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الرجل والكلب






تساءل حراس السجن عن سبب إقْحام كلب مع معتقل في زنزانة واحدة وعلموا بعد فضول عنيد أن الكلب لم يقبل بفراق صديقه الذي انهار على أرض قاعة المحكمة بعد سماعه قرار الإدانة بالسجن مَدَى الحياة مع الأشغال الشاقة.


عندما كان الحراس يدفعون بأرجلهم صحن الغداء وكسرة الخبز من تحت الباب للمُعْتَقَلَيْن، كانوا يحتفظون بعيونهم على شقة باب الزنزانة لمتابعة تَفاعُل الصديقين حول الصحن عن كثب.


في البداية، كان الرجل يأكل الخبز مغموسا في المرق ويترك العظم للكلب.


مع الأيام، عند بدء تقديم لحم الجاموس المملح للمعتقلين، صار الرجل يأكل اللحم ويترك العظم للكلب.


وعندما بدأت الإدارة تسمح بدخول الدجاج لمطبخ السجن، كان الرجل يأكل لحم الدجاج ويترك العظام للكلب.


وعندما هيأ مطبخ السجن الكفتة للأسرى، بمناسبة قدوم وفد أجنبي عن إحدى المنظمات الحقوقية الدولية؛ أكل الرجل الكفتة كلها ولم يترك شيئا للكلب الذي لم يصدق عينيه،

والذي صمت طويلا وهو يحدق في عيني صديقه،

والذي بدأ يئن ويتوجع،

والذي تملكه نباح مسعور،

والذي انقض على صديقه فََأَكَلَه.

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Por Mohamed Saïd Raïhani



Traducción del árabe: Hassan Ziani




Los guardias de la cárcel se preguntaban por el motivo de la implicación de un perro con un detenido en una sola celda. Se dieron cuenta después de que el perro no había querido separarse de su dueño, que se desmayó en el tribunal al oír la sentencia de cadena perpetua y condena a trabajos forzados. 

Mientras los guardias repartían el plato de comida y un trozo de pan debajo de las puertas de los prisioneros, observaban la puerta de la celda para ver la reacción del hombre y el perro al recibir la comida. 
Al principio, el hombre comía el pan mojado en la salsa y dejaba los huesos al perro. 

Con el paso de los días, al repartir carne de búfalo salado a los prisioneros, el hombre pasó a comer carne y a dejar los huesos al perro. 
Cuando la administración permitió el reparto de carne de pollo al restaurante de la cárcel, el hombre comía el pollo y dejaba los huesos al perro. 

Cuando el restaurante preparó a los prisioneros carne picada, con motivo de la llegada de una delegación extranjera de una organización de Derechos Internacionales, el hombre comió toda la carne picada y no dejó nada para el perro que no dio crédito a lo que estaba viendo, 

Y que se quedó callado un largo rato mirando a los ojos de su amigo, 

Y que se quedó esperando con dolor en las tripas, 

Y que le vino un ladrido enfurecido, 

Y que se tiró encima de su amigo.

Y que se lo comió. 

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After a long time of visiting the stable house, I decided to visit our father Habib in his monastery, which is his home and resting place.

I found him praying and counting his beads while looking at the sky and reciting, " I am your beloved father. I eat dates, cucumbers and raisins. I will tell you the story of Joseph, his brothers and the wolf.''

The people listened to him as he said: When my eyesight was strong like iron, I had a brother named Wadee, who used to kill the snakes and sing like a nightingale. He used to feel sad when he returned home at night because his neighbour's children cried from hunger and the lack of milk. So he decided to migrate. He traveled, worshiped and started to send money and medicine back home".

Then, our beloved father started singing " Oh night! how long will you last in our villages, cities and fields? I see the stars above Jerusalem's sky. There, next to the Aqsa, is the church of Virgin Mary and the Crying Wall. There are children as strong as iron. They got their strength from the power of the Lord. They believed that their rights are stronger than iron. Let the occupier understand the facts and stop his wars, which lasted years. The wars that made the heart bleed and uprooted the fig and olive trees even the ones belonging and loving to the prophets. When will the children sleep in safety and peace?"

The people said " Hallelujah" after our beloved father wished him long life. Then they invited him to a party where Wadee Alsafi, the owner of a pure and clear voice sang beautifully and melancholically," Oh neighbour, hang your key around the nail. Carry your stick and strike the ground before you fall down. " They repeated after him: " Rivers of honey not of onion." So the theatre curtains came down to hide a cockroach. The rat appeared alone on the stage and the key fell down from the nail.

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At evening, I decided to go to the stable house of McGahsh and I safely entered in peace. I saw the secret agent sitting for some time and then stood up. There at the stable, all reports were written and all obstacles and hardship were planned.

The agent inhaled the smoke of his cigarette in his own way, kept the smoke for a while and exhaled with disfavour and disgust; exactly the same way as new generations are expelled from their Middle Eastern countries.

Then he proclaimed, in his own imagination, that he freed all Arabic countries from the east to the west. Then he cried out loud " Long live free Jerusalem Arabia".
After that, he felt tired, fatigued, and he rested listening to a musical record, which is neither made in Basra nor in Syrian Golan.

Then he slept beside his radio while the music was playing and his snoring kept annoying all the children and women of the World.

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On the road to my home I saw our next master immam returning from the slaughterhouse, where he slaughtered sheep, camels and oxen. Then, in his grocery store he sold the goat meat to shake our bones and teeth.

Then he prayed saying: " Except of my Qahtani and Adnani being, oh of our identity and entity. I am mute just to protect my tongue.'' But sometimes I sang: " Long live my country with anguish and dedication.

Look in my incense burner, there is gum, spice and fragrances. I inherited this trade from my grandparents, who brought it from Iand and Sindh on their camels' backs."

That's what he sang with pride in the valley. The guide and others heard and repeated after him. Then they asked him: " When are you going to open your shop, our uncle and neighbour, Numan? When will we smell the incenses that make our heads spin , make us walk around at night like wretched slaves, and dance with our friends as well as make the sad ones happy and worship the merciful !"

But he did not answer. He gave him one recipe after another. He spoke to him about the benefits of eating bread and honey to remove the smell of the garlic and onion. Then he warned him about laziness. That's when the eclipse of the sun and the moon occurred.

Then, the customers came and made some promises that they did not keep. That's when the lightening struck but the rain did not come. Unfortunately, they borrowed money without acknowledgments, bombarded the area and ran away. They kneaded over their first knead, and then they disagreed with each other and diverted from the truth.

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After that I decided to visit our minister in his home, and I saw him riding on his horse, which is made from iron and wood from the Island of Abu Lahab.Our leader wanders around the city streets and old alleys.

He adds to the earth more pollution , which leads to various abscesses. After which, he goes home to balance his soul, thought and body.

He also thinks about the creator, the universe and humanity while listening to the golden tunes of Alatrsh , Abdel Wahab and Abdul Halim Hafiz.

He becomes more humble when he watches an Arabian film of a belly dancer such as Carioca. Then he rejoices when remembering the events of the dramatic era, and he recites from his book " I am your new leader.

I am from Eidead tribes. I am the one who comes once a year wearing my jewellery and my new clothes. I cook the food and I pray over it using the name of the arrogant and tyrant criminal , and I add to it flavour to be appropriate for my new neighbour and to let him bring me veal, makbous and haneed.

He then eats the meal with his guests after whom he thanks his God saying " Grant me a princess with a slim waist, tanned and with legs like that of an ostrich and who owns camels and horses".

God answered his prayers by giving him children, money, an iron horse and a tiger. He liked what he got except the tiger.

He started to fight with it until he himself became a tiger. He complained and then asked God for his forgiveness. He chanted, " God is great" then started to think deeply.

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Short stories: Worship
by Mohamed Tawfik Al-Mansouri
Shot stories: Science Fiction
Genre: Short stories
Format: Political and Religious Crimes
Sataire: Politics

Title: The Seven Wonders of the Modern Worships

Chapter 1. The House

In his house, religious ceremonies are conducted secretly and in an open and close manner in all directions. As for me, I was an innocent worshipper of God with sincere love and consciousness.

When I entered his house, the stocky sergeant imam mobilized all his magical powers and kicked me twice in the stomach and once in my testicles. I fell down to the ground in agony like two martyrs.

Then, he threatened me that he was going to close down two important ministries. I answered," Do not fear God, the creator of earth, sky, heaven and hell". He said, " We are only the criminals and torturers. We kill the happiness in the eyes of fathers and mothers".

I replied, " I want to see children play and be happy". He became arrogant and stabbed me twice. I screamed once and then again I tried to stand on my tired feet. I fell down with agony like Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein proclaiming the end of tyrants in a day or two. At night, he threatened to break my chest bones.

I told him that I favour spiritually expanding attitude (breast, heart, chest and mind), which implies perfecting the faculties of reasoning, feeling and understanding for receiving knowledge and making best use of it.

He recited from his scripture " We will break your chest bones, back bones, spit on you to humiliate you, and we will shake and compress you to obey us. If you obey us, you will reside the kingdom's valley, be a king and our dear friend. However, if you disobey us, you will be lost for a long time. That is my importance.

I give it to whom I wish and I take it away from whom I wish. I lower the noble and I raise the low and the sinner".

Then he got the order to sell his family, his conscience and his best friends as well as his partner, the son of the loyal and magnifique brother. Glory be to God in the mornings and in the evenings.

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Soul Gate


Sometimes I'm wandering-eyed, 
but never sleepy. 
Sunlight of hope has always been sparkling on me, 
but it couldn’t vanquish.
I always give to kind people,

the key, 

to open the door of my soul, 
where the mercy of blue waves are whispering

where the stars and swans make love.

Sometimes I am evergreen, sometimes a simple creature 
And turn into a phantom, like a storm in the fall.

Casting the thoughts at the wall of reasons,
not writing in vain, 
with the bountiful spirit.
Looking up to the blue sky, 
unwilling to miss any day in orbit ... 
Building  the life boat,

for the blues ones,

who don’t know to swim.

To the Soul Gate.

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The days appear and are hidden and the last supper is approaching. Solomon and the ants, and a reading of breast.

It reminds me of the time of youth beauty.

The sunshines; the wind and the storms blow, the rainbow is close to the sun and heavy rain.

And the days call me saying in your breast is my wind, anger and the fruits of madness.

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قراءة في النهود

تتجلى وتتوارى الايام ويقترب موعد العشاء الاخير.
سليمان والنمل وقراءة في النهود , تذكرني بموعد الصباء الجميل.
تشرق الشمس وتهب الرياح والاعاصير, ويدنو قوس قزح من بورة الشمس والمطر الغزير.
وتناديني الايام قائلةً في نهديك ريحي وغضبي وثمار الجنون.
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Title :Terrorism, the Origin and the Sources

Author :M.T. Al-Mansouri, Ph.D.

Synopsis: Maximum 150 words : Designed to instill deeper thought and reflection, Terrorism, the Origin and the Sources presents a collection of fables, poetry, short stories, essays, scientific papers, and letters written to world leaders. Through these literary forms, author Dr. M.T. Al-Mansouri communicates his opinions on a wide variety of world affairs and issues. Terrorism, the Origin and the Sources offers intellectual thought that depicts the hidden demission of the repressive regimes of the world, their ideologies, political dogmas, myths, and the limited immunity powers. This collection also addresses an eclectic array of topics of interest in the world today: political proclivities, terrorism, prejudice, injustice, multiculturism, war and peace, nationalization, marriage and family, and love and beauty. Through the commentary, musings, and writings in Terrorism, the Origin and the Sources, Al-Mansouri seeks to uncover the truth, after which freedom, justice, and peace will follow.

Page count 325

Category: Fiction, non-fiction, childrens/young adult, poetry, trivia,
self-help, miscellaneous:
  An Anthology pf Poetry Ambigrams and Political Oratories

Available: Websites, bookstores where the book can be purchased, www.
Contact: Author's email, website, phone and fax # and snail mail address
Al-Mansouri M.T. Ph.D. Tel: (613)421-5733,
ISBN # (1) 978-1-4296-4183-5 (sc)
           (2) 978-1-4269-4183-2 (hc)
           (3) 978-1-4269-4184-9 (e)
Price: Perfect Bound Softcover(B/W)  $19.11
          Dust Jacket Hardcover(B/W)  $29.11



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د/ إم. تى. المنصوري




لست أدري من أين أبدأ مقالي عن عاشق الأفخاذ وقت الشدائد والمحن الا وهو الرئيس الفرنساوي نيكولا ساركوزي، فلقد رمى هذا السيد بكل مبادئ الثورة الفرنسية وكذلك كل القيم الاخلاقية والمتمثلة بالحرية والعدل والاخاء والمساواة واحترام القوانين والدساتير الى محيطه، اتحاده المتوسطي الجديد الملوث بكل ميكروبات وفيروسات الدهر ليطفو هو الاخر فوق تلك المخلفات ويستمتع بروائحه ويتغذى من بقايا اجساده، فالسيد الفرنساوي مصاب بداء العظمة والشيزوفرينيا، فهو المتجاهل لأصوله المهاجرة، ويمارس العلو والتمييز ضد المهاجرين الذين قدموا الى فرنسا بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية، وشاركوا في بنائها وتشييدها، ففرنسا تتجاهل حقوق المهاجرين الاقتصادية والسياسية والثقافية والاجتماعية، وترمى بعيوبها وعجزها على ظهر ذلك الحلف المسمى باتحاد المشرق الاوسطي الجديد.






ونرى أن الحجاب اصبح لفرنسا أهم قضايا العصر وكذلك للدول ذات الرصيد الأخلاقي السيء وللدول الجاهلة والمتجاهلة لتعاليم الدين الذى اساسه الله الحق والعدل والحرية من اجل رفاه البشرية في الحياة الدنيا والآخرة. فالرفاه والخلود الابديان هما محصلة لمجموع المفاهيم والانعكاسات للفهم البشري العام والخاص وهذا الفهم يخضع ويتأثر ويتشكل ويتبلور في عدة أشكال وصور واطياف واظلال تبعاً لمصالح الأنظمة السياسية وحبها للمال والنفوذ والسلطة، فاذا سعد العقل والجسد، فالروح تلقائياً مصيرها السعادة والخلود!


فرنسا تتناسى حقوق أنسالها وحقوق المواطنيين المهاجرين ومن أهم تلك الحقوق هي الغاء التمييز العنصري ونبذ العنف وعدم ممارسة قتل النفس البشرية خاصة منها السوداء و الملونة وأيجاد حلول للبطالة , وما مظاهرة العمال والفلاحين الا دليل على نفوق السياسة والدعاية التي تتبعها حكومة فرنسا .

غطرسة فرنسا ضد شعوب العالم الثالث وجرائمها في إفريقيا على سبيل المثال : الجزائر وروندا أضافة الى ذلك مشاركتها في اعمال غير اخلاقية ومنها خطف أو قتل علماء او مفكرين أو ثوريين, ففرنسا اختلط حابلها بنابلها ولم تعد تهتم باخلاق الدولة المتحضرة ولايهمها الا مصالح بعض المستنفذين والمستغلين لجهد الانسان وماله وفكره ومنهم بعض الفرنسيين , أو قادة العالم الثالث.

ففرنسا قتلت واغتالت زعماء إنسانيين كرماء ونسكا واتقياء وعلى راسهم الشهيد الراحل إبراهيم الحمدي واخيه وشابتان فرنسيتان في صافية صنعاء في الحادى عشر من أكتوبر عام 1977م , فاذا كان في صفاء صنعاء تقتل النفس فماذا يحدث في لاصفاء صنعاء القبلي والبعثي والاسلامي وكذلك في باريس و في القارة الافريقية!.




لقد ضحت فرنسا ظاهرياَ بشابتان لكى تجني ثروة لكنها فقدت الكرامة والعزة والشرف والأمانة وفقدت الأمن والثروة والبارجة النفطية واسواق العطور, كذلك جنت الخطف والجرئمة المنظمة والغير منظمة من نفس العصابة التي قتلت الشهيد الحمدي واخيه وكذلك الحال حصل مع السعودية وامريكا والعراق فالمثل يقول " الخيانة تاتي من من تثق بهم وهم لايحملون المواصفات الاخلاقية ومن المنافقين المقربين للهئيات العلياء". فهذا ماحصل لامريكا والكويت وفرنسا والسعودية من دعمهم اللامحدود لعراق الطاغية صدام وهذا ما يحصل الان مع نظام صنعاء الجائر وماسيحدث من قتال في الشرق الاوسط بين امريكا وتحالف الغرب ضد اسرائيل نتبجة لخيانتها لهم أمنياً وتكنولوجياً وأستخدام أراضيهم اوكار لصراعاتها مع الاثنيات الاخرى فالخيانة والمكر لاينتجان الا خراب ودمار لفاعليهما.


كل وسائل الأعلام المسموعة والمرئية والمقرواة الفرنسية واليمنية لم تعط الجماهير أي معلومات عن الشابتان الفرنسيتان, ولم تعرف الجماهير الا بعض الشائعات وكذلك بعض من شارك أو شاهد أو دبلج وفبرك الوقائع و الاحداث أكدوا للجماهير أن الشابتان الفرنسيتان هما شذراء وعلوم السروريتان.

ارتعب سكان قدس الحجرية عندما وصل اليهم الخبر ولكنهم استغربوا لأن الحكومة وأجهزات الأمن والحكومة لم يقبضوا على على السيدتان الفلاحتان , وأكثر الناس أعتقدوا بأن الفرنسيتان هما مواطنات من الجزائر أو تونس او المغرب او موريتانيا.


بعد بضع سنوات الحكومة اليمنية الجائرة قبضت على ابن قدس عيسى الناصري ومجموعة كبيرة من الحوريون أنصار الله الشرفاء وقتلتهم ودفنتهم على حسب الاخبار في باريس والبعض الاخر يقول بانهم اختطفوا من قيبل قبائل مثلث برمودا ومازالت جثمان الناصريين والحواريين مخفية لوقتنا الحاضر.

العالم اصبح عاجز أن يحقق في الجرائم لان السلطة الرابعة ترغب في عولمة الجرئمة وتلعب على الاذهان من أجل خلق عجز لم يسبق له مثيل في كسر مناصرة الحقوق وتجريم المجرم لتؤكد القول العسكري " الحسنة تخص والسئية تعم" .


ومن عجائب الحادي عشر من سبتمبر عام 2001م , تعيين السيدتان شذراء وعلوم السروريتان على رأس قائمة المعينيين من قيبل الحكومة اليمنية لمكافحة الارهاب بالتنسيق مع الولايات المتحدة الامريكية .

وعندما قرأة الخبر بخصوص هذا التعيين أصبت بالذهول وسئلت نفسي هل هناك من سر من اختيارالحكومة للمتهمتان بقتل الشهداء الحمدي وعيسي الناصري ورفاقهم لهذا المنصب. بالطبع ليس الا المزيد من الخداع والحيل من أجل المزيد من التمويه لأخفاء جرائم النظام وكذلك من أجل الاستمرار في نفس النهج المتمثل بالقتل والارهاب واستنزاف موارد الوطن بالباطل واجهاد القوات المسلحة والأمن في الحماية الاسطورية لشخص الرئيس والمسئوليين الذين مارسوا القتل والنهب والفساد وارتكبوا كل الموبقات.


ومن اجل دبلجت الاحداث وفبركتها خرجت القبائل تنشد موالها الشهير " دفيس الدفيس علوم وشذراء السروريتان تكافحان الارهاب يالله ياللطيف , نعم للديك نبائعه لحكم البلاد والعباد ونقتسم معه الرغيف ."

رفض الديك الاغراءت لأن أثناء المبائعة أظهرت معظم القبائل عدم رغبتها بالعيش المشترك والحياة الكريمة كما اكدوا بانهم يرغبون في الحصول على الامتيازات والمكافأت والمساعدات الخارجية من غير اي جهد يذكر أو يبذل. ثم أضافوا له قائلين "أن ارتكاب الجرائم فيه الرزق والغنائم".


حينها هز الديك لهم ذيله وفرد جناحيه وتحول الى صقر يطير عالياَ في سماء الفضيلة واللاقتل يكافح ويدعو الخالق أن يطهر قومه في الدنياء قبل الآخرة.
















أغنية ساركوزي وأنا


ساركوزي وا- وا- وا- وا من مدغشقر لروندا ولصنعاء ملكة أفيون القات وقاتلة اليمامة

ساركوزي وا- وا- وا- وا من مدغشقر لروندا ولصنعاء المملكة الظالمة للشعب فى الجبال والهضاب والسهول وسواحل تهامة

ساركوزي في صافية صنعاء أكلته الدود بعد مشاركته للشيخ قاتل كل مخلص ومفكر وعلامة.


لكن حكومته منعت نشر الخبر أو التحقيق في حادثة الاغتيال ولم نسمع كذلك أو نشاهد اي خبر صادر من منظمة حقوق إنسانية أو من هيئة الاذاعة الفرنساوية الطنانة والرنانة تدين أو تحاكم حكومة الخطف والاستجداء والتسول والاهانة.


يا جارة يا جارة ما سر وجود العسكر بالحرم الجامعي وبجانب كل مأذنة خاوية من الايمان والديانة !

قالوا ساركوزي منطوح من بقرة وردة النحاطة وحمار قرعدة وثور الشرامة

لكنه يعزف ويغني ويرقص رقصة الموت مع الضباع ويرمي عالياً بالحمامة

ويتاجر بالذمم ويدرس منهج شيخ الساميين اسامة بن لادن ونابغتهم وفقيههم ونبيهم العلامة .


ساركوزي ترك شرب الكونياك الفرنساوي ونبيذ جده المجري وصار يلعب بالارواح

ويشاهد الجماجم وياكل التوت و التفاح

ويخزن بافيون القات مع كل طاغية اليمن ويفتك بالارواح

ويلف أنبوب المداعة على اتحاد متوسطه الجديد ويمده الى سهول تهامة مروراً بكل منطقة فيها مأسي وجراح .


أقسم بمن شق الصدر وكسر العمودي الفقري الظهر

اقسم بالبرق والرعد وكل غمامة

كما أقسم بالديك روحي وذاتي وطموحي , والمسبب لكل مأساتي وجروحي بأن كلا من ساركوزي وكوزي في قبضة عجوزي ناعمة العمياء الملقبة بسطيحة المنصوري

فطائر العندليب مغرداً فوق أشجار تين البلس واشجار الخروب في مراعي وبراري وحقول جدي عثمان التى ماعاش منها عاش ومنها ماذبل ذابل ومنها مايبس .


صرخت حليسه أم وهيب ومحمد سعيد فجاءة وقالت : يارب الثور والحمار والفاس والقرطاس نعم لقد دمروا كل شئ حتى الاشجار وحقول العدس

وابني الوهيب في ريعان شبابه صار اصلع الراس والسعيد منهم ارتبش

ومحمد تاجر بالغاز حتى احرق أولاده وعاش في الفلس

والشيوخ عائيشة بالفتن والرشاوي والغلس

وتفترش سرائر السرور والجريمة والعبس .


نعم فلقد أخبرتنا حليسة بصدق ايها السادة عن قصة أولادها وكذلك قصة أبن شريفة الذي تسلل الى حقل ابيه متنكراَ بالثوب الابيض وسرق الثمار ثم ركب الفرس

فهل ساركوزي سيترك سوزي وكوزي رهينة في بيت الانسي والاحمر والمعلوفي!

وهل سيظل صامتاَ ولن يطلب التحقيق في مقتل السيدتان الفرنساويتان اللتان تزوجتا زواجاَ غير شرعياً من ابن الاحمر وابن الاشرم القادم من جوار مملكة زيزي!

أم سيشهد ويصلى لمملكة داود واسامة صاحب مملكة النفوذ والمال والدمس!


نعم لقد فعلها قبلهم قرينهم احفاد الخوري غانم ملك البقر والتيوس والبهائم

فيبست حقول الخوري غانم الواقعة في المناطق الوسطى والعلياء بعد أن ارتعت عليها مواشي اصحاب المال والغنائم

ودمرتها السيول والبراكين واغتصبها كل مجرم واثم سوى كان قادماً من سيبريا أو بلجيكا أو بولندا أو سهول التهائم

وبالرغم من كل هذا وذاك لم تخضر حقولهم لا في مكة ولا في روما ولا في فرنسا بلد الولائم

وعندما اراد الفرنجه تعليمهم دروس العلوم الحديثة والنافعة كدرس ليه-سوليه (الشمس) و لا--تكنولوجي ( علم التقنية) ولا-تسفلزاتسيون (الحضارة), رفض احفاد مخترعين الاواني الفخارية تعلم أو تطبيق تلك العلوم ولم يفهموا أو يتعلموا سوى لا-كوزي فصارت هذه الاخيرة شعاراً وقناعاً لهم ووسيلة دفاع كذلك. لذا بقيت أمتهم في عصر فتوحات الكوزي والساركوزي.


بعد مرور الايام حضر المحقق الفرنساوي درهم المجيدي وكان في جعبته ملفات مزورة واثمة من دولة واق الواق اليمانية والسامية فحقق وفحص وترمم على كوزي وبوزي واختل عقله من الكذب والتدليس والتهريج للمملكة السامية الواقواقية ففقد عقله وانهارت أعصابه وقطع أصبعه ثم صمت وأختفاء.

كان ذلك جزاءه لأنه غبي ولم يفهم المسألة ولم يؤمن كذلك بالمساءلة , فلقد شاركها جرمها وعرها ولكنهم لم ولن ينتهوا من المعضلة.

احتفلت هي ذات الاصل السامي واتهم ساركوزي ولوسي وبوسي

ثم صرخ الديك وقال لسركوزي وعشاق الجريمة وكوزي" يامدعي المجد التليد , من قال انك حررت العبيد , فانت ايها السيد عبد لرغباتك ونزاعاتك وانت التيس العنيد". ومن أجل أن تفيق من وحلك ووهمك خذ تعويذة السيدة شذراء بنت أوئيس السروري والمكتوب عليها " هو وانا والنجم والمطر وقوس قزح ونقيل الجواجب والشرف نرسل اليك القوى الخفية لمرجانا ولمنجرف, وتعويذتنا لا باب فيها ولا طرف, وسوف تذر علي حقلك لتعيد ماجرفته سيول عل-يافا قبل المنعطف,وكذلك لتفتيت الجرائم من ذاتك وعقلك,وروحك المنحرف ".


فالرهائن محجوزين بأوامر القادة التحف والشهداء مقبورين في بيت كبيرهم مزدلف.

و في الختام لنا الحق أن نتسأل ونسئل هل الشابتان شهيدتان أم كانتا لأبن الاحمر وملك السكر كالنرويجية للمتعة والزينة والبصق والتلف, ثم فريستان اضيفتا الى متحف التحف.


مؤسسات الرب تعنس رجالها البيض كذلك وتقتل العبيد في الجنوب لتسبي أولادهم اليتامي وتحضر في الأرواح ليوم القيامة , فقد جعلت العالم في دوامة فالبعث والقيامة حزبان متماثلان وكذلك متوازيان يكملان بعضهما البعض لتحقيق أكبر قدر من الجرئم والخيانة من أجل استغلال البشر. وبالرغم من حيل الوسطاء الروحانيين السحرية واستخدام حيل علم النفس وانجازاته فقدعجزوا عن بناء ميثاق شرف أو احراز اي تقدم اخلاقي أو علمي فما بداء غلط ينتهي بالغلط ولله والاحرار الخلاص و الفلاح.
























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Glimpses from Taiz

Glimpses from Taiz

Mohammad  N. Al-Hakimi

&Abdulqawi Salem

This article brings certain glimpses from the beautiful city of Taiz, 300 km south of Sanaa. The city has been admired by poets, intellectuals, authors, and regular people for its spectacularly traditional atmosphere and friendly people. Here we bring to you some of the glimpses we feel could bring you closer to the real world of Taiz city. All brief glimpses, but with truly spectacular meanings.

Traditions and Conventions
The following are the most common practices concerning traditions and conventions in the city of Taiz:
A week after a baby is born, its family invites as many neighbors as possible for lunch and chewing qat. Some families slaughter two sheep if the newly born child is male, but one or a goat if it is a female.
The event is celebrated once again when the baby is 40 days old. Women gather in the mother's room bringing with them new clothes and different kinds of baby's stuff. Some families also celebrate when it is 9 months old.

Circumcision of male babies often takes place on the 7th day of birth. This event is usually attended by a number of relatives.

Engagement and Marriage
Families tend to distribute qat or raisins or sweets to neighbors as to declare that an engagement has taken place within the family. After chewing qat and agreeing on all conditions of engagement the suitor is allowed to see his fiancée and exchange rings of engagement, accompanied by trilling cries of joy and firing.
Two weeks after marriage the couple leave home for the first time since marriage to visit the bride's family.

Lyali Al-Hinaa (Al-Hinaa Nights)
On one night, the couple are brought into a wide square and placed at the middle while the others are surrounding them, throwing flowers and spraying perfumes on them. The bride is also adorned with henna decorations
Following burial, relatives and friends of the deceased gather together to read the Holy Quran and recite religious songs for ten days.

Pilgrims Return
Pilgrims are often warmly received on their return. Some people organize parties to celebrate the return of pilgrims so as to celebrate the great religious deed they have done.

Traditional Songs
These differ according to the different occasions being observed. For example, there are certain kinds of songs popular during cultivation, marriages, engagements, deaths, religious occasions, love and passion, longing, working, building, etc. Most of these songs are meant to create a kind of interesting atmosphere, especially when working in fields, etc. so as to be relieved from work's burdens.

Traditional Dances
Dances vary according to districts and places.
Among the most popular dances are: Bara, Baritha, Sharh, Raklah, Haqfah, Barsham, Zubeiry, etc.

Traditional Cuisine
Each district has its distinguished cuisine. Most popular are: Fateer, Khobz Attanour, Khobz Attawah, Al-Aseed, Al-Fattah, Al-Hareesh, Al-Shafoot, Bent Assahn, Al-Wazef, etc.

Traditional Dresses
Men's Dresses: Izar, Maktab, Foutah, Mawaz, etc.
Women's dresses: long brocaded dresses, trousers, scarves, etc.

Traditional markets
Many markets, especially in the countryside are held weekly. Such markets are always named after the day they are organized . Apart from these, there are well-known markets such as Ashaniny, Al-Dhabab, Addimnah etc. markets.

Yemenis know how to exploit material available in nature for their own good. They make tools from stone to grind grains and other material. They also make cups, dishes, etc. out of stones.

Gold and Jewelry
Taiz has been famous for silver, ivory, Onyx, gold, diamond, and different kinds of precious stones.

Traditional legends are an art by themselves. They are varied and convey different social or political messages.

Wild Animals
The city climate varies according to the location of the district. Animals such as monkeys, foxes, hyenas etc. are the most important animals in the city.

Religious Shrines
Such places are visited by people for the sake of recovery, getting rid of evil spirits, etc. Most important shrines are:
Ahmad Ben Alwan's Shrine in Yafros, Ahl Al-Kahf Mosque in Saber, Ahmad Abdul Rahman Mosque in Al-Djanad, Suliman Al-Faresy Mosque in Mawyah, Al-Shadheli Mosque in Al-Makha, Abdul Hadi Mosque in Taiz, Shihabaddin Mosque Sharaab, etc.

Sauna Baths
A number of mineral baths exist in Taiz. Some of these are Hammam Ali, Hammam Attwir, Hammam Al-Agshoub, etc.

Bird groups in Taiz are many. Birds like the sea swallows, gulls etc. fly over the Al-Makha coast. Other kinds of birds like hoopoes, doves, nightingales, eagles, hawks etc. live in the mountains and valleys.

Architectural Style
The various architectural styles people of the city implemented added beauty to the city. Old houses like Dar Al-Khadhraa, Dar Assalam, Dar Salah etc. and the ancient gates: Bab Al-Kabeer, Bab Mosa, and Bab Al-Madajer are the places most visited by tourists.

Small waterfalls exist in Taiz. These depend on rain for their continuous flow. The waterfalls most visited are those in Burj Al-Areesh-Maqbanah, Khadeer and Djabal Mashairah in Al-Muasit.

The greenest valleys in the city are Wadi Warazan in Khadeer, Wadi Al-Mulk in Al-Makha, Wadi Hanan in Al-Ashrouh, Wadi Al-Dhabab in Saber, Wadi Al-Gheil in Al-Waz'iyah, Wadi Al-Athar in Qabeitah and Wadi Balabel in Al-Muaset.

No district has been officially announced a reservation, except for the suggestion of a European expert about Iraf in Maqaterah.
The following deserve more attention for being potential candidates for reservations: Wadi Al-Barakani, Djabal Saber, Wadi Balabel, Maqbanah, Al-Rowais, etc.


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Sufism in Yemen: Concept and Reality

By \ Mohammad N. Al-Hakimi

Sufism emerged during the early years of Islam. The name was taken after a certain religious group known as Al-Soffah. However, to many people it is related to Al-souf (wool) which is worn by ascetic people as a sign of looking down upon life. It has many supporters and followers and its date of emergence has been reported in many books to be the second half of the second century of Hijirah. One of the main reasons leading to its emergence was people's love of pleasures which made them distanced from God. The main objective was to direct people's love to God away from all pleasures of life. Among founders of Sufism in the third century of Hijirah are Salman Al-Darani, Dho Al-Noon Al-Missry, Ibraheem ben Adham, Al-Bostami, Al-Shabli and Al-Jonaid. There have also been many parasites to Sufism who harmed its spiritual transparency. A few of Sufism's advocates were moderate. They played a great role in supporting oppressed people against rulers and Sultans. Throughout history, a luminary Sufi appeared in every Arab country to revive Sufism which aims at purifying man. In the second half of the sixth century and beginning of the 7th of Hijirah there was Mohiaddin ben Al-Arabi in Spain, Abu Al-Hassan Al-Shadhili and Ahmad Al-Badwi in Egypt, Abu Madyan Al-Ghawth in Morocco, Al-Roomi and Al-Attar in Persia, Ahmad ben Alwan, Al-Ahdal and Al-Hakami in Yemen who abandoned all pleasures and attractions of life for the sake of worshipping God. In his preface to Alwan's, Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Maqaleh said that Ben Alwan is considered one of those who explicated the principles of Sufism in Yemen. He established a sufi school which is still there at the present time. He wrote many books some of which are Al-Fotooh, Al-Tawheed Al-Adham, Al-Mahrajan, Al-Kibreet Al-Ahmar and Al-Bahr Al-Moshkel. Unlike other Arab countries there was no scientific, philosophical or intellectual conflicts during his life in Yemen and this gave Sufism in Yemen its specialty. He confronted the Sultan at his time by a very famous poem depicting the suffering and miseries of people. Fortunately, he did not find the same fate imposed on other Sufi poets. He was very reasonable and moderate in his diction away from the spiritual transcendentalism. Many Sufi poets who surpassed and went beyond the public understanding were beaten up or even killed. For example, Al-Halaj died for writing a line in which he said that 'Nothing in Paradise but the truth'. The public perceived the truth as God. Another Sufi was Ibn Arabi who once addressed people by saying: 'What you are worshipping is nothing to me'. He meant the pleasures of life while people thought that he meant God. Mohammed Yahya Abdul Mo'ati Al-Jonaid, is a well-known Sufi in Saber, Taiz, who has studied medicine, literature and astronomy for more than 28 years. He has to his credit a number of studies and books about many life aspects. He believes that immortality before and after death can be reached through the services one offers his/her society. Many people, claiming Sufism, practice things that absolutely have nothing to do with Sufism, said Al-Jonaid, indicating qat sessions in which such people shake their bodies and insert sharp metals inside them. Al-Jonaid has supporters and opponents who deny his thoughts and opinions. Through the following dialogue he defends what he stands for. Q: How can you define Sufism? A: It is a search for man's good, truth and sincerity. It is making mankind happy and lifting them to supreme positions in their relation with God. Sufism is there in all religions. It is a religion, thought and behavior. Q: Some Islamic scholars accuse Sufis of being infidels, especially because of what you say about unity of existence. What do you mean by that? A: Unity of existence have been mentioned in works of Sufi philosophers. Unfortunately, many people misunderstand it. Those who contemplated the beginning of existence like Aristotle and Averroes, came at the conclusion that there could not be an existence had there not be existence of the Creator who is beyond creation. They knew that creatures came to being as a result of the existence of God. Q: Why was Al-Halaj accused of being an infidel? A: He who does not know the truth may accuse poets of being so. Blasphemy is rejected by Islam, freedom and reason. God says: " Do not tell who solute you, you are an unbeliever." Blasphemy is against Islam. Muslims must not accuse each other of being infidels for an opinion that does not touch the essence of Islam. Q: It is said that you follow Alwan's method which you regard as global? What do you mean by global? A: Islam is a global religion. We say that our way is global because it makes of the Holy Qur'an its basis. Any practices that violate Islam teachings are rejected by Sufism. Q: Many mosque preachers are against what you say about 'Sahih Al-Bokhari' (a collection of some of the Prophet's Hadiths compiled by Al-Bokhari) that it contains fabricated Hadiths. What are your comments? A: The Prophet (may peace and prayers be upon him) would not say something that did not agree with the Holy Qur'an. We call upon Islamic scholars to study every Hadith carefully and determine whether it could be said by the Prophet or not. This does not mean that I am against Al-Bokhari. We want a careful and a deep study of those Hadiths which are used as a basis for accusing others of being infidels or unbelievers and cracking unity of society. Q: What do think of translating the Holy Qur'an into foreign languages? Some scholars say its forbidden. A: The letters which our Prophet sent to the Roman kings and other non Arabic speaking kings included verses from the Holy Qur'an. These of course were not read out to them in Arabic but translated. How can we convert people into Islam while we ask them to learn Arabic first. Interpretations of the meanings of the Holy Qur'an is not forbidden at all.

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YEMENI Superstitions



YEMENI Superstitions - Part I

Mohammad Noaman Al-Hakimi



Little has been written on social superstitions spread among our Yemeni society. Many of those beliefs have been inherited through generations and are still alive among us. Here we describe the main Yemeni superstitions.

The Ram (Al-Hamal)
Al-Hamal is a superstitious animal which is also called the graveyard’s monster. It is believed that it disinters buried bodies in the first week of burial. Al-Hamal is interested in only those whose horoscope is the ram. During the first week of burial in which the ram is believed to appear, relatives of the dead keep on the watch.

Beliefs in this superstitious creature is spread in Tihama and its surroundings. Al-Bodda is a witch that can change her appearance into many different shapes. Recently, it has been said that a great number of them were burnt when people’s awareness about the spread of immorality increased. It is more interesting to know that young people who are not able to afford marrying expensive, beautiful brides go to Boddas requesting them to change themselves into their beloveds and make love to them on sand.

It is a lion-like beast with a smooth body. Its speed is compared to that of a bullet. That is why nobody has so far been able to capture or kill it. Al-Hawban Tahesh in Taiz has been most famous through Yemeni history and on which many stories have been told and written.

Quest for Treasures
In many villages, especially the remote ones, people believe in the existence of buried treasures. Stories of such treasures are told by old people. People leave homes for mountains in quest of treasures believed to had been left by their grandfathers in stores dug in the earth. Some people succeed to find such stores but all they find is invaluable items or coal.


The failure to find treasures is always attributed to the fact that they did not slaughter sheep before searching the store.

Jinns’ Courts
Throwing hot substances and other material in bathrooms and deserted places is believed to be harmful. Doers may be paralyzed or run mad if they hit the invisible creatures. If a jinn is hit a court session is bound to be held soon inside the doer’s mind until they decide to forgive. During the period of holding those sessions the host is mad.

Sayad is a devil in the shape of a woman that often exists in inhabited areas. She is amazingly beautiful but with donkey legs! As soon as one discovers the reality about her legs she vanishes.
Al-Odroot is a devil that is believed to inhabit houses. It is a noisy creature that tends to move housewares tools or hide them for some time but return them to their places when house members have lost hope of finding them. They sometimes make strange sounds as well.

Do You Want to Send a Letter to Your Dead Relatives?
Some people claim that their souls visit the dead in their graves when they are asleep. In their tours, souls gather information and messages to be delivered to those alive. When those people wake up, the first thing they do is deliver the messages of the dead to the intended targets.

The Al-wali is a faithful muslim man who made good deeds and virtuous all his life. People seeking recovery, penance, etc. visit their graves to be blessed. When one has a problem he vows to slaughter a sheep or a cow for the Al-Wali, resulting in solving his problem. But if he doesn’t meet his vows, the Al-Wali’s spirit comes to him at night threatening. In their pursuit of recovery, blessing, etc. visitors may eat soil covering the graves, lit candles, etc.

It is a soar Arabian herb with a disgusting smell. It is used to rub the skin of patients of epilepsy because it is believed to drive the bad spirits outside the sick body.

Charms (Al-Hirz)
Charms are small pieces of papers bearing meaningless words and signs with some verses from the Holy Quran. Those pieces are tied on patients and hands of children.

Eggs Are Sometimes Cheap to Break
Before the bridegroom steps out of her father’s house, eggs are broken in front of her to protect her from devils and evil spirits. The same is done when a baby is taken outside the house for the first time.



Burning the Aloe
When women give birth to babies they burn the aloe in their rooms from sunset until they sleep. This goes on for almost a month so that the new born babies would grow up safely away from the evil influence of devils.

Changing Names
If astrologers tell parents that the name they have chosen for their baby does not agree with its horoscopes they change it. Sometimes it is the astrologer who chooses the new name.
Anointing Children’s Tongues with Oil
Some parents anoint their children’s tongues with oil or honey when they are 2 years or older in order to be eloquent.

Many people pretend to be palmists. They claim that they can foretell the future of people through the lines on palms.

The Tar (Qatran)
This black substance is used to anoint people’s foreheads so as to be protected from evil. Before the Yemeni revolution in North Yemen, when the Imam wanted to test the mentality of his people he would claim that his jinns had run away and that people who did not cover their foreheads with tar would be harmed by jinns.

Swimming for Recovery
A swimming pool located inside the Ahmad ben Alwan Mosque is said to cure a lot of diseases.

Sell Your Fever and Malaria to Ants!
It is said that there were people who believed that they could sell their fever and malaria to ants. When these people caught fever or malaria, they used to go to ant nests. There they tie themselves with a thread and say: “We sell you the fever, ants.”

Cauterizing (Al-Wasm)
Some patients are cauterized in different parts of their bodies to be healed spiritually and physically.


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Diverse & unique folklore


Folk dance is one of the most important pillars of culture which our literature is very rich for.
This form of our literature is very fixed in our history so long in the past and has done a lot to the enrichment of other literature in the Atab lands.
Yemen has participated in many international exhibitions and in all of them all could not help but admire this literature.
Many Yemenis could show themselves well and made exquisite performance that made the audience really appreciate the Yemeni culture.
The Yemeni city is characterized by a specific dance and each one is still holding fast to it such as the Sana’ani dance, Al-Hadrami dance, Al-Lahji dance, and Taizi dance, etc.,.
It is generally believed that these dances reflect some of the people’s ambitions and desires of each and every city.
The Yemeni arts are among the oldest to appear in the South of Arabia.
That is what Arab and foreign researchers and orientalists agree with.
The earlier form of arts were public songs and dances performed and practiced on many occasions.
Rhythms and musical tones first developed in Zamels (songs performed without music on social occasions) during weddings, etc.
Such activities reflect the joys and happiness of both performers and the audience.
One of the most popular songs song during the Yemeni national festivals is the song which was song in chorus is called the Barrak Allama during the 25 Anniversary of president Saleh.
Among the prominent works written by al Dhahery and for which he received Arabic and International prizes is Barrack al-Lama.
“The understanding and love between the team of the work, the characters the musical tones, cadences and the dancers.
All have helped in the success of the show.”
The work implies the perseverance of the heritage in all cities of the republic. It is presented in a show in which about 1600 characters participated at Bab al-Yemen, (one of the oldest gates in Sana’a.
Barrak al Lama took six months and that great efforts have been made in order to make a success of this artistic song.
The most beautiful thing in the work is the new dances never seen before in a Taizi dances, one of which is al Zivairi in a nice splendor.
The team is very understanding, harmonic in the music, either the presentation or dancers.
I prefer that the audience to judge the work at last, however as an artist, we believe the work presents a new picture of success, and a new face of creativity and Yemeni folklore in general.
The support we received was not that we dreamt of that we hoped to present it in a large number, not only 500 and it is only from the governor Mr., Ahmad al Hegry and the creative business man, Mr. Shawqi Ahmad Hael.
It will be performed in al Qahera castle so that we deal with the original Yemeni environment with its historical archeology and in Saber mountain in a new form different to that performed in the play ground so we can show the natural and tourist sights of Yemen.
We chose Taiz to perform in where His majesty was elected a president.
We will celebrate the 25 anniversary of the president’s rule and present the work to him a thank you celebration from Taiz.
In Taiz, many cultural activities performed and I see that the ground structure of the culture has not completed yet till Sana’a comes to be an Arabic capital of culture for the year 2004.
We do need ground structure in which cadres are complete. No buildings, no financial sums to pay for creativity to create in Taiz.
However, al Qadhi and Shawqi still hold the hope to make Taiz the capital of culture.
It will be so in the case there are faithful will to implement this hope.
There is lack of possibilities to support the cultural sides. There must be halls, theater, double the libraries and all the needs of the cultural procedures, the audio and the visual too.
I am optimistic of the new minister, Mr. al- Rowishan who has laid the foundation stone of success to the Yemeni Volume house to establish the ground base of culture in Yemen and the bases to progress.
I managed a project on the collection of heritage from legends to the tales, birth, celebration, children games, folklore dances in general and to cadence.
Yemen really has a precious wealth and in every city you can find cultural variety of dances and songs.
There are tables enriched with heritage, but not yet presented to the Arab world.
We need to search for our heritage, to save and develop it. Egypt, for example depends on all its wealth among which is its art and so many other countries do.
Why do we not present art in the right way raising the awareness about issues of the negative phenomena in the society such as, expensive dowry, revenge.. etc..
We can overcome them throughout presenting faithful art, for drama is more active than TV. and cinema.
If there is a will, Let’s start carnivals in the cities of the republic that will not cost much. We just need true future plans and strategy.
Presenting a creative work, 70% of the financial sums are taken by the managing stuff while 30% are received by the creative talents. How then can we present a creative work ?! However, we are optimistic that al Rowishan will do the best for he is the proper man the proper place.
We really have many creative talents, but where are they ? Do they come backward ? Or are they being ignored ?
I introduces a young musician, Rafat Nasher to the audience in Barrak al-Lama.
He plays a mix of the international classical music and traditional Yemeni music.
In Taiz, about 300 creative talents play the work where the talents youths are created.
I’m much thankful to Mr. Shawki Ahmad Hael for supporting us.
I believe there are businessmen caring about art in Yemen.
I also thanks the Yemen Times whose founder is Mr. Abdulaziz al Saqqaf who established and supported the first ballet in Yemen.
Abdulkareem Mahdi tells YT “We have acted many dramas in the Al Sakr club in Taiz,and with the support of Mr. Shawki who gives and helps much Taiz dramatic works.
We hope that drama can be performed in a play ground in Taiz.
We wish the drama movement will continue and so we can overcome tits deteriorated situation.
We thank a lot the government represented by its governor for preparing the way for taken an interest of Talents in Taiz.
Mohammed Mohsen al Hadar, the general manager of Taiz Radio and the writer of opera of the Good Female and the Leaders.
My work has a great connection with Yemen and history, not an imitation to any old or new poet works in Yemen.
It relates to the leader and his achievements and Yemen Union.
I use words expressing the Yemeni public heritage and what the president has achieved since coming to power.

Ammar Nagi al-Rabasi, a trainer
We are optimistic of the success of the opera for there are many trained talents. And with the ministry of culture represented by Khaled al Rowishan,
we awaits unusual success to different Yemeni cultures.


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The leaves fall from top of the trees is a definition of life and after life. Autumn is a definition between life: being borne, growing into adult, aging and dying.

It keeps your name engraved on the olive leaves forever.

The tears showers from our human eyes and our spiritual eyes

The eye rains, rains and then rains tears to express sorrow or joy.

The leaves talk to me about the tyrants with efficiency.

The leaves talk to me about the rocks and the stones

A rain, rains and then a rain.

The leaves talk to me about their age and order me to be patient for mine.

The leaves talk to me about the danger and about the rural and the urban calamities.

The leaves talk to me about revolutions about to happen, those in the changes at the public square and about their falcons that help the rebels identify where the carcasses are located.


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Grapes! An attack, a retreat and a wide orchard left by the concerned people.

It became a big mass of land when the inhabitants fled, but littered with fats and flesh of the dead.

The chrome land swept by wind, hurricanes and hovered by clouds above in the clear blue skies.

The chrome land, an archaeological cisterns and breeze.

The chrome land, reminded by the last drops of rains, wars and the Zaqqum trees.

The chrome land, singing and dancing an African dance; has a remembrance to the everlasting.

The chrome land is missing and not recognizing the agonies.

The chrome land yearns for freedom and restoration of dignity to the freeman is miserable.

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The Book of Genesis originated from Yemen, introduced to Damascus and received in Hetteen.

With its love and passion, the book is longing to enter many homes, rich and poor, Christians or Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists, and many other poor souls that hunger for revelation from the Genesis.

The Book of Genesis does not belong to left or right.

There are Fires, a ruin and moan from the heresy of those who are filled with profanity.

What will they gain from the book of Genesis?

The Book of Genesis is for the right and sound of the conscience that are looking out for the truth. And what is their resonance?

The Book of Genesis is the certainty that was written by blood.

For your sake O Palestine, seek out what the book of Genesis has to say about you.

The Book of Genesis is the key for peace and commerce.

The Book of Genesis tells the story of mankind; it has the seeds, flowers and basils of the origins of man.

The Book of Genesis is the icon for reckon for Rome and Berlin.

Until history repeats, we will continue to read the Book of Genesis. Even through the lovers’ eyes of the people of Hetteen land, the book of Genesis will continue to tell the same stories. 






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Ottawa International Poets and Writers for human Rights (OIPWHR)