy director of Mossad, had developed a close personal bond with Hussein over the years and he was recalled from Brussels to help deal with the crisis. Halevy pushed for the release of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas, who had been serving a life sentence in an Israeli prison since 1989.Halevy argued that without Israel making such a weighty gesture, Hussein would be written off as a collaborator with Israel. Netanyahu at first refused, but he came under pressure from the Jordanians, Canadians and Americans to not only hand over the formula of the poison, and the antidote, but also to release Sheikh Yassin “in order to save a peace process he might have preferred to sink”.According to McGeough, at the time of the attempted assassination, Mishal “had been overlooked by the legion of foreign intelligence agents operation in Amman”. Nor had the US ambassador Wesley Egan previously known who he was. “Who the hell is Khalid Mishal the ambassador asked the CIA Amman station chief Dave Manners after meeting King Hussein to discuss the crisis.Why did Mossad choose Mishal as its assassination target? He was accused by Israel of orchestrating a new rash of suicide bombings in Israel. “At the Mossad bunker in Tel Aviv he was seen as the first of a dangerous new breed of fundamentalist leaders. He was hard-line, but he did not wear a scraggy beard or wrap himself in robes.” Mishal wore a suit and “he was, by regional standards, coherent in his television appearances. From the Israeli perspective Khalid Mishal was too credible as an emerging leader of Hamas, persuasive even. He had to be taken out.”McGeough examines the impact of the assassination attempt on Mishal. “Khalid Mishal emerged as a changed man from his brush with death. He saw himself in a very different light, and so did the movement’s members. Overnight he had become a household name – for Palestinians, Israelis and the whole Arab world.” The gross miscalculations by Netanyahu and Yatom had “effectively anointed Mishal the leader of the future.”One theme running through the book is the rivalry between Mishal and his long-standing rival Mousa Abu Marzook, who is now his deputy in Damascus. Abu Marzook was born in a refugee camp in Gaza and was from an early age a committed Islamist activist and disciple of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. He had played a key role in the US raising funds particularly for the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation.McGeough differentiates the group around Mishal, known internally as the “Kuwaitis”, from the group around Abu Marzook, who were mostly Gazans. Mishal says that as a young man living in Kuwait he laid in place the infrastructure of Hamas, and this was “done in parallel with the West Bank and Gaza”. After Iraq invaded Kuwait on August 2 1990 Mishal, who was on holiday in Amman, returned to Kuwait because he did not want the Iraqis to find Hamas’s headquarters. He destroyed files, and took others to Amman, which quickly became a Hamas hub. McGeough looks at the different versions of the birth of Hamas, and at the way in which Israel encouraged Hamas’s activities in Gaza in its formative years as a counterweight to Fatah.In a chapter entitled “The bearded engineer in a New York cell”, McGeough tells of how Abu Marzook was arrested at John F Kennedy International Airport in New in July 1995. Israel subsequently sought his extradition, but Abu Marzook was released to King Hussein in Jordan in February 1997. In his absence, Mishal had been elected to lead the political bureau and he did not step aside on Abu Marzook’s return.The Amman-based journalist Ranya Kadri told McGeough: “The day they tried to kill him was the day Mishal the leader was born. The man who died that day was Abu Marzook. Nobody wanted to talk to Abu Marzook after that – it was Mishal, Mishal, Mishal.”Mishal was born in the West Bank village of Silwad in 1956. In the June 1967 war Mishal and his family fled to Jordan. His father was at the time working in Kuwait, where he had taken his younger second wife, and Khalid joined him there.One of those McGeough interviewed for his book was Asad Abdul Rahman, the Palestinian academic and senior PLO figure who was at one time an adviser to Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. Abdul Rahman was a professor at Kuwait University when Mishal went there in 1974 to study physics. Mishal joined Abdul Rahman’s class on Palestinian history. He had a woolly beard and Abdul Rahman concluded, correctly, that he was with the Muslim Brotherhood.Despite their profound political differences, Abdul-Rahman was deeply impressed with Mishal and rated him as his brightest student ever. “There are lots of B-pluses and Bs in social science. He was my only A-student in nineteen years of teaching.”Many years later, Abdul-Rahman on a visit to Damascus warned Mishal: “You can’t be a Muslim fanatic and, at the same time, be a politician...especially in a modern world with gigantic enemies – the US globally, Israel regionally!” Abdul-Rahman maintained it was time for the Islamists to publicly accept the existence of the state of Israel. “You have to decide, you can’t be half pregnant. Either you want to engage in the peace process or not, and if you don’t, there is a price to pay.”The final chapter of McGeough’s book describes his meeting and interviews with Mishal himself, in conditions of tight security, at Mishal’s headquarters in Damascus in the two months from September 2 2007.Since completing his book, McGeough has had a further meeting with Mishal, in mid-March this year. He wrote about this meeting in a New York Times article of April 13 under the headline “Hamas comes out of hiding”. He noted that compared with his first meeting with Mishal 18 months earlier, the mood was much lighter in the Hamas hideout. “Mr Mishal’s calendar is so full that he might soon need a parking lot for the vehicles bringing foreign delegations to visit.” His visit to Mishal in March was “pushed far into the night because Mr Mishal was busy greeting a group of Greek lawmakers, who were then followed by an Italian delegation.” In the preceding days the Hamas leader had met visitors from the British and European parliaments.When McGeough asked Mishal about policy changes that Hamas might make as a gesture to any new order following the new Obama policy, Mishal argued that the organisation had already shifted on some key points. “Hamas has already changed – we accepted the national accords for a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, and we took part in the 2006 Palestinian elections.” But when McGeough asked him about rewriting the Hamas charter, which calls for the destruction of Israel, he was unbending and said “Not a chance”.McGeough wrote that “while it is impossible for many in the West to grasp the calculus in the Hamas strategy of war and terror the movement has demonstrated that it is disciplined in holding its fire, as it did in the summer and fall of 2008. Likewise, it has proved itself capable of negotiating with Israel – albeit through third parties.”A leading international correspondent reconstructs the pivotal moment in the rise of Hamas—a page-turning narrative reminiscent of The Day of the Jackal[It was] all very James Bond. One country needs the antidote held by another, to treat an illness it doesn’t understand. The clock’s ticking . . . so the king calls the White House.thenewpress.org: —ROBERT MALLEY, FORMER SENIOR CLINTON ADMINISTRATION ADVISERLittle public notice was taken of a 1997 attempt on the life of the Hamas leader Khalid Mishal by Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency—even though the audacious hit took place in broad daylight in the streets of Amman, and even though the bungled poisoning immediately set into motion a flurry of international diplomacy, culminating in the direct intervention of then-U.S. President Bill Clinton.A series of tense, high-level negotiations saved Mishal’s life, as the Israelis reluctantly handed over the antidote. But Hamas was saved as well. With his new lease on life, Khalid Mishal became—and remains—the architect of the Hamas organization’s phenomenal ascendancy in the intervening decade. Mishal orchestrated the deadly bombings on targets in Israel and, from his bunker in exile in the Syrian capital of Damascus, continues to pull in donations and support from the Islamic world while directing Hamas’s vital social welfare programs.In a headlong narrative—with high-speed car chases, negotiated prisoner exchanges, and an international scandal that threatened to destabilize the entire region—acclaimed reporter Paul McGeough uses unprecedented, extensive interviews with Khalid Mishal himself and the key players in Amman, Jerusalem, and Washington to tell the definitive, inside story of the rise of Hamas.Hard Cover Online is avialable on the URL: http://thenewpress.org/index.php?option=com_title&task=view_title&metaproductid=1709
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رباعيةالديك والامبراطوريات: الديك في امبراطوريته وكفاحه ضد الجرذان يمثل فيها الحق والصدق والفضيلة والنبي والخالق, والفار رمز الفساد والبغاء والمكر والرذيلة, واجهزة الاستخبارات.وامبرطورية البقر تمثل اجهزة النظام أو الاستخبارات العالمية ومن يعمل معها أو يدور في فلكها من أجل بسط النظام ونشر الحضارة أو متطفل عليها, ويعمل معها في اتجاهاتها السلبية, والبقرة قد تمثل أطياف كثيرة منها الاسلامية والهندوسية و اليهودية و البقرة الضاحكة و البقرة البريطانية المجنونة.وإمبراطورية تاميم الحقوق والممتلكات توضح وتتحدث عن أنواع التأميمات عبر العصور,على سبيل المثال تأميم الحقوق والثروات التي تنفذه انظمةالعالم الثالث " الراسمالية والاسلامية والاشتراكية" سؤ كأن بشقه المادي أو المعنوي أو المختلط.الديك والامبراطوريات قصص واقعية عاش وقائعها واحداثها الكاتب, والاستعارات التي استخدمت تعود الى الارث الشعبي العالمي لوصف دوائر واجهزة الانظمة وكيف تتداخل ,اي تجارب وغوص في "قنوات"! وحس عالم وهذا ما جعل البعض يصنفها بقصص الخيال ومنهم الكنديين والامريكان.إمبراطورية تاميم الحقوق والثروات تحدث وتفسر لنا تاميمم الحقوق المادية والمعنوية ابتدأ باستعمار فلسطين أو تاميم ميناء عدن أو قناة السويس أو عدم منح الحريات العامة أو الخاصة وكيف يضل التاميم قائم حتي يومنا هذا بفضل تداخل الانظمة وتغطيت جرائم بعضهم فحدث ولاحرج فستري كيف ألاموات تشارك الاحياء في العملية الديمقراطية وكيف تشاركهم الاعمال وتنافسهم في الامتيازات في الوزارات والمحاكم وتتحمل أعباء المساءلة.
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قال العاهل السعودي الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز اليوم الاثنين إنه تم تطهير أراضي المملكة من المتسللين الحوثيين، في نفس الوقت الذي اكدت إدارة الدفاع المدني في المنطقة الشرقية في السعودية سقوط طائرة حربية سعودية بالكامل اليوم الأحد من طراز "ترنيدو" تابعة لقاعدة الملك عبد العزيز الجوية بالظهران على بعد 135 كيلومتر من الدمام. وفي ميناء ميدي اليمني على البحر الأحمر استهدفت طائرتين حربيتين لم يعرف جنسيتهما مساء اليوم قوارب بحرية بالقرب من أول نقطة بحرية بين اليمن والسعودية بمديرية ميدي بمحافظة حجه. وقال الملك السعودي في حديث له أثناء ترؤسه الجلسة الأسبوعية لمجلس الوزراء ونقلته وكالة الأنباء السعودية، الاثنين إنه تم تطهير أراضي المملكة من المتسللين الحوثيين، كما شكر الملك عبدالله قادة الدول الذين تضامنوا مع السعودية و استنكروا الاعتداءات على حدودها من بعض المتسللين المسلحين، وتأييدهم ما اتخذته من إجراءات لحماية اراضيها. وفي المملكة وأكدت إدارة الدفاع المدني في المنطقة الشرقية في السعودية سقوط طائرة حربية سعودية بالكامل اليوم الأحد من طراز "ترنيدو" تابعة لقاعدة الملك عبد العزيز الجوية بالظهران على بعد 135 كيلومتر من الدمام. ولم يكشف بيان إدارة الدفاع المدني عن أسباب سقوط الطائرة، لكنه قال أن قائدها ومساعده نجيا من خلال خروجهما من الطائرة بالمظلات قبل سقوطها وتحطمها على طريق الدمام الرياض السريع، 135 كيلومتر عن الدمام، بالقرب من هجرة الجيشية. وهذه أول حادثة من نوعها تشهدها المملكة منذ بدء الحملة العسكرية السعودية بداية الشهر الجاري ضد متسللين حوثيين يمنيين استخدمت فيها السعودية الطائرات والمدافع. وأضاف البيان أن فرق من إدارة الدفاع المدني في الإحساء وهي فرقة أم العداد وكذلك فرقة الفردانية من إدارة بقيق تحركت لمكان الحادث، حيث وجدت الطائرة محطمة بالكامل نتيجة حريق شب بها. ولم ترد تفاصيل أكثر عن الحادثة، لكن المنطقة التي سقطت فيها الطائرة تعد بعيدة نسبيا عن مكان المواجهات الدائرة في جنوب البلاد ما يقلل من إمكانية ارتباط الحادث بعمل عسكري. وعلى الساحل الغربي لليمن استهدفت طائرتين حربيتين لم يعرف جنسيتهما مساء اليوم قوارب بحرية بالقرب من أول نقطة بحرية بين اليمن والسعودية بمديرية ميدي على البحر الأحمر بمحافظة حجه. وقال رئيس المجلس المحلي لمديرية ميدي طه العطاس لموقع(نيوزيمن): أن طائرتين حربيتين حلقتا على أجواء ميدي وأطلقت عدة قذائف على مؤحرة الميناء ، وهى منطقة صخرية ، بالإضافة إلى ضربها بالقرب من 6 قوارب بحرية تابعة للصيادين كانت في البحر،وأوضح العطاس أن إحدى الطائرات قدمت من جهة الجنوب والأخرى من الشمال في مركز يسمى رسم عوج ، أول نقطة بحرية بين اليمن والسعودية، حيث ضربت الأولى مؤخرة الميناء، والأخرى ضربت ما بين الصيادين ، مؤكدا عدم وجود أية أضرار بشرية أو مادية ،كما أشار العطاس إلى انفجارات متكررة بالقرب من الجزر القريبة، منها جزيرة العاشق. وكان أحد مستشاري الحكومة السعودية قد اعلن أ ن القوات البحرية السعودية فرضت حصاراً بحريا على ميناء ميدي اليمني قرب الحدود المشتركة بين البلدين وذلك لمنع تزويد المتمردين اليمنيين بالأسلحة والذخائر .
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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)